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Date: …………………
Time: …………………
CANDIDATE NAME: …………………………………………
Supervisors’ signatures
……………………………………… 1 2



Examiners’ signatures
1 2

A. READING: (60 ms)

PART 1: (30 ms) – QUESTION 1-30
Choose the word, phrase, or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below or that best
keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.

QUESTION 1: ___________ 1,000 species of finch have been identified.

A. As many as B. As many C. As much as D. Much as
QUESTION 2: The greater the demand, _____________ the price.
A. higher B. high C. the higher D. the high
QUESTION 3: The Continental United States is ________ that there are four time zones.
A. much big B. too big C. so big D. very big
QUESTION 4: The observation deck at the World Trade Center ________ in New York.
A. is highest than any other one B. is higher than any other one
C. is highest that any other one D. is higher that any other one
QUESTION 5: A seventeen-year-old is not _____________ to vote in an election.
A. old enough B. as old enough C. enough old D. enough old as
QUESTION 6: Not until a monkey is several years old ___ to exhibit signs of independence from its mother.
A. it begins B. does it begin C. and begin D. beginning
QUESTION 7: According to the wave theory, ______________ population of the Americas may have been
the result of a number of separate migrations.
A. the B. their C. that D. whose
QUESTION 8: Canada does not require that U.S. citizens obtain passports to enter the country, and ______.
A. Mexico does neither B. Mexico doesn’t either
C. neither Mexico does D. either does Mexico
QUESTION 9: As a general rule, the standard of living ___ by the average output of each person in society.
A. is fixed B. fixed C. has fixed D. fixes
QUESTION 10: The Consumer Price Index lists _____________.
A. how much costs every car B. how much does every car cost
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C. how much every car costs D. how much are every car cost

QUESTION 11: After seeing the movie Centennial, _____________.

A. the book was read by many people B. he book made many people want to read it
C. many people wanted to read the book D. the reading of the book interested many people
QUESTION 12: The examiner made us _______ our identification in order to be admitted to the test center.
A. showing B. show C. showed D. to show
QUESTION 13: The price of all cruises ____________ airfare and all transfers.
A. to include B. includes C. including D. include
QUESTION 14: Mr. Brett missed the plane ____________ he was working late.
A. after B. until C. because D. and
QUESTION 15: Many customers have requested that they ___________ notice of our sales.
A. receive B. receives C. received D. receiving
QUESTION 16: The workers were loading the truck when the boxes ___________.
A. has fallen B. falls C. fell D. is falling
QUESTION 17: The new manager, ___________ was just hired, will start tomorrow.
A. she B. he C. which D. who
QUESTION 18: Mr. Kumar __________ if he had been delayed.
A. would call B. would have called C. will be calling D. will calling
QUESTION 19: Our ____________ are trying to hire our best employees.
A. competition B. competitive C. competitors D. competitively
QUESTION 20: Of all tour ships, this is our ___________.
A. more bigger B. big C. bigger D. biggest
QUESTION 21: Mr. Flynn is the person ______ orders office supplies.
A. which B. whose C. who D. whom
QUESTION 22: Passengers can check in for the charter flight ______ 8:00 and 12:00 tomorrow.
A. between B. with C. through D. from
QUESTION 23: Everyone is _______ that Ms. Haward seldom leaves before 6:30.
A. aware B. await C. awaken D. awe
QUESTION 24: Mr. Dietze typed the speech, _____ Ms. Lang prepared the charts.
A. or B. and C. where D. during
QUESTION 25: _________ it was late, Ms. Glaser stayed to finish her work.
A. Although B. During C. Since D. While
QUESTION 26: Mr. Larzen ________ for meetings.
A. late is always B. is always late C. always late is D. is late always
QUESTION 27: Mr. Brown wants to make _______.
A. a meeting B. an hour C. an appointment D. a time
QUESTION 28: A record of complaints ________ kept in the purser’s office.
A. are B. is C. were D. has
QUESTION 29: Ms. Yu has suggested _______ more reservation clerks.
A. hire B. hiring C. hired D. to hire
QUESTION 30: If the delivery is late, we _______ the shipping charges.
A. paid B. will pay C. have paid D. are paying

PART 2: (5 ms) – QUESTION 31-35

Choose the word, phrase, or sentence that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is
substituted for the underlined word or phrase.

