Name Abdul Munaf Ali Nasir Roll No CA631027 Q#1. Explain How Foucault, Bourdieu, and Freire Provided Grounds of Critical Theory? Foucault

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Name Abdul Munaf Ali Nasir

Roll No CA631027
Q#1. Explain how Foucault, Bourdieu, and Freire provided grounds
of critical theory?
Foucault challenges the thought that power is distributed and pervasive by persons or
teams, through "supreme" acts of domination or coercion. The term 'power of data' is
employed by Jean-Bernard Leon Foucault to point that power is deep-rooted by accepted
knowledge, scientific understanding, and truth. solely by varied types of constraint is it
created. the consequences of power square measure regular. each society has its system of
truth, its "general policy" of truth: that's, the type of speech it accepts and acts as true; the
mechanisms and instances by that true and false statements are distinguished, and the way
every technique and method is sanctioned.
Foucault was deeply fascinated by jail police investigation mechanisms, college discipline,
population management, and management systems, and the promotion of body behavior
standards. Jean-Bernard Leon Foucault believed within the prospects of action and
resistance, as hostile several interpretations.

Bourdieu was a French social scientist United Nations agency centered in the main on the
facility dynamics in society, however power moves, and the way social order continues for
generations to return. He expanded the thought of capital to incorporate classes like social,
cultural, financial, and symbolic capital.
The education systems of developed societies perform in some way, consistent with
Bourdieu. thanks to category inequalities legitimate. Success is expedited within the
education system. Cultural capital possession and habitus higher category. Students of the
social class don't seem to be These characteristics usually have, thus it's inevitable to fail
most of the pupils. This explains category inequalities within the action of education.
Success and failure but the system of education is considered attributable to our lack of
individual gifts. Education credentials, therefore, facilitate to breed Bourdieu and legit
social inequalities as a result of individuals of upper education by their position in society.
Bourdieu claims that the tutorial legitimacy of social inequalities. Credentials command by
the ruling positions. this implies the education system is in situ, A key role in conserving the
establishment. Bourdieu's read is entirely that of culture within the higher-class house,
capital is instilled, and it permits an upper-level student to realize Higher academic
qualifications than students within the social class. this permits higher category people to
keep up their category position and legitimizes the dominating position generally occupied
by higher category people. Certainly, some lesser-class people can achieve the education
system, however, this cannot challenge the system, enhance it by serving to form a

Paulo Freire
The Brazilian professional person Paulo Freire left a crucial mark in pondering
progressive follow. His work titled 'The burdened Pedagogy' is one of all the foremost cited
textbooks for education. Freire expanded on his arguments and weave many strands of
thought on education and unharness. Freire has so created many vital theoretical
developments that had a big impact on the event of education and widespread practices of
education. Education. Four aspects of the work of Paulo Freire square measure vital. First,
his stress on dialogue was robust for non-formal individuals. Training. For those while not
access, non-formal education is typically planned Formal system for one or the opposite
reason. Secondly, it involved Freire Action within the follow of that bound values square
measure wise to and joined. "Dialog" for Freire was not solely concerning deepening
understanding in education however was a neighborhood of creating a world's distinction.
Thirdly, Freire has been extraordinarily careful in naming the planet Importance for
educators United Nations agency has historically been operating with {people United
Nations agency people that folks that those who} don't and who square measure burdened,
have a voice. the thought of constructing "pedagogy of the oppressed" or a "pedagogy of
hope" and the way to maneuver it forward created extensive impulses to mirror education.
a crucial part was his concern with developing consciousness, however, Associate in
Nursing understanding that's capable of reworking reality. Fourth, the insistence of Freire
to situate academic activities in a very participant's lived expertise opened many
opportunities for educators to be told the way to do that. In "Education for essential
Consciousness" the planned skill coaching ways from Paulo Freire square measure most
clearly bestowed. The context study is at the primary level. academic designing is meted out
once a team investigates people's lives in every space. the same old vocabulary and issues
they face square measure recorded and intensive interviews to notice their hopes and fears.
Such contextualized designing strives, even at the look stage, to interact with the
community the maximum amount as doable.

Q#2Which are various models of cooperative teaching and what is

the role of the teacher in cooperative teaching?

Models of Cooperative teaching

Many teachers see that efforts to set up cooperative teaching groups have a range of issues,
from resistance by students to improper tasks. It is useful to learn how various students
helped test a model that could provide Organizing and guiding. There are only a few of the
models below. These are possible adapt in many ways or a new model depending on the can
be developed the classroom's requirements.

a. The Jigsaw Model:

