Key Neutron Proton: Igcse Questions Set - 1 (Atomic Structure)

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IGCSE QUESTIONS SET – 1 (Atomic Structure)

A2 The diagram shows the nuclei of five different atoms.




atom A atom B atom C atom D atom E

(a) Which atom has an atomic number of 3?

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Which atom has a mass number of 6?

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Which two atoms are isotopes of the same element?

……………………………………..……... and …………...……………………………...…


(d) Complete the table below to show the number of sub-atomic particles in both an atom
and an ion of potassium.

39 39
potassium atom 19 K potassium ion 19

number of protons

number of electrons

number of neutrons

Total / 5

IGCSE QUESTIONS SET – 2 (Atomic Structure)

A3 Complete the table below to show the number of subatomic particles in each of the two ions

number of number of number of

protons neutrons electrons

40 +

37 –

IGCSE QUESTIONS SET – X (Atomic Structure)

A4 The diagram shows the atomic structure of an atom of element X.



= a proton
= a neutron

(a) Complete the table.

sub-atomic relative charge relative mass


electron –1


proton 1
(b) Carbon-12 has the symbol 6C.
Write the symbol for an atom of element X.

...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) Draw a diagram to show the atomic structure of another isotope of element X.



IGCSE chemistry SET – X (Atomic Structure)

A2 The table shows the atomic structure of six particles, represented by the letters L to Q. The particles
are atoms or ions. The letters are not the symbols of the elements.
particle electrons protons neutrons

L 6 6 6

M 2 2 2

N 12 12 12

O 10 12 12

P 6 6 8

Q 10 13 14

Use the letters L to Q to answer the following questions.

(a) Which two particles are ions?

............................................................ and ..................................................................[1]

(b) Which particle is an atom of a noble gas?


(c) Which two particles are an atom and an ion of the same element?

............................................................ and ..................................................................[1]

(d) Which two particles are isotopes of the same element?

............................................................ and ..................................................................[1]

(e) Which particle has the highest atomic mass?


Total / 5
IGCSE chemistry SET – X (Atomic Structure)

2 (a) Complete the table which gives the names, symbols, relative masses and relative charges of the
three subatomic particles.

name symbol relative mass relative charge

electron e-

proton 1

n 0

(b) Use the information in the table to explain the following.

(i) Atoms contain charged particles but they are electrically neutral because they
have no overall charge.


(ii) Atoms can form positive ions.


(iii) Atoms of the same element can have different masses.


(iv) Scientists are certain that there are no undiscovered elements missing from the
Periodic Table from hydrogen to lawrencium.

[1] [Total:

IGCSE chemistry SET – X (Atomic Structure)
element electron distribution
3 The following is a list of the electron distributions of atoms of unknown elements.
A 2,5
B 2,8,4
C 2,8,8,2
D 2,8,18,8
E 2,8,18,8,1
F 2,8,18,18,7
(a) Choose an element from the list for each of the following descriptions.

(i) It is a noble gas.

(ii) It is a soft metal with a low density.

(iii) It can form a covalent compound with element A.

(iv) It has a giant covalent structure similar to diamond.

(v) It can form a negative ion of the type X 3-. [5]

(b) Elements C and F can form an ionic compound.

(i) Draw a diagram that shows the formula of this compound, the charges on the ions
and the arrangement of the valency electrons around the negative ion.
Use o to represent an electron from an atom of C.
Use x to represent an electron from an atom of F.

(ii) Predict two properties of this compound.


[Total: 10]
IGCSE chemistry SET – X (Atomic Structure)

2 The table below gives the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms or ions.

particle number of number of number of neutrons symbol or

protons electrons formula
A 9 10 10 19 -
9 F
B 11 11 12

C 18 18 22

D 15 18 16

E 13 10 14
(a) Complete the table. The first line is given as an example. [6]

(b) Which atom in the table is an isotope of the atom which has the composition 11p,
11e and 14n? Give a reason for your choice.


[Total: 8]
IGCSE chemistry SET – X (Atomic Structure)

11 This question is about atoms.

(a) Look at the diagram. It shows a lithium atom.

part A


(i) Part A contains protons and neutrons.

What is the name of part A?

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) What is the charge on an electron?

Choose from the list.




answer ......................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Which group of the Periodic Table is this element in?

Group .......................................................................................................................... [1]

(iv) The outer electron is removed.

This forms a charged particle, Li+.

What is a charged particle, such as Li+, called?

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Look at the Periodic Table on the back page.

Find the element with the symbol Na.

What is the atomic number of this element?

............................................................................................................................................. [1] [Total:

IGCSE chemistry SET – X (Atomic Structure)

12 This question is about atomic structure.

Look at the diagram.

