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Demo teaching – Listening lesson plan


You are about to teach the below speaking session to a class of fourteen students at an English centre. They are Vietnamese and study in secondary school.

Task: Read the script and design ONE pre-listening activity, TWO while-listening activities and ONE post-listening activities.

Narrator: The bluefin tuna is one of the most amazing fish in the world. It's a different species from the tuna that you buy at the store in cans. A bluefin tuna
can grow to be 12 feet long, and it can weigh more than 1,500 pounds. It's a beautiful fish, too, silver-colored with marks of yellow and blue. With
its strong body, it can swim more than 25 miles an hour, and it can live for up to 30 years.
Unfortunately, the bluefin tuna is also delicious, because it has a lot of fat in its body. In Japan, people use it to make sushi, and in Europe, people
love to cook big pieces for tuna steaks. Every year, fishing boats catch more and more of these fish, and now they are in danger of disappearing. If
the boats catch too many big bluefins, there won't be any young fish in the future.
In the past, bluefin tuna also lived in the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. But in the 1990s, almost all of these fish were caught. Only 10 percent
of the original population of bluefins was left. So the biggest fishing boats moved to the Mediterranean Sea, and now they catch up to 60,000 tons
of bluefin tuna there every year.
There are international rules for fishing, but these boats don't follow the rules. They catch too many fish, and they harm the environment. If the
big boats destroy the fishing in the Mediterranean, many poor people will lose their work. Some scientists say that we should stop catching
bluefin tuna for several years, so that the population of tuna can grow again. If this amazing fish disappears, the seas will lose a great treasure.

(from World English – Level 2, page 90)

Instructor’s name : Đỗ Hoàng Nga
Student teacher’s name: Vũ Thùy Trang ID: ENENIU18069
Nguyễn Thị Hồng Hân ENENIU18025
Phạm Duy Khoa ENENIU18121
Huỳnh Lê Hương Kiều ENENIU18102
Khương Hoàng Thùy Linh ENENIU18040
Nguyễn Trọng Hoàng Giang ENENIU18021


I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Memorize some popular ocean names and their positions.
- Recognize some features of bluefin tuna such as length, weight, population, color, lifelong, etc.
- Know some tactics to deal with listening for details such as content words: numbers, i.e. length, weight, population, etc and colors.
- Apply the above tactics to deal with listening for details successfully.
- Identify predicting skills for places and phrases including certain verbs to prepare for the second part of the listening.
- Apply the strategy of predicting for places and phrases including certain verbs to get the specific details while listening to a lecture.
- Enhance understanding about mind maps and chronological order charts.
- Develop collaborative skills through group work and critical thinking via Kahoot with different forms of questions.
- Develop L2 communicative ability and presentation skill via discussing and presenting about some endangered creatures.
II. Approach: CLT, PPP
III. Teaching aids: slides, computers, MS team platform, headphone
IV. Procedures: 60 minutes

Time/ stage Content Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

Pre-listening Activity 1 (5 minutes): Activating schemata
(5 minutes) 1. The purpose of the activity
- To provide students with some popular ocean
names so that students can handle the future
listening task.
- To let students get acquainted with some useful
information about some oceans in order to prepare
them for the listening passage in while-listening
- To check students’ knowledge about oceans’
positions through filling the appropriate ocean
name into each blank.
- To develop students’ L2 communicative ability
when the teacher and students share information
about oceans.

2. The expected students’ responses:

- Paying attention when the teacher gives
instructions or explanations.
- Answering the teacher’s question when being
- Being active and fully involved in the class activity.
- Memorizing some ocean names and their
information to prepare for the upcoming listening
- Recalling some background knowledge related
seas or oceans and their living things.
- Raising hands if they want to ask questions or
have any ideas.

