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Heart: first published as 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143 on 2 September 2020. Downloaded from on February 17, 2021 at Bangladesh: BMJ-PG Sponsored.

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Education in Heart

Optimal management of acute coronary syndromes in

the era of COVID-19
Sukhjinder Singh Nijjer  ‍ ‍,1,2 Ricardo Petraco,2 Sayan Sen2
Cardiology, Chelsea & INTRODUCTION
Westminster NHS Foundation Learning objectives
The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has
Trust, London, United Kingdom
Cardiology, Hammersmith had unprecedented impact on healthcare
►► Identify the cardiovascular complications of
Hospital, Imperial College systems, including acute cardiology services. 1 2
Healthcare NHS Trust, London, COVID-19 directly leads to cardiac complica-
United Kingdom ►► Identify the current management of acute
tions in those patients with underlying heart
coronary syndromes (ACS).
disease or cardiac risk factors. COVID-19 indi-
Correspondence to ►► Identify the challenges in delivering treatment
rectly impacts patients through the required
Dr Sukhjinder Singh Nijjer, of ACS in the context of COVID-19.
International Centre of change in healthcare resource allocation and
►► Describe the best practice for primary
Circulatory Health, Imperial the need for social distancing. A reduction in
angioplasty for ST-­elevation myocardial
College London, Hammersmith health-­s eeking behaviour 3 4 reduced attendances
infarction in the COVID-19 era.
Hospital, London W12 0HS, for cardiac emergencies, 5 6 and reduction in
United Kingdom; ►► Describe scenarios where thrombolysis should
traditional chronic care will have implications
​s.​nijjer@​imperial.​ac.​uk be considered.
that extend beyond the infective reach of the
Published Online First virus. Therefore, cardiovascular care during the
2 September 2020 pandemic should remain a priority to mitigate
the significant morbidity and mortality from ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROMES
both the direct and indirect effects of COVID- In the pre-­ COVID-19 era, diagnosis of ACS
19. 7 As future coronavirus waves are antic- relied on classical symptoms of chest discomfort
ipated, it is prescient to review its impact on (often associated autonomic features), character-
​heart.​bmj.​com the delivery of cardiovascular care, in particular
istic electrocardiographic features and the rise in
the management of acute coronary syndromes
cardiac biomarkers (typically troponin). Manage-

ment requires antiplatelets (aspirin with a potent
P2Y1₁₂ antagonist such as clopidogrel, prasugrel
or ticagrelor), injectable anticoagulants (such as
CARDIOVASCULAR CONCERNS IN COVID-19 fondaparinux) and modification of cardiac demand
Early reports suggested a strong relation-
(with beta-­blockers).12 13 Statins are given early
ship between traditional cardiovascular risk
as they may promote plaque stabilisation. While
factors and poor outcomes from COVID-19. 8 9
initial reports raised concerns about the use of
COVID-19 related myocardial injury is evident
10 ACE inhibitor and angiotensin receptor in patients
in postmortems. Those with critical illness
with COVID-19,16 age-­corrected models have not
demonstrate elevation of troponin and B-­type
supported this, and ARBs may even have a protec-
natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels and rising levels
11 12 tive role.17
correlate to poorer clinical outcomes.
Those with higher risk features such as significant
The mechanisms of myocardial injury remain
poorly understood but candidates may involve troponin markers, ongoing ECG changes or high
ACE2 expression within the myocardium and GRACE scores are offered invasive angiography as
coronary vessels triggering local inflammation, revascularisation18 19
reduces poor outcomes including
hypercoagulopathy and thrombosis. Coronary reinfarction. In ST-­elevation myocardial infarc-
thrombosis will cause ACS and localised isch- tion (STEMI), immediate revascularisation with
aemia in the form a type I myocardial infarc- primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
tion (MI). 11 Ischaemia may also result from is essential. Untreated, STEMI has high mortality
respiratory failure and hypoxia; in the context and risks mechanical complications such as 18
of underlying coronary disease, troponin rise regurgitation or ventricular septal defects. Door-­
may reflect a type II MI due to supply/demand to-­balloon time should be less than 60 min where
mismatch. 13 Pulmonary emboli may also feasible. Non-­ ST elevation myocardial infarction
occur, driving elevated pulmonary pressures (NSTEMI) should have angiography within 72
with right ventricular strain. 14 An immune-­ hours, ideally sooner.
© Author(s) (or their
mediated inflammatory response appears to All these factors remain true in the COVID-19
employer(s)) 2020. Re-­use
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No drive a secondary myocarditis and contributes era with the additional assessment of infective status
commercial re-­use. See rights to acute heart failure and multiorgan failure. 15 and appropriate protection of staff. COVID-19
and permissions. Published The COVID-19 myocarditis generates striking treatment algorithms have incorporated the use
by BMJ. 20
ECG changes with marked and even regional ST of anticoagulants given the thrombotic risk.
To cite: Nijjer SS, elevation (‘STEMI-­ m imic’). Also, sympathetic Ischaemic events may be reducedby the addition
Petraco R, Sen S. Heart drive may drive a Takutsubo-­s tyle cardiomyop- of rivaroxaban 2.5 mg 21twice daily and ongoing
2020;106:1609–1616. athy or drive cardiac arrhythmia. studies are assessing this in the COVID-19 era.
Nijjer SS, et al. Heart 2020;106:1609–1616. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143   1609
Heart: first published as 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143 on 2 September 2020. Downloaded from on February 17, 2021 at Bangladesh: BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by
Education in Heart
While chest pain is common in COVID-19, myocarditis, pericarditis or systemic illness (type II
symptoms of true MI remain distinct and detect- MI).13 Clinical assessment, serial ECG and troponin
able on assessment of history. The principle issue measurement are key to diagnosis. In the context
is distinguishing such type I MI events from of COVID-19, conservative management may be
troponin elevation due to arrhythmia, heart failure, appropriate for non-­true ACS.


