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PART A – Micro-Project Proposal


1.0 Brief Introduction/Rational

Most of the population of India is dependent on agriculture. Agro-based industry has
significant role in the economy to foster rural development in the country. Most of the agro-based
businesses are in the nature of food processing units. They have implication on food security and basic
needs of human being. Agro-based industry may play catalytic role to enhance the standard of life of
people living in rural area. With considering the importance of the agro-based industries, plan of rural
development may be formulated in the light of rural resources management. This paper attempts to
make SWOT analysis of Indian agro-based industry

2.0 Aim of the Micro-Project

1. To identify the Strengths of the agro-based industry in India.
2. To study the Weakness of the agro-based industry in India.
3. To identify the Opportunities of the agro-based industry in India.
4. To identify the Threats before the agro-based industry in India.

3.0 Intended Course Outcomes

Analyze and assess the case study of agro based industry.
4.0 Literature Review

. 1) Collect information from

2) collect information from Wikipedia org.

5.0 Proposed Methodology

1) First Disscused the subject with each other.

2)Then collect the raw data from internet.

3) Planning of project,analyze the data and finalize the project.

4)Distribution of task.

5) Making a report

6.0 Resources Required

S. No. Name of Resource/material Specifications

1 Internet
2 Wikipedia org Website

7.0 Action Plan

Name of Student Enrollment No
Tushar Patil 1800560386

Vaibhav Zombade 1800560388

Sujal Dhore
Aniket Karanjkar

Name of Programme:Civil semester: 5 th

Course tittle: Rural Development CourseCode:22505
Title of the Micro-Project: Indira Awas Yojana

Name of subject Teacher: P.B.J.

S. No./ Details of activity Planned Planned Name of

week Start date Finish Responsible
date Team Members
1. Topics given by Subject Teacher and
discussed on given topic with all
members. Tushar Patil

2. Collection of information related to the


3. Planning of project.

4. Analyze the collected data and finalize Vaibhav

structure of project. Zombade
Week 4: Submission of Proposal
5. Distribution of task and discussion of
roles and responsibilities of each
6. Making a report

7. Making a report Sujal Dhore

8. Checking of the report

Aniket Karanjkar
Week 8: Review and Suggestions

Name of Course Teacher: P.B.Joshi Sign :_______________________

8.0 Action Plan

Name of Programme: Civil semester: 5 th
Course Title: Indira Awas Yojana Code:22505
Title of the Micro-Project: Indira Awas Yojana
Name of subject Teacher: P.B.Joshi

S. No./ Details of activity Planned Planned Name of

week Start date Finish Responsible
date Team Members
9. Report preparation

Tushar Patil
Report preparation

11. Report preparation

12. Analyze Report Vaibhav


Week 12: Review and Suggestions

13. Checking Report

Checking Report Sujal Dhore

15. Report submission

16. Submission of Micro project

End of Term: Final Submission of Micro project

Name of Course Teacher: P.P.Joshi Sign :_______________________

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