Experiencing Museum

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Task 2.

Experiencing museum – virtual presence

Author: Amalia Andreea Vasile

Please, choose two institutions from the list below:

1. Zwierzyniecki House (branch of the Krakow Museum)

2. Schindler’s Factory (branch of the Krakow Museum)
3. Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology in Krakow
4. National Museum in Krakow

and evaluate chosen museums by providing answers to the following questions:

1. Which museum did you decide to evaluate and why?

First museum Second museum

Schindler’s Factory (branch of the Krakow Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and
Museum) Technology in Krakow

2. Have you ever been in this museum?

First museum Second museum

No No

3. Have you ever heard about any initiatives of this museum?

First museum Second museum

No, I have not. No, I have not.

4. Go to the website of the museum and describe (and justify your choice) what kind of information
provided on that site you have found:
- Most interesting, intriguing
- Fun, entertaining
- Technically useful (e.g. opening hours etc.)
- Poorly prepared, of low quality, not accessible
- Actually missing but important in your point of view
First museum Second museum
The most interesting thing that I noticed is that The most intriguing thing, from my point of
they have options for people who have view is the Japanese Language School, I think it
disabilities, they cannot walk, see or hear. is a great opportunity and the perfect place to
I think it is great and entertaining that they learn this language if you are interested.
have some pictures on the website from the Talking about entertaining I want to mention
museum to make you interested, and to want the first thing that I saw on their website, the
to find more details. location, the museum is close to Wawel Royal
I find technically useful that starting from Castle and the view from its Café is amazing.
November 2, 2018 an electronic system of It is technically useful that they present their
ticket control was installed, so they made the events spaces, with details, capacity, number of
access easier. seats, and important details for event
I noticed that it is not accessible to ask a organizing agencies.
question directly on the website, you have to The only aspect that I can say that it is not easily
call them or to send an email. I think sometimes accessible is the list with prices, it is a little bit
people who have already visited the museum complicated to find it in the menu. This is an
can help you. important variable for tourist and I find useful a
From my point of view, an important missing “Prices” category in the menu.
thing from the website are the reviews, you can I couldn’t find an important missing aspect from
see opinions from tourists who visited the the website, I think they offer a lot of valuable
museum, the reviews have a big impact on information about any detail that you might be
people’s choices. curious.

5. Evaluate the availability of the content provided on the website in different languages.
First museum Second museum
The information from the website is in English The information from the website is in Polish,
and Polish, I consider that it is recommended to English and Japanese. I also think that it would
have also other languages like French, Spanish be good for tourists to find other language
or German, because there are people who don’t options. Moreover, I found the Japanese option
understand English and it is complicated for very interesting on the website.

6. Is there any possibility of ‘virtual tours’? describe.

First museum Second museum
The museum doesn’t offer a virtual tour, but People can find some videos that were made a
you can find videos with the museum on month ago because of Coronavirus on its
YouTube from tourists, but they are not official YouTube channel, Facebook page and IGTV with
sources from the Schindler’s Factory. virtual tours. The museum is not fully
presented, only some parts, paintings and
artifacts by a tour guide.

7. What social media platforms are used by the museum? Indicate the intensity and regularity of
their use.
First museum Second museum
The museum uses only Facebook as a social It uses Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
media platform. They have around 3 posts per There are around 4 posts per week on
week. Instagram, 1 post per day on Facebook and 20
videos on YouTube. I can say they use social
media a lot to keep in touch with tourists and
people who appreciate the museum.

8. Is the social media content available in different languages?

First museum Second museum
The social media content is in Polish, you can The descriptions of pictures and videos from
only use the translation from Facebook. I Instagram are in Polish, but hashtags are in
noticed only some posts in English about the English. Also, the posts from Facebook page are
status of the museum during quarantine in this in Polish, you can only use the translation from
spring. Facebook in your set language. The videos from
YouTube are in Polish too and there are no

9. Is it possible to gain some new knowledge or to learn about rare, unusual things by following the
museum in social media? Give some examples.
First museum Second museum
They offer new and interesting information I think they offer very useful knowledge about
about the events organized at the museum: the Japanese culture: “Drzeworyty barwne
“Przypominamy, że w dniach od 11 do 14 ukiyo-e były jednym z dominujących
września 2020 r. Muzeum Krakowa organizuje elementów dawnej kultury popularnej Japonii.
14. obchody Dni Pamięci Ofiar Gestapo. Za proces produkcji tego rodzaju grafik
Tegoroczna edycja poświęcona będzie 80. odpowiadał zespół wyspecjalizowanych
rocznicy przeprowadzenia Akcji AB w rzemieślników: artysta-malarz, drzeworytnik
Krakowie.” oraz drukarz. Istota japońskiego rzemiosła
They are interested in keeping the history alive fascynowała Emila Orlika.” They also present
with short stories from the past: Na potrzeby stories from the past of Japan or they give
NSDAP kamienica przy Rynku Głównym została books and articles recommendations.
połączona z sąsiednim budynkiem nr 26. Moreover, they encourage people to stay home
Centrum szkoleniowe NSDAP mieściło się przy during this period and they offer ideas and
An der Langen Wiese Strasse (al. Focha 33), w videos about activities for home like origami,
przedwojennym Instytucie Balneologicznym. plus some games and challenges: “W zeszłą
They also have valuable information about the sobotę zaproponowaliśmy Wam dwa
architecture: Sukiennice – wielka hala ćwiczenia, aby rozruszać swoje szare komórki.
handlowa wzniesiona w XIII w. pośrodku Mówimy oczywiście o krzyżówce oraz
Rynku Głównego – rozbudowane w XIV w. w nonogramie – czy udało Wam się rozwiązać
stylu gotyckim, gruntownie przekształcone w oba te ćwiczenia? Kto nie miał okazji się
połowie XVI w. w stylu renesansowym, po sprawdzić może zajrzeć do naszego
restauracji w latach 1875–1879 zaczęły pełnić poprzedniego posta”
funkcję reprezentacyjną; odbywały się tu In addition, they don’t present only aspects
wielkie bale i uroczystości patriotyczne. about culture and books from Japan, they
They supported a sporting event in February. include preferences, symbols, gastronomy and
I think these are interesting and valuable activities from the Asian country:
information and they come from an institution “Obecnie tradycja jedzenia wagashi popularna
which makes them useful for the community jest zarówno wśród turystów, jak i samych
and tourists. Japończyków. Zazwyczaj podawane są one do
herbaty, przełamując jej goryczkę. Można je
kupić w czasie festiwali, na straganach i w
cukierniach, które od setek lat specjalizują się
w produkcji danych wagashi.”

