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Insight on Business: Start-up Boot Camp

1) Why do you think investors today are still interested in investing in start-ups?

2) What are the benefits of investing in a company that is a graduate of a Y Combinator boot

3) Is an incubator the best solution for start-ups to find funding? Why or why not?

1. I think investors are interested in investing because investors are always looking for new
opportunities and also because of the benefits they will receive if the start-up company
succeeds. If the investors perceive a target achiever, determined entrepreneur and potential
profit in the company than who wouldn’t invest in it. When investors invest, they acquire a
stake and become owners of the company too. They do not want to miss the opportunity and
potential profits in the long term that comes from start-ups with constantly growing and
developing technology.

2. Y combinator is regarded as successful as it is called the unicorn breeder. The graduates of

y combinator are goal oriented and ambitious. They are trained in such a way that they can
tackle business problems in a smart and legal way. The graduates have collected various
information, ideas, views regarding start-ups from many enthusiastic entrepreneurs who are
motivated to achieve their goals and targets. The capability of graduates flourishes even more
in their 3 month camp which makes them capable enough to compete in the market and take
possible risk. The benefits of investing in such a company is that they already have had
training and besides that, their business plan is already made. So investing in a company of y
combination boot camp is beneficial.

3. Yes I think incubators are the best solution for start-ups to find funding. Incubator already
has helped in self-development, growing, enhancing knowledge, ideas and prepares
entrepreneurs and their start-up company to persuade investors. These pros of incubators help
start-ups grow and develop successfully. If the entrepreneur could present their innovative
ideas in an impressive way then it will attract many investors for funding. Since the
entrepreneurs already have experience regarding Start-ups Company, it will help start-ups to
get funding too.

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