Figure 1  Electrocardiographs of patient with COVID-19 developing ST elevation myocardial infarction. (A) Baseline electrocardiograph on
admission. (B) The patient developed severe central crushing chest pain while on continuous positive airways pressure. ST elevation is evident in the
inferior leads with reciprocal ST depression anteriorly. (C) Following alteplase and heparin, there is evidence of reperfusion with over 50% reduction
in ST elevation in the inferior leads.
1610 Nijjer SS, et al. Heart 2020;106:1609–1616. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143
Heart: first published as 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143 on 2 September 2020. Downloaded from on February 17, 2021 at Bangladesh: BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by
Education in Heart
Point of care echocardiography can support patients may require acute transfer from district
decision making: the presence of regional wall general hospitals into hub hospitals if the first
motion changes would suggest typical ACS. hospital cannot offer revascularisation within
Since echocardiography is an intimate examina- a timely fashion. Typically, critical care ambu-
tion with a sustained period of contact between lances are required for this.
patient and healthcare worker, there is increased As there is an asymptomatic period in which
risk of viral transmission, and full personal infected patients are shedding the virus, those
protective equipment (PPE) is advocated. presenting as emergency STEMI could drive
Focused scans with limited views to answer the viral transmission to first responders and those
question are appropriate. Patients should wear performing PPCI. COVID-19 diagnostic tools
masks during scanning and during their assess- are not sufficiently rapid yet to permit screening
ment and treatment. prior to emergency PPCI for STEMI, and while
screening with CT-­t horax is useful in more elec-
tive settings, it is unfeasible in a STEMI setting.
As PPCI can involve cardiac arrest, a recognised
REPERFUSION FOR STEMI ‘aerosol generating procedure’, it is agreed
In STEMI, rapid mechanical reperfusion through that full PPE is recommended for all those
primary percutaneous coronary intervention performing PPCI. 23 24 Services should consider
(PPCI) is the preferred treatment option.22 The shielding members of staff at highest risk from
National Health Service and the British Cardio- COVID-19: those with lung conditions or those
vascular Intervention Society have reiterated that over the age of 65 years have been redeployed
PPCI remains the treatment of choice for STEMI to non-­p atient-­f acing activities appropriately.
in the COVID-19 era.23 In the UK, most cardiac PPCI should be performed with reperfu-
networks have STEMI diagnosed by ambulance sion within 120  min of symptom onset and
services, and patients are taken directly to desig- within 60  min of arrival at a PPCI capable
nated cardiac catheter laboratories. Occasionally, centre. 20 21 Radial access is preferred to facilitate
early patient ambulation. Observational data
suggest those with COVID-19 have a greater
burden of thrombus: multivessel thrombosis
and stent thrombosis rates are higher. 25 Higher
rates of aspiration thrombectomy and greater

