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The role of music in our life

Nowadays, it is often said that people’s life is strongly connected with music.
We are listening to music, dancing to music or learning how to play musical
instruments all the time. Music is everywhere: at home, in the concert halls, in the
parks, at the seaside, in the forests and even on the streets. I consider music to be the
greatest creation of mankind in the course of history. 
Firstly, music is an art that reflects our life. It influences people's ideas,
endeavors and attempts. Moreover, it develops our mind and boosts your self-
confidence. In our full with conflicts, tragedies, joys and hopes modern world, music
strives to speak to people about something important, urgent and poignant.
Secondly, music makes us creative. It is known that music is a key to
creativity. It forces people to take actions. According to research, when we try to
understand music, it makes our mind more creative. Someone starts to compose
music, while others play musical instruments; someone has found himself as a singer,
when others only listen to music. We also may prefer pop or rock music, country or
folk music, classical music or jazz, but we certainly cannot think of a day without
Furthermore, music makes us to express our emotions. Being a fan of pop
music, I can say that these breath-taking tunes would make everybody feel full of
energy. As a result, listening to music makes us remember happy and cheerful
periods of our life and forget the problems of everyday routine. It helps us to relax
when we are exhausted and entertains us when we have a desire to make fun.
Taking everything into consideration, I strongly believe that music plays a
very important role in people's life. It reflects our moods and emotions. Music
appeals to our hearts and transforms our feelings. It conquers our souls and enriches
our minds. Besides, listening to music is the perfect way to spend free time and not to
feel bored.

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