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STORY: Jubaland State commemorates the International

Day of African Child

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1. Wide shot - residents of Kismayo gather to commemorate the International Day of

the African Child
2. Med shot - participants reading material for the commemoration
3. Close up shot - a participant at the celebration
4. Close up shot - another participant attending
5. Close up shot - an elderly attending
6. Med shot - a participant reading
7. Med shot - another participant attending
8. Wide shot - residents reading the commemoration material
9. Med shot - Gloria Jaase, AMISOM Protection Officer and Abdikadir Abdi Yare, the
Director of children and family affairs in the Jubaland Ministry of Women and Human
10. Med shot - an elderly woman reading
11. SOUNDBITE: (SOMALI) Abdikadir Abdi Yare, the Director of children and family
affairs in the Jubaland Ministry of Women and Human Rights
“Today is the international day of the African child, 16 June and it is a day that is
marked annually to discuss the rights of the children. Every year the celebration
focuses on a certain theme based on the action points that are to be implemented,
putting into consideration that the needs of the children are supposed to be realized.
The safety of the children is an important and holistic issue that covers health,
education so that children are raised well”

12. Med shot - Gloria Jaase, AMISOM Protection Officer

13. Med shot - participants at the event
14. Wide shot - Gloria Jaase, AMISOM Protection Officer and other participants
15. Close up shot - a senior AMISOM police officer
16. Med shot - Gloria Jaase, AMISOM Protection Officer and Abdikadir Abdi Yare, the
Director of children and family affairs in the Jubaland Ministry of Women and Human
17. Med shot - Gloria Jaase, AMISOM Protection Officer and a senior AMISOM police
18. SOUNDBITE: (ENGLISH) Gloria Jaase, AMISOM Protection Officer
“Today, we are celebrating the African child. It is the day of African child. Thirty years
after the adoption of African charter on the welfare and the rights of African
children, we are also highlighting the need for the African member states to
accelerate the implementation of agenda 2040 and to ensure the protection of
children. In Somalia, we are focusing especially on the protection of children in
situations of armed conflict and we are hoping that the processes will continue.
Somalia is already a signatory to the African charter on the rights and welfare of
children and AMISOM is an opportunity on this day to call on the government of
Somalia to speed up the process to ratify the convention.””

19. Med shot - Hawo Kassim Warsame, a member of Jubaland women's organization
20. Close up shot - an elderly man at the event
21. Close up shot - a participant taking notes
22. SOUNDBITE: (SOMALI) Hawo Kassim Warsame, a member of Jubaland women's
“To me this is a great day. It shows me that children are valued and their (existence)
is celebrated and it is an important day to me because I am a mother. My children
will get thrilled during the celebration of International day of African children
because they get to know that they have a day set aside for them”

23. Med shot - participants attending

24. Med shot - participants taking notes
25. Wide shot - residents of Kismayo gather to commemorate the International Day
of the African Child

Jubaland State commemorates the International Day of African Child

Kismayo, 17 June 2021—The Jubaland State of Somalia joined the rest of the African
continent in celebrating the International Day of the African Child, with a
commitment from the government to protect the rights of children.
The celebrations, organized by the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in
collaboration with Jubaland Ministry of Women and Human Rights under this year’s
theme: “30 years after the adoption of the Charter: accelerate the implementation of
Agenda 2040 for an Africa fit for children”, was attended by representatives of
women groups, traditional elders, Internally Displaced People and members of civil
society organizations.
Speaking at the event, Abdikadir Abdi Yare, the Director of Children and Family
Affairs in the Jubaland Ministry of Women and Human Rights noted that his
administration has an agenda of promoting children’s rights and welfare.
“Every year, our ministry focuses on specific action points that are to be
implemented in order for us to meet the needs of the children. Upholding the rights
of the children is an important and holistic issue that covers health, education,
physical well being and many other facets that are important to the overall well
being of children,” said Abdikadir.
Representing AMISOM, Gloria Jaase, AMISOM Protection Officer, called on the
Federal Government of Somalia to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The convention, among other commitments, recognizes that the child, for the full
and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family
environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.

“Today, we are celebrating the African child. Thirty years after the adoption of the
African Charter on the Welfare and the Rights of children, we are also highlighting
the need for African Union member states to accelerate the implementation of
agenda 2040 and to ensure the protection of children. In Somalia, we are focusing
especially on the protection of children in situations of armed conflict. Somali is
already a signatory to the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children and
AMISOM is taking an opportunity on this day to call on the government of Somalia to
speed up the process to ratify the convention,” she said.
Jase added, “Somalia is already a signatory to the African Charter on the Rights and
Welfare of Children and therefore it would be important for the government of
Somalia to speed up the process to ratifying the convention.”
The Day of the African Child is celebrated every year on June 16. It was initiated by
the Organization of African Unity (OAU) now African Union (AU) in memory of the
June 16, 1976, student uprising in Soweto, South Africa.

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