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Tuesday June 15 2021 | | No 73498 £2.20 £1.

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Beware hipster men

(based on 7 Day Print Pack)

Doctors and
Tales from
One woman’s dating saga INSIDE
the front line
England team playing gesture politics by taking knee, says Patel
Henry Zeffman secretary said that it was the “choice” of pating in that type of gesture politics,” knee with Marxist leaders of the Black minister respects the rights of all people
fans whether they did so. the home secretary told GB News, the Lives Matter group. to peacefully protest and make their
Priti Patel has become the first cabinet Patel’s intervention threatens to re- TV news channel that was launched The comments were filmed last week feelings known about injustice,” his
minister to criticise the England foot- open government splits over the issue this week. “It’s all well to support a and published yesterday. A minority of spokesman said.
ball team for taking the knee at the before England’s second match of the cause and make your voices heard but England fans defied calls not to jeer the David Lammy, the shadow justice
European Championships, accusing tournament. On Friday at Wembley quite frankly we saw last year in some of players as they took the knee before secretary, said Patel’s comments were a
them of engaging in “gesture politics”. the Scotland team will join the England the protests that took place — speaking their match against Croatia on Sunday, “shocking attempt to stir up division”.
While Boris Johnson has urged the players in taking a knee before the very much from what I saw of the im- although there were louder cheers from He said: “We should all get behind the
country not to boo England players for game starts. pact on policing — it was devastating.” a larger group. Johnson took a different team — politicians included.”
their anti-racism protest, the home “I just don’t support people partici- Some critics associate taking the line in comments last week. “The prime Fans urged to stay at home, page 11


We must Nato allies

join forces on
a new front:
learn to live war in space

with Covid, Larisa Brown Defence Editor

Bruno Waterfield Brussels
Nato allies have agreed to defend each
other if war breaks out in space amid
fears that it could become a new front

warns PM
line as China and Russia step up tests of
anti-satellite weaponry.
Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato secretary-
general, said that any attack on satel-
lites or other space assets could trigger
Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty,
invoking a collective military response.
Johnson extends lockdown and speeds up jabs Nato member states formally agreed
for the first time yesterday that such
Steven Swinford Political Editor onhips, Wimbledon and the British attacks could be as damaging as a
Chris Smyth Whitehall Editor Formula One Grand Prix. Care home conventional attack.
Henry Zeffman residents will be allowed to go on visits “We consider that attacks to, from, or
Chief Political Correspondent without needing to self-isolate for 14 in space represent a real challenge to
days when they return. alliance security, the impact of which
Boris Johnson has said that Britain The limit on guests at weddings will could threaten the prosperity, security
must learn to live with coronavirus as be dropped from Monday. Capacity will and stability of countries,” read a com-
he delayed the end of Covid restrictions still be limited by the size of the venue muniqué agreed by leaders at the Nato
by four weeks and insisted that July 19 and the need for social distancing. summit in Brussels.
would be the new “terminus date”. Dancing and stand-up drinks recep- Stoltenberg has warned previously
The prime minister pushed back the tions will not be allowed. that anti-satellite weaponry could be
unlocking by a month as he announced Johnson’s science advisers agreed used to cripple communications sur-
yesterday that the vaccination pro- that little more would be gained by a veillance or navigation technology.
gramme would be accelerated to pro- delay beyond four weeks, with model- Mobile phones, banking, navigation
tect more people. He said that the deci- ling saying that the pause would reduce and commerce each rely on satellites in
sion would save thousands of lives. a peak of cases in August by up to half. space, as do satellite communications
Johnson said he was “pretty confi- Other leading scientists say that it that are essential for troops.
dent” that restrictions would come to will be difficult to ease restrictions if Russia and the United States have
an end on the new date but would not infections continue to double at the been working on missiles designed to
give a “cast-iron guarantee”. present pace. destroy objects in space since the early
Concern is mounting in the cabinet Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scien- years of the Cold War but there is a con-
and on the Tory back benches that the tific adviser, said that the next few cern at the sophistication of these
rapid spread of the Indian variant could weeks would bring a “double protec- weapons. China has created at least
force the government to delay the eas- tion” as the over-40s gained the benefit three generations of the Dong Neng
ing of restrictions for more than a of a second dose and young adults had hit-to-kill interceptor and carried out
month. their first one. Delaying the end of re- five tests of the SC-19 missile, which
Johnson said that it was “sensible to strictions until close to the school holi- could hit objects in orbit. The Kremlin
wait just a little longer” and “give the days would “also take the pressure off, has stepped up testing of its PL-19
NHS a few more crucial weeks to get and that should between them signifi- Nudol system, thought to be capable of
those remaining jabs into the arms of cantly reduce the peak”, he said. striking targets in the low-earth orbit
those who need them”. He said: “Now is Chris Whitty, chief medical officer range used for military reconnaissance.
the time to ease off the accelerator. for England, said that “no one thinks at China raising stakes, pages 12-13
Because by being cautious now we have the end of the four-week delay the risk
the chance in the next four weeks to has gone — there will still be substan-
save many thousands of lives by vacci- tial numbers in hospital”. He said,
nating millions more people.” though, that this needed to be balanced
The only exceptions will be an end to against the harms of restrictions. The
the 30-person limit for weddings while prime minister announced a series of
crowds will be allowed into sporting
events such as the European Champi-
new targets to accelerate first and
Continued on page 2, col 3
Bathed in bronze The sun setting on Britain’s hottest day of the year at Heacham
in Norfolk yesterday. Thunder is expected to break the dry spell tomorrow. Page 5
y(7HB7E2*OTSKMS( +$!&
2 2GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

highlights Make ministers sign contract
7.20am Michael Gove, chancellor of the Duchy
of Lancaster
8.15am Craig Hassall, chief executive of the
Royal Albert Hall
not to lobby, says watchdog
11am Matt Chorley discusses how to vaccinate Henry Zeffman the business appointment rules into of public office holders. “Government
Chief Political Correspondent employment contracts for civil ser- departments and Acoba [the appoint-
the world with Unicef’s vaccine lead Lily Caprani, vants and special advisers, and institut- ments watchdog] should be able to issue
right, and Dr Mary Stephen of the WHO Ministers should have to sign legal ing parallel legal arrangements for a lobbying ban for up to five years where
2pm War correspondent Anthony Loyd speaks agreements saying they would not ministers, it will be clear to those taking appropriate,” it added.
to Mariella Frostrup about his career lobby their old departments when they up public office what the government’s “If an applicant had a particularly
5.35pm Eden project founder Sir Tim Smit, left office, the government’s anti- expectations are of any post-employ- senior role, or where contacts made or
corruption watchdog has said. ment activity. Such contractual and privileged information received will re-
who recently had the Queen to dinner The recommendation of binding legal requirements should be binding.” main relevant after two years, a longer
arrangements to control what minis- The report added that “relying on ban may be necessary to ensure that
Listen on DAB | Smart speaker | Online at | Times Radio app ters do after leaving government is transparency alone . . . will not intro- former officials lobbying government
included in a report by the Committee duce a sanctions regime strong enough are not directly benefiting from their
on Standards in Public Life. to restore public trust”. time in office when they do so.”
Lord Evans of Weardale, the former As revealed by The Sunday Times, The committee named Cameron
T O D AY ’ S E D I T I O N director of MI5 who serves as the com- Evans called for some ministers and when it recommended that the lobby-
mittee’s chairman, said that the stan- officials to be banned from lobbying the ing of ministers through “informal
dards rules required significant reform. government for up to five years after channels” such as WhatsApp should be
Phone addiction BBC’s hiring of Divorced for At present ministers, political advis- leaving office. reported to civil servants.
ers and top civil servants are in effect There has been intense scrutiny of Cameron placed calls and sent texts
‘as bad as crack’ Bashir criticised working late banned from lobbying former col- David Cameron’s lobbying of ministers and emails to ministers and senior offi-
Mobile phones are as The BBC has been A woman was within leagues for two years after leaving. In for the failing financial firm Greensill cials as he tried to win access for
addictive as crack criticised over its her rights to divorce practice, the appointment rules are Capital, but his actions took place more Greensill to Covid support pro-
cocaine, the head of a transparency in her husband because advisory, without a statutory footing. than two years after he resigned as grammes. Appearing before the Trea-
school that intends to rehiring Martin Bashir he worked long hours In the report, the standards commit- prime minister. sury committee last month, he insisted
ban their use during despite controversy and missed holidays, tee calls for the government to “ensure The report said the “two-year ban that there was “absolutely no wrong-
the day has claimed. surrounding his 1995 according to a ruling in compliance” by “writing the business may be too short” as it could undermine doing” in his lobbying attempts, but ac-
Jane Lunnon, from interview with the High Court. appointment rules into relevant em- the seven principles of public life, the cepted that former prime ministers
Alleyn’s School, south Princess Diana. A Charles Ayeh-Kumi, ployment contracts”. It said: “By writing basis of the ethical standards expected must “act differently”.
London, said pupils report found he was 64, had argued that
could get “caught up offered the job after “easy” divorce laws
by poor decisions they “coffee meetings” with allowed his wife to continued from page 1
make”. Page 4 executives. Page 5 leave him. Page 19 Lockdown easing delayed Analysis

second doses. He said that the gap cases vaccination status. admission. Much of
COMMENT between doses for people in their 40s A virus is a complex Given the number of the rationale for
would be cut from 12 to 8 weeks, mean- self-replication vaccinations, this prolonging lockdown
Boris Johnson’s optimism has served him well, ing that everyone over 40 would have machine that evolved means that even if the is to get more second
been offered a second dose by the week over billions of years. variant is 85 per cent doses done. Delaying
but now he must explain the tough choices ahead of July 19. In addition, all adults would An exponential “worse” the nation is for four weeks would
WILLIAM HAGUE, PAGE 23 have been offered a first dose by July 19. function is a simple far better prepared to mean an estimated 73
Johnson’s MPs expressed concern concept created in a deal with it. per cent of adults, or
over the delay. Sir Charles Walker, vice- mathematician’s Sage now believes 38.3 million people,
Tourists in dark GSK pays $2bn Centre Court chairman of the 1922 Committee of head. It feels nothing that about one in 20 would have had their
Tory backbenchers, said it was now short of magical, of those currently second shot.
over migrants for therapy deal full for finals likely that “we will end up with some then, that the infected end up in
Nearly 1,200 migrants GlaxoSmithKline has The Wimbledon form of lockdown” for the rest of the behaviour of the first hospital. Those now contacts and
from north Africa agreed to pay a US singles finals will be year. can be described so being admitted tend reopening
landed on the Italian biotech company up to played in front of a full Jeremy Hunt, the former health perfectly by the to be younger, and The point of a
island of Lampedusa at $2.1 billion to Centre Court despite secretary, criticised the government for second. But it can partially protected by lockdown is to reduce
the weekend as the collaborate on an the delay in the easing claiming that the path out of restric- (Tom Whipple and vaccines. They spend contacts, to deny the
summer sailings began experimental cancer of Covid restrictions. tions would be irreversible. Rhys Blakely write). less time in hospital, pandemic the fuel to
in earnest. The treatment. The British They will be the first Coronavirus latest, pages 6-10 The number of and it is reasonable to blaze. If you don’t
number of arrivals in drugs group is seeking outdoor sports events Delay is disappointing but necessary, cases of the Indian assume they are less meet someone you
Italy has almost to accelerate the with a capacity crowd leading article, page 27 variant has been likely to die. can’t infect them.
trebled from last year, revival of its pipeline since the pandemic following a near- Soon we should In the UK, pre-
yet they go unnoticed amid pressure from struck in March last perfect straight line know for certain. pandemic on average
by tourists. Pages 28-29 investors. Page 33 year. Page 66 How life has changed on a logarithmic plot Across the UK daily each person had
Close contact — a graph designed to hospital admissions social contact with 11
The average number of contacts in the reveal exponential have been rising, but others each day. A
LETTERS 23 BUSINESS 33 SPORT 54 UK during the pandemic behaviour. We have from a very low base study called Comix
LEADING ARTICLES 27 REGISTER 49 CROSSWORD 66 12 gone from 2,000 cases — with the latest found that during the
WORLD 28 LAW 51 TV & RADIO TIMES2 a day at the start of seven-day average first lockdown the
11.5 before the National
pandemic lockdown May to about 8,000. about 144, and with number was three.
FOLLOW US 9 The ramification is 1,089 patients in Last summer it rose
thetimes timesandsundaytimes thetimes 6.5 that exponentials get hospital. In early above four. Now it is
now very big very fast. By January almost at 6.5.
OFFER June 21 this could be 39,000 were in Cases are already
about 15,000 reported hospital. However, increasing
Save up to 45% with a subscription to 3
cases a day. modellers say that a exponentially. Soon,
The question is, summer peak of at hospitalisations will
The Times and The Sunday Times does a third wave least 1,000 admissions pick up. In four
*Shaded pink shows confidence intervals matter, given that the a day is plausible. weeks’ time, the
most vulnerable are country could well be
Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr vaccines
2020 2021 vaccinated? How at a peak of cases,
THE WEATHER © TIMES NEWSPAPERS LIMITED, 2021. many will be The Lancet data with hospitalisations
Published in print and all other derivative The road to full vaccination hospitalised? How included good and and deaths still rising,
formats by Times Newspapers Ltd, 1 London
Bridge St, London, SE1 9GF, telephone 020 7782 How quickly the UK adult population will many die? bad news. On the and will look in a far
5000. Printed by: Newsprinters (Broxbourne) be vaccinated if 300,000, 500,000 or downside, the worse position than it
11 Ltd, Great Cambridge Rd, Waltham Cross, EN8 700,000 jabs are administered daily. hospital vaccines are less is now — even if,
8DY; Newsprinters (Knowsley) Ltd, Kitling Rd, The present daily average is 482,000 admissions effective against the immunity-wise, it is
Prescot, Merseyside, L34 9HN; Newsprinters
29 (Eurocentral) Ltd, Byramsmuir Road, Holytown, 100m
New data published in Indian strain after a far better.
13 9 Motherwell, ML1 1NP; Associated Printing The Lancet suggests single dose. The Yesterday Boris
(Carn) Ltd, Morton 2 Esky Drive, Carn Industial Two doses for that being infected picture improves Johnson made the
Estate, Portadown, BT63 5YY; Smurfit Kappa all aged 18+ 80 with the Indian dramatically, though, difficult decision to
13 News Press Ltd, Kells Industrial Estate, Virginia
Rd, Kells, County Meath, Ireland; KP Services,
(53m people) variant carries an with a second shot. stop reopening at a
21 La Rue Martel, La Rue des Pres Trading Estate, 60 85 per cent increased Two weeks after a time when, for most
22 St Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7QR. For permission to Second risk of hospital second dose, Pfizer people, things seem
copy articles or headlines for internal doses admission compared provided 79 per cent fine. Will he also have
information purposes contact Newspaper 40
14 Licensing Agency at PO Box 101, Tunbridge with the Kent strain. protection, Oxford 60 the courage to do the
First doses
Wells, TN1 1WX, tel 01892 525274, e-mail However, that risk is per cent — and both reverse: to reopen at a
20 For all other reproduction and Updated measured like-for-like gave more than 90 time when it could
Warm sunshine for most of the licensing inquiries contact Licensing June 14 — matching cases by per cent protection well feel like the
Department, 1 London Bridge St, London, SE1 2021
country. Some outbreaks of rain in 0 age and by against hospital opposite is the case?
9GF, telephone 020 7711 7888, F M A M J J A S O
Scotland later. Full forecast, page 53 e-mail Sources:, Comix
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1G M 3


Meditating farmer is best in his field SPRITUAL UNFOLDMENT

John Butler has barely Butler’s words of wisdom
heard of YouTube but “Feel your feet on the ground —
his soothing videos are listen and look.”

an online sensation, “In order to be what we are, we have

to come out of what we are not.”
Valentine Low writes
“What is it like when a carrot is
pulled from the ground? The ground
He has a beard, a tricycle that he uses to is left behind. And the carrot is lifted
get round the Derbyshire lanes and a into another realm. All the teaching
voice so soothing that it brings calm to is left behind.”
all who hear it.
John Butler, a retired farmer, has “I’m just a quiet old man of regular
become an unlikely YouTube star after habits going up and down the hill to
his videos on meditation and church each day, sitting on a bench
spirituality became an internet sensa- when the weather is warm. I don’t
tion. A few years ago he barely knew speak much. Adventures are inside.”
what the internet was.
Butler, 84, whose channel has Asked on his recent 84th birthday
125,000 subscribers, has been interest- “What is a life well lived?” he said
ed in meditation almost all his adult life, that he would not change a thing.
but few people had heard of him until “Everything — even ‘bad’ things —
four years ago he gave an interview on are part of the wonderful schooling
a channel called Conscious TV. It we go through in this life, preparing
focuses on people with experience of us for when it's time to come home.”
higher consciousness. For Butler
everything started to change.
With the help of a friend who was a A growing trend
cameraman he started to make his own
films and put them on YouTube under Autonomous sensory meridian
the name Spiritual Unfoldment. Since response is the name for a kind of
then he has made nearly 200 videos. sensation triggered by stimulating
He offers his thoughts on images and sounds (Nina Lloyd
spirituality, space, peace and, writes).
when asked, farming. The term originated online, where
Now his most popular film, a it was coined in 2009 by Jennifer
commonsense guide to medita- Allen, a participant in a forum who
tion, has been watched more than was trying to describe the tingling
a million times. feeling she felt when looking at
The pandemic has made him videos of space.
more of a star as people whose anxi- Some people describe the
ety has increased because of lock- sensation as a “low-grade euphoria”;
down have found solace in Butler’s others say that it has relaxing
soft but strangely reassuring voice. qualities that can lull them to sleep.
He owes part of his fame to his It hit the internet as a YouTube
popularity among people who have trend in about 2013, and there are
autonomous sensory meridian re- now more than million videos of
sponse, a tingly sensation or minor people performing activities that
euphoria that some feel in response induce the sensation.
to certain sounds, often soft, whis- Within the genre there are
pery voices. Interest in the concept, subgenres. In one trend participants
which many consider therapeutic, chew on pieces of honeycomb, in
has spawned its own YouTube genre. another people shave bars of soap.
Butler has taken his fame in his Clips that involve people
stride. “I think if I was a younger man whispering into a large microphone
I would have been more excited about are consistently popular with
it,” he told the BBC. “I’d never heard of viewers.
YouTube. Hardly knew what internet John Butler was a pioneer of organic farming and took up meditation when a voice told him: “To make whole be whole”
His musings have earned him fans said: “I think it is beyond words. If I of a misfit in this world and I’ve felt in meditation began when he travelled make whole be whole’. By then, I’d
worldwide. Angela Storck, from the US would see you John I would just give most people weren’t interested in me, to Peru at the age of 26 “to make the heard of meditation so, when I came
state of Georgia, said: “He’s always had you a hug. It brings tears to my eyes.” but I’m just quietly glad to be able to world a better place”. home, I looked for and found a school of
a message that makes me think and Butler said: “So many people have share what I love.” He told The Star in Sheffield in April: meditation in London. Immediately
that’s how he’s helped me cope during this problem with an agitated mind, a Butler is no stranger to the media. He “It wasn’t so easy. But when I was there, after learning the practice it opened up
the pandemic. I don’t know if he restless mind. And because one instinc- was a pioneer of what we now call something very important happened to a whole new way of seeing, which I’ve
understands how many lives that he’s tively seeks for some sort of balance, organic farming. In 1975 the BBC me. Things had gone a bit wrong and, practised ever since. Meditation always
touching across the planet right now.” people look for rest or peace, don’t made a film about his natural methods one day, I was sitting on a mountainside helps to open the situation up so you
Giovanni Walthart, from Vienna, they? Most of my life I’ve felt really a bit of farming in Lincolnshire. His interest when a little voice seemed to say, ‘To connect with something bigger.”

New tricks for deaf sheepdog who understands sign language JAMES LINSELL-CLARK/SWNS

Arthi Nachiappan of a sheepdog trainer and their two Peggy can no while to learn that we loved her and to
other working dogs, Sid and Nora. longer hear gain her trust but it’s been so rewarding
An elderly sheepdog who had to retire Shorten said: “We completely fell in that she is knowing that she now understands our
after becoming deaf is now working love with Peggy almost immediately, being told praise.”
with a shepherd again after learning and it soon became clear that she she’s a good Peggy is not working full-time but
sign language. wouldn’t be going anywhere. We knew girl, so Chloe enjoys helping out in the fields. “It can
Peggy, a nine-year-old border collie, Peggy wanted to be working so we Shorten gives be difficult with a deaf dog, because you
was signed over to the RSPCA after her started the long process of teaching her her the have to wave at them to get their atten-
handler could no longer communicate how to herd and work with a shepherd thumbs up tion, and sometimes she doesn’t realise
with her. He thought she could no without relying on voice commands.” straight away,” she said. “But she’s such
longer work because she was not able to The couple began by training Peggy a happy little dog. She’s no spring chick-
hear whistles or voice commands. to look at them to receive hand signals. en, and she is generally retired, but she
However, after being handed to the “We used repetitive and positive re- loves going out to work with us and
RSPCA, Peggy was taken in by Chloe inforcement and instead of pairing a running around in the fields.”
Shorten, an animal welfare manager verbal command with an action we’d certain direction to indicate where they checks did not reveal any lumps or Shorten said the couple fitted Peggy’s
from the organisation’s mid-Norfolk use a hand gesture. She reads our hand want Peggy to go and pat their knees to infection in her ears. collar with a GPS tracker in case they
and north Suffolk branch. signals and body language as a way of summon her back to them. To ask her She said: “She’s still learning new were separated. She added: “She’s proof
Shorten, 28, and her husband Jason, telling what we’re asking for. For exam- to slow down, Shorten said she does a things and improving all the time. The that you can teach an old dog new
34, a shepherd, taught Peggy to under- ple, thumbs up means ‘good girl’.” A flat, waving gesture. main thing for us was being able to tell tricks, and is a wonderful example of
stand hand signals and body language. outstretched palm means “stop”. Shorten said it was not clear why the her that she’s a good girl and reassure the capability of a dog, even if they do
The couple trained Peggy with the help Shorten and her husband point in a sheepdog became deaf: veterinary her she is going to be OK. It took her a lose a sense.”
4 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


Quintagram® No 1029
Solve all five clues using each
letter underneath once only
1 Memo (4)

2 Backless seat (5)

3 Publish (5)

4 Conveyed person (9)

5 Free to do as one pleases (9)

Solutions MindGames in Times2
Cryptic clues Page 10 of Times2

MP’s Commons apology

Daniel Kawczynski, the Tory MP
for Shrewsbury & Atcham, has
apologised in the Commons for
threatening behaviour when he
faced IT problems in April last
year. The Independent Expert
Panel found that he had
telephoned the manager of a
member of select committee staff
to complain after consuming a
“significant amount” of alcohol.
Kawczynski, 49, said he had been
under pressure during lockdown
Splash happy A sea otter in a mêlée with two killer whales off Caithness in the Highlands. It was not clear whether the young orcas were playing or learning how to hunt and that, at 6ft 9in, he stood out
in public, attracting abuse.

Mobiles banned to curb Ransomware

biggest threat
18 years for neo-Nazi
A neo-Nazi who described
himself as a fan of Nigel Farage
has been sentenced to 18 years in

sexual bullying at school

jail for possessing bomb-making
to UK security materials and other terror-related
items. Dean Morrice, 34, from
Bath, had edited film of himself
Larisa Brown Defence Editor playing guitar over footage of the
Christchurch mosque shootings.
Nicola Woolcock Education Editor barristers warned of the consequences area of focus for us and a conversation Ransomware attacks by hackers pose a At Kingston crown court he was
for boys for behaviour such as not delet- to have with parents, how to have greater risk to national security than convicted of ten charges.
Mobile phones are as addictive as crack ing graphic pictures they were sent. healthy parameters around phone use.” hostile states’ online espionage, a
cocaine, a head teacher who intends to “They can get caught up by poor de- The new policy is to be launched, cybersecurity chief has warned. Boyfriend found body
ban them in school hours has claimed. cisions they make when they them- after a consultation, in September. Lindy Cameron, head of the National
Jane Lunnon says that the type of selves are children,” Lunnon said. Lunnon said: “This is not simply a Cyber Security Centre, a branch of Adam Stone told an Old Bailey
pornographic material and the volume The school ensured that all those matter for schools. Porn has been GCHQ, said that high-end crime groups jury that he fell to his knees when
of images that children can access has taking A-levels had attended a consent around for decades, but there is a world were conducting “in-depth reconnais- he found the body of Nicole
changed significantly in the past workshop before they left this term. of difference between the naked breasts sance” on their targets. Smallman, 27, his girlfriend, in a
decade. A hundred volunteers have become just about visible in the top shelf Play- She said they were identifying weak- park in Wembley, northwest
After the outpouring of testimonies gender champions, to help to ensure boy of my youth and the extreme, uni- nesses among victims that they could London. Danyal Hussein, 18,
on the anti-rape movement website that girls are treated with respect, and a versally available, highly graphic online exploit and pretending to be internal denies murdering Smallman and
Everyone’s Invited, and a report from mentor training programme for boys is porn industry, so easily within reach of staff to get access to networks. her sister Bibaa Henry, 46, in “a
Ofsted last week that said sexual abuse being set up in September with sixth- our teens and pre-teens. This changes They are also trying to identify pact with the devil” which he
and harassment had been normalised formers talking to younger pupils. the way our kids think about sex and embarrassing or business-sensitive believed would secure him a
among teenagers, many schools are in- All staff have undergone training about other genders.” material so they could threaten to leak lottery win. The trial continues.
troducing new initiatives. from UK Feminista, which tackles In Oxford the Magdalen College it or sell it to others.
Lunnon, of Alleyn’s School in south sexual harassment and sexism. Teach- boys’ school uses older pupils to educate In a speech at the Royal United Ser- Foul-mouthed news
London, described as “chastening and ers are taught to ensure equal participa- younger boys. It has a mixed sixth form vices Institute think tank, she said that
salutory” the discovery that it was tion from boys and girls in lessons and and boys and girls in year 13 have volun- although her agency supports victims An ITV reporter told a man
named on Everyone’s Invited, where adopt zero tolerance to harassment. teered to take part in small-group in- of ransomware — where files are during a live broadcast “I will
pupils from hundreds of schools posted Lunnon said that a whole-communi- duction sessions for boys in year 11. locked until money is paid — every day, f***ing bang you out” after the
experiences of sexual harassment. She ty effort was needed to tackle the prob- Helen Pike, the head, said the aim was turning up to an incident “feels like the man walked into shot. Callum
said that it led to immediate action. lem. “The phone is crack cocaine to to target issues thrown up by Everyone’s fire service turning up to a house that Watkinson, from ITV Central,
Her co-educational school has orga- teenagers, they’re absolutely addictive, Invited, such as alcohol, parties and has already burned down”. was trying to film a piece to
nised workshops for parents at which we all know that,” she said. “That’s an “not treating girls as an alien species”. Occasionally there might be a flaw in camera in Birmingham but went
the malware or its deployment but into a rant that was posted on
hackers were more sophisticated and Twitter. ITV has apologised for

No 10 will open civil service doors to talent “know what they’re doing”, she said,
adding that businesses needed to better
protect their systems.
any offence and said the matter
was being dealt with internally.

Cameron described Chinese cyber- GB News beats the BBC

Oliver Wright Policy Editor ernment programmes and potentially between civil servants in England with attacks on UK industry as “something
halt failing initiatives. Ministers and of- their Scottish, Welsh and Northern our companies treat as business as The news channel GB News had
All senior jobs in the civil service will be ficials will be given training in new Ireland counterparts. usual” and added that cybercriminals an average audience of 262,000
advertised externally under plans to digital and data skills. Michael Gove, the Cabinet Office were becoming ever more sophisticated for its first programme on Sunday
open Whitehall up to external talent. A new system of pay, reward and minister, will announce the changes in in their use of ransomware, and that night, more than double the BBC
Boris Johnson will today chair the performance management will also be a speech today. He is expected to say the Britain must continue to improve its News channel’s 100,000 viewers
first ever joint meeting of cabinet min- introduced for senior civil servants and pandemic makes it more urgent to response. at the same time, the ratings
isters and their most senior officials to the prime minister and cabinet secre- ensure Whitehall is more effective. “A whole-of-government response” compiler Barb said. Andrew Neil
launch the latest stage in the govern- tary will both be responsible for the He will say: “The public demand we was needed to meet the threat, she had 336,000 viewers in the first
ment’s civil service reform plan. performance of permanent secretaries. build back better and . . . this govern- added. “It starts with the efforts to pre- few minutes. He said GB News
The proposals include a new watch- To strengthen the union the govern- ment is determined to deepen and vent the activities of the groups behind will “puncture pomposity”.
dog to assess the effectiveness of gov- ment wants to increase movement accelerate our programme of reform.” these damaging attacks.” New views, Hugo Rifkind, page 25
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 2GM 5


BBC rehired Bashir after ‘coffee chats’

David Brown UK news editor at the time and now the Panorama interview was broadcast

The BBC has been criticised over its

fairness and transparency in rehiring
executive editor of UK news content,
for coffee to discuss the role on August
8 of that year.
Diana’s advice for Harry and was criticised last month in Lord
Dyson’s report into Bashir’s use of deceit.
Harding said of Bashir’s appoint-
Martin Bashir as a report found that he The only internal candidate short- ment: “There was no nod. There was no
was offered the job after informal “cof- listed for interview by Harding along- Jack Malvern See, Harry said that his mother had wink. BBC News hired him.”
fee meetings” with senior executives. side Bashir was warned by Burgess not given him the freedom to step away Rumours within the BBC that Bashir
An investigation into the presenter’s to expect to get the job as an external A friend of Diana, Princess of from the royal family by leaving him was appointed after a “cappuccino in-
appointment in 2016, despite contro- candidate was “the favourite”. Wales, has suggested that she might money in her will. terview” with Munro have always been
versy over his 1995 Panorama interview MacQuarrie found: “Although have sought to discourage her son “I have no doubt that my mum dismissed by the journalist’s friends,
with Diana, Princess of Wales, and alle- coffee meetings are frequently from speaking about his personal would be incredibly proud of me,” who said he went through the three-
gations of sexism and political bias, used to discuss the scope of a role life in a televised interview. the duke said. “I’m living the life person BBC board that vets applicants.
found shortcomings in the process. and the appointment process, they Dr James Colthurst, who helped that she wanted to live for herself, A BBC official previously told The
The report by Ken MacQuarrie, a should not result in an unfair Diana to exchange secret messages living the life that she wanted us to Times: “We can confirm there was an
member of the BBC board, found that advantage to any candidate.” with Andrew Morton, her be able to live.” interview process for this position and
there was a lack of transparency in He said before the job was biographer, believes that she Colthurst, 64, who was speaking that Martin Bashir was interviewed as
Bashir’s appointment but no evidence advertised externally: would have urged the Duke of about his appearance in the part of that.”
of a cover-up of his use of deceit in “James Harding had Sussex not to do the interview forthcoming ITV documentary Munro said he was aware of the con-
securing the interview. already decided that he with Oprah Winfrey in March. Diana, said that her decision to troversy surrounding Bashir’s com-
James Harding, 51, a former editor of wanted to interview Martin “I’m not sure he would have collaborate with Morton in 1992 had ments about “Asian babes” while a pre-
The Times who was director of news Bashir.” MacQuarrie found got to the interview stage,” been a “controlled exercise” and senter in the United States and his criti-
and current affairs at the BBC at the that Harding would have Colthurst told the Radio that it was distinct from her cism of the vice-presidential candidate
time, wanted to interview Bashir for the informed Lord Hall of Bir- Times. “I believe she might interview with Martin Bashir for Sarah Palin. Munro said he recalled dis-
job of religion correspondent. kenhead, the director- have cautioned him to solve Panorama in 1995. cussing both incidents with Harding.
Bashir, 58, met Jonathan Munro, the general at the time. Hall things in some other way.” Colthurst said that he could not Harding said he could not recollect the
head of newsgathering, who is now was director of news when Speaking to Winfrey in understand at the time why the “Asian babes” controversy.
deputy director of BBC News, for coffee their documentary princess had agreed to speak to MacQuarrie concluded there was no
to discuss the role on June 23, 2016. He Princess Diana in 1986 series The Me You Can’t Bashir — “now of course we know“. evidence that Bashir was hired to cover
met Harding and Richard Burgess, the with a young Harry up events after the Panorama interview.


Beach-lovers packed
resorts including
Brighton; others
found space off the
coast of Heacham in
Norfolk and in the
Shropshire Hills

showers continuing in Three-day forecast Yellow warning thunderstorms potential for some more Hampden Park,
Scorching spell set the northwest.
The heat will continue Today Tomorrow Thursday
settled spells and some
warm weather is
Glasgow. Aberdeen had
a high of 17C; Glasgow
in the southeast until North 23C max North 22C max North 18C max possible later in the was a few degrees
to end with a bang the end of the week,
however. The Met Office
Dry day with some
sunny spells
Cloudy with
outbreaks of rain
Cloudy with
heavy showers
Marco Petagna, a Met
cooler. Northern Ireland
recorded a high of 17C
has warned people to be Office forecaster, said yesterday; in Wales it
South 25C max South 28C max South 24C max

ritain recorded warm across the country prepared for high UV that temperatures were reached 24.4C.
its hottest day of today with some rain and pollen levels across Overcast with Sunny to start, Warm with likely to cool as the 6 A woman died after
the year so far and strong winds in the England and Wales. some sunny spells turning cloudy heavy showers month went on. falling from a cliff near
yesterday when northwest. The dry spell The Met Office has It was not so hot north Durdle Door in Dorset
the temperature at will break tomorrow, issued yellow weather for all parts of England meteorologist, said: of the border, where yesterday afternoon.
Heathrow reached when rain and thunder warnings for apart from the “We’re likely to become Scotland were cheered Police said that the
28.6C (Arthi are expected in England thunderstorms, meaning northwest, from increasingly changeable on in their first Euro woman was pronounced
Nachiappan writes). and eastern parts of that travel disruption tomorrow until Friday. towards the weekend. 2020 match against the dead at the scene.
It is expected to stay Wales until Friday, with and flooding is possible, Dan Stroud, a There is still the Czech Republic at Full forecast, page 53
6 2GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

News Coronavirus

Big weddings are back but stay

Eleni Courea, Oliver Wright What’s changing?
Boris Johnson scrapped the 30-person
limit on weddings last night in one of The rule of six stays in
Quentin Letts
just a handful of concessions to the
lifting of Covid restrictions.
In good news for future brides and
place indoors with a
limit of 30 outdoors Keep still
grooms who had booked to get married
in the next month, full-scale nuptials
will be allowed to go ahead, albeit with-
out singing and dancing.
Pubs and restaurants
must continue offering
table service
Plans to lift other restrictions,
including social distancing and the rule
of six for indoor gatherings, have been
The advice to work
from home if possible
not far now
postponed after a rise in coronavirus remains
infections and hospital admissions. Political Sketch
Johnson said that now was the time Social distancing and

“to ease off the accelerator” and save mask-wearing guidance ather than answer to
thousands of lives by vaccinating more MPs, who were steaming
people before lifting restrictions. But he stays the same like Chinese dumplings,
said he was “pretty confident” that July Boris Johnson announced
19 would be a “terminus date”. Theatres will keep the big disappointment
operating at half via a televised press conference.
june 21 delay capacity while “You’ve got to learn to be cautious,”
The government will postpone its plans nightclubs stay shut said The Man Who Lets You Down.
to end lockdown by four weeks to July Indeed we have. He was postponing
19. Most existing restrictions, including The 30-person limit on Freedom Day. The idea now was to
the rule of six indoors and 30 outdoors, weddings is scrapped have it on July 19. “I’m pretty
will remain in place until then. Sir confident it will be a terminus
Patrick Vallance, the government’s from next week but date,” he said in his blowy way.
chief scientific adviser, said this would dancing is banned indoors From the back seat, the country
reduce the peak by 30 to 50 per cent. asks: “Are we nearly there yet?”
Ministers will review the data after Care home residents Dad at the wheel assures us it is
two weeks and could decide to ease who visit family will no “not far now, children”. A month
restrictions entirely on July 5 if longer have to self- later . . .
infection and hospital admissions have isolate for 14 days on return Another month of lockdown.
fallen sufficiently. Another month for the attention-
The delay means that limits on the The vaccination targets seekers at Sage to give us all the
number of people who can attend large willies. Chris Whitty, chief medical
events, including sports matches and are being accelerated, officer for England, kept saying “if ”.
live performances, will stay capped and with all adults to be Shades of Rudyard Kipling. Sir
nightclubs will remain shut. The offered their first dose by July Patrick Vallance, chief scientific
government will continue advising peo- 19 rather than July 31 adviser, was taciturn. Clipped.
ple to work from home where possible. Coldly sterile.
Pilots of large sporting Whitty is a figure quite different
care homes now from the drainpipe-necked
events will go ahead.
Care home residents who leave to visit Wembley will be at gulper of a year ago. Beside our
family and friends will no longer have 50 per cent capacity for one prime minister, he was the more
to isolate for two weeks on their return. authoritative figure. A dark suit and
Under the existing guidance, which round of last-16 match at Euro dark tie these days. Brisker. A curt,
will be scrapped on June 21, care home 2020 as well as the semi-finals spanky manner. Has he bought a
residents were not allowed to stay over- and final, and Wimbledon will sports car or something?
night with loved ones unless they self- operate at 50 per cent capacity Johnson and these Brothers Grim
isolated for 14 days on return. The rule had to find a tricky balance. They
will remain in place for those returning The traffic light system assured us that the vaccines were
from an overnight stay in hospital. for international travel “spectacular” yet they had to
continues explain that a problem persisted.
sporting events There was talk about “worst-
Ministers are planning to pilot about affected areas” and “worst-case
10 to 15 events with large crowds under Government support scenarios”. We were shown a map
the government’s events research pro- such as furlough will be of the danger areas. Cornwall was
gramme. Spectators will have to prove phased out quite a dark colour. Maybe that
they have had two doses of a vaccine or beach barbecue at the G7 wasn’t
a recent negative test to enter. Children can go on such a good idea.
Under the plans, both men’s and overnight trips in Members of the public went first.
women’s finals at Wimbledon will take groups of 30 It’s like letting the paying guests Boris Johnson announced the widely known lockdown extension at a Downing
place with a full Centre Court of 14,979
spectators, the first outdoor sports
events to be played in front of a full- welcome larger audiences. If this went vaccinations delay would have a significant effect,
capacity audience since the pandemic
began. For the rest of the tournament,
ahead it would mark a significant
expansion of the scheme beyond one-
All adults will be offered at least one
coronavirus jab by the time all restric-
but a four-week delay is modelled as re-
ducing the peak in hospital admissions
Pupils could be
the plan is for Wimbledon to operate at
50 per cent capacity — with 21,000
spectators a day.
off or time-limited events such as the
World Snooker Championship and
could offer a long term way of
tions are lifted on July 19, the prime
minister said. The government is
bringing forward its target to offer
by around a third to a half.”
Edward Argar, a health minister,
warned against a “zero-Covid approach”
given jabs ‘to
Wembley will also be half full for the
last four matches it hosts in Euro 2020.
This will include the round-of-16 match
reopening London’s West End.
weddings and wakes
vaccines to the entire adult population
by two weeks. Those aged 23 and 24 will
be able to book appointments starting
and said the country would have to get
used to living with the virus. save education’
on June 29 — involving England if they More than 30 guests will now be able to tomorrow. international travel
Nina Lloyd
win Group D — as well as both semi- attend wedding ceremonies, receptions For over-40s, the gap between doses The prime minister refused to be drawn
finals and the final. and other commemorative events such will be reduced from 12 to eight weeks. on the consequences of the four-week Children may need to be vaccinated to
Royal Ascot, which starts today, will as wakes, but the capacity of venues will Johnson said the aim was to give both delay for restrictions on international prevent future disruption to their
have 12,000 people admitted each day. be limited by the requirements of social doses of a vaccine to two thirds of adults travel. education that would have a “very neg-
distancing. by July 19. He urged the public to follow the ative impact” on their lives, England’s
cultural events Venues must be Covid-secure and traffic-light system, which divides chief medical officer has said.
Ministers are in discussions to allow may only offer table service for food infection data countries based on green, amber and Professor Chris Whitty said that
Andrew Lloyd Webber to open his new and drink. Stand-up drinks receptions Government scientific advisers warned red categories. Eleven destinations are there might be a long-term risk to child-
musical Cinderella with a larger audi- remain banned and risk assessments that hospital admissions were on track on the green list, which allows quaran- ren’s physical and mental health if their
ence than allowed at present, Johnson must also be undertaken by venues in to reach a level similar to the first peak tine-free travel, and many of them ban education were disrupted multiple
said. order to calculate how many people can of about 1,000 a day. British travellers from entering. times.
The existing moratorium on full safely be present. Modelling by the government’s Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, Britain has ordered enough doses of
capacity in theatres and other cultural Discos are out as is dancing indoors, Spi-M group suggested that there had blamed the delay in easing restrictions the Pfizer vaccine, which has been med-
events will continue past June 21 along and dancing outdoors is also discour- been a rapid acceleration of cases of on the government’s “pathetic” borders ically approved for 12 to 15-year-olds, to
with additional restrictions. aged. This also applies to guests singing about 70 per cent week-on-week, and policy. inoculate all children aged 12 and over,
Some 20 events including festivals hymns at wedding ceremonies. Musical that hospital admissions were up by 15 Letters, page 26 according to Matt Hancock, the health
and theatres are in discussions about performances may take place, at a limit per cent week-on-week. The Spi-M A prudent postponement, secretary.
taking part in pilots that mean they can of up to six performers indoors. document said: “Even a two-week leading article, page 27 The head of the UK’s biggest teach-
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 2GM 7


off the dancefloor, urges PM JONATHAN BUCKMASTER/PA

dine before the servants. Andrew
from Worthing wanted university
The national picture
Vaccines can
students given jabs pronto. Tess, a
Bedfordshire bride-to-be, was fed
up about her wedding dreams being
How many people have Covid-19?
There were 7,742 new cases reported
yesterday, bringing the total so far to
stop hospital
wrecked. Boris is an old hand at
dealing with such women.
And what about Andrew Lloyd
4,573,419 or 68.5 for every 1,000 people
Daily cases
45.5% increase from seven days ago
Webber, or prisoner 54321 as he
may soon be known if he persists in
martyring himself as a protest
(based on seven-day
moving average)
Seven-day National
for new strain
about the West End having to do average R number
another month of social distancing? 30,000
1 to 1.2 Chris Smyth Whitehall Editor
Johnson said he had “colossal 20,000
Rhys Blakely Science Correspondent
admiration” for the composer. As 10,000
for the ruination of theatres, “it’s 0 Vaccines are about as effective at
broken everyone’s heart”. At which preventing people needing hospital
point, in a musical, Whitty and How many are in hospital? care when they catch the Indian variant
Vallance would have inclined their There are 1,089 patients in hospital of the coronavirus as they were for the
heads, fruity-bowed their lips and being treated. 161 patients are on Kent strain, an analysis has concluded.
given us close harmonies. ventilators. An additional 187 patients A study by Public Health England
Down the road MPs were in a have been admitted, the latest daily found that a single dose of the Pfizer
bate and Speaker Hoyle was on the figures show, up 15.2 per cent in the vaccine gave 94 per cent protection
warpath. Why had Johnson not seven days to June 8 when this data against a person being admitted to hos-
made a statement to the House? was last updated pital after catching the Indian strain.
Peter Bone (C, Wellingborough) This was similar to the 85 per cent pro-
noted that big policy Hospital admissions tection it gave against the Kent variant.
announcements should be made Seven-day average 5,000 For the Oxford-AstraZeneca vac-
first to parliament. This was a 4,000 cine, a single dose gave 71 per cent pro-
requirement of the ministerial code. 3,000 tection against the Indian strain, com-
“Are we a presidential system?” 2,000 pared to 76 per cent against the Kent
asked an “astonished” Sir Edward 1,000
strain, according to an analysis of
Leigh (C, Gainsborough). “Who 14,000 cases of the Indian strain, of
runs this country? Is it the media or which 166 ended up in hospital.
the House of Commons?” Leigh, an After a second dose, Pfizer’s
old-fashioned right-wing rasper How many have died? protection rose to 96 per cent and
whose idea of a well-run country is Yesterday, there were 3 deaths AstraZeneca’s to 92 per cent, similar to
Vladimir Putin’s Russia, has reported, bringing the total number the 95 per cent and 86 per cent offered
represented his seat since 1983, or of deaths in the past seven days to by each jab against the Kent strain.
possibly 1893. Reporters of the 66. The rolling average number of Because of the small numbers of
Gainsborough Standard have long daily deaths is 9.4, up from 8.4 a day people in the study, the uncertainty
learnt to stand to attention and take a week ago around the exact figures means that
a respectful shorthand note when protection from both vaccines is
the old boy calls their newsroom. Deaths regarded as broadly comparable
Seven-day average
Leigh suggested that the prime 1,500 against the two strains.
minister would find it “much easier PHE said that in unvaccinated
to have a few patsy questions from 1,000 people for every 100 hospital admis-
Laura Kuenssberg” rather than 500 sions with the Kent variant you would
being punctured by the, er, rapier expect 200 with the Indian strain.
intellects of the Commons. 0 However, if the same group had been
Hoyle did not join this slander of A S O N D J F M A M J vaccinated the result would be only
the admirable Kuenssberg but did How does 2021 compare? eight hospital admissions with the Kent
agree it was “totally unacceptable” There were 9,628 deaths from all strain and 12 with the Indian variant.
that Downing Street was “riding causes recorded in England and Wales Professor Chris Whitty, the chief medi-
roughshod” over the House. No 10 in the week to May 28, of which cal officer for England, said the PHE
had assured him “no decisions” had coronavirus accounted for 1 per cent. study was “very encouraging indeed”.
been taken on extending lockdown. The number of weekly deaths was 312 Scottish research published yester-
Yet at the same time the No 10 lower than the five-year average for day in The Lancet showed that the
photocopiers were churning out an the same time of year Oxford-AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioN-
embargoed copy of the news. The Tech vaccines were less effective at
Speaker had a script but abandoned 20,000 preventing people getting infected with
it. He roared that both he and the 15,000 the Indian strain.
House had been “misled”. 10,000 However, the researchers said that
Someone at No 10 has been telling 5,000 the jabs remained an effective tool
Street press conference but MPs were furious that the House was not told first fibs. Very hard to believe, I know. Five-year average because they stopped people develop-
Feb May Aug Nov Feb May ing serious disease, with their data
showing that a single dose cut the risk
ing union has called for the govern- of somebody being admitted to hospital
ment to inoculate all pupils before
schools return in September. Kevin
Beware — that summer cold How Britain compares
Percentage of population who have
by about 62 per cent for the Indian
variant and by about 72 per cent for the
Courtney, joint general secretary of the
National Education Union, told The
Daily Telegraph that rising cases in
might be the Indian variant received at least one vaccine dose
(total doses administered in brackets)
Kent strain. This protection took about
a month to develop.
The Scottish study showed that
schools was a “big problem”. He said Malta 76.8% (587k) people with the Indian variant were
that in an “ideal world” children would Rhys Blakely Science Correspondent age groups accounting for a greater about 85 per cent more likely to be
be vaccinated with three weeks’ immu- share of infections. Canada 64.7% (29m) admitted to hospital than those who
nity for the start of the autumn term, if A headache, sore throat and runny “People with cold symptoms should Israel 63.3% (10.6m) vaccinated caught the Kent strain.
it is deemed safe. nose are now the most reported symp- be tested to slow any possible spread of in UK Two vaccine doses provided
At the Downing Street press confer- toms of Covid-19, according to re- Covid,” he told the BBC. UK 61.4% (71.7m) First dose protection against the Indian variant,
ence yesterday Whitty said that the searchers who are gathering data from His research team have been track- 41.7m but the Scottish results suggest at a
Chile 60.8% (20.4m)
decision would need to be taken with thousands of people through a smart- ing the symptoms of the virus through Second lower level than for the Kent strain. A
caution and consideration of children’s phone app. the Zoe app since March last year. A Hungary 55% (9.4m) dose fortnight after two doses, the
safety. He said that children who were Professor Tim Spector of King’s Col- cough was the most common symptom US 52% (309.3m) First dose
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was found to
at high risk of Covid-19 should be vacci- lege London said that catching the In- at the start of the pandemic. In people daily provide 79 per cent protection against
nated, and added: “The wider question dian strain, which is also known as the under 40 it has been overtaken by UAE 51.4% (13.68m) June 13 infection from the Indian variant,
is around the effect on children’s educa- Delta variant, can feel “more like a bad headache, sore throat and a runny nose. 147,228 compared with 92 per cent against the
Italy 48.5% (42.2m)
tion and multiple disruptions that cold” for younger people. “People aren’t realising this change Second Kent strain.
might happen and are going to have a The government recognises the and might think they have some kind of Belgium 48.5% (8.5m) dose daily Two doses of the Oxford-AstraZene-
very negative impact on their lives, main Covid-19 symptoms as being a seasonal cold,” Spector said. “It might June 13 ca vaccine offered 60 per cent
Germany 47.8% (60.1m) 181,121
including the effect it will have on risk new continuous cough, a high tempera- just feel like a bad cold or some funny protection against infection with the
of physical and mental ill health.” ture and a loss or change in sense of ‘off’ feeling — but do stay at home and Spain 44.8% (32.3m) Indian variant compared with 73 per
A Department of Health spokesman smell or taste. do get a test.” cent for the Kent variant. This lower
said: “No decisions have been made. We However, Spector’s team believe that GPs have called for people with France 44.8% (44.1m) vaccine effect may reflect the fact that it
will be guided by our expert advisers. the disease is now affecting people dif- cold-like symptoms to be eligible for Source: Our World in Data takes longer to develop immunity with
(latest figures available) and Note: Selected countries
We will update in due course.” ferently. That may be linked to younger coronavirus tests. AstraZeneca, the researchers said.
8 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