need for GPIIb/IIIa and higher doses of intrap-
rocedural heparin are all reported. 25 Prolonged
hospitalisation and greater mortality is seen in
those with COVID-19 and STEMI. 25 26
A dedicated catheter laboratory is recom-
mended, and all possible equipment should
be available within this to limit staff having
to fetch equipment and potentially spread the
virus. A designated area for donning and doffing
PPE is essential; staff should observe each other
to provide support in this process. All team
members should have sufficient PPE with FF2 or
FFP3 mask, gown, goggles and/or visor. As PPE
remains scarce, some may choose to limit PPE
usage to operators only. However, in the event
of a cardiac arrest, team members will need to
leave the cardiac catheter lab to don PPE before
exposure to Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) manoeuvres.
Negative pressure facilities have been recom-
mended to minimise spread of the virus, but
few have this capability. The alternative is
to deep clean after each case. In the event of
multiple STEMI patients arriving at once, a risk
assessment should be performed and, if delays
Figure 2  Stills from invasive coronary angiography in stabilised patient with are inevitable, then thrombolysis should be
COVID-19 after thrombolysis for STEMI. Coronary angiography was performed via considered.
the right radial artery. (A) the left coronary tree had diffuse disease with moderate to In those developing cardiogenic shock in the
severe disease in a second diagonal artery. A prior stent in the LAD was patent. (B and context of COVID-19 infection, futility should
C) A dominant right coronary artery had a moderate to severe proximal stenosis with a be considered. However, as decision making in
recanalised thrombotic lesion in the midvessel. (D) The proximal and midvessel lesions the acute setting can be challenging, all avail-
are stented with 3.5 mm diameter drug-­eluting stents that are optimised with 4.0 mm able supportive therapies should be used when
non-­compliant balloons. STEMI, ST-­elevation myocardial infarction. appropriate.
Nijjer SS, et al. Heart 2020;106:1609–1616. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143 1611
Heart: first published as 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143 on 2 September 2020. Downloaded from on February 17, 2021 at Bangladesh: BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by
Education in Heart
While PPCI remains the treatment of choice COVID-19 ERA
for STEMI, the number of COVID-19 cases in STEMI-mimic
Wuhan and Lombardy raised sufficient concerns Unwell patients with COVID-19 have manifested
that thrombolysis should be considered in certain severe ST-­ elevation but have been found to have
circumstances.24 27 28 unobstructed coronary arteries on invasive angiog-
In normal circumstances, transfer to PPCI raphy.12 26 The mechanism remains unclear but is
centres is effective and safe. However, during the attributed to myocarditis or a Takutsubo-­type response
COVID-19 peak, hospital transfers have been to overwhelming inflammation. As COVID-19 case
affected and, for those unwell COVID-19 patients numbers rose in Wuhan and Lombardy, there was
who are actively shedding virus, are potentially concern that PPCI services would be overwhelmed
hazardous. Furthermore, critically unwell patients by similar patients and expose patients to the risks of
requiring non-­invasive ventilation are challenging unnecessary invasive procedures.31 32 However, this
to transfer safely with aerosolised secretions has been less evident in the UK. Echocardiography
posing a threat to staff. Intubated patients have can help support a diagnosis of a global myocarditis,
closed circuits that lower the risk of transmission, but coronary angiography is still advocated to avoid
missing a true coronary occlusion.33
but these patients remain a challenge to transfer
in a timely manner. Those patients in intensive
care units (ICU) in district generals without acute Delayed attendance
primary angioplasty services will be disadvan- As the pandemic evolved, a global reduction in ACS
taged as acute transfer to local PPCI centres will admissions has been noted.3 5 This is, perhaps, in
response to strong governmental messages to ‘stay
be delayed. Those patients who have fulminant
at home’. Anecdotally, patients have avoided hospi-
COVID-19 may be unable to lie flat and be unable
tals despite significant cardiac symptoms. Patients
to tolerate an invasive angioplasty.
may fear contracting the virus or wish to avoid
In these scenarios, thrombolysis should be consid-
overloading medical services. Referrers in primary
ered early and administered promptly in the absence
or intermediate care settings may misconstrue
of contraindications; the greatest value is within chest pain as part of COVID-19. Those in smaller
1 hour of pain onset. Fibrin-­specific agents such as district hospitals may be unable to transfer patients
alteplase and tenectaplase can be given easily; the to catheter-­lab centres due to saturation of emer-
latter is preferable as a single bolus reduces the need

