How To Calm The Mind

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We are living in a world where chaos has become synonymous to living. Constant turmoil and constant
negative simulation has exploited the peace of mind. With Corona Virus entering into everyone's life,
things have become even more tough to handle and manage. Turbulences are everywhere and everyone's
tranquility has been at stake. Many have lost their loved ones to this disease. In such tough situations and
sin our everyday life as well, we constantly fight to calm our minds and bodies. This article would answer
everyone's query "How to calm the mind?." Here are a few tried and tested methods of calming the mind.
Constant implementation of these might help you to overcome tough situations in life.

 POSITIVE THINKING : Positive thinking is the most effective way of calming the mind. It is
our natural stimuli to sometimes think of the worst case scenario. However, if we sit back and
train our mind to always focus on the brighter side of things, we might be able to pause and calm
ourselves. Thinking positive would transform your mind and would help you overcome any

 MEDITATION : Meditating has been scientifically proven to be an effective tool of

streamlining the mind. Meditation should become a normal practice. Take 10 minutes out of your
day to sit in silence, concentrate and meditate. This would slowly and steadily build up your
resilience. And, you'd become in a constant tranquility and peace.

 STAYING HYDRATED : A hydrated body works in a more efficient manner than a dehydrated
body. Drinking water keeps you active and energizes you. To keep yourself calm and in fact
otherwise too, it's very important for your water intake to be high. Whenever you find yourself
panicking unnecessarily, gulp water. And, I promise that you'll instantly find yourself in a good

 WRITE WHAT YOU FEEL : A lot of people cannot stay calm because of the stuff that keeps
revolving in their minds. Whenever you feel that your anxiety is probably because you can't say
out loud the things that are in your head, keep a diary and write in it. This is a personal practice;
something that I've been doing since ages now. Try this out, you might feel relaxed.

 LISTEN TO SOOTHING MUSIC : Soothing music is pleasing to the ears. It can instantly take
you out from your chaotic mind. Whenever you find time, make a playlist of songs that you can
hear when you want to feel relaxed. Listening to good sounds would calm you and your mind.

Calmness is a state of mind. If you fill yourself with positivity and try your best to stay happy,
calmness would come along.

Follow these simple calming practices whenever you feel that you peace is disturbed. You'll find yourself
in tranquility and all the chaos would surely disappear.

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