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Next Generation Fiber Broadband


Prepared by: Eiman M. Elmueiz

Specialist /PD
1. Background
Canar is a business that is corporately positioned to have significant impact in advancing key technologies
in optical communications. Canar provides you with the high-performance communication services that
are essential to enterprise business. Delivered over a fiber connection, Fiber for Enterprises includes a
fiber-based IP connection, and VoIP service with advanced calling features. You choose your data
connection based on your data and Internet needs. Next, choose an option based on the voice equipment
you have in place. You can then specify the data, Internet speeds, voice lines, and the other business
essentials you need. Take advantage of the fiber connection that’s already in the area, and the reliability
of Canar network, backed by a service level agreement (SLA).

2. Executive Summary
Progress in optical communications is being driven by an explosion of new applications and services
requiring greater bandwidth to satisfy user demand. In this document we introduce new form of fiber
optics communication; shared links shall be provided for the Small and medium enterprises that cannot
afford to pay for dedicated services.

Broadband internet has been critical to the future of economic wellbeing of the country and its operating
enterprises as of the development of applications will create new opportunities. And to cope up with this
demand a new business model is needed.
3. Marketing Analysis
Improved Performance of Existing Firms

Fiber broadband will allow businesses to operate more efficiently and to develop new products and

• Small and medium-sized firms will be able to take advantage of the latest generation of online
collaboration tools—such as file and document sharing, shared workspaces, and high-definition video
conferencing—that, before the advent of fiber broadband, only large enterprises could afford to exploit.
• Real-time online collaboration among colleagues and business partners can accelerate decision making
and time to market, and reduce delays and the need for business travel.
• Several people can share the same connection and not notice any degradation in performance, even if
they are using bandwidth-hungry applications such as video conferencing or uploading large files.
• In all types of business, interaction with customers and suppliers can also be enhanced—for example, by
enabling slicker, more interactive e-commerce sites, and by reducing the time needed to upload product
demonstrations and how-to videos to both the business’s own site and social media sites such as YouTube.

New businesses Opportunities:

Fiber broadband is expected to help greater numbers of new businesses emerge by reducing barriers to
entry in certain sectors. Although there are many ways in which this can occur, cloud computing is perhaps
the most significant because it dramatically reduces the required upfront capital and ongoing support
costs of setting up in business and allows steady, flexible growth.

Superfast connectivity will also help firms of all sizes exploit cloud computing so they can scale their
information technology (IT) systems dynamically to fit their business needs, obviating the requirement
for firms to invest in server hardware and software licenses.

This can further help relieve the IT burden by making remote data storage and backup easy to operate in
the background. The burden of security and upgrade falls to the service provider and not to the business.

The carrot of abundant fiber broadband can also encourage firms with purely digital business models to
relocate to previously underdeveloped areas.
4. Packages
Speeds vary between the three proposed packages, we introduced 2 extra packages Silver and Gold.
These two packages will be shared based on content ratio and other features as shown below:

Platinum Gold Silver

Content ratio 1:1 1:2 1:3
Monitoring tool ✔ ✔ ✔
Link protection ✔ ✗ ✗
Internet Service control ✔ ✔ ✗
Spam Filtering ✔ ✗ ✗
IP Addresses /28 /29 /30

Minimum BW 2 1 1


Cost per meter has been calculated based on the completed projects in 2016. Our new NRC proposal is
to calculate the distance multiplied by the cost per meter and see if the requested package (MRC) can
cover the installation cost in 1 year (12 months) then we won’t be charging our customers high NRC.
Else we will charge them a higher NRC that would cover it in less than 1 year.

This new formula is proposed in order to enhance the selling and to eliminate the barrier of high
entrance cost as shown below:

Inputs for the formula:

0-50 550 5000
50-100 450 10000
100-200 350 15000
200-500 250 20000

((Distance*CPM)-NRC)/ Customer shall pay the proposed NRC in the formula Example:
(MRC*12)<=1 (from above Table) ((50*550)-5000))/
Then customer shall pay 5000
for the NRC

Else Then we shall increase the NRC chosen from above Example:
((Distance*CPM)-NRC)/ table until we meet the 1 year payback ((200*350)-15000))/
(MRC*12)>1 (3292.5*12)=1.3
Then the customer has to pay
higher NRC as follow:

**Rule: to calculate total cost by multiplying distance with the cost per meter and then subsidizing the
proposed NRC from above input table and see of the payback period is less than or equal (<=) 1 year
(after deducting entrance cost or NRC) else means that total cost cannot be covered un 1 year and
hence we customer will need to pay a higher NRC or entrance cost choosing higher package.