gency services.34 Globally, a 20%–40% reduction
for close nursing contact. in STEMI presentations has been reported; greater
The use of thrombolysis remains controversial reductions in NSTEMI are noted.35–37 Those
with concerns over bleeding risks in the context attending have experienced significantly longer
of possible COVID-19 myocarditis. Further- door-­to-­balloon times with longer times of assess-
more, a quarter of patients will not reperfuse ment in emergency rooms, longer times for staff to
and still require facilitated PCI.23 However, prepare PPE and potentially longer procedure times
despite these concerns, thrombolysis is used due to clot burden, disease complexity or the need
for STEMI around the world29 and has been for respiratory support.34 35
used successfully in patients with COVID-19 in Late presentations for STEMI have increased34 and
China. While PPCI has clear advantage in lower may have a large thrombotic burden with a failure
bleeding risk and greater likelihood of reperfu- to reperfuse despite PCI. Mechanical complications
sion, the efficacy balance between thrombolysis such as septal defects and ventricular rupture have
and PPCI is closer to equipoise when PPCI is been reported. It is expected that the incidence of
delayed. The Strategic Reperfusion Early after heart failure may rise due to this late presentation
Myocardial Infarction (STREAM) study demon- with ACS. The national PCI and MI registries in the
strated even a single hour of delay meant there UK are being used to study the pattern of ACS admis-
was no significant difference in major events sions since the pandemic started.38
after randomised to either thrombolysis or
Patients should be urgently discussed with a Significant changes in working patterns have meant
senior cardiologist and an interventional cardi- novel care pathways have been instituted. Some of
ologist. Rapid communication is essential and these may have value beyond the pandemic. Pathways
may need to be entirely remote to facilitate should be modified according to the resources avail-
speed. Documentation should reflect on why able locally.
thrombolysis is used and the system constraints
that mandated it. Upfront decisions should be Minimised length of stay
documented for subsequent treatment for those Prompt treatment and minimisation of testing unlikely
patients in which ST segments do not sufficiently to change near-­term clinical decisions should help to
resolve. A cardiac catheter laboratory should minimise the inpatient length of stay. This is important
be activated and steps taken for safe transfer. to reduce the likelihood of patients acquiring de novo
Patients achieving reperfusion should be consid- coronavirus infection from other patients. In efficient
ered for invasive angiography on stabilisation. healthcare systems with early reperfusion, it should

1612 Nijjer SS, et al. Heart 2020;106:1609–1616. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143

Heart: first published as 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143 on 2 September 2020. Downloaded from on February 17, 2021 at Bangladesh: BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by
Education in Heart
be feasible for uncomplicated MI to discharge within with low-­ dose anticoagulation with rivaroxaban
24 hours of admission. Prompt review in emergency 2.5 mg BD. The concept is that part of the elevated
departments with same-­day angiography should be mortality in COVID-19 is driven by cardiac events
considered where feasible. As elective care has been and localised thrombosis. A pilot study is running
curtailed, catheter laboratories have the capacity for before a wider roll-­out (https://​
rapid turn around and radial access permits early ct2/​show/​NCT04333407).
discharge. Bedside point of care echocardiography
can provide LV assessment. A short period of rhythm ACS PHENOTYPES IN COVID-19 ERA
monitoring is appropriate in low-­risk patients with One can consider a number of different phenotypes
uncomplicated PCI. Tests such as Positron emission of ACS in the current era.
tomography (PET), Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
(MIBI) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are A classical ACS, with undiagnosed COVID-19,
less readily available in the current pandemic. Unless found on routine testing on admission
critical for decision making, it is suggested these tests A 55-­ year-­
old man with a background history
are deferred to reduce the length of inpatient stay. of hypertension and 20-­ a-­
day cigarette habit is
Low-­risk patients with low Global Registry of admitted with 15 min of retrosternal chest pain.
Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) scores and small He is otherwise well. The ECG demonstrates deep
troponin-­ rises can be stratified, and if appro- T-­wave inversion across the anterior leads, and the
priate, then early urgent angiography can be troponin is 253 ng/L. Handheld echocardiography
considered on an ‘outpatient’ basis without inpa- reveals anterior hypokinesia. There is no history
tient stays. Some Trusts have kept angiographic of fever or dyspnoea, but a nasopharyngeal swab is
facilities in ‘clean zones’ allowing patients to be PCR positive for COVID-19. He undergoes inva-
discharged from emergency departments and sive angiography wearing a mask; the treating team
attend semielectively the next day for the inva- is in full PPE. Following PCI to the mid-­Left Ante-
sive procedure while minimising hospital stay. rior Descending (LAD) artery with a single drug
Maximal antiplatelet therapy and appropriate eluting stent, he is allowed home promptly and
counselling is required. given clear instructions for monitoring his tempera-
ture and saturations.
Clustering of patients
In some cases, inpatient stay is inevitable. Hospi- Learning points

