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 The French revolution was a milestone and a turning point in the history of humans
 It revolutionized the social, economic and political fabric,not only of France but of all
Europe and almost the entire world

 Causes of the French revolution:

An unequal, unjust, social order

The French society was initially feudal in was divided into 3 main classes
called estates

 The first estate consisted of the clergy

 The second estate consisted of the nobles and their family
 the 3rd estates was composed of 95% the population it included the
peasants artisans, workers and the middle class

the first and second estates enjoyed numerous privileges. They owned practically all the land in
France but did have to pay the taxes. They were wealthy and led comfortable and luxurious lives.

The third estate on the other hand, shouldered the entire burden of taxation but was not entitled To
any of the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and the nobles. Taxes were imposed on everything basic
including salt. Life was very hard especially for poor peasants who had to pay additional taxes to the
feudal lords.

Growing power of the middle class

The French merchants,traders,laywers,doctors,teachers,etc had acquired great wealth and had
become economically powerful.

However they were denied social equality and political power.

This caused great resentment among them.

They used their economic power to overthrow the ancient regime

An autocratic, absolute monarchy
 The French king was an autocrat and enjoyed absolute powers and his will was law
 There was no check on his powers by the parliament.
 He ruled by divine rights and was not answerable to his people but only to god

Influence of new ideas

 Great political philosophers: Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu created an intellectual
ferment in France.
 The middle class was greatly inspired by the revolutionary Ideas of liberty, equality,
fraternity, popular sovereignty

Inefficient, corrupt administration

 King louis XVI was pleasure loving and extravagant. He was completely ignorant of and
indifferent to the suffering of the common people. He was greatly influenced by his beautiful
and ambitious wife, Marie Antoinette. Together they wasted money on festivities and
pleasures and emptied the royal treasury.

 The economic bankruptcy was further aggravated by French involvement in useless wars
against England. The rich privileged who could afford to pay taxes continued to be exempted
from the taxes whereas the poor were crushed under the heavier taxation.

Influence of the American revolution

 the French generals and soldiers who had fought in the American revolution, returned to

 with revolutionary ideas and inspired people to revolt against the unjust, despotic

 The success of the American revolution encouraged the French people to rebel.

 On seventeenth June 1789 the members of the third estate declared that the third estate
would constitute itself as the national assembly.

 On 20th June 1789 the members of the third estate met at a tennis court and took a oath not
to separate until a new constitution was drawn up for France.

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