It shows the electronic structure of an atom.

electron X



nucleus XX

(a) The nucleus contains two types of particles.

What are the names of these two particles?

.................................................................. and ................................................................. [1]

(b) What is the atomic number of this element?

............................................................................................................................................ [1]

(c) Look at the diagram of the electronic structure of an atom.

An element contains atoms with this electronic structure.

(i) Which group of the Periodic Table is this element in?

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Explain how you can tell that this element is in Period 3 of the Periodic Table.


.................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 4]
IGCSE chemistry SET – X (Atomic Structure)
13 This question is about atomic structure.

Look at the diagram.

It shows the structure of an atom.





= a proton

= a neutron

(a) What is the atomic number of this atom?

.................................................................... [1]

(b) What is the mass number of this atom?

.................................................................... [1]

(c) An element is made up of these atoms.

(i) Which group of the Periodic Table is this element in?

................................................................... [1]

(ii) Which period of the Periodic Table is this element in?

................................................................... [1]

[Total: 4]
IGCSE chemistry SET – X (Atomic Structure)

12 This question is about atomic structure.

Look at the diagram. It shows the structure of an atom.





= a proton

= a neutron

(a) What is the atomic number of this atom?

.................................................................... [1]

(b) What is the mass number of this atom?

.................................................................... [1]

(c) An element is made up of these atoms.

(i) Which group of the Periodic Table is this element in?

................................................................... [1]

(ii) Which period of the Periodic Table is this element in?

................................................................... [1]

(d) Finish the diagram to show an isotope of the element above.



= a proton
= a neutron


Beta 80 20 5
Gamma 98 70 20

The element americium exists as different isotopes. Americium-241

emits mainly alpha radiation, and is used in smoke alarms. The
alarm only sounds when smoke stops the alpha radiation reaching
a detector in the alarm.

(a) What are isotopes?


Suggest why it is not hazardous to use the radioactive

isotope americium-241 in a smoke detector. [2]

Suggest two reasons why the radioactive isotope

cobalt-60, which emits gamma radiation, is not used in
a smoke detector. [2]

(MEG, 1995)

2.16 In 1986, an explosion at Chernobyl in Russia teased a

radioactive cloud. The main radioactive isotopes •teased were:

Element Nucleon (mass) number

Strontium 90

Iodine 131
caesium 137

(a) Give the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in

an atom of uranium-238. [3]

i) Uranium-238 atoms split up to give a different

element. This has a proton (atomic) number of 90 and

a mass number of 234. What is the symbol for this
new element? (Use the Periodic Table on page 65 to
help you.) [1]

(c) Why do uranium-238 atoms split up? [2]

(AQA(NEAB) 1995)

2.15 The table gives some information about radiation from

radioactive substances.

Percentage of radiation which can

pass through different materials
Type of Paper Aluminium Lead
radiation sheet sheet
Alpha 0 0 0
2.17 Which one of the following pairs represents two atoms
with the same number of neutrons?
Use the Periodic Table (there is one in figure 3.1 on page 65) to
answer the following questions.

(a) (i) How many electrons are there in one atom of

B 199 F and 2010Ne
strontium-90? [1]
C 2311Na D 5927Co and 5928Ni [1]
(ii) How many protons are there in one atom of

iodine-131? [1] (AQA(NEAB) 1993)

(iii) How many neutrons are there in an atom of 2.18 Many power stations convert heat to electrical energy.
In a nuclear power station the heat comes from the fission of
caesium-137? [1] uranium.

(b) The air around Chernobyl became polluted. What is a (a) Copy and complete the table by correctly adding the
pollutant? [2] missing information for the uranium-238 isotope. [2]
(c) In Sweden, caesium-137 built up in small plants called
lichen. These plants were eaten by reindeer and gave Isotope Symbol Number Number Number
rise to radioactive meat. of of of
(i) If radioactive caesium was reacted with chlorine, neutrons electrons
would you expect the caesium chloride produced
to be radioactive? Explain your answer. [2] 235 TT
Uranium-235 92 U 92 143 92
(ii) State a beneficial use in industry of a radioactive Uranium-238 92 92
isotope. [1]

(iii) State a medical use of a radioactive isotope. [1] (b) The control rods in a nuclear reactor often contain
boron. Natural boron contains about 20% boron-10
(IGCSE, part question, 1992) (1°B) and 80% boron-11 (151B).
(i) Give the electronic structure of a boron atom. [1]
(ii) Explain why the relative atomic mass of boron is
10.8. [3]

A 126C and
IGCSE QUESTIONS SET – X (Atomic Structure)

A4 Helium, neon, argon, krypton and xenon are noble gases.