tals have developed clearly demarcated ‘zones’ to ►► In this case, near routine care was delivered
reflect the likelihood of viral cross-­contamination. and an early discharge aimed to minimise viral
Patients with confirmed COVID-19 should be clus- exposure to other patients.
tered with others who have the virus. However, ►► Asymptomatic patients may be COVID-19
delays in viral diagnostics can mean apparently well positive, and it is unclear if they are infective
but infected and shedding patients can enter osten- or not.
sibly ‘clean’ zones. ►► PPE should be mandated while treating patients.
►► Patients with higher risk NSTEMI (dynamic
Surgical disease ECG changes and elevated troponin) are best
Patients presenting with ACS may be found to have treated with revascularisation where possible.
coronary disease best revascularised by coronary
artery bypass surgery. Early in the pandemic, all Classical COVID-19 features with concomitant
elective surgery was cancelled to reduce the impact true STEMI
on intensive care facilities. This has evolved into A 66-­ year-­
old man with a background history of
allowing urgent surgery once discussed at an Multi-­ prior PCI over a decade previously is admitted with
disciplinary Team Meeting (MDT) but in a limited a classical presentation of COVID-19. He is breath-
number of centres. MDTs should be performed less with a persistent cough and high fevers. Bilateral
early and ideally daily to minimise uncertainty and infiltrates are seen on chest radiographs. Initial ECGs
duration of inpatient stay. In patients who have are within normal limits (figure 1A). He requires
COVID-19, there is concern that surgery will pose continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP) but
undue risk and harm. In these cases, PCI should be remains stable. Five days into admission, he develops
preferred where possible. As surgical disease can central crushing chest pain at 06:00. He is markedly
be complex, additional care and attention will be breathless and cannot lie flat. Severe inferior ST
necessary when performing PCI with consideration elevation is noted (figure 1B). Primary PCI requires
of adjunctive technologies. urgent transfer to the local tertiary centre, but inten-
sivists feel he is unsafe for transfer and prefer not
AREAS FOR RESEARCH to intubate. His case is urgently discussed between
National registries are working to detect patterns the cardiologist on the ward and interventionalists
of disease during the pandemic and will offer locally and at the tertiary centre; thrombolysis is
insights into how patients were treated. The C19-­ agreed. Following alteplase and heparin, ST segments
ACS randomises COVID-19 patients with known resolve (figure 1C), and the patient is stabilised on
coronary artery disease or risk factors to standard aspirin and clopidogrel. The troponin is 1800 ng/L.
therapy or the addition of dual antiplatelet therapy After a further 5 days, he is well enough for invasive
Nijjer SS, et al. Heart 2020;106:1609–1616. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143 1613
Heart: first published as 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143 on 2 September 2020. Downloaded from on February 17, 2021 at Bangladesh: BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by
Education in Heart
angiography. The left coronary system had a patent for advanced supportive therapies but destabilised
stent and minor disease. A thrombotic lesion is noted and passed away.
in the Right Coronary artery (RCA) (figure 2B,C).
This is stented, and he is discharged on maximum Learning points
secondary prevention. 1. STEMI can occur due to myocarditis and does
not equate to coronary occlusion.
2. The presence of myocarditis is a significant risk.
Learning points
Even those without coronary artery disease re-
►► Thrombolysis should be considered for patients
main at high risk of a poor outcome. Consider
who cannot receive PPCI in a timely manner.
advanced haemodynamic support with percuta-
►► Decisions for thrombolysis should be senior
neous ventricular assist devices or extracorpore-
led and made in conjunction with tertiary PPCI
al membrane oxygenation.
centres as a plan for facilitated PCI may be
►► Angiography prior to discharge is desirable and FUTURE PERSPECTIVES POST-COVID-19
should be performed once the patient has stabi- The COVID-19 pandemic has driven a rapid
lised from COVID-19. configuration of services across hospitals, assisted
by reduction in bureaucracy. Acute services have
been reconfigured to reduce coronavirus spread
Severe COVID-19 with STEMI-mimic
with segregation of acute assessment areas, wards
A 41-­year-­old man with no prior medical history has
and catheter labs into ‘clean’ and ‘dirty’ zones.
a rapidly progressive COVID-19 illness. Following
Patients are stratified by the likelihood of infection.
an initial trial of CPAP therapy, he requires intu-
Upstream swabbing and temperature assessment is
bation and is admitted to intensive care for moni-
essential. Unfortunately, maintaining strict clean
toring. Troponin and BNP levels begin to rise, and
sites will prove difficult in acute care, in particular
his ECG shows widespread significant ST elevation.
for STEMI, and PPE should continue to be used
Haemodynamic parameters are normal, and bedside
when patients are at risk of being infective. Increas-
echocardiography shows ‘low-­ normal’ function
ingly rapid swabbing protocols may facilitate more
with no clear regional wall motion abnormalities.
selective use.
In light of ST segment changes, the patient under-
Elective work, which was postponed by the
goes urgent invasive angiography. The coronary
pandemic, has been restored by using enhanced
vessels are smooth and unobstructed. Conservative