News Coronavirus

Sunak rejects plea from

In the ring Highland
cows were on display
at the Royal Highland
Showcase just outside
Edinburgh but the
public were not
allowed in to watch

firms to extend furlough

Steven Swinford Political Editor
restaurant, hotel and bar furloughed. More than a Kurzarbeit scheme to the
Rishi Sunak has rejected calls from workers are on furlough quarter of under-18s in work end of the year, while
business leaders and unions to extend and four in ten jobs in the are on furlough. However, France plans to keep its
the furlough scheme despite the delay arts and entertainment those aged over 65 have support in place until next
in ending lockdown. sector are supported by the comparable furlough rates June.
The scheme, which pays 80 per cent When will the furlough government. to those aged between 18
of people’s wages, is due to start being scheme come to an end? and 24, suggesting the Will furlough be extended
wound down at the end of this month. The scheme ends on What businesses are most people most impacted are again?
From July 1 the government’s share September 30, although reliant on furlough? those at the beginning or Rishi Sunak, the chancellor,
will fall to 70 per cent with employers support will be withdrawn The highest furlough rates end of their careers. has already extended the
contributing 10 per cent as part of a “ta- in stages. From next month, are among businesses with furlough scheme twice. The
pered” withdrawal. The British Cham- the government will pay two to four employees, What parts of the country hospitality sector will put
bers of Commerce has urged the chan- 70 per cent of the wages, where the proportion of have the highest pressure on him to do so
cellor to delay the winding down with employers obliged to furloughed employees is proportion of people on again following the delay in
because the government has delayed make up the remaining 29 per cent. furlough? easing restrictions.
the easing of restrictions until July 19. 10 per cent. From August it London, which has a Yesterday Boris Johnson
However, a Treasury source said that will pay 60 per cent. What has been the cost to furlough rate of 14 per cent. strongly rejected calls for
the scheme was already “one of the the taxpayer? More than 550,000 people another extension.
most generous in the world” and that How many people are still The scheme has cost are on furlough in the
the timetable would remain the same. on furlough? £64 billion. By comparison, capital. Parts of Cumbria, What other support
Sunak is also resisting calls to extend At the end of April there the annual schools budget Oxfordshire and measures will end?
the business rates holiday for retail, were 3.4 million people on for England is about Cambridgeshire are among The government increased
hospitality and leisure. The relief is due furlough, representing £48 billion and the defence the least affected. benefits for claimants of
to fall from 100 per cent to 66 per cent about a tenth of the total budget is about £52 billion. universal credit by £20 a
on July 1, although it will remain in workforce. How are other countries week last year but the
place until next March. Are employers more likely phasing out their temporary rise comes to an
Boris Johnson said that on the basis Which industries are most to furlough young people? employment support end on September 30. The
of current data he did not see a need to reliant on furlough? The younger you are the schemes? stamp duty holiday ends at
change the furlough support scheme, Nearly half of pub, more likely you are to be Germany has extended its the end of the month.
due to run until September. The prime
minister was asked at a Downing Street
press conference if there could be a situ-
ation where there might be an exten-
sion of support to businesses.
“We always made sure that the fur-
Home workers want to keep flexibility
lough scheme would continue until
September to take account of the whole Gurpreet Narwan suggests that about a third of the be back in the office by the end of
spread of the road map,” he said. “The Economics Correspondent workforce will continue working one summer. He called remote working
chancellor has always been very, very day a week from home. Andrew an “aberration that we are going to
clear about that. On the basis of what The vast majority of home workers Bailey, its governor, said in March: “I correct as quickly as possible. This is
we can see now . . . in the data, on the want to stay remote for at least part of would be very surprised if things went not ideal for us and it’s not a new
basis of the vaccine effectiveness that the week, according to the Office for back to how they were before Covid. normal.”
we can see now, we don’t think that National Statistics. For many people there will be more of Many other businesses have started
we’ll need to change that.” In a survey of working adults it a hybrid model of working from home shedding office space in preparation
The hospitality and arts industries found that 85 per cent would seek a and working in a place of work.” for higher levels of remote working.
have been disproportionately reliant “hybrid approach” after the pandemic. About a quarter of all businesses in- The ONS said that online job adverts
on the furlough scheme, government The findings add to growing evi- tend to use increased home working in including terms related to “home
figures show. dence that suggests greater levels of the future, with the information and working” had increased at a faster rate
About half of hospitality workers remote working will persist well into communication industry recording than total adverts, with home working
were still on furlough at the end of the future. Although workers are the highest proportion at 49 per cent, adverts in May three times above the
April, while four in ten employees in the starting to return to their offices, the the ONS reported. February 2020 average.
arts and entertainment sectors were proportion of people working from Not all businesses are convinced “When asked about home working,
still having their wages supported. home is still considerably higher than about the benefits of remote working. working adults stated work-life bal-
The trade body UKHospitality called it was before the crisis, when only 5 per David Solomon, chief executive at ance was the greatest positive, while
for Sunak to keep the full relief in place cent of the workforce were remote. Goldman Sachs, told the bank’s challenges of collaboration were the
for three months until October. A report by the Bank of England 41,000 employees that they should all greatest negative,” the report said.
Kate Nicholls, the organisation’s
chief executive, said: “There is no doubt
that any extension to the restrictions nesses. About 3.4 million people are still ing it to April before settling on the final Sunak will take away this temporary
will be challenging for sectors yet to on furlough, according to the latest September date at the budget. uplift at the same time that furlough
open and those still trading at a loss to figures collected at the end of April. The The end of furlough will coincide ends.
navigate.” furlough scheme has so far protected with the withdrawal of other support The government must explain their
The Trades Union Congress said the 11.5 million jobs at a cost of £64 billion. measures. Recipients of universal tough choices, William Hague, page 23
delay to the end of restrictions was a big Sunak extended the furlough credit have been able to claim an extra Sunak’s claims are ringing hollow,
setback for many workers and busi- scheme twice before, initially stretch- £20 a week during the pandemic but Simon Duke, page 35

Fears breast cancer treatment could slip back years Insurer says fake doctors
screenings being paused at the start of sure there is enough funding for staff, don’t wait for screening — get in touch
Katie Gibbons
the pandemic and fewer people seeking diagnostic equipment and the research with your GP.” should face stiff penalties
Decades of progress on breast cancer is medical care have contributed to the needed to improve cancer care across Cancer services in England have Fake doctors should be given tougher
in jeopardy, a charity has warned, after change in the figures. The charity said the UK in the long term, so cancer been rebounding from the pandemic. punishments, the Medical Defence
more than 10,000 fewer patients began that breast cancer deaths reached an patients are given the best chance of More than 200,000 people were Union has said. There are concerns
treatment in England in the past year. all-time low before the pandemic but surviving their disease.” referred for cancer checks in April, that fraudsters are capitalising on the
Cancer Research UK said that a this progress could now “slow”. Professor Charles Swanton, the char- according to NHS England figures. coronavirus pandemic. The medical
“huge effort” was needed to clear the Michelle Mitchell, chief executive of ity’s chief clinician, said: “Considering Treatment rates for cancer are back insurer said the maximum penalty for
cancer backlog caused by the coronavi- Cancer Research UK, said: “These the huge disruption to cancer services, to usual levels, with nearly 25,000 breaches of the Medical Act was a
rus pandemic to avoid “preventable figures are worrying, and we could see sadly these figures are not surprising. people starting treatment in April, an fine, which it said put it “on the same
cancer deaths”. progress slow over the coming years as And we’re seeing the impact of effec- increase of more than 4,000 on the scale as a TV licence payment
The charity estimates that about the true effect of the pandemic is re- tively pausing breast screening which same time period last year. evasion”. Dr Christine Tomkins, the
38,000 fewer people started treatment vealed. The NHS is showing signs of re- detects almost a third of breast cancer The NHS said: “The latest figures union’s chief executive, said: “A fine
for all cancer types in England in the covery, but a huge effort is still needed cases.” show that treatment levels are now does not reflect the seriousness of the
past year. This included 10,600 fewer to clear the cancer backlog as quickly as “But it’s important to remember that back to pre-pandemic levels, with more offence. We believe the courts should
breast cancer patients who have not possible to help avoid preventable cancer screening is for people without than 200,000 people referred for have all sentencing options open for
started their treatment. cancer deaths as a consequence of the symptoms, so it’s vital that if people no- cancer checks in April following a offenders and that is what we have
A combination of breast cancer pandemic. Government must make tice anything usual for them, please record high the month before.” urged the government to do.”
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 2GM 9


Spectacular views entice campers to the Skogafoss waterfall in southern Iceland

Israel and Iceland

ready for influx
of British tourists
Graeme Paton Transport Correspondent Last-minute package deals
Additional flights are being introduced
to countries on Britain’s dwindling Gibraltar
green list because of a surge in demand 6 Sunborn Hotel, 5*, bed and
for foreign travel this summer. breakfast; depart London City on
Countries and territories including August 2 for seven nights, £776pp,
Gibraltar, Iceland and Israel — where with British Airways Holidays
British holidaymakers can travel with- 6 The Eliott Hotel, 4*, bed and
out quarantining on their return — breakfast; depart Gatwick on July 19
have reported a big rise in bookings for seven nights, £910pp, with
from the UK.
Figures from Skyscanner, the price
comparison website, show that the Iceland
number of seats sold for flights to 6 Ork Hotel, Reykjavik, 3*, bed and
Gibraltar increased by 115 per cent in breakfast; depart Heathrow on July
the first week of this month compared 3 for five nights, from £377pp with
with the previous week, while there was British Airways Holidays
a 40 per cent increase in demand to 6 Hotel Laxnes, Reykjavik, 3*, room
Iceland. only; depart Luton on August 3 for
British Airways, easyJet, Wizz Air five nights, from £322pp, with
and Eastern Airways have announced
additional flights to Gibraltar. BA’s
CityFlyer network operated a new ser- Jersey
vice from London City airport to the 6 The Mayfair Hotel, St Helier, 3*,
territory for the first time on Friday. room only; depart Heathrow on
Icelandair, the country’s flag carrier, July 20 for four nights, from £322pp,
will double the number of daily services with British Airways Holidays
between the UK and Iceland from one 6 Monterey Hotel, St Helier, 3*, bed
to two next month, with new direct and breakfast; depart Leeds-Bradford
flights from Gatwick and Manchester on July 24 for seven nights, from
added later in the summer. £611pp, with Jet2 Holidays
There are also additional flights to
Jersey, which is 14 miles from the coast
of France and the most southerly part cies found that just two covered holi-
of the UK common travel area, which is daymakers for all eventualities includ-
allowing quarantine-free travel. ing cancellations caused by lockdowns,
Last week, Wizz Air announced that a positive test and a requirement to iso-
it was launching twice-weekly flights late after a close contact was infected.
from Doncaster Sheffield airport and The study by the consumer group
Cardiff to the island from next month. Which? said that many travel insur-
coronavirus in brief Israel, which expects to be opened to ance providers boasted of providing
UK holidaymakers on July 1 for the first “Covid cover” but warned that people
Novavax jab ‘prevents Grieving families found Youngsters to get help time since the pandemic began, also could be left out of pocket because of
said it had seen a rise in bookings. The holes in policies.
100% of severe cases’ little help or a long wait with long Covid effects country’s tourist office said that a num- Researchers called on the Financial
The Novavax vaccine could be used in Most people who lost a loved one to The NHS is to launch 15 paediatric ber of tour operators that had previous- Conduct Authority to monitor policies
future booster campaigns after a coronavirus and sought help to hubs offering long Covid services for ly not listed Israel as a destination had and ensure that limitations were clearly
clinical trial showed that the jab was handle their grief found it hard to get children and young people. Although now approached it. highlighted.
100 per cent effective in preventing an appointment with a bereavement children are less likely than adults to The government’s traffic light system Thousands of British tourists cut
moderate or severe cases of the counsellor either because there was a suffer severe effects from Covid-19, was introduced last month to provide a short their holidays in Portugal when
coronavirus. Britain has ordered long waiting list or they were not some have felt long-term after-effects. risk-based mechanism for foreign trav- the country was suddenly removed
60 million doses of it, and Novavax eligible. A study by Bristol University The hubs will draw together experts el. People can travel back from green from the green list.
will apply for regulatory approval in and the Marie Curie palliative care on common symptoms such as countries without quarantining, Gareth Shaw, head of money content
the third quarter of this year after research centre at Cardiff University respiratory problems and fatigue who whereas up to ten days of self-isolation at Which?, said: “The government
beginning a review process with the found that other people were can either directly treat young people, is required for those arriving from am- should work with regulators to ensure
Medicines and Healthcare Products uncomfortable asking for help and advise family doctors and carers or ber or red countries. that travellers are given clear informa-
Regulatory Agency in January. were not sure how to get help. The refer the patients to other specialist New research has shown that fewer tion about what they will and won’t be
Results from a clinical trial with survey of 711 adults last year was services or clinics. More than one than one in 100 travel insurance poli- covered for and make sure that provid-
30,000 participants in the US and published on the MedRxiv website million people have reported suffering cies provide complete cover for holi- ers don’t make bold and confusing
Mexico also showed that the vaccine and funded by the Economic and from long Covid, according to the days cancelled and disrupted because claims about their cover without being
was 90.4 per cent effective overall. Social Research Council. Office for National Statistics. of coronavirus. An analysis of 263 poli- clear about the limitations.”
10 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

News Coronavirus World

South Africa
by third wave
Jane Flanagan Cape Town
South Africa is battling the pandemic
on multiple fronts, with a third wave of
infections coinciding with the loss of its
health minister to a corruption scandal
and a stalling vaccination programme.
Intensive care beds in Johannesburg,
its biggest city, are filling fast because
the infection rate is greater than that of
the previous two waves.
Gauteng province, which includes
Johannesburg and the capital, Pretoria,
accounts for 60 per cent of infections in
the country. As in the second wave,
these are being driven by the Beta vari-
ant, first identified in South Africa.
“We are feeling the pressure and the
positivity rate is increasing by the day‚”
Ashley Mthunzi, acting head of Tem-
bisa hospital in Johannesburg, said.
“The facilities are overwhelmed.”
Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane,
South Africa’s tourism minister, is lead-
ing the national response after the
health minister was put on “special
leave” while an investigation is carried
out into alleged corruption. Zweli
Mkhize, who is accused of signing off on
a government contract that allegedly
benefited family members and aides,
was coming under pressure about a vac-
cination programme that is languishing
behind that in Zimbabwe and Angola.
Opera fans enjoyed a live broadcast of La fanciulla del West by the Berlin State Opera, who performed for a reduced audience at the site of the Berlin Airlift South Africa has recorded Africa’s
biggest caseload of 1.7 million infec-

Germany looks to relax rules on

tions and 57,700 deaths, although ex-
cess mortality figures suggest that the
death toll is two or three times greater.
Just over 1.5 million doses have been ad-
ministered and 500,000 of its popula-

facemasks as infection rate falls

tion of 60 million are fully vaccinated.

India eases bed

Oliver Moody Berlin a recommendation, there is a simple
rule at any event: if in doubt, wear a
buses, bars, restaurants and hair salons.
In Germany the libertarian Free
mine their own pandemic restrictions,
to check whether the mask rule is still
shortages with
Germany is considering phasing out
the requirement to wear facemasks in
mask, especially when you’re travelling
or meeting people indoors,” Spahn told
Democratic Party (FDP), which has
cast itself as the champion of civil liber-
proportionate, particularly in schools.
The lockdown has steadily been loos-
prefab hospitals
public spaces as the infection rate con- the Funke media group. “There will ties during the pandemic, said that in- ened across Germany in recent weeks
tinues to fall despite the loosening of only be greater safety when everyone fections had fallen to a point where without any obvious surge in transmis- Amrit Dhillon Delhi
lockdown restrictions. present is either vaccinated or regularly facemasks could no longer be justified. sion. While the Indian variant has es-
Denmark began to relax its facemask tested.” Only 17 new cases for every 100,000 tablished itself, it still makes up only India plans to tackle its expected third
rule yesterday. Jens Spahn, the German The German government is under people have been registered over the about 3 per cent of new cases, according wave by sending prefabricated portable
health minister, said that he, too, would pressure from right-wing parties to past seven days. On Sunday the Robert to a report by the RKI last week. hospitals by lorry to the hardest-hit
like to see it lifted gradually. abolish the facemask rule. Koch Institute (RKI), the government’s The government has lifted its warn- districts, offering hundreds of extra
In the first stage of lifting the restric- As of yesterday Danes will no longer infectious diseases agency, recorded ing against travel to most countries but beds within days.
tion Germans would no longer have to have to wear face coverings in super- fewer than 1,000 infections, the lowest advises against non-essential journeys The country is emerging from a
wear facemasks in outdoor settings markets or libraries, although the coun- daily figure in eight months. to Britain because of the Indian variant. devastating second wave in which
such as busy streets, open-air markets try’s infection rate is more than four Wolfgang Kubicki, 69, the deputy Restrictions vary between German thousands died without being given a
or outside restaurants and bars. times as high as Germany’s. leader of FDP, said that since the states but in general bars and restau- hospital bed, medicine or oxygen when
In areas where cases remain low and Denmark plans to relax the rule in infection rate had “clearly” dropped be- rants may serve limited numbers of medical wards became overwhelmed.
the vaccination rate keeps rising, several stages over the coming months. low the 35 per 100,000 threshold set out guests indoors; guests must either have Engineers at the Indian Institute of
Spahn, 40, said that the regulation Facemasks will no longer be required in in German law, “the state may no been vaccinated or have a fresh nega- Technology Madras in Chennai have
could soon be abolished for indoor spa- cinemas or theatres from the beginning longer impose general limitations on tive result from a lateral flow test. created portable, prefabricated hospi-
ces but he did not set out a timetable. of August. From September 1 the the fundamental rights of its citizens”. At the weekend a number of night- tals called MediCABs in three sizes for
He urged the population to continue regulation will be lifted in nearly all The justice ministry has told Ger- clubs in Berlin opened outdoor spaces, 20, 50 and 100 beds.
wearing facemasks in public spaces. “As public spaces, including trains, many’s 16 states, which mostly deter- although dancing is still banned. They are equipped with medical
devices, life support equipment, ICUs,

Macron digs in over curfew amid widespread breaches bathrooms and air conditioning. They
will function as hospital extensions and
in rural areas where there are no
hospitals they will be assembled near a
france Canyon of Heroes in Lower Manhattan primary health care centre.
The French government has resisted World update on July 7, following the route taken by “We don’t have wide roads in rural
pressure to abandon the 11pm curfew Charles Lindbergh after his solo flight areas so we have compacted the panels,
because of widespread breaches by out- Global cases Global deaths Deaths per million population over the Atlantic in 1927, by Winston making them five times smaller than
door revellers and football fans during 175,686,814 3,803,592 Rank Now Jan 31 Churchill in 1946 and the Apollo 11 as- usual so that they can be transported on
Euro 2020. Valérie Pécresse, conserva- 1 Peru 5,715 1,234 tronauts after their return from the smaller vehicles to reach villages,” said
Most new cases
tive president of the Paris region, led 1 Brazil 78,700 2 Hungary 3,089 1,296 (14) moon. More than 33,000 people New Shree Ram Ravichandran, an engineer
opposition demands for an immediate 2 India 70,421 8 Brazil 2,288 1,048 (24) Yorkers have died from Covid-19. New and co-founder of the start-up.
end to the curfew, which is due to be lift- 3 Colombia 29,998 11 Belgium 2,165 1,833 (3) York has now fully vaccinated 47 per The 20-bed hospital takes two days
ed on July 1. Police unions also called 18,057 12 Italy 2,101 1,460 (6) cent of its 8.3 million people and had to set up and units with 100 beds take
4 Argentina
for it to be dropped because of the 13 Croatia 1,986 1,225 (17) only 50 new Covid-19 related hospital seven days. They are already coming
5 Russia 12,721
difficulty of issuing fines to so many 14 Poland 1,970 982 (29) admissions yesterday. off the production line. By the end of
9 UK 7,742 15 UK 1,884 1,555 (4)
offenders. Countries reporting most deaths next week, the first ten portable hospi-
16 Argentina 1,882 1,057 (23) japan
1 US 594,496 17 Colombia 1,871 1,047 (25)
tals will reach the towns where hospi-
united states Athletes at the Tokyo Olympics will be tals were unable to cope during the past
2 Brazil 486,272 18 US 1,796 1,309 (11)
New York will hold a ticker-tape parade 3 India 374,305 19 Mexico 1,785 1,214 (18) given 150,000 condoms but instructed two months. A total of 50 will be used.
to honour essential workers fighting 4 Mexico 230,097 20 Spain 1,721 1,375 (9) to take them home unused in order to Since the venture is a start-up,
the pandemic. Floats bearing doctors, 5 Peru 188,443 21 France 1,678 1,156 (22) preserve strict rules about social dis- several corporations have offered to
nurses and paramedics will pass up the 6 UK 127,907 22 Portugal
Selected countries 1,670 1,194
Figures as of 6pm (21)
yesterday tancing inside the Olympic village. finance the manufacturing.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 2GM 11


Ticketless fans urged to stay at home

Andrew Ellson Paul Goodwin, the founder of the about 20,000 or so turning out. It just expected to congregate in Hyde Park. at Trafalgar Square but the licence from
Consumer Affairs Correspondent association, said: “There will be plenty worries me that they’ve not done any- Lister called on the authorities to turn Westminster [council] required social
of tartan on display as we like coming thing. There’s going to be groups this into a regulated event. He said: distancing so we could not do more.
Thousands of ticketless Scotland fans down and showing off. The fact we have wandering, possibly not getting to see “They’ve got a party organised in Hyde Central government would also have
are set to descend on London for the not been part of it [a major tournament] the football, which would cause Park, all they need to do is put a big needed to make an exemption to allow
England game on Friday amid growing for such a long time is a factor.” trouble,” he told the MyLondon web- screen up. They’ll tidy up after them- it to happen but they have not.”
concern about the lack of a He questioned why London was not site. selves, there won’t be a case of leaving Yesterday Scotland lost their first
Covid-secure fan zone. providing a fan zone for supporters Goodwin dismissed fears over any rubbish around they’ll bring a black bin game of the tournament 2-0 to the
Nearly 3,000 Scottish fans have without tickets to watch the game. problems. He said: “Don’t forget that at bag and pick it up.” Czech Republic. England opened with a
tickets for the Euro 2020 clash at Wem- Goodwin said: “Glasgow has a fan the last two tournaments Scottish fans The mayor’s office urged Scottish 1-0 win against Croatia on Sunday.
bley but the Scottish Football Support- zone that can take 6,000 people all seat- won awards for their friendliness, good fans without tickets to stay at home. A England’s game set a live viewing
ers Association expects twice as many ed with social distancing so why has behaviour and charity work so London spokesman for Khan said: “It is not record for iPlayer. It was streamed
will travel south. Some estimate that London not got one?” has nothing to worry about.” possible to hold a fan zone for Scottish 3.9 million times, according to the BBC.
the number could be as high as 20,000. Some Scottish fans have urged their Traditionally, Scottish fans have fans in London due to the Covid restric- It said that an average of 10.2 million
By yesterday, all 15 train services government to press Sadiq Khan, the gathered in Trafalgar Square when tions . . . fans should only travel to the people watched the match live on BBC
direct from Glasgow to London on mayor of London, to provide one. Sven they have played England but they will capital if they have a ticket or a safe One, with the audience peaking at
Friday in time for the game were sold Lister, a member of the Rosyth Tartan not be able to do this on Friday place to watch the match.” 11.6 million. Viewing figures are expect-
out. Almost all of the 17 trains from Army supporters club, believes there because it is being used as a socially-dis- A source close to the mayor added: ed to rise further for the clash on Friday,
Edinburgh were also full although could be trouble if fans are unable to tanced fan zone for 750 key workers. “We would have liked to put up a zone which kicks off at 8pm.
there was some availability in first class. watch the match. “I reckon there will be Instead, ticketless supporters are for Scottish fans and increased capacity Sporting events at full capacity, page 66

Scotland fans, including one dressed as Chewbacca, head

for Hampden Park stadium in Glasgow for the European
Championship match against the Czech Republic. One
supporter killed time before kick-off and may have found his
book more enjoyable than the match, which Scotland lost 2-0

Club’s defibrillator vandalised hours after footballer collapsed

Andrew Ellson cabinet on a wall, stamping on it and “Thank you, I won’t give up. I feel better We all want to understand what would anyone think that’s OK?” He
throwing it to the floor. The van- now, but I want to understand happened to him, and he does too: the added that before the incident Buxted
Vandals smashed a football club’s dalism came shortlyy after what’s haphappened. I want to doctors are making some in-depth tests had been celebrating winning the Mid
defibrillator kit hours after the Danish Eriksen, 29, the former
rmer tha you all for what
say thank but we’ll need some time.” Sussex Division One trophy.
footballer Christian Eriksen suffered a Tottenham Hotspur ur you did
d for me.” Sussex police said that a 17-year-old Thousands of people on social media
cardiac arrest in a Euro 2020 match. player, collapsed dur-- S
Schoots told the boy had been arrested on suspicion of condemned the vandalism, with many
Buxted FC in East Sussex said that ing Denmark’s game pa
paper that Eriksen causing criminal damage. offering to help pay for a replacement
the incident, caught on CCTV early on against Finland and w in good spirits
was Richard Turner, the chairman of defibrillator.
Sunday morning, was disgusting. was resuscitated in hospital. “We Buxted, an amateur club in the Mid One Twitter user summed up feel-
The club posted the video on Twitter with a defibrillator. sp
spoke this morning Sussex League, said: “Everyone at the ings when he wrote: “One of the most
with an appeal for anyone with infor- Eriksen, who now [S
[Sunday]. He was club is a volunteer, we work hard for bizarre and psychopathic pieces of
mation about the identity of the cul- plays for Inter Mi- m
making jokes, he what we’ve got, but now we’ll have to vandalism I’ve ever seen. This isn’t
prits to call the police. Yesterday morn- lan, released a state- wa in a good mood,
was raise funds to replace it. mindless . . . this is calculated. Cold,
ing the video had been viewed a million ment to the Italian n th
I thought he was well. “Those things save people’s lives and cruel and [callous].” Jo Shiner, the chief
times and had 2,500 comments. newspaper La Gazzetta ta someone has come and trashed it. The constable of Sussex police, asked that
The film shows a young man and dello Sport via his agent
gent The defibrillator was whole world saw what happened to anybody with information about what
woman pulling the defibrillator from a Martin Schoots. It said: ripped from a wall Christian Eriksen on Saturday so why happened come forward.
12 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

News Politics

China raising the

stakes ‘with new
world of warfare’ posed by organised crime and terrorist
Larisa Brown Defence Editor Analysis
Bruno Waterfield Brussels groups and cyberhackers.
A Ministry of Defence source said:

China is “changing the nature of war- ilitary chiefs believe “These new recruits will be at the fore-
fare” by investing heavily in modern the wars of the front of keeping the UK safe from a
military capabilities such as robots, future may be won huge range of threats.”
facial recognition software and artifi- or lost in space and During the Nato summit in Brussels,
cial intelligence, the head of Nato has it is why the the allies focused on the threats coming
warned. Ministry of Defence is pouring from China and Russia, as well as the
Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary-gen- billions of pounds into the new withdrawal of Nato troops from
eral, said China’s military build-up and domain (Larisa Brown writes). Afghanistan. They agreed that China’s
coercive behaviour presented security The threat was illustrated in behaviour was a “systemic challenge”
risks to the western alliance. July last year when Russia to the rules-based international order.
In a press conference following the test-fired a weapon-like projectile Stoltenberg said that China was
Nato summit yesterday in Brussels, he in space that could have been “coming closer” to the alliance and
said the alliance must spend more on used to target satellites in orbit, would soon be the biggest economy in
defence to beef up its defences and leading to condemnation from the world and would have the second
counter threats from Beijing and the US and Britain. biggest defence budget. He said that it
Russia. He also described relations with Mobile phones, banking, was investing in nuclear warheads and
Russia at their lowest point since the navigation, weather forecasts and new disruptive technologies, such as
end of the Cold War. commerce all rely on satellites in artificial intelligence, and then putting
Boris Johnson, who travelled to meet space, which is why their that software in weapons systems to
world leaders in Brussels, insisted that protection is so important. make them more deadly.
the alliance did not want a new Cold Secure and effective satellite “They are really in the process of
War with China, but said it did pose communications are also changing the nature of warfare,” he said
“challenges”. essential for troops, although in a press conference after the summit.
The meeting came as it emerged that increasingly countries are war In a sign of tension President Macron
Porton Down, Britain’s top-secret re- gaming the use of alternative of France appeared to clash with Presi-
search laboratory, was hiring hundreds ways of talking to each other. dent Biden of the US and Stoltenberg
of scientists, including specialists in In addition to destroying over the language on China. At a sepa-
space and artificial intelligence, to satellites in space by using rate press conference Macron said:
counter threats from China and Russia. missiles, military intelligence “Nato is a North Atlantic organisation,
Over the next three months jobs will be sources in Britain have also China has nothing to do with the North
advertised for about 300 defence scien- warned that Russia has shown an Atlantic. We shouldn’t bias our rela-
tists to work for Porton Down, also intent to jam communications tionship with China — it is much larger
known as the Defence Science and from satellites in space. Such a than just military. We shouldn’t distract
Technology Laboratory, at its site near move could have an equally from the many challenges we have
Salisbury and other locations across the devastating effect. within Nato.”
country after it received extra funding. Russia is already believed to Angela Merkel, the German chancel-
The recruitment drive, the biggest in have tried to jam GPS signals to lor, stressed the need for the “right bal-
the laboratory’s 20-year history, is part aircraft taking off from RAF ance” when it came to Beijing.
of the government’s efforts to make Akrotiri in Cyprus, although the Nato countries also agreed to defend
Britain a “science and tech superpow- British systems were able to each other if war broke out in space
er” by 2030, with the ability to “monitor, defend against the attack. There following Chinese and Russian tests of
protect and defend” the country’s inter- are concerns that an attempt at anti-satellite weaponry.
ests. Scientists specialising in artificial jamming communications could Stoltenberg said that any attack on
intelligence and space are among those soon be successful unless satellites or other space assets could
being sought, as well as analysts and en- defences are bolstered. To trigger Article 5 of the North Atlantic
gineers. More positions are expected to mitigate the threat, Nato Treaty, invoking a collective military
be advertised next year. announced last year it was response.
It is understood the roles will include building a new space hub to track Nato member states agreed that such
a focus on the threats of the future such Chinese and Russian anti-satellite attacks could be as damaging as a con-
as increased hostility and aggression systems that it fears could try to ventional attack, adding that the re-
from Russia and China’s technological blind or disable satellites. sponse to each incident would be con-
advancements as well as the dangers sidered case by case.

Email slip exposes FOI vetting unit Double child killer has to be
George Grylls Political Reporter disclosure of more documents about
the work of the unit.
journalist or just a general member of
the public, it’s all part of the democratic
released, says Labour leader
The government’s approach to Michael Gove, the Cabinet Office process and it needs to be protected and
transparency has been called “a joke” minister, told MPs at the end of last year fought for,” he said. Matt Dathan Home Affairs Editor Radio: “He has served a long sentence
after a department mistakenly revealed that it was “not correct” that his depart- Earlier this year 12 newspaper and he served the sentence imposed on
details about a secretive unit that vets ment was blacklisting journalists. editors, including the editor of The Sir Keir Starmer has appeared to back him by the court, and under our system
freedom of information requests from A series of emails mistakenly sent to Times, signed a joint letter condemning the Parole Board’s decision to free Colin that means there comes a point at
journalists. Politico, however, have shown that DIT the work of the clearing house. Pitchfork, who murdered two teenage which he has to be released. That
The Department for International does note down when requests come The public administration and con- girls in the 1980s. doesn’t make it easier for you, it doesn’t
Trade (DIT) let slip that a Cabinet from the media — with the BBC and stitutional affairs committee is expect- The Labour leader, a former director make it any easier for the families.
Office body called the “clearing house” The Guardian among the publications ed to order an investigation into the of public prosecutions, said that there “There’s a great tendency politicians
collates information on titles that jour- identified. The emails also reveal that clearing house when MPs meet today. came a point when offenders “have to are leaping on a particular case. Actual-
nalists work for before responding. officials in the clearing house worked to A Cabinet Office spokesman said: be released” if they are deemed safe by ly if we think the system is wrong or
Freedom of information requests block information from being released “All FOI requests are treated exactly the the Parole Board. sentences are wrong in general we
should be handled without knowledge to journalists. same, regardless of who the request is The decision to release Pitchfork, 61, should change the law on sentencing
of who submitted them to prevent the Lord Clark of Windermere, the from and their occupation. It would be the first murderer to be convicted with and look at whether it should be longer
government from treating journalists Labour peer who authored the freedom unlawful for the Cabinet Office, or any DNA evidence, has been criticised by sentences in some of these cases.”
differently to members of the public. of information laws, described the gov- other public authority, to blacklist or vet the families of Lynda Mann and Dawn The Parole Board cleared Pitchfork
Last week, a tribunal criticised the ernment’s approach to transparency as inquiries from journalists. Departments Ashworth, from Leicestershire — who for release this month, meaning that he
government for a “profound lack of “a joke”. “I’m completely opposed to a may refer round-robin or requests for were 15 when he raped and strangled will be freed by the end of the month
transparency” about the operations of centralised department vetting re- sensitive information to the Cabinet them — politicians and detectives in- unless the government successfully
the clearing house and ordered the quests for information. Whether it’s a Office for advice on how to respond.” volved in the case. Starmer told LBC appeals against the decision.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 2GM 13


EU leaders turn
on each other over
Northern Ireland
Bruno Waterfield, Oliver Wright
Senior figures at the European Union
Tensions were
have clashed over its response to the
dispute with the UK over Brexit and
Northern Ireland.
never far from
Hardliners led by President Macron
of France and Ursula von der Leyen, the
the surface
European Commission president, insist
that the letter of EU single market law Analysis
applies, according to Brussels sources.

Others, such as Maros Sefcovic, the 7 summits are
commission vice-president in charge of unpredictable affairs.
negotiations, are pushing for flexibility After the turbulence of
on EU rules such as medicines approval the Trump years, the
to achieve a compromise. narrative of Cornwall was
Tensions between London and Brus- getting the family back together and
sels flared at the G7 summit in Cornwall that was achieved (Oliver Wright
over the application of the Northern writes). But getting the family to
Ireland protocol. Brussels wants Britain agree on other things was a trickier
to stick to the letter of the agreement, proposition. So how did they do?
including strict single-market rules.
London wants exemptions to protect covid-19
trade between Britain and the province. This was perhaps the most pressing
A source in Brussels said “there are issue of the summit. Experts believe
real tensions” about how tough to be. that across sub-Saharan Africa,
Under the protocol all medicines Latin America and less developed
must be approved by the EU, potent- parts of Southeast Asia about five to
ially denying Northern Ireland resi- six billion doses will be needed.
dents access to life saving treatments G7 leaders yesterday pledged to
already cleared for use in the UK. provide 870 million doses directly
The issue, one of the most pressing in over the next year, bringing the total
talks between Sefcovic and Lord Frost, pledged since the start of the
the Brexit minister, has been made even pandemic to around a billion.
more difficult because at the end of It is a start but was criticised by
January Von der Leyen tried to suspend campaigners for not being enough
the protocol, using Article 16, to block to meet the scale of the challenge.
vaccine exports to Britain. Another consideration is that
World leaders In a victory for Sefcovic, European China and Russia are actively
including Boris governments led by Ireland and others engaged in vaccine diplomacy, using
Johnson and persuaded Von der Leyen that the their own vaccines to win influence
Angela Merkel at commission would have to bend to with governments across the world.
Nato headquarters prevent the disputes spilling over into
in Brussels for the the NHS, according to sources. climate change
one-day summit; One proposal is said to include a Boris Johnson identified
left, President derogation allowing the NHS in commitments around climate
Macron of France Northern Ireland to use UK-approved change as being one of the key
spoke with medicines. However, nothing has been objectives of the summit.
President Biden offered in writing to the government But again the rhetoric was more
over the alliance’s beyond “oral commitments”. impressive than the substance. For
position on China; Many on the EU side are rattled by example, in the final communiqué
right, Johnson in a deteriorating dynamics domestically the leaders did not set a specific date
meeting with after Boris Johnson threatened to to phase out the use of coal, merely
President Erdogan unilaterally suspend elements of the committing to “rapidly scale-up
of Turkey and his protocol and Macron waded into the technologies and policies that
ministers dispute, stressing that EU single- further accelerate the transition
market law was not negotiable and away from unabated coal capacity”.
suggesting that Northern Ireland was
not a proper part of the UK. china
“It is being used to help the Conserv- Here splits between the EU and the
atives at home. That is bad enough US became apparent. A reference to

PMs bash out trade deal with dinner when trust is at a premium. Now
Macron is making it worse. There is a
real problem,” a diplomatic source said.
“Sefcovic is caught in the middle,
human right abuses in Xinjiang was
omitted at the last minute after the
US had already sent out a briefing
note including it. While the UK,
Oliver Wright, Henry Zeffman nouncing a deal in principle today. Late cent. There would also be a reduction in between the UK and some in the EU. Canada, France and Japan backed
last night it was reported by the BBC tariffs on medicinal and pharma- He wants to be pragmatic and on medi- the US, Germany and Italy did not
Boris Johnson and the Australian prime that a compromise had been reached. ceutical products as well as cars, cines has made a big offer but the polit- want to provoke Beijing.
minister, Scott Morrison, will today One sticking point that is under- machinery and tractors, and greater ac- ical space is closing up fast.”
announce Britain’s first bespoke post- stood to have been resolved earlier was cess to Australian markets for services. President Biden is expected to re- global taxation
Brexit trade deal. a demand by the UK that Australia In return Australia wants tariff- and ceive assurances from Von der Leyen The leaders endorsed plans pushed
With most of the deal already agreed, remove a rule that enables British quota-free access to UK markets for its and Charles Michel, the president of by the US to set a global minimum
one final key dispute was left to be citizens on a 12-month working visa in agricultural exports. These are worth the European Council, that the EU is rate of corporation tax of at least
resolved by the two prime ministers at Australia to extend it by another year $50 billion annually but only $700 mil- ready to be flexible to preserve the 15 per cent to prevent companies
a dinner in London. only if they work 88 days in the lion goes to the UK. peace process. The White House con- from off-shoring their operations in
The UK had offered Australia tariff- agricultural sector. The real benefit for the UK would be firmed yesterday that Biden told John- a desire to reduce their tax bill. In
and quota-free access for beef and lamb This is controversial in Australia to pave the way for British membership son not to let disputes over Brexit un- return the US has agreed a new
exports but demanded a 15-year transi- amid claims that it could lead to a loss of the Comprehensive and Progressive dermine the Good Friday agreement. global mechanism to tax the world’s
tion period to give British farmers time of up to 10,000 farm workers a year Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partner- Business has appealed to the UK and largest companies, many in the tech
to adapt to the increased competition. from the UK. However, the UK claims ship. This would reduce tariffs on the EU to sort out their difficulties. The sector, to ensure they pay more tax
However, Australia had rejected this that it is discriminatory because there exports to a bloc that includes countries Northern Ireland Business Brexit in the countries where they operate.
and called for the transition period to are no such stipulations on Australian across the Pacific and south and north Working Group said that it was possible It was a signal that the G7 was
be no longer than five years. citizens working in the UK. America with a combined GDP of for the EU and UK to maintain the more aligned than it has been for
One source with knowledge of the Under the terms of the deal agreed so £8.4 trillion. single market but minimise the impact some time and is prepared to take
talks predicted that the disagreement far, Australia would remove tariffs on a A spokeswoman for the Department on Northern Ireland. steps — if they are small ones —
would not be a “deal breaker” prevent- range of British products including for International Trade declined to Macron and N Ireland, letters, page 26 towards tackling some of the great
ing Morrison and Johnson from an- whisky, which now has a tariff of 5 per comment. Hard border, leading article, page 27 challenges of our time.
14 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


Met hired
man accused
of assaults
Alexandra Heal, Sarah Haque
John Simpson Crime Correspondent
A trainee detective was hired by the
Metropolitan Police even though he
had been accused of domestic abuse.
His colleagues then pursued harass-
ment claims against the woman who
had complained about him.
The officer’s former girlfriend
accused him of about 20 incidents,
including assault, and he allegedly tex-
ted her mother to say: “I will probably
ended up killing your daughter.”
The man, who cannot be named, was
hired from his role as a special consta-
ble. Police crime logs and emails ob-
tained by the Bureau of Investigative
Journalism show that the woman was
pursued by Met officers for more than
two years and threatened with arrest.
The force has confirmed that col-
leagues from the man’s own station
investigated his claims but there is no
evidence that he knew those col-
leagues. The woman says that the
police did not take a formal statement
from her. The case against the officer
was closed within four months.
A Met spokesman said: “The allega-
tions against the officer were investi-
gated and declared as part of his vet-
ting. He was not charged or convicted
Tea ladies Belvoir Castle in Grantham, Leicestershire, has released early tickets for its Regency-themed Christmas event, set to run from November 15 to January 5 of the allegations.”

Officers in the dock over axe murder case

Michael Gillard initial inquiry was incompetent and Sidney Fillery, was charged with support of the Morgan family and was Rees and two other former suspects
Fiona Hamilton Crime Editor mired in allegations of police corrup- perverting the course of justice. cleared last April, claims the Met has brought a successful malicious prose-
tion. Despite five investigations costing Their trial collapsed at the Old Bailey used the investigation to “silence” him, cution claim against the Met and were
An eight-year inquiry into Scotland the taxpayer £50 million no one has in March 2011 amid concerns about the stopping him from revealing his know- awarded damages in 2019. Fillery also
Yard’s handling of a notorious axe been brought to justice. police handling of “supergrass” wit- ledge about corruption. He gave evi- received damages after judges found he
murder will conclude that the The inquiry by an independent nesses and the Met’s failure to disclose dence to the panel, which is understood was wrongly charged with perverting
investigation was routinely hampered panel, chaired by Baroness O’Loan, was sensitive police files. to have uncovered failings in the way the course of justice.
by corruption. ordered in 2013 by Theresa May, then The judge ruled Dave Cook, a former the case was handled and an alleged The panel’s remit was to investigate
The independent panel examining home secretary. The Times revealed Met detective, breached guidelines in cover-up of those failings. police involvement in Morgan’s murder
the killing of Daniel Morgan, a private last month that the Met will be criti- relation to a supergrass witness in the and issues of corruption. It was also
investigator, is expected to criticise a cised for stalling the inquiry. trial and probably prompted the same Daniel Morgan asked to examine connections between
number of officers linked to the case. Morgan’s family believe he was on witness to implicate two suspects. was found dead private investigators, police officers and
The murder of Morgan, 37, who was the verge of exposing police corruption Cook, who says he was made a “scape- in a pub car park journalists at the News of the World, the
found with an axe embedded in his when he was killed. Four suspects were goat”, was investigated between 2012 defunct Sunday tabloid owned by News
head in pub car park in Sydenham, eventually charged with murder, and last year for perverting the course UK, as well as other parts of the media.
southeast London, in 1987, is the most including Morgan’s business partner of justice and links to a journalist. The report will be laid in parliament
investigated case in British history. The Jonathan Rees. A former Met officer, The former detective, who has the at about midday today.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 2GM 15


Anger after Bank removes portraits of former governors

Jack Malvern reportedly his brothers sold their own the past, or be party to the current depicting former governors and direc- Andrew Bailey, the governor, said in
such interests on their return to Britain”. vogue for reducing history through the tors, where we have been able to December that the Bank
The Bank of England has removed A source at the Bank said that it had single lens of slavery,” Poll told The establish links to the slave trade, have had “no time for the so-
from public view ten artworks depict- used the project’s database to check Daily Telegraph. been removed from display.” called values of [the] past in
ing former governors and directors whether any of the portraits’ sitters He described it as part of a “purging The works had been on display in the condoning slavery and the
because of their slave-trade links. were connected to the trade. of our art collections” that has followed Bank’s parlours, banking rotunda and slave trade” and that it
The decision, made after the Bank Another figure to have been removed the toppling of a statue of the slaver its museum. The Bank added that it had had to acknowledge
undertook a review last summer, from view is Robert Clayton, who has Edward Colston in Bristol. It is now on appointed a researcher “to work in our “some of the pictures
angered campaigners, who say that also had a statue removed from Guy’s display in the city’s M Shed museum. museum to explore the Bank’s histori- of my predecessors
removing public art is an attempt to and St Thomas’ NHS Trust because he A spokeswoman for the Bank said: cal links with the transatlantic slave that sit on the floor
erase history. One activist, from Save was an executive for the Royal African “In June 2020 the Bank of England trade in detail” and that the research above me”.
Our Statues, described the removals as Company, which transported almost announced a review of its collection of would “inform future The Department
a “latter day bonfire of the vanities” that 150,000 enslaved men, women and images of former governors and museum displays”. for Culture said:
ran against the government’s policy of children to the Americas. Clayton was directors, to ensure none with known “The government
“retain and explain”. director of the Bank from 1702-17. involvement in the slave trade remain James Bateman, does not support the
The artworks comprise eight oil The other sitters are James Bateman, on display anywhere in the Bank. The governor 1705-07, removal of historic
paintings and two busts that relate to governor of the Bank from 1705-07; review is now complete and artworks has been taken down objects.”
seven individuals. They include Gilbert Robert Bristow, director 1713-20; William
Heathcote, a founding member of the Dawsonne, director 1698-1719; William
Bank of England, who has not been Manning, governor 1812-14; and John
directly linked to the slave trade. Pearse, governor 1810-12.
University College London’s Legacy Robert Poll, the founder of the Save
of Slavery Project, the most exhaustive Our Statues campaign, said that the
source giving people linked to the trade, Bank’s decision flew in the face of public
describes him as a “London merchant statements by Oliver Dowden, the
and colonial trader with significant in- culture secretary, that institutions
volvement in early trade with Jamaica” should not hide depictions of slavers.
but that “he appears not to have owned “The Bank should not be spending its
land or enslaved people there, and time pointlessly sitting in judgment of

TMS | @timesdiary

Churchill’s bishop’s silver lining

Fans of velvet robes and
white-plumed hats were
dream tipple disappointed yesterday as for the
fourth time in six years the annual
Garter Day procession was
Britain and the United States are cancelled. Rain stopped play in
two nations divided by a common 2016, the first time since 1971 that
language. We are also divided by there hadn’t been the parade of
where people seek salvation. In begartered knights and ladies
Greater, Penny Mordaunt’s new to their service in Windsor and
book on the post-Brexit world, the the whole thing was called off in
paymaster-general observes that 2017 because of the state opening
churches outnumber bars by six to of parliament. For the past two
one in the US, while in Britain years, Covid got in the way,
there are many thousands more unchivalrously. It is probably just as
pubs than churches. “If that is not well that this year was off since the
a source of national pride, nothing prelate of the order, the Bishop of
is,” says Mordaunt, below. Churchill Winchester, is taking time off after
was once ticked off about his his diocesan synod threatened a
drinking by an American preacher, motion of no confidence in him.
who quoted from the Bible that red
wine “biteth like a serpent and The Sussexes may or may not have
stingeth like an adder”, to which sought the Queen’s permission to
the PM replied: “I’ve been seeking call their daughter Lilibet but
a drink like that all my life.” Anneka Rice is anxious to get her
refusal in early. The broadcaster has
Frank Gardner, the BBC’s security told her sons that they are not to
correspondent, has discovered that call any future grandchildren after
he is the ten-times great-grandson of her childhood nickname. “Pudding
one of the key figures at the Tudor should stay on the plate,” Rice says.
court. “He was Keeper of the Stool,”
Gardner told LBC. “It means exactly tv channel stutters forth
as it sounds. His job was to open up GB News had a bumpy launch
the thunderbox and chat to Henry technically on Sunday, leading the
VIII while he was squatting.” Makes media commentator Bill Rogers to
reporting on chemical attacks in the call it “off-mike conversations in a
Middle East look like a picnic. dimly lit furniture showroom”, but
the benchmark for duff opening
quivering timbers nights remains April 20, 1964,
At a ceremony in parliament to when a huge power cut struck
mark the 400th anniversary of the west London 26 minutes before
return of the Mayflower, Greg BBC Two was due to begin and
Hands, the trade minister, noted lasted all evening, denying viewers
that the boat that took the Pilgrims Howard Keel in Kiss Me, Kate, a
to the New World had a sad routine by the Soviet Union’s
ending. It was broken up soon No 1 stand-up comedian and
after and some of its timbers live fireworks from Southend.
were used to make a barn in Michael Peacock, the
Buckinghamshire where, 360 controller, did not mind the
years later, the teenaged bad publicity. “Had it not
Hands showed off his dance happened, the nation
moves at village discos. may not have known
Drawing a veil over his that BBC Two had gone
youth, the minister simply on the air,” he reflected.
noted that those Puritan “As it was, everybody
beams would have been knew that we hadn’t.”
shocked by what they
later witnessed. patrick kidd
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1G M RM 17


plankton, for which the

lagoon is known.
Scott told the Daily
Mail they had been told
not to swim in the sea
but that they could swim
in the river. Scott said:
“Someone asked, ‘Are
there any crocodiles?’
and the guide said, no, it
was safe.”
Shortly after 6pm the
tour guide rushed over
to them to tell them to
pack up their belongings
so they could leave
Scott said: “Someone
else said words to the
effect, ‘there’s been a
Crocodile twins were crocodile attack’ or
‘someone’s got bitten’, so
I grabbed all the bags
told lagoon was safe and ran for the boat.”
The boat sped towards
where the twins had

ravellers who the reptile. Georgia been swimming and
were with the repeatedly punched the members of staff helped
twin sisters crocodile until it Georgia to lift her sister
attacked by a released her sister, who on board. “That sight
crocodile in had alerted the rest of will stay for ever in my
Mexico have said they the travellers to the mind,” Scott said.
were told by guides that danger. “Georgia was cradling
the river was safe for “We saw the crocodile Mel and there was a lot
swimming (Arthi and we tried to swim to Melissa Laurie, left, is walking again and pictured for the first time after her sister Georgia saved her from a crocodile of blood.”
Nachiappan writes). safety but unfortunately attack by repeatedly punching the animal. The twins were on an organised boat trip, top left, to a lagoon in Mexico The twins, from
Melissa and Georgia my sister didn’t escape Berkshire, who are
Laurie, 28, were that — so it took her her body floating most injuries.” Georgia puncture marks on her among a group of 23 former British Airways
swimming in a lagoon as under,” Georgia told towards me. said that Melissa, who legs and abdomen, cuts tourists who had paid cabin crew members,
part of an organised tour ITV News yesterday.“We “The crocodile came had been placed in an to her stomach, a 300 pesos (£10) each for had been working and
near Puerto Escondido tried to call her name back twice — so I beat it induced coma but is fractured wrist, and had a trip to see the volunteering at animal
when Melissa was but there was no answer off but the third time is starting to walk and water in her lungs. bioluminescence, caused sanctuaries during their
dragged underwater by . . . and then I just saw when I sustained the talk, was left with Elliot Scott, 28, was by phosphorescent travels.

