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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is a disease-causing Virus that spreads from

person to person through respiratory droplets. This virus is spreading all over the
region. Many countries are implementing strict quarantines to control the
devastating spread of this highly contagious disease. Therefore, from the beginning
of 2020, the Covid 19 pandemic has greatly affected the lives of people around the
world. It has had a significant impact on the economy, education and occupation of
First of all, this pandemic has greatly affected the economies of many
countries. Due to social distancing, many factories have to close, factory workers
have to be isolated because some people are infected and others are at high risk.
The proof is that in Vietnam recently in Bac Giang province, there are 4 industrial
parks that had to stop production to control the spreading disease. This causes a
decrease in income for the company, and workers are not paid. The whole country
has many provinces and cities similarly affected, resulting in an impact on the
economy of the whole country.
In addition, the covid-19 pandemic has also had a significant impact on
education. Students in epidemic-affected localities must stay away from school to
prevent the spread of the disease. In fact, recently, schools across the country had to
suspend students, at the same time switch to online teaching and postpone year-end
exams. As a result, the quality of education will also be greatly affected. In short,
the covid 19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the education of countries
and the world.
Finally, the covid 19 pandemic has had a huge impact on global health.
Recently, according to reports, in India, the outbreak of disease has overloaded the
health sector, hospitals have not had enough ventilators and oxygen for a large
number of patients with severe Covid-19 infection. As a result, the mortality rate
from disease increases. In addition, the number of medical staff was limited, they
had to do their best to prevent epidemics and treat patients, and their working
capacity doubled and tripled compared to normal. So many of them were not
healthy enough to serve. In short, the covid 19 pandemic has severely affected the
health of countries.
Conclusion, the Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected people's lives. In
which the economy, education and health are affected the most by the covid

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