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TOPIC 2. Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Modelling – Multiphase Flow 2

1 A horizontal 6 inch diameter pipeline is used to transport 3 kg/s air and 15 kg/s
water. Given that the density of water is 1000 kg/m3, and that of the air is 20.5 kg/m3
at the pipeline condition. Determine the following:
a) The quality value
b) The superficial velocity for each phase
c) The void fraction
d) The slip velocity
e) The mixture density
f) Average velocity of the mixture

2 A subsea tie back (a pipeline linking a subsea well head to a production platform),
records the pressure at the well head as 25 bar, 200°C. A multiphase flow meter
reports the volumetric flowrate of oil at 20 m3/hr, and the flowrate of gas as 10 m3/hr.
Pipeline has a diameter of 4 inches. Assume the gas behaves as an ideal gas and
has an average molar mass of 20 kg/kmol. Take the density of the oil at the well
head is 800 kg/m3, viscosity as 2cP. Gas viscosity can be taken as 0.005cP.
Calculate the following:
a) The density of the gas at the well head
b) The superficial velocity of each phase.
c) The quality and void fraction
d) The pressure loss (per m length of pipe) along this pipe, assuming that
mixture properties can be used as opposed to conventional two phase
equations. Compare the value against the pressure loss if there was only oil
or gas in the pipeline and hence comment if a calculation using mixture
properties gives a more appropriate result.

3 A 5 inch diameter pipeline carries 120 m3/hr saturated water at a pressure of 20 bar.
At some point the pressure drops to 10 bar and a two phase mixture is created.
Assuming the process is adiabatic, determine the following:
a) The temperature of the mixture after the pressure reduction point.
b) The void fraction and quality of the mixture
c) Superficial velocities of both phases.

Hint – you need to read through your 2nd year material to answer parts of this

TOPIC 2. Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Modelling – Multiphase Flow 3

4 A horizontal pipeline from a production well head sends fluid to a receiving tank,
some 20m distant. The pipeline is 3 inches in diameter and carries 10 kg/s gas and 4
kg/s liquid. Physical properties of the gas and liquid are given below. Calculate the
frictional pressure drop through this pipeline for each of the pure phases and hence
the overall frictional pressure drop for the mixture:
Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (cP)
Gas 70 0.4
Liquid 980 4.6
Use the Chisholm set of coefficients

5 Determine the flow regime for vertical upward flow of 0.8 kg/s of a mixture,
properties given below, in a vertical 0.1 m diameter tube 25% quality.
Density (kg/m3)
Gas 6.785
Liquid 1358

TOPIC 2. Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Modelling – Multiphase Flow 4

6 An offshore fixed production platform sits in some 50m water and is used to process
fluid from a gas condensate field. Measured production rates of gas and oil are on
average 0.8 mmscfd, and 1000 barrels/day. Delivery pressure at the surface
platform separator is 10 bara. Properties of each phase are given below. Assuming
there is no phase change in the vertical section, determine the following:
a) The expected flow pattern in the vertical section.
b) The pressure loss due to friction in the line.
c) The pressure at the bottom of the pipeline.
Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (cP)
Gas 70 0.04
Liquid 890 2.0

Take the gas density at standard conditions to be 24 kg/m3. Use the Lockhart Martinelli
method. Riser diameter is 3 inches.

mmscfd means million standard cubic feet per day of gas. You will have to convert to

7 API 14E gives the maximum velocity that can be used in a pipeline to avoid internal
erosion/corrosion. A pipeline is 3 inches in diameter and carries a gas at a pressure
350 psig, temperature 20°C. Determine the maximum velocity allows in this pipeline
to avoid erosion and hence your recommendation for the maximum flowrate this
pipeline can carry. Take the average molar mass of gas as 20 kg/kmol and the
compressibility factor to be 0.89

8 A gas export pipeline is to carry 120 mmscfd of gas, from an offshore gas production
platform to a receiving terminal 20 km away. The majority of the pipeline runs along
the sea bed, cooling the gas to a temperature of 5°C. A preliminary design suggests
the pipeline diameter is to be 14 inches and the inlet pressure should be 20 barg.
Assuming the gas does not change phase, answer the following:
a) Calculate the density of the gas at the pipe inlet conditions and hence the
average gas velocity at the inlet pipe conditions
b) Calculate the frictional pressure drop along the line, using the standard
methods for incompressible fluids.
c) Using the answer from part b), calculate the pressure at the pipe exit hence
the gas velocity at the pipe exit.

