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Leonardo Augusto Cardoso de Oliveira

Rua Pedro de Magalhães, 79, apto. 51

13015027 – Cambuí – Campinas – SP – Brazil
+55 (19) 9 9336 2469

Campinas, 11 June, 2021.

Subject: Senior officer for cultural affairs position

Dear Deputy Consul General Vasco Rodrigues,

I am looking forward to work with the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in São Paulo as a
Senior Officer for Cultural Affairs. I was the former head of Culture and Tourism of the City of Vinhedo and this
position is a next step to my career. I am an easy going and dynamic person that work well with groups and

My fist contact with foreigner cultures was during my childhood, when we received exchange students at
home. As a teenager, I had the opportunity to live at Belgium for one year. At that point, I had my first contact
with the Dutch culture and language in an immersive way. I learned at highschool how to write, read and speak
fluent Dutch. I played the piano at the Belgium music school and as I was back to Brazil, I maintained the piano
studies at the State University of Campinas. I attained my PhD and Masters degree at the same University, in
Health, Interdisciplinarity and Rehabilitation. The program is connected to the department of Human
Development and Rehabilitation at the Medical Science College. My research had the purpose of preservation
and expansion the music repertoire for early childhood at the Evaluation and Prevention in the Area of
Language and Development Delay Group.

I worked as music librarian at the Symphonic Orchestra of the City of Campinas (OSMC) and during this period,
I had my first contact with the city's bureaucracy. I was involved in organizing the institution's collection in
addition to preparing the material for the concerts and rehearsals. OSMC is one of the oldest orchestras in
Brazil and the oldest at São Paulo countryside. For two years I worked at the strategic planning area of the
orchestra and I developed my skills in the area of management: annual plan; contracts with producers and
musicians at national and international scenarios; project evaluation; bids opening; contracts management;
financial planning. Because of my experience at the orchestra, my planning skills, and my passion to arts I was
hired as the head of Culture and Tourism of the City of Vinhedo. The city is one of the safest and with the
greatest relative development at the country. I had the opportunity to build a network with artists in different
areas. I also experienced working with civil society organizations and the city councils in a participatory process
to validate and justify the city decision-making.

I believe my profile fits with the vacancy because of my international background, contact with the Dutch
culture, cultural and governmental experience, and my attention in planning. Furthermore, I see myself as an
ethic and proactive person. My career was guided by an interdisciplinary perspective as my analyzes of the

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,
Leonardo Augusto Cardoso de Oliveira

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