Maddie suspect says prosecutors Father ‘killed

daughter to
‘have turned public against him’ silence her’
A teenage photography student was
Oliver Moody Berlin “scandalous campaign of prejudice” through their scandalous campaign of Scotland Yard and German police murdered by her father to silence her
against him and called for the prosecu- prejudice against an innocent person in have said that Brückner’s mobile phone claims that he sexually abused her,
The prime suspect in the disappearance tors leading his case to resign. the present, that they are not fit for the received a 30-minute telephone call before both parents sent messages from
of Madeleine McCann appears to have The letter, written in a childlike, office of an ‘attorney for the honest near the McCanns’ apartment an hour her phone pretending to be her and say-
protested his innocence in a letter from punctiliously neat script, argued that German people, who place their faith in before Madeleine disappeared. ing she had run away, Cambridge
prison, breaking his 12-month silence the prosecutors had broken the princi- justice’, and are bringing shame upon German prosecutors believe that crown court was told.
on the allegations. ples of the rule of law in Germany with the German justice system.” Madeleine was murdered but they have Bernadette Walker, 17, was last seen
Christian Brückner, 44, was accused their extensive public comments im- The message was apparently accom- not produced any evidence. Scotland alive on July 18 when her father Scott,
last June of abducting and murdering plying Brückner’s guilt. panied by a cartoon drawing of two Yard has said there is still a possibility 51, collected her by car from his parents’
the British girl in the Algarve region of “Charging a guilty person is one German state prosecutors — possibly that she may be alive. house in Peterborough, where she had
Portugal in 2007, when she was three. thing,” it said. “A wholly different thing, intended to be Wolters and Lindemann Last month Wolters said his team had stayed overnight, the court heard.
He is currently serving a seven-year in fact an unbelievable scandal, is when – in a pizza restaurant. Gazing at a received promising fresh evidence Lisa Wilding QC said that her father
sentence in Oldenburg, northwest Ger- a state prosecutor sets off a public cam- menu, the male figure says: “I’ll have against Brückner but said “now is not and her mother, Sarah, 38, formed an
many, for the 2005 rape of an American paign of prejudice even before the start the forensics fillet”, and the female the time” to share it with the suspect’s “unholy alliance”, in a nine-minute
pensioner and has yet to face any char- of the main proceedings.” replies: “Delicious! Me too!” defence lawyers. He said he hoped to phone call to cover up her death. Her
ges relating to the McCann case. The letter argued that the prosecu- This has been interpreted as a refer- bring charges by the end of the summer body has not been found.
German prosecutors have insisted tors had abused freedom of expression ence to the lack of compelling forensic and that an important witness was On July 16 Bernadette told her
that they are confident of bringing and failed to protect the “position of the evidence against Brückner. taking part in a reconstruction of the mother that her father “had been sexu-
Brückner to trial but said they needed outsider”. “I call on the Braunschweig The authenticity of the letter, which crime scene at Praia da Luz, the resort ally abusing her over a number of
more time to amass evidence. state prosecutors [Hans-Christian] was dated May 8, could not be verified from which Madeleine disappeared. years” but her mother did not believe
Yesterday, however, Bild published Wolters and [Ute] Lindemann to re- independently. Up to now Brückner “[The evidence] is not forensic, but it her. “The following day, it was decided
an image of what purported to be a sign,” it said. “Both are making it evi- has been solely represented in public is new circumstantial evidence which that Bernadette should go and spend
handwritten “press release” from dent around the world, through their through his celebrity lawyers, Friedrich all adds to the working theory that he is the night with her paternal grand-
Brückner in which he complained of a arbitrary judgments in the past and Fülscher and Johann Schwenn. responsible,” Wolters told The Sun. parents while things calmed down a
little,” Wilding said.
Her father picked her up the next day

Mother’s pain over reporter killed by drunk biker but she has not been seen since. She
added: “At 11.23am on July 18 Scott
Walker’s telephone, which was usually
in regular use, was off. It remained off
Katie Gibbons cluded fractures of her skull, ribs, Melissa van der Her mother, Diana, paid tribute to her until 12.54pm and the prosecution say
femur, tibia and fibula, and laceration of Klugt had worked “brave, accomplished and inspiring” that in that hour and a half he killed
The mother of a foreign correspondent the liver, a pathologist found. for The Times daughter and spoke of the unbearable [Bernadette].” When his phone recon-
who was killed by a speeding motor- The driver, Christopher Perry, 40, pain of waking up each day without her. nected to the network at 12.54pm his
cyclist has condemned at the inquest was one and a half times over the alco- She said: “For someone to accelerate first call was to his wife and it lasted for
the senseless “act of reckless violence”. hol limit and had traces of cannabis in into her on a motorbike at such extreme more than nine minutes.
Melissa van der Klugt, 34, who had his system. He died the following day speed imbued with alcohol and drugs in She said that “the only sensible con-
reported from south Asia and Africa for from injuries sustained in the collision. an urban shopping street was an act of clusion that can be drawn from that
The Times, The Sunday Times and the Westminster coroner’s court was told Times for almost ten years before leav- reckless violence.” telephone call is that Scott Walker told
BBC, was hit by the vehicle as it acceler- toxicology reports showed that Perry ing to pursue her dream of working as a Reaching a verdict of unlawful kill- his wife that he had killed Bernadette
ated to between 75 and 80mph in a had 108mg of alcohol in his blood; the foreign correspondent. She spent her ing, Bernard Richmond, the assistant and needed her help”.
30mph street in Battersea, southwest legal limit is 80mg. He also had traces of final afternoon working on the finish- coroner, said: “It is clear that on August He denies murder and perverting the
London, in August 2019, an inquest was cannabis, which would have acted as an ing touches to her first novel, a child- 30, 2019, the world became a darker course of justice. His wife denies per-
told. She died almost instantly from accelerator to the alcohol. ren’s book, and had walked from her place when one of its stars had her life verting the course of justice.
multiple traumatic injuries, which in- Van der Klugt had worked at The house to Sainsbury’s to pick up food. taken away from her.” The trial continues.
18 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


City firm gives staff

£45k ‘fertility perk’
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor Chance scheme is linked to its private
health care package, while the Cooley
A City law company is offering staff offer is available to all its partners and
£45,000 for fertility treatment as part of staff regardless of whether they are
a new “family-forming” perk. members of that company’s existing
The move at the London office of health insurance.
Cooley, which is based in San Francisco Cooley, which has 1,200 lawyers at 17
and counts tech companies on its offices around the world, including 200
books, will give single men and women partners and staff in London, began of-
as well as gay couples the chance to be- fering the scheme in the US at the be-
come parents with the financial ginning of the year. It is understood that
support of their employer. the significant differential between its
A partner at the London office told scheme and that offered by Clifford
The Times that the offer was in part a Chance is that Cooley’s UK partners
recognition that large commercial law and staff are being offered the rough
firms had been “slow off the mark” in equivalent of that made to their col-
adopting measures to boost the diversi- leagues in the US.
ty in their businesses. Sascha Grimm, a Cooley partner in
Cooley described the offer as a pack- London, said that the company “sup-
age for “personalised fertility care and ports all paths to parenthood and we
family-forming support” and said that are proud to enable employees and
it was available to the spouses and part- partners to access the best fertility and Numbers game Anne Robinson is joining Rachel Riley and Susie Dent to host Countdown, Channel 4’s longest running show
ners of its workforce as well as “single family-forming services available”. She
parents by choice and LGBTQ+ indi- said that several of the leading US com-
viduals and couples”. It also said that it
would cover adoption expenses.
Similar benefits are rare among the
panies had similar schemes. Senior
partners consulted with its lawyers and
staff in London and found widespread
Whistleblower sues NHS transgender clinic
top domestic City law companies. enthusiasm for the benefit, she added.
However, it emerged today that one of Cooley pointed out that in addition Katie Gibbons after warning that patients as young as unwritten directive from management
the elite group of five so-called magic to its fertility scheme its London office 11 were at risk. that safeguarding concerns should not
circle practices, Clifford Chance, also provided three months of paid parental England’s first NHS child gender clinic Her action against the trust, which is be brought to her and that clinicians
has a fertility scheme. leave for non-birthing parents. is being sued by an employee who being funded by donations of £117,000, were discouraged from reporting to her.
The Clifford Chance offer is far less City law companies have a reputa- claims that she was unfairly penalised opened at the Central London Employ- Tavistock and Portman NHS
generous. A spokeswoman confirmed tion for demanding long hours of law- for raising concerns that patients’ ment Tribunal yesterday. Appleby, who Foundation Trust said: “The Trust
that it would cover up to £15,000 for yers, leaving them vulnerable to sug- health and safety were endangered. is the safeguarding lead at the hospital strongly refutes the claims. The Trust
“fertility investigations and treatment gestions that women who start families Sonia Appleby says that she was group, says that Tavistock misused pro- does not accept that it has penalised
such as IVF, ICSI, egg/sperm freezing, are put at a disadvantage in practices, “subjected to detriments” by the cedures to “besmirch her” and jeopar- anyone for raising concerns.”
donor eggs/insemination”. The Clifford especially in relation to promotion. Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust dise safety. She also claims there was an The hearing continues.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1G M 19


Wife entitled Josephine Philips, 23,

created the tailoring
app Sojo after finding
few second-hand
clothes that fit her
for second-hand clothes.
Finding ones that fit well
was a hurdle to a
sustainable wardrobe. “I
would find amazing

to divorce
clothes that I loved, that
just weren’t my size,” she
said. “Thank God for
feminism, but I don't
know how to sew. I was
like, ‘Well, what do I

husband who
do?’ ” The answer was
revolutionising the
centuries-old tailoring
industry by bringing it
into the digital age.
Sojo’s users are mainly

worked late aged between 20 and 28.

Sewing for that age group
makes a change for the
seven London seamsters
who were recruited from
recommendations or
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor couple’s two daughters, claimed that the their social media. One of
Matrimonial Causes Act breached basic them, Hasan Sotodenia,
A woman was within her rights to rule-of-law principles, the Human said: “They had an app
divorce her husband because he Rights Act and the European Conven- for everything:
worked long hours and missed holi- tion on Human Rights. He told the restaurants, dry-cleaning,
days, according to a High Court ruling. court that in their divorce proceedings the only thing there was
Charles Ayeh-Kumi, 64, argued that Ms Ayeh-Kumi’s examples of his un- no app for was tailoring.”
“easy” divorce laws allowed his wife to reasonable behaviour were that he Philips graduated last
leave him because he “worked too much “worked too much” and “didn’t go on summer from King’s
and never went on holiday”. holiday” with the family 20 years earlier. College London with a
The technology consultant said that She had argued: “My husband was Physics and Philosophy
Marion’s reliance on the ground of “un- absent in the evenings and at weekends. degree, before winning a
reasonable behaviour” when she di- [He] did not come on any family holi- £5,000 grant as a finalist
vorced him two years ago breached his days when the children were growing in the Mayor of London’s
human rights. He argued that “un- up or come to any concert performan- Entrepreneur
reasonable behaviour” was not suffi- ces that the children took part in.” competition. Her app is
ciently defined in law and the lack of Mr Ayeh-Kumi told the court that his available in London zones
clarity had made separation too easy. former wife was referring to holidays 1 and 2, but aims to be in
The human rights challenge to that were taken when they were five UK cities by the end
divorce laws was first brought in 2019 struggling to pay the mortgage. “I am a of the year.
one-man band,” he said. “If I don’t work, Alterations cost
I don’t get paid. I admit that I missed a between £12
few family holidays and that I made and £40, and
myself available to clients 24/7.” repairs between
The government announced last £5 and £35.
week that implementation of radical “There’s a
reforms to divorce law will be delayed positive social
until next April. The Divorce, Dissolu- pressure to buy
tion and Separation Act 2020 — which responsibly,”
will create “no-fault divorce” and im- Clemmie
Charles Ayeh-Kumi said “easy” divorce pose a 20-week cooling-off period on Pincott, a 25-
laws had allowed Marion to leave him separating couples — received royal as- year-old loyal
sent last June and was set to be imple- customer of Sojo,
and government lawyers acting on mented this autumn. said. Her
behalf of the lord chancellor applied to The Marriage Foundation, a cam- generation is
the court to dismiss the claim. Mr paign group, and The Times have long leading the way
Ayeh-Kumi filed a counter-application campaigned to remove the obligation in sustainable
for summary judgment in his favour on separating couples to attribute fashion — an
but the judge, Master Victoria blame for the marriage ending. estimated 46 per
McCloud, has now backed the govern- Family law experts were broadly cent of
ment, ruling that his former wife’s disappointed by the delay. Generation Z

reliance on those factors for her claim William Longrigg, a partner at the hirteen million Josephine shopped second
of unreasonable behaviour did not
breach his human rights.
law firm Charles Russell Speechlys,
said: “It is generally agreed amongst
Tailor-made items of clothing
end up in landfill
Philips, 23, launched Sojo
in January, since when it
hand in 2019, compared
to 37 per cent of
The judge considered whether there
were reasonable grounds for bringing
family lawyers that having to make
allegations of adultery or unreasonable
app fighting every week in
the UK. One
has been downloaded
thousands of times. After
millennials and just 18
per cent of Generation X.
the claim and found that “it is not a case
which can proceed on the footing of a
behaviour in the great majority of
divorces is a waste of time and money.”
wasteful woman is on a mission to
change that with an app
coming to believe that
the “fast fashion”
The clothing rental
market in the UK is
challenge to the human rights compli-
ance of the judgments of judges in the
He added that the latest decision in
Mr Ayeh-Kumi’s case “demonstrates
culture of that aims to be the
Deliveroo of clothes
industry was built on
exploitation, particularly
forecast to be worth
£2.3 billion by 2029.
divorce case itself”.
Mr Ayeh-Kumi, of Farnborough,
the challenge of defining the complex
and ambiguous terms which serve as
fast fashion repairs (Georgina
Roberts writes).
of women of colour,
Philips started shopping
A change for the better,
leading article, page 27
Hampshire, who is estranged from the grounds for divorce in current law”.

Nostalgia TV is unwelcome flashback ‘Cancelled’ DH Lawrence

David Sanderson they cut the offending segments. “I try
to warn people, tell them the content
3.5 million viewers a week because “the
BBC had moved on. If you’re over 28
made writing even racier
A television channel dedicated to films they’re about to watch contains out- there’s no room for you. ITV had com-
and programmes from a bygone era has dated attitudes, offensive and discrimi- pletely lost it, so there was a niche.” David Sanderson may as well throw everything at this.
built up a dedicated audience but it’s natory language for today’s viewers,” Ofcom closed an investigation into You accuse me of being a pornographer,
not all plain sailing. Sarah Cronin-Stanley, its managing di- Talking Pictures earlier this year after a DH Lawrence’s latest biographer says so bring it on.’ ”
It may have Cliff Richard singing rector, told the Radio Times. complaint was made over its broad- that the author’s “cancelling” during a His last novel was the centre of the
amid vergers and vicars for some and “I try to do that as much as possible casting of a “blackface” scene on the 1915 obscenity trial at which his novel 1960 obscenity trial.
earthier Scotland Yard television and preserve the original content,” she 1970s ITV series Rogue’s Rock. The The Rainbow was banned led him to Wilson, whose biography, Burning
detectives for others but the problem, added. If I cut things out I get moaned regulator said that the channel had cause even more offence. Man: The Ascent of DH Lawrence, was
according to the “purveyors of at . . . but if I don’t cut the word or phrase prefaced the broadcast with a warning “Lawrence thought, ‘OK, if you’re published last month, said that the
nostalgia TV”, is that you cannot please we also get complaints.” about the “outdated and offensive going to silence me, you may as well author would have had some qualms
everyone, especially with the televisual Her father, Noel Cronin, set up the nature of the material”. silence me for a reason’,” Frances about the “wokeness” perceived by
language of the past. channel six years ago with the help of a “It’s so tough,” the founder’s daughter Wilson told Radio Times. “And started many to be present in today’s society.
The founders of Talking Pictures library of old, unused BBC B-films. The told the magazine. “I don’t want to writing more audacious and much “Part of him would have been very
have said that while they received com- channel, which is on Freeview supple- rewrite history, to pretend it didn’t more challenging novels. sympathetic to the urgency that the
plaints if they retained “offensive [and] ments, mixes films with television happen. “Look at Lady Chatterley’s Lover, his younger generation feel about cleaning
discriminatory” language on the his- series from the mid-20th century, such “To be honest, there is always going last one. It actually had four-letter things up and about not offending
toric programmes and films they as Scotland Yard and Gideon’s Way. to be somebody out there, no matter words in it, which The Rainbow didn’t. people,” she said. “But part of him
broadcast, their viewers complained if Cronin said that it soon began hitting what I do, who will be offended.” As he was dying, Lawrence thought, ‘I would have been absolutely outraged.”
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1G M 21


Robot takeover
could halve law
jobs in 30 years
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor legal services to ordinary consumers.
The report predicted that as smaller
Robot of the Bailey may sound like a fu- firms fell out of the market the gap
turist’s joke but lawyers predict that ar- would be filled by larger businesses that
tificial intelligence will halve the num- could “fund and scale technology”.
bers working in law within 30 years. Large corporate legal practices will
A Law Society report forecasts that see “large swathes of routine legal ad-
lawyers will need to take “perform- vice either conducted in-house by
ance-enhancing medication” to keep clients using technology solutions, or
up with machines that will take over outsourced to technology-enabled pro-
work done by junior professionals. viders”. The researchers added that
“The legal profession is not immune “only the high value, complex or newest
to a savage reduction in full-time em- areas of law will need human input”.
ployees,” said the report. Ahadi anticipated that brain implant
In models of the structure of the pro- technology, such as that being tested by
fession over the next 30 years, re- Elon Musk’s company Neuralink, could
searchers said that the most “disrupt- be used by law firms.
ive” predicted that by 2050 there would Ahadi said that by 2050 “lawyers
be 50 per cent fewer jobs. could find themselves having informa-
It said: “Lawyers remaining within tion and knowledge implanted directly
the profession must work alongside into their brains”, which would reduce
technology — and [will be] required to the need for advocates to shuffle
take performance-enhancing medica- through piles of paper files when refer-
tion in order to optimise their own pro- ring to precedents in court. The first café, not far from
ductivity and effectiveness.” “City firms could do well out of this,” Hungarian the Hungarian parliament,
Kion Ahadi, a director of the society, he said. “The notion of trust will be- is filled with memorabilia
who oversaw the report, said that the come increasingly important in a world coffee shop including books, records
size of the profession had grown con- of increased reliance on technology and a teapot donated by
siderably since 1990 — for example, the and complex legal issues will still re- idolises UK the widow of Sir Roger
number of solicitors rose by more than quire human experts.” Scruton, below
165 per cent — but the combination of He added that “there will also be dis- philosopher

technology and the pandemic would putes over the inappropriate use of arti- Scruton helped to
throw that trend into reverse. ficial intelligence” but that “these de- hen the smuggle banned western
The report said that the number of velopments could benefit consumers philosopher literature across the Iron
individual law firms in England and significantly. A lot of people want the Sir Roger Curtain and
Wales had begun to fall before the pan- legal profession and services to be de- Scruton died encou
demic. The number of private practice mystified. This could help.” last year Boris Johnson netw
networks of
firms has fallen by 10 per cent since Artificial intelligence is already being called him “the greatest dis
2009 to 9,339 in 2019. used at some big commercial law firms. modern conservative Two years
“We expect this trend to continue,” Systems are now invoked in high-value thinker” (Oliver Moody a Orban
said Ahadi, who predicted that if it did disputes that involve significant writes). and is filled with Scruton sponsored a
so at the same rate there would be a amounts of disclosure, the process by It seems that he had an memorabilia donated by Batthyany S
Scruton the
30 per cent reduction by 2050, which which each side alerts the other to the even greater admirer in his widow, Sophie. foundation, H
would mean the closure of a further main thrust of its case and is supported Viktor Orban, the More cafés will follow, which also ord of
2,800 firms. The report said that high- by evidence. right-wing prime minister says John O’Sullivan, a paid for the mer “He was
street firms were most at risk of dis- Until relatively recently that disclo- of Hungary, whose allies former speechwriter for historian forwar
appearing and that consolidation would sure process would involve teams of have poured £1.5 million Margaret Thatcher who Norman Stone ne to enough to see the
be “particularly marked in commodi- junior lawyers trawling by hand into a chain of coffee now chairs a Hungarian ry of
write a history threat of illega
illegal migration
tised areas of the law” such as residen- through piles of printed material. Now shops in Scruton’s think tank. The Hungary that praised and defend Hungary
tial conveyancing, wills and probate. artificial intelligence cuts weeks and memory. The first opened £1.5 million investment Orban’s leadership. against its unjust critics,”
A loss of high-street law firms will months off the exercise by searching in November in Budapest comes from the state- During the Cold War Orban said at the time.
raise concerns about the accessibility of through electronic records.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GM 23

Lilibet is a power play

many will recognise
Melanie Phillips
Page 24
PM must level with us if he wants to level up
Infectious optimism has brought Boris Johnson a long way but to succeed he must explain the tough choices ahead
The expectation of Unionists in the many of us regarded as a sensible improved family care and revitalised
William province that they could support answer to the intractable question of education that can truly level up the
Hague Brexit, then oppose the deal Theresa who pays for our care in old age regions of the UK? I would be
May designed for their benefit, and went down disastrously with an prepared to argue that education is
yet ultimately have no trace of an unprepared electorate. the ingredient that makes the
economic border down the Irish Sea, Peer ahead into the political fog greatest difference — to the lives of

defies rational explanation. But they and you can see the same iceberg individuals, the productivity of the
ne of my favourite Boris were encouraged by this PM and looming, except it’s got bigger. Two economy, the cohesion of society and
Johnson stories is from others to believe that there would be years ago Boris Johnson was going to the competitive advantage of the
when I campaigned for no problem, while a deal they cannot “fix the social care crisis once and for country. But there is no perfect
him in his first foray as a stand was solemnly signed with the all”. Last year there were going to be answer and a lot of hard decisions.
parliamentary candidate, EU. Optimism is one thing, but false cross-party talks. This year the These three sets of choices — on
in North Wales in 1997. “How are expectations can lead to intractable briefing notes with the Queen’s
you getting on, Boris?” I inquired.
“Oh,” he said, “it’s going to be
problems a few years down the track.
These are lessons worth taking to
Speech said the government “knows
there is more work to do” and
Even an economic
“What’s going to be huge?”
heart as the government contemplates
where it will be in three years’ time,
promised proposals soon.
There are only a few realistic ways
boom will not pay for
“I’ve no idea, but whatever it is, it’s
going to be huge.”
when a general election will be due.
It is a classic rule of governing that
of paying for the care of a rapidly
ageing population: a cap on costs with
everything we all want
It certainly was — the eventual you should get bad news and difficult insurance, a lot more state funding or social care, energy transition and
Labour majority was huge. But the choices out of the way in the first a basic entitlement topped up by levelling up — join others, including
exchange stuck with me, in a couple of years of a parliament, but contributory schemes. None will be catching up with an NHS waiting list
miserable election campaign, as ministers now have had no scope to popular. The more the ground is five million strong. However much
illustrating the infectious good follow that playbook. Preoccupied prepared, the opposition consulted Rishi Sunak can spare in the
humour and irrepressible optimism first with Brexit and then with a global and the media informed, the better. Rishi Sunak will need to explain why forthcoming spending review, many
of the man who would display the pandemic, the hard challenges they Yet even this issue, well-known for he cannot provide enough money people will not consider it enough.
same traits in winning his own being unpalatable, might end up That too will need explaining in
landslide in 2019. The prime
minister’s ability to make people feel
With hard challenges seeming trivial compared with the
costs and implications of achieving
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to consult
on how low-interest loans might
advance. Even an economic boom, if
there is one, will not pay for
good has served him well in more
than 20 years of campaigning.
piling up it’s vital to set net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
The transition to net-zero requires
help households to make the change,
as the Institute for Government
everything we all want.
If the government really can make
Once in government, however,
that admirable ability needs to be
realistic expectatations perhaps the fastest and most
complete change to human society
recently pointed out? And shouldn’t
we be investing now in creating the
the breakthroughs needed on all
these issues it will be the 21st-
coupled with the setting of realistic were facing anyway are piling up for ever brought about in a peaceful skills and workforce needed for this century equivalent of the greatest
expectations, sometimes preparing the third and fourth years of their democracy. The latest report of the massive task so that we are not reforming administrations — of
people for a long, hard slog. In the term. It is important to retain the government’s climate change facing supply bottlenecks and Attlee in the 1940s and Thatcher in
pandemic, the PM and cabinet have bouncy, feel-good excitement of committee talks of needing an inflation in a few years’ time? Setting the 1980s. But neither Attlee nor
clearly learnt that lesson. This year’s global, high-tech, levelling-up, net- “accelerated shift in diets away from the right expectations is not just Thatcher shied away from explaining
rhetoric is more careful than last zero Britain, but it will be even more meat and dairy products, reductions about avoiding disappointment, it is that very difficult moments lay
year’s, and whatever the necessary than usual to set realistic in waste, slower growth in flights and also vital for getting the right ahead. Johnson is a historian as well
disappointments from yesterday’s expectations, inform the public of reductions in travel demand” along resources in to place. as an optimist. He would be well
announcement of freedom choices to be made and encourage with a rapid change in how vehicles All this is meant to be happening advised to follow their example.
postponed, most of the country will some understanding of why they are are powered and homes heated. at the same time as “levelling up”.
have been neither very surprised nor needed. Voters do not like nasty Take just one aspect of this: the Some of the finest minds in
strongly disapproving by the time it surprises. cost of £12,000 or more to retrofit government are now working on red box
came. In the 2017 election the majestic each household with new heating what it means. It is absolutely the For the best analysis
The other most urgent issue — cruise liner that was the systems. The discussion of how this right objective but it will require
seeking agreement on how to Conservative campaign collided with will be paid for needs to be started choices to be made. What is the right
and commentary on
implement the Northern Ireland the jagged iceberg of social care very soon. Is the cost to fall on the combination of infrastructure the political landscape
protocol — is far less encouraging. policy and never recovered. What taxpayer or the homeowner? spending, relocation of agencies,
24 1GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


Lilibet is a power play many will recognise

Names are personal and the Sussexes’ misappropriation of the Queen’s moniker is manipulative
I once worked for an editor who address of a close relationship which using their baby’s name as a form of
Melanie used nicknames as a manipulative didn’t exist was a way of owning us. manipulative power-play. Jo’s murder
Phillips means of control over his staff. Some
of these nicknames or diminutives
It was a power thing.
To that editor, I was always Mel.
For by choosing this particular
name, which purported to be an act
couldn’t kill off
were his own invention, while others
were ones used by the individual’s
Some of my friends called me Mel,
but in his mouth it felt as if what was
of homage, the Sussexes snatched
part of the Queen’s most private self
our optimism
friends. When this man used them, intended by my friends as a sign of into their own orbit. By this stroke of Brendan Cox

in meetings or within the earshot of affection had been hijacked and used appropriation, they sought to own

others, this often created a faint but for a different purpose altogether. the Queen herself and thus
een supporter as I am of perceptible feeling of unease and Subsequently, this nominative hijack effectively wipe out their own loss of o Cox was an optimist. By
the monarchy, it’s not discomfort. developed a life of its own. I am status within the royal family. nature, by demeanour and
often that I find the home This was because it felt repeatedly addressed as Mel in print Except it hasn’t quite worked out from experience. Since she was
life of our own dear Queen inappropriate. He was our employer, by people I have never met but who like that. The gesture appears instead killed (it will be five years
actually mirrors my own. yet he was presuming a familiarity take issue with my opinions, and who to embody arrogance, insensitivity tomorrow), that optimism is
Yet Her Majesty’s apparent that did not exist. The nicknames use this presumptuous familiarity as and insult in equal measure. After all, something we as a family have tried
irritation over the gesture of giving sought to mask that difference in a weapon of insult. Affection has thus true homage would have been to call to emulate and channel. I see it in
baby Sussex the name Lilibet has rank and create instead an been repurposed as aggression, all in the baby Elizabeth. “A rose by any our kids every day: their resilience,
struck a personal chord. impression of mateyness, of being the deployment of a name. other name would smell as sweet,” capacity to love and appetite for
Nicknames or diminutives can be one of us. But he wasn’t. Moreover, So when it was announced that said Shakespeare’s Juliet. Well adventures.
used for very different purposes baby Sussex was to be called Lilibet, actually, not always. Juliet may have Her political optimism has at times
depending on the context. What is a
term of affection in the mouths of
If others call us by it felt to me as if the Queen had been
punched in the stomach. Lilibet was
wanted Romeo’s identity as a
Montague to be irrelevant to their
been less easy to summon. The
vitriol of Brexit, the rise of Trump,
some can turn into something less
pleasant in the mouths of others.
names we don’t want, what she was called by her family as
a child — arising from how she had
romance, but names matter.
Our names and nicknames anchor
the import of US-style culture wars,
the political crises, not to mention
Our names are personal to us. We
may call ourselves what we want;
it is disrespectful mispronounced her name when very
young — and in later life by her
our biography. They are markers of
our individual personhood and our
Covid. But five years on I find myself
resolutely optimistic. Why? Not as a
and if others call us by names we the jocular way he used these husband. It was a nickname borne homage to Jo but because I think the
don’t want, either because this is
inappropriate or disobliging or worse,
nicknames often had an element of
mockery, which felt like malice. All
out of her unique experience and her
relationship with those closest to her,
The gesture appears to UK is steadily becoming a more
tolerant and inclusive place to live.
this is tantamount to treating us with
disrespect. It can also be a way of
this vaguely disorientated us. Were
we his friends or his employees? Was
and it was particular to her alone.
Yet now it had been appropriated
embody arrogance, When you look at the changes in
public attitudes, they have been
cutting someone down to size, which
is a form of aggression.
he being affectionate or undermining
us? It caught us off balance. And that
for use by someone else, denuded of
the personal associations it
insensitivity and insult astonishing. On homosexuality, for
example: the proportion of the
Such a tactic is sometimes was the point. represented for the Queen. This sense of me-ness. They are how we country thinking it was morally
employed by powerful people. The He didn’t throw his weight around amounted to the theft of a private part think of ourselves. If people get them wrong dropped from 75 per cent to
US president George W Bush by shouting or rows; indeed, he tended of herself and its redeployment as an wrong, misspell or mispronounce 13 per cent in a little over 30 years.
bestowed endless nicknames on to avoid confrontation. A subtle kind exhibit, or trophy, in the public arena. them, this can make us irritated or On race, British Social Attitudes
world leaders, politicians and of guy, he used more manipulative Of course, it’s possible that the angry. We are entitled not to have surveys in the 1990s found 44 per
journalists. Thus, the White House means of control. Catching us off Sussexes believed they were paying them weaponised against us. We are cent would be uncomfortable if their
correspondents for NBC, Bloomberg balance, even mildly, was a way of the Queen the highest compliment entitled not to have their unique
News and The Washington Times
were, respectively, dubbed “Little
keeping us guessing about his
meaning and motives, and thus
in choosing this name. But it’s hard
not to conclude that at least one of
significance for our own lives
appropriated for someone else. We
We have also started
Stretch”, “Stretch”, and “Super
Stretch”, according to their height.
preventing us from presenting any
challenge to him or disruption of what
them was doing something similar to
what my old editor had done —
are entitled to retain a part of
ourselves that is entirely personal and
to weather the shocks
They were put in their place, literally. he wanted to do. Using the terms of unconsciously and almost reflexively protected. Even if one is the Queen. that felt so existential
children married across ethnic lines.
That is now less than 10 per cent.
Giles Coren Notebook Ninety-three per cent now disagree
with the idea that to be truly British

The sun has an elevation of 58 degrees or greater

and shining on plate-shaped ice
crystals in high altitude cirrus clouds
with a postscript on the political
fallout of the pandemic. And I have
to say it is brilliant. I picked it up in
who had dreamt of a Socialist Britain
all their lives. I was too busy lurching
between childish delight in the
you have to be white. Only 3 per cent
agree. And on gender: in 1987, 48 per
cent felt men should work and

got his at an angle so that light enters

vertically and leaves horizontally,
forcing this heart-stopping
my local bookshop before half-term,
thinking “this will be good for a
pisstake” but found myself gripped
ridiculousness of the Corbynites and
a mortal dread that they might, by
some terrible democratic fluke,
women should stay at home; now it
is about 10 per cent.
Clearly fundamental changes are

LGBTQFO separation of the spectral colours

that wafted above us for three or
four minutes before dispersing like a
from the outset by his honesty, anger
and cracking way with a narrative.
The Corbyn era that was for so
prevail. So to read the whole story
laid before me now, from start to
finish, with such lucidity and insight,
still needed. The threats of resurgent
antisemitism and anti-Muslim
prejudice need to be taken more
on, hooray gently interrupted dream.
“I don’t like the sound of ‘fire
many of us a period of low farce,
comical self-delusion and impotent
was fascinating. When the book
pages come asking for my “Top
seriously. But the shift continues,
barely noticeable in any moment but

rainbow’,” said Kitty. “I’m centrist hand-wringing
hand-wringing, has, in Beach Reads” for Summer 2021, This formative over time.
witnessed an extremely rare sticking with LGBTQFO.” O.” Jones’s hands, a noble, tragicomic arc Land will be top of my list. Not least We have also started to weather
meteorological happening at the “But what does that that one simply cannot look away because it has that sine qua non of all the shocks that felt so existential a
weekend. Yes, ha, ha, the sun even mean?” said Sam, from. The journey from dreams and jolly holiday books: a happy ending. few years ago. Brexit divisions, while
shone for about an hour. But, no, who is eight, and not optimism (for Owen aand others like still there, are much less motivating.
even rarer than that. The kids and I remotely interested in him) through real belibelief in the The reckoning According to a recent poll for the

were playing tradminton (our own queerness or indeed possibility of a once-in
once-in-a-lifetime Together Coalition, only a quarter of
invention: three rackets, two anything apart from political earthquak
earthquake, towards y bank wrote to me this week people now see their political
shuttlecocks, no net, lots of shouting) cricket, cheeseburgers desp and then
growing despair to announce the launch of its identity through a Brexit lens.
when we noticed a colourfully and the Beano. the heartb
heartbreak of environmentally friendly Perhaps the most important driver
striped rhombus in the sky. A huge, “It means,” said catastrop electoral
catastrophic credit and debit cards in line with of my optimism though is the quiet
unattached shard of rainbow, as it Kitty, “that the sun is humilia
humiliation, is “the bank’s wider ambition to drive revolution that Covid has caused in
were. A vast, spectral, multicoloured coming out.” gripp
gripping, moving sustainability”. As someone who has many communities. Three times as
kite. Very high up, pinned to thin Which was a better and brilliantly been endeavouring to go vegan for many people felt Covid made their
wispy cloud like a badge. joke than anyone had re
rendered, like a some time, I very much welcome this community more united as opposed
“What is it?” said Sam, as we stood a right to expect. corkscrewing replacement of petroleum-based to divided; three quarters now say we
there, squinting up, like extras in a commie polymers in the fabrication of my want to live in closer communities.
Superman movie. Dreamland rollercoaster payment cards with polylactic acid My hope is that if we harness our

“It’s an LGBTQFO,” said my ten- w
with (PLA) derived from corn. Not least newfound connections then the
year-old daughter, Kitty, who is into ve just finished pr
predestined because I will be able to console period just endured might come to
queerness in all its forms. This Land: The car
carnage lurking myself, when reviewing restaurants, be seen as the bottom of the curve
Being more literal minded (and Struggle for the Left at th
the end. that while, yes, I did just devour a — a crisis that helped us to recognise
straighter), I googled this thing and by the young socialist In the
t five years juicy pork chop, I at least paid for it we really do have more in common
discovered it to be a “fire rainbow” or firebrand (and from 201
2015 to 2020 I with a card made of vegetables. than that which divides us.
“circumhorizontal arc” and “one of remorseless Twitter never stopp
stopped to think
the rarest optical phenomena known troll) Owen Jones — about what th the Corbyn Brendan Cox is the widower of Jo Cox,
to Man”. It requires the sun to be at newly out in paperback moment meant
mean to people @gilescoren MP for Batley & Spen 2015-16
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GM 25


Buy prints or signed copies of Times cartoons from our Print Gallery at or call 020 7711 7826

Strong views are no substitute for news

The launch of GB News is welcome even though the channel becomes the latest media outlet to give up on impartiality
watched the breakfast show. So far I know what these views are. Andrew being unfair here — is to do the news and comment together, while
Hugo do not really understand the Neil made a point of telling us, the opposite. It is to take the Chomsky broadly denying it, but a newer
Rifkind aesthetics of this new channel, with moment the channel went live. GB critique, which journalists usually generation of journalism just dives
its backdrop of what appears to be a News is anti-woke. It is against the resent, and slap it proudly on the wall. right in. Various newish leftwing
garden shed where somebody is “metropolitan mind-set”, against This has not come out of nowhere. websites start very cheerfully from
keeping the wine glasses, and I was a “identity politics” and against “cancel For the past five years, at least, the the idea that anybody to the right of
little thrown by a recurring audio culture”. It is, come what may, “proud idea that journalists, or indeed Richard Burgon is basically a Nazi,
@hugorifkind reverb bug that made guests sound to be British”. It is a channel with anyone else, including economists, showing little interest in engaging

like they were The Voice Of God views, and it will never keep them MPs or even judges, might be anybody who doesn’t already agree.
elcome, said Andrew After You Ate Those Mushrooms On hidden. This, literally, is the point. humanly capable of rising above Scotland’s newest newspaper (The
Neil at 8pm on Your Gap Year. Broadly, the overall There is a philosophy behind all their own personal preferences in National) has support for
Sunday, to the vibe was one of two presenters (Nana this. It starts from the idea that any context has been met by independence as its defining mission
launch of a new Akua and Darren McCaffrey) trying traditional media (the BBC, Sky, recurring, hollow laughter. This idea statement. Lest you should feel
news channel, very hard to have views about things newspapers and so on) may claim to inclined to get all Yeats about it —
dedicated to “giving a voice to those
who felt sidelined or even silenced in
that they didn’t, necessarily, while a
third (Kirsty Gallacher) appeared to
be impartial, but ha, as if, what a
joke. Sometimes, the thinking is, they
The great partisan “the centre cannot hold”, etc — there
is also now an equally partisan online
our great national debate”. After an
hour he gave way to Dan Wootton,
visibly regret her life choices.
These are teething problems, and
may be simply lying, because they
are covert cultural Marxists/
Sorting Hat applies middle, with enough “passionate
intensity” to match either side.
formerly of The Sun and TALKRadio,
whose own show featured the fresh
over time you can bet it will all get
smoother. The thing it intends to
Remainers/friends of the powerful,
etc, and operating insidiously, like
everywhere else With this as the backdrop, it is of
course absurd to suggest that GB
new voices of a chap called Nigel Freemasons, or alien lizards or an — that impartiality is barely even a News is tilting against “the wasteland
Farage and another called Lord
Sugar. Gosh, but who are all these
The thing it intends to ancient cult in a Dan Brown book.
Sometimes, though, it might just
credible aspiration — was
particularly evident over Brexit, but
to nowhere that is identity politics”
(as Neil has) when it is in fact
hip young gunslingers? Wherever
have they been hiding? You wouldn’t
smooth into, though, is be groupthink. This latter point was
made most famously (if, I think,
it is not just on the right. The
leftwing Guardian columnist Owen
proudly building a citadel on its
rightmost flank. Perhaps it is also
see that on the BBC.
Look, I wish GB News well.
giving me trouble unfairly) by the linguist Noam
Chomsky, when interviewed by
Jones doggedly maintains that all
journalists are as ideological as he is,
absurd, though, to suggest that
television news should be somehow
Genuinely. And any journalists smooth into, though, is giving me Andrew Marr. “I’m sure you believe but that he alone admits it. immune to the great partisan Sorting
resenting the expansion of their own some trouble. GB News presenters, everything you are saying,” Chomsky Certainly, newspapers have always Hat that increasingly applies
industry probably ought to be in a you see, are to share their own views, told him, “but if you believed had views. This is what leader everywhere else. All the same, I
different one. With my own small as a break from the traditional, talk- something different, you wouldn’t be columns are for. Frequently, those cannot pretend to be anything other
role in the launch of Times Radio like-Lord-Haw-Haw newsreader pose sitting where you are sitting.” views are pretty obvious elsewhere, than edgy at the further, unabashed
last year, I remember how irritating of inscrutability. In itself, this is not Now. You might think that if the too. Almost all British newspapers degradation of the idea that news is
it is when people claim to know particularly revolutionary, although it objection here is media bias, the best took a strong stance over Brexit, and one thing, opinion is another, and
exactly what you’re all about when is more common on radio (where I fightback would involve a media that only a few of them (including this that a journalist’s foremost job is to
you’re yet to broadcast a moment. do it myself) than it is on TV. redoubles its efforts at impartiality. one) seemed to have much interest in comprehend the difference. Yes, we
Good luck to them. Absolutely. The slight oddity with GB News, Right? The idea behind GB News, making space for views that ran the fail. Perhaps always. Perhaps every
And yet. Yesterday morning I though, is that we will always already though — and really, I don’t think I’m other way. Tabloids have always bled day. But God, at least we should try.
26 2GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times
Letters to the Editor should be sent to
Letters to the Editor or by post to
1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF

Macron and the row over Northern Ireland Sick player footage
Sir, Further to your report “BBC is
Sir, Further to your report “Northern is still part of France despite having can this problem be resolved. criticised for ‘staggering decision’ to
Ireland row mars last day of G7” some separatist tendencies and the Peter Elliott show sick footballer” (Jun 14), why is
(news, Jun 14), who has the better intervening presence of the Med. Alairac, France it wrong to watch someone’s life being
understanding of Northern Ireland’s Peter Mackay saved? Each year the NHS ambulance
“indivisible” status in the UK, Kincraig, Highland Sir, Vernon Bogdanor refers to the services treat about 30,000 cases of
President Macron or Boris Johnson? constitutional implications of the suspected cardiac arrest (mostly
This is what the avowedly unionist Sir, It is depressing to witness, once exclusion of Northern Ireland from unexpected, especially in the young)
Lockdown delay John Major said in his white paper again, insults being hurled across the “Britain’s internal market” (letter, Jun but survival varies, largely because of
Frameworks for the Future in 1995: table about implementation of this 12). However, unlike the EU, the UK’s the time taken for trained help to
Sir, Your editorial (“Paradise “The British government reaffirm Northern Ireland protocol. Attitudes union of states is not based on the arrive. Wider awareness of cardio-
Postponed”, Jun 14) rightly concedes that they will uphold the democratic will only harden if the EU holds to a integration of national markets or the pulmonary resuscitation reduces the
that the government always said it wish of a greater number of the purist view on implementation and if prohibition of non-tariff barriers to stress one experiences when
would “be driven by the data, not people of Northern Ireland on the the UK takes unilateral action to trade between component parts of the confronted with a medical emergency.
dates”. Although the data may justify issue of whether they prefer to renege on an agreement into which it UK. For example, English milk There may yet be a silver lining to
the postponement, does it really support the Union or a sovereign entered. Surely a more practical products were prohibited from sale in what was a potentially fatal situation.
justify the extension of rule by diktat united Ireland. On this basis, they approach would be to recognise that, Scotland unless repackaged in Vandals destroyed a public access
as opposed to through, measured reiterate that they have no selfish in their haste to complete a Brexit accordance with Scottish requirements defibrillator in Buxted, East Sussex, at
parliamentary debate? strategic or economic interest in agreement, both the EU and the UK (which differed from the English the weekend. Appreciation of the value
To suggest that an exit from what Northern Ireland.” closed their eyes to the practical rules). That changed in about 1990 as of these devices and of CPR must
might be the final lockdown will lead It is hard to conceive of the French difficulties that would arise in its a result of EU legislation. Accordingly, surely benefit the community at large.
us into “paradise” is to ignore the government saying the same about implementation? A proper approach there is no constitutional enormity in Tim Williams, FRCS
catastrophic damage that will have Toulouse. to forging a workable arrangement having restrictions on the movement Chairman, Heathfield and Waldron
been done to so much of our Professor Robert Hazell would be for all parties to recognise of British sausages to Northern First Responder scheme, E Sussex
economy and to so many of our Constitution Unit, UCL that such a protocol can only Ireland. The United Kingdom Internal
population, young and old. To some practically be applied if all parties Market Act 2020 seeks to create a Sir, The BBC has rightly apologised
extent one can sympathise with the Sir, The prime minister missed a trick directly affected by it understand, and single internal market after Brexit but for any distress caused by showing
difficult task facing ministers but their when he explained Northern Ireland’s agree, the detail of its implementation. does not alter the basis on which images of Christian Eriksen receiving
persistent blindness as to how relationship to Great Britain to The round-table discussion should England, Scotland and Ireland formed treatment on the pitch. However, the
businesses are actually run, and how President Macron. Instead of drawing involve not only the UK and EU but and entered the Union. The act could world’s media showed no such regret
much time they need to plan ahead, is a misconceived analogy with Paris the government of the Republic of be repealed in its entirety without at showing distressing images of
deeply concerning. and Toulouse, he would have been Ireland and the main unionist and altering the constitutional position. Covid funerals in India. It does seem
SM Southall better comparing the relationship nationalist parties in Northern KPE Lasok QC that pictures hurt more when the
East Horsley, Surrey between Paris and Corsica: the latter Ireland. Only with a true consensus London N7 events depicted are closer to home.
Dr Vineet Sukumar
Sir, Your leading article states: “No West Bromwich
one can complain when the Sir, Further to Trevor Phillips’s article, terminal illness. The present private
government announces . . . a delay to Class barrier to a the way people respond to challenges member’s bill on assisted dying would
the lifting of lockdown restrictions.”
Well I am complaining, as are most career in medicine and choices in life is indicative of
their self-management, maturity and
have excluded him. I sincerely hope
that those advocating a tight,
Royal trump card
people I know. Either the vaccine determination. Hence their six-month prognosis limit in assisted Sir, Much as I am a strong supporter
works or it doesn’t, in which case we Sir, Trevor Phillips once again background is often pertinent to suicide legislation will pause to both of the monarchy and the Union I
have all been conned by the highlights the class divide that is alive understanding what they may bring reflect. Such a law would still exclude disagree with AN Wilson’s assessment
government. The Indian variant may and thriving in the UK (“Race matters to a job or whether they will succeed many who suffer and would be wide that using the Duke and Duchess of
be more transmissible but so what, if but class is the biggest barrier”, Jun in a chosen career. But questions open to further extension, as has Cambridge “as unionist exemplars is a
the number of deaths stays low? The 14). A working-class medical student about background are easily happened in Canada. good one”. If we are to trust the SNP’s
vast majority of those at risk are will generally end up with a debt of interpreted as, and may indeed be, Dr Mark Pickering manifesto that the royal line will
either already, sadly, dead, or have £100,000 after a five-year course, symptomatic of the interviewer’s CEO, Christian Medical Fellowship continue as Scotland’s monarchs in an
been double-vaccinated, and statistics which will have to be repaid alongside prejudice. Collecting such information independent kingdom, just as between
indicate that the young are not in high mortgage costs and modest on application forms to analyse social 1603 and 1707 and just as the Queen
much danger from the coronavirus.
Given all that, where is the risk? Is
early-years earning. This could well
trigger increasing and substantial
and career mobility is a mistake: such
knowledge is better gleaned by
Revising Rhodes remains head of state in 15 other
dominions today, then the
the whole country going to be held wage demands and/or a reduction of anonymised sample surveys. In Sir, A solution to the problem of the continuation of a 1,500-year royal
hostage by those apparently in danger the individual’s work commitment to interviews, probing an individual’s Rhodes statue (letters, Jun 14) would heritage (in Scotland) should be safe.
because they have refused to be below the threshold for repayment of history demands sensitivity. be to place two QR codes at its base For members of the royal family to
vaccinated? We could go on like this student debt. A medical career is fast Jim Jewell linked to biographies of Rhodes. One take a stance other than neutral on
for ever. becoming out of reach for highly Loxwood, W Sussex would be a five-minute read and the the issue would only antagonise
Rupert Godfrey motivated but financially poor other a longer and more complete one. independence supporters should
Stert, Wilts students, especially women, who will To avoid endless arguments about independence come about, not to say
probably also face high childcare costs
in the early stages of a very
Assisted dying bill their texts it should be left to the dons
at Oriel College to write them.
jeopardise the Crown’s respected
neutrality on political issues.
Soaked in sunshine demanding and stressful career.
These issues need to be addressed
Sir, I read with sadness of Noel
Conway’s passing but was glad to
Anthony Stranger-Jones
London W9
Hamish Allan
Sir, The superb taste of Toby Wynn’s urgently but I fear our ruling class is learn that he died peacefully (report,
neighbour’s vegetables (letter, Jun 14) out of touch with a working-class Jun 12). He strove for dignity at the
is much more likely to be from the
intense and constant Tuscan sunshine,
electorate and unconcerned about
genuinely levelling the playing field.
end of life and I am heartened that
he achieved this within our existing
Letters to the Editor must be exclusive
to The Times and may be edited. Please
Circus in the sky
something even witchcraft cannot Dr Christine Dewbury legal framework. I note that he lived include a full address and daytime Sir, I agree with the view (letter, Jun
replicate (“Bio farming is no more Shawford, Hants for six years after his diagnosis of telephone number. 14) that the era of the Red Arrows is
than witchcraft, say scientists”, Jun 12). over. Such display teams are found in
Narguesse Stevens most first-world countries, and given
TALK Special Correspondent, “Next time
— perhaps!” For this qualified
there is no reason why they should
not give a much better account of
that there is little to choose between
the undoubted professionalism of

Corrections and ABOUT THE optimism he points to the fact that

for two hours on Monday England’s
themselves in the remaining
matches. There has been too much
such teams their ability to impress
leaders at the G7 conference must
clarifications TEST MATCH bowlers proved that the Australians
are not the only people who can
talk about the deadliness of the
Australian bowling. Good as it is,
have been negligible. Purely in terms
of carbon emissions it is time to
attack so as to put batsmen on the Woolley and one or two others have dispense with these expensive circus
6 We wrongly said that Acas was defensive. It is comforting, too, that shown that it has no special terrors acts in the sky.
among organisations to have from the times june 15, 1921 the English side showed better form for those who face it with confidence Jeremy Prescott
withdrawn from Stonewall’s Diversity at Lord’s than at Nottingham and in and deal with it on orthodox lines. Lieutenant colonel, retired;
Champions programme “in recent Australia having won the second their second than their first innings. After all, everyone, even Test Match Southsea, Hants
weeks” (“Taxpayers gave Stonewall Test Match by the comfortable Also there was, and is, Woolley, and players and MCC Committee men,
£2.6m over four years”, News, June 14). margin of eight wickets, England, in there may be Hobbs and Hearne, must learn by experience. On the
In fact Acas left the scheme in June
2020 for cost reasons and continues to
the language of the golf course, is
two down and three to play. That is
and possibly one or two fresh
discoveries. There is probably
first day the MCC authorities found
as much difficulty dealing with the
The hole truth
support Stonewall’s work. We not an enviable position either for something in our Correspondent’s abnormal rush of spectators as the Sir, I read in today’s Nature Notes
apologise for repeating this mistake. the players or for the Selection opinion that Colonel Douglas is not English batsmen did in playing the (Jun 14) that moths are in a steep
Committee. It is true that all is not a lucky captain, and would be more Australian bowling. By the second decline. I rather wish their cousins the
We are yet lost. Ultimate victory, even, is valuable to the side if he had not to day they had learnt their lesson. In carpet moth and the clothes moth
committed to still a possibility, but only if each of carry the extra weight of office on the coming matches the Selection could be the same. My local dry
abiding by the the remaining matches is won his shoulders. In any case, if the Committee and the England players cleaning shop cannot keep up with
Independent outright. As to the likelihood of that team, from the captain downwards, will, we believe, profit in the same the demand for anti-moth products,
Press Standards Organisation (“IPSO”
rules and regulations and the Editors’ hope, though we decline to call it play their own natural game, without way by what they have learnt. and sticky traps laid in the house
Code of Practice that IPSO enforces. forlorn, it can hardly be claimed that paying heed to outside criticism and provide daily evidence of yet more
Requests for corrections or the odds are in its favour. We must advice (except, it may be said, in the unwelcome visitors.
clarifications should be sent to be content to say, in the words of our all-important matter of fielding), Diana Franklin Southsea, Hants
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GM 27

Leading articles

Daily Universal Register

UK: The Office for National Statistics
publishes monthly unemployment figures;
the Royal Ascot race meeting begins.
Germany: France play Germany in Munich
at Euro 2020.

Nature notes
When asked by
theologians if there
Prudent Postponement
was anything that
could be concluded Delaying the lifting of restrictions on social contact by a further month will be a
about God from the
study of natural disappointment to the public and a blow to the economy, but the alternative is worse
history, the biologist
JBS Haldane replied, “An inordinate Having eased Covid restrictions in England last jabs is being shortened, thereby improving cover- spread understanding that this will not be possible
fondness for beetles.” Yet despite being so month, the government was intent on lifting them age. But the so-called Indian or Delta variant, so long as lives are at risk from premature easing
numerous as to make up one in four animal entirely on June 21. That timetable will not now be being highly transmissible, has raised the rate of of restrictions. The public have overwhelmingly
species, few can identify many in this order met. Boris Johnson announced yesterday a delay infection nationally. The UK yesterday recorded adhered to Covid measures, and expressed
beyond the ladybird or stag beetle. Thick- of four weeks in implementing the fourth and final more than 7,000 new cases for the sixth successive support for them, despite early fears that such dra-
legged flower beetles can be found on hot stage of the government’s route map out of lock- day. It is the highest rate since February. The conian measures would spark non-compliance.
summer days eating pollen on flowers such down, which is now scheduled for July 19. number of people being admitted to hospital The government can be faulted on many
as ox-eye daisies, hogweed and dog roses. This decision will be a universal disappointment nationally is increasing by 15 per cent weekly, and grounds for its handling of the pandemic, not least
With their iridescent green wing cases and and for some parts of the economy, notably the the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies confused messaging over travel restrictions and
the males’ swollen thighs, they’re easily travel and leisure sectors, a heavy blow. Yet it is the envisages a risk of it approaching the levels of the tardiness in placing India on the travel “red list”.
recognised even by amateur coleopterists. right course. Lifting restrictions when epidemio- first Covid wave. But determination not to put at risk the progress
melissa harrison logical evidence suggests doing so will unneces- Against this background, constraints on pubs to date is simply sensible. A measure of how far out
sarily cost lives would be an evasion of public duty. and restaurants, indoor entertainment venues of step is the supposed libertarian opposition to
The government’s own tests for lifting all re- such as theatres, and nightclubs (which are closed these public health measures was a comment yes-
Birthdays today strictions are: continued advance in the national completely) will remain in place. The only terday by Lord Sumption, the former Supreme
vaccination programme, lower rates of hospitali- planned easing is on the numbers of guests who Court judge, that lockdown laws are “wicked” and
Simon Callow, pictured, sation and death due to Covid-19, a rate of infec- can attend weddings. The damage to the revenues that there is no more compulsion to follow them
actor, Four Weddings and tion that does not threaten the NHS’s ability to of the hospitality sector in particular will be sub- than Germans had in observing Nazi racial de-
a Funeral (1994), and handle the pandemic, and no heightened risk as- stantial during the current period of hot weather crees. At this point, there is no longer a rational
writer, 72; Samira sessment from new variants of the disease. The and international football. Even so, the govern- debate about trade-offs to be had.
Ahmed, BBC radio and first of these criteria is being met; the others are ment has rightly judged that the dangers of pro- A pandemic costing millions of lives is a once-
TV presenter, 53; Lord either uncertain or going in the wrong direction. ceeding with the timetable outweigh the benefits. in-a-generation crisis which requires a willingness
(David) Alliance, The vaccination campaign is undoubtedly pro- The conundrum of the case argued by self-des- to make tough and urgent decisions in the public
businessman, N Brown ceeding apace, with more than 70 million doses ignated “lockdown sceptics”, including some vocal interest. The government has not only the prerog-
Group and Coats Viyella, 89; Sam Billings, dispensed in the UK and almost 30 million people Conservative backbenchers, is that they have bad- ative but the obligation to ensure that when re-
cricketer, England and captain of Kent, 30; fully vaccinated against Covid-19, having received ly misread public opinion. There is popular yearn- strictions are finally lifted it will be irreversible
Alan Brazil, broadcaster, talkSPORT, and both jabs. The average dosing interval between ing for normal times to return, but also a wide- rather than a hasty prelude to another lockdown.
former footballer, Scotland (1980-83), 62;
Sir de Vic Carey, bailiff of Guernsey
(1999-2005), 81; Courteney Cox, actress,
Friends (1994-2004), 57; Ice Cube, rapper,
N.W.A., Straight Outta Compton (1988), 52;
Tom Curry, rugby union player, Sale Sharks
Hard Border
and England, 23; Brigitte Fossey, actress,
Quintet (1979), 75; Gavin Greenaway, A compromise over the Northern Irish protocol is in the best interests of all sides
conductor, Gladiator (2000), and composer,
57; Noddy Holder, singer, Slade, Merry Xmas “We will do whatever it takes to protect Britain’s advanced by Brexiteers such as Mr Johnson for whether Mr Johnson has any intention of ever
Everybody (1973), 75; Alan Huckle, diplomat, territorial integrity,” Boris Johnson insisted as the leaving in the first place. Rigid policing of its exter- implementing any version of the protocol, or whe-
governor, Falkland Islands (2006-10), 73; row over the Northern Ireland protocol which nal borders has always been the condition that ther his real aim is to create a pretext to repudiate
Helen Hunt, actress, As Good as It Gets overshadowed the G7 summit in Cornwall fol- underpins free movement of people, goods and it. Those doubts will only have been reinforced by
(1997), What Women Want (2000), 58; Peter lowed him to yesterday’s meeting of Nato leaders. services within the EU’s single market. No doubt the latest threats of unilateral action.
Kennaugh, professional racing cyclist, But the prime minister’s defence of the UK’s inter- domestic politics are also in play. A year ahead of Nonetheless a compromise based on the proto-
Olympic gold medallist (2012), 32; Gary nal market would be more compelling if he had an election in which his chief opponent is likely to col remains in the best interests of all sides, not
Lightbody, musician, Snow Patrol, Final not negotiated and signed the treaty that created be the eurosceptic Marine Le Pen, President least the citizens of Northern Ireland. There is no
Straw (2003), 45; Lord (James) Lupton, the very checks he now claims to find so objection- Macron of France appears to have little interest in question that the protocol has caused disruption
treasurer, the Conservative Party (2013-16), able. For all the government’s complaints of Euro- making life easy for Brexit Britain. for some businesses, as any solution to the border
co-founder (1998) Greenhill London pean Union “legal purism”, the details of how trade Yet if Mr Macron is being intransigent, it is in conundrum was bound to do. But there is no evi-
investment bank, 66; Lakshmi Mittal, across the Irish Sea would be conducted are part because Mr Johnson has handed him an dence of widespread support either within Stor-
executive chairman, ArcelorMittal spelled out in detail. There is little room for inter- opportunity to be so. The EU has signalled a will- mont or among the wider public for ditching it
(steelmaker), 71; Tony Oxley, jazz musician, pretation. It is all there in black and white in a deal ingness to show some flexibility on some of the altogether. That would bring its own instability
83; Paul Patterson, composer, the hailed by Mr Johnson at the time as “oven ready”, troublesome aspects of the protocol, not least the and create further uncertainty, possibly com-
Millennium Mass (2000), 74; Sir John one so good that he refused to allow parliament free flow of medicines between Britain and North- pounded by a trade war with the EU and a rift with
Redwood, Conservative MP for more than a day to scrutinise it. ern Ireland. Yet one of the biggest obstacles to a allies. There is still time for both sides to reduce the
Wokingham, secretary of state for Wales Brussels is indeed being obstinate and tin-eared compromise appears to be a breakdown in trust. rhetoric and reach an agreement before new
(1993-95), 70; Naomi Riches, adaptive rower, in its insistence that the protocol is implemented Brussels complains that Britain has yet to fulfil checks are due to come into force at the end of the
Paralympic gold medallist (2012), 38; in full as agreed, particularly given the evident basic commitments under the protocol. For exam- month and the marching season gets under way.
Mohamed Salah, footballer, Egypt and political opposition from a vocal, and potentially ple, the government is still not sharing customs Brussels will clearly need to make concessions to
Liverpool FC, 29; Lord (Larry) Whitty, violent, subsection of the unionist and loyalist data, nor has work yet begun on building the per- ease political tensions in Northern Ireland. But a
general secretary of the Labour Party communities. But the EU’s inflexibility hardly manent border inspection posts at Northern Irish deal will also require Mr Johnson to convince
(1985-94), 78; Xi Jinping, president of China, comes as a surprise given it was one of the reasons ports and airports. That has fuelled doubts as to Brussels that he is a man of his word.
Communist Party chief and chairman,
China’s Central Military Commission, 68.

On this day A Stitch In Time

In 1896 an earthquake of magnitude 8.5
struck the Sanriku coast of Japan and the Second-hand clothes are reshaping the fashion industry for the better
resultant tsunami killed more than 20,000
people; in 1979 the post-punk band Joy As a child in 1950s Tennessee Dolly Parton was, with 37 per cent of millennials and 18 per cent of they will need to change their ways if they are to
Division released their debut album, she sang, as rich as she could be wearing her coat Gen X. Naturally, an app has been created to cater attract younger buyers. Primark, the brand that
Unknown Pleasures, their only album issued of many colours that her momma had stitched for them. As we report today Sojo, which was became a byword for fast fashion, last year
during the lifetime of the singer, Ian Curtis. together from rags. The same could be said for founded by a 23-year-old and aims to become the launched a sustainable range of garments made
today’s young people, who are discovering the joys Deliveroo of clothes alterations, has been down- entirely from recycled materials. Depop, a trading
of handmade clothing, though not through lack of loaded thousands of times since launching in platform for used clothes, has become so success-
The last word funds. Generation Z, or those born from the mid- January. ful that it was sold this month for £1.1 billion.
1990s onwards, are championing second-hand Cynics will sneer that this generation’s idea of This has widespread ramifications, improving
“Failure is delay, but not defeat. It is a and handmade clothes in opposition to the dam- sticking it to the man by rehemming an old pair of welfare standards for workers and reducing the
temporary detour, not a dead-end street.” age caused by fast fashion, an industry that com- trousers hardly compares to the anti-war marches environmental harms created through produc-
William Arthur Ward, motivational writer, prises 10 per cent of global carbon emissions. and civil rights sit-ins of previous eras of young tion. Just as Parton sung of her pride at wearing her
Thoughts of a Christian Optimist: The Words An estimated 46 per cent of people in this age progressives. But it is starting to have an impact, multicoloured jacket, so too can Gen Z-ers take
of William Arthur Ward (1968) bracket shopped second hand in 2019, compared with big corporations cottoning on to the fact that pride in their small acts of sartorial radicalism.
28 2GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

Migrants resume a ‘deadly game’
Italy of the migrants arriving in Italy this
Arrivals by boat year have sailed from Tunisia, and two
Tom Kington Lampedusa
Top five countries
thirds from Libya; a mix including sub-
Tourists were back at the Italian island 2021 Saharan Africans and Bangladeshis.
of origin
of Lampedusa yesterday, happily lining 16,000 Half of the 11,000 sailing from Libya
up to rent umbrellas at the town beach 2020 have been turned back by the Libyan
as the Mediterranean glittered before 5,500
them. Afghanistan “The Libyan traffickers are sending
What they could not see was another (to June 11, 2021 Syria more people to sea while the Libyan
vs same period 2020) Bangladesh
queue forming yards away, just over the coastguard are intercepting more
harbour wall, as 20 exhausted African people, who may make three or four
men, women and children filed off a ITALY attempts to get through. It is a kind of
police rescue vessel before being game,” Flavio Di Giacomo, a spokes-
packed into a van, some sitting on the man for the International Organisation
laps of others. As the van sped off into Sicily for Migration, said.
the hinterland, the Africans caught a Mediterranean It is a game with deadly consequen-
brief glimpse of the sunbathers slapping Sea ces: more than 700 migrants have
on oil, their first sight of Europe. TUNISIA drowned on the route to Italy this year.
Picked up at sea from the rickety The fate of those sent back is bleak.
wooden boat in which they made the “The number of migrants held in
perilous crossing from Libya, they were Tripoli Misrata official Libyan detention centres has in-
the latest group of migrants from north creased this year but the number does
Africa. The summer sailings have LIBYA not cover those picked up at sea. Where
started in earnest, with nearly 1,200 100 miles did they go? Sold to militias and tor-
migrants landing on Lampedusa at the tured?” Di Giacomo wondered.
weekend and a further 1,000 halted by ferries docked at a quay on a quiet side Concern for the plight of migrants is
the Libyan coastguard. of the island, each loading 600 mi- falling again in Italy as the hard-right
That took arrivals in Italy to more grants who will spend ten days moored politicians Matteo Salvini and Giorgia
than 16,000 this year, up from 5,500 at off Sicily, accompanied by Red Cross Meloni denounce the new arrivals, but
the same time last year, as Tunisians staff, interpreters and psychologists. in Lampedusa, where most make land-
escape their Covid-damaged economy, “We explain their rights, help them fall, a strong vein of tolerance persists.
Africans flee conflicts in the Sahel and contact families to say they are alive The first visitor in the mayor’s office
Libyan people-traffickers return to busi- after the crossing and give psychologi- yesterday was Vincenzo Partinico, 57, a
ness as fighting in their country fades. cal counselling, since many have been local fisherman, who recounted how
So far, the quick shuttling of the new tortured in Libya or have survived before dawn on Saturday he got the
arrivals from the port to Lampedusa’s shipwrecks,” Francesca Basile, a Red shock of his life as he was preparing to
fenced migrant centre, tucked out of Cross official, said. cast his nets out. “Out of the darkness a
town in a stony, cactus-filled valley, has About 10,000 migrants have quaran- small wooden boat with 24 Nigerians
kept tourists in the dark. “We heard tined on the ships this year, with 658 on board collided with my boat. Some
about the migrants a lot before we came testing positive for Covid-19. clambered on board and others fell in
but you don’t notice anything at all,” Lampedusa’s mayor, Toto Martello, is the water,” he said.
said Stefania Fiora, 34, a building banking on a busy tourist season, Partinico and a colleague helped the
manager from Asti, northern Italy. particularly after a lightning vaccina- migrants on board his 30ft boat and
At the migrant centre soldiers pa- tion campaign ensured that 85 per cent gave them water, food and dry clothes
trolled the high metal fence, which has of the 6,500 population have had both before handing them over to a coast-
replaced the old wire fence the inmates jabs. “The problem is the headlines on guard vessel.
used to slip through to go shopping in Italian TV still talk about a migrant “They had little fuel, they wouldn’t
town. Inside, a group of Tunisian teen- invasion in Lampedusa, which could have made it. They needed help and I
agers had built a tent from blankets to scare people off,” he said. wanted to do all I could,” he said. Re-
keep out the sun. “No money in Tunisia, Italy is working hard to persuade EU turning to port, he was shocked to be
we want to go to Milan,” Ali, 15, said. states to take a share of the new arrivals told that he faced arrest because the
The Italian government has other and is urging Brussels to invest more in coastguard had figured out he was fish-
plans for them, using four large passen- Tunisia, helping the economy to en- ing in an area his licence did not cover.
ger ferries it has rented to quarantine courage young people there to stay put. Martello listened to the story and
new arrivals before they are dispersed Until that happens a bilateral deal al- promised to help, saying: “It makes no
to migrant centres around the country. lows only 80 Tunisian migrants to be sense that you save lives and get
On Sunday and yesterday two of the repatriated each week. About one third punished instead of getting a reward.” A boat with 93 migrants on board drifts in the Mediterranean before members of

Putin is a bright and worthy adversary, says Biden before meeting

David Charter Washington erate and acts in the way he has in the Biden said he was sure that other Putin said: “If we agree to extradite
past relative to cybersecurity and some leaders believed “the vast centre” of criminals, then of course Russia will do
President Biden called Russia’s leader other activities, then we will respond in America was a “decent honourable that, but only if the other side, in this
“tough”, “bright” and a “worthy adver- kind,” he said. nation”. Biden said he believed that the case the United States, agrees to the
sary” in advance of their face-to-face “I have met with him — he’s bright, Republican party was “vastly dimin- same and will extradite the criminals in
encounter in Geneva tomorrow, as the he’s tough and I’ve found that he is, as ished in numbers” with a leadership question to the Russian Federation.”
President Putin denied hacking attacks they say when I used to play ball, a wor- that was “fractured”. At the G7 in Cornwall Biden said: “If
on the US election. thy adversary.” He added: “The Trump wing is the there’s crimes committed against
Biden stressed that he would offer co- Asked by a journalist whether he bulk of the party but it makes up a sig- Russia . . . and the people committing
operation on areas of common interest stood by remarks in a TV interview in nificant minority of the American those crimes are being harboured in the
despite their many disputes, suggesting March agreeing that Putin was a killer, people. And we’ll see, we’ll see.” United States, I’m committed to hold-
that he hopes to turn a corner with Pu- Biden, 78, said: “The answer is, I believe Lamenting “President Trump’s pho- ing them accountable. I think that’s
tin, 68, after agreeing with him that he has in the past, essentially, acknowl- ny populism”, he added: “At the end of potentially a good sign and progress.”
relations were at a historic low point. edged that he was, or certain things, the day we’ve been through periods like In a later briefing Jake Sullivan, the
The US president used a Nato sum- that he would do or did do. When I was President Biden said that the US could this in American history before . . . I US national security adviser, clarified
mit in Brussels to gauge views from asked that question on air I answered it co-operate with Russia if Putin wished think this is passing. I don’t mean easily that Biden was not talking about a
allies including leaders of the Baltic honestly. I don’t think it matters a passing, that’s why it’s so important that prisoner exchange deal. “What he was
nations and Poland and said that every- whole lot in terms of the meeting we’re tion of abiding by basic fundamental I succeed in my agenda.” saying was that if Vladimir Putin wants
one believed he was doing the right about to have.” human rights. It would be a tragedy. It The White House poured cold water to come and say, ‘I’m prepared to make
thing in sitting down with Putin. Responding to a question about the would do nothing but hurt relations on an offer by Putin to negotiate a re- sure that cybercriminals are held ac-
“I will make clear to President Putin plight of the jailed Russian opposition with the rest of the world, and me.” ciprocal deal on handing over cyber- countable’, Joe Biden is perfectly will-
that there are areas where we can leader Alexei Navalny, Biden said: “Na- Asked how he could guarantee his criminals, which Biden initially wel- ing to show up and say cybercriminals
co-operate if he chooses,” Biden said at valny’s death would be another indica- message that “America is back” against comed as “potentially a good sign and will be held accountable in America,
Nato HQ. “If he chooses not to co-op- tion that Russia has little or no inten- a return of Trump era unpredictability, progress”. In an interview on Sunday, because they already are.”
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GM 29

The World at Five

What does Putin really
want from Biden?
In depth and online today at 5pm

to reach holiday isle US states start

to ban teaching
of race theory
United States What’s the big idea?
Will Pavia New York
Laws banning the teaching of “critical Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic,
race theory” are being proposed in state legal scholars at the University of
legislatures all over America as part of Alabama School of Law, co-authored
a new culture war. a widely used primer on critical race
The theory holds that racism is not theory first published 2001. The
simply a personal prejudice but a theory holds that white supremacy,
broader social disease, embedded in in- and the racism that stems from it, is
stitutions and government policies. deeply embedded in laws and
Discussed for decades in academic institutions and is not merely a
circles, it jumped into the national con- personal prejudice. It had its origins
sciousness last year after the police kill- in a recognition among academics
ing of George Floyd and a reckoning on in the 1970s “that the heady
the issue that was felt on city streets, in advances of the civil rights era of
corporate boardrooms and in schools. the 1960s had stalled and, in many
Parents protesting about critical race respects, were being rolled back”.
theory regard it as an insidious and di- Delgado and other scholars such as
visive ideology to which they were Derrick Bell, the first African-
alerted during the pandemic when they American to gain tenure at Harvard
happened to overhear their children’s Law School, argued that new
lessons during remote schooling. In theories were needed to combat
Virginia a mother named Xi Van Fleet “subtler forms of racism”. While
became a heroine for opponents when traditional discussions about civil
she compared it to the doctrines she rights stress incremental change
had been taught as a child in Mao’s and “step-by-step progress, critical
China. “You are now teaching, training race theory questions the very
our children to be social justice warriors foundations of the liberal order”,
and to loathe our country and our his- they write.
tory,” she said to cheers at a meeting of Critical race theory has ignited a
the Loudoun County school board. debate over equality of treatment
Six states have passed laws banning and equality of outcomes. In
its use in schools and a further 13 are education, this has led to arguments
considering similar legislation. In Mon- over whether admissions tests for
tana the theory was effectively blocked elite public high schools enforce
by Austin Knudsen, the state’s attor- inequality by effectively
ney-general, who released an opinion discriminating against
declaring it “discriminatory”. disadvantaged students. Critics of
Some of the loudest arguments in the the theory say it does a disservice to
battle over the theoryeory have black p p by suggesting
erupted over its teaching that they sshould be held
at private schools, which to a low
lower standard.
are freer to make ke
changes to their cur--
riculums, but which tue of race or sex, is
have to answer to in
inherently privi-
wealthier, more leged, racist, sexist,
Médecins Sans Frontières transfer them onto a rescue vessel. Top: Vincenzo Partinico, a local fisherman, saved 24 Nigerians influential or
o oppressive,
parents. w
whether con-
Last week an sc
sciously or subcon-

Justice chief quits in snooping furore English teacher at a

private school in
New Jersey said she
had resigned because
sciously” or that
they bear responsi-
ility for actions com-
mitted by others of the
Alistair Dawber Washington least 12 people connected to the House gations mounted around him, Trump the principal had begun rac in the past.
same race
intelligence panel, including aides and demanded loyalty from the justice rding to
dividing staff according It also ba
bars the idea that “a
The justice department’s top national family members. One of the 12 was a department and details on any infor- ked to see my-
their race. “I was asked meritocracy is in inherently racist or
security official is resigning after child at the time. mation being leaked to the committee i
self as a white woman primarily, il as th
the i t” or might
sexist” i ht bbe ddesigned to exclude
revelations that the phone data of The subpoena, issued on February 6, and others, including reporters. most important defining characteris- others.
senior Democrats and journalists were 2018, requested information on 73 Don McGhan, a White House tics of myself,” Dana Stangel-Plowe That is a hot topic in the broader de-
seized during the Trump era as part of phone numbers and 36 email addresses, counsel at the time, was one of those told NBC bate over the theory, which often pits
a leak investigation. Apple said. It also included a non- whose records were sought. It is The push, advanced by Republican- advocates of equality of opportunity
John Demers, one of the few leading disclosure order that prohibited the unheard of for the justice department held legislatures, has alarmed some against those who seek to recognise
Trump appointees still in office at the company from notifying any of the to secretly collect information on a teachers who say the laws are so broad that some students are disadvantaged.
department, will leave next week, people, which was renewed three times. sitting White House lawyer. that they could effectively ban discus- There have been disputes in school
according to the Associated Press. Demers has run the department’s “These actions appear to be yet sions of large sections of American his- board meetings about the use of tests
His departure follows reports that national security division since another egregious assault on our tory and literature. “This is an assault and selective admissions policies in
in 2018 the department secretly February 2018, and was sworn in a few democracy” waged by the former presi- on the craft of teaching,” Brittany Pas- public schools.
subpoenaed the Apple data records of weeks after the subpoena was issued. dent, Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic chall, an English teacher in Nashville, Many conservatives see the fight
Democratic members of the House At the time of the subpoena, the House speaker said after the New York said. Paschall, who is black, said the new against critical race theory as a rallying
intelligence committee. Officials de- Trump administration was enraged Times revealed the subpoenas. law passed in Tennessee was “asking cry, but it has not been universally
manded the records of Adam Schiff and about the investigations, conducted President Biden has nominated me to ignore parts of my own identity”. adopted by Republicans. A bill target-
Eric Swalwell, who were investigating firstly by Congress and by Robert Matt Olsen, who has previously The law bans teachers from “promot- ing the theory in the classrooms of Ken-
President Trump’s ties to Russia. At the Mueller, the special counsel at the time, worked at the justice department and ing” the idea that “an individual, by vir- tucky was opposed by Mitch McCon-
time Schiff was the top Democrat on the into his campaign’s ties to Russia. Schiff served as director of the national nell, 79, the Republican Senate minor-
panel, which was led by a Republican. was frequently called out on Twitter by counterterrorism centre, to be the next Dana Stangel-Plowe resigned from her ity leader, who said he did not believe
Apple eventually shared with Trump, who described the Mueller assistant attorney-general for national teaching job when the school “began the government should “be able to dic-
government officials the records of at inquiry as a witch hunt. As the investi- security. dividing staff according to their race” tate, in effect, what’s taught”.
30 2GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


Suu Kyi faces Political scientist to

avoid abuse charges
France A Parisian political
scientist who was accused in a

life sentence as
book this year of sexually abusing
his stepson will face no charges
because the alleged crimes fall
outside the statute of limitations,
prosecutors said. Olivier

her trial begins

Duhamel was accused by his
stepdaughter Camille Kouchner
in January of abusing her twin
brother when they were
teenagers in the late 1980s.

in closed court
Kouchner’s book, titled La Familia
Grande, led to a major public
debate over the prevalence of
incest and child sex abuse in
France. Duhamel, 71, was
interviewed by police in April and
Myanmar who left the party after being sent to admitted “with difficulty” to the
prison for his part in a fight, is due to allegations against him. (AFP)
Richard Lloyd Parry Asia Editor
give evidence today claiming that Suu
Matthew Camilleri Yangon
Kyi broke social distancing rules. Woman killed by car
Aung San Suu Kyi, who was deposed as Suu Kyi is also charged with breaking
democratic leader of Myanmar in a the Official Secrets Act, spreading in- driven into protesters
military coup five months ago, ap- formation that could cause alarm, and United States A woman aged 31
peared before court yesterday on the corruption. Last week she was accused was killed and three people
first of a number of charges. She faces of abusing her authority to gain favour- injured when a vehicle hit
a life sentence. able terms for properties rented by a demonstrators during a protest in
The closed hearing in the capital, foundation that she led. Separately, a Minneapolis. The driver, who has
Naypyidaw, was attended only by convicted drug smuggler with connec- not been named, was taken into
guards, judges, prosecutors and Suu tions to the junta claims to have paid custody after being pulled from
Kyi’s own lawyers, who have been al- her bribes of more than half a million the car and was being treated in
lowed to meet her only twice. dollars. Another former supporter, now hospital. The protest was taking
Along with international organisa- detained, claims to have given her place in a neighbourhood where a
tions, foreign governments and her $600,000 and 11kg of gold. black man being arrested was
many supporters, Suu Kyi’s lawyers in- “This is the opening salvo in a strate- fatally shot this month. (AP)
sist that the charges are politically mo- gy to neuter Suu Kyi and the National
tivated to justify the army’s seizure of League for Democracy party as a force I’m fine, says reporter
power on February 1 and its brutal sup- that can challenge military rule,” Phil
pression of the opposition. Robertson, of Human Rights Watch, removed from flight
Suu Kyi’s legal team said that two said. “With the restrictions on access to Belarus Roman Protasevich, 26,
police officers gave evidence in support her lawyers, and the case being heard the journalist taken off a Ryanair
of the first two least serious char- in front of a court beholden to the flight that was forced to divert to
ges — the illegal importation and junta, there is little likelihood Minsk, has told a news
possession of walkie-talkies used she will receive a fair trial.” conference that he was fine and
by her bodyguards, and breaking The US embassy in Yangon had not been beaten up in
social distancing rules during last tweeted a line from a statement custody. “I understand the
year’s election campaign. by the leaders of the G7 in Corn- damage I have caused not only to
One of her lawyers, Khin Maung wall. It said: “We condemn in the the state but also to the country,”
Zaw, said that she “paid keen atten- strongest terms the military coup he said. The opposition said that
tion” to the proceedings and in Myanmar, and the vio- his statement had been made
was in good health, apart lence committed by My- under duress. (Reuters)
from a slight toothache. anmar’s security forces,
“We are hoping for the and we call for the imme- Veteran ex-president
best but prepared for the diate release of those de-
worst,” he said. tained arbitrarily.” admitted to hospital
On trial with Suu Kyi, Min Aung Hlaing, the Zambia The former president
75, are Win Myint, 69, general who seized Kenneth Kaunda, one of Africa’s
who was president while power, insists the coup most respected elder statesmen,
Suu Kyi was in effect the was necessary because of has been admitted to hospital in
national leader, and Myo “voter fraud” and has the capital, Lusaka. Kaunda, 97,
Aung, 70, the former promised that free elec- ruled Zambia for 27 years after it
mayor of Naypyidaw. tions will eventually be held. gained independence from Britain
Tun Myint Aung, a At least 863 opponents of in 1964, ceding power in multi-
former local NLD official the coup have been killed by party elections in 1991. He went
soldiers and police, many on to mediate crises in Zimbabwe
Aung San Suu Kyi, 75, is with sniper shots during Crash, bang, wallop Make-up artists have been busy preparing Anne Hathaway and South Africa and became an
“prepared for the worst” peaceful demonstrations. for some bloody scenes as she films the mini-series WeCrashed in New York Aids campaigner. (AFP)

Police suspended over

China ‘raised safety limit’ to Netanyahu snubs handover free burgers demand
Pakistan Police detained staff at a

keep nuclear plant running ceremony for his successor takeaway restaurant in Lahore
after they were refused free
burgers. All 19 workers were held
for hours as customers awaited
China China’s air Israel illustrated on Sunday when, after his their food. Nine officers were
defence rivals secured a confidence vote back- suspended after an outcry. The
Adam Sage Paris CHINA
zone Anshel Pfeffer Jerusalem
Chunx ing the formation of a new government, Johnny & Jugnu chain said that it
Didi Tang Beijing Shirab
gas fiel Binyamin Netanyahu snubbed his suc- Netanyahu returned to the prime min- was not the first time it had
The US is investigating claims that Taishan cessor, Naftali Bennett, by refusing to ister’s seat in the Knesset. happened. Imran Khan, the prime
nuclear plant Taipei
China responded to a leak at a nuclear Japan’s a attend a traditional ceremony marking A Likud colleague then tapped him minister, has called for reform of
power station that posed an “imminent defence
TAIWAN the transition of power. on the shoulder and led him to the the region’s police force. (AFP)
radiological threat” by raising the Hong Instead of attending the event at the leader of the opposition’s seat, where he
safety limit to keep it open. Kong prime minister’s office in Jerusalem, had not been since 2009. Houses on sale for 11p
Instead of shutting the new genera- Netanyahu, who was in power for 12 Netanyahu, 71, has accused Bennett,
tion European Pressurised Reactor 100 miles years, held a perfunctory meeting with 49, of carrying out “the biggest election to fill emptying town
(EPR) at Taishan in the southern prov- Bennett that lasted half an hour. fraud in history”, since he promised Croatia Houses are on sale for
ince of Guangdong, Chinese officials workers or people living near the plant. According to David Bitan, a former voters, during the last election cam- the equivalent of 11p to try to halt
increased the authorised level of radia- The Biden administration has decided chief whip of Netanyahu’s Likud, it rep- paign, not to join a government with a decline in population. Leaders
tion, EDF, the French state energy that the incident at Taishan has yet to resented an effort to avoid giving “any the Islamist party Ra’am, or a govern- in Legrad say that 17 people have
group, is said to have told Washington. reach “crisis level”. legitimacy to Bennett’s premiership”. ment that would make Yair Lapid, the bought so far. There is interest
EDF, which designed the new reac- However, EDF hinted that informa- Netanyahu did, however, attend a leader of the centrist party, Yesh Atid, from abroad but buyers must
tors, is also involved in a joint venture tion was being withheld by the Chinese. meeting of members of the parties that prime minister. be Croatian, under 40 and willing
with China General Nuclear Power In a statement the French state group were part of his last government, now Ra’am is a member of the new gov- to commit themselves to living in
Group to build two EPRs at Hinkley demanded an extraordinary board the opposition, where he promised to ernment and under the coalition agree- Legrad for 15 years. Once a big
Point in Somerset. meeting of the joint venture running “topple this dangerous left-wing gov- ment that Bennett has signed Lapid is trading town, Legrad became a
Officials are said to have concluded the plant “for management to present ernment — a government of deceit”. due to replace him as prime minister in backwater after the fall of the
that there was no severe safety threat to all the data and necessary decisions”. His reluctance to accept defeat was two years. Austro-Hungarian empire in 1918.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GM 31


Priest blames
murders on
wife’s affair
Isambard Wilkinson Madrid
A priest has attracted widespread
revulsion in Spain by saying that a man
suspected of murdering his two young
daughters was a victim of their mother’s
Fernando Báez Santana, a parish
priest in the Canary Islands where the
girls lived, put the blame for the alleged
murders committed by Tomás Gimeno,
their father, on their mother, saying
that she had “reaped what she sowed”
by ending their relationship. He added
that forming a bond between her
daughters and her new partner
amounted to “stealing the children”.
On radio and on social media the
priest said that he considered that the
alleged killer was another victim of
marital breakdown and “infidelity”,
stating that the girls would be alive if
the mother had not ended the marriage
because “before, men put up with
women even if they went crazy”. The
bishop of the Canary Islands con-
demned the comments.
Gimeno, 37, disappeared out to sea in
his speedboat with his two daughters
aged one and six on April 27 after he
was allowed to take them out by their
mother, Beatriz Zimmermann, 35.
S h dog story The 145th Westminster Dog Show relocated from cramped Manhattan to roomy Lyndhurst Mansion in Tarrytown, They were reported missing that night.
York, where, with no spectators present, Attison, a Komondor Hungarian sheepdog, lost to the best in show Wasabi, a Pekingese
New Y Gimeno and Zimmermann had
separated and he resented her relation-
ship with another man. He called her to

Green Beret veteran and son admit

say that she would never see their
daughters or him again. Police found
the body of the six-year-old inside a bag
weighed down by the anchor of her
father’s boat on the seabed off Tenerife.

helping Nissan chief to flee justice A second empty bag was also found,
raising concerns that it may have con-
tained the body of the one-year-old girl.
An international arrest warrant has
been issued for Gimeno.
Japan pounds in income after his eventual re- Peter and Michael then to Kansai airport. Zayek is said to
tirement as chairman of Nissan. He was Taylor spirited have discovered that luggage too large
Richard Lloyd Parry Tokyo
A US special forces veteran and his son
have appeared in court and admitted
also accused of using the company to
cover personal trading losses with the
help of a Saudi businessman, and
Carlos Ghosn
onto a private jet
to be x-rayed in the private jet terminal
there would be checked by hand, but
that the pilot of a plane could waive this
King dragged
helping Carlos Ghosn, the former head
of Nissan, to flee criminal charges in
Tokyo by hiding him in a box aboard a
paying about £3 million of company
money to himself, disguised as a reward
for a Middle Eastern car dealership.
The Taylors fought for ten months to
avoid extradition but the American
into Catalan
private jet.
Michael Taylor, 60, and his son Peter
Taylor, 28, both US citizens, face up to
He spent 130 days in pre-trial custody
and was bailed after his lawyers per-
suaded the court that he would not flee,
ning. Peter Taylor was a regular visitor
to Lebanon and the pair were ap-
proached by Ghosn’s wife, Carole.
courts rejected claims by their lawyers
that they would face torture in Japan.
Michael Taylor, a former Green Beret,
pardons row
three years in prison after losing a bat- but in December 2019 the Taylors Ghosn spoke to them on a phone that previously served 14 months in prison
tle against extradition to Japan to face helped him to do exactly that. They was concealed from the authorities in Utah for bribery connected to secur- Isambard Wilkinson
charges over Ghosn’s escape in 2019. took him from Tokyo to Osaka and in Tokyo, who were monitoring ity contracts in Afghanistan.
Defendants in Japanese courts do smuggled him on to a private plane, him as a condition of his bail. Greg Kelly, a former colleague of King Felipe of Spain has been dragged
not offer a simple guilty or not guilty hidden in a box that supposedly They were allegedly assisted Ghosn’s at Nissan, is on trial in Tokyo into a fierce national debate over the
plea, but both men said “no” when they contained musical equipment. Ac- by a third man, a Lebanese- on charges that could bring a ten-year Socialist-led government’s plan to par-
were asked by the chief judge at the cording to the prosecution they American named George-Anto- prison sentence. He denies wrongdo- don jailed Catalan separatist leaders.
Tokyo district court yesterday if they were paid $1.3 million. ine Zayek, who like Ghosn ing. In March a court in Turkey gave Isabel Díaz Ayuso, the conservative
had any objection to the charges of as- The Taylors do not de- remains at liberty in suspended sentences to the two pilots head of the Madrid region, implied that
sisting in the escape of a criminal. They ny involvement in the Lebanon, which does not of the plane on which he made his es- the king would be made an “accom-
were led into court handcuffed and escape, but insist that have an extradition trea- cape, as well as an airline employee. plice” as she demanded that the gov-
with ropes around their waists. they did not break Jap- ty with Japan. The three In a recent interview, Ghosn declined ernment of Pedro Sánchez, the prime
Ghosn, 67, was arrested in November anese law. met Ghosn the day to comment on the case. “I don’t want to minister, clarify whether it would make
2018 and charged with conspiring to The prosecutors said before his escape and make anyone’s life more difficult than it him sign a decree granting the pardons.
conceal from Japanese regulators plans the escape was six took him by bullet is today,” he said, “particularly when Under Spanish law the monarch has
to pay himself tens of millions of months in the plan- train to Osaka, and they are suspected of having helped me.” a formal role in approving the govern-
ment’s decrees. “What will the King of
Spain do now? Will he sign those par-

French motorists fume as more cities ban old diesel cars dons?” Ayuso, of the Popular Party,
asked. “Will they make him an
accomplice to that?”
She was speaking at a rally in Madrid
France already bar older vehicles on weekdays. holds, the ones that do not have the organisation that represents working where 25,000 people protested against
In greater Paris, all diesel vehicles made means to live in city centres and who drivers, predicted another uprising. “I the planned pardon of 12 Catalan sepa-
Charles Bremner Paris
before 2005 are prohibited and the new most need their vehicle to get around don’t know which protest colour the ratists convicted for their role in an ille-
Motorists are rebelling against meas- measure will banish all diesels from every day.” government is going to create for us this gal independence referendum in 2017.
ures that could banish up to 70 per cent January 2024. Next year the Marseilles The group, which has asked drivers to time if they stay on this path,” he said. Nine of them were handed jail terms of
of vehicles from cities by 2025. region, Toulouse, Strasbourg and bombard politicians with protests, said The new system imposes increasing between nine and 13 years in 2019.
The creation of ten low-emission Rouen will join the low-emission list. that the law would mean that “seven restrictions according to a vehicle’s age. Sánchez’s fragile coalition govern-
zones has caused anger over the plight The law has been drafted to comply out of ten people will no longer have the The environment ministry said that ment relies on the support of a Catalan
of poorer motorists similar to the with EU emissions goals, but a cam- freedom to move around in less than every year in the Paris region 2,500 separatist party. Polls show that some
emotion over high diesel prices and paign group called 40 Million Motor- four years’ time”. Their only sin was “to people died from atmospheric pollu- 63 per cent of Spaniards oppose the
low-speed limits that led to the yellow ists said: “The traffic restrictions im- have legally bought a car that suited tion and that France offered the most pardons. The supreme court has voiced
vest protests in 2018 and 2019. posed are discriminatory because they their needs and their budget”, it said. generous aid of any European state to its disapproval in a report, saying it
The Paris area, Lyons and Grenoble will most penalise low-income house- Francis Bartholomé, president of an people replacing an old vehicle. would be “an unacceptable solution”.
32 1GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


Father dies leaving 38

wives and 89 children

n Indian man not strictly true. He
believed to often calls me by my
head the brothers’ names, but I
world’s understand.”
largest family Aside from married
has died aged 76, leaving daughters who live
behind roughly 38 wives, elsewhere with their
89 children and 33 husbands, the entire
grandchildren (Amrit family stay under the
Dhillon writes). same roof at New
Ziona Chana, whose Generation Home,
four-storey home in which is fitted with bunk
Baktawng village, beds and plyboard
Mizoram state, was partitions for privacy.
something of a tourist Chana’s wives took it in
attraction, would often turns to share his bed.
forget how many wives The women do all the
and children he had. housework while the
He belonged to a men look after their
polygamous sect created farm and livestock. The
by his grandfather and family runs a furniture
took his first bride, business for income.
Zathiangi, when he was Meals are cooked in a
17. She still runs the common kitchen the
show as the “head wife”. size of an underground Ziona Chana’s
He claimed to car park. A typical meal family have a
remember the name of involves boiling 100kg of four-storey
every family member rice, plucking 30 home in
but one of his older sons, chickens and peeling Mizoram state,
Lianzuala, said: “That’s 60kg of potatoes. northeast India

Mysterious pink snow sends a

red alert over climate change
France Scientists believe “The snow is alive and populated high altitudes, as well as in the Arctic
that microalgae in with microalgae,” says the Alpaga web- and Antarctic regions.”
Adam Sage Paris the snow generate site. “It is a sort of ‘ocean’ at our door.” One explanation for the spread of red
Aristotle was among the first thinkers pigments that act as The study focused on the Chloro- snows could be global warming, the sci-
to become interested in the red snow he a shield to protect phyceae class of microalgae, which in entists say. Microalgae capture carbon
is thought to have discovered on Mount them during the hot the winter are green and invisible to the dioxide when exposed to light, turning
Parnassus in the 4th century BC. summer months naked eye. In the summer, the it into organic matter and placing them
The Greek philosopher ascribed the Sanguina genus of the microalgae be- at the foundation of ecosystems in soil,
colour to hairy worms living in freezing comes loaded with pigments which water and snow.
conditions at high altitude. e. The phe- protect them from the sun, turning With climate change, the amount of
nomenon has mystified climbers the snow re reddish. carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is in-
and scientists ever since. “It’s w when the sun’s rays creasing. “It is therefore expected that
Now a team of French re- becom
become strong, from May certain microalgae respond positively
searchers have attempted to onwa
onwards, that the algae to this increase, behaving as markers of
explain the strange red huee crea
create a protective shield climate change,” the website says.
of snow in the Alps and of red molecules that are Preliminary work using a technique
other mountain ranges, lik
like a sun cream,” said called metabarcoding enabled the re-
prompted by signs that É
Éric Maréchal, director searchers to identify the microalgae’s
snow is getting redder all o
of the Cell and Plant DNA, and to determine that the San-
the time. P
Physiology Laboratory guina genus is to be found mainly above
Aristotle was not all at the French National 2,000 metres in the Alps.
that far wrong, according C
Centre for Scientific Yet scientists are unsure about what
to the first findings of Al- Re
Research in Grenoble. impact the microalgae have on melting
paga, the project which “
“That coincides with glaciers and snow. They suspect that
has brought together scien-- the moment they multiply because the red pigments soak up the
tists from across Europe. and produce surreal land- heat they are accelerating environmen-
The red is indeed produced scapes on the summits.” tal change.
by organisms in the snow — not re
The researchers say on their “Even if it is marvellous to see micro-
by hairy worms, but by microalgae w ebsite: “T
website: “The appearance of ‘red algae developing in the snow, one of the
that inhabit ecosystems up to 3,000 snows’, already known in antiquity, consequences is . . . the disappearance
metres above sea level. seems to be mor more and more frequent at of their environment,” Maréchal added.

