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Character Graphic Organizer Rubric

Category 10 8 6 3,1

Personality Good insight into Personality traits Includes some Includes incorrect
Traits all characters' are given personality traits personality traits
personality traits correctly but for all or most of all or most
minimally for characters, but characters, some
most characters many are characters not
incorrect. attempted.
May mix physical
traits with
personality traits.

Morals/values Good insight into Morals/values Includes some Includes incorrect

all characters’ are given morals/values for morals/values of
morals/values correctly but all or most all or most
minimally for characters, but characters, some
most characters many are characters not
incorrect. attempted.

Lessons Good insight into Lessons Includes some Includes incorrect

learned/taught all characters’ learned/taught Lessons Lessons
lessons are given learned/taught for learned/taught of
learned/taught correctly but all or most all or most
minimally for characters, but characters, some
most characters many are characters not
incorrect. attempted.

Quotes Provides quotes Provides quotes Only gives some Very few quotes
(with act, scene, for each quotes or (act, are given, no act,
and lines) as character but scene, and line) scene, line are
supporting does not include but not included, no
evidence for act, scene, and completed quotes for some
each character lines characters

Mechanics There are no There are 1–2 There are 3–4 There are 5 or
and Grammar spelling or spelling or spelling or more spelling or
grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.

Effort and Chart is neat and Chart is fairly Chart is either Chart is messy
Neatness readable neat and messy or parts and unreadable
readable. are unreadable.

Total mark: /60


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