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Teacher tries to catch the attention of students about the topic and also she tries to motivate
students to listen. Therefore, she starts with a warm greeting and she brings a puppet to the
classroom and introduces the puppet to the students.

Teacher: ‘Guys, thats Pooky. Say hello to Pooky.’

Students: ‘Hello Pooky.’

Teacher: ‘Would you like to ask Pooky what he does today?’

Students: ‘Yes. What do you do today Pooky?’

HI !!! I AM POOKY !!!☺☺

(The teacher makes the puppet talk.)

(While the tacher makes the puppet talk she tries at the same time to show them)

Pooky: ‘I wake up early in the morning. Do you wake up early everyday?’

Students: ‘Yes Pooky.’

Pooky: ‘Good job! I wash my face and I brush my teeth. Do you wash your face and brush your

teeth every morning ?’

Students : ‘Yes Pooky’

Pooky: ‘Well done! I comb my hair. I put my clothes on. Do you comb your hair every

morning ?’

Students: ‘Yes Pooky.’

Pooky: ‘Well done! I have my breakfast. I never forget to drink milk with my breakfast. Do you

drink every morning milk ?’

Students: ‘Yes Pooky.’

Pooky: ‘Very good!! It is important to grow up. I prepare my school bag. Then, I go to the school.

Do you prepare your school bag?’

Students: ‘Yes Pooky.’

Pooky: ‘You are great!! Very good!!!’

Then teacher plays the song three times about daily routines. She asks her students to listen
carefully. She plays the video two times for her students to understand better. For the last time
she opens only the song and she makes the puppet dance in harmony with the lyrics. And asks
them to sing and imitate the puppet.

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