Diplomats ‘made millions from bootlegging and bars’

South Africa wi and Lesotho have been given 72 last year — which included the lock-
hours to leave “after an intensive down ban and a later limit on sales of
Jane Flanagan
investigation into their flouting of alcohol and cigarettes — 2,200 diplo-
More than 200 diplomats are facing diplomatic privileges”, Clayson Mony- mats allegedly spent an average of
expulsion from South Africa for alle- ela, of the Department of International £3.8 million between them every
gedly running illegal alcohol and ciga- Relations and Co-operation, said. month at the shops, just over £1,700 per
rette rackets that cost £5 million a Citing a breach of the 1961 Vienna head.
month in lost taxes. Convention, which defines diplomatic The diplomats were not only selling
Representatives from ten African relations between independent coun- their allowances but also allegedly run-
countries are embroiled in the scandal, tries, he added: “There’s more, watch ning illegal bars in townships. The liqu-
in which one deputy ambassador alle- this space. More expulsions will follow.” or said to be involved included Scotch
gedly pocketed £1.85 million from boot- South Africa allows 171 embassies whiskies, high-end gins and vodka.
legging during last year’s lockdown, and international organisations in Pre- The diplomats were Treasury data shows that the govern-
when sales of alcohol and tobacco were toria to purchase from duty-free shops accused of running ment lost £404 million in taxes during
banned. established to service the diplomatic illegal bars in South the ban. Critics said that it fuelled the
Most staff at the missions from Mala- community. During a six-month period African townships illegal trade and cost thousands of jobs.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1G M 33

world markets (Change on the day) commodities currencies
FTSE 100 Dow Jones Gold Brent crude (6pm) £/$ £/€
7,146.68 (+12.62) 34,393.75 (-85.85) $1,864.46 (-15.04) $ $73.03 (+0.20) $ $1.4118 (+0.0006) $ €1.1641 (-0.0023) ¤
7,500 36,000 2,000 75 1.450 1.200

7,000 34,000 1,800 70 1.400 1.175

6,500 32,000 1,600 65 1.350 1.150

6,000 30,000 1,400 60 1.300 1.125

May 13 21 June 1 9 May 14 24 June 1 9 May 14 24 June 1 9 May 14 24 June 1 9 May 14 24 June 1 9 May 14 24 June 1 9

Economists relaxed about impact of longer pandemic restrictions

James Hurley, Phil Aldrick of Covid-19, economists predicted that lifting of most remaining restrictions ruary 2020 peak in August, rather than as the prime minister did not outline
the move would have limited effect on from June 21 to July 19 a “huge blow for July. “As long as any further delays can additional support for employers.
The government’s extension of pan- GDP. us and the entire hospitality industry”. be measured in weeks rather than Business groups said that hundreds of
demic restrictions in England for an The delay, confirmed by Boris John- The Night Time Industries Association months, Covid-19 probably won’t leave thousands of jobs were being put at
extra four weeks will have little impact son last night, means that nightclubs said that it was “devastating”. a big scar on the size of the economy,” additional risk. The pubs industry said
on the economic recovery, experts have will stay closed for at least another four An extension of the advice for people he said, adding that pubs and restau- the delay would cost it £400 million.
said. weeks, while the rest of the hospitality to work from home if possible will mean rants accounted for 2 per cent of GDP. Returning costs faced by businesses
As business leaders warned that the industry must continue to limit the that trade remains subdued for busi- Paul Donovan, said that the eco- include employer contributions to the
night-time economy and the hospi- number of people that can be served nesses that rely on commuters. nomic damage caused by the delay furlough scheme, the tapering down of
tality sector were facing a “cliff edge” as indoors. However, Paul Dales, at Capital would be “relatively slight”. a business rates holiday for hospitality
a result of the delay to the end of Nick Mackenzie, chief executive of Economics, the consultancy, said that Even so, the government could be on and the end of a moratorium over
measures meant to control the spread Greene King, called the delay on the Britain’s GDP would be back at its Feb- a collision course with business leaders evictions linked with rental debts.


Glaxo signs
$2bn cancer
therapy deal
Drugs group sharpens focus on cancer treatments
Alex Ralph companies, employing 94,000 people
and valued at about £71 billion on the
GlaxoSmithKline has agreed to pay an London Stock Exchange. Dame Emma
American biotechnology company up Walmsley, its chief executive, is under
to $2.1 billion to collaborate on an pressure to develop more blockbuster
experimental cancer treatment. drugs and to improve returns and its
The British drugs group, which is share price after Elliott Management,
seeking to revive its pipeline of medi- the American activist hedge fund, took
cines amid pressure from investors, will a stake in April.
pay iTeos Therapeutics $625 million up Shares in GSK, which are down by
front to co-develop and commercialise 15 per cent since 2017, closed up 4p, or
an immuno-oncology drug. 0.3 per cent, at £14.07½p. In New York,
GSK will pay up to an additional iTeos rose by by 36 per cent to $27.30.
$1.5 billion in milestone payments if the Walmsley, 52, has focused on re-
drug proves successful in clinical trials building the oncology franchise after
and is approved for use by regulators. Sir Andrew Witty, her predecessor, sold A whole new ball game Visitor numbers to retail destinations fell by 6.7 per cent last week from the previous seven days,
The FTSE 100 company has its marketed products to Novartis in according to Springboard, but there are hopes that football fans attending Euro 2020 gatherings will boost numbers
launched more than 20 deals since last 2015.
year as it invests in in its drug and Hal Barron, Glaxo’s chief scientific
vaccines pipeline, with a number of
important products facing generic
competition this decade. The latest
iTeos deal means that it has more than
officer and president of research and
development, said that immuno-
oncology, which harnesses a patient’s
immune system to help to fight
Vodafone rings changes on suppliers
sixteen oncology assets, including tumours, had “transformed cancer Alex Ralph and for existing technology by the end multiple sites, add or direct capacity
three approved drugs, which make up care”. However, he added that less than of 2027. more quickly, resolve outages instantly
about 25 per cent of its pipeline. 30 per cent of patients responded to the Vodafone has selected a group of Vodafone’s UK business is based in and provide businesses with on-de-
Analysts at Citigroup, its joint house existing leading drugs, called check- largely American and Asian suppliers Newbury, where it has a test site for mand connectivity”.
broker, questioned the cost of the tie- point inhibitors. to power its next-generation mobile open radio access network technology. Vodafone also also selected Cap-
up, saying that GlaxoSmithKline would The monoclonal antibody treatment network as the industry prepares for It allows mobile operators to mix and gemini, the French consulting group,
have enjoyed “superior economics for advanced solid tumours, known as the ban on Huawei. match equipment from various ven- and Keysight Technologies, of the
from its collaboration had it partnered EOS-448, targets a part of the immune The telecoms operator has awarded a dors, giving smaller suppliers the United States, to work on the network.
somewhat earlier”. system known as a checkpoint. It is contract to Samsung Electronics, NEC, chance to enter the 5G market. The initial focus is in Britain, where
At a capital markets day event next designed to inhibit a checkpoint called Dell and Wind River to build the first The government has set aside a 2,500 masts in southwest England and
week, GSK will outline its focus on the TIGIT, part of a network of check- open radio access network in Europe. £250 million fund to help to develop the covering most of Wales will be up-
immune system and the closer inte- points emerging as a promising target The deal boosts the emergence of technology, which Johan Wibergh, 57, graded.
gration of its pharmaceuticals and vac- for next-generation immunotherapies. alternative suppliers to compete with Vodafone’s chief technology officer, James Barford, head of telecoms
cines businesses after next summer’s GSK and iTeos plan to start Ericsson and Nokia, the Scandinavian said was “reinvigorating” the industry. research at Enders Analysis, said that
separation of its consumer healthcare combination studies of the drug with groups that, along with the Chinese “It will boost the digital economy by Vodafone was “taking quite a conserva-
division. It has the potential for more Jemperli, the former’s recently company, have dominated the equip- stimulating greater tech innovation tive approach” by choosing Samsung
deals, with Goldman Sachs estimating approved drug, next year. The British ment market for a decade. from a wider pool of vendors,” he said. and NEC, “who are significant players
that it has more than $10 billion of fire- group also is developing another drug Last year the government banned He added that the network would be globally but have struggled in Europe,
power. with 23andMe, a Silicon Valley-based the use of new Huawei equipment for automated, “meaning we can release as opposed to newer specialists such as
GSK is one of world’s largest drugs DNA testing company. 5G networks from the start of this year new features simultaneously across Airspan”.
34 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


Need to know
Rishi Sunak has rejected a call
from business leaders to extend
Bitcoin rallies Kicking off

after Musk’s
furlough, despite the delay in
ending lockdown. The scheme,
which pays 80 per cent of people’s
wages, is due to start being wound
down at the end of this month. December 20
Page 8 Talk of hedging against
inflation boosts interest

The vast majority of staff who
are not going into the office
want to continue working
from home for at least part of the
week, according to a survey. The
Office for National Statistics found
tweet of faith in bitcoin

March 24 Tesla starts accepting

bitcoin as payment for its cars
that 85 per cent of homeworkers Ben Martin, Callum Jones been speculative trading. Supporters
wanted to use a “hybrid approach” argue that this is on the cusp of
in future. Page 8 The price of bitcoin rose above $40,000 changing, amid significant interest
at one point yesterday after Elon Musk from investors and consumers.

Additional flights are being denied turning his back on the world’s Musk has become one of the most
introduced to countries on the largest cryptocurrency and manipulat- prominent backers of bitcoin and other
dwindling green list, including ing its value. digital currencies. As a result, all his
Gibraltar, Iceland and Israel, The Tesla chief executive said that comments on the subject, no matter
because of a surge in demand for the electric carmaker would accept how cryptic or lighthearted, are
foreign travel this summer. British payments in bitcoin for its vehicles once watched closely by retail investors, who
Airways, easyJet, Wizz Air and miners of the digital asset could show have poured money into the digital
Eastern Airways have all that they were powered by renewable asset. Tweets from Musk often precede
announced additional flights to energy. big fluctuations in the currency.
Gibraltar. Page 9 “When there’s confirmation of Tesla helped to push bitcoin higher in
reasonable (50%) clean energy usage February when the carmaker revealed

GlaxoSmithKline has agreed by miners with positive future trend, that it had invested $1.5 billion in the
to pay iTeos Therapeutics, an Tesla will resume allowing bitcoin cryptocurrency and would start
American biotechnology transactions,” Musk tweeted. accepting it for payments. A rally,
company, up to $2.1 billion to His intervention on Sunday was stimulated by signs of its shift from the
collaborate on an experimental prompted by a suggestion from another fringes of global finance to the main-
cancer treatment. The British executive that he had committed “price stream, resulted in its value of bitcoin
drugs group will pay $625 million manipulation”, an allegation that he more than doubling in the first three
up front to co-develop and dismissed as erroneous. Musk, 49, had months of the year and peaking above
commercialise an immuno- cooled on the idea of using the crypto- $60,000 in mid-April. Feb 8
oncology drug. Page 33 currency for car payments last month However, Musk reversed his stance Tesla discloses $1.5bn
amid concerns about the environ- last month, accelerating a drop in the Bitcoin investment

The government’s extension mental impact of miners’ activity. price. He said that he was concerned
of pandemic restrictions in Bitcoin rose by 9.4 per cent to about the energy consumption re-
England for an extra four $40,627.56 after the tweet before falling quired for bitcoin mining, the intensive
weeks will have little impact on back to be up 2.9 per cent at $39,695.45 computer-driven process through
the economic recovery, experts in New York last night. which new bitcoins enter circulation,
have said, but business leaders The price was bolstered further yes- and was reversing Tesla’s decision to
warned that the night time terday by an endorsement from Paul accept the currency as payment for its
economy and hospitality are Tudor Jones, 66, the prominent hedge vehicles.
facing a “cliff edge”. Page 33 fund manager. “I like bitcoin as a A mysterious tweet from Musk this
portfolio diversifier,” he told CNBC. month, in which he posted #bitcoin

Vodafone, the Newbury-based “Everybody asks me what should I do followed by a broken heart symbol,
operator, has selected a group with my bitcoin? The only thing I know further stoked fears among investors
of largely American and for certain: I want 5 per cent in gold, that the billionaire was falling out of
Asian suppliers to power its next- 5 per cent in bitcoin, 5 per cent in cash, love with the digital asset. May 12
generation mobile network as the 5 per cent in commodities.” In April Tesla reported a $101 million Tesla suspends
industry prepares for the ban on Andrew Bailey, governor of the Bank profit after selling some of its big bet in acceptance of
Huawei, of China. Page 33 of England, said that the central bank bitcoin, but Musk has suggested it is bitcoin over
was asking big questions about digital unlikely to do so again soon. He wrote environmental

The price of bitcoin has risen currencies and was seeking answers. on social media this weekend that the concerns
above $40,000 after Elon Bitcoin, which was created by a carmaker had sold only about 10 per
Musk denied turning his back secretive software developer using the cent of its investment to confirm that
on the world’s largest name Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, has the cryptocurrency “could be liquidat- 2020 2021
cryptocurrency and manipulating no physical form. While intended as an ed easily without moving [the] market”.
its value. The Tesla chief executive alternative means of payment for goods Bitcoin remains up by more than a December January February
said that the electric carmaker and services, the asset’s primary use has third from where it started the year. Source: Refinitiv
would accept payments in bitcoin
for its vehicles once miners of the
digital asset could show they were
powered by renewable energy.
Lordstown chiefs quit after warning over funds
The third wave of Covid-19, MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
which is delaying the end of Callum Jones chairwoman until the company finds a
social restrictions to later in US Business Correspondent permanent chief executive. Becky Roof
the summer, will help to put has succeeded Rodriguez on an interim
another 8 per cent on the profits The two most senior executives of basis during the search for a chief
of Serco. The test and trace Lordstown Motors, one of the first financial officer.
contractor has also won a deal to blank-cheque companies to go public David Hamamoto, a Lordstown
look after a large chunk of the only eight months ago, have quit, board member and founder of Dia-
nation’s military estate, worth as casting further doubt over its ability to mondPeak Holdings, thanked Burns
much as £3.4 billion in this decade. survive. “for his passion and commitment” to
Page 36 Steve Burns, Lordstown’s founder the business. Neither Burns nor Rodri-
and largest shareholder with a stake of guez were quoted in the stock market

Draper Esprit, an Aim-listed more than 26 per cent, resigned as chief announcement.
venture capital firm, is raising executive, along with Julio Rodriguez, Lordstown is one of several electric
£111 million from investors and the finance director. Last week the vehicle start-ups to have gone public
is planning to move to the main company flagged doubts over its ability via blank-cheque mergers in the past
market of the stock exchange as it to continue as a going concern. year. Promises of record-setting reve-
seeks to capitalise on a “golden The Nasdaq-listed shares closed nue trajectories raised questions
era” of European technology down 18.8 per cent, or $2.15, at $9.26 in Steve Burns, right, with Donald Trump and an Endurance electric truck last year among industry veterans. In one case,
investing. Page 38 New York last night after the depar- Nikola, the truck and lorry maker
tures were announced. lion sq ft factoryy would be capable of first reported “some challenges” with which went public through a Spac deal

10 Senior fund managers are

set to leave Aviva in a
shake-up that has sparked
speculation that part of its asset
management business may be
Lordstown, based in Ohio, is trying to
transform an old General Motors plant
in the state. It combined with
DiamondPeak Holdings Corp, a special
purpose acquisition company, or Spac,
making “in excess of 600,000 electric
vehicles annually, with only modest
incremental investment”.
Production of its Endurance truck,
for which it said last autumn that it had
funding last month, when it cut its pro-
duction target for this year from 2,200
vehicles to 1,000. It has also conceded
that its pre-orders were non-binding.
Angela Strand, Lordstown’s lead
last summer, admitted in September to
filming one of its lorries rolling down-
hill for a marketing video. Its founder
later resigned as chairman.
High demand for such stocks has
sold. Page 39 in October in a $1.6 billion merger. At secured $1.4 billion of pre-orders, was independent director, is replacing subsided as the market frenzy around
the time it estimated that the 6.2 mil- due to begin this year. The company Burns on an interim basis as executive Spacs has cooled.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1G M 35

boss claims Sunak’s claims are
workforce is ringing hollow
‘a bit too old’ business commentary Simon Duke

Robert Lea Industrial Editor he Conservative Party has bitcoin speculator fell through. Who
always touted itself as the would have thought it? Nearly 500
The chief executive of Rolls-Royce has defender of the small people lost their jobs and investors
described the engine maker’s work- business owner. In its 2019 in Esken, the former Stobart Group,
force as “frankly a bit too old”. election manifesto, it are licking their wounds.
Warren East’s comments at an hailed entrepreneurs, family firms Stobart Air’s prospects looked
industry conference have drawn criti- and the self-employed for helping to dicey even before Covid struck.
cism in an era of workforce inclusivity “create the wealth of the nation”. Stobart Group bought the Irish
and for appearing to indicate that he When the pandemic struck last carrier from administration in 2010
was blaming ageing Rolls’ workers for year, Rishi Sunak wrapped private when it was called Aer Arann. It
the company’s struggles. enterprise in a warm embrace. renamed the airline and in 2017 sold
A spokesman for Rolls apologised to Emergency loans, business rate it to Connect Airways, which
those offended by the comments, say- relief, furlough schemes and the Stobart set up with Sir Richard
ing that East, 60, was making a point self-employment income support Branson’s Virgin and other investors
that the company had to attract young scheme saved businesses that would to rescue Flybe. By April last year,
engineers to solve the problems of how have been flattened by the Connect and Flybe had failed and
it decarbonises a business dependent hurricane. Stobart regained the controls of the
June 13 on building engines that run on fossil Is the fuzzy feeling reciprocated? airline, which operated between the
Musk signals that
fuels. Not entirely. Several million UK and Ireland for Aer Lingus. It
Tesla could resume
Speaking at a technology conference freelancers and recently self- was a fateful decision. Stobart Air
acceptance of
in London, East said: “The lot of any employed have fallen through the leases its aircraft and, with little
leader of a business such as ours is you holes in Sunak’s safety net. There’s cash coming in over the past year, it
$70,000 have to get the people on side. And to growing frustration, too, with the has sustained heavy losses. Unless it
me joining Rolls-Royce one of the chaotic decision-making, policy flip- can offload the leases, the airline
challenges I saw was our workforce was flops and ministers’ lamentably poor will leak £82 million of cash between
frankly a bit too old. We’ve done a lot of communication skills. Without a now and 2024.
recruitment and even through Covid clearer “road map”, businesses and The economics of regional
we have kept up some, not all, but some consumers cannot make informed airlines are hard to stack up, even
$60,000 of our graduate recruitment. You need decisions. The leisure and travel for a razor-sharp board. But Esken’s
to get the younger people engaged.” industries are crying out for clarity. directors failed to get the basic due
Rolls builds engines for Airbus and The government’s claims to be the diligence right. In April, it agreed to
Boeing passenger aircraft and RAF champion of enterprise will ring sell Stobart Air for £2 to Jason
fighter jets, as well as propulsion sys- hollow after Boris Johnson delayed Scales, who runs a cryptocurrency
$50,000 tems for Royal Navy warships and freedom day by a month. It’s a incubator on the Isle of Man.
nuclear submarines. It has been burn- hammer blow for pub, restaurant, Within weeks Scales’ funding fell
June 3 ing through cash at a rate of £1 billion a theatre and cinema café owners, through, sealing the airline’s fate. He
Musk makes light of his quarter during the pandemic and had who have opened their doors but said “issues were flagged to do with
criticism of bitcoin to shore up its balance sheet with a are still bleeding cash with social an Ettyl funder”. Manx police are
$40,000 £5 billion fundraising. Since East distancing in place. As for looking into potential irregularities.
became its boss six years ago, he has nightclubs, the delay could be fatal. To their credit, Esken’s directors
cleared out more than 10,000 of the The first duty of any government found an investor for London
workforce, 9,000 of them in a recent is to preserve the health of its Southend airport. But the deal has
cull ordered in response to the pan- citizens. But wealth matters, too. come at a price. Carlyle, the buyout
$30,000 demic-induced aerospace recession. Sunak must extend help for giant, is paying £120 million for a
In the past the Rolls boss has businesses or risk seeing viable firms 30 per cent stake in Esken’s prize
criticised the company he inherited for go bust. The chancellor cannot afford asset. The perils of selling in distress.
the “accounting fog” that confused in- to sit on his hands. Many of his
vestors trying to understand mis- support measures will soon taper off,
matched cashflows and earnings, as leaving businesses with rising costs. Raffle ticket
well as the “mud in the machine” of The VAT deferral scheme is

multiple layers of middle management. supposed to run out next week and nvesting in early stage tech
He also compared Rolls to “an ivy-clad from next month employers will companies has been a one-way
mansion” in which creeper had got into have to pay more towards the wages ticket to riches. There’s a catch,
the pointing and guttering and said that of furloughed staff. Many who though; you have to be rich before
$10,000 he had jumped on to “a ship going borrowed from Covid loan schemes you’re allowed to buy a ticket.
March April May June through rough seas” and had jettisoned will have to start repaying soon. Venture capital funds are strictly for
bits to prevent the vessel from sinking. But Sunak is no mood to dig the high-net-worth crowd and the
deeper, having already run up a most successful ones are able to
£407 billion bill. A month of extra pick and choose their investors, like

Shell considers ending its Permian era support is inconsequential when set
against investment already made in
protecting people’s livelihoods.
More difficult questions lie ahead
a snooty private members’ club.
Draper Esprit is a more populist
establishment. It was the first
European venture capital fund to go
Callum Jones equivalent of 3.4 million barrels of oil a 40 per cent of America’s total output, for Sunak and Johnson. How public when it listed in London five
day last year. It has more than 80,000 amid a boom in horizontal drilling and quickly should they ask firms to pay years ago. As its boss Martin Davis
Royal Dutch Shell is considering what staff in 70 countries and can trace its hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. deferred VAT bills and emergency argues, it gives individual
to do with its holding in America’s roots to 1833, when a London antiques “We were very close to losing a very loans? Too much forbearance would shareholders the chance to get early
largest oilfield after saying that it would shop started to import seashells. powerful, great industry,” Donald prolong the lives of corporate access to promising start-ups.
take bold action to reduce carbon emis- Having committed last year to cut its Trump, the former president, said while zombies. Too little and they could The fund is now looking to move
sions because of mounting pressure greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by visiting the area last July. “Now we’re kill off vibrant businesses. to the main market and with a
from campaigners. 2050, Shell is facing calls to go further, back and we’re just gonna keep When the lockdowns end, the market value of £1.2 billion it will be
The Anglo-Dutch oil company is said faster. Last month a court in The Hague expanding.” government will need plans to a shoo-in for the FTSE 250 (report,
to be reviewing its interests in the ordered it to curb its carbon footprint Shell produced about 193,000 barrels revive the economy. All too often, page 38). Draper is raising a further
Permian Basin, located mainly in by 45 per cent this decade from 2019 of oil and gas per day from company- this administration has mistaken £111 million and is offering a few
Texas, and could sell its operations in levels after an action brought by operated and non-operated rigs in the empty rhetoric and gimmicks like million shares to ordinary punters
what has been deemed the world’s most environmental groups led by Friends of Permian last year. freeports for economic planning. through PrimaryBid. Should they
important oil and gas site. the Earth Netherlands. Lydia Rainforth, oil and gas equity British entrepreneurs can prosper in take up the offer? Draper has a good
The group could divest all or some of While Shell plans to appeal against research analyst at Barclays, said the boom industries like green energy, track record, having backed Cazoo,
its position in the region, with Reuters, the court’s order and has expressed report was “quite a surprise”, adding artificial intelligence and quantum Revolut, Graphcore and others.
the news agency, citing sources who disappointment at being singled out by that a divestment would underline how computing if conditions are right. The valuations of private tech
suggested that the value of Shell’s Per- a ruling that it claims will not help to fast the industry was moving on emis- companies remain buoyant. But
mian operations could be more than reduce global emissions, Ben van sions. “This would mark a departure in signs that Spacs are losing their
$10 billion. The assets generated about Beurden, its chief executive, pledged to strategy, with the Permian having been Flying on empty lustre should concern potential
6 per cent of its total output last year. “rise to the challenge” and to take described in the past as [Shell’s] ‘sleep- investors. Life could become harder

A spokesman for Shell declined to “some bold but measured steps over the ing beauty’, with the company able to tobart Air sees itself as a victim for venture capital funds looking to
comment. There is no guarantee that a coming years”. ramp up production and lower break- of the pandemic, but the virus cash in on shrewdly placed bets.
deal for its assets in the region will Two decades ago the Permian Basin, even over the years,” she said. merely hastened its demise. The
materialise. which is partly in New Mexico, was London-listed shares in Shell, a operator went bust at the weekend
Shell is one of the world’s biggest thought to have run dry. Now it produ- member of the FTSE 100, rose by 38p, after a fire sale to a 26-year-old Alistair Osborne is away
energy companies, producing the ces 4.5 million barrels per day, about or 2.7 per cent, to £14.58½ yesterday.
36 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


‘One in five
adults has
less than
£100 savings’
Times Business Reporter
Nearly one in five adults has less than
£100 in savings, according to a survey.
Indicating a widening gap in Britain’s
financial wellbeing, a similar propor-
tion of people — 20 per cent — have
increased their monthly savings during
the pandemic.
In a survey carried out for Yorkshire
Building Society, which has an ambi-
tion to help more people to save, it
emerged that 19 per cent of adults had
less than £100 in savings, while 21 per
cent of people were not saving,
compared with 12 per cent when similar
research was carried out in 2019.
Thirteen per cent of people have no
savings to fall back on at all and more
than a quarter (26 per cent) have less
than £500 put away.
More positively, nearly a fifth (17 per
cent) of people surveyed had reduced
their outstanding debt during the
Serco has raised its profit forecast and now believes that demand for its test-and-trace services, with revenues of about £50 million a month, will continue for longer pandemic.
Tina Hughes, director of savings at

Defence deal adds shine as Serco

Yorkshire Building Society, said: “Our
new research continues to highlight
just how fragile many people’s finances
are, with the shocking figure that nearly
a fifth of all UK adults have less than

reaps reward from test and trace

£100 in savings.
“It also shows the further widening of
the financial wellbeing gap in the UK.
While we know it can be hard for
people to put money away, especially
with rising living costs and in a low-in-
Robert Lea Industrial Editor to-day maintenance and site repairs of big construction upgrades at the sites telling the City that it expected test- terest environment, we mustn’t over-
bases from the Royal Navy air station at could bring in a further £2.5 billion of and-trace revenues to begin to dwindle. look the impact saving has on people’s
The third wave of Covid-19, which is Culdrose, Cornwall, to the naval dock- work, Serco said. The base contract will Test and trace brought in an unex- financial and mental wellbeing.”
delaying the end of social restrictions to yards at Plymouth and Portsmouth, the be worth about £3 million a year to pected profit boon of about £15 million The society highlighted the impact
later in the summer, will help to put Abbey Wood procurement head- Serco’s profits from 2022. for Serco last year, a windfall that financial wellbeing has on people’s
another 8 per cent on the profits of quarters near Bristol, RAF Brize Nor- However, it was the news that Serco helped it to pay back its Treasury mental health, with more than a fifth
Serco, the test and trace contractor. ton in Oxfordshire and the Catterick continues to benefit from the pandemic furlough support money across the rest (22 per cent) of people having sleepless
That — plus news that Serco has won garrison and RAF Fylingdales missile that helped to send its shares up 6¼p, or of the group and prompted bonuses to nights because of money worries.
a contract to look after a large chunk of radar base in North Yorkshire. The con- 4.64 per cent, to 142p last night. 50,000 staff. Profits this year of Two fifths of those surveyed (40 per
the nation’s military estate, worth as tract covers 240 facilities and 20,000 In a trading update, Serco said: “Vol- £200 million would be 22 per cent cent) felt stress about their finances and
much as £3.4 billion this decade and buildings. umes on both our testing and tracing higher than last year’s £163 million, more than a third (35 per cent) felt that
potentially beyond — helped to boost a They are taking over from Amey, a contracts have continued to be strong itself up 36 per cent in 2019, before the the financial impact of the Covid-19
further recovery in the shares of the Spanish-owned rival that used to run and we now think it likely that demand pandemic. pandemic had increased their stress
government outsourcing specialist the contracts with Carillion before the for these services will continue for Of the Vivo contract, Rupert Soames, levels.
yesterday. latter’s spectacular collapse in 2018. longer in the second half [of 2021] than 62, chief executive of Serco, said: Hughes said: “Now more than ever,
The Defence Infrastructure Organ- Engie is the French company formed we previously anticipated. Accordingly, “These are nationally important assets with current and potential future
isation, part of the Ministry of Defence, from the merger of GdF, the gas com- we are increasing our guidance for and buildings across the MoD’s estate economic uncertainty, it’s important
said yesterday that Serco, in a joint pany, and the Suez utilities group. In underlying trading profit in 2021 by and we recognise the confidence and for people to try to build their financial
venture with Engie called Vivo, had Britain, Engie expanded its facilities £15 million to around £200 million.” trust the MoD has placed in us and the resilience and for us as a society to help
been awarded contracts covering the management interests with the Serco has enjoyed revenues of about responsibility that comes with it.” people to save.
whole of England and Wales outside of £200 million acquisition of Keepmoat £50 million a month from test-and- Serco shares are recovering from a “Money worries can make people
London and the southeast under the Regeneration in 2017. trace, from which it typically might fall to as low as 108p, but they remain anxious, so we want them to know they
Future Defence Infrastructure Ser- The MoD contract is worth a basic have earnings at a profit margin of as below the 167p they commanded prior don’t have to suffer in silence and we’re
vices programme. £900 million over seven years. Con- much as 5 per cent. Before the advent of to the pandemic and are 75 per cent here to help them to manage their
Serco and Engie look after the day- tract extensions plus the possibility of the latest third wave, Serco had been down on their peak in 2013. money during difficult times.”

Number crunchers seek real-time data Eon calls for tougher rules
Gurpreet Narwan
Economics Correspondent
official statistics are published months
later. The Office for National Statistics
detailed and much faster estimates of
changes in our economy and society to
to realise plans for net zero
has been developing its capability in the help inform policy and improve lives.”
The national statistics agency is joining field. During the pandemic it started The team starts with three projects. Gurpreet Narwan ties are built to zero-carbon standards
forces with the Alan Turing Institute to publishing faster indicators, using rapid The first will use data science and more clarity about energy-effi-
produce better and faster estimates of response surveys and novel data techniques to offer insights about Britain will miss its 2050 carbon goals if ciency schemes that give small busi-
changes to the economy. sources, such as motor vehicle traffic transactions between companies the government does not take action to nesses an icentive to take early action
Together they will produce econo- and credit and debit card purchases. almost in real time, “which will help the clarify policies, the country’s biggest on the issue.
mic statistics near to real time to track Sir Ian Diamond, the national ONS to better understand the impact of electricity provider has warned. Michael Lewis, chief executive at
the economy in a collaboration that statistician, said: “For some time now, seasonal patterns and events such as Eon yesterday called on policy- Eon, said: “The next decade will be
initially will run for two years. we’ve been combining ‘faster’ data from the pandemic or Brexit on the eco- makers to implement stricter regula- critical if we are to meet 2050 targets.
The Alan Turing Institute, also multiple sources, allowing us to rapidly nomy”. tions and to make more effort to win the The decisions we take in the years
known as the National Institute for track important changes in our eco- Researchers will create economic “hearts and minds of consumers and between now and 2030 will determine
Data Science and Artificial Intelli- nomy in near-real-time and produce models that track changes in retail businesses”. Failure to do so would whether we are able to gain sufficient
gence, was founded in 2015 with a stats with deeper insight. The pandemic prices, household spending and income cause Britain to miss the “net zero by momentum to achieve success.
government grant. Its researchers has turbocharged this kind of work and at a detailed local level and also will 2050” target, it said. “Government has shown significant
routinely collaborate with universities, demonstrated just how vital it is. develop tools to allow the sharing of The company made ten recommen- commitment and the prime minister’s
businesses and public sector bodies. “Our new partnership with the Alan private sets of data. The team would dations. They included fixed dates for ten-point plan gives a sense of the scale
Economists and policymakers rely Turing Institute will be key as we aim to create synthetic data generators, all houses to meet minimum energy of change needed, but the pace needs to
on real-time data, such as restaurant continue this journey to harness the which allow researchers to protect per- performance standards and a sell-by step up if we are to realise this ambition.
bookings and traffic flow, to ascertain power of new forms of data. Together sonal information when generating date for gas boilers. Eon also called for We don’t have to do it all immediately,
how the economy is performing before we aim to provide higher-quality, more and sharing data. rules to mandate that all new proper- but we do have to get moving now.”
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1G M 37

Comment Business

Patrick Hosking Philip Aldrick

Markets aren’t panicking
No reason why fund managers cannot about the threat from

reveal if they have skin in the game inflation . . . at least not yet

It’s a perennial according to Deloitte. Yet portfolio example, says that the giant hat on earth is going Britain, Andy Haldane, the Bank of
complaint about managers, who preach the virtues of Fundsmith Equity Fund will “always on in the bond England’s chief economist, and Lord
modern-day alignment of interests and be the main vehicle for his own markets? When King of Lothbury, its former
capitalism. The transparency, are not required under investments”. Neil Woodford was America’s inflation governor, have been reminding
officer class are City rules to hold any units or shares equally inexact. “All my personal hit 5 per cent last people that putting the inflation
lavished with lucre for their successes, in the funds and investment trusts financial investments are in funds we week, more than double the target genie back in the bottle is harder
but are personally shielded from the they manage; nor generally do they run here,” he used to say before his rate and well above forecasts, bond than corking it up before it escapes.
consequences of their mistakes. The have to disclose what, if any, their empire collapsed. yields defied convention and fell. The dominant narrative now is the
rewards asymmetry can be as holdings actually are. It’s a missed opportunity for the “I’m surprised. I would have one that central banks have been
pronounced in fund management as Some investment trusts disclose for industry. Most open-ended fund expected that yields would have risen pushing since the start of the year,
anywhere — as it is usually “other stakes below 3 per cent, though are managers are required to take part of more,” Larry Summers, the former that the inflation spike will be
people’s money” on the line. not required to. Smith and his their bonuses in the form of units in US Treasury secretary and present temporary. As prices for second-
Richard Wilson, chief executive of colleagues at Fundsmith disclosed a the funds they manage and are prophet of inflation, said later. hand cars, oil and commodities
Interactive Investor, one of the three 2.2 per cent stake in Smithson required to hold them for at least His bemused reaction was stabilise, inflation will fall back to
big retail investment platforms, has Investment Trust, personal stakes three years. Schroders, for example, understandable. US ten-year target. What makes the argument
launched a campaign to force worth about £53 million. Nick Train, says that all its senior managers have government bond yields soared from compelling is the post-pandemic
individual fund managers to disclose another popular money manager who exposure to the funds they manage. 0.95 per cent at the start of the year economic outlook, that “by the end
how much they personally hold of the runs Finsbury Growth & Income, The arguments for publishing look to 1.75 per cent in March amid of the year growth will be slowing
funds they manage. He has written to owns a £31 million stake in the trust more compelling than those against. It mounting fears of a price spiral. and we will be back to the economy
the Financial Conduct Authority with colleagues. James Anderson, the would cost nothing. It would show Markets reacted with what was we had before coronavirus”, Karen
calling for a change in the disclosure co-manager of Scottish Mortgage, has how portfolio managers are aligned effectively three rate rises, even Ward, a strategist at JP Morgan
rules. His 350,000 retail clients in informally said that he owns just over with end-investors. It would reassure though actual rates did not budge, Asset Management, said.
funds and investment trusts deserve 1 per cent, worth at least £177 million. clients and would be rather good quantitative easing remained Think about it as if 2020 and 2021
to know how much “skin in the game” Trust board directors do declare public relations: underperforming hadn’t happened. Why would the
the stewards of their money actually holdings, by law. And they are backing fund managers would at least be able Ten-year US Treasury yield inflation outlook today be any
have, he argues. their own judgment more. Alan to tell disappointed clients that they 1.74%
different to the outlook in 2019, when
There’s little hard evidence that Brierley, an analyst at Investec who shared their pain — in unfudgeable 1.70 advanced economies were dealing
portfolio managers personally has been tracking personal holdings in pounds and pence. 1.66 with chronically weak productivity,
invested in their strategies do any investment trusts for years, says that No one seems to have a very good 1.62 consistently poor investment and
better than disinterested ones. It just trust directors own stock worth reason why this hasn’t been done 1.54 deflation was the greater threat?
seems likely. And there’s certainly £4.8 billion in the companies they before, beyond the excuse that this is 1.50 Gertjan Vlieghe, a Bank ratesetter,
plenty of evidence that the end- preside over, seven times more than the way things have always been 1.48 said that while some people may be
2021 1.42
investors like them to share in their the £687 million recorded ten years done. There’s a privacy point, but 14 18 20 24 26 28 2 4 8 10 14 tempted to call the recovery a boom,
failure as well as their success. ago. However, 8 per cent of directors managers would be required only to May June “it’s more accurate to call it a return
It’s hard to disagree with the own not a solitary share. disclose their holdings in their own towards normal”. Normal before the
instinct. Terry Smith, founder of A lot of investors take comfort from funds, not their wider financial affairs. unchanged and US inflation was pandemic wasn’t great, and it
Fundsmith, one of the most successful director holdings. There is something It would not be very intrusive. 2.6 per cent. certainly wasn’t inflationary.
asset management groups with a reassuring about the £833 million There is a faint danger that a Some of that 0.8 percentage-point Ward, a former adviser to the
strong following of retail investors, stake held by Hannah Rothschild and manager encouraged to be very increase was a reflection of better chancellor, is not entirely convinced
agrees. “Who would trust a chef who her banking dynasty relatives in RIT highly exposed to their own fund growth prospects — and the higher by the latest narrative. Covid has
wouldn’t eat his or her own cooking?” Capital Partners. But it is the fund might start to behave differently, for interest rates that ought to follow — released fiscal spending, restraining
he says. manager, who rarely sits on the board, example being excessively risk-averse but much was inflation protection, as public sector pay will be tricky and
It is remarkable that the very not the directors, that really to preserve capital. Managers of funds markets adjusted for the risk of skills mismatches will create a tight
people who insist that executives in determines performance in in niche asset classes might look rising prices. Yet here we are, with labour market, in some sectors, at
our biggest companies own shares most trusts. under-invested, but end-investors can inflation at a 13-year high, and least. Above all, investment spending
in them and disclose the fact — so Open-ended funds, understand a need for diversification. markets could not be more may take off. There are reasons to
as to align their interests with the meanwhile, disclose Skin in the game is crucial, phlegmatic. In the past two weeks, believe this time is different. But
stockholders — don’t apply the nothing. It’s hard to find a according to Nassim Nicholas Taleb, US ten-year Treasury yields have slid central banks have the capacity to
same philosophy when it comes to single example of an open- the iconoclastic investment writer from 1.63 per cent to 1.47 per cent. respond. A higher-inflation, higher-
their own affairs. ended fund manager who calls modern-day business For Paul Donovan, chief economist interest rate environment would be
Listed company bosses are disclosing. There’s “pseudo capitalism” because the top at UBS Global Wealth Management, welcome, after all.
routinely required to own nothing in the rules to people so often take no risk with their the reason is clear: “The markets, There is one other reason why the

large chunks of stock in the stop them doing so. own money. Taleb noted approvingly economists and [US Federal Reserve] reaction in bond markets has been
businesses they manage. And their employers how engineers in Roman times had to are not worried about inflation.” muted. The Fed’s stance is that
Pascal Soriot is required to certainly know sleep under the bridges they designed. They’re not worried because they inflation should overshoot 2 per cent,
own 650 per cent of his precisely how many No one suggests money managers expect it to pass. Markets are guided which means that rates will remain
salary in AstraZeneca units of a fund they need to go that far, but a little more by narratives, with the most low for longer and higher inflation
shares. The average own because of financial jeopardy compelling story determining will be tolerated. There is no need to
requirement for bosses strict internal rules — and providing behaviour. In recent weeks, the price for rate rises in the traditional
across the FTSE 100 is now designed to prevent hard evidence for it narrative has changed. way. Inflation is coming, but for now
300 per cent of salary, market abuse. — would be no bad Summers was the persuasive the markets do believe the narrative
Even the few thing. storyteller at the start of the year, that it won’t last. Until they don’t.
Hannah Rothschild and her managers who say arguing that President Biden’s
relatives are known to hold anything at all keep it Patrick Hosking is Financial Editor $1.9 trillion Covid recovery plan was Philip Aldrick is Economics Editor of
£833 million in RIT Capital vague. Smith, for of The Times excessive. Others joined the fray. In The Times
38 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


most traditional businesses
need to invest in technology.

Cutting costs
Draper aims
to capture
Nick Grey, founder of the
appliance maker Gtech, on
how he turned a £2.6 million
loss into a £19 million profit.
Today on The Times
Enterprise Network

Persistence pays
Paul O’Leary, right, off
the kitchen maker
Calm thoughts
Hear from Michael Acton
Smith, co-founder of
Calm, the meditation
app, at our virtual
spirit of the
deVol shares his
journey from
stripping pine doors
for £5 to installing units
launch event on
JJune 23. Register
vvia Times+. tech boom
Sign up was an early backer of Trustpilot, the
for A-list Hollywood celebs
celebs. R d our newsletter for
Read Ben Martin Senior City Correspondent
Danish consumer reviews website that
exclusive insights from the An Aim-listed venture capital firm is was floated in London this year with a
A tech mindset country’s top entrepreneurs. raising £111 million from investors and
is planning to move to the main market
£1.1 billion valuation. Other successful
bets have included Cazoo, the online
Martin Leuw of outdoor of the stock exchange as it seeks to car retailer.
maintenance firm Ground
capitalise on a “golden era” of European Davis, 58, who joined Draper last
technology investing. November from Kames Capital, the
Control argues that even the enterprise-network Draper Esprit, which has backed fund manager , said: “This is potentially
technology success stories including a golden era for European tech invest-
Trustpilot, said that it was tapping ing in the private space and our model,
investors for cash via a share sale to we believe, is the right model for that.”
boost its investments in new compa- Draper announced the fundraising
nies. and listing change alongside full-year
It also intends to switch from Aim, results that showed its gross portfolio
London’s lightly regulated junior stock value climbing by about 40 per cent to
market, in favour of a premium listing. £983.8 million in the 12 months to the
This will result in Draper entering the end of March. It raised £206.3 million
FTSE 250 share index and will broaden by exiting some investments in the past
its pool of potential institutional year, including Stripe and Wise, the
investors. payments businesses.
The moves come amid a pandemic- The valuations of some technology
induced boom in the technology sector. companies, particularly in the United
Lockdowns have hugely accelerated States, have surged during the pan-
the adoption of technology, with more demic, fuelling fears of a bubble. Davis
people working remotely and shopping said that while there may be questions
online. Many of the businesses in about the valuations of some late-stage
Draper’s portfolio stand to benefit from publicly quoted businesses, the private
such changes, including Manna, a markets were not showing the same
delivery company that uses drones to exuberance.
transport groceries, takeaway meals Comparisons with the dotcom
and medicines. bubble of the late 1990s were wide of the
The pandemic was “accelerating mark, he said. “Unlike last time, where
behaviours that we’d already seen quite
dramatically — and then, of course,
everything was trading at nose-bleed
valuations, this time the majority of the
Shift away
there are new ways of doing things”,
Martin Davis, Draper’s chief executive,
private market is much more rational
because they’re delivering something from office
said. “Eighteen months ago, people tangible. I think in the last boom and
didn’t care about last-mile delivery, if
I’m honest, whereas now everybody
bust it was all about people investing in
ideas, whereas now we’re investing in
doesn’t suit
wants it.”
Draper, which was set up in 2006,
ideas and delivery.”
The venture capital firm’s fund-
Ted Baker
was listed five years ago and now has a raising is open to individual investors
market value of more than £1.1 billion. It through PrimaryBid.
focuses on young European technology Draper shares rose 23p, or 2.7 per
companies in the private market and cent, to close at 862p.

