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For understanding, an analysis of the health of the battery and the safety and reliability of the
battery management system is designed. This system of battery management has some inputs
from the battery in the form of data and some outputs in the form of instruction to the system.
The inputs to the battery management system are the value of the voltage present at each cell of
the battery, the temperature of each cell individual and the current being delivered to the battery
cells. The output for the BMS system is the state of charge, state of health at the parent time
which is decreasing with the time and it also informs about the faults and the status indicators
about the battery (Szumanowski & Chang, 2008). The state of charge of each cell is analyzed
that how much voltage is reaming and while charging how much charging is done and how long
would it take to fully charge .the state of health of the battery is also analyzed by the BMS over
time like the performance of the battery tat current time relative to the battery timing when it was
new. It provides the info ratio about the percentage of the health of the battery (Chatzakis et al.,
2003). If it shows that the battery health is 80 % then 20% of the battery is heath is destroyed
over time and the performance of the battery is 80 % relative to the full capacity of performance
when the battery was newly installed. If the temperature is increasing or and high voltage is feed
to any cell due to any fault in the charging system them these can cause damage so the mange
system of the battery provides the indicator about the status of the battery health and safety and
detects faults which can cause any damage (Cheng et al., 2010).
This simulation battery management system is consists of battery cells, charging, discharging
and controlling systems. For the controlling system of BMS, a processor is used in the circuit
which collects the data from each cell and after processing an analysis the date according to the
algorithms provided. The charging system is constructed to charge the battery when it is deleted
a switching system is connected with the source of charge which turns on and off the charging
procedure. The same switching mechanisms are adjusted with the load when the load is applied
the switch is turned on the wise it is off. A cell balancing system is also utilized to charge and
discharge the cells of a battery at an equal rate on this balancing stem is also can be turned son
and of manually. Switchers are used to either allow the voltage or the instruction to pass or stop.
Some multiplexers are also used which decide according to the inputs at a specific time. Displays
are used for monitoring the values of the charging state, voltage of the cell and the voltage
provided by the battery. The scope is used for the graphical presentation of the voltage and

current of the cells and the rise and fall of the graph indicate the charging and discharging of the
cells. A power GUI is also placed in the simulation to provide the frequency input to the whole
circuitry to operate at a certain frequency.


Szumanowski, A., & Chang, Y. (2008). Battery management system based on battery nonlinear
dynamics modeling. IEEE transactions on vehicular technology, 57(3), 1425-1432.
Chatzakis, J., Kalaitzakis, K., Voulgaris, N. C., & Manias, S. N. (2003). Designing a new
generalized battery management system. IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics, 50(5),
Cheng, K. W. E., Divakar, B. P., Wu, H., Ding, K., & Ho, H. F. (2010). Battery-management
system (BMS) and SOC development for electrical vehicles. IEEE transactions on vehicular
technology, 60(1), 76-88.


Using the Simulink in Matlab software the simulation of battery management system contains
the following components:

 2 scopes
 3 battery cells
 7 Displays
 Resistive load
 Charging source
 3 Multiplexers
 3 Constant inputs
 5 Switches
 3 Multiplayers
 Power GUI
 BMS processor
 Inputs
 Outputs

Three lithium-ion battery cells are used for the simulations. These cells are connected with
charging and is charging mechanisms and also with the monitoring seems. A cell balancing
system is connected with the charging and discharging system with is used to balance the
charging and consumption of all cells equally. For the state of charging and discharging and
voltage of the cell, a monitoring system is connected. A processing box for the battery
management system is also connected using inputs and outs instruction and data ports. All the
sections of the battery management system work coherently with each other for the proper
desired outputs. Some switches are also used to provide the battery management system the
manual information about the charging and discharging state of the battery and also to turn on
and off the cell balancing system.

First of all the voltage source is connected with the cells along with a switch. That switch is
connected with a display that shows the power input from the voltage source and constant input.
If the input to the switch is provided 1 then the switch is working and if 0 is provided to the
switch then the switch is in the off state. This power input is then connected directly to the cell
balancing system. This balancing system also has a constant input. If the input of 1 is given then
the balancing system is on and working and if 0 is given to the manual input then the balancing
system is disabled and the charging and discharging work without maintaining equal voltage in
all the cells. This balancing system has an input from the processor providing the instructions
from the battery management processor. This manual input of 1 or 0 and input from the
processor is passed through a multiplier. That multiplier decides whether the output to the switch
would be one or zero the other input to the switch is from a resistor. The resistor is connected
from the positive terminal of the cell to the negative terminal of the cell. All the switches are
connected to each sells and all the cells are connected in a configuration the negative terminal of
one cell is connected to the positive of the other cell. Then the will has some outputs one is the
output which is connected to the processor of the battery management system.

There are two displays attached to each cell, one cell provides the monitoring of voltage of each
cell. It provides the information of each cell voltage at any given time. Then the display provides
the state of charging if the cell is charging or discharging and at what rate the cell is getting
power from the source or the rate of depletion od=f voltage to the load. A scope is also attached
to all the cells which show the status of the cells with graphs if the cells are charging then the
graphs of each cell are rising and vice versa. If there is an unbalance in the power of any cell
then it is clearly shown in the graph that e graph line is not behaving in the desired way. Cell
performance is continuously monitored by the graph and also the displays. These displays inform
about the battery conditions and the power consumption during use and the charging state.

Then the cells are connected to the output load which can be a motor for the electric vehicle or
any other device acting as load. Hera a resistor is connected to the betray management system as
a load. A switch mechanism is also connected to the path of cell circuitry and the load. If the
load is to be activated when the switch is on otherwise it is in the off state. This switch just like
the witch from the input power source is connected to an input that provides manually. If the
manual input receives 0 as input the output load is disconnected as the switch is in the on-off
state. If 1 is received at manual input the load is connected to the battery cell and they are
consuming power from the battery and the switch is at on state. A power GUI is also connected
in the simulation the provision of a specific frequency at which the whole circuitry is working.

The most important part of the simulation which acts as the brain for the simulation which is the
main decision-maker is a battery management system (BMS) processor. This processor has six
terminals connected to it in this simulation. Three terminals are inputs from the cells which
provide the information about the state of the cell and the other three terminals are outputs from
the processor. The outputs are connected to the cell balancing stem which is further connected to
the charging and discharging systems. The processor instructs the balancing system about the
increasing charge for one cell and decreasing for the other to balance the consumption or the
charging of any of the cells. The processor monitors the health of the cell and continuously
provides instruction to the system by receiving input from each cell in real-time. A built-in
processor is used and the parameters are provided manually according to the requirements. The
instructions for each cell charge-discharge mechanism are provided individually and the input is
also collected individually from each cell. The processor has a role of a decision-maker. The cell
which is selected for the simulation are lithium-ion cells with specific permeates like the related
capacity of each cell is 2.6 Ah and the nominal voltage for each cell is 3.7 volts. The initial state
of charge is also fed manually and the battery response time is also provided manually which is
30 seconds for this case.

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