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Fundamentals of Traditional and Digital


traditional marketing is the base of digital marketing, the marketing in the company
seeks to promote a product or a service to the market, from its creation to the
actions that are generated after the purchase, actions towards the client and other
areas of the business to ensure that a product is promoted and sold. A product
without a marketing strategy has less possibilities since marketing provides a vision
of strategy for sell in the short, medium and long term.

Marketing is decisive for any business, it can make a difference in the positioning
and sustainability of the company beyond the product, marketing is the defender of
the brand, which ensures and creates value for the company in the long term and
this should be visible and measurable.

,Marketing has a direct relationship an effect on different areas of a company: sales,

allows you to reach the customer more easily, in less time and with better sales
results, customer service, supports the development of the maintenance strategy
along with the loyalty of actual and potential clients, logistics, ensure the
compromise with the clients, legal, conditions the campaigns

The relationships with the customer depend on the trust

that is established with him from the product to the
service experience

Depending on the company the marketing team is related to different areas, such as
innovation, production, finance and portfolio, among others, if you want to move
faster and easier you have to start by working closely with the other areas of the

Marketing is a strategy front for any business, and it works and generates value
when is working closely with the other areas of the company.
The goal is the end we want to reach, and it depends on the sect of actions that must
be carried out to achieve it, which is called strategy.


If we take it to the business environment marketing have goals and strategies and
that is known as market strategy which must respond to the general objectives of
the company.

Market strategy is the set of actions that are designed and implemented to reach the
objectives established in the area and is the basis to generate sales, attract new
customers, and developing current ones. Market strategy is defined by having into
account three components the target market, the competition and the actions that are
developed by the 7 P’s of marketing.

HOW TO DESIGN A MARKET STRATEGY: So... to define the strategy first

we have to determinate de target market which means identifying the different
clients and they’re habits, interest, behaviors, and customs which lead us to know
what they want to buy, where, how and even how much they are willing to pay for
this, this is essential to design the products and create an effective communication
towards the market, in second place we have to make a competition analysis,
because a company can’t survive the market if they don’t make a constant follow to
the actions made by their competitors in subjects about product, price, place and
promotion, and the third thing to do are the actions to be made for each one of the
components of marketing which are known as the 7 P’s.

7 P’S

1. Product: is the solution to a need and the principal characteristic is the

evolution over time, the needs evolve, and the products have to evolve too.
2. Price: is the monetary value that you establish for a product, the buyer has to
be in condition to pay for the product and it has to be attractive in front of the
3. Place: is the place where you put the product for his commercialization, the
buyer has to have access to this place, nowadays we can found physical places
to acquired o pick up the products as same as we can found virtual places that
allows to speed up and track the process of purchase.
4. Promotion: all the means and channels used to get known the product, it is
fundamental to select the right means and channels to achieve the wanted
effect on the buyer, also use correctly the budget.
5. People: Customer which have needs and reach out to satisfied it by products
or services, they take the decisions about the purchase, they have an
impression of the product, acquired a loyalty or end the product, but this
happen when the strategy is not right.
6. Presence: Physical presence, because of the evolves of business has been
developed the moments of contact with the clients beyond the purchase, this is
also known as moments of truth, so nowadays we have virtual or physical
places where services are provided. The physical presence are the places
where the costumer have frequent contact with the company (customer
service), the difference between the place and the presence is that the
strategies of the place are focus in the access for the purchase and the
strategies of the presence are focus on anywhere where the customer have
contact with experience of service.
7. Processes: this are the actions made to get the product to the customer in an
easier way, how to organize the company and what resources are needed to
guarantee a successful experience.

So… we have seen all information about how the customers (people) have needs
and reach out to satisfied it by products or services, they take the decisions about
the purchase, they have an impression of the product, acquired a loyalty or end a
product, and because of all this is necessary to design and implement a strategy of
development, maintenance and loyalty of customers.

Nowadays the role of the customer is an active role, which means that access to
information is becoming easier every time which leads to a specialized demand and
people have more criteria to the decision making, this evolve means a challenge for
the companies because from the creation of the products must been created
characteristics flexibles and dynamics which allows the adaptation and permanence
of the product in the market.