Airport stake sale ‘in final stages’

Charlie Parker withdraw support from its subsidiary, a
move that disrupted the travel plans of
The parent company of Stobart Air, the thousands of people in the UK and the
regional airline that collapsed at the Republic of Ireland.
weekend, has said that it is “in the final The board of Stobart Air terminated
stages” of closing a £120 million deal to its franchise agreement with Aer
sell a stake in London Southend airport. Lingus, which had helped to operate
Esken said that it was “agreeing the flights to and from Dublin, Belfast,
documentation” with Carlyle Group, Manchester, Birmingham and Leeds,
an American private equity firm. The among others. Aer Lingus flights to and
deal would give Esken a loan that from Heathrow are not affected by the
Carlyle could convert into a 29 per cent cancellation of the contract.
stake in the airport. About £100 million Esken said that it would continue to
would be injected into the rest of Esken, fund the leases on eight aircraft until
which has been struggling during the 2023, but would try to sublease them to
pandemic. another party. David Shearer, its execu-
Stobart Air collapsed on Saturday tive chairman, said: “It is disappointing
after Esken pulled the plug on Ettyl, the for all stakeholders that we have been
potential buyer of the airline that had unable to conclude the sale of Stobart
lost its funding to take over the busi- Air. The continuing impact of the pan-
ness. London Southend airport served demic in terms of lockdown and limited
When the deal fell through, Stobart about two million business and travel has prevented us from achieving
Air’s board was told that Esken would leisure passengers during 2019 a better outcome.”
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1G M 39


restructuring and other

costs, grew to £108 million
Norton agrees
from £78 million a year ago.
Its shares fell 13¼p, or
7.9 per cent, to 153¼p.
to release
The first Ted Baker shop
was opened in 1988 in
Glasgow by Ray Kelvin. It
grew into a global fashion
brand, but has endured a
rocky three years. Kelvin,
65, resigned in 2019 amid
allegations about his Louisa Clarence-Smith
personal conduct. He has
denied acting improperly. An American antivirus software group
Rachel Osborne, the chief has agreed to change its automatic
executive since March last renewals policy after an intervention
year, set out a three-year from Britain’s competition watchdog.
turnaround plan 12 months NortonLifeLock customers whose
ago. Ted Baker raised contracts auto-renew annually will be
£95 million in an emergency able to end their contracts and seek
fundraising last summer refunds for the outstanding months.
and has cut nearly 1,000 The company said that it would contact
jobs to boost its finances customers who had not used its
and tide it through the products for more than 12 months to
turmoil on the high street. tell them that they could disable the
Ted Baker’s update for its automatic renewal or end their con-
first financial quarter tract and get a refund.
showed revenue had The Competition and Markets
improved but was still down Authority threatened NortonLifeLock
17 per cent from a year ago. with legal action in March after the
Online sales rose by 22 per company refused to hand over infor-
cent in the year to the end mation to assist with the regulator’s
of January, but growth investigation into auto-renewing con-
slowed to 4.5 per cent tracts in the anti-virus software sector.
between February and The watchdog said that it was the first
April as it cut back on time that it had needed to take such
discounts and other action in a consumer protection case.
promotions. After the software provider’s com-
Osborne, 56, said: “While mitment to change its policy, the legal
the impact of Covid-19 is action will be discontinued.
clear in our results and has NortonLifeLock, formerly known as
amplified some of the Symantec, is a $16.5 billion cyber-
legacy issues impacting the security software developer based in
business, Ted Baker has Tempe, Arizona.
responded proactively and is Andrea Coscelli, the watchdog’s chief
in a much stronger place executive, said: “We’re pleased that
than it was a year ago. Norton’s commitments mean we no
“We are a year into Ted longer need to go to court to enforce
Baker’s transformation plan our information request. However,
and continue to believe that firms should be in no doubt that we are
we have the right strategy ready to take this action in the future if
Ted Baker’s revenues and team in place to set the they fail to provide the information we
fell 44 per cent but business up for a stronger, need to pursue our investigations.”
the retailer believes it more sustainable future.” The authority’s investigation into the
is in a stronger place Analysts at Liberum said: antivirus software industry was
than 12 months ago “Management has delivered launched in 2018 after complaints
impressively on the year one about long-term customers overpaying
targets set out in the for key services.

ed Baker counted sharply at its airport and relaunch strategy. With the Last month, McAfee, another anti-
the cost of the travel stores. Out of fashion foundations now fixed, virus software provider, also agreed to
Share price £10
pandemic Revenues fell by 44 per there will be a shift of focus allow customers to end contracts that
yesterday with a cent to £352 million in the 8
towards growth auto-renew annually and to seek a
£108 million 53 weeks to January 30. At opportunities, which make refund for the remaining months.
pre-tax loss (Katherine an underlying level, Ted 6 for an exciting outlook.” A spokeswoman for NortonLifeLock
Griffiths writes). The Baker fell to a £59 million Nick Bubb, an said: “We continually strive to put our
fashion retailer was hit loss compared with a independent retail analyst, customers first and remain confident
Source: Refinitiv

particularly hard as £5 million profit in the said that the results had that our practices are fair and compli-
customers shied away from previous year. The statutory 2 been handicapped by a poor ant with UK consumer law. We look
buying its office wear and loss, which included a performance from stores in forward to continuing to help protect
clothes for special occasions £45 million charge for the 2019 2020 2021 0 cities and sites at airports and empower consumers to live their
and as shopper numbers fell reduced value of its assets, Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 and other travel locations. digital lives safely.”

No getting away from the Aviva shakes up investment division

attraction of holiday parks Katherine Griffiths Banking Editor
Senior fund managers are set to leave
of the City’s most widely known fund
managers and spokesmen on corporate
governance. He is expected to resur-
49, a member of his team who joined
Aviva in 2014.
Versey has closed unsuccessful funds
Dominic Walsh 2008 by Carl Castledine, whose grand- Aviva in a shake-up that has sparked face in another senior role, sources said. in an attempt to focus on strong areas
father ran Britain’s first holiday camp, at speculation that part of its asset man- The changes come after the depar- in equities and is betting on climate-
Private equity’s love affair with holiday Caister-on-Sea in Norfolk, in 1905. agement business may be sold. ture of Euan Munro, who ran Aviva related funds because of investors’
parks continued yesterday when It runs nine parks, including Tatter- David Cumming, chief investment strong interest in the area.
CVC Capital Partners acquired Away shall Lakes, in Lincolnshire, and Sandy officer for equities, who joined Aviva Aviva Investors manages £349 billion
Resorts for an estimated £250 million.
The purchase of a majority stake
from Freshstream and LDC means that
the company has been through four
pairs of private equity hands, having
Balls, in the New Forest, attracting
200,000 holidaymakers a year.
Castledine, 51, who with his team is
staying with the business, said that
CVC’s experience in helping compa-
from Standard Life Aberdeen in 2018,
resigned last Tuesday, while ten other
fund managers may leave the insurer’s
investment division.
Aviva said yesterday: “We have
Assets managed by Aviva Investors
Source: Aviva
of assets. About 80 per cent are funds
from Aviva’s insurance and pension
clients. The company has long been
keen to boost the amount from external
been set up thirteen years ago with nies to scale up would be “invaluable as mutually agreed with David Cumming An alternative plan, according to
backing from CBPE Capital. we take our growth to the next level”. that he will leave Aviva Investors to Investors, in January. Munro had been industry insiders, is that Aviva could sell
In 2015, CBPE sold to LDC, the David Wells, managing director of pursue other opportunities . . . A chief executive of the division for seven part of the business, with the division
private equity division of Lloyds Bank; CVC, said that the firm planned to back number of roles have been put at risk in years and was well regarded, but he had that manages external money the most
then, in 2019, LDC sold a majority stake Castledine in accelerating its expan- our equities team and we have begun failed to expand the business as much likely to be put on the block.
to Freshstream, while retaining a sion through investment and acquisi- consultations with the impacted indi- as had been hoped. The move could free that part of the
minority holding in the business. tions. “The business is well positioned viduals.” He also struggled with industry-wide business from being within Aviva’s
The group expanded through the in a fragmented and growing market Cumming, who directly managed trends making it difficult to generate capital-intensive framework as a large
purchase of the Cornwall holiday park that benefits from strong consumer £215.6 million in Aviva’s UK-listed healthy profits from the business. regulated insurer, boosting its chances
in St Ives Bay. Away was founded in tailwinds,” he said. Equity High Alpha Fund, has been one Munro was replaced by Mark Versey, of making better returns.
40 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


Not just men are from Mars,

declares women’s champion
Fiona Dawson tells After three decades at Mars, Fiona
Dawson isn’t quite ready to give up on
multisales and global customers,
Dawson, 55, is one of the most senior
Women’s Business Council, a govern-
ment-backed, business-led initiative
Ashley Armstrong that her work, rest and play. The Dublin-
born boss is leaving the giant American
women in the corporate world. How-
ever, despite attempts to improve
set up in 2012 intended to help to reduce
the gender pay gap and improve female
women can’t have it all confectionery group next month, but matters , a report by Women on Boards representation in the workplace.
has already secured non-executive this week will show that there is still a According to Dawson, her career has
if they want to reach roles on the boards of Marks & Spencer long way to go to improve diversity at put her in a position to reflect on why
and the Lego Group. big companies. more women are not making it to the
the top in business As global president for Mars food, Dawson is a founding member of the top. One realisation is that the claim
that women can have it all — family,
home life and career — is nonsense. In
her view, “you have to have some trade-
She also takes issue with the label
“superwoman” so often applied as
shorthand for successful women in
business that are held up as shining
examples of those who have juggled
their home and working lives. “I hate
the term because it puts someone on a
pedestal that can’t be achieved.”
Dawson joined Mars, which also
makes M&Ms, Maltesers and Dolmio
pasta sauces, as a graduate trainee in
1988. She rose up the ranks to become
head of the UK chocolate business
before taking on her global role in 2015.
“In the 1980s, women in business were
all Joan Collins — shoulder pads, sharp
elbows. There was this toughness that
was expected, you had to be that bit
better, work that bit harder to prove
After a brief stint at PepsiCo, she
returned in 1999 to run Mars’ Irish
business and shortly after becoming
pregnant with her eldest son was pro-
moted to become sales director for
Mars’ businesses. At the time, that
approach marked out Mars as company Fiona Dawson says she was fortunate
with a progressive company culture.
It also has a reputation as a breeding she now viewed as a mistake. “You can
ground for talent. Its “past Marsters” be your own worst enemy if you don’t
include Justin King, the former take opportunities if you think that you
Sainsbury’s supermarkets chief execu- can’t be perfect at them. I think women
tive who also is on the board of M&S, beat ourselves up endlessly, but we take
Richard Baker, the former Boots boss, for granted the confidence needed to
and Allan Leighton, who left Mars to ask for help.”
oversee the turnaround of Asda. Dawson is full of admiration for the
Existing staff are known in the industry Mars school of management and
as “Martians”. believes she was lucky to have had
Dawson said that for most of her mentors and male bosses ready to
career she had tried to do everything champion her. However, despite
herself and ensure it was perfect, which Archie Norman, the M&S chairman,

China deal puts more cargo

in hands of John Menzies
Greig Cameron people in 200 airports in 35 countries. It
counts Air China among its customers
John Menzies has extended its pres- and already operates at Chinese air-
ence in China by taking a minority ports, including Beijing and Macau.
stake in a company handling cargo at The new terminal at Guangzhou will
one of the world’s busiest airports. have the capacity to handle 120,000
The Scottish aviation services tonnes of cargo annually, with the early
provider will pay £3.4 million for the focus expected to be on products for the
holding in Guangzhou JFreight Chinese ecommerce sector. There will
Aviation Logistics Supply Chain Co. be the potential to expand into more
Under the deal, John Menzies initially general air cargo on behalf of airlines in
will operate a new cargo terminal at future.
Guangzhou Baiyun international air- Philipp Joeinig, 45, chairman and
port, a hub often listed among the top chief executive of John Menzies, said:
ten in the world for passenger numbers, “We are very pleased to have found a
as well as handling large volumes of great partner in JFreight and I look for-
cargo. ward to developing our relationship
The Edinburgh-based John Menzies with them as we move forward.”
has been hit hard by the global down- Zheng Xi Ming, the JFreight chair-
turn in passenger aviation caused by man, said tyhat he was looking forward
Covid-19. It has been looking at oppor- to working closely with a company that
tunities in new markets and in freight, had “expertise in cargo handling and
which has been affected less by the the wider aviation services market”.
pandemic. Last month John Menzies raised
The FTSE 250 company handled £22 million in a share placing to support
more than 1.2 million tonnes of cargo its acquisition plans. Shares in John
last year. It has a workforce of 23,000 Menzies fell 4p, or 1.2 per cent, to 335p.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1G M 41


Computer chip
specialist rides
wave of orders
Robert Miller predicted that sales would climb to as
much as $240 million by 2023, added
Barely a month after floating on the that its new bookings would underpin
stock market in one of the largest initial revenue growth in the present financial
public offerings of the year so far, year and beyond.
Alphawave IP reported record results Pialis, its chief executive, said: “I am
yesterday, with total bookings in the pleased that we have delivered another
first six months topping $190 million record quarter of bookings in 2021,
and with $15 million of estimated driven by several strategic design wins
royalties. with new and existing tier one North
Shares in the computer chip com- American customers in 5G wireless
pany, which were listed last month at communication products for our core
410p and which promptly lost a fifth of [internet protocol] and product IP
their value on the first day of trading, offerings.
closed up 4p, or 1.3 per cent, at 319p last “In addition, Alphawave was selected
night, valuing the group at £2.1 billion.
The business sold stock worth
£856 million in May at a valuation of On the crest
£3.1 billion. Share price
Alphawave, which was founded in 400p
Canada four years ago, is moving its
head office to Cambridge, where it will 380
hire 100 staff. It develops signal-proc-
essing chip technology used to transmit 360
data rapidly over wired networks and 340
operates in high-growth areas such as

Source: Refinitiv
artificial intelligence and driverless 320
cars. It licenses its designs to semi-
conductor manufacturers. 300
The flotation crystallised fortunes 280
for Tony Pialis, Rajeevan Mahadevan May 16 23 30 June 6 13
and Jonathan Rogers, the company’s
founders. They each cashed in shares by one of the largest hyperscaler com-
worth £71.5 million, leaving them with panies in the world to provide its
individual stakes of 14.3 per cent. Sehat solutions. The team has done a great job
Sutardja, an Indonesian-born Amer- continuing to execute on our business
to have mentors and male bosses who were ready to champion her. Inset, with the Queen at a Mars factory in Slough in 2013 ican semiconductor billionaire, banked goals while successfully completing our
£71.5 million and reduced his holding IPO on the London Stock Exchange in
calling Dawson a “trailblazer as the first people in to help was actually the on the backburner is themselves.” Last from 17.1 per cent to 11.9 per cent. May and raising $500 million in pro-
ever female general manager at Mars biggest period of growth for me, both year Mars introduced equal parental In a trading update, the company ceeds to fund the group’s continued
UK”, Dawson insisted she was “pretty professionally and personally.” leave in Britain, an initiative that highlighted several new business deals, growth and global expansion.”
risk-adverse. I wasn’t really that ambi- Within Mars and her role on the Dawson sees as even more important with strategic design wins in North John Lofton Holt, executive chair-
tious, which might sound strange, but it Women’s Business Council, she is now given that studies have shown gender America in 5G wireless communica- man of Alphawave, said: “We are very
allowed me to take the pressure off. I an advocate for mentoring and pushing equality has been set back by the tion products and with devices made pleased to share our successes so far
would just focus on winning and deliv- women to take their opportunities, but pandemic. The foods group also intro- from component parts bought from this year and to deliver on the promises
ering results. But If I couldn’t be the worries that, particularly during the duced a Covid-specific family leave other organisations. It also said that it that we made to the market and to our
best, I didn’t want to do it.” pandemic, a fear that women feel like policy and introduced flexible working had signed definitive agreements for its investors earlier this year. The group is
Her epiphany came quite late in her they have to prove themselves the practices. “If we don’t have equal China Product Partnership, with reve- continuing to scale and grow rapidly as
career in 2013, when members of her whole time may be backfiring. opportunities for parental leave then nues expected to be recognised in the it solves the most difficult connectivity
team told her that she could count on “What I’ve found is that most women we can’t move forward,” she said. “It second half. challenges for the most technically
others to support her. “Bringing other are incredibly productive, what gets put needs to be seen from the top.” The company, which previously has sophisticated companies in the world.”


Saga’s cruises
ready to sail —
when allowed Business
Dominic Walsh
The resumption of cruises and tours
Email briefing
remains “a priority”, Saga said yester- Get up to speed in
day, as it seeks to build on a positive
opening to the year.
five minutes
The provider of travel and financial
services to the over-50s said its cruise Saga’s travel bookings have reached 60 per cent of this year’s revenue target
Get the best of the morning’s results, deals, profit
business was ready to restart sailings
from June 27, subject to government
restrictions, with load factors of 77 per
month, with available cash of £78 mil-
lion at the end of last month. Net debt,
autumn De Haan, 72, backed a £150 mil-
lion fundraising and became chairman.
warnings and sackings and the latest from the
cent for this year and 48 per cent for excluding its two separately financed Saga’s insurance division reported markets by 8am. Also get lunchtime analysis of the
next year. cruise ships, was £246 million. Total motor and home policy sales 2 per cent
Its initial plan is to sail the Spirit of debt was £757 million. behind the previous year. breaking news and what’s moving markets,
Adventure around Britain, with Euro- Saga revealed strong travel bookings, The company also said Steve King-
pean sailing planned from mid-August, with 60 per cent of this year’s revenue shott, the chief executive of Tesco Un- currencies and commodities at 12.30pm. Direct by
although Saga said it had put in place target booked and 27 per cent of next derwriting and chief insurance officer
contingency plans amid the continuing year’s, above pre-pandemic levels. at Tesco Bank, was the new chief execu- email from the Business Editor, Richard Fletcher
uncertainty over travel. The business was founded by Sidney tive of the insurance business.
In the period from February to De Haan in 1951 to sell holidays to Separately yesterday Saga suffered a Subscribers only
June 13, it said its focus had been on re- retired people. Sir Roger De Haan, his revolt over its remuneration report by
starting the travel business, while keep- son, took the reins 33 years later and shareholders speaking for 22.3 per cent
ing a lid on costs and preserving cash. sold it to Charterhouse in a £1.35 billion of votes cast.
Sign up at
Its cash burn was at the lower end of its
guidance of £7 million to £9 million a
deal in 2004. Many of its customers
bought into its float in 2014. Last
Shares in Saga fell 9½p, or 2.3 per
cent, to 401p.
42 1GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

Business Markets
news in brief
Buy, sell or hold: today’s best share tips
Action on online scams
The Financial Conduct Authority

A lot of positives in power storage

will take legal action against
social media companies over
online adverts for scams if they
do not comply with the Financial
Services and Market Act 2000,
Mark Steward, executive director
£75 million and £100 million during for enforcement and market
gore street energy storage Assault on batteries its initial public offering, but oversight at the FCA, told MPs.
Portfolio Capital raised adjusted its expectations downwards Since Brexit, a rule that financial
capacity 520Mw (Apr 21) £135m Share price Top ten projects
115p Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire* amid tough market conditions. promotions must be issued or
Eventually, only £30.6 million was approved by an FCA-authorised

uch like those selling Drumkee, Northern Ireland raised in May 2018 with shares firm applies to social media
picks and shovels 110 50MW priced at 100p as it made its debut on companies. “If they can’t comply,
getting rich in a gold Mullavilly, Northern Ireland the main market in London. It we’re going to have to do
rush, rather than the 105 50MW targeted a long-term annual something about it in a more
miners themselves, so Ferrymuir, Scotland* dividend equivalent to 7 per cent of formal way,” Steward said.
there are investment funds that 49.9MW its net asset value and an internal
100 Porterstown, Republic of Ireland*
believe they are similarly placed in rate of return of between 10 per cent Unilever buys brand
the field of energy infrastructure 30MW and 12 per cent on its assets.
(Greig Cameron writes). 95 Kilmannock, Republic of Ireland* Since the IPO, its fundraising has Unilever is to acquire Paula’s
Gore Street Energy Storage is one. 30MW been more successful and it has Choice, a skincare brand mainly
Hulley, Cheshire
Its focus is not on the consumer- 90 20MW
steadily added to its portfolio. It sold online, from TA Associates
Source: Refinitiv

facing front line of the drive to net Lascar, Greater Manchester

raised £60 million at 100p in for an undisclosed sum. Founded
zero, the smart meters and electric 20MW December last year and then in by Paula Begoun in 1995, the
vehicle charging points that will Larport, Derbyshire April tapped investors for brand is widely known for its
become commonplace over the next 2018 19 20 21 19.5MW £135 million more, at 102p per share, “Ingredient Dictionary”, which
decade or so, but on the “picks and 80 Lower Road, Essex to fund the next phase in its lists nearly 4,000 ingredients, and
shovels” that will make it all possible. Jul Jan Jul Jan Jul Jan 10MW *Projects still in construction “pipeline” of opportunities, which is for its cruelty-free products. Last
In this case, the power that will drive said to have 1.3 gigawatts of capacity. month Unilever announced plans
the technological revolution forward. investment manager of the fund: “If The demand for shares has for a new venture, bringing plant-
When it went public more than ADVICE Buy you are a believer in the continuing pushed the company’s market based meat products to market.
three years ago, it claimed to be the WHY Managers are deploying growth of renewables and the capitalisation above £300 million, Shares in the London-listed
first renewable energy fund listed in decommissioning of coal, gas and to with the share price flat yesterday at company closed up by 21½p, or
London focused solely on investing capital quickly to build a an extent nuclear, then you should 109½p. 0.5 per cent, at £42.95.
in industrial-sized batteries. To date, portfolio capable of delivering be a believer in the growth of battery The first deal from the most recent
its projects stretch from Fife in reliable income returns in a storage. The real growth trajectory is fundraising was confirmed last Second term for Woods
Scotland south to Essex in England’s ahead of us.” month — the purchase of an 80-
southeast. It has assets in Wales, growing sector Gore Street has indulged in some megawatt storage project in Milton Sam Woods has been reappointed
Northern Ireland and the Republic energy trading, but the bulk of its Keynes, the fund’s largest to date. deputy governor of the Bank of
of Ireland and a mandate to look revenue comes from the balance it The £30 million construction project England for a second five-year
into other locations, such as Europe island of Ireland. They also can be can offer to the grid. The contracts it is expected to take between 12 and 15 term. Woods, 47, holds the role as
and North America. used to store excess power produced. has with grid operators, which can months. It also said last smonth that chief executive of the Prudential
A few of the larger assets are still Batteries are seen as key to range from one month to several it had secured exclusive rights to a Regulation Authority, where he
being built, but many are operational decarbonising the grid as they can years, mean that the returns from further 300MW of UK assets and supervises banks and insurers
and generating revenue. The existing help to balance out the intermittent the portfolio are predictable and was conducting due diligence and and oversees UK financial
batteries help to cover shortfalls in supply of wind and solar power. provide a reliable income source for that contracts for four sites in stability. He is leading plans to
energy generation for National Grid According to Alex O’Cinneide, chief investors. Ireland had been extended by a year improve regulation of the City
in Great Britain or Eirgrid across the executive of Gore Street Capital, the It hoped to raise between to 2024. after Brexit and was a driving
force behind the emergency loan
schemes set up for businesses at
sthree which have greater exposure to remainder is largely down to the has access to a £50 million revolving the start of the coronavirus
traditional job markets, such as sustained expansion in demand for credit facility. pandemic.
Market cap net fee income accounting and finance. science, technology, engineering and The board intends to recommend
£620m First-half £164.3m Moreoever, SThree’s fee income mathematics, the so-called Stem an interim dividend at its results on EasyHotel chief dies
returned to pre-Covid levels during skills — a phenomenon accelerated July 19. The dividend cover for the

f the money coming into your its first quarter, which covers the by the pandemic and the resulting year will be in the range of 2.5 times François Bacchetta, who joined
business has dipped during the three months to the end of February, new focus on technology — and in and three times, which analysts at easyHotel as chief executive in
pandemic, there at least can be and in a trading update yesterday it life sciences, further supported in its Panmure Gordon estimate will March last year, has died at the
consolation in the knowledge that said that quarterly net fees for the case by greater access to capital and amount to a full-year dividend of 7¼p age of 56. Harm Meijer, the
you outperformed your rivals (Louisa second quarter were up 22 per cent improved public sentiment. a share. Given SThree’s exposure to easyHotel chairman, paid tribute
Clarence-Smith writes). So it was for year-on-year and were 8 per cent SThree said that life sciences hiring in the Stem market, there to the Frenchman’s “wealth of
SThree yesterday. higher than in the same period in accounted for 24 per cent of its should be further upside for investors. experience, passion for our
Net income at the recruitment 2019. Over the six months to the end income in the first half, while industry and dynamic leadership
agency, a specialist in hiring people of May, group net fee income rose by technology fee income accounted for style”. He spent 15 years at
for roles in science and technology, 10 per cent to £164.3 million on the 47 per cent. Moreover, the rebound ADVICE Buy easyJet before joining easyHotel
fell by 9 per cent in the year to end year. in hiring activity is happening in all WHY Exposure to Stem sector just as it was being delisted by the
of November, but that was better Part of the uplift can be attributed SThree’s regions. The business was consortium of property investors
than the double-digit declines from to an economic recovery that has sitting on net cash of about will drive growth that took control of the business
the likes of Hays and Robert Walters, boosted the jobs market. The £48 million at the end of May and in 2019. Bacchetta leaves a widow,
Angela, and two children.

Major indices London Financial Futures Commodities
New York Zurich Period Open High Low Sett Vol Open Int ICIS pricing (London 7.30pm) Brent (9.00pm)
Dow Jones 34393.75 (-85.85) SMI Index 11866.41 (+25.11) Long Gilt Jun 21 129.15 129.21 128.85 128.95 105 9797
Sep 21 128.28 128.31 127.80 127.92 173268 684088 Aug 73.03-73.01 Nov 71.21-71.18
Nasdaq Composite 14174.14 (+104.72) DJ Euro Stoxx 50 4132.67 (+5.97) Sep 72.45-72.43 Dec 70.68-70.65
3-Mth Sterling Jun 21 99.920 99.920 99.915 99.920 21178 528239
S&P 500 4255.15 (+7.71) Crude Oils ($/barrel FOB) Oct 71.81-71.77 Volume: 1646646
Sep 21 99.920 99.920 99.915 99.915 12602 539518
London Dec 21 99.880 99.890 99.880 99.885 22356 468304
Tokyo FTSE 100 7146.68 (+12.62) Brent Physical 72.10 +0.16
Mar 22 99.780 99.785 99.770 99.780 41272 547567 LIFFE
Nikkei 225 29161.80 (+213.07) BFOE(Aug) 72.95 +0.17
FTSE 250 22744.51 (+10.38) Jun 22 99.735 99.740 99.725 99.730 44776 422269 BFOE(Sep) 72.41 +0.18
3-Mth Euribor Jun 21 100.55 100.55 100.55 100.55 8162 341246 WTI(Aug) 70.63 +0.03 Cocoa
Hong Kong FTSE 350 4093.25 (+6.27)
Sep 21 100.54 100.54 100.54 100.54 25461 408887 WTI(Sep) 70.00 +0.08
Hang Seng 28842.13 (+103.25) FTSE Eurotop 100 3327.72 (+5.92) Dec 21 100.54 100.54 100.53 100.54 45596 418854
Jul 1622-1619 Sep 1690-1680
Sep 1640-1639 Dec 1675-1658
FTSE All-Shares 4074.57 (+6.24) Mar 22 100.53 100.53 100.52 100.53 25370 301440 Dec 1687-1685 Mar 1661-1660
FTSE Non Financials 4871.15 (+7.92) Jun 22 100.52 100.53 100.52 100.52 40495 303682 Products ($/MT) Mar 1685-1683
AEX Index 730.10 (+1.62) 3-Mth Euroswiss Jun 21 100.75 100.76 100.74 100.75 5257 28454 May 1688-1672
techMARK 100 6781.73 (+2.66) Jul 1681-1659 Volume: 65772
Sep 21 100.75 100.75 100.74 100.75 1290 39801 Spot CIF NW Europe (prompt delivery)
Sydney Bargains n/a Dec 21 100.75 100.75 100.74 100.74 4313 52007
AO 7577.20 n/a US$ 1.4108 (-0.0008) Mar 22 100.72 100.73 100.71 100.72 4691 25564 Premium Unld 666.00 667.00 +5.00 RobustaCoffee
FTSE100 Jun 21 7156.5 7190.5 7136.0 7154.5 411238 518257 Gasoil EEC 591.75 593.75 +4.75
Frankfurt Euro 1.1641 (-0.0015) 3.5 Fuel Oil 381.00 382.00 +0.00
Sep 21 7084.5 7117.0 7063.0 7082.0 339154 156725 Jul 1571-1567 May 1687-1580
DAX 15673.64 (-19.63) £:SDR 0.98 (+0.00) FTSEurofirst 80 Jun 21 5691.0 Naphtha 629.00 630.00 +6.00 Sep 1596-1595 Jul 1668-1590
Exchange Index 82.23 (+0.14) Nov 1615-1614
Sep 21 5640.0
Singapore Jan 1629-1550 Volume: 19911
Bank of England official close (4pm)
Straits 3153.14 (-4.83)
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the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1G M 43

Markets Business

Analysts make their call

on Drahi’s arrival at BT
Tom Howard Market report

he market was in equal
measures surprised and natural resources
excited by last week’s
confirmation that Patrick
Drahi, the French-Israeli
billionaire, had bought a 12.1 per cent
Oil prices highest in two years
stake in BT. Investors had lots of

questions about his stakebuilding. ondon’s big oil investment officer at
Would he agitate for changes? Would producers were Saxo Bank, said.
he try to break up the business? Was driven higher as Oil prices have
his ultimate aim to take full control? the price of a barrel of rallied by nearly
Analysts at JP Morgan had a go at Brent crude oil 50 per cent this year
answering some of the questions put yesterday topped $73 as part of the wider
to them by clients. They reckon that for the first time since “reopening” trade.
Drahi “seems likely” to take a seat on April 2019. Last spring, a barrel
BT’s board, as they find it “hard to Brent, the of Brent was selling
imagine Patrick Drahi being a passive international for little more than
investor”. They think that he will benchmark, rose by $19, while WTI briefly
need to strike up a “collaborative 0.7 per cent to $73.17 a The price for a barrel turned negative.
relationship” with existing barrel, while West of Brent Crude rose Tullow Oil, the
management if he is to “deliver Texas Intermediate 0.7 per cent to $73.17 Africa-focused
climbed 0.6 per cent explorer and producer
2023, as well as also expects to secure a to $71.31 a barrel, its International Energy leapt 5¼p, or 8.6 per
Grain leads welcoming tourists to debt package shortly. Wall Street report dearest in more than Agency to reach pre- cent, to an 18-month
its visitor centre. The new single malt two and a half years. pandemic levels late high of 64¾p. Royal
backers for Roland Grain, 47, an distillery will be on the The S&P 500 closed at another “Buyers are next year, and gradual Dutch Shell “B”
Austrian investor with Ardgowan Estate in record with a rise of 7.71 points, or switching exposure supply increases by gained 34p, or 2.5 per
distillery a range of interests in Inverclyde, west of 0.2 per cent, to 4,255.15, and so, too, from metals and Opec+ will keep the cent, to a three-
the drinks trade, Glasgow. did the Nasdaq, up 104.72, or 0.7 per agriculture in the market sufficiently month peak of £13.94,

onstruction on a becomes the majority Grain believes that cent, at 14,174.14, but the Dow Jones belief that rising tight to support while BP rose 6p, or
new Scotch shareholder in the the distillery and industrial average fell by 85.85 global demand, higher prices,” Steen 1.9 per cent, to 330½p,
whisky distillery venture after putting in visitor centre will points, or 0.3 per cent, to 34,393.75. forecast by the Jakobsen, chief its dearest for a year.
is to begin this year £7.2 million. create up to thirty jobs
after it raised The remainder of the within five years of
£8.4 million from funding came from opening. Initially there change”. But what change might that joint venture with Openreach, BT’s unprecedented support that they have
investors (Greig existing shareholders. will be capacity to be? “We suspect [Drahi’s] initial dominant broadband network given over the past year.
Cameron writes). The company, which produce one million strategic focus will be on accelerating business. The shares were unmoved While the broader market shook off
The Ardgowan already produces litres of spirit annually, BT’s infrastructure monetisation at 191¾p, keeping them within any concerns about a delay to
Distillery hopes to be blended malts through although that could (towers and fibre) and “financial touching distance of the 19-month Britain’s lockdown exit, travel and
producing spirit in its Clydebuilt range, double over time. engineering” (moving capex off highs that they scaled on Thursday, leisure companies took another hit.
balance sheet),” the analysts said in when Drahi’s interest became known. The Restaurant Group, the owner of
their note. “Patrick Drahi has always Trading volumes were subdued, but Wagamama and Frankie & Benny’s,
Results in brief held ambitious return expectations that didn’t stop the FTSE 100 from fell 5½p, or 4.3 per cent, to 123½p;
Name Pre-tax figure Dividend for all of his investments. reaching its highest level since International Consolidated Airlines
Profit (+) loss (-) “We struggle to believe he bought February last year, when the Group, British Airways’ parent, fell
Draper Espirit (finance FY) £267.5m (£40.4m) nil into BT on the expectation of pandemic first rattled global stock 8½p, or 4.2 per cent, to 194¾p; and
Ted Baker (retail FY) -£107.7m (-£77.6m) nil delivering a ‘modest’ double-digit markets. The Footsie, home to JD Wetherspoon, the pubs chain,
6 Results in brief are given for all companies valued at more than £30 million. f = final p = payable return.” That should “reassure” any London’s biggest listed companies, slipped 51p, or 4 per cent, to £12.37.
investors nervous about the BT share nudged 12.62 points, or 0.2 per cent, However, SSP, the airport caterer,
The day’s biggest movers price, which has nearly doubled over up to 7,146.68, while the more UK- rose 10¾p, or 3.5 per cent, to 316p.
the past eight months. biased FTSE 250 edged 10.38 points, Esken was among the day’s biggest
Company Change Analysts at Jefferies were also in a or 0.1 per cent, higher to 22,744.51. losers after its Stobart Air business
Tullow Oil Oil prices hit their highest in two years 8.7% chipper mood about BT, having There was a record high for collapsed over the weekend. Its
Serco Raises profit guidance 4.6% spoken to the telecoms group’s Germany’s Dax index, while the pan- blushes were spared somewhat in the
Volution Ends eight-day losing streak 4.1% finance chief on Friday. Among the European Stoxx 600 also set a record, afternoon after it confirmed that it
SSP Best session in more than a month 3.5% key points: BT is “confident” that half rising for a seventh session in a row. was close to selling a 29.99 per cent
Petropavlovsk Attracts buyers with shares down 20 per cent this year 3.4% of its capital expenditure over the Investors have been emboldened by stake in London Southend airport to
CMC Markets Biggest daily drop since March -3.9%
next couple of years will qualify for economic data good enough to show Carlyle, the private equity group, for
JD Wetherspoon Lockdown restrictions extended by a month -4.0%
Rolls-Royce Jet engine maker tracks fortunes of travel sector -4.1% tax super-deductions, while there is that the recovery is on track without £120 million. The shares closed down
International Consolidated Airlines Market frets over chances of another summer washout -4.2% also said to be a “high level of interest being so good that central banks 2¾p, or 8.5 per cent, at 28¼p. Earlier,
The Restaurant Group Indoor restrictions to remain in place for a further month -4.3% from infrastructure investors” in a think about tapering some of the they had been as low as 24p.

Gold/Precious Money rates % Dollar rates Exchange rates

London Grain Futures metals (US dollars per ounce) Base Rates Clearing Banks 0.10 ECB Refi -0.50 US Fed Fd 0.00-0.25 Australia
Bid Change
LIFFE Wheat (close £/t) Halifax Mortgage Rate 3.74 Australia $ 1.829 -0.01
Bullion: Open $1873.28 Denmark 6.1332-6.1337
Euro 0.8247-0.8249 Canada $ 1.713
Jul 192.00 Nov 173.05 Jan unq
Mar unq May 179.00 Volume: 727 Close $1864.39-1864.53 High $1873.28 Treasury Bills (Dis) Buy: 1 mth 0.029; 3 mth 0.040. Sell: 1 mth 0.020; 3 mth 0.028 Hong Kong 7.7619-7.7620 Denmark Kr 8.660 -0.01
Japan 109.99-110.00 Euro ¤ 1.165
London Metal Exchange Low $1845.02 Malaysia 4.1130-4.1170 Hong Kong $ 10.960
1 mth 2 mth 3 mth 6 mth 12 mth Norway 8.3207-8.3232 Hungary 408.435 +2.63
(Official) AM $1853.60 PM $1852.70
Interbank Rates 0.0521 0.0638 0.0848 0.1069 0.1656 Singapore 1.3264-1.3270 Indonesia 20053.231 +11.99
Cash 3mth Dec 22 Krugerrand $1745.00-1844.00 (£1236.12-1306.25) Sweden 8.3202-8.3232 Israel Shk 4.584 -0.01
Eurodollar Deps 0.03-0.23 0.04-0.24 0.05-0.25 0.08-0.28 0.14-0.34 Switzerland 0.8990-0.8992
Platinum $1172.50 (£830.57) Japan Yen 155.293 +0.26
Copper Gde A ($/tonne)
New Zealand $ 1.976 -0.01
9900.0-9900.0 9935.0-9935.0 9897.5-9897.5 Silver $27.97 (£19.81) Sterling spot and forward rates Other Sterling Norway Kr 11.729 -0.05
Palladium $2756.51 (£1952.65) Poland 5.259 +0.03
Lead ($/tonne) Mkt Rates for Range Close 1 month 3 month Argentina peso 134.47-134.48
Russia 101.754 +0.11
2186.0-2186.0 2207.0-2207.0 2242.5-2242.5 Australia dollar 1.8305-1.8307
European money Copenhagen 8.6391-8.6742 8.6573-8.6586 44ds 146ds Bahrain dinar 0.5286-0.5356
S Africa Rd
Sweden Kr
Zinc Spec Hi Gde ($/tonne) Euro 1.1667-1.1622 1.1643-1.1639 5pr 15pr Brazil real 7.1408-7.1450
3043.0-3043.0 3058.0-3058.0 3039.0-3039.0
deposits % Montreal 1.7112-1.7165 1.7138-1.7141 1pr 1pr
Euro 1.1642-1.1644
Switzerland Fr
Turkey Lira
11.863 +0.07
Hong Kong dollar 10.956-10.958
Currency New York 1.4071-1.4123 1.4116-1.4117 1pr 1pr USA $ 1.412
Alum Hi Gde ($/tonne) India rupee 103.30-103.31
1mth 3mth 6mth 12mth Rates supplied by Morningstar
2504.0-2504.0 2478.0-2478.0 2456.5-2456.5 Oslo 11.700-11.792 11.742-11.748 4ds 19ds Indonesia rupiah 20007-20213
Dollar Kuwait dinar KD 0.4236-0.4259
Nickel ($/tonne) 0.13 0.20 0.29 0.55 Stockholm 11.693-11.761 11.745-11.749 25ds 81ds Malaysia ringgit 5.8074-5.8131
18276.0-18276.0 18307.0-18307.0 18407.0-18407.0 Sterling Tokyo 154.32-155.29 155.26-155.28 4ds 10ds New Zealand dollar 1.9764-1.9768 Data as shown is
0.05 0.08 0.11 0.17 Singapore dollar 1.8729-1.8733 for information
Tin ($/tonne) 15mth Zurich 1.2647-1.2697 1.2690-1.2691 10ds 29ds
Euro S Africa rand 19.426-19.439 purposes only. No offer is made by
33182.0-33182.0 31662.0-31662.0 27707.0-27707.0 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.50 Premium = pr Discount = ds U A E dirham 5.1819-5.1847 Morningstar or this publication
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GM 45

The Times unit trust information service
Yld Yld Yld Yld Yld Yld
Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- %

European Assets Trust 137.00 138.00 +0.18 5.00 European ‡@ 3137.00 … +14.00 0.29 Diversified Income A Acc ‡@338.80 … -0.14 2.35 UK Act 350 A Acc ‡@ 199.00 … -2.20 … High Income Acc 289.20 289.20 +2.10 3.69 THREADNEEDLE INVESTMENTS
Extra Income ‡@ 28.51 … +0.02 2.94 Diversified Income A Inc ‡@77.05 … -0.03 3.75 UK Dynamic Acc ‡@ 209.50 … +0.90 … UK 100 Comp Acc @ 403.70 403.70 +2.60 … Client Serv: 0800 0683000
Glob Spec Sits ‡@ 5501.00 … +30.00 … Emerging Mkts Blended Debt A Acc ‡@128.39 … -0.22 4.09 UK Dynamic Inc ‡@ 154.50 … +0.70 … UK 100 Cos @ 211.00 211.00 +1.30 2.34 Intermediary Serv: 0800 0684000
Global Focus ‡@ 3188.00 … +18.00 … Emerging Mkts Blended Debt A Acc Gross ‡@125.82 … +0.20 4.21 UK Equity A Acc ‡@ 401.90 … +0.60 3.45 UK Select Pflo @ 325.40 325.40 +3.90 … Institutional Shares (Class 2) (163500,000 min)
For Abbey National see Santander International ‡@ 149.50 … +0.20 0.08 Emerging Mkts Blended Debt A Inc ‡@81.58 … -0.14 5.64 UK Equity A Inc ‡@ 46.44 … +0.07 3.49 UK Selection Port Acc @ 641.90 641.90 +7.70 … UK Oseas Earns ‡@ 124.30 … -0.07 0.78
For Allchurches see Ecclesiastical Japan ‡@ 528.20 … +2.70 … Emerging Mkts Equity A Acc ‡@182.65 … +0.10 … UK Eqy & Bd Inc Acc ‡@ 167.10 … -0.20 … Worldwide Mgd Acc @ 949.00 949.00 +1.90 1.04
ALLIANZ GLOBAL INVESTORS Moneybldr Bal ‡@ 46.97 … +0.13 3.16 Emrg Mkts Local Curr Debt A Acc ‡@187.26 … -0.77 … UK Eqy & Bd Inc Inc ‡@ 90.29 … -0.48 … Wwide Mgd @ 567.20 567.20 +1.10 1.05
Inv Serv: 020 7065 1400 Helpline: 0800 317 573 Moneybldr Glob 327.60 327.60 -0.10 0.21 Emrg Mkts Local Curr Debt A Inc ‡@81.19 … -0.33 4.04 UK Higher Inc A Acc ‡@ 1132.00 … +7.00 …
Moneybldr Gwth ‡@ 76.12 … -0.95 … Emrg Mkts Local Curr Debt Gross I Acc ‡@220.49 … -0.05 … UK Higher Inc A Inc ‡@ 531.30 … +2.00 …
Gilt Yield A ‡@ 206.01 … +0.27 … MORGAN STANLEY INVESTMENT MGMT LTD
Moneybldr Inc ‡@ 38.07 … +0.01 2.70 Enhanced Natural Resources A Acc ‡@134.24 … -1.25 … UK Sm Cos A Acc ‡@ 726.70 … +4.30 …
Strategic Bond Fund ‡@ 201.18 … -0.23 3.37 Enquires: 0800 0961 962
Moneybldr UK Ind ‡@ 119.34 … +0.35 2.20 Global Bond A Acc ‡@ 139.30 … +4.03 0.82 UK Str Eq Inc A Acc ‡@ 198.30 … +0.60 …
UK Corp Bond C ‡@ 104.79 … -0.78 3.87 The Morgan Stanley Funds (UK) Managed Funds
Special Sits ‡@ 4359.00 … +16.00 … Global Bond A Inc ‡@ 109.33 … +3.00 0.82 UK Str Eq Inc A Inc ‡@ 104.30 … +0.30 …
UK Eqty C ‡@ 6317.26 … -14.91 3.28 Class A Shares
Wealthbuilder 69.75 72.18 +0.53 0.44 Global Bond I Gross Inc ‡@1167.00 … +29.78 1.25 US A Acc ‡@ 1036.00 … +25.00 … Def Eqty & Bd Acc @ 128.00 128.00 +0.10 …
UK Eqty Inc A ‡@ 321.01 … +0.88 … Equity
US Sm Cos A Acc ‡@ 1124.00 … +15.00 … Eqty & Bd Acc @ 179.90 179.90 +0.50 0.73
UK Gwth A ‡@ 7533.25 … +17.47 … Global Dynamic A Acc ‡@ 206.43 … +0.79 …
Eur (Ex UK) Eq A Acc ‡@1310.92 … +4.24 1.25 Mgd Income @ 77.80 77.80 +0.13 …
UK Index A Inc ‡@ 1423.81 … -5.83 3.01 Global Energy A Acc ‡@ 170.97 … -1.14 …
HALIFAX INVESTMENT FUND MGRS LTD Glob Brands A Acc ‡@ 12146.54 … +57.39 0.86
UK Mid Cap A ‡@ 6038.15 … +6.47 … Global Equity A Acc ‡@ 218.28 … +0.87 …
01296 386 386 UK Eq A Acc ‡@ 1184.53 … -0.02 1.66
Global Franchise A Acc ‡@296.22 … +1.47 …
Authorised Inv Funds Global Free Enterprise A Acc ‡@1251.21 … +4.07 …
Global Gold A Acc ‡@ 205.33 … -2.27 … Fixed Income
020 7581 3020
Corporate Bond ‡@ 40.39 … +0.02 1.74 Global Special Situations A Acc ‡@305.14 … +1.59 … Stg Corp Bd A Acc ‡@ 2618.35 … -3.81 …
ARTEMIS FUND MGRS LTD Absolute Return ‡@ 41.61 … +0.14 0.47 Retail Shares (Class 1)
Ethical ‡@ 110.60 … +0.70 … Global Special Situations A Inc ‡@236.02 … +1.23 … UK Ind Lnkd A Acc ‡@ 1350.60 … -3.80 …
0800 092 2051 Distribution and Growth ‡@105.47 … +0.10 2.56
European ‡@ 110.40 … +0.20 0.62 Managed Growth A Acc ‡@289.44 … -0.14 0.30 UK Long Bd A Acc ‡@ 1288.90 … … … Stg Bd Ret Inc ‡@ 60.22 … … 0.56
Authorised Inv Funds Emg Euro Opps ‡@ 244.35 … -0.94 3.03
Far Eastern ‡ 126.90 … -0.30 1.17 Monthly High Income A Acc ‡@246.29 … +0.36 … Strat Bd Ret ‡@ 48.24 … +0.02 2.38
Capital R Acc ‡@ 1938.72 … +7.08 … Fund of Inv Tst ‡@ 148.80 … +0.70 0.62 Monthly High Income A Inc ‡@65.66 … +0.10 … Euro Special Sits ‡@ 501.78 … +2.19 … UK Corp Bond ‡@ 66.13 … +0.03 1.95
Euro Opps R Acc ‡@ 91.26 … -0.48 … Intl Gwth ‡ 116.00 … +0.50 … Multi-Asset Protector A Acc ‡@175.51 … +0.02 … European ‡@ 2965.20 … +9.19 … SANTANDER UNIT TST MGRS UK Corp Ret ‡@ 66.04 … +0.03 1.60
Euro Opps R Inc ‡@ 85.36 … -0.46 … Japanese ‡ 68.58 … +0.21 … Financial Opps ‡@ 874.08 … +12.27 … 08457 413002 UK Eqty Inc Ret ‡@ 97.75 … +0.22 2.57
Strategic Bond A Acc ‡@ 244.54 … +0.19 …
European Growth R Acc ‡@378.40 … +0.19 … North Amer ‡ 131.40 … +0.90 … Income Trust ‡@ 507.90 … +2.45 … Bal Pfolio Inc ‡@ 110.50 … +0.40 … UK Gwth & Inc Ret ‡@ 94.22 … … 2.02
Strategic Bond A Inc ‡@ 119.47 … +0.09 …
Global Energy R Acc ‡@ 27.42 … +0.16 2.49 Smaller Cos ‡@ 131.60 … -1.30 0.10 Merlin Bal (Acc) ‡@ 223.58 … +0.29 1.75 Bal Port Gwth Acc ‡@ 239.80 … +0.30 1.30 UK Hi Yld Bd 1 ‡@ 42.87 … +0.04 3.68
Target Return A Acc ‡@ 102.03 … +0.44 0.82
Global Growth R Acc ‡@ 335.86 … +1.55 … Special Sits ‡@ 51.83 … +0.08 … Merlin Gwth (Acc) ‡@ 515.97 … +0.73 … Equity Inc Inc ‡@ 233.40 … +1.00 … UK Inst Acc ‡@ 175.99 … +0.36 0.90
Target Return A Inc ‡@ 87.63 … +0.01 0.87
Global Income R Acc ‡@ 150.35 … +0.56 … UK Equity Inc ‡@ 86.79 … +0.26 3.11 Merlin Inc (Acc) ‡@ 348.28 … +0.76 … N&P UK Gwth Inc ‡@ 182.80 … +0.10 … UK Mnthly Extra Inc ‡@ 82.96 … +0.19 2.72
UK Alpha A Acc ‡@ 2783.62 … +10.58 0.93
Global Income R Inc ‡@ 101.34 … +0.38 … UK FTSE 100 IT ‡@ 62.77 … +0.19 … Merlin Wwide (Inc) ‡@ 378.41 … -0.04 … Stkmkt 100 Tkr @ 233.00 233.00 +1.00 … UK Mnthly Inc Ret ‡@ 70.49 … +0.28 3.37
UK Blue Chip A Acc ‡@ 770.11 … +3.15 …
Global Select R Acc ‡@ 151.45 … +0.83 … UK FTSE All-S IT ‡@ 74.09 … +0.23 … UK Growth ‡@ 248.93 … +0.25 … UK Growth Acc ‡@ 499.70 … +0.90 … UK Retail ‡@ 141.51 … +0.06 1.06
UK Smaller Companies A Acc ‡@7043.47 … +60.62 … UK Special Sits (Inc) ‡@ 197.26 … +0.83 …
High Income R Inc ‡@ 74.70 … +0.11 … UK Growth ‡@ 81.06 … +0.27 … UK Growth Inc ‡@ 280.50 … +0.50 … UK Sel Retail ‡@ 129.93 … -0.01 1.69
UK Smaller Companies A Inc ‡@6317.63 … +54.38 …
Income R Acc ‡@ 482.32 … +0.89 3.38 UK Smaller Cos ‡@ 486.62 … +2.77 …
Income R Inc ‡@ 224.45 … +0.41 3.48 UK Special Situations A Acc ‡@1348.43 … -1.62 …
Monthly Dist R Inc ‡@ 70.58 … +0.15 … UK Special Situations A Inc ‡@494.93 … -0.60 … SCOTTISH MUTUAL INV MNGRS LTD
Strategic Assets R Acc ‡ 81.31 … +0.13 … 0141 248 6100
Enq: 0845 745 6123 Dlg: 0845 745 6126 Mon-Fri 8-6
Strategic Bond R M Acc ‡@106.35 … +0.10 1.79 HSBC Index Tracker Investment Funds (OEIC) LEGAL & GENERAL (UT MGRS) LTD European Inc 1741.16 1835.80 +4.53 0.82
Strategic Bond R M Inc ‡@ 58.67 … +0.05 1.81 Enquiries: 0870 050 0955 Dealing: 0870 050 0956 Far Eastern Inc 584.69 617.09 -0.73 1.42
Strategic Bond R Q Acc ‡@106.16 … +0.10 1.83 Amer Ind Acc ‡@ 816.33 … +5.39 …
Equity Acc @ 2616.00 2639.00 -8.00 2.12 Intl Growth Inc 380.56 400.59 +0.02 0.75 For Resolution see Ignis
Strategic Bond R Q Inc ‡@ 58.55 … +0.05 1.85 Amer Ind Inc ‡@ 662.44 … +4.38 …
Equity Dist @ 893.80 902.00 -2.70 2.15 Japanese Inc 41.85 41.85 +0.43 0.56 TU FUND MANAGERS LIMITED
UK Growth R Acc ‡@ 727.93 … +1.09 … Euro Ind Acc ‡@ 1156.01 … +3.99 1.83
For ISIS Asset Mgmt see F&C Fd Mgmt Ltd (OEICS) Euro Ind Acc ‡@ 511.50 … +1.70 1.16 Mutual European 2789.98 2940.92 +7.26 0.81
UK Smaller Cos R Acc ‡@1991.02 … +14.26 … Euro Ind Inc ‡@ 756.69 … +2.62 1.73 British 935.80 935.80 +5.70 …
Euro Ind Inc ‡@ 348.00 … +1.10 1.18 Mutual Far Eastern 1101.69 1162.73 +0.92 0.64
UK Special Sits R Acc ‡@ 741.15 … -0.02 … FTSE 100 Ind Acc ‡@ 245.17 … +0.66 2.61 JANUS HENDERSON INVESTORS European 210.70 219.40 +1.00 …
Fixed Int Acc ‡@ 160.00 … +0.10 1.71 Mutual North Am 1983.00 2092.88 +6.23 0.24
FTSE 100 Ind Inc ‡@ 117.04 … +0.31 2.16
Investors Serv: 0800 832 832 Dlng: 0845 946 4646 Fixed Int Dist ‡@ 77.21 … +0.02 1.72 Mutual UK Eq 1310.31 1382.91 +4.35 1.91
FTSE 250 Ind Acc ‡@ 326.03 … -0.71 …
Glob Gwth Acc @ 243.90 243.90 -1.30 1.15 Nth American Inc 1227.65 1295.67 -7.28 … * Yield expressed as CAR (Compound Annual Return);
FTSE 250 Ind Inc ‡@ 206.18 … -0.45 …
FTSE All-S Acc ‡@ 651.66 … +1.85 2.51 All Stks Credit A Inc ‡@ 142.90 … +0.10 1.51 Glob Health Acc ‡@ 94.61 … +0.27 0.76 UK Equity Inc 566.71 598.11 +1.89 1.94 † Ex dividend; ‡Middle price; . . . No significant data. #
AXA FRAMLINGTON UNIT MGMT LTD Asian Div Inc U Trst Inc ‡@95.39 … +0.11 8.51 Glob Tech Acc ‡@ 87.60 … +0.47 0.22 Periodic charge deducted from capital; @ Exit charge
FTSE All-S Inc ‡@ 345.90 … +0.99 2.51
Dling: 0845 602 1952 Priv Clients: 0845 777 5511 Jap Ind Acc ‡@ 143.53 … +0.72 … SCOTTISH WIDOWS UNIT TRUST MGRS
Equity Inc ‡@ 572.40 … -2.70 4.43 Jap Ind Inc ‡@ 114.47 … +0.58 … 0845 300 2244
Gilt Acc @
Gilt Inc @