TOPIC 2. Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Modelling – Multiphase Flow 5

d) Recommended gas velocity limits are usually 15 m/s. Compare the inlet and
exit velocities and comment if this limit has been exceeded. What would you
recommend to the pipeline design team?
Average molar mass of gas is 18 kg/kmol. Compressibility factor at all conditions is Z=1.

9 During initial production phase, fluid from a newly completed well is analysed and
found to contain solids. The size distribution of the sand is given as a cumulative
wt% that is retained on a sieve tray. From the given data, determine:
a) The mean size of the sand sample
b) Using this mean size, determine the settling velocity in water and in oil
c) A horizontal pipeline from the well head to the production platform is 5 inches
in diameter, 20 m long. It is expected that the pipeline contains both water and
oil but there is no other information than the density and viscosity of the
phases. Determine the minimum fluid velocity that must be used in order to
prevent sand from blocking the tubing, and hence the volumetric flowrate

Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (cP)

Oil 830 3.0
Water 1010 1.1
Sand 1522 -

Note: The standard method for determining the size of sand particles is to use a
sieving device or laser diffraction particle size system. A sand sample is loaded onto
the top of a stack of sieves. Each sieve has a mesh that decreases in size so that
when sand is poured into the tope sieve, smaller sand particles fall through the sieve
and stopping only if the sieve has smaller holes than the sand particle size. The
weight of sand that collects on a particular sieve is recorded and hence gives a
measure of number of particles. The average sand size will come from the particular
sieve that splits the mass 50:50.

TOPIC 2. Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Modelling – Multiphase Flow 6





Cumula&ve  wt%  






0   0.005   0.01   0.015   0.02   0.025   0.03   0.035   0.04   0.045  
Size  (Diameter)  (mm)  

10 A 8 inch diameter pipeline carries 20 m3/min oil and 10 m3/min water a distance of
10m. Calculate the following:
a) The superficial velocities of both phases, and hence the Reynolds numbers
b) The frictional pressure drop according to the Lockhart-Martinelli method for
two liquid phases, using constants C1=60 and C2=1.28
c) Comment on the validity of the method for the pressure drop given the answer
to part a

Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (cP)

Oil 890 3.5
Water 1020 1.1
Interfacial tension. 5.6 N/m

TOPIC 2. Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Modelling – Multiphase Flow 7

Answers to numerical questions

1. a) 0.231, b) 0.548 m/s, 8.02 m/s, c) 0.5, d) 14.634, e) 510 kg/m3, 1.4 m/s
2. 12.7 kg/m3, 0.685 m/s, 0.343 m/s, 0.0079, 0.5, 90 Pa/m (single phase pressure
drops are 45 Pa/m, 0.13 Pa/m)
3. 180°C, 0.072, 0.5, 2.3 m/s, 31.5 m/s
4. 33.31kPa, 0.49kPa. 82.5 kPa (mixture)
5. Churn flow (superficial velocity 0.056m/s, vapour 3.75 m/s
6. a) Annular flow, Reynolds 547600, 13680, b) 8.5 kPa, c) 266 kPa
7. 38 m/s, 0.173 m3/s (To be safe, best to used C=150 not C=200)
8. a) 16.3 kg/m3, 13.8 m/s, b) 7.8 bar, c) 22 m/s, d) Increase pipe diameter, use
higher inlet pressure
9. a) 7.5 microns, b) 7 microns/s, 14 microns/s, c) 2.5 m3/day
10. a) 5.1, 2.6m/s, 265600, 484200, b) 0.138 MPa, c) With the relatively high degree
of turbulence, its possible that this mixture is well dispersed so a mixture density
may be the better way to approach this. Depends on the dispersed droplet size
and how these would collect on the pipe wall.


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