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Myocardial Revascularization Trials

Beyond the Printed Word

ABSTRACT: This article reviews the context and evidence of recent Marc Ruel, MD, MPH
myocardial revascularization trials that compared percutaneous coronary Volkmar Falk, MD, PhD
intervention with coronary artery bypass grafting for the treatment Michael E. Farkouh, MD,
of left main and multivessel coronary artery disease. We develop the MS
rationale that some of the knowledge synthesis resulting from these trials, Nick Freemantle, PhD
particularly with regard to the claimed noninferiority of percutaneous Mario F. Gaudino, MD
coronary intervention beyond nondiabetic patients with low anatomic David Glineur, MD, PhD
complexity, may have been affected by trial design, patient selection Duke E. Cameron, MD
David P. Taggart, MD
based on suitability for percutaneous coronary intervention, and end point
optimization favoring percutaneous coronary intervention over coronary
artery bypass grafting. We provide recommendations that include holding
a circumspect interpretation of the currently available evidence, as well
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as suggestions for the collaborative design and conduct of future clinical

trials in this and other fields.

ver the past 2 decades, the question of whether percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI) is as effective a form of myocardial revascularization as
coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) for the treatment of left main (LM)
and multivessel coronary artery disease (CAD) has been studied in more than a
dozen sizable randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Nowadays, cardiologists and car-
diac surgeons agree that PCI is a safe and effective modality for patients acutely
presenting with ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction (MI), patients with LM
disease and low to intermediate anatomic complexity, and selected nondiabetic
patients with multivessel CAD who have focal involvement and low anatomic com-
plexity (Table 1). At the other end of the spectrum, patients who have extensive or
diffuse multivessel CAD, patients with LM disease and high anatomic complexity,
and patients with diabetes mellitus and multivessel CAD are considered likely to
fare better with CABG unless comorbidities are significant, surgical risk is high, or
the potential for long-term survival is limited. Cardiologists and cardiac surgeons
also generally agree that a separate discussion should take place after the diagnos-
tic coronary angiography with patients who have stable CAD and who fall outside
the above criteria. During this discussion, a heart team recommendation that takes Key Words:  clinical trials as topic
into consideration not only the patient’s characteristics and preferences but also ◼ coronary artery disease ◼ coronary
the levels of expertise at the center should be provided to the patient, who can stenosis ◼ percutaneous coronary
intervention ◼ surgical procedures,
decide outside the constraints of an urgent setting. operative ◼ treatment outcomes
Areas of major controversy also remain in the field of myocardial revascular-
© 2018 American Heart Association, Inc.
ization. From a technical perspective, interventional cardiologists and cardiac sur-
geons have a different view of what constitutes complete revascularization that

Circulation. 2018;138:2943–2951. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.035970 December 18/25, 2018 2943

Ruel et al Myocardial Revascularization Trials

Table 1.  Areas of General Acceptance and Ongoing Controversy in an acute MI, which has been found to result in benefit
Myocardial Revascularization for Left Main and Multivessel Coronary
compared with a culprit-only strategy,6 should be un-