10. Does the museum asks visitors about their opinions or encourage them to present their
reflections on social media? Give some examples.
First museum Second museum
Sometimes the museum asks people for their I noticed they are interested in people’s
stories so they can organize better events: opinions, they always encourage them to share
“Jeżeli miałeś kogoś w rodzinie, kto był their stories in the comments section: “Nasze
zaangażowany w konspirację w Krakowie w wspomnienia o wystawie stały się już odrobinę
czasie II wojny światowej bądź w okresie mgliste, a tekst, który dotychczas widniał na
stalinowskim, to napisz do nas na adres.” oryginalnych kartach komiksu wyparował za
I also noticed that they respond to comments sprawą tajemniczej siły 😏 Wzywamy Was na
posted by people and they encourage them to pomoc – uzupełnijcie puste kadry swoimi
keep in contact: “świetnie! W takim razie rysunkami, dialogami oraz fabułą!
widzimy się już w kwietniu! :)” or “Świetnie! Co było dalej? Wy nam powiedzcie! Nie
Bardzo nam miło!” zapomnijcie udostępniać swoich historii w
komentarzach!” I find this very useful, because
they take the comments like feedback from
people, they can see how people understand
what they presented.
They want people to learn more things in a
creative way not only reading, and they
organize competitions, so people can learn by
working and being proud of their results:
“Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w
międzynarodowym konkursie dla dzieci na
stworzenie wiersza haiku w języku polskim
oraz towarzyszącej mu ilustracji.”

11. Does the museum react to questions posted by social media users? How? Give some examples.
First museum Second museum
I checked the reviews section and usually they The museum reacts to people’s questions from
do not reply, I could notice only some likes from comments and they try to be useful: “Nie
them to posts or comments from people. I znamy jeszcze dokładnej daty, ale wystawa na
could find only some responds to people’s pewno będzie czynna do połowy maja!”
comments: “Majority of those recipes are from It is easy to notice that they have a community
Nazi-German occupation period in Poland.” and they keep some nice relationships: “Pani
Ewo, moc pozdrowień od pracowników
Manggha! <3”
They always thank people for their support and
take in consideration the advice: „Dziękujemy
za uwagi, staramy się rozjaśnić filmy jak tylko
możemy, ale wyzwania techniczne czasami nas
12. Can you identify any humorous posts present on museum social media? Give some examples.
What do you think about that humorous communication?
First museum Second museum
I couldn’t identify any humorous posts on I cannot say I Identified humorous posts on this
museum social media, but I think the topic of museum social media, but I can say they prefer
the museum is a very serious and sad one and to communicate in a friendly way.
that’s why they prefer to communicate in this They have a lot of activities and games on their
style, polite and sober. I don’t find adequate a social media platforms and I think they would
humorous style for their posts. not have had the same popularity and success if
In the same time, I like humorous they had communicated in a serious and sober
communication, I think it is a proof or courage, way.
and it is a smart way to attract young people The museum has short talks in the comments
and also a great method to make people visit section with people and I could notice that they
your museum, because some of them consider respect each other, they communicate politely
this activity boring or too serious, but if you use and they keep a friendly atmosphere.
an humorous communication you can change
their minds. But, again this type of
communication must have some limits
depending on the topic of the institution that
uses it.
13. Did the virtual presence of the museum enhance you to visit this place in “traditional” form?
First museum Second museum
Definitely yes, I have to say that this museum I appreciate the way the museum keeps in
was already on my list of museums that I want touch with people who appreciate its work and
to visit since I saw the movie “Schindler’s list” I think it is an excellent model for other
and also this is one of the reasons why I choose institutions for how to act and to behave with
this museum from the list of options. people who support you. I am sure that it is a
I also have to say that they are implicated in nice and warm atmosphere while visiting the
offering people valuable and interesting museum. I am not a fan of Japanese culture, but
information which is an amazing thing for I found very nice and pleasant the way the
people who cannot visit in the “traditional” museum communicates with people, I can say I
form. would like to attend one of their events, or have
a coffee in its café because I think the
atmosphere in the museum is the same as on
social media.

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