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Tomahawk Cruise Missile

Long-Range, Combat Proven “Weapon of Choice”

Tomahawk continues
to provide precision
strike superiority while
evolving to meet the
U.S. warfighters’ needs.

Benefits Description targets that characterize the flexibility includes the ability
Tomahawk is the U.S. Navy’s global war on terror. to loiter over the battlefield
g Surface and submarine launched surface- and submarine- awaiting an assignment to a
Block III
g Long-range precision strike launched, precision strike Block III is no longer in time-critical target. The missile
long-range standoff weapon. production. can also transmit Battle Damage
g Tactical flexibility At launch, a solid-propellant Indication (BDI) imagery and
rocket motor accelerates the Block IV missile health and status
missile until the cruise engine Tomahawk Block IV (Tactical messages via the satellite data
takes over for the remainder of Tomahawk) is a combat-proven link. Tomahawk Block IV
the flight. Radar detection is system incorporating innovative enables the firing platform to
difficult because of the missile’s technologies to provide new plan and execute GPS-only
small size and low-altitude flight operational capabilities while missions using the Tactical
that ensures high probability dramatically reducing acquisition, Tomahawk Weapon Control
of survival en route to highly operations and support costs. System (TTWCS). Block IV also
defended targets. Tomahawk Tomahawk Block IV uses highly introduced a state-of-the-art
is launched vertically from integrated GPS and inertial high anti-jam GPS receiver for
surface ships and vertically and navigation system (INS) improved mission performance.
horizontally from submarines. guidance coupled with digital The missile’s advanced design
scene matching (DSMAC) provides a unique platform for
Tomahawk has played a and terrain contour matching the integration of advanced
crucial role in numerous (TERCOM) for the highest technologies that increase the
operations worldwide, endgame accuracy. GPS-only weapon’s capabilities against
beginning with Operation missions provide for very short time-critical, land-based targets
Desert Storm and continuing mission planning response time. and enhance execution of
today with more than 1,900 maritime interdiction operations.
The new capabilities that
Tomahawk missiles used.
Block IV brings to the tactical Tomahawk Block IV’s modular
Operationally Proven battlefield are derived from design enables easy integration
Tomahawk is the Navy’s the missile’s two-way satellite of potential future payloads,
combat proven “weapon of data link. The strike controller including the Joint Multi-Effects
choice” for critical long-range, can flex the missile in flight to Warhead System (JMEWS).
precision strike missions against engage up to 15 preprogrammed
high-value, heavily defended alternative targets or redirect it More than 1,000 Block IV
as well as politically sensitive to a new target. This targeting Tomahawks have been produced.
Tomahawk Cruise Missile

Evolution of Tomahawk to Block IV

2002 2003 2003-04

First Flight, Completion Completion
August 23, 2002 OPEVAL on
USS Stethem
TLAM-C Block IV upgrade initiated. Tactical Tomahawk proposed for
Includes new guidance, satellite data increased flexibility and responsiveness
link and anti-jam GPS at lower acquisition and lifecycle costs

1998 2008

400th Tactical Tomahawk 1,000th Block IV

Missile “Path to the Future”

2003-04 2004 2004

Completion Loading first
Submarine Tomahawk
and OPEVAL on USS Stethem
on USS Tucson May 27, 2004
First Block IV (Tactical Tomahawk)
Production Missile IOC

Tomahawk Specifications
Length: 18 ft 3 in 20 ft 6 in (with booster)
Diameter: 20.4 in
Weight: 2,900 lb 3,500 lb (with booster)
Wingspan: 8 ft 9 in
Range: 1,000 statute miles (1600 km)
Speed: 550 mph
Guidance: GPS/INS
Terrain Contour Matching (TERCOM)
Digital Scene Matching Area Correlation (DSMAC)
USS Cape St. George (CG-71) Eastern
Payload: Block III/IV
1,000-lb class reactive case blast/frag unitary warhead Tomahawk Block IV launch from USS
Dates Deployed 1986 Block II Stethem (DDG-63)
(IOC): 1994 Block III
1999 United Kingdom Block III
2004 Block IV Raytheon Company
2008 United Kingdom Block IV Missile Systems
Air Warfare Systems
P.O. Box 11337
Tucson, Arizona
85734-1337 USA
Royal Navy Tomahawk Block IV 520.663.7645 phone
torpedo-tube launched missile fired 520.663.9804 fax
from the Gulf of Mexico

Customer Success Is Our Mission is a registered trademark of Raytheon Company.

UK LICENSE REQUIRED. UK-SITCL. Nontechnical data DSER 135825, May 08. Copyright © 2004-2008. Raytheon Company. All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A. MS 05/08 4K 80207R

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