Artery Disease
dertaken with PCI or CABG; moreover, the optimal tim-
Topics with general acceptance
ing of revascularization for nonculprit stenoses is not
 ST-segment–elevation MI PCI of culprit lesion is preferred known. It also remains unclear whether the results of
 LM CAD with low to Both PCI and CABG are acceptable RCTs performed in patients with stable CAD, especially
intermediate anatomic with regard to anatomic complexity and the presence
of diabetes mellitus, should be applied to patients who
 Nondiabetic patients with Both PCI and CABG are acceptable
focal multivessel CAD and low
recently had an MI.7 Furthermore, RCTs comparing PCI
anatomic complexity with CABG have enrolled very few patients with systolic
 Diffuse multivessel CAD CABG is preferred contractile dysfunction; whether medical therapy, PCI,
or CABG represents the best intervention for those pa-
 Diabetes mellitus and multivessel CABG is preferred
CAD tients is another topic of debate.
 Stable CAD outside of the above Heart team recommendation
However, above all, it is the interpretation of re-
contexts conveyed to the patient at a time cent trials involving patients with LM and multivessel
and setting separate from the CAD such as NOBLE (Nordic-Baltic-British Left Main
coronary angiography
Revascularization), EXCEL (Evaluation of XIENCE Ver-
Topics with ongoing controversy sus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery for Effectiveness
 Complete revascularization Functional: FFR based beneficial in of Left Main Revascularization), and a subsequently
PCI. Is there a role for FFR in CABG
(ie, treatment reclassification,
published patient-level meta-analysis8–10 that continues
grafting strategy)? to fuel controversy in the field of myocardial revascu-
Anatomic: appears beneficial larization. These studies have suggested that PCI may
in CABG (despite possibility of
confounding by indication).1 Should
be equivalent to CABG with regard to major adverse
it be artery-based or territory- cardiovascular events (ie, MI, stroke, or cardiovascular
based? death) and that, with the exception of diabetic patients
  ST-segment–elevation MI Should completion of with a high SYNTAX (Synergy Between Percutaneous
revascularization be performed Coronary Intervention With Taxus and Cardiac Surgery)
with CABG?
score,10 there may be no particular subgroup of patients
 Heart failure with reduced In nondiabetic patients, is there
who benefit from CABG.9,10
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ejection fraction in the presence a role for PCI, particularly if

of LM or multivessel CAD complete revascularization can be Because no new major trial comparing PCI with
achieved?2,3 CABG for LM or multivessel CAD is underway, these
 LM CAD of high anatomic Should PCI be used in patients who data are likely to represent, for many years, the latest
complexity are good surgical candidates? information on this topic available to the cardiovascu-
 Multivessel CAD of moderate to
high anatomic complexity lar community. We believe that issues related to trial
 LM or multivessel CAD in design in some of the PCI versus CABG studies, includ-
diabetic patients ing the selection of patients based on suitability for
CABG indicates coronary artery bypass grafting; CAD, coronary artery PCI, end point definitions for periprocedural MI that
disease; FFR, fractional flow reserve; LM, left main; MI, myocardial infarction; varied between and even within trials, and incorrect
and PCI, percutaneous coronary interventions.
subgroup analysis practices, could have contributed
to the overoptimized design and misinterpretation of
is based on either functional (ie, PCI of vessels with an these RCTs, with a potential to affect the recommen-
invasive fractional flow reserve of ≤0.80)4 or anatomic dations provided in clinical guidelines. Understand-
(bypass of all coronary arteries with a diameter ≥1.5 ing these pitfalls, which are described in this article,
mm and a luminal reduction of ≥50% in at least 1 an- may help avoid repeating them in future myocardial
giographic view) criteria.5 The use of PCI-based frac- revascularization trials and enhance the cardiovascular
tional flow reserve criteria has occasionally spread to community’s interpretation of the currently available
CABG practice without evidence that reclassification evidence.
of the revascularization strategy (ie, fractional flow re-
serve to help determine whether medical therapy, PCI,
or CABG should be recommended) or the withholding EQUIPOISE BY DESIGN FROM THE
of a bypass graft during CABG because of a fractional GROUND UP: IMPLICATIONS AT THE
flow reserve value >0.80 is warranted, apart from con-
siderations about graft patency and conduit selection
(ie, whether an artery or vein graft should be used, ac- ANALYSIS, AND GUIDELINES LEVELS
cording to competitive flow potential). Another area of Most trials comparing PCI with CABG have not been
controversy is whether complete revascularization after designed and powered to individually address the po-

2944 December 18/25, 2018 Circulation. 2018;138:2943–2951. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.035970

Ruel et al Myocardial Revascularization Trials

tential inferiority of PCI with regard to freedom from Consequently, if PCI were deemed noninferior to
major adverse cardiovascular events. Furthermore, with CABG in individual myocardial revascularization trials or


