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BERNALES, Rick Ashly C.

Assignment 8
1. Consider the changes that have occurred in a comparatively
new industry (e.g., wireless telecommunications, smartphones,
video game consoles, online brokerage services, and fitness
clubs). To what extent has the evolution of the industry
followed the pattern predicted by the industry life‐cycle
model? What are the features of the industry that have
influenced its pattern of evolution? At what stage of
development is the industry today? How is the industry likely
to evolve in the future?
- For example, the mobile phone competition. In 2000, this
industry started with the first brand of mobile such as
BlackBerry, Windows Handset, and eventually the iPhone that
was first released in 2007. According to the industry's life-cycle
notion: Introduction stage: introduced with innovative
innovations such as Mobile Network, smartphone email access,
began with earlier smartphone/mobile phone brands such as
Blackberry. The stage of maturity: that's still visible today has
led to today's growth in the number of tech companies. The data
scientist expects this sector to see a slowdown in the coming
decades. However, All of the aspects of the smartphone industry
that have driven its growth pattern have been: Constant
innovation; something that captures young people's eye.
2. Select a product that has become a dominant design for its
industry (e.g., the IBM PC in personal computers, McDonald's
in fast food, Harvard Business School in MBA education, and
Southwest in budget airlines). What factors caused one firm's
product architecture to become dominant? Why did other
firms imitate this dominant design? How did the emergence of
the dominant design influence the evolution of the industry?
- Consistency: The propensity of organizations to do so is
emphasized by systematic economists. To attain reputation,
simulate one another. The Structural Process Isomorphism
forces conventional systems and methods into corporations. It's
tough for them to respond to the changes. Governments,
financial consultants, insurers, and other resource providers may
facilitate the adoption of standard plans and practices through
variety of other factors forces.
3. The resource partitioning model argues that, as industries
become dominated by a few major companies with similar
strategies and products, so opportunities open for new entrants
to build specialist niches. Identify an opportunity for
establishing a specialist new business in an industry currently
dominated by mass‐market giants.
- A new wave of entry will take place as new companies take
advantage of openings in marginal sectors of the economy as
businesses become more fragmented and leading companies
concentrate on the mainstream market. The US brewing
industry is an example of this "resource partitioning": when a
handful of large brewing penetrated the consumer market, the
opportunity was given to new forms of brewing corporations
and brewing cafes develop themselves in specific market
4. Choose an industry that faces significant change over the next
10 years. Identify the main drivers of change and construct two
scenarios of how these changes might play out. In relation to
one of the leading firms in the industry, what are the
implications of the two scenarios, and what strategy options
should the firm consider?
- Location and International Trade: Globally, companies
relocate during their evolutionary history. In emerging
developed nations, technological advances are beginning
because of the presence of wealthy customers and the
availability of technological and science capital. When demand
increases in all other markets, shipments are began serving, yet
manufacturing moves first to newly developed countries and
eventually to emerging countries with the reduction of
manufacturing processes.
- The nature and intensity of competition: These shifts in the
industry's composition over the development, potential
competitors and extensive global supply transmission competes
significance: so first transformation from pro competition to
market competition; second, the drop in profitability as rivalry
strength expands.
- As consumer demand outstrips industrial production, the market
growth is more conducive to sustainability, particularly if
established parties are covered by regulatory barriers. Values of
the business uniformity and domestic demand trigger price
competition with the advent of maturity, especially during
5. Identify two sports teams: one that is rich in resources (such as
talented players) but whose capabilities (as indicated by
performance) have been poor; one that is resource‐poor but
has displayed strong team capabilities. What clues can you
offer as to the determinants of capabilities among sports
- The base for initial entrance during the initial rate is brand
creativity. But for the coming results. Knowledge is indeed
easy, but not quite enough. There are other conditions for
success as the market continues to evolve and technical rivalry
intensifies. When going from the first generation of goods to the
next era, investment expectations begin to rise and financial
capital become even more important. Brand development skills
would also need to be supplemented by production, marketing
and distribution capacities. Therefore, businesses need to
promote their creativity through a diverse range of vertically
aligned skills in a developing market.
6. The market leaders in video games for mobile devices during
2012–17 were start‐up companies such as DeNA, GungHo
Online, Supercell, King, and Rovio. Why have start‐ups
outperformed established video game giants such as Electronic
Arts, Rock Star Games, and Activision Blizzard in this
- We see a combination of start-up firms and mature businesses
in most new industries that have leveraged from other sectors.
What is more successful depends on whether begin' agility and
innovative advantages exceed traditional firms' superior capital
and expertise. It all depends on whether the sufficient
technological tools are superior to those of the existing industry
in the developing market. Where these relations are strong, the
gain for the participants is that they tend to be the greatest
producers in vehicles, current motorcycles, vehicles and
producers of engines; former radio manufactures dominated the
development of television. Most setup also rely on large
companies' resources and expertise. Former staff of existing
firms in the sector produce a high proportion of new ventures.
7. The dean of your business school wishes to upgrade the
school's educational capabilities in order to better equip its
graduates for success in their careers and in their lives. Advise
your dean on what tools and systems of knowledge
management might be deployed in order to support these goals.
- Transition management helps employees to operate in two time
frames: preparing them for today and managing the business for
the future. An alternative to addressing this issue is the idea of
an ambidextrous business. Other strategic transformation
resources include: disaster perceptions, stretch goals, corporate-
wide programs, external executive expertise development,
diverse skills, and contingency preparation.
Any policy or tools are applied to deal with adaptation, the
development of emerging technology requires strategy
implementation. To just the fact that an entity's competence is a
result of its whole life, it is a difficult challenge to create new
technologies. We need to know how resources are integrated
into capacity, in particular the function of processes, structure,
motivation and coordination, in order to understand how
organisations build capacity.

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