3. Instruction:
“Good morning, everyone! How are you today?”
- Greet the students. - Greet the teacher.
“Anyway, let’s start our lesson ok? To begin, let’s
have some fun with this website. Please click into - Ask students to type 3 sea or ocean - Type 3 sea or ocean names that they’ve
the link in our chat box or google its name on the names that they’ve already known into already known into a website named
screen. Then type 3 sea or ocean names in 1 a website named “Menti” in 1 minute. “Menti” in 1 minute.
minute. This is individual work, ok?” (This website will enlarge the sizes of
those words typed more than the
“What are you going to do with this link, class? others.)
After clicking into it, what will you do next? Do you
have to discuss it with your friends?” - Check students’ understanding. - Answer the teacher’s questions.

“Ok, as I can see the results on screen. You seem to

know well about seas and oceans. [Student name] - Monitor what’s going on. - Continue typing.
can you share with us about one of your typed - Ask some students about their typed - Share some information about some
oceans? Where is it? Is it the largest ocean on the seas or oceans’ detailed information. ocean names.
earth? What can we find out inside that ocean? (about position, kinds of fish living
Can you list out some kinds of fish living there?” there, size, etc)

I have some ocean names here. Your job is to fill

the appropriate ocean into each blank to show its * Activate task 1:
position.” - Ask each of them to fill the - Listen to the instruction carefully
appropriate number representing each
given ocean name into each blank on
“Let’s check whether you get my point or not. I will the screen to represent their position.
call a student randomly. One blank for each
student, ok? [Student name] can you fill the - Check students’ understanding by - Perform the demo.
number 1 representing the Atlantic Ocean into the randomly calling a student to perform a
suitable position?” demo.

“Oh, the Atlantic Ocean is bounded on the west by

North and South America. It is between Europe and
Africa to the east.” - Show the correct answer. - Take note and fix if he/ she has the wrong
“Now I will let you think of the answers individually
in 1 minute.”
- Let students think of the answers - Do the task in 1 minute.
“Ok, let’s continue with other oceans.” individually in 1 minute.

“Oh, [Ocean name]is .....”. - Continue the task. - Continue the task.
- Show the keys and give explanations - Take note and fix if he/ she has the wrong
“From the above activities, can you guess what we for incorrect answers. answer.
are going to listen to in our today’s lesson? Yeah,
something related to the oceans and fish. Let’s - Introduce the today listening lesson. - Listen to the introduction.

While-listening Activity 2 (12 minutes): Listening for details in the

(30 minutes) first part of the radio program:
1. The purpose of the activity
- To provide some tactics so that they can predict
which kinds of words (numbers, colors, etc) they
can fill in the blanks.
- To create an exciting environment among
- To develop the students’ engagement in the
lesson and willingness to learn.
- To enhance the students’ strategies of listening
for details.
- To grab students’ attention to specific knowledge
related to content words: numbers, for instance,
length, weight, population, etc and colors before
- To develop students’ listening competence in
2. The expected students’ responses
- Careful listening to the teacher’s instruction or
- Being excited and having a passionate attitude
when participating in the classroom activity or
answering the teacher’s questions.
- Obeying the rules of the classroom activity.
- Remembering the tactics of listening for details
such as content words: numbers, i.e. length,
weight, population, etc and colors to prepare for
task 2.
- Developing and listening competence in English.

3. Instruction: *Activate task 2:

“You don’t have to wait anymore. Let’s jump to the - Introduce task 2. - Listen to the introduction.
listening section.”
“Please read through task 2 on the screen or in - Ask students to read through task 2 in - Read through task 2 in 1 minute.
your book on page 90 in 1 minute.” 1 minute.

“Ok, class! Can you remind me of the strategy we - Review the strategy of listening for - Listen carefully and take note.
will use in this task? details.
Yeah, the strategy of listening for details.”

“Your job is to fill in the blank. Please look at those - Give students some tactics so that - Listen carefully and take note.
blanks. Can you guess which kinds of information they can predict which kinds of words
can be filled in? (numbers, colors, etc) they can fill in
- Yeah, feet long, weigh, miles, years refer to the blanks.
numbers, right?
- Colors: maybe you will hear some kinds of color.
[Student’s name] can you list out some colors that
you’ve known?”

“Pay attention to me and prepare for listening, - Ask students to prepare for listening - Prepare for listening time.
please! Show me your pens and notebooks?” time.

