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It is one of the most pressing problems and the harmful effects of environmental deterioration of our
planet, which humanity has caused.
A. Corruption
B. Massive bushfires
C. Rise of sea levels
D. Climate change
4. Why is Laudato Si addressed to "every person living on this planet"?
A. We are all sinners.
B. We are all in danger.
C. We are all affected.
D. We are stewards of the earth.
5. Pope Francis affirms that the ecological crisis is about the collapse of the planet's ecosystems and a
theological issue, symptomatic of a more profound spiritual crisis.
A. True
B. False
6. It is a vital tool to understand the ecological crisis & to respond to it effectively.
A. Ad Gentes
B. Caritas in Veritate
C. Laudato Si
D. Populorum Progressio
7. Contemporary ecological crisis points to our forgetfulness of a more profound truth:
A. Natural resources are limited.
B. Poor people suffer too much.
C. God will punish us because of our sins.
D. The world is above all God's Creation.
8. PCP II pointed out this tendency that causes us to be reactive with our relationship with God, others,
and our nature.
A. Changing the history
B. Being indifferent to others.
C. Forgetting the lessons of our past
D. Discriminating our memories.
9. In our current situation, we have been accustomed to look at the natural world in this way:
A. Waste
B. Burden
C. Unlimited
D. Commodity
10. Catholic Church believes in Creation in this way:
A. Gift for everyone
B. A way of survival
C. Unlimited resources
D. God's first revelation
11. What do we mean: "Creation is a profound act of love on the part of God"?
A. God was forced to create.
B. Creation is God's initiation.
C. There was a need in God to create.
D. Creation is one way to realize our dependence on God.
12. What do we mean: "Creation is very good in God's own eyes."
A. Creation is dependent on God.
B. Every Creation has an intrinsic value.
C. We have all the dominion as stewards.
D. All Creation exists without the need of God.
13. The world of animals, forests, mountains, and waters is inextricably part of God's good news
for us.
A. They are created for our means.
B. We should use them for us to survive.
C. We do not have the right to exploit them.
D. We are meant to be the center of Creation.
14.The world of animals, forests, mountains, and waters express and participate in the mystery of
the salvation of God.
A. They are created for our food.
B. They are dependent on God's mercy.
C. They sustain their lives through God.
D. Their very existence gives glory to God.
16. What do we mean: "Creation is a profound act of love on the part of God"?
A. Creation is just an accident.
B. Creation was willed from the beginning.
C. There was a need in God to create.
D. God was just forced to create.
17. God, through his creations, is always inviting us to love him back.
A. Throughcare
B. Through communion
C. Through stewardship
D. Through repentance
18. It was God's first and primordial revelation.
A. Humanity
B. Creation
C. Jesus Christ
D. Church
19. This is the first source of our knowledge about God's existence.
A. Faith
B. Creation
C. Ecological Crisis
D. Social Justice
20. A magnificent saint who praises God in Creation. He called the sun his brother, the moon his
sister, and the earth as mother.
A. St. Dominic
B. St. Francis of Assisi
C. St. Francis Xavier
D. St. Thomas Aquinas
21. While human beings are Imago Dei, created realities are Vestigia Dei, meaning:
A. Messengers of God
B. Love of God
C. Traces of God
D. Likeness of God
22. Jesus invited his disciples to recognize the paternal relationship God has with all his creatures
with his words, "Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and
yet your heavenly Father feeds them." Jesus meant this way:
A. God's responsibility to his creations
B. God's love and care to every Creation
C. God's love to animals than to us humans
D. God infinite justice to his creations
23. According to Pope Paul VI in his encyclical, Populorum Progressio, he mentioned that
authentic development could not be restricted to economic growth alone; it must be well-rounded
and must foster each man's development and of the whole man.
A. True
B. False
24. What do we mean development means peace?
A. Employment and high wages
B. Mass production and factories
C. Wealth sought for personal comfort.
D. Economic order designed for everyone's welfare.
25. Development must be understood solely in economic terms but in a fully human way.
A. True
B. False
26. The apex of development is the exercise of the right and duty to seek God, know him, and live
according to that knowledge.
A. True
B. False
26. Poor families living beside the train rails were displaced by the local government to a housing
project with a near-by piggery area.
A. Authentic Development
B. Misguided Development
27. According to Pope Benedict XVI in his encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, mentioned that
development needs, above all, to be true and integral.
A. True
B. False
28. Why did Pope Benedict argued that development must include not just material growth but
also spiritual growth?
A. Because we have freedom.
B. Because we are moral beings.
C. Because we are destined to heaven.
D. Because we are a unity of body and soul.
29. What do we mean, "A humanism which excludes God is an inhuman humanism"?
A. Inculturation is the key to success.
B. Humanism must be open to all religions.
C. God has control over our current situation.
D. Humanism must lead us to the Absolute Truth, God.
30. What is our relationship with the environment, and how should we treat it?
A. God created it, and we are the owners.
B. God gave it as a gift for us to care.
C. God instructed us to have dominion over them.
D. God provided us the nature for our means of survival.
31. Pope Francis mentioned in his encyclical the key towards Authentic development.
A. Peace
B. Conscience
C. Social Love
D. Responsibility
32. A trend that ruthlessly consumes, exploits, and discards human life and our natural resources as one
of the root causes.
A. Relativism
B. Consumerism • not sure
C. Individualism
D. Throw-away Culture
33. Our quest for harmony with God and all Creation in response to God's call to stewardship does not
end in our concern for nature alone but flows into our concern for one another.
A. Peace and order
B. Climate emergency
C. Social Responsibility
D. Justice for the Poor
34. It is inconsistent to combat trafficking in endangered species while remaining completely
indifferent to human trafficking, unconcerned about the poor, or undertaking to destroy another human
being deemed unwanted.
A. True
B. False
35. It follows that our indifference or cruelty towards this world's fellow creatures sooner or later
affects the treatment we mete out to other human beings.
A. True
B. False
36. Every act of cruelty towards any creature is "not contrary to human dignity."
A. True
B. False
37. Our stewardship of one another takes the form of special concern to attain justice for the poor,
neglected, and marginalized, for we all have the same heavenly Father.
A. True
B. False
39. This is a concern that directly connects to poverty and development as the poor in the rural areas are
now dependent on biodiverse resources for food, fuel, shelter, medicine, and livelihood.
A. Biodiversity x
B. Urbanization Y
C. Economic Depression
D. Natural Resources
40. Poverty and environmental degradation mutually reinforce each other.
*A. True
B. False

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