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Time: 60 minutes

Part 1:
Choose the word, phrase, or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below or that best keeps
the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.
1. __________ team sports require cooperation.
A. Of all B. They are all C. All D. Why are all
2. If Bob __________ with us, he would have had a good time.
A. would come B. would have come C. had come D. came
3. The higher the temperature of a molecule, __________
A. the more energy it has. B. than it has more energy.
C. more energy has it. D. it has more energy.
4. Frontier surgeon Ephrain McDonald had to perform operations ________ anesthesia.
A. no B. not having C. without D. there wasn’t
5. The policeman read the suspect his rights after he __________ him.
A. arrested B. arrests C. had arrested D. has arrested
6. A person of __________ age may suffer from defects of vision.
A. every B. any C. certain D. some
7. Temperature, the simplest weather element to measure, is probably _______ used than other kind
of data.
A. more frequently B. most frequently C. as frequently D. frequently
8. If a bar magnet is ___________, the two pieces form two complete magnets, each with a north and
south pole.
A. broken B. broke C. breaking D. break
9. The type of plant and animal life living in and around a pond depends on the soil of the pond,
___________, and the pond’s location.
A. what the quality of the water is B. how is the water quality
C. the quality of the waterD. what is the water quality
10. In 1775, Daniel Boone opened the Wilderness Trail and made _____ the first settlement in Kentucky.
A. possibly it was B. as possible C. possible D. it possible
11. Nellie Ross of Wyoming was the first woman __________ governor in the United States.
A. who elected B. to be elected C. was elected D. her election as
12. This product ________ our most popular item.
A. always has considered been B. has been always considered
C. has been considered always D. has always been considered
13. Is the annual report ________ yet?
A. avail B. available C. availability D. availing
14. Salt was so ____________ that governments retained salt as a monopoly.
A. in important the Middle Age B. in the Middle Ages important
C. in the important Middle Ages D. important in the Middle Ages
15. These addresses should be listed in ________ order.
A. alphabet B. alphabetize C. alphabetically D. alphabetical
16. Because his finger was broken, the secretary could not type _____________.
A. efficiently B. intermittently C. slowly D. gradually
17. To generate income, magazine publishers must decide whether to increase the subscription
price or _______________ .
A. to sell advertising B. if they should sell advertising
C. selling advertising D. sold advertising
18. We had hoped _____________ the game, but the other team played very well.
A. State University to winB. that the State University win
C. that State University would win D. State University’s winning
19. ___________ that gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill that the California Gold Rush began.
A. Because in 1848 B. That in 1848 C. In 1848 that it was D. It was in 1848
20. It costs about 60 dollars to have a tooth ____________.
A. filling B. to fill C. filled D. fill
21. Political demonstrations on American campuses have abated _____________.
A. after 1970 B. in 1970 C. for 1970 D. since 1970
22. North Carolina is well known not only for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park ___________ for the
Cherokee Indian settlements.
A. also B. and C. but also D. because of
23. General Grant had General Lee _________ him at Appomattox to sign the official surrender of the
Confederate forces.
A. to meet B. met C. meet D. meeting
24. If a ruby is heated, it _____________ temporarily lose its color.
A. would B. will C. does D. has
25. All of the people at the AAME conference are ______________ . .
A. mathematic teachers B. mathematics teachers
C. mathematic teacher D. mathematic’s teachers
26. __________ dancer Isadora Duncan played a major role in the revolution in dance that took place
in the early twentieth century.
A. Because the B. The C. She was a D. Being a
27. ________ types of guitars: acoustic and electric.
A. Basically, there are two B. Two of the basic
C. Basically two D. They are two basic
28. Both longitude and latitude _________ in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
A. measuring B. measured C. are measured D. being measured
29. New words are constantly being invented _______ new objects and concepts.
A. to describe B. a description of C. they describe D. describe
30. Bricks baked in a kiln are much harder _________ that are dried in the sun.
A. these B. than do those C. than those D. ones
31. Malaria, which can be fatal if left untreated, is transmitted by the female, _________ by the male
A. not B. however C. despite D. instead
32. ___________ gene in the human genome were more completely understood, many human disease
could be cured or prevented.
A. Each B. Since each C. If each D. Were each
33. Efforts to provide equal opportunity for minorities in the United States __________ from the Civil
Rights Act of 1964.
A. may be said to date B. dating C. may say to date D. to date may be said
34. __________ in 1772, Maryland’s state capital is still in use and is one of the most attractive public
buildings in the United States.
A. It was built B. Built C. To built it D. Building
35. __________ all citrus fruit originated with the Chinese orange.
A. That the belief B. The belief that C. To believe that D. It is believed that

