Redulla 3A BES-EM Case Study 3

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Redulla, Alan Roy J.

BES-EM - Engineering Management

BSME 3-A March 22, 2020


Engr. Hermogenes Ancheta is the newly appointed Manager of the Motorbus Company. However,
earning this title would put him in a critical state of affair as he should settle the previous and upcoming
company predicaments. Given the situation, Engr. Ancheta must think of ways to settle the problems
encountered by the previous manager to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the operations of his
maintenance department. Since the company will be adding 50 buses on the field for the next 30 days, he
must now formulate an action plan to settle every challenge before and after the upcoming fielding

In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the maintenance department operations,
Engr. Ancheta must consolidate all the existing problems such as lack of equipment parts and
mechanic/repairman. However, the upcoming fielding of additional 50 buses would add more
complications to the existing problems of the department. To do this, he must facilitate the control and
coordination by formulating a plan. Since there are many things and objectives to achieve within a given
time, planning is the best solution to settle short-term and long-term problems. Engr. Ancheta must settle
first the existing problem of lack of materials and equipment parts. He shall ask the mechanics of the
company to count all the things in their storage area then create a plan on how they should organize their
materials. In addition, he shall look up on the previous transactions of their company to identify what
materials and equipment parts that are mostly purchased or needed, then create an allotment according
to the demand. Also, he could consider selling those obsolete parts to the junk shop to gain additional
budget for the materials. Then, he should also create an organization structure of roles to handle the
responsibilities on the storage area matters. Before the fielding of additional buses, Engr. Ancheta must
first analyze the current number of resources his department has and the number needed afterwards. He
should make computations of the allocation of resources, including the mechanics and assistants, and set
an employment process then afterwards, formulate the distribution of employees to each bus.

This case analysis would guide Engr. Ancheta in achieving his objectives as the newly appointed
manager as it is observed in his perspective. This would give him insight unto what best course of action
plan he should create in order to solve the company problems. Planning would be the best and perfect
method in response to the situation of limited time as well as to initiate sustainability in the department
and further into the company.

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