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ACADEMIC YEAR 2020/2021-2

Subject : Bahasa Inggris (Agribisnis)

Instructor : Shofi Mahmudah Budi Utami, SS., M.A.
Day : Wednesdays, 8:50-10:30


In this course, the students are expected to be able to comprehend English well both in formal and
informal situation.


This course covers materials that help students to improve their English ability. The materials focus on
four aspects of English skills: speaking, listening, writing, and reading.

To achieve the above objectives, the students will be encourage in the following activities:
1. Class activities
The class activities include explanation of English skills, practicing, question and answer, and
2. Group discussion
Students are divided into several groups to discuss particular topics related to basic science.
3. Assigments
The students are lead to be active in learning English through several exercise orally as well as in
reporting written text.


Assignments (individual and group) :20 %

Individual participation :10 %
Quiz :20%
Mid-term test :25 %
Final test :25 %

Course Requirements
1. Students are required to record (by yourself) attendance on Eldiru in each meeting.
2. Students are expected to meet the requirement of 75% attendance.
3. Students are encouraged to complete all assignments and get involved in class discussion, or else
your individual participation and assignment grading are reduced.
4. For 14 meetings course, students are allowed to skip class 4x.
5. Students with more than 4x absences will be automatically blacklisted to join Final Test.
Suggested reading sources:
1. Azar, Betty Schrampfer. Fundamentals of English Grammar. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. 1993
2. Cleland, Bill and Ruth Evans. Learning English Through General Science. Melbourne: Longman
Cheshire. 1987
3. Jordan, R.R. Academic Writing Course. London: Bell and Bain, Ltd. 1986
4. Rochman, Syaifur, English for Basic Sciences. Purwokerto, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.

Meeting Activities Topic Source

1 Introduction Introducing the syllabus: class -

arragement, materials, activities,and
Question and answer Introducing oneself and others
2 Explanation Description Academic Writing Course
Question and answer Passive voice
3 Explanation Definition Academic Writing Course
Question and group Relative clauses
4 Explanation Exemplification
Question and answer
5 Explanation Classification Academic Writing Course
Question and answer Scientific and general classification Learning English Through
Making classification essay General Science
6 Explanation Comparison and contrast Academic Writing Course
Question and answer Positive, comparative and superlative Learning English Through
General Science

Mid-term test
8 Explanation Cause and effect Academic Writing Course
Question and answer Cause and effect relationship
9 Explanation Derivation Fundamental of English
Question and answer Noun suffixes Grammar
Group Discussion
10 Explanation Generalization and qualification Academic Writing Course
Question and answer Learning English Through
General Science
11 Explanation Academic Writing Course
Question and answer Interpretation of data
Group assignment
12 Explanation Argument Academic Writing Course
Question and answer
13 Explanation Drawing Conclusion Academic Writing Course
Question and answer
Group discussion
Final Test

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