CABG as the recognized gold standard for patients with in the pooling of their data, would a conclusion that
severe LM or multivessel CAD, clinicians and investiga- PCI be substituted for CABG in the real world be ap-
tors have been hesitant to enroll patients in myocardial propriate? Although RCTs always involve a select group
revascularization trials unless they were considered to of subjects, a context that emphasizes “noninferiority
be particularly suitable for PCI. from the ground up,” with systematic selection of pa-
This issue of whether enrolled patients are typical of tients because of suitability toward 1 of the 2 interven-
routine clinical practice was raised more than a decade tions, in every trial from which these data are available,
ago.11 It was noted then that the trials had enrolled may have resulted in bias at inception.
fewer than 5% of the total potentially eligible popula-
tion, usually those with modest CAD involvement. The
generalization of results from those trials, which report- CHANGING DEFINITIONS OF END
ed no difference in survival between PCI and CABG, POINTS BETWEEN AND WITHIN
to the larger population of patients with severe CAD,
most of whom would not have been randomized in the
context of a trial, may have contributed to an explosive There is abundant literature on the use of composite
growth in the use of PCI.11 primary end points and their subcomponents in tri-
A similar situation occurred in the recent NOBLE and als that have compared PCI with CABG for myocar-
EXCEL trials. For instance, the EXCEL trial completed dial revascularization.13 For instance, whether a stroke
enrollment with 729 (38%) fewer subjects than origi- equates to an MI or alternatively amounts to an MI plus
nally planned.9 As in every myocardial revascularization 1 target vessel revascularization episode has been a
trial that reported recruitment rates and the reasons for longstanding source of debate. Undoubtedly, compos-
nonenrollment, the possibility of suboptimal outcomes ite primary end points are practical but also subopti-
with PCI was the predominant cause for nonenroll- mal.14 Their post hoc splitting and pooling also can lead
ment, even beyond the screening phase. Similarly, in to methodological shortcomings,13 as described in the
the SYNTAX trial, which aspired to represent a clinically next section.
realistic all-comers trial, of the >1000 patients deemed Individual end point–related questions that are rel-
ineligible for randomization and entered into a paral- evant to recent RCTs comparing PCI to CABG include
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lel registry, the vast majority had been excluded from the following: Does target vessel revascularization
randomization because the complexity and severity of constitute a benign outcome, despite the paucity of
CAD made them unsuitable for PCI yet still suitable for dedicated literature examining its late effects? Should
CABG.12 periprocedural MI, arbitrarily defined by enzyme release
In the EXCEL trial, by the time 1000 patients were thresholds that vary from 1 trial to another using bio-
recruited to the companion registry (who in large part chemical assays that also fluctuate from 1 laboratory to
underwent CABG), only 747 patients had been ran- another, represent an important hypothesized clinical
domized into the study. Notably, EXCEL had stipulated outcome difference between PCI and CABG?15–18
a SYNTAX score of <33 for inclusion. Even in those pa- On these issues, the latest 2 trials, NOBLE and EX-
tients with less complex LM disease, the most frequent CEL, took opposite approaches. NOBLE, like previous
reasons for nonrandomization were that “PCI should trials, included target vessel revascularization as part of
not be performed” followed by “the presence of any its composite primary end point, whereas EXCEL did
clinical condition which leads the participating interven- not.8,9 Furthermore, NOBLE did not consider periproce-
tional cardiologist to believe that clinical equipoise is dural MI to be an important and comparable source of
not present.”9 Fewer than one-third of patients in the clinical difference and did not include it in its composite
EXCEL registry ultimately underwent PCI. primary end point. What happened in this regard in the
We believe that the repetitive practice of limiting EXCEL trial is noteworthy.
trial enrollment to patients considered to be particu- The EXCEL trial was published in December 2016.9
larly suitable for PCI, anatomically and physiologically, We observed previously that the noninferiority result in
amounts to a form of selection bias. Although this prac- EXCEL was enabled by the definition of periprocedural
tice may be in the best interest of the study patients, MI,19 which changed during the course of the trial. The
the external validity and generalizability of myocardial final definition, used for the primary end point of the
revascularization trials suffer from having excluded sub- trial, was developed near the end of its recruitment
jects with less than optimal suitability for PCI (who may phase by a committee from the Society for Cardiovas-
have experienced a less favorable outcome) and never- cular Angiography and Interventions as an “identical
theless applying the results of these RCTs to the whole definition of myocardial infarction for both PCI and
population of patients with severe CAD. CABG to minimize ascertainment bias and…that is

