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Case Study Panel on the 2nd of June 2021

Case Study an Own Goal

 Basic Information about the own goal:
Two parties one is Mr Haider, owner of Al Ansar football club, another one is Ahlan Wilhelm,
agent of goalkeeper.
- Lebanon football club Al Ansar.
- Delegator of Danish goalkeeper
- A negotiation process to sell goalkeeper to Al Anser
- Terms of contract were ridiculously low.
- Unwillingness to give any financial assurance by Mr Haider
- Middle East Culture
- Disgruntled at a formal meeting.
- Breaking promise not concerning about time management.
Question 01: What is the significant of case’s title?
- In this case study, both parties had similar perceptions to achieve a goal but the way of
dealing was different.
- Clear negotiation process
- Eagerness have seen on both parties towards a goal
Question 02: How would you define the problem from your perspective?
- A casual approach by club owner
- Possibility of leaking information in the aspect of negotiation to the international press.
- No sign of trustworthiness among both of them
- Lack of cross cultural communication
- Absent of formal meeting atmosphere
- Lack of intercultural competence/ cross cultural knowledge
- Environment of negotiation quite embarrassing
- Failing to understand club owner psychology
Question 03: What do you think has caused the so called stalemate? Refer to cultural values
outlines in this chapter that have had an impact on the way the agent handled his encounter
with Mr Haider. Mention in particular, Issues relating to:
- Keeping the deal unfinished due to the indifferentness of the club owner towards
financial assurance and fear of leaking confidentiality
- Absence of sincerity on deal as well as towards Wilhelm
- Lack of punctuality
- Perception was different from the both parties (one is casual, reluctant and indifferent to
make a deal on the contrary another one is very formal, sincere and punctual towards
making the contract effective
- Approaches of club owner unlikely to Mr Wilhelm based on financial guarantee and sign-
in fee
- Mutual respect, intercultural behavior, gesture and atmosphere of a contract environment
need to be learned
- No worries of time management
- Trying to extend the time and discuss it another day (Mr Haider)
- Giving a floor, flexibility and moderation to rethink about the deal.
- Big communication gap among both parties.
- Cultural behavior, social values, and family tradition should be learned while dealing
with the Middle East party.
- Contract form was not structurally formatted.
- Absence of sincerity for making deals effectively.
Question 04: How do you think Wilhelm can rescue the deal?
- Wilhelm needs to be more patient and make a deal in an effective manner.
- Looking forward to see what condition may arise from the club owner
- Endeavoring to get the psychology of Mr Hiader.
- Keeping faith in Mr Haider about confidentiality as he ensured that there will be any issues.
- Agent needs to be more sophisticated until the contract fixed.
- Handling the situation as effectively as possible.
- Should have a continuous approach to convince the club owner.
- Wilhelm may learn how to compromise while dealing with someone like Mr Haider.
Question 05: How can Wilhelm best prepare for any future negotiation in the Middle East
on behalf of his football client? Discuss with your fellow students, taking into account the
responses you all gave to question 4.
- Intercultural communication competence and cultural barriers should be learned.
- Social norms, religious values and traditional behavior of the Middle East should be taken
into account.
- May enlarge skills to be more adapted in any culture.
- Self-motivation and compromise should have more in the negotiation process.
- Making a deal format on the basis of customer/client preference.
- Care about family or client gestures before making any deal.
- Keeping faith on potential party

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