Email English PC Vs Mac

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Dear Ms.

I am writing in reference to your point of view and the need to
change the Mac’s in our company. I understood that if we switched to
Windows we would have some advantages. Your colleague shared some of
these benefits with me. I send you the report below:
,,While the differences between Macs and PCs have waned over the
years, both platforms are very strong.We are able to accomplish the same
sets of tasks: writing, creating spreadsheets or slideshow, photo, video, or
image editing, and streaming videos without facing a lot of performance
If you prefer Apple’s tech, and don’t mind accepting that you’ll
have fewer hardware choices, you’re better of getting a Mac. If you’d like
more hardware choices, and want a platform that’s better for gaming, you
should get a PC.
Advantages PS vs Mac:
 Are easier to custom build
 You can upgrade more parts, and with less effort
 Tend to be more powerful at a more affordable price
 Easier to repair in most cases
And as the specifics of our company are based on the development of
computer games, I strongly believe that we need the transition from Mac
to Pc.”
Could you please send me a copy of your latest raport and I also
want to know your opinion about your colleague's report? I would also like
to know if it is possible to make purchases online. I look forward to hearing
from you.
Regards Tomas Edison!

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