Circulation. 2018;138:2943–2951. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.035970 December 18/25, 2018 2945

Ruel et al Myocardial Revascularization Trials

clinically relevant.”9,16 However, the Society for Cardio- definition used for the analyses, affected the composite
vascular Angiography and Interventions periprocedural primary end point and the noninferiority result of the

MI definition was not aligned with both the Second and EXCEL study (Figure 2). Without this modification, it is
Third Universal Definitions of MI (Table  2), is the only plausible that the composite primary end point of major
definition with an exclusively biochemical (ie, without adverse cardiovascular events, which included peripro-
ancillary clinical criterion) threshold for PCI and CABG, cedural MI in the first 30 days, would have changed in
favored the use of creatine kinase-MB over cardiac tro- favor of CABG, as evidenced by the 30-day to 3-year
ponin, and ultimately proved entirely different from the landmark analysis found in Table S9 of the Supplemen-
recently published Fourth Universal Definition of MI.21 tary Appendix to the New England Journal of Medicine
The results of trials comparing PCI and CABG that article.9 Notably, nonfatal outcomes were “reset” at 30
have periprocedural MI as a part of their composite pri- days after the procedure for this landmark analysis, so
mary end point are very sensitive to its definition, be- patients were eligible to suffer another incidence of MI
cause it crucially affects the quantification of outcomes. from 30 days on. Nonetheless, only 3 patients in the
In a study by Cho and colleagues15 that examined this CABG group who had a periprocedural MI experienced
issue, the differential incidence of periprocedural MI, another nonfatal MI, and subsequent MIs were much
according to various definitions, was evaluated among less frequent in the CABG group than in the PCI group.
7697 patients who received PCI (n=4514) or CABG Although higher myocardial enzyme release at CABG
(n=3183) between 2003 and 2013 and for whom serial can relate to less complete revascularization, itself
measurements of creatine kinase-MB were available. linked to higher baseline risk and a diminished potential
Depending on which MI definition was used, wide dis- for late survival (through confounding by indication),1 it
crepancies were observed in the rates of periprocedural does not appear that the “excess periprocedural MIs”9
MI after PCI and CABG (18.7% versus 2.9% by the in the CABG group of the EXCEL trial were causally
Second Universal Definition, 3.2% versus 1.9% by the linked to repeat nonfatal MI, clinically evident loss of
Third Universal Definition, and 5.5% versus 18.3% by graft patency, or significant myocardium at risk.
the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Inter- In addition to the major variability between studies
ventions definition; Figure 1). described above, the results of biochemical assays used
Hence, a change in the definition of periprocedural for myocardial enzyme release differ widely from one
MI, from the original EXCEL trial protocol contempo- laboratory to another, resulting in important within-
rary with the Second Universal Definition to the Soci- study differences. The Fourth Universal Definition indi-
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ety for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions cated that “one cannot presume that values from one

Table 2.  Definitions of Periprocedural Myocardial Infarction Used in Myocardial Revascularization Trials

Time After
Panel Composition Cardiac Biomarker Procedure, h PCI Definition CABG Definition
UDMI18* 44 Task force cTn preferred; if not ≤72 3× 99th percentile URL 5× 99th percentile URL and new
members/authors, available, CK-MB Q waves or LBBB, angiographic
14 reviewers findings, or new RWMA

Third UDMI 17
52 Task force cTn preferred; if not ≤48 > 5× 99th percentile URL and ischemia, >10× 99th percentile URL
members/authors, available, CK-MB electrocardiographic changes, and new Q waves or LBBB,
26 reviewers angiographic findings, or new RWMA angiographic findings, or RWMA

