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Greetings adventurers, The World of Ystar

Below and attached is a small introduction and The setting is one along the lines of Conan, Ancient
overview to the campaign. Rome and Elric of Melnibone (if you know any of
these). The world is still relatively primitive. Slavery is
First of all, we play for fun. There is no need to common, weapons and armor are made out of bronze
memorize any kind of setting history. More often than instead of steel. There is no book printing
not, your character will know stuff that you (the (scrolls/parchment and handwritten books are in use).
player) may have no clue about. They know this world Aqueducts, glass windows and sewage systems are
much better than you do. After all, it is their world. So unknown in the human (Tuatha) kingdoms but can be
if you have any questions about something, feel free to found in the more elite Sidhe region.
ask me in-game and I will tell you what your character
DND rule-wise…it makes no difference. Weapons,
does…or…possibly does not know about the situation
armor, and equipment work exactly as described in the
(skill checks may be required).
Players Handbook (5e).
(Note: Anything in italics is the Editor’s notes/opinions
and not the original writer’s) The Group
I recommend character builds that are mostly
Technical Setup: good/neutral alignments (not strictly evil) that will
work well, cohesively together. No Murder-Hobos! I
We will use the following programs to run this run a game that is more casual and not intended to be
campaign: competitive. You should not have to min-max to build
the most effective character. The same goes for the
D&D Beyond ( – This is where you
group composition. While it is usually standard
can create and manage your character / build your
practice for all groups to contain the standard healer,
character sheet.
spell-caster, fighter (tank), and rogue, I would rather
The D&D Beyond App (you can find it in most app everyone play who they WANT to play. If we end up
stores – let me know if you have a problem finding it) – with a group consisting solely of Bards, then that is
This app allows you to click an action/spell/skill within cool too! (Editor’s note: can I just say…cringe….all
your D&DBeyond character sheet and roll the dice in Bards…we would never get out of the first tavern) I just
Roll20. Pretty nifty. (Editor’s note: yes, he said “pretty ask that no one gets annoyed that you have no „niche“
nifty” and I did NOT edit it out). where your character can outshine the others. Again,
we are looking for a group that can work well together,
Roll20 ( – I will use this to display maps and play well together.
we will all make our dice rolls there (dice rolls will all
be online – hand thrown dice will not be used). When Character Creation
we start out, we can try to use the video/audio features
within Roll20 to play (as opposed to Zoom or another Characters will be created with D&DBeyond. This site
meeting set-up) and see how it goes. If you are and character set-up can be a bit fickle, so let me know
uncomfortable with video, that is perfectly fine, it is if you have any issues. I will send you an invitation to
not a “must”. Audio (naturally) is. my campaign. Once you join, I will need to make sure
you have access to the “content sharing” or you may not
If the Roll20 audio/video features do not work for us, have access to all options from within the Players
we will switch to Zoom. My experience with Roll20 Handbook (if you do not already have access to its full
audio/video chat has not been stellar. My experience contents). Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you
with it included lots of hiccups and problems. Our have any problems with D&DBeyond or need help or
experience with Zoom has been very stable and it is have questions about building your character.
understood that the security issues that used to plague
it have been addressed and fixed. Again, while I and We will use point-buy / standard array for character
some other players are going to be using video, it is not generation and begin at level 1.
mandatory that all players are on video. If you feel Now – the not fun part: I'm very biased against
uncomfortable with it or are not set up for video…that additional products so I'm limiting this campaign to
is absolutely fine. Audio only works. the content of the Players Handbook. Even worse, I'll
restrict the available species and sub-species based on
Let me know if you need help with any of these.
the people that live in this home-brewed world I have
Yes, I'm evil (rubs hand maliciously). On the other
hand, all classes and sub-classes (from the Players
Handbook) can be chosen.

The Campaign
The campaign will eventually consist of the players
aiding the human kingdoms against a Dracul invasion.
If you play a Dracul you should make sure your
character is okay fighting against his own people
(conflicted is okay, but still supporting the overall
story arch). There could be countless reasons for a
Dracul aiding the fight, and you are free to build that
background as you see fit (from “I don't care, I'll fight
for whomever pays me,“ “I want to stop the Dracul
from enslaving those innocent Tuatha“… or however
you wish to build your own story).

