Analysis Front of The Class Movie - Anita Dan Anitia - PBI 5A

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Anita Zukhrufa : 1182040019

Anitia Laila Rahmah Aziz : 1182040020

Analysis Front of the Class Movie

Front of the Class is a film based on the true story of Brad Cohen, a teacher who has Tourette
syndrome. Tourette syndrome itself is a neurological disorder and behavior (neurobehavioral disorder),
characterized by the action of the unconscious, place quickly (brief involuntary movements), in the form
of vocal and motor tics, but also accompanied by psychiatric disorders (psychiatric disturbances). Since
childhood, Cohen's friends made fun of him. Even his teacher was upset with Cohen's behavior caused by
his Tourette syndrome. His father also could not accept his condition, just his mother and brother who
always support him. When his teacher was upset, he asked Cohen to meet his headmaster because of his
syndrome. He was asked by the headmaster what his purpose by schooling. Then the headmaster
explained that the school's goal is to educate and use our knowledge to reduce ignorance. The headmaster
has inspired Cohen. Since then, Cohen started to dream become a teacher. Many schools rejected Cohen
because of his Tourette syndrome, and it is one reason why the school refused him. However, he still
wanted to be a teacher. Then he passed an interview and got his dream job as a teacher. After all, Cohen
good at teaching.

Brad Cohen began teaching in front of his students by explaining his shortcomings and asking
him about Tourette syndrome. He willing to answer all the questions asked by the student, and Cohen was
happy about it. Brad Cohen prepared many properties for teaching in a second-grade class. Brumfit
(1997) Young learners are only just beginning their schooling, so that teachers have a significant
opportunity to mold their expectations of life in school. To teach young learners, a teacher needs to keep
students' interest in the class. Cohen purveyed various goods, tools, costumes, toys, and colorful
decorations to engaging students' interest. He able to made his students engage in his class lesson.  

In Bruner's theory (1990), it explained that laws and principles need to be emphasized for
children six years and over to apply them to the problem-solving process. Bruner also emphasizes
learning that results from interactions between children and teachers, interactions with other children, and
interactions with teaching materials. So collective work and conversation sessions need to be held from
time to time. Involving children is essential so that they can enjoy meaningful learning. A teacher needs
to talk about what will happen when the lesson takes place. As the initial introduction, Cohens's students
asked about Tourette syndrome that he suffered. Besides that, when Cohen teaches, he also provided
several facilities such as maps, then asked his students to point out one of the cities. He intended that he
put up a large map and pointed to the wrong area. All his students pointed out the correct location. It was
deliberately done by Brad Cohen so that there was good interaction between the teacher and students in
the classroom. The atmosphere of teaching happens very well. He also strived to teach Thomas, one of his
students, who could not read.

Cohen's learning depicted discovery learning when children were shown and allowed to know,
used the Maxine car directly, and pointed the city on the map according to what Cohen requested. It
included discovery learning. Children learned through active participation with concepts and principles so
that they are encouraged to gain experience and carry out experiments that allow them to discover the
ideas and guides themselves.
Cohen managed his class very well. He understood and did fun learning, so Cohen teaches that
the children want to go to school every day. He made the classroom atmosphere like a place to play and
study because this was very popular with the children. As proof of his hard work, Cohen received an
award as "Teacher of the year."
Brad Cohen used various teaching techniques, such as visualization, inquiry-based instruction,
and creative teaching techniques. Clark (1990) Children get bored quickly. Children had obligatory to
attend school. The lack of choice means that their class activities need to be fun, engaging, and exciting
by setting up exciting activities. Cohen used visualization techniques in the geography lesson by the
utilized map and some pictures of places. He used inquiry-based instruction to encourage students to be
more curious to ask questions and improve their understanding. He used creative teaching to engage
students by creating activities that promote their creativity. For instance, students wrote some words, and
then they were asked to say what it means and how they use them.
Brad Cohen handled the problematic student in some ways. Firstly, he explained to the kid which
were the right things to do and which were not. For instance, Cohen ordered the student to ask his
permission before leaving the classroom. He built trust with the student to open up to him and accept his
suggestions. Like when the kid does not like reading, Cohen gave him understanding by using his
experience as an example. He suggested the kid not give up on it because they will get a lot of knowledge
from books. Likewise, he kept encouraging the student to do the right things and praising him for it.
There are some excellent teachers' qualities in Brad Cohen. Cohen is a creative teacher in
teaching. Halliwel (1992) Children take good pleasure in finding and creating fun in what they do.
Teachers must have high creativity to continue to improve students' enthusiasm for studying, such as
using a variety of exciting media that students can explore. He was a teacher who brings passion to the
classroom. He made learning come alive and engages students in being the best people they can be. He
also such a staunch teacher. Teachers must not give up on their students either on themselves. Teaching is
one of the most challenging jobs, but it is also the most rewarding of all. Teachers must be role models
and show their children never to give up on pursuing their dreams. Besides, he built good relationships
with students. Teachers need to know their students and build trust because if a kid does not trust the
teacher, the teacher cannot teach the kid. But once the teacher gets to know the children and what
motivates them to learn, the teacher could encourage them and help them find success in the classroom.
In conclusion, Brad Cohen was a great teacher even though he different because of his Tourette
syndrome. He could prove to people that his syndrome did not stop him from teaching. Cohen had
prepared his class excellently. He knew how to deals with and handle his students. He also welcomed
anything the students want to know about, especially Tourette syndrome. Cohen made his class as
comfortable as possible for the kids. He decorated the classroom with various exciting things such as
toys, books, and even adorable animals. Cohen had many creative teaching techniques for his class
activities, and he made it fun for the students. Cohen was able to built good relationships with students.
He knew and supported them well. So, he deserved to get predicate as 'Teacher of the year' at that time.

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