36. Mr. Maxwell will interview ________ applicants from 9:00 until 11:00 today.
A. job B. occupation C. chore D. positioning
37. Most cruise passengers will board the ship _________ 4:00 and 5:00.
A. between B. at C. until D. with
38. Our goal is to turn_________ into success.
A. failing B. fail C. failed D. failure
39. We depend on Mr. Wong for his knowledge and ________.
A. leading B. lead C. leadership D. leader
40. The walls of arteries __________ into two layers.
A. they divide B. dividing C. to be divided D. are divided
In your test, you will see a sentence with four words or phrases underlined. Choose the word or phrase that
is incorrect and fill in corresponding box in your answer sheet.
41. In an essay writing in 1779, Judith Sargeant Murray promoted the cause of women’s education
42. Soon after the United States’ entrance into the war, the major hotels in Atlantic City was
transformed into military barracks
43. A metallic object that is in contract with a magnet becomes a magnet themselves
44. In outer space, spacecraft can be maneuvered by means small steering rockets
45. Echoes occur when sound waves strike a smooth surface and bounces backwards
46. Natural asphalt lakes are find in many parts of the world.
47. Not much people realize that apples have been cultivated for over 3,000 years
48. The American soprano Mary Gardner, who had one of the greatest operatic voices of her era, retired at
the height of the career
49. On nights when is the sky clear and the air calm, the Earth’s surface rapidly radiates heat into the
50. The trap-door spider makes a hole in the ground, lines it with silk, and closing it with a hinged door
Part 2:
Questions 51-54 refer to the following magazine article.
Employees work best if they are happy. As a supervisor, there are things you can do to increase
employees’ job satisfaction. Make sure your employees understand what they have to do. Give them proper
and thorough training so they can do it well, and give them opportunities to bring that training up to date.
Make sure that employees have freedom to exercise their own judgment, to offer their suggestions, and to
point out problems. Most of all, make sure that you tell them they are doing a good job, not only during special
assignments but when they maintain a high standard of routine work.
51. When do employees do their best work?
A. When they are challenged B. When they are happy
C. When they are busy D. When they are pressured
52. Once you have trained an employee, what should you do?
A. Provide ways to update training B. Make the employee train others
C. Move the employee to a different job D. Control his or her chance to practice
53. What is NOT mentioned as a freedom employees should have?
A. Exercise their own judgment B. Offer suggestions
C. Make changes D. Point out problems
54. What should a boss praise employees for?
A. Exercising their freedom B. Staying happy
C. Accepting special assignments D. Doing consistently good work

Questions 55-59 refer to the following magazine article.

Hotels are changing their wasteful habits and getting involved in the move to save the environment. At
major hotels throughout the world, guests are being greeted by shampoo and mouthwash in grass dispensers
instead of elaborate plastic bottles. They are discovering recycling bins in their rooms, and are encouraged to
use towels more than once before they are washed.
This green movement is becoming increasingly popular among tourists who look for service providers with
an environmental conscience. The business of eco-tours is increasing rapidly. Travel agents are booking clients
on “Save the Rainforest” expeditions and similar trips where the emphasis is on protecting the world.
The tourists on these trips are given lectures on the effects of the loss of our planet’s natural wonders and
what they can do to reverse the trend. They do not need much convincing. The travelers on these excursions
are already committed to environmental protection. In fact, a two-year study of litter in Antarctica found that
the entire collection of litter left by visitors to the continent could be put in one small sandwich bag. Compare
that amount of litter with what the average traveler finds strewn on the streets around a hotel, even an
environmentally sensitive hotel.
55. What trend is currently affecting hotels and their guests?
A. Larger rooms B. Better amenities C. Lighter foods D. Protecting the earth
56. What does the article imply about glass dispensers and re-using towels?
A. It’s a marketing gimmick. B. It’s only effective on eco-tours.
C. It’s a wise choice environmentally. D. Hotels can set consumer trends.
57. Which group would most likely be members of the green movement?
A. Fashion designers B. First-time visitors
C. Environmentally conscious travelers D. Golf course owners
58. According to the article, eco-travelers should expect
A. to find litter B. to hear lectures on the environment.
C. to pay more than other travelers D. to carry their own food
59. “Eco” in this sense most likely means
A. economy B. ecology C. Ecuador D. echo
Questions 60-62 refer to the following advertisement.
The City Convention Center is looking for an assistant convention coordinator. Duties include
organizing exhibit and meeting space for upcoming conventions, overseeing exhibit set-up, and
coordinating audio-visual requests of participants. If you are good with details, enjoy people, and don’t
want to sit behind a desk, this job is for you. Come by City Hall, Room 203, for an application.
60. What is NOT mentioned as the duties of the assistant?
A. Arranging travel B. Organizing exhibit space
C. Supervising set-up D. Handling audio-visual requests
61. What kind of person would like this job?
A. Someone who prefers to work alone B. Someone who works well with people
C. Someone who likes a quiet atmosphere D. Someone who hates details
62. How would you apply for this job?
A. Write a letter B. Submit a resume
C. Get an application at City Hall D. Call the Convention Center

