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cloning - the effects of human cloning on society and its ethics

Cloning Ethics
The key objectives to human cloning are

1. Our own identity and originality on risk.

2. The human cloning will leads to distortion of bloodline or parentage

3. The human cloning results into production instead of reproduction.

4. The human cloning create unethical test.

Argument against

1. Cloning on animal is not very successful and we got results only in 2 to 3 percent
of all animal cloning
2. We could comfortably reproduce sick or healthy person through cloning without
taking their permission
3. Only dolly survived out of 29 implanted clonal embryos.
4. So it is obvious to think the same sort of failure rate in case of human cloning

The Aversion of Cloning

“Most people are confronting by nearly all aspects of human cloning.”

• Volume production or Reduplication of human beings;

• The concept of mother-daughter or father-son duplicate
• The concept of a woman carrying and cultivating a genetic copy of herself, her
partner, or a deceased loved one;
• The idea of realizing a child as an exact substitute for another who has died;
• The successful creation of carbon copy of oneself for “spare parts”;
• The idea of humans “playing Almighty or supernatural power”…
• Aversion is not an argument… but it may give back an insight that something has
been offended.
• “We sense that cloning represents a absolute degradation of our given nature as
procreative beings, and of the social relations built on this natural ground.”
The Great Debate

The following discussion will be a series of arguments against and for cloning. The first
discussion will look at it in an ethical aspect whereas the second discussion will look at
the scientific aspects.

Ethical Debate

Arguments Against:

1. Human Cloning create Unethical Test

• Cloning could easily be used to recreate living or ill persons without their
• The outcome of cloning (at least at first) will probably not be very great.
• Less than two to three percent of all animal cloning undertaking have attain good
• Before Dolly was created, Scottish scientists transferred 277 adult nuclei into
sheep eggs and implanted 29 clonal embryos. Dolly was the only living result.
• Many of the so-called “achievement” have included major ailment and
• There is good reason to think the same sort of outcome would be found in
undertaking at human cloning.
• “We cannot ethically even get to know whether or not human cloning is

2. Human Cloning -our own identity and originality on risk

• Even if human cloning were successful, the clone may experience concerns about
his distinctive identity:
• The person to whom he is identical will be his “father” or “mother”.
• Virtually no one will be able to treat his clone as he would a traditional child.
Inequality in standards of communication amongst clones. This will cause major
inequality with in society.
• “What will happen when the adolescent clone of Mommy becomes the spitting
image of the woman with whom Daddy once fell in love?”
• The life of the clone will constantly be scrutinized in relation to that of the older
• The cloning of celebrity will make the situation more awful.
• The diversity of life immensely decreases
• Confusion; people would not be able to tell their friends apart from another clone.

3. Human Cloning results into production instead of reproduction

1. Human cloning would symbolizet a big step toward turning reproduction into

• we have already taken steps in this area with in vitro fertilization and genetic
testing of embryos.
• Children would become simply another kind of man-made thing, with prospective
“parents” adopting a technocratic attitude towards their children.
• “The problem is that any child whose being, character, and capacities exist owing
to human design does not stand on the same plane with its makers.”
• The effect is the dehumanization of children and the lack of variation in human
• Eugenics: Human cloning would most certainly lead to eugenics. Eugenics is the
attempt to improve human beings not by improving there social, financial or
educational opportunities Eugenics is more about improving a persons physical
features eg having blue eyes, blond hair and being tall. Scientists can do this
modifying certain traits.

4. Human cloning will leads to distortion of bloodline or parentage

• Normally, in producing children, we embrace the novelty of the child, and accept
the limits of our control.
• Reproduction by human cloning will create a “absolute misinterpretation” of the
parent-child analogy.
• Children are not our assets or possessions.
• Children are supposed to live their own lives, not ours.
• Whereas most parents have hopes for their children, cloning parents will have
• “Cloning “seeks to makes one’s children after one’s own image (or an image of
one’s choosing) and their future according to one’s will.”
• Children will hold their cloners fully responsible for their nature and their nurture.

Arguments For:

1. Human Cloning could save many lifes

• Cloning could easily be used to reproduce living or deceased persons this could
end the pain and suffering.
• The success rate of cloning (at least at first) will probably not be very high.

1. 2. The Attributes of Humans could be made better

• Extraordinary humans could be produced and framed into the military and police
offering better protection to society
• People could become more creative and capable and give more to society this
will also reduce corruption and help us progress our living a lot more
• This could also improve transformation since humans would have all the
necessary characteristics to adapt to changes in the environment over time
• The life of People could be more than average and will be more pleasant

The Scientific Debate

Arguments For:

To establish new organs for transplantation in humanbeings. It will reduce

the time a patient waits for a transplant

• To obtain human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) for Regenerative Medicine

• Human cloning is used to develop an identical twin of an existing or previously
existing individual
• To engineer the clone of an individual with a genetic disorder such that the clone
would be identical except for the “repaired” gene
• ES cells could be derived from donated, or “abandoned” or “orphaned” embryos

For transplantation of immunologically identical tissue


I have taken all aspects of cloning into consideration and after long thought process
about cloning I came to a conclusion that cloning should be banned and it should not be
authorized As I feel that as we are advancing in the field of science and technology we
are starting to loose the morals and ethical thoughts that keep our society in place. Instead
of focusing too much on breaking the boundaries of science we should stop and think
about the possible consequences that may arise. I thought that cloning should not be
allowed because if we allow cloning then it will be against nature and I feel that if we
allow cloning then we will try to act like a god and its not in our hand to decide who
lives and dies? Its everyone right or everyone is entitled to give birth or become
intelligent. Although it would be unfair for us to intervene with nature .i feel that we
should find any other alternative apart from cloning so as to get cure for several disease .

In addition I feel cloning is the short cut to curing people’s insecurities or hardship’s. I
also predict that cloning may bring huge medical advances but these will only be bought
out by big commercial and military companies sidelining those infertile couples, cancer
patients and people who aren’t high up in the social class ladder. This means actual
stakeholders (people who are the target or people who are affected) for cloning will be at
loss since the technology supposedly designed for them will leave them out, only to be
given to those who are more privileged. This will create major inequality and may cause
wars and riots as a result.
Furthermore I think human cloning is a by product of greed and ignorance from other
scientists. Enhancing evolution would be extremely unfair towards other species cloning
could prepare most of us for any change in the environment by equipping us with the
appropriate characteristics, this will make it virtually impossible for the human race to
become extinct which could lead to immortality. I also strongly believe scientists have
leaped over the line along time ago and should put and end to this before anymore people
are affected.


• Is Human Reproductive Cloning Inevitable: Future Options for UN Governance

• United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), 6F
International Organizations Center, Pacifi co-Yokohama, 1-1-1 Minato Mirai,
Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-8502, Japan, Email: Website:
• Human Cloning, CRS Report for Congress – February 25, 2002, Judith A.
Johnson, Specialist in Life Sciences
• Domestic Social Policy Division
• Human Cloning : “A bridge too far” , A Presentation by the Hon Tony Abbott MP
• United States. Department of Energy. Office of Science. “Cloning Fact Sheet.” 29
Aug. 2006. Human Genome Project Information.
• Cloning: A Beginner’s Guide Aaron D. Levine is an Assistant Professor in the
School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech. His research focuses on the interface
between bioethics and public policy. Specifically, he studies the impact of ethical
controversy on scientific research, with a particular emphasis on emerging
biomedical technologies. His recent work has focused on stem cell policy and
includes several assessments of the impact of the unusual regulatory environment
on the international development of human embryonic stem cell science.

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