SCAI16 10 Authors, CK-MB preferred ≤48 Any of: CK-MB ≥10× ULN; Any of: CK-MB ≥10× ULN;
reviewers not listed CK-MB ≥5× ULN and new Q waves or CK-MB ≥5× ULN and new Q
LBBB; waves or LBBB;
cTn ≥70× ULN; cTn ≥70× ULN;
cTn ≥35× ULN and evidence of new Q cTn ≥35× ULN and evidence of
waves or LBBB new Q waves or LBBB
ARC-220 18 Authors, cTn preferred ≤48 >35× URL and new Q waves, >35× URL and new Q waves,
reviewers not listed angiographic findings, or new RWMA angiographic findings, or new
Fourth UDMI21 39 Task force cTn preferred; if not ≤48 > 5× 99th percentile URL and new Q >10× 99th percentile URL and
members/authors, available, CK-MB waves, angiographic findings, or new new Q waves, angiographic
40 reviewers RWMA findings, or new RWMA

ARC-2 indicates Academic Research Consortium-2; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; CK-MB, creatine kinase-MB isoform; cTn, cardiac troponin T or I; LBBB,
left bundle-branch block; PCI, percutaneous coronary interventions; RWMA, regional wall motion abnormality; SCAI, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and
Interventions; UDMI, Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction; ULN, upper limit of normal; and URL, upper reference limit.
*UDMI has also been called the Second Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction. The prior definition of myocardial infarction had not been called “First” or
“Universal,” but rather a “Consensus Document” of the Joint European Society of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology Committee for the Redefinition of
Myocardial Infarction.22

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Ruel et al Myocardial Revascularization Trials


Figure 1. Rates of periprocedural myocardial infarction (MI) according
to various definitions in 7697 patients who received percutaneous
coronary intervention (PCI; n=4514) or coronary artery bypass grafting
(CABG; n=3183) between 2003 and 2013 and for whom serial measure-
ments of creatine kinase-MB were available.
SCAI indicates Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions.
Reproduced from Cho et al15 with permission. Copyright © 2017, Elsevier.

cTn [cardiac troponin] assay are equivalent to those of

another. These differences are amplified when multi- Figure 2. Rates of the primary end point event of death, myocardial
ples of the values are used. This could affect results, infarction (MI), or stroke in the NOBLE trial (Nordic-Baltic-British Left
Main Revascularization)8 and EXCEL trial (Evaluation of XIENCE Versus
especially in trials that compare strategies such as PCI Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery for Effectiveness of Left Main Revas-
and CABG.”21 Taken together, there is no robust, con- cularization)9 at 5 and 3 years of follow-up, respectively.
sensual, mechanistic, or scientific evidence as to which A new periprocedural MI definition was used in EXCEL, and the 2 studies
differed in their inclusion of periprocedural MI in the composite primary end
exact biochemical cutoff value should be used to define point, resulting in early outcome differences (circles) in EXCEL but not in
periprocedural MI after PCI or CABG. We consequently
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NOBLE. Outside of the periprocedural period, the slopes of event rates within
the percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass
recommend that periprocedural MI defined by enzyme
grafting (CABG) groups across both studies appear remarkably similar. NOBLE
release thresholds not be used as a component of the reported that PCI was inferior to CABG at 5 years, whereas EXCEL indicated
primary end point in trials comparing PCI and CABG be- that PCI was noninferior to CABG at 3 years. Figure modified and scaled from
Mäkikallio et al8 and Stone et al9 and adapted from Ruel and Farkouh.19
cause of its arbitrary and variable nature between stud-
ies, in addition to its relative imprecision within studies.
In terms of the end point of stroke, no excess sig- important efforts were accomplished to that end, CABG
nal was observed in the CABG groups of NOBLE and patients received markedly inferior GDMT in nearly ev-
EXCEL. This is encouraging news for patients with LM ery RCT that compared PCI with CABG, which inher-
or multivessel CAD worldwide because the incidence ently may have led to suboptimal clinical outcomes in
of perioperative stroke after CABG appears to have the CABG group.29
been significantly reduced, as corroborated by recent
population data.23 Previously, the increased incidence of
stroke after CABG noted in the SYNTAX trial and the SHORT-TERM FOLLOW-UP, SUBGROUP
FREEDOM trial (Future Revascularization Evaluation in
Patients With Diabetes Mellitus: Optimal Management ANALYSES, AND THE POOLING OF
of Multivessel Disease) could have resulted from mis- SUBCOMPONENTS FROM COMPOSITE
guided pharmacological strategies such as prematurely END POINTS: “NOT OBSERVING A
stopping dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with DIFFERENCE” IS NOT THE SAME AS
acute coronary syndrome before CABG,24 the low use
of in situ arterial grafts, major geographic variations,25 “SHOWING NO DIFFERENCE”
and the low use of no-touch aortic techniques.26 Clinical trials, whether positive, neutral, or negative,
Last, randomized and observational data indicate generate data for meta-analyses. Although patient data
that guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) has and studies brought together in a meta-analysis virtual-
been underused in patients receiving CABG, including ly always differ in their baseline, enrollment, and some
those enrolled in PCI versus CABG trials, despite strong of their therapeutic characteristics, other issues also can
evidence that GDMT markedly improves outcomes.27,28 arise. For instance, the pooling of data from RCTs con-
With the notable exception of the EXCEL trial, in which ducted in relatively young patients with short follow-up