“Remember to take note while listening, ok? Can - Ask students to start to take note and - Start to listen and take note.
you hear any sound? Ok, 3, 2, 1 Start!” turn on the first part of the radio

“Ok, times up! Do you want to listen one more - Stop the audio and ask students - Stop listening and taking notes. Ask for
time?” whether they want to listen one more the second time if needed.
time or not. (Turn on one more time if
“Ok, what is the topic of the radio program? - Ask some questions to check whether - Answer the teacher’s questions.
Yeah, bluefin tuna! Are they the same as the tuna students get some general ideas or not.
that you buy at the store in cans?”

“Now you have 1 minute to look through your note - Give students 1 minute to look - Look through the note again in 1 minute.
again.” through their notes again.

“Ok, let’s do the task and check answers through a - Let students do the task and check - Do the task and check answers through a
funny game. Do you want to play a game?” answers through a game: game:

“Let’s play a game called “SECRET BOXES”. + Introduce the game. + Listen to the introduction.

“Firstly, I will do a demo.” * Do a demo: * Perform the demo.

“As you can see, there are some secret boxes on the + Ask randomly a student to choose a + Choose a number among the 6 numbers
screen. [Student name] can you choose a number number among the 6 numbers on the on the slide, do the task which is behind
for me? Ok, now can you do the requirement in the slide, do the task which is behind that that number and give evidence by using
box? Do the task using your note after you listen.” number and give evidence by using his/ her note.
their note.

“Let’s see what the correct answer is.” + Open the key and check. + Take note and fix if he/ she has the
“The evidence is __.” (The key will be enclosed with an icon wrong answer.
for an extra order to do or referring
which kind of award he/ she is going to
One star: 1 bonus
Bomb: lose all bonuses.
Two stars: 2 bonuses.
One flower: 1 bonus + the right to call
the next student.)

“Oh, look at the screen! Can you see the star next + Notice students about the mysterious + Pay attention to the mysterious item.
to the answer? You will get one bonus for that.” item. Show the evidence from the Take note and fix if he/ she has the wrong
audio. answer.
“The whole class, there will be more mysterious
items waiting for you. Let’s continue with other - Continue the game. - Continue the game.
secret boxes.”
“Terrific! Awesome! You did a very good job! Well
done!” - Give compliments to those students - Congratulate to those students for having
having the correct answer. the correct answers.

Activity 3 (18 minutes): Listening for details in the

second part of the radio program:
1. The purpose of the activity:
- To enhance the students’ strategies of listening
for details.
- To develop listening competence in English.
- To provide some tactics for predicting information
in gap filling exercise.
- To enhance listening comprehension skill.
- To create an exciting atmosphere among
- To make use of online tools for learning.
- To enhance student’s critical thinking by using
Kahoot with different forms of questions more than
just finding the missing words.
2. The expected students’ responses:
- Being interested and engaged in the activity of the
listening section.
- Carefully listening to the teacher’s instruction.
- Focusing on listening for details.
- Understanding the listening audio clearly
- Recognizing some certain kinds of information can
be included in gap filling task.
- Practicing thinking critically through the Kahoot
3. Instruction:
“That’s all for Task 2. Now, let’s move on to Task 3. - Introduce Task 3. - Listen to the teacher
In Task 2, you have listened to the first part of the
listening audio about the basic information of
Bluefin Tuna. So in Task 3, you will listen to the rest
of the talk.”

“For this task, you will have eight sentences with - Show eight gap filling sentences on - Have a look at eight sentences on screen.
one or two gaps for each sentence. So here are the screen.
sentences that you have for this activity.”
1. Bluefin tuna is used to make ________ in
Japan, while people in _________ enjoy
cooking big pieces for tuna steaks.
2. Because fishing boats catch a lot more
bluefin tuna every year, they can
_________ in the future.
3. The Pacific Ocean and _________ are where
bluefin tuna lived in the past. Now, the
original _________ of bluefins is only 10%
4. The largest fishing boats travelled to the
Mediterranean Sea, where they can catch
up to _________ tons of bluefin tuna every
5. Despite the ____________ rules for fishing,
these boats still don’t follow the rules.
6. When they catch too many fish, they do
damage to the ____________.
7. If the large boats ________ the fishing in
the Mediterranean, a lot of poor people will
not have any work to do.
8. Some scientists believe that we need to
stop catching bluefin tuna for some years,
so that the number of tuna can _______

