What Will Happen If We Don

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Good morning everybody, let me introduce myself first, my name is
Gamma Rais Rizani and i’m from Faculty of Civil and Environtmental
Engineering. I’m standing here to give you a presentation about “What
Will Happened If We Don’t Stop The Global Warming”. Maybe this topic is
too common for us but i want to remind us all about the global warming,
and i hope this presentation will make us all realize the effects of global
warming. I divide this presentation to 4 main points, that is what is the
global warming itself, what are the effects, what will happened in the
future, and how can we stop it. I’ll only take 15 until 20 of your time, and
if you confused and want to ask a question about my presentation, just
feel free to ask me after i finish my presentation, so let’s start the


a.What Is The Global Warming Itself

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's

near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected
continuation. According to the 2007 Fourth Assessment Report by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global surface
temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the 20th
century.[2][A] Most of the observed temperature increase since the middle
of the 20th century has been caused by increasing concentrations of
greenhouse gases, which result from human activity such as the burning
of fossil fuel and deforestation.[3] Global dimming, a result of increasing
concentrations of atmospheric aerosols that block sunlight from reaching
the surface, has partially countered the effects of warming induced by
greenhouse gases.
1880-2009 Global mean surface temperature difference relative to
the 1961–1990 average
b. What Are The Effects


Global warming has a direct impact on the continued melting of ice in

polar regions. Ice melting in Greenland has almost reach 19 million tons!
And the volume of ice in the Arctic in the summer of 2007, only half of
which there are 4 years earlier!

The melting ice is progressing much faster than predictive models ever
created by scientists. Some early predictions that have been made
previously estimated that the polar ice caps will disappear in the years
2040 and 2100. But the annual ice data recorded until 2007 to make them
think again about the model predictions have been made previously.


Melting of ice at the north pole and south pole has a direct impact on sea
level rise (chart alongside shows the results of sea level measurements
during the last few years). Experts estimate if all of Greenland melts. Sea
level will rise up to 7 meters! Enough to sink the entire beach, harbor, and
the lowlands around the world.

Sea level has soared as high as 120 meters since the peak of the ice age
18,000 years ago. The highest increase in sea level occurred before 6,000
years ago. Since 3,000 years ago until the beginning of the 19th century,
sea level is almost fixed only grow 0.1 to 0.2 mm / year; since 1900, sea
level rise 1 to 3 mm / year; since 1992 satellite altimetry TOPEX /
Poseidon indicates the rate of sea level rise of 3 mm / year. This change
could be an early sign of the effects of global warming on sea level rise.
Global warming is expected to have a significant influence on sea level
rise in the 20th century


NASA states that the global warming impacts on the more extreme
changes in weather and climate. The pattern of rainfall changes can be
predicted without causing flooding in one place, but the drought
elsewhere. Hurricane and tropical storm was about to emerge with a
tendency more and more powerful.

Without strengthened by the statement above NASA-ever you can already

see its effect on the environment around us. You certainly realize how hot
the temperature around you lately. You can also see how it can not be
predicted arrival of the rainy season or drought which resulted in losses
for farmers because planting season is supposed to do during the dry
season turned out to rain. You can also look at cases of extreme storms
that have never hit certain areas in Indonesia. In recent years we are
increasingly being hit by the storms that disrupt shipping and transport
either via sea or air.

If the phenomenon in the country is still not enough for you, you can also
look at international news about natural disasters. Hurricane storm in
Japan and the United States continues to break new records from year to
year. You can look at this information through the mass media and
internet. Not a single continent in the world that escape from this extreme


Global Warming cause heat waves become more frequent and stronger.
Year 2007 is a new record-breaking year for the temperature reached by
the usual heat wave hit the United States.

Local St. George, Utah holds the record with the highest temperature
reached 48 ° Celsius! (For comparison, you can imagine the temperature
of the famous city of Surabaya hot 'only' ranged between 30 ° -37 °
Celsius). Temperatures in St.. George was followed by Las Vegas and
Nevada that reached 47 ° Celsius, and several other cities in the United
States that the average temperature above 40 ° Celsius. Death Valley
region in California even had time to record the temperature of 53 °

Attacks heat wave this time even forced the government in several states
to declare a state of emergency standby 1. The attacks of that year took
some of the victims died (because of the heat), turn off the hundreds of
freshwater fish, damaging crops, triggering a severe forest fire, and kill

In 2003, the South European region also never had an attack of severe
heat wave that resulted in no less than 35,000 people died with the
victims of most of France (14 802 inhabitants). France is a country with
the highest casualties for not unprepared residents and local governments
on the phenomenon of heat wave that big. Other casualties scattered
from England, Italy, Portugal, Spain and other European countries. This
heat wave also caused severe drought and crop failure in the area evenly

Maybe we do not experience heat waves are all-powerful as experienced

by Europe and the United States, but through observation and from what
you feel everyday. You can also feel how hot the temperature around you.
Just look at how often you hear or may pronounce themselves words like:
"how hot is today!"