Circulation. 2018;138:2943–2951. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.035970 December 18/25, 2018 2947

Ruel et al Myocardial Revascularization Trials

and the performance of subgroup analyses using indi- to PCI? Overall, we must remember that the failure to
vidual subcomponents of composite end points (such observe a difference between groups is not the same as

as all-cause mortality) can lead to underpowered or showing no difference.

methodologically incorrect analyses, even with an ap-
parently sizable number of patients at inception.13,30
Patients in their early 60s with few health issues and QUALITY OF LIFE, QUANTITY OF
with good left ventricular function, who represent the LIFE, AND THE POSSIBLE IMPACT OF
typical population randomized in trials comparing PCI
and CABG, may enjoy an average of 2 decades of addi-
tional life expectancy, according to US life tables. Death In 2017, it was reported that patients randomized to
should not frequently occur in such study patients who the PCI group in the EXCEL trial had 1-year quality of
have a low incidence of comorbidities, are treated for life and freedom from angina that were equivalent to
their LM or multivessel CAD, and are receiving GDMT those of the patients in the CABG group.33 This was
with close follow-up. Consequently, a numerically in- in contrast to prior observations from the SYNTAX and
creased hazard for death over a follow-up window of FREEDOM trials, in which quality of life scores were sig-
<4 years in patients who are in their early 60s (subde- nificantly better with CABG than with PCI 1 year after
fined by the presence of diabetes mellitus or by SYNTAX revascularization.34,35
score) may not reach statistical significance.10 However, In the EXCEL trial, nearly twice as many ischemia-driv-
over the patients’ average potential life span of ≈20 en revascularization events were noted in the PCI group
additional years, a numerically increased hazard can (P<0.001). In this regard, any patient with known LM
harbor profoundly negative impacts on late survival. In CAD who has persistent or recurrent angina is unlikely
such patients, short- and medium-term mortality data to be left untreated, even more so in the context of a re-
should therefore be considered premature for the pur- search study, because of the well-known life-threatening
pose of making comparisons between PCI and CABG. consequences. Whether these revascularization events
Methodologically, both a priori prespecification and become positively or negatively perceived by the patient
a value of P<0.05 on the test for interaction (after ac- may depend in part on the research team, because these
counting for repeat testing) are required to provide con- encounters constitute an additional opportunity for the
vincing evidence for the validity of subgroup analyses in team to interact with the patient. Attentive team dynam-
RCTs and in meta-analyses.31 The recent meta-analysis by ics in revascularization episodes, which were markedly
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Head and colleagues,10 which concluded that “the mor- more common with PCI, might have helped level a per-
tality benefit of CABG over PCI was seen only in patients ception of different quality of life and overall functioning
with multivessel disease and diabetes,” did so without between patients with PCI and those with CABG.36
providing evidence of multiple testing-adjusted, positive More important, we believe that quality-of-life
interaction tests. Furthermore, the subgroup analyses equivalence should be claimed only once quantity-of-
were markedly underpowered, with the width of the CI life equivalence has been well established. The slopes of
for the LM disease subgroup including not only the point the major adverse cardiovascular event curves at 3 years
of no difference but also the beneficial survival effects of in the EXCEL trial suggest that the PCI group could be-
CABG estimated in all patients, as well as in the multives- come significantly worse than the CABG group at years
sel CAD subgroup. Interpreting these data as showing 4 and 5. Similarly, the landmark analysis of this trial
no difference between modalities in the LM disease sub- (from 30 days to 3 years after revascularization) shows
group amounts to incorrect subgroup analysis practices significantly more events and a numerical increase in
and introduces the risk of potentially being generalized, the incidence of death in the PCI group. Previous tri-
affecting not only the interpretation of study results als such as FREEDOM have indicated that differences
but, more important, future patient outcomes. in all-cause mortality may take 2 to 3 years to develop
Last, pooling individual components of composite between PCI and CABG patient groups (Figure 3). Al-
end points across patient subgroups also incorporates though the EXCEL authors report that excess deaths
heterogeneity between trials, which cannot be ac- in the PCI arm were noncardiovascular in origin, they
counted for in a post hoc manner. Should the conclu- rightly recognize that adjudication processes can be
sions of FREEDOM,32 a trial performed exclusively in subject to ascertainment and misclassification biases.9
diabetic patients that found increased mortality with A preliminary report of extended follow-up from
PCI regardless of SYNTAX score, be invalidated by the the EXCEL trial indicates that a statistically significant
pooling of scattered diabetic patients from smaller tri- mortality excess has emerged in the PCI arm, compared
als followed up over shorter periods of time?10 As per with the CABG arm, at 4 years of follow-up (10.3%
the earlier discussion, the question arises again: Who versus 7.4%, respectively, P=0.04). However, the trial’s
are the diabetic patients in the smaller, nondedicated events adjudication processes suggest that this relates
trials, those carefully identified as likely to respond well mostly to noncardiovascular causes.37 These results