As mentioned before, not all of the races populate this
world, and therefore, are not available. Some that do,
may have been “re-skinned,” so to speak. The following
will give a brief description of the major and minor
species of this setting (and how they align with the
options within the Players Handbook 5e).

In any case, your equipment will only be “ordinary”
Pronounced „Shee“ equipment that any “lower” species of the realm would
Players Handbook: High Elf have access to and the same stats (not the elite
weapons your area is known for). For background, due
The Sidhe are the most powerful and cultivated species to the nature of Sidhe, you must take “noble”. While
in the world of Ystar. The other peoples of this world your background and family may not strictly be noble,
treat them with reverence and foreboding. Doing their all Sidhe are treated as such.
best to not offend them for their wrath is legendary.
Luckily, the Sidhe seldom leave their homelands in the Sidhe can be arrogant. If they have ethics, they often
west where they live a gracious life coddled in luxury don't apply them to the “lesser” species (which is,
and comfort. Sidhe are nearly immortal and are basically, anyone who is not Sidhe). To others, they
masters of warfare and magic. They are the most often seem outright cruel, domineering or abrasive,
technologically advanced race and have everything the but more often than not their actions are based more
other species can only dream about. on their immediate needs or whims and without a
thought to the consequences those actions could have
Playing a Sidhe character: on others. It isn’t in the Sidhe character normally to
care for the greater good.
While a player’s Sidhe character would be thought of as
competent, knowledgeable and well equipped when A Sidhe looks similar to an elf. They tend to be pale,
compared to most surrounding NPCs in any Tuathan gaunt, and tall with light hair (some even have white
or Draconis community , a Sidhe starting character hair) and fair eyes. Those eyes are set widely apart and
would be viewed as ill-equipped and incompetent are slightly slanted to give them a more “alien” look as
within the skilled and snooty Sidhe society. Think opposed to the more normal D&D elf look (many D&D
about why you left your homeland: was it to explore, elves are described as “Asian” looking or as having
were you banished, did you never actually live in Sidhe, “Asian” features…Sidhe do follow this in some respects
are you a spy for nobility or researcher trying to – but their eyes are larger and more widely set, giving
discover the mysterious “brown nose flower-gawker”. them a bit of that “alien” look. But still beautiful, still
Your reasons are your own to build. elegant).
The power of the Dracul people comes from their unity
Pronounced: „Dracool“ to strive toward common goals and work harmoniously
Players Handbook: Dragonborn together (excluding brutal political infighting). Their
armies are well trained, equipped and disciplined…
making them nearly unstoppable. Think “Ancient
Rome”….where the Romans are fire breathing
Dragonborn.(Ha! Can you imagine if Caesar had had
acid breath)

Playing a Dracul character:

The Dracul character should easy understand group

dynamics and understand the normal importance of
working together (doesn’t mean you always adhere to
it, but based on your culture, you should understand
it). They normally have high regard (if not also a tiny
bit of jealousy) toward Sidhe and a bit of contempt or
indulgence toward the other races. They tend to be
natural leaders, but also good followers. Your culture
has taught you to learn and adapt to new things and to
wonder and think for the future.

You should consider why you would help humans to

fight the expansive nature of your people. How does
that affect your character, what got you here? Also how
does that align with or conflict with the cohesive
community thought pattern of the loyal Dracul.

Dracul have a wide variety of attitudes and

dispositions. You can lie anywhere in-between. The
only underlining theme of these people is normally
their ability/desire to work together toward common
Dracul may be the second most powerful species, but goals. They can be lazy or hard working, prosperous or
certainly the most aggressive when it comes to poor. It is for you to decide.
colonization (mainly due to Sidhe’s inherent lack of
interest in anything but themselves). The Dracul have
a mighty empire ruled by a triumvirate (Editor’s note: I
had to look this up…”a political regime ruled or
dominated by three powerful individuals known as
triumvirs. The arrangement can be formal or informal.
Though the three are notionally equal, this is rarely the
case in reality”). While the Dracul homeland is
Draconis, it has also established colonies on both of
the other two continents. The Dracul people are pretty
advanced and have mastered some architectural feats
like sewage systems and aqueducts. In their lands, law
and order is maintained, and you feel you can safely
cross the street at night.
Playing a Tuatha character:
Pronounced „Tuaha“ (where the H is mostly silent)
Players Handbook: Human or Variant Human They are humans…and have all the benefits and
downfalls of the human persona. They are less
advanced than some of the other cultures but are on
the rise. And less advancement does NOT mean they
are less intelligent or less versed in their class. They are
problem solvers and can be creative with their ability to
solve problems. They can also be either group
orientated or individual orientated based on their own
background. As stated, they are just as human as we
humans are.