(a) State a use for argon.


(b) Use ideas about electronic structure to explain why the noble gases are unreactive.



(c) Complete the table to show the number of particles in two isotopes of argon.

isotope number of number of number of

protons electrons neutrons




(d) Explain why potassium comes after argon in the Periodic Table even though it has a relative
atomic mass which is lower than that of argon.


Total / 4

IGCSE QUESTIONS SET – X (Atomic Structure)

4. Complete the table.

Particle Number of protons Number of neutrons Number of electrons

Zn 30

K+ 20

Total 6 marks
16 16 18
Structured Questions:
11. Compete these definitions:
a) The proton number of an element is the number of ……… its atom which is equal to the number of
…………. 2

b) The mass or nucleon numb of an element is the sum of the number of …………..and …….. 2

c) The ………… a positively charged particle found in the ………….of an atom 2

d) The neutron is a ………particle which has a mass equal to that of a …………… 2

e) The ………….is a negatively charged particle with a mass which is assumed to be …………. 2

f) Atoms of the same ………which have different masses are called ……….they have varying numbers of …….. 2

12. From this skeletal version of the periodic table, answer questions below.
a) Name four elements in the same period. 2

b) Name four elements in the same Group.

c) Name four gaseous elements. 2

d) Which element is magnetic? 1

e) Which elements are liquid at room temperature and pressure? 2

Li C O F Ne
Na Mg Cl Ar
Cu Br Kr
Ag I

13. Some elements denoted by the letters A to G (which are NOT their chemical symbols) have proton numbers
which are:
A 3, B 10, C 9, D 17, E 11, F 18 and G 20.

a) Which of these have complete outermost shells? 2

b) Which of these are in Group I of the Periodic Table? 2

c) Which of these are in Group II of the Periodic Table? 2

d) WII of the Periodic Table? 2

e) Which of these are in Group 0 of the Periodic Table? 2

14. Try this cross word. Most of the answers are to be found somewhere in this chapter.
2 positive particles found in the nucleus of an atom (7).

4 Element with electron configuration of 2, 4.(6)

7 ………LEUS is found at the centre of all atoms. (3)

8 chemical symbol for selenium (guess). (2)

9 see 5 down. (2)

12 Negative charged particles in all atoms. (9).

14 symbol of an element with an electron configuration of 2, 8, 4. (2)

15 In the Periodic Table, a period is a horizontal …….(3)

16 Noble gas with an electron configuration of 2, 8. (4)

18 Chemical symbol for the least reactive of the alkali metals. (2)

1 …….NCIUM is the most reactive of the alkali metals. (3)

3 these sub-atomic particles do not have a charge. (8)

4 …..SIUM is slightly less reactive than 1 down. (3)

5 chemical symbol for a Group I element. (2)

6 the number of electrons in the outermost shell of the alkali metals. (3)

8 electrons orbit in this. (5)

10 hydrogen and helium make up the first of these. (6)

11 this element has an electron configuration of 2,8, 8. (5)

13 see 14 across. (2)

17 ……..YGEN. A very important gas. (2)

1 2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9
10 11
12 13

15 16 17

1. Fluorine atoms have a mass number of 19.

a) Use the periodic table to find the atomic number of fluorine. [2]

b) Explain what mass number means. [1]

c) Write down the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in a fluorine atom. [3]

d) Draw a diagram to show the arrangement of the electrons in the fluorine atom. [2]

2. Work out the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in each of the following atoms:

a) b) c) [9]

3. Chlorine has two isotopes, chlorine-35 and chlorine-37.

a) what are isotopes? [2]

b) Write down the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in the two isotopes. [2]

c) Write down the arrangement of the electrons in each of the two isotopes. [2]

4. Draw diagrams to show the arrangement of the electrons in a) sodium, b) silicon, c) sulphur [6]

5. Find each of the following elements in the Periodic Table, and write down the number of electrons in
their outer energy level.

a) arsenic, As, b) Bromine, Br, c) tin, Sn, d) xenon, Xe [4]

6. The questions refer to the electronic structures below.

A 2, 4 B 2, 8, 8
C 2, 8, 18, 18, 7 D 2, 8, 18, 18, 8
E 2, 8, 8, 2 F 2, 8, 18, 18, 32, 18, 4

a) Which of these atoms are in group 4 of the periodic table? [2]

b) which of these structures represents carbon? [2]

c) which of these structures represents an element in group 7 of the Periodic Table? [2]

d) Which of thee structures represent noble gases? [2]

e) Name element E. [2]

f) How many protons does element F have? Name element. [2]

g) Element G has one more electron than element B. draw a diagram to show how the electrons

are arranged in an atom of G. [2]

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