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Phạm Thị Hiên – BM3

Topic: The impact of Covid 19 on people’s life

Since 2020, humanity has experienced an unprecedented pandemic that is

Covid 19 pandemic. The pandemic is still going on and tends to get worse and
worse. As a result, this has caused serious impacts to people both physically and

Currently, coronavirus have been detected in humans in all countries

around the world and the bad impacts that need to be mentioned first is the
health and human problems. First, we can see that coronavirus is a new and
extremely dangerous virus so far, and it can easily spread through respiration. If
a person is infected with coronavirus, it attacks cells in human’s body and hurts
to important organs such as lungs, heart, brain, kidneys, liver and so on. Not
only that, coronavirus can quickly kill a healthy person in a short period of time,
so the mortality rate because of it is quite high, especially for the old people
and people who have chronic diseases. To illustrate this, according to some
online pages, on May 4, it recorded 775.817 new cases, 13.648 deaths in the
world, and 382.691 cases, 3.786 deaths in India after 2 months. In addition,
according to some public reports there are thousands of peoples who infected
with coronavirus every day and hence the hospitals and healthcare facilities
have become overcorowded. As a result, people’s health is not guaranteed due
to attacking of the coronavirus and shortage of medica equipment and medical
care services. For example, patients who have cancer, diabetes or heart diseases
need to be examined regularly, yet they must be stay at home because of social
distancing. Moreover, because of covid 19 pandemic, human’s life is seriously
affected. To be specific, due to social distancing and concentrated isolation in
some epidemic areas, every normal activities are suspended or changed. For
example, people are not allowed to gather in a place with large numbers or
organize parties, and classes are converted to online learning, even some people
must work at home. In short, covid 19 pandemic worsens human’s health and
serious affects to many aspects of human life.

On the other hand, another impact of covid 19 pandemic is economic

declining. Firstly, world economics have struggled with rising unemployment
rate. In fact, many people have lost their jobs or seen theirs incomes cut,
specially people work in the field of tourisms, hotels and services. This is
because the number of customers decreased significantly and service bussines
must to be suspended due to social distancing so the number of job
opportunities is limitted. Secondly, covid 19 pandemic has long-term impact to
businesses. In other words, businesses specially small bussiness must face a lot
of challenges in order to maitain activities of business. For example, they still
pay money for location rent, employees while they are not making a profit
because of decreasing consumers. Therefore, some businesses have to declare
bankruptcy because they can’t get through this economic crisis. Last but not
least, import and export industries of countries are restricted due to barrier of
epidemic prevention, so the goods cannot be consumed. As a result, state budget
reduce because of no tax collection from import and export industries while
goverment has to implement programs to support people and businesses. In
short, the covid 19 pandemic bring a big both supply and demand for an global

In conclusion, the covid 19 pandemic has reached almost every countries

and it is a horror to people around the world. Despite the development of new
vaccines but it is not enough to prevent the spreading speed of the virus. As a
result, it leads to an extremely consequence for people and a lot of serious
problems which people must face in the future.

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