Pac Ind Acc ‡@
Pac Ind Inc ‡@

Authorised Inv Funds (OEICs)
OEIC A Class
British funds
Health Acc ‡@ 2656.00 … +1.00 … Managed Investment Funds 12 month Price Int Yld Grs rd
Jap Smlr Co Ac @ 62.56 66.09 -0.19 … Bal Port A Acc ‡@ 237.20 … +0.20 0.01 High Low Stock (£) +/– % yld
Managed Inc ‡@ 138.30 … … 4.20 HSBC Investment Funds (OEIC) - Retail Share Class Caut Port A Acc ‡@ 206.80 … … …
Monthly Inc Inc ‡@ 257.10 … +1.80 4.14 Index-linked
Balanced Acc ‡@ 243.00 … +0.68 … Caut Port A Inc ‡@ 151.70 … … …
UK Growth Inc ‡@ 252.90 … +1.10 0.44 111.74 108.50 Tr IL 1Y% 22 109.01 – .01 1.77 –4.15
Balanced Inc ‡@ 151.95 … -0.14 … Opps Port A Acc ‡@ 280.00 … +0.30 … 364.38 354.43 Tr IL 2K% 24 * 358.91 + .03 1.51 –3.07
UK Select Opps Inc ‡@ 2135.00 … +10.00 0.30 Prog Port A Acc ‡@ 266.30 … +0.20 … 112.37 109.56 Tr IL 0V% 24 110.27 – .03 … –3.38
Corp Bd Acc ‡@ 320.34 … +0.23 2.26
UK Sml Cos Inc ‡@ 421.00 … +1.90 … 120.25 115.74 Tr IL 0V% 26 116.88 – .04 … –3.13
Corp Bd Inc ‡@ 130.78 … +0.10 2.29
136.38 129.05 Tr IL 1N% 27 130.46 – .06 1.05 –3.01
Gilt & Fd Int Acc ‡@ 497.78 … +1.62 1.19 129.83 122.69 Tr IL 0V% 28 124.28 – .02 … –2.90
Overseas Growth Investment Funds
Gilt & Fd Int Inc ‡@ 74.17 … +0.24 1.58 131.98 124.01 Tr IL 0V% 29 125.56 – .02 … –2.80
Income Acc ‡@ 645.70 … +2.74 2.78 Eur Sel Gth A Acc ‡@ 3504.00 … -13.00 0.34 136.78 130.97 Tr IL 0V% 31 133.31 + .03 … –2.70
AXA FUND MANAGERS LTD Income Inc ‡@ 287.18 … +1.23 2.85 393.65 366.57 Tr IL 4V% 30 * 372.01 – .05 1.74 –2.60
Admin & Enq 0117 989 0808 163.88 149.94 Tr IL 1N% 32 152.60 – .02 0.82 –2.66
Monthly Inc Acc ‡@ 308.79 … +0.97 … Tracker and Specialist Investment Funds 161.19 146.68 Tr IL 0O% 34 149.88 – .04 … –2.53
AXA Trusts Monthly Inc Inc ‡@ 135.04 … +0.43 … 310.44 284.82 Tr IL 2% 35 * 293.66 – .20 0.83 –2.43
UK Grth & Inc Ret B Acc ‡@134.51 … +0.54 … UK Trkr A Acc ‡@ 338.10 … +0.40 2.06 159.59 143.91 Tr IL 0V% 36 149.37 – .14 … –2.48
Gen Acc ‡@ 2101.00 … +6.00 …
UK Grth & Inc Ret B Inc ‡@64.17 … +0.26 … UK Trkr A Inc ‡@ 178.40 … +0.30 2.10 187.20 167.60 Tr IL 1V% 37 173.39 – .17 0.68 –2.47
Gen Inc ‡@ 1079.00 … -2.00 2.70 183.12 162.72 Tr IL 0X% 40 171.18 – .16 … –2.37
UK Gth & Inc Acc ‡@ 134.51 … +0.54 … 175.05 153.83 Tr IL 0V% 41 163.71 – .15 … –2.33
UK Gth & Inc Inc ‡@ 64.17 … +0.26 … UK and Income Investment Funds 195.05 170.46 Tr IL 0X% 42 182.02 – .20 0.34 –2.31
183.33 158.61 Tr IL 0V% 44 171.50 – .21 … –2.26
Corp Bond A Acc ‡@ 351.00 … -0.20 1.15 190.64 163.05 Tr IL 0V% 46 178.10 – .26 … –2.22
UK/Global Investment Companies Corp Bond A Inc ‡@ 134.30 … -0.10 1.16 222.83 190.09 Tr IL 0O% 47 208.28 – .30 0.37 –2.23
HSBC Specialist Investment Funds (OEIC) Envir Invtr A Acc ‡@ 381.50 … -1.90 0.53 200.53 169.38 Tr IL 0V% 48 188.11 – .27 … –2.22
Euro Acc A ‡@ 234.70 … … 1.18 223.34 187.79 Tr IL 0K% 50 209.02 – .35 … –2.20
American Index Retail Acc ‡@816.33 … +5.39 … Hi Inc Bond A Ac ‡@ 257.30 … +1.00 3.75
Extra Inc Inc B ‡@ 86.74 … +0.24 1.16 221.88 183.97 Tr IL 0N% 52 207.17 – .35 … –2.18
American Index Retail Inc ‡@662.44 … +4.38 … Hi Inc Bond A Inc ‡@ 82.85 … +0.33 3.84 296.98 243.63 Tr IL 1N% 55 276.21 – .46 0.50 –2.17
Global Gwth Acc R ‡@ 279.90 … +1.30 …
Asian Gth Acc ‡@ 147.77 … -0.07 … Hi Res A Acc ‡@ 379.60 … +0.10 2.72 239.65 192.25 Tr IL 0V% 56 222.47 – .45 … –2.16
Japan Acc A ‡@ 173.30 … +0.70 …
Asian Gth Inc ‡@ 130.99 … -0.06 … Hi Res A Inc ‡@ 125.50 … … 2.77 245.15 196.27 Tr IL 0V% 58 229.86 – .55 … –2.17
Pac Gwth Acc A ‡@ 569.60 … +0.60 … 282.43 223.37 Tr IL 0W% 62 265.63 – .82 … –2.15
Chinese Eq Acc ‡@ 513.81 … +0.27 0.40 Safety Plus A Acc ‡@ 40.49 … … …
291.55 224.55 Tr IL 0V% 65 273.49 – .95 … –2.17
Chinese Eq Inc ‡@ 434.76 … +0.22 … Strat Inc A Acc ‡@ 226.10 … -0.10 1.80 313.02 240.40 Tr IL 0V% 68 296.10 –1.11 … –2.23
Euro Gth Acc ‡@ 985.18 … +1.80 … Strat Inc A Inc ‡@ 104.20 … … …
Euro Gth Inc ‡@ 826.42 … +1.53 … UK Gwth A Acc ‡@ 190.00 … +0.10 1.52 Longs (Over 15 years)
CIS UNIT MANAGERS LTD UK Sel Gwth A Acc ‡@ 2380.00 … -7.00 0.89 158.28 140.76 Tr 4N% 36 143.51 – .42 2.96 1.05
08457 46 46 46 120.88 106.39 Tr 1O% 37 108.94 – .38 … 1.14
175.49 154.30 Tr 4O% 38 157.39 – .51 3.02 1.12
European Gwth ‡@ 204.30 … +0.60 0.20 IGNIS ASSET MGMT 168.47 147.55 Tr 4N% 39 150.73 – .51 2.82 1.16
OEIC B Class
Sus Leaders ‡@ 767.00 … +3.60 0.46 Dlg: 0141 222 8282 171.83 149.58 Tr 4N% 40 153.19 – .56 … 1.18
Tracker and Specialist Investment Funds
UK Growth ‡@ 644.10 … +3.30 … American Gth Inc @ 322.55 340.42 -3.34 … 113.86 97.05 Tr 1N% 41 100.18 – .44 … 1.24
UK Income ‡@ 217.60 … +0.60 3.65 UK Trkr B Acc ‡@ 372.60 … +0.40 2.48 158.62 135.48 Tr 3N% 44 139.37 – .57 … 1.25
Balanced Growth @ 262.17 276.69 -0.93 1.52 183.17 157.72 Tr 4K% 42 161.88 – .61 2.78 1.22
UK Trkr B Inc ‡@ 177.40 … +0.20 2.54
Balanced Growth Acc @ 393.13 414.92 -1.40 1.49 166.68 141.72 Tr 3K% 45 145.91 – .61 … 1.25
Corporate Bond ‡@ 99.69 … -0.89 4.77 189.87 160.09 Tr 4N% 46 165.00 – .70 2.58 1.26
European Growth @ 403.88 426.26 -3.57 2.18 101.07 87.91 Tr 0Y% 46 91.39 – .47 … 1.28
UK and Income Investment Funds 123.14 101.25 Tr 1K% 47 105.08 – .55 … 1.27
CLOSE FUND MANAGEMENT LTD European Growth Acc @ 475.71 502.07 -4.21 2.24 Corp Bond B Acc ‡@ 364.50 … -0.20 1.38 130.95 107.13 Tr 1O% 49 111.23 – .61 … 1.27
0870 606 6402 Glob Gwth @ 331.53 349.90 -3.09 0.12 Corp Bond B Inc ‡@ 134.20 … … 1.39 199.64 166.14 Tr 4N% 49 171.66 – .82 2.48 1.25
Higher Yield @ 83.98 88.64 -0.29 4.43 101.54 80.47 Tr 0X% 50 84.24 – .55 … 1.27
Beacon Inv ‡ 84.88 … +0.35 0.01 UK Gwth B Acc ‡@ 206.00 … +0.10 1.81 197.10 175.21 Tr 0V% 51 196.80 – .30 … –2.17
Higher Yield Acc @ 275.04 290.28 -0.92 … UK Sel Gwth B Acc ‡@ 2499.00 … -7.00 1.09 99.82 95.12 Tr 1N% 51 99.22 – .60 … 1.28
Japan @ 49.06 51.78 -0.03 0.94 Cautious Man Fd A Acc ‡@297.70 … +0.60 … Gwth Tst Acc @ 106.00 106.50 -1.00 0.17 99.82 95.12 Tr 1N% 51 99.22 – .60 … 1.28
Managed @ 130.89 138.15 -0.06 0.66 Cautious Man Fd A Inc ‡@154.10 … +0.30 … High Inc Acc ‡@ 145.10 … +0.20 4.44 194.87 158.62 Tr 3O% 52 164.20 – .84 … 1.25
Managed Trust @ 71.96 76.96 +0.17 … OEIC C Class 142.64 110.32 Tr 1O% 57 115.13 – .69 … 1.23
Dealing: 020 7426 6232 China Opp Fund A Acc ‡@1762.00 … +4.00 … Japan Ind Acc ‡@ 70.54 … +0.36 … 227.33 179.62 Tr 4% 60 186.31 –1.00 … 1.20
Mngd Pfolio Inc @ 95.54 100.84 -0.11 0.58 Emg Mkts Opps Fd A Acc ‡@250.70 … +0.60 … Pacific Ind Acc ‡@ 211.10 … +0.40 1.86 UK and Income Investment Funds
101.78 73.87 Tr 0K% 61 78.00 – .60 … 1.19
Winchester ‡ 3675.07 … +32.03 0.70 Pacific Grth @ 498.71 526.34 -2.81 1.34 Erpn Grth Fund A Acc ‡@ 286.50 … +1.20 0.41 UK 100 Ind Acc @ 180.90 180.90 +0.90 3.19 UK Gth C Inc ‡@ 130.60 … +0.10 2.28 182.62 139.05 Tr 2K% 65 145.28 – .93 … 1.18
Smaller Comp @ 756.24 798.14 +1.64 0.15 Erpn Sel Opps Fd A Acc ‡@2222.00 … +4.00 0.15 UK Active Opps Acc @ 249.90 252.90 -0.10 … UK Sel Gwth C Acc ‡@ 2616.00 … -8.00 1.29 134.30 105.36 Tr 1X% 54 109.93 – .66 … 1.26
Smaller Cos @ 628.94 663.79 +1.36 0.21 156.74 114.27 Tr 1X% 71 119.71 – .90 … 1.11
Fix Int Mnthly Inc Fd Acc ‡@34.36 … +0.03 4.14 UK Index Acc ‡@ 321.00 … +0.90 2.26 231.23 177.31 Tr 3K% 68 184.77 –1.15 … 1.16
Global Equity Fund Acc ‡@4444.00 … +26.00 … UK Index Dist ‡@ 162.60 … +0.50 2.30 221.30 178.26 Tr 4N% 55 184.52 – .89 2.30 1.23
EDENTREE INV MGMT LTD Global Equity Income A Inc ‡@63.86 … +0.21 … US Ind Acc ‡@ 732.50 … +1.50 …
INSIGHT INVESTMENT FDS MANAGEMENT LTD 0845 279 3003 Mediums (5-15 years)
0800 358 3010 Global Tech A Acc ‡@ 3169.00 … +21.00 … Worldwide Acc ‡@ 364.60 … +0.60 0.40
Client Servs: 0207 163 4000 Investment Funds (OEIC) - Retail Shares
Amity European A ‡ 316.20 … +0.70 … Instl UK Idx Opps A Acc ‡@107.27 … +0.29 1.86 102.69 101.42 Tr 0O% 23 101.46 – .03 … 0.05
Insight Investment Multi-Manager Funds M-Asset Abs Ret A Acc ‡@153.60 … … 1.72 AAA Inc CAT Acc ‡@ 101.30 … … 1.02 107.43 104.85 Tr 2N% 23 104.86 – .03 … 0.07
Amity International A ‡ 349.90 … +1.30 … M & G SECURITIES 100.64 99.72 Tr 0V% 24 99.95 – .03 … 0.14
Well Bldr Bal Acc ‡@ 96.05 … -0.32 … M-Man Active Fd A Acc ‡@264.60 … +0.50 … Enq: 0800 390 390 Dealing Line: 0800 328 3196 AAA Inc CAT Inc ‡@ 57.97 … -0.01 1.02
Amity Sterling Bond A ‡ 106.20 … … 3.56 104.35 102.40 Tr 1% 24 102.50 – .04 … 0.12
Well Bldr Gwth Acc ‡@ 93.79 … -0.36 … M-Man Inc Grth A Inc ‡@ 161.10 … +0.30 2.04 Authorised Inv Funds AAA Income Acc ‡@ 109.50 … -0.10 1.42 111.97 108.32 Tr 2O% 24 108.36 – .05 … 0.15
Amity UK A Inc ‡ 262.60 … +1.20 0.35
M-Man Inc Grth Fd A Acc ‡@198.50 … +0.30 2.01 Amer Eq Gth Acc ‡@ 204.80 … +1.20 … 123.75 117.87 Tr 5% 25 117.89 – .07 4.24 0.18
Higher Income A ‡ 136.30 … +0.30 … Charifund Inc ‡ 1571.72 … +9.51 …
Sterling Bond U Trst Acc ‡@250.00 … +0.10 1.20 Corp Bond Acc ‡@ 189.10 … +0.10 2.55 103.71 101.37 Tr 0X% 25 101.69 – .06 … 0.20
UK Equity Growth A ‡ 346.10 … +1.70 … 111.08 107.29 Tr 2% 25 107.48 – .07 … 0.22
Sterling Bond U Trst Inc ‡@69.94 … +0.02 1.20 Corp Bond Inc ‡@ 66.02 … +0.03 2.59
INVESCO FUND MGRS LTD Sterling Class A Investment Funds 1 101.14 98.61 Tr 0V% 26 99.17 – .07 … 0.31
Strategic Bond A Inc ‡@ 130.80 … +0.10 3.58 Euro Eq Gth Acc ‡@ 262.90 … +1.70 0.34 109.72 105.42 Tr 1K% 26 105.89 – .08 … 0.33
Dling: 0800 085 8571 Inv Serv: 0800 085 8677
UK Abs Ret Fd A Acc ‡@ 168.00 … +0.10 … Euro Smlr Cos Acc ‡ 529.04 … +4.47 … Glb Advtg CAT Acc ‡@ 159.60 … +0.60 0.59 109.23 104.13 Tr 1N% 27 104.86 – .13 … 0.44
Brkr Serv: 0800 028 2121
UK Alpha Fund A Acc ‡@ 171.50 … +0.80 0.26 Euro Smlr Cos Inc ‡ 468.75 … +3.97 … Glob Advtg Acc ‡@ 210.90 … +0.90 0.57 131.78 123.55 Tr 4N% 27 124.13 – .17 3.42 0.46
F & C FUND MANAGEMENT LTD (OEICS) INVESCO Funds 100.95 96.45 Tr 0V% 28 97.33 – .16 … 0.53
UK Irsh Sm Co Fd A Acc ‡@742.50 … -1.70 … Glob Eq Uncstrd Acc ‡@ 168.10 … +0.90 …
Enqs: 0870 601 6183 Dealing: 0870 601 6083 UK Str Inc N/Trl ‡@ 323.57 … -0.12 7.05 113.61 106.76 Tr 1X% 28 107.72 – .17 … 0.55
UK Property A Acc @ 236.12 247.55 +0.03 2.68 Higher Inc Acc ‡@ 153.00 … … 3.66 149.84 138.76 Tr 6% 28 139.57 – .22 4.30 0.58
Sterling Class A Investment Funds 2
Share Class 1 - Retail UK Property A Inc @ 96.44 101.10 +0.01 2.72 Higher Inc Inc ‡@ 50.78 … -0.02 3.74 107.70 100.42 Tr 0Y% 29 101.61 – .20 … 0.68
US Growth Fund A Acc ‡@1789.00 … +11.00 … Extra Income Inc ‡ 736.06 … +2.93 … Japan Eq Gth Acc ‡@ 119.90 … +0.90 … 102.60 94.93 Tr 0W% 30 96.43 – .19 … 0.77
Corporate Bd ‡@ 60.53 … +0.03 1.71
INVESCO PERPETUAL Funds Gilt & Fxd Int Inc ‡ 100.63 … -0.03 0.90 Managed Acc ‡@ 332.90 … +1.40 0.48 148.13 135.20 Tr 4O% 30 136.72 – .26 3.47 0.73
Emerging Mkts ‡@ 137.20 … +0.20 … 99.94 92.54 Tr 0N% 31 94.13 – .20 … 0.86
Gl Hi Yd Bd Inc ‡ 47.93 … +0.03 … Select Inc Acc ‡@ 97.59 … -0.10 2.39
Euro Gwth & Inc 1 ‡@ 1277.00 … +4.00 … Childrens Acc ‡@ 465.01 … +1.36 1.33 147.41 133.57 Tr 4N% 32 135.46 – .27 3.14 0.86
Index Linked Bd Inc ‡ 162.41 … +0.40 … Select Inc Inc ‡@ 56.15 … -0.06 2.43
Extra Inc Bond ‡@ 50.19 … +0.03 1.66 Corp Bond Acc ‡@ 226.88 … +0.10 … 157.76 141.18 Tr 4K% 34 143.53 – .36 3.14 0.98
Index Trckr Inc ‡ 74.48 … +0.24 2.62 UK Eq Gth Acc ‡@ 364.40 … +0.70 1.40 101.77 91.57 Tr 0X% 35 93.82 – .30 … 1.10
FTSE All-Shr Track ‡@ 415.80 … +1.70 2.13 High Income Inc ‡@ 321.40 … +0.91 … JP MORGAN ASSET MGMT Short Dated Corp Bd Inc ‡ 26.01 … +0.01 1.48 UK Eq Hi Alpha ‡@ 225.50 … +0.60 …
Global Gwth SC1 ‡@ 320.30 … +2.00 … Income & Grth Inc ‡@ 415.79 … +2.29 … OEIC UK Select A Inc ‡ 3267.45 … +8.87 2.07 UK Eq Hi Inc Acc ‡@ 250.20 … +0.70 … Shorts (under 5 years)
High Inc Trst @ 12.91 13.59 +0.02 … Income Inc ‡@ 1276.37 … +4.65 2.39
Asia A Acc ‡@ 322.00 … -0.30 … UK Eq Hi Inc Inc ‡@ 73.82 … +0.20 … 104.57 100.85 Tr 3O% 21 100.85 – .01 … 0.03
Max Inc Bond ‡@ 50.12 … +0.04 … Money Acc ‡@ 91.04 … … … 142.92 135.65 Tr 8% 21 141.44 – .10 5.66 1.19
Multi Man Caut ‡@ 70.41 … … 3.18 Emerging Mkts ‡@ 331.30 … +0.90 … Sterling Class A Investment Funds 3 UK Ethical Acc ‡@ 241.50 … +2.60 …
Monthly Inc Plus Inc ‡@ 108.05 … +0.09 … 101.25 100.52 Tr 0K% 22 100.52 – .01 … 0.03
Multi Man Distr ‡@ 60.44 … … 3.37 Eur Dyn (ex-UK) A Acc ‡@284.90 … +0.90 … UK Opps Acc ‡@ 323.90 … +2.10 … 104.03 102.10 Tr 1O% 22 102.10 – .01 … 0.04
UK Aggressive Inc ‡@ 154.28 … -0.24 … Corp Bd A Inc ‡ 41.36 … +0.01 …
North Amer ‡@ 735.40 … +4.40 … Euro Smllr Cos ‡@ 1058.00 … +7.00 … UK Opps Inc ‡@ 294.50 … +1.90 … 106.98 102.91 Tr 4% 22 102.91 – .01 3.89 0.01
UK Growth Acc ‡@ 733.36 … +2.13 … Dividend Inc ‡ 56.73 … +0.33 3.93
Europe A Acc ‡@ 1843.00 … +6.00 … UK Smlr Cos Acc ‡@ 1072.00 … +8.00 … 100.60 100.00 Tr 0V% 23 100.10 – .02 … 0.06
Pacific Gwth ‡@ 546.30 … +1.20 … UK Sml Cos Eqty Acc ‡@ 1734.31 … +5.46 … Recovery A Inc ‡ 127.65 … +1.10 … 99.92 99.18 Tr 0W% 26 99.83 – .08 … 0.41
Strategic Bd ‡@ 211.30 … -0.10 0.71 Gbl Hi Yld Bd A Acc ‡@ 128.60 … +0.10 4.40
UK Sml Cos Gwth ‡@ 82.54 … +0.04 … Sml Cos Inc ‡ 450.95 … +1.78 0.87
UK Equity ‡@ 3366.00 … +5.00 0.32 Gbl Hi Yld Bd A Inc ‡@ 35.99 … +0.03 4.51
Gl ex-UK Bd A Acc ‡@ 288.60 … -0.20 … SVS BROWN SHIPLEY FUNDS * maturities having an eight-month indexation lag.
UK Gwth & Inc Acc 1 ‡@ 658.50 … … … Sterling Class A Investment Funds 4 Enquiries: 0141 222 1151
UK Gwth & Inc Dist ‡@ 234.70 … … … Gl ex-UK Bd A Inc ‡@ 221.10 … -0.10 …
INVESTEC FUND MGRS Glb Fins A Acc ‡@ 1077.00 … +1.00 … Episode Allocation A Inc ‡@144.71 … +0.02 1.91 Balanced A Acc ‡@ 152.08 … +0.49 0.94 This is a paid for information service. For
UK Smaller Cos ‡@ 1214.00 … +3.00 … Broker Support and Dealing: 020 7597 1900 Global A Acc ‡@ 2182.00 … +16.00 … Balanced A Inc ‡@ 137.66 … +0.44 0.95 further details on a particular fund, readers
OEIC Series i,ii,iii, & iv Japan A Acc ‡@ 638.60 … +6.80 … Cautious A Acc ‡@ 124.35 … +0.35 …
MANEK INVESTMENT MGMT LTD should contact their fund manager.
American A Acc ‡@ 624.43 … +3.53 … Multi-Man Tst A Acc ‡@ 1433.00 … +5.00 … 0844 800 9401 Cautious A Inc ‡@ 109.97 … +0.30 …
Asia ex Japan A Acc ‡@ 915.67 … +0.68 … Multi-Man Tst A Inc ‡@ 1280.00 … +5.00 … Dynamic A Acc ‡@ 360.28 … +1.22 …
FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL Growth Fd Acc @ 41.47 43.54 -0.01 …
Capital Accumulator A Acc ‡@231.48 … -3.81 … Nat Resources ‡@ 741.70 … -1.00 1.86 Dynamic A Inc ‡@ 328.32 … +1.11 …
Private Clnts 0800 414161 Broker Dlgs 0800 414181 Data as shown is
Cautious Managed A Acc ‡@422.12 … -0.62 … New Europe A ‡@ 249.70 … -0.90 2.05 Growth A Acc ‡@ 375.18 … +1.28 0.82
Amer Spec Sits ‡@ 1979.00 … +11.00 … Cautious Managed A Inc ‡@274.40 … -0.40 … Portfolio ‡@ 319.30 … +0.40 … MARKS & SPENCER UNIT TRUST LTD Income A Acc ‡@ 271.95 … +0.90 1.39 for information
American ‡@ 5446.00 … +38.00 … Diversified Growth A Acc ‡@141.43 … +0.16 … Stg Corp Bd A Acc ‡@ 104.80 … … 1.09 0808 005 5555 Sterling Bond Acc ‡@ 242.37 … -0.28 … purposes only. No offer is made by
Euro Opps ‡@ 594.40 … +4.30 … Diversified Growth A Inc ‡@150.39 … +0.17 … Stg Corp Bd A Inc ‡@ 59.90 … +0.04 1.09 High Income 111.00 111.00 +0.70 3.78 Sterling Bond Inc ‡@ 97.00 … -0.11 … Morningstar or this publication
46 1GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

Business Equity prices

Dividend yields Please note dividend yields are 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price
supplied by Morningstar. The yield is the sum of a High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

company’s trailing 12-month dividend payments 187N 107K Man 187N + 2K 3.8 27.5 111W 68K Breedon Groupv 108 … … 54.2 63K 22 SIG 54X – X … -2.2 340 238 Dialight 283 + 3 … …
divided by the last month’s ending share price 9N 6N Manx Finv 8 … … 6.4 544O 322 Br Land 514O + 4K 1.5 -3.5 93 37K SigmaRocv 93 + 4K … 39.5 2237 1291W Electrolux 'B' 2010N + 19K 4.5 12.3

6V Y Marechale Capv 1K … … … 152K 110 Caledonian Tstv 140 … … … 105 71W Sirius Real Estate 105 + 1V 3.0 14.4 1K Y Feedbackv Y … … -6.0
12 month Price 12 month Price 9875K 7279V Marsh McLn 9834Y – 3Y 1.3 31.0 186N 99 Cap & Count Prop 175X + 4 0.5 -2.1 125K 111K Smart (J) 125K … 2.5 12.8 1500 972 Gooch Hsegov 1475 + 10 0.4 98.3
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E
770 625 Mattioli Woodsv 740 … 2.7 20.1 105 34Y Cap & Regnl 79W + 1K 13.8 -0.4 53K 22K Steppe Cementv 48 … … 12.1 3580 2355 Goodwin 2960 … 2.7 33.2
191X 99V Taylor Wimpey 167N + O … 26.9 2791 2158 Halma 2791 + 56 0.5 59.8
141W 103V EFG-Hermes Hldg 127W + 3K … 7.0 32K 19 Metal Tigerv 31 + K … -0.5 1850 1720 Cardiff Prop‡ 1850 … 0.9 12.4
Automobiles & parts 374 167K EPE Special Oppsv 368 … … 3.1 149Y 58 Metro Bank 108 – Y … -0.6 47K 24K Carecapitalv 36K … … -4.4
144 81K Town Centre‡ 126O … 3.9 -2.4 1578 1170 Hill & Smith‡ 1466 – 20 0.6 48.8
791O 502K FBD 790 … … 73.5 1696 989 Travis Perkins 1630K + 5 … …
1506 910Y Nat Aust Bk 1442O – 8X 2.3 17.1 154K 79W Clarke T 133O – 1O 3.2 20.2 57 36K Holders Techv 57 + 2 0.8 -9.1
2273 919K Aston Martin Lag 1996K + 26K … -3.6
70 64 Fiskev 70 … … … 205 134K Tritax Big Box REIT 205 + 4 3.1 7.7
210 93N NWG 205 … 1.4 … 260 185 CLS Hldgs 247K – 2K 2.9 13.0 4N 1X Image Scanv 4 – N … …
53 40 Frenkel Toppingv‡ 51K … 3.8 50.4 507 171 Tyman 474 – 1 … 24.9
Banking & finance 636 345 Georgia Capital 615 – 3 … 3.3
398 280 Numisv‡ 371 + 1 3.2 13.9 544K 283W Countryside Prop 486W – 4K 2.1 …
98W 51K U + I 96 + 1 2.5 -1.4
1733 886 IMI 1703 + 1 1.9 27.2

494V 236 Onesavings Bank 477 + 2K … 11.2 74V 28Y Craven Housev 60V … … -0.3 V … Inspirit Energyv … … … -4.4
955 580 Gresham Housev 891 … 0.5 …
1178 809K Unite Group 1150 – 2 … …
3208 2240 Admiral 3110 + 43 3.5 18.2 1545 955 Gresh Hse Stratv 1505 + 15 1.5 … N … Origo Partnersv V … 51.3 … 3752 2636 CRH 3661 – 53 1.8 35.2 6680 4690 Judges Scientificv‡ 6300 – 100 0.8 48.9
83 11 ADVFNv 59K … … 35.6 1346K 529 Vistry Group 1249 – 8 … 35.9
340 198 H&T Groupv‡ 276 + 6 1.7 7.0 702 497 PayPoint 594 – 3 6.6 9.7 3578 2360 Derwent London 3547 + 30 2.0 … 96K 59 LPAv 70K – 1K … 15.1
475 375K AJ Bell‡ 428K – 5O 1.1 51.4 153 105 Warehouse REITv‡ 153 + 4V 4.0 7.4
65 29K Hansard Global 59K + 2 7.4 18.0 30K 17X PCF Groupv# 24 … 1.6 10.4 4K 2O Dolphin Capitalv 4 … … 5.0 515V 252 Meggitt 487O – 8V … …
223 152 Amryt Pharmav 167K … … -4.0
920K 482W Workspace Grp 880 + 14 4.1 …
18278Y 12724N Aon Corpn 17597X – 116V 0.7 26.5 1865 1348K Hargreaves L 1636K – 4 2.2 23.8
786V 625V Phoenix Gp 721K – 3 6.4 7.8 41 32 First Propv 35K + K 4.7 13.2 186O 85N Melrose 166K – 2N … …
46 24 Appreciate Groupv 40 … … 49.5 213Y 95 Helios Underv 172K … 0.8 8.6 660 565 Wynnstay Propsv 660 + 35 2.2 …
… … Plutus PowerGenv# … … … 8.3 37K 31K Fletcher Kingv 34K … 4.3 -6.9 358 210 Morgan Advanced 357 – K 0.5 …
1175 607K Arbuthnot Bkgv 990 + 35 … … 1108K 710 Hiscox 793W – 4W … …
15 6K Arden Partnersv 14 … … -2.8 324 164 Provident 237V – 1W 3.7 16.5 74V 32V Foxtons Group 56 … … … 592 209 Mpacv 510 – 15 … 31.4
23K 18K Argo Groupv 19K … … 6.6
732K IG Group
439W +
867K +
2K 2.4 20.9
6K 4.9 9.3 1585K 934W Prudential 1485 – 4 1.5 24.8 147W 70 Galliford Try 125 … … -3.3
Consumer goods 173 107K MS Intlv 162K … 2.1 -8.4
479K 342K Ashmore Gp 404V – O 4.1 14.4
1598K 901 Aus New Z 1540N – 23Y 2.1 16.8 1146 340 Impaxv‡ 1146 + 26 0.5 … 3O V Quantum Blockchain techv1N … … -4.8 659 396 Genuit Group 623 – 23 … 74.1 124K 66K Northbrdg Indv 124K + 6 … -4.4
6V 3O Agriterrav 4O … … -0.4
421O 256K Aviva 416Y – W 3.1 8.7 2340 1141 Intermed Cap 2340 + 51 2.1 43.1 2205 1240 Oxford Inst 2170 + 10 … 38.1
167O 120O Quilter PLC 155W – 2V 2.8 31.0 888 518 Gleeson (MJ) 842 + 8 … 48.8 36 26 Aireav 34K … … 34.5
300K 133 Banco Santander 295Y + 1N … -7.4 141O 44 IPF 127 + W … -4.3
191 147N Randall & Quilterv‡ 170 … 2.1 68.3 1250 617K Grafton Gp Uts 1135 – 15 … 25.1 4374K 3305X Philips El nv 3816Y – 165X … 32.5
1328 735 Bank of Georgia 1328 + 52 … 9.6 724 466 Anglo-Eastern‡ 628 + 16 … 10.9
176K 154V Intl Public Pntshp 170 – K 4.2 45.2
189V 91K Barclays 179W – 1 … 13.3 1922 1386 Rathbone Brs 1922 + 22 3.6 40.3 321W 259K Grainger‡ 295O + 4O 1.7 20.8 9W 4 PipeHawkv 7O … … …
311O 127 Investec 304O + 2Y 3.6 33.6 346 152K Animalcarev‡ 346 – 3 0.5 …
456W 293W Beazley 313W – 6W 2.4 … 113K 58 Pressure Techv 97K … … -0.9
315 265 Investment Co 315 … 2.1 -6.9 2N O RiverFort Global Oppsv 1O … … 63.7 755 543 Gr Portland‡ 750 … 1.6 … 2494 1639K AB Foods‡ 2292 – 65 … 45.3
N V Blue Star Capitalv V … … 3.2
134W 60 IP Group‡ 119O – 1 … … 2800 1475 S & U 2610 – 10 4.1 21.6 56W 15 Hammerson 44N + W 0.4 -0.5 140V 48K Bakkavor Group 136O … … 23.5 6900 3798 Renishaw 5375 – 5 … 86.2
319 217 BP Marsh&Ptnrsv 319 + 3 0.7 8.5
128K 12N Braveheart Invv 47 + 2 … … 305 137K Jarvis Securitiesv 265 – 4 4.1 20.8 3O 1O Sancus Lending Grpv 3V … … -0.7 147K 86O Harworth Gp 140K – 549 372K Barr (AG) 524 – 8 … 30.5 28K 7 Renoldv 25X + V … 18.3
K 0.2 17.5
369 225K Brewin Dolphin 366 – 2 4.4 23.0 306K 201V Jupiter Fund Mgmt 277V + 2V 6.1 13.3
47K 28X Schroder REIT‡ 46X + W 3.8 -5.2 385 200 Heath (Samuel)v 350 … 1.5 14.8 13 3Y Bidstack Groupv 4 + V … -2.4 134Y 38Y Rolls-Royce 107N – 4K … -2.0
94 45 Cenkos Secsv‡ 81 … 2.4 24.5 111W 41X Just Group 97Y – 1 … 6.1
370 220 Charles Stanley‡ 346 – 7 2.6 16.1 3665 2603 Schroders 3571 + 21 3.1 21.0 453K 246 Helical Bar 453K + 15K 1.9 40.4 187K 107K Brand Architektsv 173 … … -7.2 4 1 Ross Gp 2N … … 3.3
850 612K Lancashire Hdgs 626K – 4 1.7 …
310 258K Chesnara 276 – 2 7.7 23.0 3170K 2448 Brit Amer Tob 2795K – 10K 7.5 10.0 376K 263K Rotork 337V – 3O 1.1 31.5
296W 178 Legal & Gen 276Y – 1W 6.3 13.2 2680 1770 Schroders N/V 2655 + 5 4.2 15.6 855 610 Highcroft Invs 855 + 5 5.6 …
111K 64 City of Lon Gpv 77K … … -3.4
960 728 Britvic‡ 930K – 14 2.3 26.2 214 49K SDI Groupv 214 + 10 … 67.0
560 344 City Lon Inv Gp 528 – 10 5.6 19.2 38024K 358X Liberty Group 358X + 5N 6.0 … 201 87 Sigma Capv 201 … 1.0 24.5 371Y 255N HK Land 349V + X 4.6 -4.2
1685 946K Close Bros 1601 + 24 2.5 22.0 1618 1175 Liontrust 1598 – 14 2.0 87.0 2237 1252K Burberry Grp 2219 + 10 0.5 … 159 42O Senior 153W – 1W … -4.0
1455K 885K St James Place 1448 + 1K 1.3 29.7 242W 143 Ibstock 234 + 1O … …
538 259 CMC Markets 468K – 19 3.2 7.9 47O 34 Livermore Invsv 44K … 6.2 -3.1 298 135X C&C Grp 235V – 2O 2.0 … 80V 51O Severfield 79 + 1 3.6 13.0
521K 336O Stand Chart 491N – 2K 1.3 24.5 532 438 James Halsteadv 512 + 10 2.7 30.4
589Y 323V Commerzbk 552V – 7X … -3.2
50 23Y Lloyds Bkg Gp 47O – K … 19.1 24 5K Capital Metalsv 12O … … … 16K 7O Six Hundredv 15N … 1.6 …
1078Y 582Y Deutsche Bk 993N – 10O … 18.5 331 208Y Strd Life Aber 284O … 7.5 7.5 404W 273K John Laing Group 400O – W 1.3 …
37O 27X LMS Capital‡ 34K + 1 0.8 -6.3 158 94O Carr's Grp 146 + 4 3.2 16.2
342 263K Direct Line Ins 295 – 1O 2.5 11.5 2201 1382V SKF B 1865X – 12O 2.9 21.1
9910 6914 Lond Stk Ex Gp 7770 + 46 0.9 65.3 32K 11K Starvestv 18K … … 0.7 856 506 Keller‡ 805 + 17 4.1 13.7
55 52 Downing ONE VCT 53 … 7.5 -3.3 680 295 Character Grpv 680 + 5 0.7 18.2 300 72K Slingsby (HC)v 250 … … 0.9
O W Drumzv K … … -1.4 248K 144O M&G 244V – 1W 7.3 5.5 41 26 STM Groupv‡ 34 + 1 4.4 20.9 7126 4501 Kingspan Group 6739 … … 36.8
1750 960 Churchill Chinav 1627K … 0.6 33.9 1661 1245K Smiths 1602 – 6 2.1 85.2
2639 1755 Coca Cola HBC 2636 + 2 2.1 25.8 905 530 Solid Statev 865 + 5 1.4 22.2
Investment companies 540 355 Colefaxv 520 … … 20.2
476 205 Somero Enterv 476 + 13 2.6 19.7
4090 3200 Cranswick 4050 – 22 1.4 24.2
12 month Price Yld Dis(-) 12 month Price Yld Dis(-) 3416 2380 Spectris‡ 3274 + 17 1.9 …
High Low Company (p) +/- % or Pm High Low Company (p) +/- % or Pm 215K 132 Devro‡ 204 – K 4.4 14.8
13195 9570 Spirax-Sarco 13195 – 5 0.8 56.2
3460 2440 Diageo 3434K + K 2.0 70.8
79 20N Surface Trsfmsv 63K – 1 … …
1292N 773K 3I Group 1241K – 5K 3.7 31.6 425 256 Invesco Asia Tr 368 – 18 3.7 -6.2 3 1 Distilv 2W + V … 26.6
320 269V 3i Infrastructure 301 – 2K 3.6 13.2 203 163O Invesco BondInc 186K + 1K 5.1 -6.0 3K 1Y Tanfieldv 2N … … -6.5
103 85K Abrdn Div I&G 100K + K 4.6 -15.8 170 133 IPST Bal 165 … … -4.1 754 520 Evans (M.P.)v‡ 726 – 10 2.2 26.6
426 286 Thorpe FWv 426 – 3 1.3 37.3
1606 796 Aberforth Smlr 1548 + 2 1.9 -9.8 234 174 IPST Gbl Eq 228 … 3.0 -3.6 96 51V Finsbury Foodv 92K + 2O … …
997 732 Alliance 981 – 2 1.3 -5.9 103 101 IPST Managed 102K + K … -5.1 8X 4Y TP Groupv 5X … … …
12100 7100 Games Workshop‡ 11500 + 40 1.0 38.6
604 371N Asia Dragon Tr 522 + 4 0.8 -11.3 182 136 IPST UK Eq 180 + 4 3.5 -7.4
96K 47K Transense Techv 84 + K … …
260 141 Athelney Trust 250 … 3.4 -11.2 640X 363 IP UKSmallerCos 624 + 4 0.4 -6.9 1246V 670W Glanbia 1232V + 30 1.9 28.3
1026O 651W AVI Global Trust 980 + 3 1.5 -7.3 657 451X JPM American 640 … 1.0 -5.0 8K 5N Tricornv 8K … 2.2 -5.3
170O 89V Greencore 132V + K 2.8 …
658 387Y Baillie Gifford Ch Gr 475 – K 1.5 2.7 550 368K JPM Asia 505 + 4 3.6 1.4 2490 1856 Ultra Electrncs 2076 – 10 2.6 17.6
156 95W Baillie Gifford Eu Gr 153O + 1V 0.2 1.5 875Y 378W JPM Chinese 672 + 1 3.1 1.4 476 237 Headlam 458 – 9 … …
1136 747 Baillie Gifford Jpn Tr 1050 – 6 0.4 3.8 760 515 JPM Claverhs 750 … 3.9 0.4 590 374 Vesuvius 544 – 4K 0.5 35.7
50 10 Hidong Estate 50 … … 9.3
274K 171Y Baillie Gifford SN 233 + 1K … 2.5 105 100 JPM Elect Mg C 102K … 0.7 -0.7 1550 618 Vitec 1375 + 35 … …
249 165 Baillie Gifford UK Gr 242 … 1.3 2.9 1045O 752 JPM Elect Mg G 1035 … 1.5 -3.1 1294 996 Hilton Food‡ 1122 … 2.0 23.4
116W 89O Bankers 115X + W 1.9 0.5 111 76K JPM Elect Mg I 109K + 2 4.3 -0.8 371 129K Volexv 350 – 1 0.8 32.5
71K 31K Hornbyv 52 – 1K … …
2040 1724V BH Global 1945 – 5 … -2.3 152Y 91Y JPM Em Mkts 134 … 1.0 -3.9 2107 983O Weir 1874 – 20 … 35.4
3730 3139V BH Macro 3350 … … -2.0 365Y 250Y JPM Eur IT Gth 364 + 1 1.1 -9.3 1674 1219 Imperial Brands 1607K – 1 11.5 10.1
1750 1008 Biotech Growth 1400 + 34 … -1.5 160N 107W JPM Eur IT Inc 159 + 5 3.8 -10.2 1 W J Lewis Hfordv Y … … -3.0 5700 3490 XP Power 5320 + 40 0.7 33.1
110 54N BlckRck Com Inc 104 + 1 4.0 … 511 321 JPM Euro Smlr 505 + 2 1.1 -13.6 180 95 Zytronicv 167K – 7K 9.0 …
10516Y 8632V Kerry Gp 9265W – 94W 0.7 33.1
130 89W BlckRck Fro Inv 121K + K 4.2 -5.5 162 105 JPM GEMI 150 + 1 3.2 -7.3
632 390 BlckRck Grt Euro 624 + 4 1.0 1.4 435 310 JPM GG&I 428 … 3.1 2.5 94K 56Y McBride 85 + K 1.2 11.9
145 BlckRck Inc & Gwth 191
297 BlckRck Latin Am 398