Questions 63-65 refer to the following notice.

Lecture Series
By Chin Fong
International Trade in the Global Community
Sponsor: The School of Business
Beaumont University
Date and Time: March 18, 19, and 20 at 7:30 P.M .
Location: Sims Lecture Hall in the Carmichael Building
To register, please call the Center for Professional Development
63. What is the purpose of this notice?
A. To announce a lecture series B. To advertise the university
C. To announce a trade fair D. To recruit students
64. Where will the event be held?
A. At the School of Business B. In Sims Lecture Hall
C. In the Center for Professional Development D. In the Global Community Center
65. What should you do to sign up?
A. Contact Beaumont University
B. Contact Chin Fong
C. Contact the School of Business
D. Contact the Center for Professional Development
Questions 66-75 refer to the following passage.
By far the most common snake in Britain is the adder. In Scotland, in fact, there are no other snakes at all.
The adder is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite. It can be found almost anywhere, but prefers
sunny hillsides and rough open country, including high ground. In Ireland there are no snakes at all.
Most people regard snakes bites as a fatal misfortune, but not all bites are a fatal misfortune, but not all
bites are serious, and very few are fatal. Sometimes attempts at emergency treatment turn out to be more
dangerous than the bite itself, with amateurs heroically, but mistakenly, trying to do it yourself surgery and
other unnecessary measures.
All snakes have small teeth, so it follows that all snakes can bite, but only the bite of the adder presents any
danger. British snakes are shy animals and are far more frightened of you than you could possibly be of them.
The adder will only attack if it feels threatened, as can happen if you take it by surprise and step on it
accidentally, or if you try to catch it or pick it up, which it dislikes intensely. If it hears you coming, it will
normally get out of the way as quickly as it can, but adders cannot move very rapidly and may attack before
moving if you are very close. The effect of a bite varies considerably. It depends upon several things, one of
which is the body-weight of the person bitten. The bigger the person, the less harmful the bite is likely to be,
which is why children suffer far more seriously from snake bites than adults. A healthy person will also have
better resistance against the poison.
Very few people actually die from snake bites in Britain, and though these bites can make some people
very ill, there are probably just as many cases of bites having little or no effect as there are of serious illness.
66. Adders are most likely to be found
A. in wilder parts of Britain and Ireland. B. in Scotland and nowhere else.
C. on uncultivated land throughout Britain. D. in shady fields in England.
67. The word “rough” (line 3) probably mean
A. not established B. not level or smooth C. underdeveloped D. not civilized
68. Which of the following is most similar to the word “fatal” in line 4?
A. causing trouble B. disabling C. disintegrating D. causing disaster
69. If you are with someone who is bitten by an adder you should
A. try to catch the adder. B. make no attempt to treat the bite.
C. not worry about the victim. D. operate as soon as possible.
70. Which of the following is most similar to the words “turn out” in line 5?
A. prove B. happen C. ought D. are able
71. We are told that adders are
A. normally friendly towards people. B. unlikely to bite except in self defense.
C. aggressive towards anyone in their territory. D. not afraid of human beings.
72. The word “presents” in line 8 is closest in meaning to
A. contains B. sets C. shows D. forms
73. The word “intensely” in line 11 is closest in meaning to
A. strongly B. extensively C. slightly D. closely
74. If an adder hears you approaching, it will usually
A. move out of your path. B. take no notice of you at all.
C. disappear very quickly. D. wait until you are close then attack.
75. We are told that in general British people think snakes are
A. not very common in Britain. B. usually harmless.
C. more dangerous than they usually are. D. unlikely to kill people by their bite.

Good luck!

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