They do have the ability to get along with every race, as

they have had to have that ability to survive
colonization of the Dracul, evade or survive slavery by
the Sidhe or building any peaceful existence with the
Riastrad (although that is rare). They can see the
greater good for what it can be and can also see the
greater evil in a forced community ideal dictated by
someone outside yourself. They are also a people that
can question and ponder and can often be quite
religious, but not nearly as superstitious about religion
as the Riastrad.

Tuatha are what we would perceive in the D&D world

as simply humans. And that humanity is on the rise…
but, not surprisingly knowing humans, they are also
split into dozens of warring kingdoms.

They certainly are not as advanced as either Sidhe or

Dracul, not in city structure / infrastructure or in
weapon technology. They see the Sidhe as almost
demigods and the Dracul as either colonizers and
benefactors that bettered their environment or
invaders and threats that want to steal what doesn’t
belong to them, depending on where you grew up. The
Riastrad are treated with suspicion and wariness as
most interaction with them usually includes

Although they may not have the advances that some of

the other races have, they do have wits and cunning in
great quantity and have effectively, through wily
guerrilla fighting, heeded off incursions to colonize
some Tuathan territories (again think of the Romans
and their struggles with the Germanic tribes).
Think about what has brought you out of your closed
Pronounced „Rees-Trad“ tribal society into the wider world, where you may be
Players Handbook: Half Orc scorned or look upon with fear, prejudice, or
misunderstanding. What is new to you in this wider
world, what is misunderstood? Have you met any of
these other species before and if so, what was that like?

Riastrad are normally a deeply superstitious lot with

strong religious beliefs within their tribal societies.
They follow seasons more than calendars and are
usually experts out in the wilderness. They are also
fearless warriors and on occasion have been lured out
of their tribal societies for the promise of gold for
guard or mercenary jobs. But those lives are usually
violent, brutal and short, as the whole reason a
Riastrad would be placed in rank is that most other
species see them as expendable.

The Riastrad are wild and primitive people. They live as

Minor species
hunters and gatherers in the less hospitable regions of
There are other species in this world, but none that
the world. Although, not necessarily because they want
have their own regions or ruling classes. Basically,
to, but more because through the centuries, the other
whatever societies/kingdoms/lands these species came
species have driven them to the more challenging
from are now gone and they have been melded within
landscapes. Luckily, their ability to adapt has allowed
the current kingdoms. As such, while individuals may
them to thrive in those areas. They are a proud and
have power within their communities, their species as a
fierce lot, who often send and test their warriors by
whole have none.
raiding adjacent settlements and lands (not only for
the glory, but also for supplies that are hard to come by Halflings / Players Handbook: Halflings – They have
in the desolate areas they call home). If the Riastrad no lands of their own but live their lives within small
would ever learn group discipline or strategy, they tightknit communities within Tuathan society.
would be a force to rock the world, but instead their Charismatic and generally very friendly, they are often
warbands are usually highly disorganized and ill- in trade or the arts (although to be honest, you can
equipped, causing them to be nothing more than a find some in almost every walk of life)
mere nuisance to most bordering towns. Usually they
are hitting armed camps only to grab what weapons Tieflings / Players Handbook: Tiefling – Just as normal
and armor they can before running back out. All in all, D&D Tieflings. They are individuals that have an
their society can be considered fairly primitive (even ancestor in their near or far past that dallied with an
without the simple advancements of the bronze age) individual with the blood of an infernal. Like
and would be without metal weapons completely if not Riastrads, they are often viewed with suspicion or fear…
for their raids. It is not believed they have even learned even within their own families (as this mutation can
the ability to mine or smelt metal or to repair the metal skip a generation or two). They also live usually in
weapons they do have. Tuathan communities and often through either
learned or innate abilities dabble in the arcane. It is
Playing a Riastrad: also not unknown for Tieflings (maybe in contrast to
their infernal blood) to be religious leaders or zealots…
The Riastrad look like humanoid wolves with horns
or even bards….
and somewhat shortened snouts. Riastrad characters
are created using the rules for half-orcs. Just like half-
orcs you can expect other species to be heavily
prejudiced against you. You will start with normal
starting equipment which means you have either
inherited stuff that your ancestors plundered or have
worked as a mercenary and earned those things.
Gorm / Players Handbook: Hill Dwarves
There are countless gods and pantheons in the world of
Ystar. Every kingdom tends to have its own god(s) and
revered heroes. Cleric characters should feel free to
come up with their own god. It should be noted that
gods are a bit more active in this world. Clerics using
divination spells might often directly get advice from
their god, especially in their temples or places of
worship. It is recommended that all treat the gods of
this world or that you encounter with respect, as
retribution can be had and can be severe. If you want
to desecrate a temple you should make sure that a
friendly God has your back to protect you from the
wrath of its owner.