The student is part of a learning group and a team in this model. The members join the
research teams after determining the aim of the learning group to learn about one element
of the learning puzzle to form a complete picture each piece of the puzzle must be fixed.
Research maybe you take many forms. Take many forms. The teacher might like to draw
up "expert sheets" Readings and questions to obtain the necessary information. Our
students can use their strategies for collecting information, interviewing library research
Experts, or experiments. After the expert team has done their work, the members come
back and share the results with their original learning groups. The group will be able to
share their findings with the classroom as a class discussion, question-and-answer session,
or graphic or dramatic production.
b. Group Investigation
In its approach, Group Research is directed more students. After the teacher introduces
the unit, the students discuss what they have learned and describe possible subjects for
further consideration. Each student group selects one from this list of student-generated
topics and identifies subjects for each group. member or team. Every student or student
group shall investigate his or her work and prepare a short report to take back to the
group. The group then designs a presentation and shares its conclusions with the class. A
group evaluation can be a good way to provide feedback to the groups for each
c. Numbered Heads Together
Together Numbered Heads is a way to examine previously provided information with
direct guidance or text. Many simple models improve questions, discussion, and class
presentations through the cooperative structuring of activity. This model works well with
clear questions that make it possible for students to reach a consensus. Split students into
groups of 4 and number them between 1 and 4. After the teacher asks the question, it's
time for the groups to identify the answer. The teacher is calling a number, with the
students answering. The teacher then agrees or disagrees with the thumbs up or down.
d. Think-Pair-Share
Think pair sharing to encourage all students to respond. Students and a partner will share
their answers to a question. Then students are invited to share their answers with the entire
class. There are many ways to share, including Stand Up and Share, and every student sits
down and answers. Sitting down is also everyone with a similar response. Keep going until
everybody's sitting. Or "rapidly whip" the class with students reacting one after the other
Role of the teacher in cooperative learning
The role of the teacher is increased by a cooperative training classroom with additional
responsibility. Teacher's role is not limited to • Academic objectives are specified
• Specify skills of collaboration.

• Choose group sizes

• Attribution for groups of students

• Set up room

• Materials planning

• Assign students roles (reader, recorder, calculator, checker, reporter, materials handler,

• To monitor the conduct of the students (as they work, to see if they understand the
assignment and the material, to give immediate feedback)

• To help you understand a task •

• To help the group work more effectively together •

• Regularly reflect on improving collaborative learning and teaching strategies

Q#3 Why action research is found useful for classroom teachers?

How can it help them in solving problems?
As teachers conduct action research, they improve their understanding of the educational
process. What they learn will impact in the future in a wider perspective on what is
happening in the schools, the classrooms, and the country. The future direction of staff-
building, teacher training, and school improvement initiatives will be shaped by the lessons
learned by the critical investigation and rigorous examination of their practice and school
programs, which action research requires.
Action research refers in schools to a variety of methods of evaluation, research, and
analysis for diagnosing issues or weaknesses—organizational, educational, or academic—
and helps educators develop practical solutions to address them quickly and effectively.
Research in action can also be used in education or programs, Techniques that don't
necessarily have any problems, but educators just want to learn more and improve. The
general objective is to create a simple, practical, and repeated process of iterative learning,
assessment, and improvement leading to improved outcomes for schools, teachers, and
Teachers' researchers can be defined by looking at the relationship between learning and
education in their working world to better understand their practice and its effect upon
their students.
Importance of Teachers’ Research
Schools are children's schools for manufacturing skilled workers. So, teachers are not
enough simply to make decisions; they are called upon to make informed, data-driven
decisions. It is, therefore, necessary for teachers to document and evaluate their efforts
much more carefully. Research for action is one way to achieve that. Action research helps
practitioners and others to identify needs, evaluate development processes and evaluate the
results of changes that they determine, design, and implement in the right direction. The
aspect of self-evaluation (by educators and/or students) in action research is consistent with
philosophies in the world's total quality education and results-based education.

For teachers, must help practitioners and other stakeholders determine needs, evaluate
development processes and evaluate the results of changes that they define, design, and
implement. When the teacher begins to work on action research, she is considered a
reflexive practitioner who evaluates and assesses her work with various methods and
changes the teaching decisions accordingly.

Teacher researchers think in-depth about the matter of what their students will learn. To
answer this question, students are listened to and watched by authentic students; samples
of works, photographs, and transcripts are collected to document what their children say
and do, and this information helps them to develop their praxis while celebrating and
encouraging the voices and experiences of their children. In this sense, teachers are
innovators, drivers of curriculums, school change actors, and managers of their
professional development.

The aim of the researchers in this approach is to test a procedure based on a pre-specified
theoretical framework, the technical and facilitative nature of the collaboration between
the researcher and the physician. The researcher identifies the problem and specific
intervention, then involves the practitioner and agrees to make the intervention easier. In
this kind of research, communication flows mainly between the facilitator and the group, so
the ideas can be communicated to the group.

Research for practical actions promotes professionalism by stressing the role that personal
judgment plays in decisions to act for the benefit of the customer" "This method of action
research "fosters self-reliant, deliberative action called 'practice' "There was an error.
Action research is also known as the action cycle or investigation cycle as it usually follows
a predefined process repeated over time. The following is a simple illustrative example:

• Collect problem information

• Data organization, analysis, and interpretation

• Development of a problem management plan

• Apply the plan

• Assess the outcome of actions •

• Identify a new issue

• The processes are repeated

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