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In this article we are MCQs on Copyright Act in India.

Question and Answers on Copyright act 1957

MCQs on Copyright Act in India

1.When was Copyright Act enacted in India?





Answer – C.1957

2.Copyright is __.?

A.Negative right

B.Positive right

C.Exclusive right

D.Both B and C

Answer – D.Both B and C

3.Registrar of Copyrights appointed by __?

A.The Central Government

B.The State Government

C. Parliament

D. None of the above

Answer – A.The Central Government

4.What is not eligible for copyright?



C.Mere variations of typographic ornamentation


Answer- C.Mere variations of typographic ornamentation

5.Which Section of the Copyright Act contains the meaning of copyright /

A.Section 11

B. Section 14

C.Section 15

D.Section 10

Answer-B.Section 14

6.Which Section of the Copyright Act recognised the concept of Joint authorship ?

A.Section 2(k)

B. Section 2(l)

C.Section 2(f)

D.Section 2(z)

Answer- D.Section 2(z)

7.Which of the following is not a fair use of a copyrighted work?

A.Use for research

B.Use for Criticism

C.Use for review

D.Use for commercial purposes

Answer- D.Use for commercial purposes

8.What is the punishment for copyright infringement?

A.Imprisonment 9 months to 3 years + fine of Rs. 1 lakh to 2 lakhs

B.Imprisonment 6 months to 3 years + fine of Rs. 50,000 to 2 lakhs

C.Imprisonment 1 year to 3 years + fine of Rs. 50,000 to 3 lakhs

D.Imprisonment 6 months to 2 years + fine of Rs. 40,000 to 2 lakhs

Answer- B.Imprisonment 6 months to 3 years + fine of Rs. 50,000 to 2 lakhs

In India, for copyright infringement, the Copyright Act 1957 provides the following remedies –

A. Administrative remedies,

B.Civil remedies
C.criminal remedies

D. All of the above

Answer. D.All of the above

Which Section of the Copyright Act the performers right?

A.Section 31

B. Section 22

C.Section 38

D.Section 29

Answer- C. Section 38

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