“Now, I need you to take out a notebook if you

haven’t and do this task on the notebook you
have.” - Ask students to take out a notebook. - Take out a notebook if he/ she hasn’t.
“Similar to Task 2, when you see the gaps, you can
always guess the types of words that you are going
to fill in. For example, in the first sentence, you - Give students an example on how to - Listen carefully to the example.
have two gaps, one after the verb ‘make’ and one predict the type of word in the gaps in
after the word ‘in’. So for the first gap, you may Sentence 1.
need a noun, while for the second gap, you may
need a word for places like a country, for example.
You can use words that have similar meanings to
paraphrase your answer as well.”

“Now it’s your turn to guess what the other gaps

may be. I will invite each of you to give me your
guess for each sentence.” - Ask students to guess the types of - Try to guess the types of words in other
words in other gaps. gaps.
“You all did a great job. Now, when you listen to
the audio, try your best to fill in every gap in these
sentences. You will need one word or more than - Give some more instructions on the - Listen carefully to the instructions.
one for each gap. And please work on your own task.
with this task.”

“So before we start, may I ask what you will have

to do when you listen? How many words do you
have to fill for each gap? Do you work in groups or - Check understanding. - Answer teacher’s questions.
work alone? Great.”

“Now, please be ready for the listening audio. Here

we go. Is the volume ok for you? That’s good.”
- Play the audio and check volume. - Start listening and ask for volume
“Do you want to listen again? Ok, let’s start over.” adjustment if necessary.

“Ok so I hope that you have filled in all the gaps. - Play the audio again if necessary. - Listen for a second time if necessary.
Now, to make it more interesting for you, I will not
correct your answers right now. Because we are - Introduce Kahoot activity after - Listen to the teacher after finishing the
studying online, it is a great chance for an online students have finished the task. task.
game on Kahoot.”

“Let me explain a little bit. So you all know Kahoot,

right? For this game, I have designed ten questions
that are related to eight sentences you just filled in - Explain in detail on how to carry out - Listen carefully to the instructions on how
earlier. All you have to do is answer all ten the Kahoot activity. to play the Kahoot game.
questions on Kahoot based on the answers that you
got from the listening. So later you will use your
notebook to play the game. And of course you will
play individually. Are we clear?”

“So what do you have to do on Kahoot? What will

you use to answer the questions on Kahoot? Are we
playing in groups or individually? Good.” - Check understanding. - Answer the teacher's questions.

“Before we start the game, I will give you one

minute to look at your gap filling answers for eight
sentences that you have done earlier in your - Give students one minute to look at - Have a look at his/ her notebook.
notebooks.” their notebooks.

“So now, please access ‘’ on your device,

and I recommend using your mobile phone because
you will need your laptop screen to see the - Guide students on how to access - Do as the teacher instructs and access
questions from Kahoot. Enter this PIN right here Kahoot. Kahoot via mobile phone.
and get ready for the game.”

“Have you all here on Kahoot? Great. The winner of

the game will receive three bonus points from me,
so please do your best. Now, are you ready? Let’s - Wait for all students to access Kahoot - Start playing.
start.” and then start the game.

