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Dr. M. M.

Abdel Aziz

Chapter 2

Waveform Shaping Circuits

1. Precision Rectifier "The Superdiode"

a) Precision half-Wave Rectifier

Circuit 1

 The superdiode consists of a diode placed in the –ve feedback path of an op-amp
 It rectifies signals with very small amplitude ( < V D ), where conventional rectifier
can not be used.
 If vI goes +ve, vA +ve, diode conducts establishing a feedback path from output to
input ( voltage follower ). Thus as v1 > 0, vo = vI. No offset voltage VD, i.e the vo
– vI characteristic passes through the origin.
 If vI goes –ve, diode will be reversed, no current flows through R , vo = 0 ,i.e for vI
< 0, v o = 0

Circuit 2

 For vI +ve, D2 conducts, vA = -0.7 V ( vi at virtual ground ) D1 off, no current flows

in R2, vo = 0
 As vI goes –ve, vA +ve , D2 off, D1 conducts through R2 establishing a –ve feedback
path through R2 i.e vo = ( -R2/R1) v1
If R1 = R2 vo = - vI for vI < 0
 The slope of characteristics can be set to any value by selecting R 1 and R2.

Dr. M. M. Abdel Aziz

 Diode D2 is included to keep the feedback loop closed around the op amp during
the off times of the rectifier diode D1, thus preventing the op amp from saturating,
which require delay time to get out of saturation.

b) Precision Full-wave Rectifier

Principle of Operation

 The full wave rectification is achieved by inverting the –ve half of the input signal
and applying the result to another diode rectifier. The two outputs are then joined
to a common load.
 DA is replaced with a superdiode and D B and the inverter, are replaced with the
inverting precision half wave rectifier.
 Consider +ve input at A , E +ve, D 2 on, current flows through RL and a –ve
feedback loop around A2 is established. vo = vI , no current through R1 and R2, B
is +ve, F –ve, D1 off.
 Consider –ve input at A, F is +ve, D 1 on, feedback loop around A 1 is closed, B is at
virtual ground . Since R1 = R2 , vo = -vI.
( A1 is an inverting amplifier with gain –R2/R1 = -1). Also +ve voltage at C causes
A2 output to saturate at the –ve level L-.

Dr. M. M. Abdel Aziz

2. Amplitude Control Circuits

The oscillator consists of an amplifier ( of gain A ) and a positive feedback network

attenuation β ). The condition for steady state oscillations is that the feedback loop
gain Aβ = 1. At start of oscillation Aβ should be >1. This means that we need an
amplifier with high gain at start of oscillation, then the gain is lowered when the
oscillation is built up. This mechanism is achieved using gain control circuits.

Circuit 1: Zener Diode Limiter

- R3 /R1


- (R2 +R3 )/R1

R2 R3

Vi R1 I0
- R3 /R1

Consider +ve output, thus Io will be as shown.

At start of oscillation vi is small , v2 is small , Io is small, vR3 < ( VZ + VD ),
amplifier gain A = vo /vI = - ( R2 + R3) / R1.
As vo reaches -( VZ + VD ), the two zener diodes conduct shunting R3 , and the gain
becomes A = - R2 / R1.

Dr. M. M. Abdel Aziz

To get the amplitude of the output, use the following equations:

vI v v v
Assume vo is +ve  2  o 2,
R1 R2 R3
and v2  vo  VZ  VD 
The above two equations are solved for vo.

Circuit 2: Soft Diode Limiter

Consider vI is small , then vo is small, vA is +ve, and vB –ve,

Thus D1 and D2 are off, and
R 
vo   f vI (3)
 R1 
This is the first part of the transfer characteristics
Using superposition:

R3 R2
vA  V  vo
R3  R2 R3  R2
R4 R5
vB  V  vo (4)
R5  R4 R5  R4
As vI goes +ve. vo goes –ve ( eqn 3 ),and vA becomes less +ve .
As vI increases , -vo increases, and at vA = - 0.7 V, D1 conducts. The value of vo at
which vA = - VD is found from eqn. 4. This is the –ve limiting level L- .
R3 R2
 vD  V  vo
R3  R2 R3  R2
R3  R 
L  vo  V  VD 1  3 
R2  R2 

Dr. M. M. Abdel Aziz

  Rf  
The corresponding value of vI is: vI  L /    v1
 R1 
If vI > vI , R3 and Rf are parallel and the circuit gain becomes – ( Rf // R3 )/ R1.
Similarly, the slope in the +ve limiting region is – ( Rf // R4 )/ R1.

Circuit 3: Barreter and Thermistor Control Circuits:

a- Barreter
vo   R f 
A  
vI  Rb 
The barreter is a temperature controlled resistor with characteristics as shown in
Fig. b. It is made of metal whose resistance increases with temperature.
If vi decreases, i1 decreases, T decreases , Rb decreases, the gain A increases.
If vi increases, i1 increases, T increases , Rb increases, the gain A decreases.

iron tangestin copper

Vi Vo


b- Thermistor


Vi R1

It is made of a semiconductor material whose resistance value decreases with

temperature as shown
vo   Rth 
A  
vi  R1 
If vi increases, vo increases, io increases , T increases, Rth decreases, and the gain
A decreases.
The transfer characteristics of the amplifier is as shown

Dr. M. M. Abdel Aziz



3. Op-amp Comparators

Op-amps are often used to compare amplitude of one voltage with another . In this
application, it is used in the open-loop configuration.
a) Zero-Level Detector

Vi Vo



If vI < 0 , v o = L-. When vI crosses zero level, vo rises up to L+

The circuit is used as a squaring circuit to produce a square wave from a sine wave.

b) Non-Zero Level Detector


R1 R

Vo Vo Vo
+ Vz
VR + + +
V1 R2 V1 V1
- - -

(i) (ii) (iii)

The zero level detector can be modified to detect voltages other than zero by connecting a
fixed reference voltage as in Fig. (a), or a voltage divider (b) to set VR = R2/ (R1 + R2 ) V,
or using a zener diode (c) with VR = Vz.

When vI exceeds the reference voltage VR ,the output goes to its maximum +ve state L+.

Dr. M. M. Abdel Aziz

c) Output Bounding

In some applications, it is necessary to limit the output voltage of the comparator to a value
other than that provided by the saturation level.

-V D

Vi 2

-V Z
2 V +V
Vz 2

Vi R1

-V Z – V D
d) Window Comparator
2 V TH
Vi V TL2

As long as vi is within the window ( less than VTH and greater than VTL ), the output of
each comparator is L- , both diodes are off, vo = 0. When VTH < vi < VTL , one of the diodes
conducts and produces a high level L+.


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