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NOTIFl(lA'fION No.0l
It is hereby notified fbr the intbnration of all concerned that the Final Plactice of teaching
of B,Ed. Annual Examination 2019 and one time special chance. fbr Pvt. Candidatcs shall be
conductcd on 1610612021 at 10.00 anl sllarp through online nrode. The details fbr the conduct of
the same are reflected below:-

lloll \o. Namc oI thc (]a nd idatc ('ontact No. of thc l,ink for teaching Practice
ca ntlidltc
7720l(12 Manplcct Kour' 700681 7701 6 https//meetgoogle.conr/qby-

dawi-rjj?hs= I 22&autlrLtser I

7120111 Shx$ cta (; u plt 93 548883 53 -do-

77201t2 Sintl hu.ja (i upt a -do-

7 720197 Nl:rhrtr ce r ['arsatl 9797510686 -do-

7720198 Bhavanadccp Kour 9682657257 -do-

1720223 I lari \Iohan .lain 9950584298 -do-

71205l(t Pardcep Suingh 8492864820 -do-

7720522 Priya Slutrrttu 9988082429 -do-

7720535 Shash i Kottal 9(rlli986l I -do-

77205{0 Dipti Dirr art 788e826806 -do-

77 205.19 An u ratl lta Sha rtn a e8l58268r8 -do-

7 12 0 56 6
'l anvcct Ahntcd 95967231 88 -do-

17.0599 Rafia Maryam 8493 841466 -do-

7720603 Ranjeeta Kour 9797382051 -dt>


.TAMMU (l AWl)- 180006

t)t,],U'Iy REC tSl ti.Att ( ExANls.Pllolr.-l I)

('op\, 10:

t. Sr.l'.4. to C-ontroller of [-\alrinir(iottr.
1 Depuly Registrar (Er al.l'rof'-ll) Unir trsitl of Jammu'
uploadcd on
J. f.ogrr,n,n-a. lncharge (Compulcrs-Exa m inalions) with lhc rcqucst to gel thc notil'icalion
lhc f,\ir m itlation \rcbs ite: $ N $.cttciu.ctttn
{. P.(;. l)cparttnent 0f Iirlrrcation. Urrircrsitr of Janrmtt, 'lammtt
5. Assll. Rcgistrar (St)./ C(,Dduc( unit) Unirctsilr ofJatnnrtt'

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