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Online End Semester Examinations: Spring 2021

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Computing & Applied Sciences
Department of ____Software Engineering___________

Online End Semester Examinations (Spring 2021)

Course Code with BS (Software
SE-318: E-Commerce Program
Title Engineering)
Instructor Engr. Priha Bhatti, Abdul Moeed khan Semester
Start date & Time June 17, 2021 Submission Deadline June 17, 2021
at 10:30 AM at 03:30PM
Maximum Marks 50

Students must meet their submission deadline as there is no re-take or re-attempt after the


Read the following Instructions carefully:

• All Questions carries equal marks.

• Attempt All Questions on MS-Word. Font theme and size must be Times New Roman and
12 points, respectively. Use line spacing 1.5.
• You may provide answers HANDWRITTEN. The scanned solution must be submitted in
PDF file format (Use any suitable Mobile Application for Scanning)
• For Diagrams, you can use paper and share a clear visible snapshot in the same Answer
• Arrange questions and their subsequent parts in sequence.
• Make sure that your answers are not plagiarized or copied from any other sources. In case
of plagiarism, ZERO marks will be awarded.
• Provide relevant, original and conceptual answers, as this exam aims to test your ability to
examine, explain, modify or develop concepts discussed during the course.
• Recheck your answer before the submission on VLE to correct any content or language
related errors.
• You must upload your answers via the VLE platform ONLY.
You must follow general guideline for students before online examination and during online
examination which had already shared by email and WhatsApp.

This paper has a total of _05__ pages including this title page.

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Online End Semester Examinations: Spring 2021

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Computing & Applied Sciences
Department of ____Software Engineering___________
Q.1. Read the Case Carefully. (15)
Government of Pakistan (GoP) promulgated a presidential ordinance (Elections, Second
Amendment Ordinance 2021 under Article 89 of the Constitution) authorizing and binding the
Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to procure electronic voting machines (EVMs) and to
enable the overseas Pakistanis to exercise their right to vote while staying in their country of
residence in the next general elections.
Through the ordinance, the President of Pakistan Dr. Arif Alvi has introduced two amendments to
Section 94(1) and Section 103 of the Elections Act 2017.
“The Commission (ECP), shall with the technical assistance of the National Database and
Registration Authority (Nadra) or any other authority and agency, enable overseas Pakistanis to
exercise their right to vote during general elections in their country of residence,” says the amended
Section 94(1), while the amended Section 103 stated: “The Commission (ECP) shall procure
electronic voting machines (EVMs) for casting of votes in general elections.”
Based on above scenario, please answer the following:
1. What is E-Voting System and its framework. Highlight the basic and important steps and
procedures required for the successful implementation of E-Voting System.
2. What are the necessary legal, social and political steps as well as initiatives government is
required to take regarding building of trust and consensus among all stakeholders on E-
Voting System and its successful implementation?
3. What are the different serious threats and problems raised by different stakeholder related
to the security, privacy, authenticity, integrity and availability of E-Voting System and its
4. What are the possible solutions of different technical, social and political threats and
problems associated with E-Voting System?
5. Use and successful implementation of Technology with proper SoPs and standards is the
best possible way to control and stop corruption in Electoral Process, are you agree with
it? (Please justify your answer with proper justifications with an example of any country
where E-Voting System is implemented).

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Online End Semester Examinations: Spring 2021

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Computing & Applied Sciences
Department of ____Software Engineering___________
Q.2. Read the Given Scenario based on Business strategies: (15)

McDepartment is a large organization employing 10,000 permanent and 20,000 casual staff across
its 100 department stores in all major cities. While the actual stock carried may vary between stores
to cater for local demographic needs, most stores have a range of men’s, women’s and children’s
clothing, homewares, soft furnishings, furniture, electrical goods, books, and luggage. To date,
McDepartment’s only online presence has been an information website that lists the types of goods
carried (e.g., electrical – TVs, DVD recorders, etc.) without indicating specific brands, models,

The previous CEO of McDepartment has just retired. Unfortunately, McDepartment’s share price
has halved in the last 12 months due to declining sales in its stores. While part of this decline may
be attributed to consumer concerns about spending post Global Financial Crisis, the decline in
spending in McDepartment’s stores has been double that of its main competitors. The former CEO
correctly identified that the rise in online sales might be having an impact on consumers being
prepared to purchase goods in McDepartment’s department stores. However, he was not interested
in McDepartment implementing an online sales strategy. His approach was to lobby government
to impose a tax on online sales to reduce their attractiveness to consumers. The new CEO has a
different approach. He is firmly of the view that McDepartment must actively embrace e-business
to survive.

The current computing configuration is a 20-year-old mainframe computer which is currently not
connected to the internet, plus a stand-alone UNIX computer that provides McDepartment’s
website. Security has not been a concern with the Unix computer as it only provides basic
information on McDepartment stores to the public. The two computers are not interconnected.

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Online End Semester Examinations: Spring 2021

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Computing & Applied Sciences
Department of ____Software Engineering___________
Based on above scenario, please answer the following:

1. The CEO of McDepartment has suggested that the organization should consider getting
into the financial services arena, building on its existing customer base. (Note: this would
be in addition to McDepartment’s existing department store business.) Please identify and
describe TWO (2) potential e-business applications that satisfy this requirement.
2. Propose and justify the infrastructure required by McDepartment if it were to implement
an e-business website selling its traditional department-store goods direct to the public via
an e-commerce site. Please remember to consider issues such as performance, security,
trust, confidentiality, privacy to McDepartment’s data and systems as well as the
customers’ information (including credit-card details) when answering this question.
3. The CEO is keen that McDepartment be seen as “moving with the times” and that it should
implement several social-networking initiatives. Please discuss two distinctly different
initiatives involving social networking that would potentially add value to McDepartment.
For both initiatives, remember to justify the initiative. In addition, identify and assess any
risks that might arise. For each risk identified, please recommend management strategies
aimed at minimizing the risk.
4. Discuss the differences between a “bricks and mortar” business and an e-business. Do these
differences highlight problems and issues with legal requirements and government policy
compliance for McDepartment looking to participate in an e-business environment?
Explain your answer in detail.

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Online End Semester Examinations: Spring 2021

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Computing & Applied Sciences
Department of ____Software Engineering___________
Q.3. (10)

(a) One of the main reasons that first-generation B2C commerce seemed so promising was that
it held out the hope of significantly lower prices for consumers. Why was it widely believed
that online retailers could offer significantly lower prices than B&M retailers and still be
profitable? (2)
(b) Do the Customers of successful online retailers typically experience significant switching
costs? justify your answer. (2)
(c) Does B2C companies are more dependent on massively scalable and continuously available
operations systems than C2C companies. justify your answer. (2)

(d) Which of the following strategies currently seems most promising for B2C e-commerce and
why? (4)

i. Diversification into more low- margin products

ii. Expansion into international markets
iii. Multi-channel retailing
iv. Increased advertising

Q.4. Answer the following: (10)

(a) Give two inherent difficulties with online ads. Describe in your own words. (2)

(b) Yahoo's main sources of revenue are: (4)

i. subscription fees and transaction fees.

ii. web services.
iii. advertising and business services.
iv. none of the above
justify your answer.

(c) In order to be guilty of violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, one has to be guilty
of copyright infringement. justify your answer. (2)

(d) Attempt accordingly. (2)

• Why transactional revenue models strategies are used for B2B solutions (for even Roll#).
• Why subscription revenue models strategies are used for B2B solutions (for odd Roll#).

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