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Ruel et al Myocardial Revascularization Trials

• Outcomes of an arbitrary nature and prone to con-

siderable variability between trials and within trials


such as periprocedural myocardial enzyme release
assay thresholds should not be used as compo-
nents of the primary end point in RCTs that com-
pare PCI and CABG.
• Revascularization guidelines should not be
changed on the basis of the EXCEL trial and the
recent meta-analysis by Head and colleagues10
until meaningful follow-ups are completed and
analyzed using primary end point components
that are not arbitrarily defined or subject to modi-
fication during the course of the trial, as well as
adequately powered, methodologically justified
noninferiority boundaries and subgroup analyses.
Figure 3. Incidence of death resulting from any cause in the FREEDOM
• If myocardial revascularization trials have random-
trial (Future Revascularization Evaluation in Patients With Diabetes ized primarily patients likely to do as well with PCI
Mellitus: Optimal Management of Multivessel Disease). as with CABG, with most of the screened patients
CABG indicates coronary artery bypass grafting; and PCI, percutaneous
coronary interventions. Adapted from Farkouh et al32 and reproduced with
not having been randomized and having majori-
permission. Copyright © 2012, Massachusetts Medical Society. tarily undergone CABG instead, then the conclu-
sions of these trials and the guidelines stemming
from them should not be applied to the entire
highlight the crucial need for longer-term follow-up of population of patients with severe CAD.
these trials before definitive conclusions can be made. • The development of guidelines should follow
the methodology suggested by the Institute of
Medicine,38 with an independent epidemiology/
CONCLUSIONS statistician group appraising the evidence and
From the above considerations pertaining to trials that detecting statistical flaws and a separate group
compare PCI and CABG for the treatment of LM and made of physicians writing the recommendations
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multivessel CAD, we recommend the following: on the basis of the synthesized evidence and its
• Public funding should be made available and used independent critical analysis.39
to design, oversee, and execute myocardial revas- • Data from myocardial revascularization RCTs
cularization trials. should better focus on the anatomic character-
• Methods articles of RCTs should be published early, istics of LM lesions to ascertain who the patients
ideally before trials have made significant strides in with LM CAD are who may fare as well with PCI
patient enrollment. Although updates on www. as with CABG. are practical, they also should • Until more evidence is available, except for ostial
highlight the first approved version of each proto- or midshaft isolated LM disease or LM disease
col, including original target recruitment numbers associated with 1-vessel disease, all decisions for
and end point definitions. stable multivessel, LM with 2- or 3-vessel disease,
• Rather than the design and pooling of data from or LM with bifurcation CAD should be discussed
trials with short follow-up duration, only trials with with the patient after review and recommendation
≥5 years of follow-up should be considered to by a heart team, which includes a cardiac surgeon.
comparatively evaluate outcomes after myocardial • Patients undergoing CABG should be offered
revascularization. the best and latest in terms of adjunctive GDMT,
• A common set of definitions for outcomes not only within the context of myocardial revas-
and complications such as the VARC-2 (Valve cularization trials but also, and more important,
Academic Research Consortium-2) criteria in the because they represent such a large population of
transcatheter aortic valve implantation literature patients with severe CAD who crucially can benefit
should serve as a common basis for the designing from GMDT.
and reporting of outcomes of myocardial revas- • Cardiologists and cardiac surgeons must work
cularization trials. Such a process would include closely together in true collaborative fashion and
balanced authorship representation, coleadership with balanced leadership opportunities to advance
from the key specialties, review by a predefined the optimal clinical care and research aimed at
and accountable expert committee, and wide improving the current and future status of patients
stakeholder acceptance. with severe CAD.