Build relationships with the costumers it’s not an exclusive task of marketing
strategy, it depends on an accurate strategy focus on the client that includes all of
the company in which we have to have in mind three aspects:

1. the capacity of the company to predict future customer behavior, this can
be made from knowing the characteristics and needs of them, this can be
achieve by investing in storage and customer manage systems also known as
CRM Customer Relationship Management, the best way of doing it is
implementing campaigns of data update where you obtain principal
information of the client like name, cellphone number and address, also it’s
needed to create satisfaction surveys so we can know the perception or image
of the product. This information helps the marketing area to make decisions
about products design.
2. Maintain an appropriate communication with the costumers, is here
where marketing plays a determinant role, because it has the function of
developing all the campaigns of the company with current and potential
Type of campaigns
Retention Loyalty Opening market

These types of These types of These types of

campaigns are for campaigns are for campaigns are focus on
current clients, and are developing clients, and potential clients, and
focus on developing search for the loyalty of their intention is to
action to reduce the loss the client towards the bring the company
of clients company. closer to potential

3. Performance measurement: it consist on the measurement of performance

and of the impact of the actions made towards the costumers, to be able to do
this is really important to establish indicators whom need to be aligned with
the objectives of the company’s strategy, this allows to analyze, measure and
monitor constantly to do adjustments if needed,


Along the road many can appear variables and situations, in which you have to
make the right decisions with strategic vision to guaranty the success of the
strategy, and you’ll see that to make these decisions you’re required to work closely
with all of the company.

1. When implementing a marketing plan, it’s really important to segment this is

the first variable to consider. Segmenting means that from the totally of
current clients or potential clients you have to make a selection by groups with
common interest, affinities, tastes and similar needs, this information can be
obtain through different resources such as data bases and monitoring that is
made to the purchase behavior of costumers, when a company makes the
segmentation is directed in an objective and practical way to the clients saving
time and money because promotions and campaigns are focused and reach
those who should reach.

A mistake that is often made in the implementation of the market strategy is

trying to keep a balance between the communication strategies so as not to
saturate costumers.

2. The second variable to consider is the product, this variable plays a key role,
because if the needs of the costumers are satisfied a real relationship is
created. When you’re going to launch a product you have to make decisions
about the design, the style, the features, but beyond that you have to decide
how the product is going to be positioned, how it’s going to differ from others,
what the innovation is, why it’s new and why costumers will choose it over
the competition.

3. The third variable is the price: this variable has a quality that makes it stand
out among the others which is the generation of income and profits, in
addition to this quality, price is directly related to costumer demand and this is
why we constantly manipulate this variable, price can be negotiated, allows
real-time adjustments depending on market conditions or costumers profile,
price is also associated with quality.


4. The fourth variable has to do with the supply and distribution chain, this is
an indispensable process that requires organization above all, of this process
the client only has knowledge when he requires it and doesn’t obtain it, the
final purpose of this variable is to coordinates that the product arrives on time
to the correct place in sufficient quantities, to achieve this is indispensable the
supply chain that originates from the search of the raw material, followed by
the production and up to the delivery.

5. The fifth variable is the promotion: where it’s necessary to develop a strategy
to maintain uniformity and consistency with the brand manual in all activities,
all types of advertising (traditional and digital channels) must maintain a
unified and customer-centric message.

6. The sixth variable is implementation and control: when a company designs

a marketing strategy it has to see how it’s going to execute it, for that is
necessary a chronogram and indicators of achievement of objectives that are
going to allow to make adjustments and to make punctual pursuit, these
actions are known as control, if it is made correctly it is going to guarantee
that the strategy is successful.

7. The seventh variable is social and ethics responsibility in the marketing

strategy: this means that the actions carried out by the company must impact
society in a positive way, and ethics in marketing is associated with the
established rules, principles, agreements and regulations that must be followed
and accommodated by the activities of strategy, the development of truthful
and transparent activities generates trust, commitment and loyalty from
costumers to the company.

One of the most important challenges that a company has to achieve its sales goals
is that the costumer has the product in time and place and for this task there are
marketing channels.

Some companies design the concept of a winning campaign that attracts the
costumer’s attention, this is really important but it doesn’t matter if there are no
means or places for the costumer to buy the product, this is where marketing
channels play a key role in the strategy because companies use them to have a
available and current product offer for their customers.

When a company decides to develop marketing, channels has to consider two

important variables:


The effectiveness of a marketing channel is related to the easy access of the product
to the costumers, while the efficiency has to do with the profitability of the channel,
which is understood as the percentage of sales profit according to an investment of
resources. These two concepts are indispensable for making decisions on how to get
the final product to the customer.