QUESTION 31: I am free this evening.

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A. can do anything B. have time C. will see you D. will stay at home
QUESTION 32: We had a good time at the party last week.
A. were pleased B. enjoyed ourselves C. felt good D. laughed a lot
QUESTION 33: Daisy doesn’t like doing the washing up.
A. washing her clothes B. washing her hair C. cleaning the house D. washing the dishes
QUESTION 34: Seven other cars have withdrawn due to bad weather conditions.
A. owing to B. at the time of C. right for D. in spite of
QUESTION 35: I wonder if you could direct me to Dr. Carmichael’s office?
A. take B. bring C. tell … how to get D. introduce

PART 3: (5 ms) – QUESTION 36-40

Read each sentence, choose the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the
sentence to be correct, and mark your answer:

QUESTION 36: Ms. Guillermo will has been absent for six weeks by the time she recovers from her
QUESTION 37: The techniques of science and magic are quite different, but their basic aims – to understand
and control nature – they are very similar.
QUESTION 38: The coastline of Marine is marked by thousand of islands and inlets.
QUESTION 39: In ancient times and throughout the Middle Ages, many people believed that the earth is
QUESTION 40: The secretary waited all morning for the fax which never comes.

PART 4: (10 ms) – QUESTION 41-50

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space:

If you had asked Ann a few years ago what she would be doing in five years’ (41) ________, she
wouldn’t have believed you if you had suggested she would be cabin crew. Likewise, when she told her
friends that she had (42) ________ for a job, most of them laughed. (43) ________ after successfully
completing her four-week cabin crew training (44) ________ and embarking (45) ________ a new career, the
only person laughing now is Ann! (46) ________ many cabin crew, Ann has had to make some changes in
(47) ________ to meet the demands of her new career. She is expected to work at any time of the day on any
day of the year, and sometimes operates up to six flights per day. The days can be long and the work tiring,
but Ann is enjoying the unique and (48) ________ lifestyle that being cabin crew brings.
In return for her hard work, Ann can enjoy a (49) ________ of up to 17,000 pounds (or 20,000 pounds for
a senior cabin crew member), staff travel concessions and 36 days annual leave. Easy Jet cabin crew also
have the privilege of working on some of the newest aircraft in Europe and can experience fast track
If you would like to (50) ________ in Ann’s footsteps, and be considered as cabin crew at London Luton,
London Gatwick or London Stansted, please visit our website for more information and to complete an online
application form.

QUESTION 41: A. time B. later C. next D. future

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QUESTION 42: A. appealed B. applied C. assigned D. requested
QUESTION 43: A. Moreover B. Despite C. However D. Because
QUESTION 44: A. route B. sequence C. course D. track
QUESTION 45: A. on B. for C. at D. to
QUESTION 46: A. Like B. With C. Also D. Plus
QUESTION 47: A. deed B. order C. need D. particular
QUESTION 48: A. disturbing B. challenging C. reforming D. unreliable
QUESTION 49: A. fee B. compensation C. bill D. salary
QUESTION 50: A. step B. accompany C. chase D. follow

PART 5: (10 ms) – QUESTION 51-60

Read the text below and choose the correct answer:
Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a Swedish inventor and philanthropist, bequeathed most of his vast fortune in
trust as a fund from which annual prizes could be awarded to individuals and organizations who had achieved
the greatest benefit to humanity in a particular year. Originally there were six classifications for outstanding
contributions designated in Nobel’s will including chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature and
international peace.
The prizes are administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. In 1969 a prize for economics
endowed by the Central Bank of Sweden was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated in writing
by a qualified authority in the field of competition. Recipients in physics, chemistry and economics are
selected by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences: in physiology or medicine by the Caroline Institute; in
literature by the Swedish Academy: and in peace by the Norwegian Nobel Committee appointed by
Norway’s parliament. The prizes are usually presented in Stockholm on December 10 with the King of
Sweden officiating an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death. Each one includes
a gold medal, a diploma and a cash award of about one million dollars.