Kahoot questions:
1. What kind of dish do people in Japan make
from bluefin tuna?
A. Fish balls
B. Sashimi
C. Sushi
D. Tuna rice
2. Big pieces for tuna steaks are the dish that
the … love to cook from bluefin tuna.
A. French
B. European
C. Chinese
D. Asian
3. What can happen to bluefin tuna in the
future if fishing boats keep catching them
more and more?
A. They can decrease in number
B. They can attack the boats.
C. They can produce less food.
D. They can become extinct.
4. Bluefin tuna lived in the Atlantic Ocean in
the past.
A. True
B. False
5. 10% of bluefin tuna left belongs to the
original … of the tuna.
A. Popularity
B. Consumption
C. Taste
D. Population
6. Moving to the Mediterranean Sea allows
the largest fishing boats to catch up to how
many tons of bluefins?
A. 16000 tons
B. 1600 tons
C. 60000 tons
D. 6000 tons
7. The boats don’t follow the … rules for
A. Global
B. National
C. Country
D. Basic
8. Catching too many bluefin tuna can do
harm to the … .
A. Human beings
B. Environment
C. Ocean
D. Health
9. Poor people will lose their jobs … .
A. When the big boats catch too many
fish in other areas
B. When the big boats destroy small
C. When the big boats destroy the
fishing activity
D. When the big boats stop catching
10. Some scientists believe that we need to
stop catching bluefin tuna for some years,
or else the number of tuna cannot increase
A. True
B. False

“Congratulations! You are all excellent, but only

one person receives three bonus points from me.”

“I believe that after you have played this game, you - Congratulate students and give the - Receive three bonuses points if winning.
know the correct answers for the gaps in eight winner three bonus points.
sentences. So let’s look through all the answers for
your gap filling task while listening to the audio - Provide answers on screen for the gap - Check the answers for the gap filling task.
again. Please take a look and ask me if you have filling task earlier.
any questions.”
Answer keys for Task 3:
1. Bluefin tuna is used to make sushi in Japan,
while people in Europe enjoy cooking big
pieces for tuna steaks.
2. Because fishing boats catch a lot more
bluefin tuna every year, they can disappear
in the future.
3. The Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean are
where bluefin tuna lived in the past. Now,
the original population of bluefins is only
10% left.
4. The largest fishing boats travelled to the
Mediterranean Sea, where they can catch
up to 60,000 tons of bluefin tuna every
5. Despite the international rules for fishing,
these boats still don’t follow the rules.
6. When they catch too many fish, they do
damage to the environment.
7. If the large boats destroy the fishing in the
Mediterranean, a lot of poor people will not
have any work to do.
8. Some scientists believe that we need to
stop catching bluefin tuna for some years,
so that the number of tuna can grow again.
“You all did a great job in this task. Now, it’s time
for your final activity today.”

- Praise students and move on to the - Move on to the last activity.

last activity.

Post-listening Activity 4 (25 minutes): Presentation

(25 minutes) 1. The purpose of the activity
- To let students brainstorm their ideas about
endangered animals in charts.
- To improve students’ teamwork and negotiation
for meaning skill by letting students work in groups.
- To improve students’ speaking skill at the
presentation stage.
- To enhance student’s ability to cooperate with
other friends in group work.
2. The expected students’ responses
- Paying attention to what the teacher says.
- Answering the question when being asked.
- Participating actively when discussing in groups.
- Improving the skills of speaking and collaborating
while discussing and presenting about endangered
- Practicing L2 communication effectively via
finding and sharing information about the given
- Gaining some knowledge about mind maps and
chronological order charts.
3. Instruction
“Let’s move on to the final activity of our lesson - Inform students of the task. - Listen to the teacher.
today, class. After you have learnt about bluefin
tuna, what I would like you to do now is to make a
small presentation about other endangered
species. You will work in 2 groups of 7 members.
Each group will prepare 2 charts about an
endangered species that you know”

“First, you will find some features of the animal - Move on to the slide with an example - Understand what each group has to do.
including length, weight, color, speed, lifespan, of the first chart and explain what each
nutrition to write in chart 1. (You can use Google group has to do.
for help and you don’t have to cover all of them).
For example, let’s look at the mind map about
bluefin tuna here. I want you to do the similar chart
for the species that you choose.”

“Ok, how many charts will you work with? In the - Check students’ understanding. - Answering the questions.
first chart which kinds of information you have to
find? Will you work in groups or individually?”

“Secondly, you will prepare a chronological order - Move on to the slide with the - Understand what each group has to do.
chart about why the chosen species is endangered. questions and example of the second
You can rely on these questions as a frame: chart and explain what students have
1. Where did they live in the past? to do.
2. What are the reasons for the decrease in
the number of that species (overfishing,
overhunting, natural habitat destruction…)?
3. Where do they live now?
4. How many of them are left?
As you can see on the slide, this is an example chart
for bluefin tuna. [Read the chart]. You will do the
same chart for your chosen species. Do you
understand what you have to do, class?”