A marketing channel is the set of actions to make a product reach the final customer
and profitability or success of the channel depends on the effectiveness and
efficiency of the decisions you make.
There are three types of marketing channels that can be developed and depends on
the characteristics of the product, the customer and the market.

1. Exclusive channel: implies a limited presence, high-end or prestigious

2. Selective channel: refers to average presence, easy access or products of
3. Intensive channel: extensive presence, can be located in different channels

The strategy of marketing channels has to be dynamic and is directly related to the
customers, the product and the place, a right choice of the marketing channels and
the way to organize it saves money and maximizes the investment, to achieve this
it’s necessary to know the segment, the objective, and to make the respective
performance measurement.


It is not enough with just produce a product, the relationship with the costumers
must go beyond searching to maintain and develop relationships with a high added
value, this added value is not only part of the attributes of the product but it affects
every moment of contact or moment of truth that a customer has with a company
from the time that the advertising is generated to loyalty actions such as the loyalty

Digital marketing has transformed these moments of contact or moments of truth

with the costumers, creating an easily, quicker and timely to access to information.

In marketing the digital campaigns allows to monitore and redefine the strategy
according to the results in real time, at the same time they maintain and develops
clients having important information about the behavior and the costumer tastes, in
sales the access to new channels like electronic commerce or the leverage with
allies, they reduce considerably the margin to pay by concept of purchase, in terms
of logistics, the customer has the ability to track delivery in real time without
having to access other channels.

Every company regardless of its nature must have a digital strategy, digital
marketing is a support in the business strategy for improving customers
relationships and optimizing resources in all areas of the company.

To implement a digital marketing strategy, it’s necessary to count with the tools,
resources and right people.

Internet access bring advantages over other channels of communication, because

it’s available 24 hours and you can access to it from anywhere in the world with an
equipment and internet access, to obtain this advantages you have to develop with
an internet page, for this you have to buy the domain, and decided how are you
going to manage your site, you can do this by a gesture of contents or html
templates, contents is a process where the company migrate the offers of products
and services to digital environment.

This process has to be developed with every product responsible in the company,
who has to evaluate and select the content to be published according to the target
markets, for this contents to be effective must possess a structure and characteristics
of internet that helps improve the experience of customer in terms of navigability,
usability and access.

The content by itself doesn’t generates traffic to your website it requires actions that
takes your object customer to find it and explore it, between these actions we found
social media, SEO (search engine optimization of your website), SEM (paid text
ads offered by search engines), email marketing, and paid advertising.

The digital marketing industry has different options for design of the digital
strategy, flexibility in design depends on the resources and objectives of the

The selection of strategy is determinant for the results and budget in other words is
in jeopardy the profitability and effectiveness of the area, the digital strategy has to
be made thinking on the costumer and how he interacts with each area of the

The basis of the strategy Is the audience, as audience we understand the number of
people who answers to a company, product or service stimulus to solve his needs,
this group of people can be segmented to achieve homogenic subgroups in habits,
costumes, and values. digital media allows the companies to reach to this groups
and subgroups in an effective and faster way.

In the components that includes digital marketing there are the digital media like
google and Facebook who has an opportunity to reach out of more than a billion of
user’s world level, which can be monitored and control on real time, the
opportunities of the digital environment are unlimited

With the information the companies have to create valuable contents that maintain,
develop and built loyalty in their customers.


Management models in companies are key to measuring processes and activities

performance, because it allows to have a reference point to compare and evaluate
the management to make decisions on the adjustment and design of a business

Digital marketing can be measurable on real time, which allows companies to

identify what’s doing right or wrong, this starting form a performance indicators or

There are 4 characteristics at the moment to define performance indicators

1. It has to be trustable, the indicator was made by real and checkable

2. It has to be representative, describes what you want to measure
3. It has to be simple, doesn’t have to need access to special information, and
doesn’t have to have irrational calculations
4. It has to be replicable, that can be compare to other indicators

In a company exists general business indicators and specific area indicators, which
together reach for the common goal of the company. In addition to the 4
characteristics already mention it’s important that a digital strategy has its indicator
defined starting from 2 principals’ objectives: branding and performance.



There are different ways to interact like, sings, forms and sounds this is known as
language, in marketing language is defined as the content and tone of the
communication of a company with his customers, with the purpose of creating a
relationship, trust and in consequence sales! All starts by waking up the customers

The process starts with the idea that wants to be share, this idea has to be clear and
with a high level of creativity, at the moment of creating a marketing campaign the
marketing area has to value the possible ideas to share the products according to the
channels of advertisement that the company has.