Glacier is a huge chunk of ice that forms on the surface of the ground
which is the sediment accumulation of snow which petrified during the
period of time. Currently, the perennial ice cover about 10% of land on
earth. Although many people who think there's always glaciers in the
polar regions, in fact they can also be in an area of high mountains on all
continents, except Australia, there are also even in the high mountains in
the area near the equator.

The melting glaciers threaten world water supply, and in the long term will
contribute to increased levels of sea water world. And unfortunately that's
what happened today. World's glaciers are melting at an alarming until
the point!.

NASA notes that from 1960 to 2005 alone, the number of glaciers in
various parts of the world who lost no less than 8,000 cubic meters! NASA
scientists have now realized that the melting glaciers, melting ice at both
poles of the earth, the earth's global temperature increases, until the
rising sea level is evidence that the planet is constantly being heated. And
ensured that the race of men that are responsible for this.

c. What will happened in the future

The Great Barrier Reef will be vanished in 2030

Great Barrier Reef threatened to damage caused by heating water within

the next 20 years. Charlie Veron, former chief scientist of Australian
Institute of Marine Science, told The Times: “There is no way out, there is
no gap. Great Barrier Reef will expire within 20 years or more” In the year
2030 until 2060, all existing coral reef predicts the world will be extinct
because of global warming.

The Amazon Forest will become a desert

Filled with millions of species and one-fifth of the worlds fresh water, the
Amazon forest is the world’s largest tropical forest. However, global
warming and deforestation which reverses the role of forests as a carbon
sink, change 30-60% of the rain forest into a dry savannah. Projections
show the Amazon forest could disappear entirely by 2050

Sahara Desert will become green

The Scientist look at signals that the Shara desert and the Sorrounding
area will be filled with trees because of increased rainfall. If sustained this
rain could revitalize the drought-stricken areas reclaiming them for the
agricultural community. Desert Shrinking trends are supported by climate
models, which predict the return to conditions that alter the sahara into a
lush grassland as about 12000 yars ago.

The Storms will become stronger than Katrina

Not yet determined whether Katrina was related to global warming, but
there are indocations that global warming will produce more than 5
categories of hurricane ane Katrina was only Category 4 when it hit the
Lousiana city. Global Wrming also makes hurricanes more destructive by
raising the sea level, causing coastal flooding become more dangerous.

2000 small islands in Indonesia will be vanished

At least 200 small islands that are located troughout the Indonesian
archipelago predicted might be lost in 2030 as a result of excessive
mining activities and other environtmental damage. So far, Indonesia has
lost more than 24 islands of about 17,500 islands owned by Indonesian

London will be drowned in 2100

This is not only occurs in low –lying coreal reefs and islands are under
threat from global warming. In fact, the major threat for large urban areas
at high risk because it can be submerged by water. This is caused by
changes in sea level that occured when global warming occurs. Dozens of
cities in the world, including London and New York, could be flooded by
the end of this century. According to research showing that global
warming will increase sea levels more rapidly than previous thought.
London is one of the main capitals of the world most high risk affected by

Animals will shrink

Warming climate could support a small species of large species. Based on
the analysis of body mass of fish, plankton and bacteria in European
ecosystems, scientist reported that the body of sheep on an idland in
Scotland which is shrinking due to warm conditions. The new study
suggests that individual species lost an average of 50% of their body
mass during the last 30 years. Reduced body size is a third ecological
response to global warming.

Terrorism and criminalism everywhere

Global warming could shake the faith of poor people around the world,
large scale mass migration can create breeding grounds for terrorist in the
world. People tend to flee to a country thet has a stable state, and some
may turn to terrorism. According to the Chairman of the National
Intelligence Council in the U.S., refugees due to economy would see an
addtional reason to leave their homes because the climate is harsher.
That will put pressure on countries receiveing refugees, because of
Mount Alpen will be melted completely

Glaciers that occurs in warm season, dry season, and summer season by
global warming, and despite the falling snow in the 2008-2010 season is
very big. Overall the las few years have seen a lack of snow which is low
altitude, with glaciers and reflux melting permafrost highter, with
significant impact on winter tourism activities. It is estimated that the
glaciers would disappear between 2030 and 2050

Maldives will be shrink

The lowest and flattest country in the world will suffer erosion that
threatened the coast, and can drown if sea levels continue to rise, with
the emergence of the island are smaller. Extreme predictions are so
alarming citizens and bad news for tourists who like to tour the beaches of
d. How can we stop it

1. We have to realize

2. Put the itter on it’s place

3. Stop smoking

4. Use your air conditioner efficiently

5. Use 3R concept: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

6. Fill the terrace with plants

7. Change your light bulb to CFL lightbulb

8. Use public transport

9. Say no to plastic

10. Dry your laundry outdoor

11. Use your electricity efficiently

12. Spread these messages to other

we have to realize what will happen in the future if we do not cherish our
earth itself, in the event in the future, then our children and grandchildren
who will bear it. then we must move from now and start from ourselves

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