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HRM702 Major Project

This is a group project. You need to form a group with 5 members each. Design
and work on an overall negotiation plan and, the implementation on one of the
given topics. In your written submission and presentation, you need to display
your understanding of the three concepts covered in HRM702. This Project is in
two (2) parts. Part A and Part B
Part A Write-up – 10%
The write up should cover the following areas:-

 I defining the group goals and objectives

 Ii selecting and developing a strategy/ ies to address the issue (s)
 Iii The dominant force for success in negotiation is in the planning that
take place prior to the dialogue. Evaluate and discuss in details areas that
needs to be covered to assist the group in your quest to win your case.

Part B Presentation – 10%

The group members will be questioned before the negotiation presentation
takes place to test your planning skills and after negotiation to test the
implementation part and whether you have achieved your goals or not
Negotiation Topics
1. EFL vs EFL Workers Association – A Case regarding an employee who was
summarily dismissed because he was driving in a company car that was
involved in an accident and the vehicle had to be written off.
2. Union vs Employer – to reinstate an employee who breached the
company/organization Human Resources policy.
3. Pick a negotiation Topic of your choice
Pert C - Format of the Project:
 Title page
 Abstract
 Table of contents
 Aims
 Objectives
 Acknowledgements
 Declaration
 List of tables
 List of figures
 Introduction
 Literature review
 Negotiation Tactic/technique used
 Expected outcome

For any clarification, contact me on e-mail – or

mobile # 9267233.

Good Luck!!!!

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