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Integrated Management Form IMF-210-02

Environmental Aspect & Impact Matrix


Scale of Impact (A) Occurrence (B) Impact (C ) of Impact Control (E) Score
(D) Legends:
High – Global significant change in population or habitat with negative
(Beyond the Project More than once a impact on ecosystem functions. Widespread destruction of For a
No ERP in I = Indirect
land, flora/fauna and or ground water resources. year / 10 Condition
Site & nearby day or Continuous Catastrophic environmental impact due to uncontained place
village / town ) release, fire or explosion. Extreme health risk – potential for N = Normal,
death in community A = Abnormal,
MAJOR CONSEQUENCES- Continuous & serious damage
Global due to erosion to flora /fauna population & habitat. No E = Emergency
Once in a day to For a
( Surrounding the Widespread damage to land / protected wild life. Major mechanism 6
-week - environmental impact due to uncontained release, fire & month -
project site- in place  Impact
explosion. Major ongoing health effects.
DNR =Depletion
Low – Global MODERATE CONSEQUENCE – Significant changes in
flora /fauna populations & habitat. Damage to land, Mechanism of Natural
(Beyond the section Once in a week to
premises within -month
temporary damage to ecosystem. Creation of For a week in place but 5 Resources,
noise,odour,dust other controlled / uncontrolled air not reliable
Project site ) emissions. Ongoing complaints from community HHS = Human
Health & Safety
High – Local Control
LC =Land
MINOR CONSEQUENCES – Minor impact on aquatic
(Beyond the activity Once in a month to ecosystem including flora, fauna & habitat. No significant needs Contamination,
For a day 3
at site within Year impact on natural resources. Minor environmental impact human WP =Water
due to contained release pollutants.
section) intervention Pollution,
NP =Noise
INSIGNIFICANT CONSEQUENCE – Occasional short Has in-built Pollution,
term impact on aquatic , flora /fauna, temporarily nuisance
- - from noise, odour, dust & other air emissions Discomfort or
For 1 Hr secondary 2 AP =Air
Nuisance control Pollution,
Available &
Low - Local (within Once a year &
Negligible visual Impact Immediate effective at 1
the activity at site) above source
The methodology of identify the significant aspect is ;

A. Sorting the risk rating and top most activity shall be considered as significant aspect.
B. Wherever the total score is more than 50, it has to be taken as significant aspect and control methodology in the form of IMP or WI has to be developed.

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[Version: 0.2 Controlled Copy When Online 15 March2011] Page 1 of 1

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