Bandwidth Platinum Gold Silver

1 MBPS - 3,292.50 2,963
1.5 MBPS - 4,605.00 4,145
2 MBPS 7,890 5,917.50 5,326
3 MBPS 11,050 8,287.50 7,459
4 MBPS 14,190 10,642.50 9,578
5 MBPS 17,040 12,780.00 11,502
6 MBPS 19,870 14,902.50 13,412
7 MBPS 22,710 17,032.50 15,329
8 MBPS 25,550 19,162.50 17,246
9 MBPS 28,450 21,337.50 19,204
10 MBPS 31,320 23,490.00 21,141
11 MBPS 34,200 25,650.00 23,085
12 MBPS 37,075 27,806.25 25,026
13 MBPS 39,990 29,992.50 26,993
14 MBPS 42,890 32,167.50 28,951
15 MBPS 45,750 34,312.50 30,881
16 MBPS 48,600 36,450.00 32,805
17 MBPS 51,350 38,512.50 34,661
18 MBPS 54,090 40,567.50 36,511
19 MBPS 56,850 42,637.50 38,374
20 MBPS 59,550 44,662.50 40,196
21 MBPS 62,300 46,725.00 42,053
22 MBPS 65,000 48,750.00 43,875
23 MBPS 67,750 50,812.50 45,731
24 MBPS 70,475 52,856.25 47,571
25 MBPS 73,250 54,937.50 49,444
26 MBPS 75,950 56,962.50 51,266
27 MBPS 78,690 59,017.50 53,116
28 MBPS 81,450 61,087.50 54,979
29 MBPS 84,150 63,112.50 56,801
30 MBPS 86,900 65,175.00 58,658
31 MBPS 89,650 67,237.50 60,514
32 MBPS 92,350 69,262.50 62,336
64 MBPS 175,470 131,602.50 118,442 *35% VAT to be added to
above prices
5. Cost Analysis
To calculate costs for the new packages the major costs lies under the transmission cost and hence all of
this calculations are built on internet and transmission costs.

Bandwidth # of E1‘s Per Cost Cost (SDG) Margin in Platinum Margin In Gold Margin in Silver
Package (USD)
1 Mbps 1 35 700 - 470.36% 423.32%
1.5 Mbps 1 35 700 - 657.86% 592.07%
2 Mbps 1 35 700 1127.14% 845.36% 760.82%
3 Mbps 2 70 1400 789.29% 591.96% 532.77%
4 Mbps 2 70 1400 1013.57% 760.18% 684.16%
5 Mbps 3 105 2100 811.43% 608.57% 547.71%
6 Mbps 3 105 2100 946.19% 709.64% 638.68%
7 Mbps 4 140 2800 811.07% 608.30% 547.47%
8 Mbps 4 140 2800 912.50% 684.38% 615.94%
9 Mbps 5 175 3500 812.86% 609.64% 548.68%
10 Mbps 5 175 3500 894.86% 671.14% 604.03%
11 Mbps 6 210 4200 814.29% 610.71% 549.64%
12 Mbps 6 210 4200 882.74% 662.05% 595.85%
13 Mbps 7 245 4900 816.12% 612.09% 550.88%
14 Mbps 7 245 4900 875.31% 656.48% 590.83%
15 Mbps 8 280 5600 816.96% 612.72% 551.45%
16 Mbps 8 280 5600 867.86% 650.89% 585.80%
17 Mbps 9 315 6300 815.08% 611.31% 550.18%
18 Mbps 9 315 6300 858.57% 643.93% 579.54%
19 Mbps 10 350 7000 812.14% 609.11% 548.20%
20 Mbps 10 350 7000 850.71% 638.04% 574.23%
21 Mbps 11 385 7700 809.09% 606.82% 546.14%
22 Mbps 11 385 7700 844.16% 633.12% 569.81%
23 Mbps 12 420 8400 806.55% 604.91% 544.42%
24 Mbps 12 420 8400 838.99% 629.24% 566.32%
25 Mbps 13 455 9100 804.95% 603.71% 543.34%
26 Mbps 13 455 9100 834.62% 625.96% 563.37%
27 Mbps 14 490 9800 802.96% 602.22% 542.00%
28 Mbps 14 490 9800 831.12% 623.34% 561.01%
29 Mbps 15 525 10500 801.43% 601.07% 540.96%
30 Mbps 15 525 10500 827.62% 620.71% 558.64%
31 Mbps 16 560 11200 800.45% 600.33% 540.30%
32 Mbps 16 560 11200 824.55% 618.42% 556.57%
64 Mbps 32 1120 22400 783.35% 587.51% 528.76%
6. Communication Plan
To be developed upon approval

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