preprocedure assessment with comprehensive
measures are instituted, but the patient develops
swabbing and patient self-­isolation prior to elec-
recurrent ventricular tachycardia that is unrespon-
tive procedures. The length of isolation appears
sive to amiodarone and mexiletine. He developed
variable across hospitals. Staff swabbing on a fort-
multiorgan failure. He was considered for transfer
nightly basis may help identify illness among staff
and reduce the chance of services closing or infec-
tion of patients. Outpatient elective surgery has
Key points been stratified by urgency and, in some places, has
moved to different hospital sites to ensure there is
►► Prompt and early revascularisation, with appropriate personal protective no impact to intensive care services. Longer term,
equipment, remains the default treatment approach for patients with acute normal clinical services must return to minimise a
coronary syndrome in the COVID-19 era. growing inequality of service access.
►► The use of risk stratification tools (such as GRACE scores) may aid the Outpatient flows have benefited from embracing
prioritisation of cases to minimise their hospital stay. technology. Clinics become remote to to reduce
►► Critically unwell patients with ST-­elevation myocardial infarction, without patient viral exposure. Telephone and video clinics
onsite catheter lab facilities or too unstable for transfer should be considered are now fully established and in many cases can
for thrombolysis and activation of services for facilitated PCI if necessary. replace traditional clinics. Face-­ to-­
face appoint-
►► Patients with cardiovascular disease are particularly vulnerable during this ments can be reserved for specified patients but
period regardless of their infective status. Adaptation of cardiac services to must include appropriate PPE and social distancing
ensure continuity of care for these patients even in the context of a further to reduce the exposure risk to cardiology patients
wave of COVID-19 is essential to minimise preventable cardiovascular death. who are specifically vulnerable to complications.
Postinfarction ‘virtual’ cardiac rehabilitation and
heart failure clinics have proven feasible.
CME credits for Education in Heart Going forward, work is required to anticipate the
possibility of further ‘waves’ of the virus. Cardiol-
Education in Heart articles are accredited for CME by various providers. To ogists may need novel working models, expanding
answer the accompanying multiple choice questions (MCQs) and obtain your beyond job plans and may require shift patterns.
credits, click on the ‘Take the Test’ link on the online version of the article.
The MCQs are hosted on BMJ Learning. All users must complete a one-­time CONCLUSIONS
registration on BMJ Learning and subsequently log in on every visit using their The management of ACS remains a key priority and
username and password to access modules and their CME record. Accreditation services must be configured in an adaptable manner
is only valid for 2 years from the date of publication. Printable CME certificates to respond to the changing demands in the pandemic.
are available to users that achieve the minimum pass mark. The treatment for ACS is well established, and while

1614 Nijjer SS, et al. Heart 2020;106:1609–1616. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143

Heart: first published as 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317143 on 2 September 2020. Downloaded from on February 17, 2021 at Bangladesh: BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by
Education in Heart
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