QUESTION 51: What does this passage mainly discuss?

A. Alfred Bernhard Nobel B. The Nobel prizes
C. Great contributions to mankind D. Swedish philanthropy
QUESTION 52: Why were the prizes named for Alfred Bernhard Nobel?
A. He left money in his will to establish a fund for the prizes.
B. He won the first Nobel Prize for his work in philanthropy.
C. He is now living in Sweden.
D. He serves as chairman of the committee to choose the recipients of the prizes.
QUESTION 53: How often are the Nobel prizes awarded?
A. Five times a year B. Once a year C. Twice a year D. Once every two years
QUESTION 54: The word “outstanding” in line 3 could best be replaced by:
A. recent B. unusual C. established D. exceptional
QUESTION 55: The word “will” in line 4 refers to:
A. Nobel’s wishes B. a legal document C. a future intention D. a free choice
QUESTION 56: A Nobel prize would NOT be given to:
A. an author who wrote a novel B. a doctor who discovered a vaccine
C. a composer who wrote a symphony D. a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement
QUESTION 57: The word “one” in line 12 refers to:
A. tribute B. anniversary C. prize D. candidate
QUESTION 58: Which individual or organization serves as administrator for the trust?
A. The King of Sweden
B. The Nobel Foundation
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C. The Central Bank of Sweden
D. Swedish and Norwegian academies and institutes
QUESTION 59: The word “appropriate” in line 11 is closest in meaning to:
A. prestigious B. customary C. suitable D. transitory
QUESTION 60: Why are the awards presented on December 10?
A. It is a tribute to the King of Sweden.
B. Alfred Bernhard Nobel died on that day.
C. That date was established in Alfred Nobel’s will.
D. The Central Bank of Sweden administers the trust.

B. WRITING: (40 ms)

PART 1: (20 ms) – QUESTION 61-70
Rewrite these following sentences with the suggested words that keep the same meaning:

QUESTION 61: My sister walks to the supermarket.

 My sister goes ...............................................................................................................................................
QUESTION 62: There are many flowers in our garden.
 Our garden ....................................................................................................................................................
QUESTION 63: "How do you go to work?" the woman asked me.
 The woman asked .........................................................................................................................................
QUESTION 64: She didn't ring the bell, but she walked in.
 She walked in without ..................................................................................................................................
QUESTION 65: Learning to ride a bicycle is quite easy.
 It....................................................................................................................................................................
QUESTION 66: It was such good weather that we went swimming.
 The weather .................................................................................................................................................
QUESTION 67: Tom has never betrayed his wife in his life.
 Never ............................................................................................................................................................
QUESTION 68: She is a slower and more careful driver than I am.
 She drives......................................................................................................................................................
QUESTION 69: Despite having a lot of money, he wasn't happy.
 Even though...................................................................................................................................................
QUESTION 70: If she doesn’t follow a stricter diet, she won’t lose any weight.
 Unless she......................................................................................................................................................

PART 2: (10 ms) – QUESTION 71-75

Rearrange the jumbled words to make meaningful sentences:

QUESTION 71: time/ leave/ the/ what/ morning/ Mr. Ba/ does/ house/ in/ his?
QUESTION 72: any/ street/ there/ our/ aren't/ in/ trees.
QUESTION 73: city/ is/ brother/ Phong/ with/ the/ his/ in.
QUESTION 74: front/ are/ house/ there/ garden/ her/ in/ of/ the/ vegetables/ in?
QUESTION 75: Ho Chi Minh city/ Mrs. Oanh/ do/ family/ to/ how/ and/ travel/ her?
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PART 3: (10 ms) – QUESTION 76-80
Use the following sets of words and phrases to rewrite complete sentences:

QUESTION 76: Their children/ interested in/ read/ books/ history/ geography.
QUESTION 77: It/ be/ important/ tourist guides/ learn/ English/ Chinese.
QUESTION 78: Hurry up/ or/ you/ be/ late/ school.
QUESTION 79: Meeting/ be held/ six o'clock/ Monday evening.
QUESTION 80: John/ have/ leg broken/ while/ play/ football/ this morning.


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