The Sidhe, on the other hand, don’t necessarily see

things the same way. They don’t really acknowledge the
“gods” as “gods”, but more as very powerful beings from
others planes of existence. They might, for instance,
form a pact with them and show them respect, but
they surely wouldn’t kneel to them or pray to them.
You can still play a Sidhe Cleric if you like but you will
get your spells as a result of an agreement you formed
with this being. Think of it as being a spokesperson for
a particular philosophy or way of life based on its
benefits to you than as a religious disciple trying to
save the masses.

Short/Long Rest
Unless your characters will pick a fight with every
farmer that they pass I do not intend to make my
campaign as “combat-heavy” as official campaigns.
Therefore, I will use the optional rules from the DM
Those resilient humanoids have elemental blood (if
book where a short rest takes 8 hours and a long rest a
elementals have blood) in their veins. The live in their
couple of days in a secure relatively civilized area.
own Kingdom of Gormgar. They don't like outsiders
and are a somewhat seclusive people. They are usually
talented craftsman but history has shown there to have Backgrounds
been some fearsome Gorm fighters that gained
legendary status. You may use any background in the Players Handbook.

Other species:

Any species not mentioned here does not exist in this

setting and cannot be played. However, all classes are
open for your choosing.
Inspiration & Characteristics Other
Usually a player earns inspiration by playing out your You may use feats if you like (although at level 1 that
characteristics as defined by the Players Handbook. only applies to the variant human).
For me, as a DM, those characteristics are purely
optional. You certainly are encouraged to pick some
from the lists (any list, doesn't have to be the one from
your background) or make up your own as they might
We are a group of people who don't know each other
give you interesting ideas on how to role play your
very well. And we understand that for some, there are
character. But, like I said, they are purely optional as
themes in some D&D games that some can find
far as leveling up and inspiration within game. They
upsetting. And while I will avoid sensitive topics such
are there to better define who your character is.
as sex and torture, it can still happen that things that I
Instead, in this campaign, each character will begin the (or others) bring up that could potentially make
game with inspiration and that will be “refilled“ each someone uncomfortable. Therefore, I would like us to
time you level up. make use of the “X-Card“. That means that when
anything makes anyone uncomfortable in any way, you
just state or write „X-Card“ in the chat (you can do this
Character advancement to the whole group or just the DM if you are
uncomfortable) and we will do our best to edit out
I use the milestone advancement form. This means I whatever disturbed you. Or if it can’t be completely
do not give out experience points during gameplay, but edited out or involves your fellow players, we will make
rather, I tell the group based on in-game milestones sure we have a safe place for it to be discussed. You will
when they level up. All characters will always be on the not have to explain why. We can also always take a
same level – they all level up together. If you miss a break to discuss an issue in the group or privately if
session where people get to level up, your character will there is need for that. This is a safety tool to make sure
level up nonetheless. our game stays a pleasant and fun experience for
everyone. So do not hesitate to use it.
This campaign uses the following languages:
Tuatha – Basically Common
Gorm (Dwarven)
Sidhe (Elven)
Riastrad (Orc)
Celestial – Spoken by many Gods
Deep Speech – Ftagn! (you will get this if you are a
Cthulhu fan…I had to look it up personally)
Draconic – Spoken by the Dracul, Dragons and used in
many old tomes
Infernal - all demons and devils speak this language so
Abyssal is not needed
Primordial (in this campaign also used by more
primitive Gods)
Barash (Gnome)-language of a middle-eastern Tuatha
Thuul (Sylvan) - language of the Tuatha in the
southern Styrian jungles

Halflings don't have their own language anymore. They

just speak Tuatha.

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