“In the second chart, your preparation will be - Check students’ understanding. - Answer teacher’s questions.
about...? About what?
“After preparation time, what will you do?” How
many presenters do you have for each group?

“Now I will break you into 2 rooms. You will have - Divide students into 2 groups of 7. - Prepare for the presentation.
15 minutes to work in your group. To save time, I
will give you the designed slides or you can design
your own slides if you can. Now, you need to
download them and add your own information
into. Let’s start.”

“Time’s up. To save time, I will invite group 1 to - Inform students that time’s up and
present chart 1 and group 2 to present chart 2. invite 2 groups to present a chart. - Present the chart’s information.
Who is the presenter of the first group and the
second group?”

“You guys did a great job today! I have some - Praise students for their chart
comments about your (grammar, pronunciation, presentations and give some feedbacks - Appreciate teacher’s praise.
the correctness of information, gesture, etc) about grammar, pronunciation, the
correctness of information, gesture,
“At home, please review the lesson. Goodbye class” - Ask students to review the lesson at
home and say goodbye. - Say goodbye to the teacher.

V. Handouts:
TASK 1: Write down the appropriate number representing each given ocean name into each blank.
TASK 2: Listen to the first part of the radio program.

Bluefin Tuna

Use the information to fill in the blanks.

1. Up to ____ feet long

→ 12

2. Weigh more than ________

→ 1,500 pounds

3. Colors:_______, _________, __________

→ silver, yellow, blue

Decide whether the statement is true or false. Correct it if it is false.

4. Swim more than 10 miles an hour.

Key: False (10 → 25)

5. Live up to 13 years.

Key: False (13 → 30)

TASK 3: Listen to the second part of the program again and complete the sentences.

1. Bluefin tuna is used to make ________ in Japan, while people in _________ enjoy cooking big pieces for tuna steaks.
2. Because fishing boats catch a lot more bluefin tuna every year, they can _________ in the future.
3. The Pacific Ocean and _________ are where bluefin tuna lived in the past. Now, the original _________ of bluefins is only 10% left.
4. The largest fishing boats travelled to the Mediterranean Sea, where they can catch up to _________ tons of bluefin tuna every year.
5. Despite the _________ rules for fishing, these boats still don’t follow the rules.
6. When they catch too many fish, they do damage to the ____________.
7. Many poor people will not have any job to do if the big boats _________ the fishing in the Mediterranean.
8. Some scientists believe that we need to stop catching bluefin tuna for some years, so that the number of tuna can _______ again.

Answer keys:
1. Bluefin tuna is used to make sushi in Japan, while people in Europe enjoy cooking big pieces for tuna steaks.
2. Because fishing boats catch a lot more bluefin tuna every year, they can disappear in the future.
3. The Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean are where bluefin tuna lived in the past. Now, the original population of bluefins is only 10% left.
4. The largest fishing boats travelled to the Mediterranean Sea, where they can catch up to 60,000 tons of bluefin tuna every year.
5. Despite the international rules for fishing, these boats still don’t follow the rules.
6. When they catch too many fish, they do damage to the environment.
7. Many poor people will not have any job to do if the big boats destroy the fishing in the Mediterranean.
8. Some scientists believe that we need to stop catching bluefin tuna for some years, so that the number of tuna can grow again.
TASK 4: Work in groups. Prepare the information about one of the endangered species according to the two following charts. Then choose one
representative of your group to present about that species.
VI. Anticipated problems:
- Lack of time in some activity.
- Students do not understand the instruction.
- Students are too shy to work in their groups and keep silent in the breaking rooms.
- Students chit-chat in their own room in L1 instead of doing the task.
- The Internet connection is unstable; therefore, the students may not be able to hear the teacher or the audio clearly and vice versa.
- Students do not concentrate on the lesson and since it is online learning the teacher can’t keep track if they do something else instead of learning.

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