Writing 11.6.09

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Verbs are action words that show the state of something (‘be’ verb)
Examples: Khalid was the only boy learning ballet.
Ali and Bala went to the movies last night.
There are two types of verb:
Regular Verbs
These are verbs that are spelt the same in the past tense form and usually end in a ‘-d’ or ‘-ed’
when written in past tense form.

Examples: walked baked

Irregular Verbs
These are verbs that are spelt differently in the past tense form.
Example: go went

Some irregular verbs are spelt the same in the past tense form.
Example: cut cut

Most verbs are changed into past tense by adding a –d or –ed to the present tense. Most verbs are regular
verbs. We call verbs that change to the past tense in other ways irregular verbs. Some irregular verbs
change a vowel.
Example 1: I swim every day at the YMCA.
I swam there yesterday.
Some irregular verbs change a final –d to –t.
Example 2: Please send me a secret message.
I sent it an hour ago.
Some don’t change at all.
Example 3: I read Spanish easily.
Yesterday I read a book in Spanish.
Now let’s see the verb buy

PRESENT I buy fruits for my mother every weekend.

PAST I bought some mangoes yesterday.

You have seen that buy changes to bought in the past tense, so we say that the verb bought is irregular.

Guess the past tense of the verb and fill in the table below.
Present Tense Past Tense
bite 1.
write wrote
2. rode
drive drove
3. got
speak 4.
choose chose


Fill in the blanks with the past tense form of the underlined verbs below.

I. I like to sing. Last year I ________ in the school concert

2. My brother sells cars. Yesterday he _______ a Ford Fiesta.

3. I usually do my writing in the Last week I _______ it at home.


4. He comes to see me every day. Yesterday he _______ at 2 o’clock.

5. The sun rises every morning. Yesterday it _______ at 5 a.m.

6. I have two computer games. On Wednesday I ______ only one computer


7. I find this job hard to complete. I _______ the previous job easier.

8. I drink milk every day. Yesterday I _______ one glass.

Read the sentences carefully. Fill in the blanks with either the simple present or
simple past form of the verb.

1. He usually (drink) ________ a glass of fruit juice every morning, but yesterday
morning he (drink) ________ two glasses of warm water instead.
2. He is an eloquent speaker. He always (speak) ________ clearly and his voice never
(shake) ________ even when there is a big crowd. However, he (have) ________ a bad
car accident yesterday, and today, he (tremble) _______ when he was speaking at the

3. My grandmother (cook) ________ vegetable soup on Sundays. When we (go)

________ to her house last Sunday, she (serve) ________ us chicken soup. Apparently,
she (forget) ________ to go to the market on Saturday.

4. Every year end, my family and I would (spend) ________ our holidays by the
seaside. My parents (say) ________ the sea breeze is good for us. Last night, however,
my father (announce) ________ that he just won a free holiday for four to Disneyland.
“Hurray! We’re going there for our annual vacation,” (shout) ________ my brother.

5. I (like) ________ Mathematics. It is a challenging but interesting subject. I (enjoy)

________ doing calculations and solving problems. In the previous test, I (get)
________ full marks for the monthly test. My Mathematics teacher (praise) ________
me for doing so well.

Based on the notes below, write a short essay about Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,
the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Date of birth : 26 November 1939

Place of birth : Pulau Pinang
Education : Primary and secondary education in Pulau Pinang
: 1964 – graduated with a degree in Islamic Studies from University Malaya
Career : 1978 – became member of Parliament of Kepala Batas
: Served as Education Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
: Became Deputy Prime Minister in 1999
: 31st October 2003 – sworn in as the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia
Contributions : Introduced new policies and regulations to improve the civil service
: Promote unity among the many races of the country
1. bit
2. ride
3. get
4. spoke
5. stole
6. rang
7. drink
8. freeze
9. rose

1. sang
2. sold
3. did
4. came
5. rose
6. had
7. found
8. drank

1.drinks, drank
2. speaks, shakes, had, trembled.
3. cooks, went, served, forgot
4. spend, say, announced, shouted.
5. like, enjoy, got, praised.
(Sample Answer)

Born on 26 November 1939, in Pulau Pinang, Datuk Seri Abdullah

Ahmad Badawi, or more affectionately known as Pak Lah, received his
primary and secondary education in Pulau Pinang.
After graduating with a degree in Islamic Studies from University
Malaya in 1964, he joined the civil service. He entered the field of politics
when he became the Member of Parliament for Kepala Batas in 1978. He
served as the Education Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s long service in the government
earned him respect and fame. In 1999, he was made the Deputy Prime
Minister. Finally, on 31 October 2003, he succeeded Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
as the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia.
As soon as he became the Prime Minister, he introduced new
policies and regulations in the civil service. He also tried to promote unity
among the many races in the country.

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