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Duration: 1 hour Lesson

Subject : English Class: Tahun 3 Time:1030-1130

Theme : World Of Self,
Focus skill: Speaking CCE: Values Date: 12 mac 2021
Family and Friends
Teaching aids: 21st Century Skills/Strategy/Activity:
Adjectives flashcards, characters flashcards Communication, collaboration
Language/Grammar focus:
His/Her name’s

M 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly C 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

2.1.5 Describe people and objects using suitable 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and
M words and phrases C details of short simple texts
At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to describe the characters using target language and suitable adjectives
M correctly.

C At the end of the lesson, some pupils will be able to listen to the description and guess the characters correctly.

1. Stick adjectives flashcards around the classroom.

I. PRE-LESSON 2. Say the words/phrases at random.
3. Pupils point to the correct flashcards.
1. Activity 1:
 Use flashcards of characters from textbook to introduce language.
 Write the model language on the board and read them aloud.
 Pupils repeat. e.g. He/She has got brown hair. I have got brown hair.
2. Activity 2:
 Pupils look at the picture. Introduce the children. (SB page 5)
 Pupils guess what they are doing.
 Play the CD. Pupils listen and repeat the exchange.
 Pupils work in pairs. Pupils take turns to describe and guess their classmates.
 Have pairs of pupils present the exchange to the rest of the class.
3. Activity 3:
 Pupils write his/her name on a piece of paper.
 Collect and put them in a bag.
 One pupil draw a piece of paper, and read the name without revealing it.
 Invite the pupil to describe the person written on his/her piece of paper.
 E.g. His eyes are brown. He has got black hair. He has got straight hair.
 The pupil who guesses correctly is the next one to draw a name and describe.
1. Play the song Smart Friends.
III. POST LESSON 2. Pupils sing along.
3. Exercise: Pupils complete exercise 2 and 3. (Workbook page 2)
Lesson postpone:
M a. Course c. CRK
b. Sick leave d. Meeting
C Other :

Read and circle.

1. Stacey have got / has got brown eyes.
2. Brian and Doug have got / has got curly hair.
3. My dog have got / has got a long tail.
4. I have got / has got blond hair.
5. Greg have got / has got straight hair.
6. You have got / has got green eyes.

Read and match. Then colour.

1. 2. 3.

a. She has got b. It has got big c. He has got

straight blond teeth and three straight brown
hair and green big fins. It has hair and brown
eyes. She’s got a tail. It’s eyes.

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