Circulation. 2018;138:2943–2951. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.035970 December 18/25, 2018 2949

Ruel et al Myocardial Revascularization Trials

ARTICLE INFORMATION Buszman P, Bochenek A, Schampaert E, Pagé P, Dressler O, Kosmi-

dou I, Mehran R, Pocock SJ, Kappetein AP; EXCEL Trial Investigators.

Correspondence Everolimus-eluting stents or bypass surgery for left main coronary

Marc Ruel, MD, MPH, Division of Cardiac Surgery, University of Ottawa Heart artery disease. N Engl J Med. 2016;375:2223–2235. doi: 10.1056/
Institute, 40 Ruskin St, St 3402, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1Y 4W7. Email mruel@ NEJMoa1610227 10. Head SJ, Milojevic M, Daemen J, Ahn JM, Boersma E, Christiansen EH,
Domanski MJ, Farkouh ME, Flather M, Fuster V, Hlatky MA, Holm NR,
Hueb WA, Kamalesh M, Kim YH, Mäkikallio T, Mohr FW, Papageorgiou G,
Affiliations Park SJ, Rodriguez AE, Sabik JF 3rd, Stables RH, Stone GW, Serruys PW,
University of Ottawa Heart Institute, University of Ottawa, Canada (M.R., D.G.). Kappetein AP. Mortality after coronary artery bypass grafting versus per-
German Heart Center, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany (V.F.). Peter cutaneous coronary intervention with stenting for coronary artery disease:
Munk Cardiac Centre and Heart and Stroke Richard Lewar Centre, University of a pooled analysis of individual patient data. Lancet. 2018;391:939–948.
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College London, UK (N.F.). New York Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medi- 11. Taggart DP. Thomas B. Ferguson Lecture: coronary artery bypass graft-
cine, NY (M.F.G.). Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, ing is still the best treatment for multivessel and left main disease, but
Boston (D.E.C.). Oxford University Hospitals, UK (D.P.T.) patients need to know. Ann Thorac Surg. 2006;82:1966–1975. doi:
12. Head SJ, Parasca CA, Mack MJ, Mohr FW, Morice MC, Holmes DR Jr,
Disclosures Feldman TE, Dawkins KD, Colombo A, Serruys PW, Kappetein AP; SYN-
None. TAX Investigators. Differences in baseline characteristics, practice patterns
and clinical outcomes in contemporary coronary artery bypass grafting
in the United States and Europe: insights from the SYNTAX random-
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