Traditional marketing  Digital marketing

In traditional marketing the company search for the customer and in digital
marketing the client search for the company.

When you defined the objectives and indicators of the company for digital
marketing, you have to start by establish the marketing area objectives and what it’s
going to be the contribution that is going to have digital to the achievement of this
objectives, having into account physical and digital resources.


Keep tracking ensures results, to the employees it can keep track by two forms,
quantitative, by defining numerically measurable objectives, or qualitative, with
measurements based on attributes that has to be clears from the beginning.

In digital marketing the measurement is directly related with the objective.


Color map, it’s a graphic that highlight color in the website according to the
behavior of the visitant (crazyegg, mouseflow)
Traffic and website performance: google analytics.

The management and maintenance of the social media depends on the content that a
company offers to its audience, to get to know this audience there are platforms like
Facebook (business manager) and twitter (analytics).

Valuing the optimization in SEO searchers: woorank, metricspot, siteliner.

Follow through campaigns in different social media: Google tag manager


It’s important that since the beginning of a company is defined the corporate
identity, that differentiates its own elements and attributes in the market, like
history, values and corporative culture.

The corporate identity is the guideline that a company has for the management of
internal processes, in the marketing area corporate identity covers elements like the
logo (symbol to identify the company), the motto (phrase that identifies the brand)
and the brand manual (guideline for the management of the logo and the brand
externally and internally).

At the moment a company creates a marketing campaign the marketing area must
follow the brand manual, following the construction parameters (typography
management and allusive colors). In digital communication the company has to
maintain this corporate identity adapting the message to the elements like website,
email signature, social media, digital campaign, blogs and email marketing

Corporate identity creates a signature on the market, clients recognized, value and
stablish a relationship trough identity, they remember it, become loyal to it and buy
on behalf of it. Identity is a real and intangible link between the market and the

Awakening and maintaining a person’s interest in a product or service is the

principal challenge of the marketing area of a company. The concept of campaign
or idea to promote it has to be able of representing a clear, precise and creative
Companies nowadays has the tools that allows them to interact in a directly way
with people, these like blogs, websites, social media or forum, it’s responsibility of
the company to difference when to realize a strategy of commercial communication
and when to realize a strategy of quality content because it depends on the
commercial objective, the communication and the sales of a product or brand.

The commercial communication strategy has as goal to promote a product, so it

reaches sales, and the quality content strategy has as goal improve the customer
experience by make known and educates generating communication between users
and brand.

In the moment of developing a quality content strategy the company has to have in
mind 4 elements, these 4 things allows you to keep track of the audience response
to the brand incentives, knowing how It’s going with the implementation, the
achievement of goals, and evaluate if the budget it being use right.

1. Objective: sell or position

2. Target: what is my audience, I’m spoking to it in the right way?
3. Content: has to be diverse, actual and unique
4. Measurement: with the different tools



Digital marketing has changed the way that companies interact with the clients, and
at the interior of the company it has been reflected principally in the processes of
sales and customer service, which has to be adapted to the new situations.

Social media is communally used to place complaints or claims, the creation of

response protocols and treatment flows to this complaints and claims start from the
joint definition of marketing areas and customer service because the response
protocols are in charge of the tone and message to use and the treatment flows are
in charge of the process of contact and the solutions.

The new business scenario demands the companies to be flexible and dynamic to
reply and adjust its structures to the business needs, the definition of roles and goals
part of the scope and design of the digital strategy to be carried out, having into
account the relationship, integration and the improvement objective with the areas
in this way:
- Human resources: in the support to the processes of searching and selection
of personal through professional networks.
- Sales: in the transactional site development for the sales of products and
communications focused of generating traffic to the sales points, distributors
or sales line.
- Customer service: in the definition of processes for the treatment of requests,
complaints and claims received in the digital environment (website, social
media, blog)
- Billing: Supporting the design and delivery of the electronic bill through
- Legal area: by creating the terms and conditions of the website and the
services provided by the company.
- Product: by supporting the creation of content for the diffusion of products
and promoting the innovation according to the information obtain by the
clients through the different app and platforms.

The content update depends on every responsible or area leader, the digital
marketing area is in charge of receiving the requests and then doing the charge in
the respective digital assets.

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