496K JPM Indian
407 JPM Jap Sml Co

407 140 Mulberry Groupv 305 … 1.6 -4.8 Health
204 142K BlckRck N Amer Inc 187 + 1 4.0 -5.5 744 501 JPM Japan# 630 + 6 0.7 -4.1 1640 982 Nicholsv 1605 – 10 1.7 …
1999Y 1141V BlckRck Smlr 1976 + 6 2.5 -5.0 1585V 824 JPM Mid Cap 1465 … 2.0 -0.3 330 136 Norcros 330 + 2 0.9 82.5 1719 1149 Abcamv 1316 – 11 0.2 …
918 507 BlckRck Throgmorton 915 + 7 1.1 1.3 105 80K JPM Multi-Ass G&I 103O – N 3.7 -5.0
342 219W Origin Entsv 287X … 0.9 17.6 295 192 AdvancedMedicalv‡ 292 + 1K 0.5 46.0
699V 335 BlckRck Wld Min 643 – 5 3.2 0.4 734 535 JPM Russian 730 … 4.4 -12.9
33 19 Blue Plan Int Fn# 26K … 6.7 -23.5 411 204K JPM Smllr Co 392 – 1 1.3 -7.6 58 37 Pittardsv 53 … … -3.0 25K 11O Allergy Therapv 24Y – K … 25.6
335 235X BMO Cap&Inc 319 – 1 3.5 -2.9 358 236O Keystone IT 296 + 6 3.7 -6.9
700 359 Portmeirionv 700 … … … 103 69 Allnce Pharmav‡ 99 + W 0.5 65.1
94 53K BMO Comm Prop 91O + X 2.6 -23.6 785 478 Law Debenture 776 + 1 3.5 1.8
168K 109Y BMO Glbl Smaller 164K – O 0.9 -7.2 1425 763 Lowland 1375 + 2K 4.1 -5.8 1 K Provexisv O … … … 139 39O Anglev 129K + 3K … …
425 250K BMO Priv Eq Ord 406 – 4 3.3 -14.5 253V 175 Majedie 223 – 12 4.0 -15.8
274K 180 PZ Cussons 246K + 1K 2.3 50.8 690 345 Anpariov 690 … 1.0 38.7
81K 50 BMO Real Estate 75 + 1V 3.0 -25.3 397 292 M Currie Port 384 + 3 1.1 -0.8
98 72K BMO UK HIT 97K + K 5.1 -7.7 124 89O Marwyn Val In 121 … 2.5 -33.6 68K 45W REA 56 + 2 … -5.0 … … Aqua Bounty … … … …
98 74V BMO UK HIT B 97 … … -7.7 281O 168K Mercantile IT 276 + K 2.2 -5.3 3921Y 2826W Sun Life Can 3701K – 43V 3.4 15.6 750K 489 Land Sec 718K + 6V 1.6 -3.5 5K 2K Real Gd Fdv 3V – N … -0.1 9320 6794 AstraZeneca 8348 + 8 2.4 38.0
390 285 BMO UK HIT UNIT 390 + 12 3.7 -10.1 537 325 Merchants 528 + 1 5.1 0.5 4X 1N Tavistock Invv 4X + 2 … -4.6
14 7K Lon & Assoc 11N … 1.6 -1.5 291 195W Stock Spirits‡ 267 … 3.0 30.2
1425N 868 Brown Advsr US Smlr1320 + 5 … -10.8 772 586 Mid Wynd 750 – 6 0.8 2.1 36Y 21K Circassia Groupv 33 – Y … -4.7
1338 747 TBC Bank Group 1100 … … 5.4
1020 712 Brunner 996 + 8 1.8 -10.5 1490 962N Monks Inv Tst 1344 – 4 0.1 … 242O 206V London Metric Prop‡ 238V + 3V 3.5 23.5 705 230 Tandemv‡ 610 … 1.0 9.4 247W 174Y Convatec Group 246W – 1N 1.6 60.1
3205 2118 Caledonia Inv 3160 + 10 1.5 -22.9 1806O 1070 Montanaro Eur Sml 1735 + 5 0.5 -1.6 30N 5O Ternv 23K – N … 78.3
203 163O Invesco BondInc 186K + 1K 5.1 -6.0 929 694 Murray Income Trust 919 + 1 3.7 -2.8 73 52K Macau Prop Op 69K … … -3.7 815O 595V Tate & Lyle 782W – 3O 3.7 14.8 92 46 Creighton 85 + 1 0.1 15.2
31O 15O Time Financev 30K + 1O … …
401K 304V City of Lon IT 398K + 1 4.9 2.1 1240 904 Murray Int 1214 + 4 4.7 0.4 794K 569 Marshalls‡ 680 – 4K … … 1210 485 Treatt 1140 … 0.4 63.5
365O 188 TP ICAP PLC 204 – 3 7.3 13.4 4316 2622 Dechra Pharma 4316 + 48 0.7 …
110K 70 Crystal Amber Fd 99K … 1.9 -23.1 89 75O Nb Global Floating 88V … 4.6 -7.7
212X 71N Virgin Money UK 209N + 4O … … 232 173 McKay Secs‡ 232 – 7 3.1 … 6 5 Ukrproduct Gpv 5O … … 2.6
384O 225N Dunedin Entp 348 … 0.4 -18.4 357 236 Pacific Assets 335 – 1 0.6 -6.9 2N 1 Deltex Medicalv 1X … … …
647 430V Edinburgh IT 642 – 1 4.2 -3.6 3713 1914V Pantheon Int 2640 + 15 … -21.6 1550 1310 Volverev 1390 … … … 5322 4305K Unilever (NV) 4996 + 15 0.7 26.3
162K 87N Michelmershv‡ 139K … … 28.1 32K 11V e-Therapeuticsv 24Y – K … …
425 215 Edin Wwide 342K + 1K … 1.8 2845 1802 Pershing Sq 2520 – 10 0.8 -26.5
58K 35 WH Irelandv 58 … … … 4892 3733 Unilever 4295 + 21K 3.3 22.6
674 163N Electra Pte Eq 616 – 24 … 24.4 47800 43104 Personal Assets 47400 – 250 1.2 1.5 2350 1030 Morgan Sindall 2215 + 20 0.9 22.5 395 202K Eco Animal Hlthv 380 … … 75.8
300 239 EP Global Opp 287 – 2 1.9 -7.9 2553 1832 Polar Cap Tech 2276 + 16 … -8.1 29 25K Walker Crips Grp 28K + 1 2.1 … 1125 219 Victoriav 1010 + 12 … …
12650 9950 Mountview 11850 … 3.3 18.3 83 43N EKF Diagnosticsv 73K – 1V 1.3 30.4
139K 91K European Assets 137 – K 5.0 -5.1 206 100 Prem Glb & Inf 160 … 5.9 -10.0 3386O 1494X Wells Fargo 3181O – 53W 2.8 …
784 594 European Opp Tr 743 + 2 0.4 -13.3 166V 118O Renewables Inf 130K + K 5.9 13.1 106O 44K NewRiver REIT 89X + V 12.0 -1.4 67K 12K Futura Medicalv 46K – N … …
867K 644W F&C Investment Tr 853 – 5 1.3 -4.8 2545 1710X RIT Cap Ptnr 2495 + 25 … -5.5
878X Westpac 1433W –
21X Worsley Investors Ltd 29O
16N 3.0 40.5
… … 93.1 400 150 NMCN 150 – 15 6.0 4.1
Engineering 5435 3242 Genus 5340 + 30 0.5 72.5
500 295 Fidlty Asian Val 478 + 4 1.7 -5.1 382K 207Y Riverstone 341 + 8K … -41.8
503 239 Fidelity China Sp 415 – 1K 1.0 -1.3 551 336 Schroder TotRt 496 – 3 1.4 1.5 32364 23754 Zurich Fincl 29263O + 102W 5.2 15.6 1674W 1190O GlaxoSmKline‡ 1407W + 4 5.6 13.5
268 171N Palace Capital 257 – 4 3.7 -7.8
311 242X Fidlty Euro Val 309 + 2K 2.0 -7.1 686N 441 Schrd Asia Pac 620 – 1 1.2 -7.8 385 215 Amiad Water Systv 310 … … …
2K X Gunsyndv 1X … … …
241V 162 Fidlty Jap Tru 217 + 1 … -8.0 319 228 Schrod Inc Gwth 313 – 1 4.1 … 275 175 Panther Securitiesv‡ 275 … 4.3 -3.7 … … Ass Br Eng# 15 … … -0.2
169 Fidlty Spec Val
774 Fins Gwth & Inc
907 +

158V Schrod Jap Gwth
420 Schrod UKMid
– 3

Construction & 3238 2259 Persimmon 3105 + 34 3.5 15.5 4625 2708 Avon Rubber 2708 – 42 0.8 …
2695 2100 Hikma Pharms 2465 + 18 1.3 18.6

155K 88V GCP Infrastructure 96O – V 7.3 -3.4 39Y 23K Schroder UK PP Tr 33 – 1 … -14.7 property 17K 3 Pires Investmentsv 8W – O … … 376K 199 Babcock 299V – 3O 2.4 -5.5
528 349 Hutchmed Chinav 419 – 7 … …

183K 107V GCP Student Living 173K – 3W 1.2 -1.1 514 393W Scot American 496 + 5K 3.2 2.4 380 182 Immunodiag Sysv 378 … 0.5 …
40 30 Plaza Cent 30K … … … 541K 397 BAE Sys 533O – 2 4.3 13.1
950 682 Gen Emer Mkts 927 – 8 1.3 -6.6 847V 657N Scot IT 827 + 7 2.5 -9.7
262 63K Alumascv 262 + 3K 0.7 19.4 16N 8N ImmuPharmav 8W – V … -2.9
75 39O Gldn Prosp Prc Mtl 56Y – K … -7.7 1418K 708V Scot Mtge 1243 … 0.2 -3.3 163V 138O Primary Hlth 158 + 2N 3.7 18.1 878 555 Bodycote 849 – 8K 2.2 …
150 113X Greencoat UK Wind 129V + 1 5.8 5.1 210X 174W Secs Tst Scot 208 … 3.7 -2.0 24 22X Aseana Props 22X … … -1.8 159 65 Indivior 158 + V … 16.7
2300 1340 Braime A N/Vv 2300 + 100 0.5 38.8
248 147Y Hansa Investment 242 … 0.9 -26.6 112K 102 Sequoia Eco 108O – K 6.1 6.2 36X 23O Raven Property 28W – N … -9.5
84K 70Y Assura Grp‡ 77V + 2N 3.6 22.0 150 60K Inspiration Healthv 132K … … 49.4
238 150 Hansa Inv Co 'A' 235 – 1 0.2 -28.4 1182 631N Temple Bar 1124 + 2 3.2 -6.8 2150 1475 Braime Groupv 2150 … 0.5 36.2
2 1V Aukett Swankev 1O … … … 125 106K Raven Property Gr‡ 114K … … …
2105 1375O Hbrvest Glbl Pt Eq 2075 + 5 … -21.8 1080 726V Tplton Emg Mkt 1036 … 2.7 -5.7 425 260 Caffyns 420 … 1.7 10.0 123K 60 IXICOv 84K + K … 42.2
1665 1152 Hend Euro Foc 1635 … 1.8 -7.2 Y V Tiger Royal and Invv X … … 182.6 322O 208O Balfour Beatty‡ 305O + 2O … 69.5 41 27 Real Estate Invsv 39K … 6.3 -3.4
13O 2W Cap XX Ldv 8V … … … 344K 246 Mediclinic Int 334O – 6K 0.9 -5.9
188 121 Hend High Inc 182 + K 5.6 1.5 490K 287X TR Property 460 + 3 3.0 -6.1 794O 432K Barratt Devs 731V … … 18.5 712 361V Redrow 661 + 1K … 18.0
1310 721 Hend Smlr 1272 + 2 1.7 -4.3 77 67 Troy Inc&Gth 76 + V 3.1 -2.0 402 302 Castings 402 + 6 3.7 48.6 12X 3Y N4 Pharmav 8O … … -9.1
3712 2060 Bellway‡ 3481 + 1 1.4 23.5
2450 1346 Herald 2200 + 35 … -15.2 270 145K Utilico Ord 259 – 2 2.1 -32.2 966 660K Safestore 966 + 21K 1.8 11.5 87.06 70.42 Novartis CHF83.84 + 0.52 3.6 26.1
18K 7 Chamberlinv 10 … … -0.7
354 220K HgCapital Trust 336 – 1K 1.5 0.9 222 166 Utilico Emerging Mkt 220 + 3 3.2 -12.8 4897 4001 Berkeley 4571 – 14 4.5 15.8
1235 724K Savills 1192 – 1 … 24.8 65 30 Checkitv 63 … … -5.5 107 33 Omega Diagsv 69K – 3K … …
180K 158X HICL Infra 169W – 1 6.8 12.2 140K 121 UtilFin RdZDP 2022 139K … … 3.2 1338 958 Big Yellow Group 1294 + 7 2.6 39.8
269Y 180K Highbridge Tactical 264 – 1 … -1.9 701 388K Vietnam Ent Inv 691 + 1 … -14.9 6K 5 Secure Propertyv 6W … … -4.3 680 520 Cohortv 598 – 16 1.6 26.5 18 8O Ovoca Biov 10K – N … -3.0
342 264 Billington Hldgsv‡ 293 … … 11.2
1130 709N ICG Ent Tr 1044 – 18 1.6 -23.4 324O 174K Witan 240K + 1 2.1 -7.5
500N 301K Impax Env Mkts 461K – 1 0.5 3.0 3965 3260 Ww Health 3755 + 25 0.6 0.1 289 230 Boot (Henry) 270 – 9 1.3 30.3 1096 853V Segro 1096 + 14K 1.9 8.8 2130 892K Dewhurstv 1980 … 0.6 38.2 1288 701 Oxford Biomedica 1288 + 42 … …
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GM 47

Equity prices Business

12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

10N 4K Physiomicsv 6N – N … … 57 18N Ebiquityv 55K … … … 501 164K Ferrexpo 454K – 7O 2.6 5.7 6W 2 Victoria Oil&Gasv 6 … … -0.1 169W 106K Serco Gp 142 + 6N … 13.3 191 64 K3 Business Tchv 191 … … -3.9
9Y 3V Proteome Sciesv 7N … … 72.5 1112 776 Euromoney In Inv‡ 1058 – 8 2.1 36.7 1357K 747K Fresnillo‡ 861O + 1V 1.2 23.2 25 7W W Resourcesv 7Y … … -1.4 44K 24K Smiths News 43N + 1N 2.3 8.8 2743W 742W LG Electronics 2478O + 42W … 6.7

7960 5854 Reckitt Benck‡ 6566 + 78 2.6 41.2 … … Future 2940 – 12 … 64.7 22 11K Westmount Engyv 13O + 1N … … 3959 2438 Smurfit Kappa 3959 + 64 2.4 19.6 Y N Location Sciencesv O … … -3.1
28 … G3 Exploration# 28 … … -2.6
176K 85K RUA Life Sciencesv 136 – 1K … … 360K 191 Wood Grp (J) 248 + 1 … -9.9 76V 22O Staffline Gpv 63 – 2 … -0.5 587K 211O Micro Focus Intl 514O + 7O … -0.7
1690 1175 GlobalDatav 1595 + 5 0.9 88.1 43 14 Galantas Goldv 40 – 1 … -8.6
5X K Sareum Hldgsv 5X + O … … 467 228K SThree 464K – K … 33.6 91K 31 MTI Wirelessv 64K … 2.2 23.0
144W 49Y Hyve Group 132 + 1 12.1 -0.7 19 7N GCM Resourcesv 7N – V … -4.2 7X 2 Woodboisv 5W … … …
649 339 Silence Therapv 640 + 6 … … 150 90 Synecticsv 133K – 1K … -4.8 29O 8O Nanoco Gp 25W – K … …
646 397 IG Design Grpv 575 … 1.5 55.8 8K 1 Xtract Resourcesv 4N + N … …
78W 23 Gem Diamonds‡ 75O – 1V … 8.7
1674 1336K Smith & Neph 1549K + 3K 1.7 41.3 5 1Y NAPSTER GROUP PLCv 1Y … … 6.8
40K 10 Immedia Grpv# 35K … … -4.9 4N W Zephyr Energyv 4N + V … -6.1 28Y 19W Thruvision Groupv 25 … … …
43N 10W Getechv 23 … … -2.7 76K 35 Netcallv 72K … 0.3 61.4
253 75V Spire Hcare 251 + 2 … -4.3
58 22K Zoltav Resourcev 25 – K … -1.1 108 51 Tribalv 98 – 3K 1.1 31.6
598K 354W Informa 530 – 13V 1.4 -9.9
247K 33N Synairgenv 154V + Y … … 333K 155K Glencore 327X – 1W … … 77 51K Northamberv 66 – K 0.4 44.0
6W 3V Universe Grpv 5 – V … -5.2
132K 56X ITV 131N + 1N … 18.4
O N Tissue Regenixv X … … -1.5 1K W Global Petrolv W … … -0.4 106K 12 Online Blockchainv 45K … … …

268 70K Tiziana Life 75 + 1K … …

16K 1O Jaywingv 15O … … -1.7
129081N 745 Gold Fields 745 – 30W 1.4 12.5
Professional & 112K 60K Vianetv 100K … 1.6 …
106K 71 Oxford Metricsv 106K + K 1.6 84.5
910 604 Vp 866 – 2 0.9 …
42 15N Totallyv 40K … 1.2 … 15 3W Live Company Gpv 4Y … … -0.5
8O 4X Goldplatv 7O … … 4.6 support services 11N 3Y Westminsterv 4 … … …
13K 7 Parityv 10V … … …

680 400 Tristelv 605 … 1.0 54.1 V … Mediazestv … … … -3.1 51K 31K Pennant Intlv 39 … … -4.8
14K 4V Goldstone Resv 14 – V … …
1067 689 UDG Healthcare 1046 … 1.2 36.7 75 64 Merit Grpv 66 … … -3.8 3115 1744 4imprint Grp 2785 – 10 … … 514V 281K Playtech 454V – 2 1.2 …

59K 6Y ValiRxv 19K + 1N … -0.8 95 60 Miradav 82K … … …

37N 11Y Greatld Gldv 20O – K … …
895 353K Aggreko 862 + K 0.5 …
Retailing 74V 31K Proactis Hldgsv 74 … … -3.5
153K 37 Griffin Miningv 125O – 3N … …
163V 92O Vectura Grp 137V – 1W … 6.8 89K 54K Mission Groupv 81K … … … 640 486 Andrews Sykesv‡ 529 … 4.2 14.2 356 236W QinetiQ 350 + 1 0.6 16.9
196W 68 Gulf Keystone 196W + 7 5.8 … 433K 135 AO World 244V – 6W … 50.8
339V 237V Moneysupermarket 265O – 3W 4.4 20.6 5250 2361 Ashtead 5086 + 62 0.8 37.1 268 157 RM 220 … … 21.7
53Y 11N Harbour Energy 21N + 1 … … 5918 3004 Asosv 5066 – 4 … 28.1
Industrials 1954N 806O News Corp A 1868N – 32K 0.7 …
317W 176V Hochschild 176V – 3N 1.6 80.2
59K 20K Asimilar Groupv 59K – 2K … 3.6
601 353V B&M European 550 + 5W 1.4 18.4
765W 558K Sage Gp‡ 668W + 10 2.5 23.7
12V 2X Seeing Machinesv 9K … … …
1834O 808Y News Corp B 1781V – 28N 0.8 … 2300 345 AssetCov 2050 … … 74.4
9Y 3V Horizonte Minrlsv 6O … … … 79Y 32N Brown (N)v 64K – V 4.3 7.2 215 129 Shearwater Grpv 190 + K … …
170 77Y Accsys Techv 164K + 1 … 45.3 904 348 Next 15 Commsv 858 – 12 … … 51 22 Avisenv 42K … … …
84 45W Cambria Autov 80 – 1 1.0 9.7 7 5 SimiGonv 5K … … -1.7
6249 4012X BASF 5773Y – 23V 4.8 … 41K 19O Hummingbird Resv 21 … … 3.2
867O 484 Pearson 851 – 1 2.2 20.7 146 80 Begbies Traynorv 138K – 1W 2.0 …
95K 30K Card Factory 67K + N 4.2 16.1 177 31 Smartspace S'warev 162K – 15K … …
6248V 3473K Bayer DM50 4569V – 22N 5.4 -3.2 289K 122 Hunting 261K + 10 1.4 -2.5 292 185 Blancco Techv 275 … … …
78O 43 Photo-Me 72 … 11.7 8.1
2325 936 CVS Groupv 2225 + 55 … … 1969 1032 Softcat 1815 – 17 0.9 40.7
425 155 Biome Techv 420 … … -8.2 28K 7Y IGas Energyv 17Y + X … -0.2
5 2O Primorus Invv 4X … … 2.2 2603 1881 Bunzl‡ 2285 – 23 2.2 17.8
342Y 264W Dairy Farm Intl 305N – X 4.6 20.8 304 228K Spirent Comms 242 + K 1.6 24.1
9O 5W Byotrolv 6N … … 14.0 1W N Independ Resv O … … -0.8
91K 46K Quarto 89O – 1O … 10.5 50Y 23X Capita 39X – 1 … …
295K 146 DFS Furn 295K – 4K … … 45 29K SRT Marinev 34Y – N … -7.4
7 5 Camb Gbl Timberv 6K … … -8.0
267K 49 Reach 267K + 7K … … 235 186 Indus Gasv 228 … … 11.7 … … Carillion# 14V … 129.9 …
1561 1133 Dunelm 1452 + 14 … 26.9 1032W 710K Tele. Ericsson 930O – 3K 1.5 20.1
72K 50O Coats Grp 67K … … 50.9
3X Y REACT Grpv 3K … … 89.3 51W 26V Infrastratav 26V … … 2.0 38K 22K CEPSv 38K … … -2.4 229 106 Telit Commsv 227 – K … 36.9
7116 5004 Croda 7116 + 72 1.2 45.9 587K 251O Frasers Group 572K – 2 … 25.4
1943K 1527K Relx 1909K + 10K 2.3 30.2 1N N Ironveldv Y … … -6.9 118K 65K Christie Groupv 114 … 1.1 … 85 37 Touchstarv 72K … … 37.9
1400 815 Cropper (James)v 1200 … 0.2 35.9 27K 5 French Conn 19K … … -1.1
683V 530 Rightmove 653 + 6K … 51.9 717 227 ITM Powerv 381 + 21 … … 1646 1050K Compass 1610 – 13K 1.6 … 920 505 Tracsisv 920 … 0.1 95.1
161X 61O Elementis 152N + 1O … … 2618 1119 Greggs 2545 – 13 … …
16K 4 SpaceandPeoplev 12K – K … -1.3 37K 16 JKX Oil & Gas 26V + 1W … 2.9 567K 239 CPPGroupv 500 – 17K … … 24 13 Trakm8v 14K … … …
42K 21K Hardidev 36 – 1K … … 397V 130 Halfords 394K – W 1.5 19.7
21Y 3N Jubilee Metalsv 20N + 1X … 13.8 80 59 Croma Securityv 70K … 2.7 … 150 24 Triad Grp 115 … 0.8 …
4765K 2684 Jardine Math 4445K + 9Y 2.8 … 360 207O STV Group 337 – 4 … 19.2 813O 490N Howden Join‡ 768W + 3W … 30.9
7204 5006 DCC‡ 6080 – 10 2.3 20.9 7X 4W Wamejav 7N … … …
3300 2043 Johnson Math‡ 3078 – 59 1.8 58.3 253 87K System1 Groupv 227 … 0.4 … 6K 2N Karel Diamd Resv 4X … … -6.4 816 425 Inchcape‡ 764 – 5K … …
207 106N De La Rue 181 + 1K … 4.4 740 395 Wandiscov 406 – 9 … -9.2
1991K 1363 Mondi 1955 + 22K 2.3 18.2 3123O 1723 21st Cent Fox Inc A 2665W – 20Y 1.2 14.2 2K O KEFI Gold and Copperv 1Y … … -3.3 14Y 2O IQ-AI 8W – N … …
736 239K Dignity 630 + 30 … … 985 281 Water Intelv 985 … … 90.8
169 81K Robinsonv 150 … 3.6 17.8 2930 1729W 21st Cent Fox Inc B 2543N – 20K 1.3 13.6 466 186 Kenmare Res 444 … 1.2 40.4 949 592V JD Sports 912V – 5 … 46.8
225K 53K Xaar 203K – 5 … …
445K 252X Smith (DS) 445K + N … 30.7 3024 1711 Diploma‡ 2882 + 44 0.7 66.2 376W 195W Kingfisher‡ 344N + 2O … 12.3
V … Vela Techv … … … -1.1 82W 18 Lamprell 66N + W … -1.7
21N 12N Yourgenev 13 – 1 … …
584 321K Swire Pacific 526O – 1N 4.2 -7.6 890 463 Discoverie PLC‡ 872 – 5 0.3 66.0 72 19X Lookers 66X … 2.2 -2.4
203K 118 Wilmington 203K – 4K … 30.1 39O 14K Landore Resv 32O – N … -8.1 149K 51K Zoo Digitalv 146K … … …
33 11 Symph Environv 19K … … … 67K 44K Driver Groupv 57 + 1 1.3 22.8 171 88X Marks Spencer 157 – 1X 2.4 …
1014 563K WPP‡ 1002 + 6K 1.0 -4.1 2K X Lansdowne O&Gv X … … …
552 269W Synthomer‡ 543K + K 0.5 … 109K 46V DWF 102 – 1 3.1 … 198K 161O Morrison (W)‡ 176X + Y 3.8 16.2
2777O 2089W Takeda Pharm 2406W – 27 5.3 29.5
1160 755 YouGov PLCv 1160 + 5 0.4 … 28 10 Leeds Groupv 28 … … …
1099 637K Electrocompnts 1029 + 17 0.5 35.6 17Y 5X Mothercarev 16N + N … -2.2
74 42K Zinc Mediav 66 … … -1.0 5Y 2K Lexington Goldv 5W … … …
14K 4K Velocysv 5X … … -4.6 182O 99V Equiniti Group 182 … … … 888 350 Naked Winesv 690 – 25 … …
2562 1825 Victrex‡ 2516 – 8 1.8 40.2 8K 5K MC Miningv 5K … … -1.3 315 196 AdEPT Technologyv 285 – 2 … …
341V 234 Essentra 325 + 4K … … 8320 4673 Next 8068 + 14 … 36.3
532 245 Wynnstay Groupv 460 … 3.0 16.6 Natural resources 3 1N Metals Explornv 2 … … 2.5
3171 2273 Experian 2705 – 9 1.3 48.4 2895 1828K Ocado Gp 1893K – 28 … …
191O 97O BT Group 191O … … 13.1

500 342 Zotefoams 470 – 10 0.4 32.1 159V 73K Dixons Carphone 132K – 1 … 6.2
X V Nostra Terrav W … … -0.7
9880 6038 Ferguson 9622 + 50 1.5 27.0 20K 7 Pendragon 18W … … …
6K 2K ADM Energyv 3Y … … -0.9 2035 1250 Gamma Commsv‡ 1982 – 4 0.5 29.7
15 7Y Nostrum O&G 12 – W … … 350 200 FIH Groupv 245 … 0.7 -5.2 464V 227 Pets at Home 454V + 4V 1.6 31.9
184 137V Helios Towers 173O – V … …
Leisure 3N 1W Advance Energyv 2N … … -3.2
250V 137Y Oil Search 223K + 1X 1.6 … 229 43K Gattacav 229 + 8 … … 2131V 120K Saga 401 – 9W 4.4 -0.7 9980 6150 Just Eat T'away 6361 – 130 … …
85 17 AFC Energyv 61K + N … …
W … Oilexv V … … -5.8 8N 4 Grafeniav 6O … … -2.1 269O 179V Sainsbury J‡ 253O + 1K 1.3 … W V Mobile Streamsv N … … -1.4
450 145 888 Hldgs 383V – 3W 1.2 26.1 … … Afentra PLC … … … …
1X N Oriole Resourcesv X … … … 440 196 Hargeaves Servv 440 + 4K 1.0 … 2016 914K Smith WH 1739K – 15K … -6.5 5Y 3N Mobile Tornadov 3K … … …
720 240 Accesso Techv 660 – 15 … … K … Alba Mineral Resv V … … -6.9
2Y X Ormonde Miningv Y … … -5.6 1365 924K Homeserve 956 + 11K 2.4 33.5 25N 10V Sosandarv 24 … … -6.6 1514 1162 Telecom Plus 1232 + 2 4.6 26.1
3440 810 Best of the Bestv 2750 + 25 0.1 32.5 2Y … Alien Metalsv Y … … …
39 2K Orosur Miningv 14K – K … … 293 220 Impellam Grpv 284 – 1 … -6.1 4V 2N Stanley Gbbnsv 3N … … -3.4 142W 101X Vodafone Gp 130 + V 6.2 16.7
1865W 802 Carnival 1773W – 34 … -1.7 105Y 73Y Alumina 94Y + 2V 5.5 25.3
27 15N Pan African Resv 19 – N 3.5 7.9 88V 19 Ince Gv 75K – 2K … 4.1 315 175 Studio Retail Group 250 … … 14.4
127K 94K Celticv 107K – 2K … -4.0 1K W Aminex O … … -2.4
122 24N Cineworld 86O … … -0.6 2Y 1N Amur Mins Corpv 1K … … -6.5
45K 13N Pantheon Resv 29O … … … 6440 5266 Intertek‡ 5420 – 2 1.9 35.5 212W 65Y Ted Baker 153N – 13 4.1 -1.0
383K 222K IWG 303 – 2 … -4.4 312K 219N Tesco‡ 231O + V 5.0 17.2
392K 296 Domino's Pizza 379 – 2W 1.4 21.4 48K 26W Parkmead Grpv 44W + W … …
1162457W 8514X Anglo Amer Plat 8514X – 18W 1.5 14.8
177W 86 Johnson Srvcev 162K – V … … 75W 40K Topps Tiles 73O – W 3.1 … 100 60W Air Partner‡ 93N – 1V 1.9 14.1
1811K 664K Entain 1811K + 8 … … Y W Pathfinder Minsv O … … -4.3
3392O 1760X Ang Am 3112K – 34K 1.7 25.4
129K 43K Journeov 112K … … 49.7 220 92K Total Producev 220 + 1K 2.4 23.6 291 117 Braemar Ship 291 + 2K 1.7 11.4
16915 10515 Flutter Ent 13680 – 220 … … 2O 1V Petra Diamonds 1W … … -0.1
177 108 Anglo Asian Mngv 148 – 3 4.3 9.8
3120 2000 Clarkson 3105 + 5 2.5 …
954 500 Fullr Sm A 868 + 6 0.9 … 120V 37V Kier Gp 117 + 2K … -1.4
6V 2W Petrel Resourcesv 2K … … -1.8
47 11N Gaming Realmsv 36W + X … …
1925 855 Antofagasta 1532 + 3 0.6 41.3
8K 2N Petro Matadv 7N … … -4.1
1085 760 Latham (J)v 985 + 5 1.5 17.9 Technology 1095 470X easyJet 932K – 25O 4.7 -3.5
8V 1Y Arc Mineralsv 5O + N … 4.2 42 17X Esken Limited 28N – 2X … -0.5
450 325 Heavitreev 350 … … … 685 486 Lok'n Storev 668 … 1.9 54.7
6N 3O Ariana Resv 4Y … … 8.0 220W 91W Petrofac 132K + X 7.6 -3.8 97V 31Y FirstGroup 81N – Y … -3.8
305 135 Heavitree Av 225 … … 93.7 138K 55O Access Intellv 134K … … …
2550 2020 Lon Securityv‡ 2430 – 50 2.4 20.6
1Y X Arkle Resourcesv Y … … -4.0 3N K Petroneft Resv 2X – V … -3.6 1400 737 Fisher (James) 937 – 1 0.8 -8.2
120 60 Hermes Pacificv 90 … … … 144 62 Alfa Financial‡ 134 + 8 … 19.7
490 190K LSL Prop Services 435 – 5 0.9 25.7
5N 3 Armadale Capv 4X … … … 39O 23O Petropavlovsk 26V + O … … 1435 551K Go-Ahead 1201 – 24 … …
5312 3516 Intercont Htls 5038 – 82 … … 44O 21K Allied Minds 22K … … -1.4
129 69V Macfarlane 121 + 1 0.5 18.8
6 2 Asiamet Rsrcsv 2N … … -3.8 11V 4 Phoenix Globalv 5W – W … -1.3 217O 91 Intl Cons Air 194X – 8W … -1.1
144W 102K Mandarin Orntl 144W + X … -3.6 170 115 Amino Techsv 165K … … 55.5
410 179 Maintel Hldgsv 305 … 4.9 56.4
425N 276N Irish Cont Uts 393O – 13K … …
1K Y Minoan Gpv 1N … … -3.3 360 139 Atalaya Minev 323 + 3 … 17.8 24 8K Plexus Holdingsv 12K – 1 … -3.9 725 320 Aptitude Software 580 – 10 0.9 47.1
N … Malvern Intlv V … … …
… … Jet2v 1240 – 39 0.2 -7.4
337K 107N Mitch & Butlers 299W – 3O … … V … Baron Oilv … … … -0.8 2050 1389K Polymetal Intl 1654 – 16 3.7 9.9 600 420 Avast‡ 487N – K 2.2 41.6
202 105K Mears Group 188 … 1.9 … 328V 114 Natl Express 278V – 3 … -4.8
504 210 On The Beach 359 – 15 0.5 … 6X 3K Beowulf Miningv 4 … … … 644 480 Porvair 558 + 10 0.8 30.3 4102W 3086 Aveva Gp 3536 + 8 1.0 …
351 99 Menzies (John) 335 – 4 … -2.2 1080 620 Ocean Wilson 1080 + 15 2.2 …
1774 928 PPHE Hotels 1650 + 28 … -8.5 W … Bezant Resv N … … -3.2 235 137K Bangov 219 … … …
2W 1W Prospex Energyv 2 … … …
74V 27N Mitie Gp 74V – 1O 0.9 18.9 1506 886W Ryanair 1378V – 42K … …
207 86 Rank Grp 177K – K 1.5 -8.9 146K 79N BATM Adv Coms 79N – V … 49.0
2375K 1490V BHP Group 2152 – 11 4.0 21.3 125 48K Proton Motor Power Sv 60 – 2 … -5.9 45 3V MobilityOnev 45 … … 59.0 108 35O Stagecoach 88X + O 4.2 …
139K 40 Restaurant Gp 123W – 5K … -5.7 53K 15K Berkeley Res 31O + N … -3.5
2K K Border & Sthn Petv Y … … -4.6 8W 3 Providence Resv 3K … … -0.8 1W 1 Newmark Secv 1V … … … 27K 15K Sutton Harbourv 26 – 1K … …
36 18K Rotalav 32 … 2.9 -5.9 40 15 Blackbirdv 32O + O … …
38O 11O Bougainville 32X + K … … 6N 1V Quadrise Fuels Intlv 4V … … -9.0 454 162 Wincanton 432 – 6 0.9 17.9
31N 11 Sportech 30 … … -2.4 162K 57K Norishv 152K … … 30.3
8N 3V BowLevenv 4K … … -7.1 115 65 Cloudcall Groupv 67 – K … -4.5
175 23 Rambler Met&Minv 31K – 1K … … 10N 4 Norm Broadbentv 8K + O … … 5565 3034 Wizz Air Hldgs 4700 – 86 … …
346 147N SSP Group 316 + 10O 1.5 -5.0
330W 193W BP‡ 330W + 6 5.7 -8.1 1O X CloudCoCo Groupv 1K … … -2.7
67K 15 St James Housev 42K … … -0.3 O W Reabold Resourcesv X … … -8.5 59 48 Northern Bearv 59 … … -5.5
430 229 CML Micro 371 + 4 1.0 48.2
7Y 1N Tastyv 5Y + V … -0.6
29K 7Y Cadence Minv 29K – 1K … -8.2
1N N Red Rock Resv O … … 1.5 230 180 NWF Grpv 213 … 3.2 12.2
2702 1566 Computacenter‡ 2644 + 16 0.4 19.7
5K 2N Cadogan Petrol 5 … … -2.3
452O 166O TUI 411Y – 9X 11.7 -1.1 7277X 4979K Rio Tinto Ltd 6812W + 1 4.1 15.5 614K 350 PageGroup 605 + 4 … …
124 85 Concurrent Techv 92 … 2.7 24.3
6K 1N Webis Holdingsv 4V – V … 34.5 251X 134W Cairn Energy 170X + 4V … -9.7 58 37V Centrica 52O + K … …
6658 4266 Rio Tinto 6092 – 27 4.6 13.8 117K 36K PCI-PALv 85 – 3 … …
16 5V Corerov 11 … … …
1404 773K Wetherspoon JD 1237 – 51 … -7.5 1890 1020 Caledonia Miningv 1045 – 15 2.3 8.2 219 180V ContourGlobal 197O … 5.9 …
1583K 900 Ryl Dtch Sh A‡ 1458W + 38 3.2 -9.7 18N 6W Petardsv 12K … … -9.8
2830 1370 Cranewarev 2190 + 40 1.1 47.0
3595 2049 Whitbread 3255 – 60 … -6.7 4V 1K Caspian Sunrisev 2W … … … 454V 212W Drax Group 448 + 8 3.6 -9.1
23 8 PHSCv 23 + K 4.3 …
1518 866W Ryl Dtch Sh B‡ 1393K + 34 3.3 -9.3 3Y 2V Crimson Tidev 3K … … 29.1 560 452 Jersey Electricity‡ 560 … 2.8 14.7
1675 778 Young & Co - Av 1580 – 10 0.6 … 232 101 Centamin‡ 111X – 1K 7.9 11.3 10N 2N PowerHouse Egyv 5X … … …
45 22 San Leon Energyv 42K – 1 … -4.6 14 2X CyanConn Hldgsv 13K … … -5.3 991 806W Natl Grid‡ 920 + 1W 5.2 21.7
970 496 Young & Co - N/Vv 854 + 28 1.2 … 293 142V Cent Asia Metalsv 269K + 4K 2.1 15.3 78 41K Prime Peoplev 73 + 1K 2.4 -2.6
2W Y Scirocco Energyv 1 … … -2.4 355 177 D4t4 Solutionsv 340K … 0.7 50.9 21N 9K OPG Powerv 15W … … 4.5
40K 21X Chaarat Goldv 27W – X … -8.5 95 31X Record 92 + 4 2.5 29.9
117 61 Serabi Goldv 64K … … 5.9 2Y 1K DeepMatter Gpv 1O … … -5.4 1178 867O Pennon 1146 + K 3.8 60.3
Media 11W 1K Chariot Oil & Gasv 5O … … -0.3
131W 92X Serica Energyv 128O – 1K 2.3 42.9
390 158 Redde Northgate 387K + 8K 3.3 …
27K 15 Dillistone Groupv 24 … … -7.7 1X K Rurelecv K … … -0.9
15N 6X China Nonferr Goldv 8N – W … -2.0 670 420 Renew Hldgsv 660 + 20 1.1 19.5
136K 72 Elecov 135K + 6K … 34.7 2589 2168 Severn Trent‡ 2519 + 17 3.9 53.2
3N V 7digital Gpv 1N … … 4.9 20N 11 Shanta Goldv 15X – N … 10.6
K N Clontarf Energyv N … … -8.0 57W 19 Renewi 55 – V 0.8 … 2O W EQTECv 1W … … … 1612 1171 SSE 1579K + 20 5.0 15.4
30K 18K Aeorema Commsv 30 … … -7.1 4V 1V Sound Energyv 1K … … -3.0
57 36 Condor Gldv 46K … … … 571 464K Rentokil Itl 490 + 5 … 49.1 1146 852 FDM Group 999 – 1 1.8 35.5 1027 822O Utd Utilities 1027 + 5K 4.1 63.7
57 11N Altitude Groupv 35K – 1K … -8.1 W V Sunrise Resourcesv V … … …
2N O Corcelv 1X … … 2.5 430 286 Restorev 400 … … … 12 7V Filtronicv 11O … … …
209 147K Arcontech Grpv 165 … 1.5 19.1 K V Tertiary Mineralsv N … … -0.9
14836N 85 DRD Gold 85 – 3K 3.8 22.5 489 310 Ricardo 407 – 9 1.5 … 3520 2100 First Derivtsv 2140 + 35 0.4 41.3 uAIM company; # Price at suspension;
401 267 Ascential 390 + 2 … …
4N X ECR Mineralsv 1Y … … … 1N N Thor Miningv 1V … … … † Ex dividend; ‡ Ex scrip; s Ex rights issue;
3K N Ridgecrest Plcv Y … … -4.8
630 513K Auto Trader 630 + 9 0.3 38.0 954 645 GB Groupv 925K – 4K … 78.4 t Ex all; § Ex capital distribution; * figures
57K 23K Edenville Energyv 33 … … -1.6 3580X 2185K Total Eng SE 3564W + 65X 6.3 … or report awaited; . . . No significant data.
706 353 Robert Walters 706 … 0.6 94.1 176 103K GreshamTech 166 – 3 0.4 92.2
353 188K Bloomsbury Pub 343 – 13 0.3 22.8 Companies in bold are constituents of the
7 3N Empyrean Energyv 6V … … … K N Tower Resourcesv N … … -2.3 606W 157K Royal Mail 588 – 2V 1.2 …
17N 5N Bonhill Groupv 13O … … -1.0 272 49 Ilikav 185 – 8 … … FTSE 100 Index. Investment Cos sector Nav
24 9N EnQuest 21W + 1W … -0.7 64O 14N Tullow Oil 64O + 5V … -1.0 108 38 RPS Group 108 + 3 … -8.3 87K 47K Ingentav 73K … … …
Dis or Prm supplied by Morningstar.
54K 37 Catalyst Mediav 38K … … -4.3
42K 12O Eurasia Miningv 23 – K … … W … UK Oil & Gasv V … … -0.7 51K 34 RTC Groupv 50 … … 12.1 108K 66K Intercedev 106K – 1K … 44.3
6O 1W Catenaev 1W … … -0.4 Data as shown is
946 624 Daily Mail‡ 866 – 9 2.7 37.8 2 Y Europa Oil&Gasv 1V … … -2.1 455 90 URU Metalsv 290 … … -1.9 747 523 RWS Hldgsv 580 + 5 1.5 34.3 375 264 Iomartv 289 + 2 2.2 28.3 for information
purposes only. No offer is made by
250 137K DCD Mediav 155 … … 77.5 698V 278O Evraz‡ 633K – 4W 6.8 14.9 25K 7O Vast Resv 8N – N … … 410 190 Science Groupv‡ 395 … 0.5 23.6 88N 39W IQEv 49 – 1 … … Morningstar or this publication
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GM 49

Character actor who starred

in Superman and Deliverance

Ned Beatty
Page 50


Flight Lieutenant John ‘Freddie’ Nicoll

Hurricane pilot who photographed Rommel’s positions at El Alamein and was decorated for attacking German shipping in the Adriatic
In the late afternoon of May 23, 1944, an daughters: Jonathan studied
intelligence officer debriefed two mmedicine and became a con-
Hurricane pilots from 6 Squadron s
sultant oncologist; Penelope
based on the Yugoslav island of Vis. b
became a lawyer, and Priscilla a
They had just returned from an armed te
teacher. They are all retired.
reconnaissance mission over the north Beryl died in the mid-1990s.
Adriatic. A few years later he met Ruth
The combat report written by an H
Howe through a local music
unnamed officer is typed neatly; the g
group. She was his companion
sentences are short and precise. As with fo the last 20 years of his life.
many RAF records from the Second After being demobilised in
World War, the account can be found in th spring of 1946, he worked as
the files of the National Archives in a clerk in London by day and
west London. s
studied quantity surveying on a
One of the two pilots interviewed that g
government training scheme at
May afternoon nearly 80 years ago was th Brixton School of Building
Flying Officer John Nicoll, a boyish 24- b night. He later worked in
year-old who wore spotted cravats. W
Wrexham, where he became
Flying a Mk IV Hurricane armed with th borough surveyor, and
rockets, Nicoll had just attacked a large a scale
l nott seen
en before
before. He flew further Stevena
Stevenage, where he set up his own
enemy ship sitting in a Croatian harbour. sorties and on October 12 he reported company, which was called Wheeler,
According to the combat report, more than 600 German transport Rumble and Nicoll. Rumble did not
Nicoll and the other pilot, Flight Lieu- vehicles dispersed on the edge of the exist, but Nicoll and his partner
tenant Robin Langdon-Davies, were Qattara Depression. He also photo- thought it sounded better with three
ordered to try to find two RAF officers graphed Rommel’s forward positions. surnames. He was appointed a justice of
who were missing after attacking a By the time the battle started on the the peace, became president of the local
schooner that morning. The Hurricanes night of October 23, Nicoll’s flight had Rotary Club, played golf into his
took off at 2.30pm and were escorted by been withdrawn to defensive positions nineties and always enjoyed a party.
Spitfires. along the Suez Canal. He remained in Known for his lively sense of humour,
After a search of the area where the the Middle East for a further year he was an enthusiastic thespian, joining
pilots were last seen, Nicoll and Lang- before joining 6 Squadron.
don-Davies took on a more aggressive John Frederick Nicoll was born in He played piano, clarinet
role, looking for enemy ships. They told 1920 in Walthamstow, east London, the
their intelligence officer that it was not son of Daisy Nicoll, who occasionally and an accordion, which
long before the Spitfires, flying north worked as a tobacco stripper, and her
husband, Ernest, who was a bricklayer. he found in north Africa
Eschewing alcohol for Ernest lost his job during the
depression of the early 1930s, which the Lytton Players, and particularly
religious reasons, he caused great hardship. enjoyed their annual music hall revue.
A deeply religious family, the Nicolls He played the piano, clarinet and an
gave away his beer ration were members of the Plymouth accordion, which he had found in north
Brethren, a non-conformist, evangelical Africa. When he had it serviced after
over the Mali Kvarner channel, sighted movement that preaches strict self- the war, a pound of desert sand was
a large vessel in Cherso Harbour. The reliance. John had two brothers, Bert discovered in its workings.
target was a 5,000-tonne cargo ship, and Les, and a sister, Winifred. A third He and his wife eventually moved to
which had steam up and was high out of brother, Dennis, died in childhood. Cumbria, where he played the organ in
the water, with 20mm guns mounted Although he was known as John to Wetheral Parish Church and St Paul’s in
towards the stern and a black cross out- his family, everyone associated with the Holme Eden.
lined in white paint on the side. RAF called him Freddie for the rest of According to his son, Jonathan, he
“At 15.30, the Hurricanes attacked at his life. As a member of the Brethren, he was proud of his wartime service and
nought feet,” records the combat eschewed alcohol and during the war believed it had been a “just war”. He
report. “Flt Lt RH Langdon-Davies gave away his weekly ration of beer, maintained many links with the RAF,
attacked first, machinegunning from Nicoll was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for “courage and devotion to which endeared him to his fellow pilots. which strengthened in old age. He
600 yards and releasing a salvo of RPs duty”. Top: at the RAF memorial on Vis in 2011 and, below, at the Duxford air show Whenever they met socially, he would rarely missed the annual reunions of
[rocket projectiles] at 400 yards. Ob- ask for a soft drink, which generated the the 6 and 208 Squadron associations in
served to fall short, but Spitfires reported when they were based in southern Italy to fly. He had boarded a troop ship in wartime nickname “Small Orange”. London even though he lived near
seeing them travel along underwater and flew his first mission with the Liverpool and discovered his destina- After the war, he lapsed and in later life Carlisle, and made several visits to Vis,
towards the target. Hits not observed. squadron on April 2, 1944, during an tion only once in the Atlantic. had a glass of rred wine with which is now part of Croatia. In 2011 he
“F/O FJ Nicoll machinegunned from armed reconnaissance flight over rned left
Ships either turned lunch almost
almo every day. joined other veterans there and laid a
800 yards as first pilot was attacking Corfu. In August he was promoted after for the Empiree Air In chchildhood, he wreath on the RAF Memorial.
and released his RPs in salvo from 200 his squadron leader was shot down and Training Schemee in won a scholarship to Last year, on his 100th birthday, air-
yards. Salvo observed by Spitfires to killed. South Africa or the Sir George men from nearby RAF Spadeadam
strike dead centre above waterline Two months later, on October 7, he sailed straight onn Monoux
Mo Gram- formed an honour guard outside his
causing a considerable explosion. flew the last of his 55 combat sorties for Canada. He mar
ma School in home in Wetheral, where neighbours
“Both pilots broke to port after attack after becoming only the second pilot in was later sent to Walthamstow.
W watched as two Second World War
and left target area at 0ft out of Cherso the squadron to complete an operational Syria to train He
H was an fighters, a Spitfire and a Mustang from
Harbour. Target left in very heavy pall tour of 120 hours. He was awarded the on Hurricanes academic
a pupil the Rolls-Royce Heritage Flight, flew
of black smoke which could be seen Distinguished Flying Cross for his before being who excelled at
w overhead in a tribute instigated by the
when aircraft were 6 to 7 miles away, “courage and devotion to duty”. posted to 208 Latin.
L 6 Squadron Association. He was also
still at 0ft.” Asked about his service with the Squadron at After return- granted honorary membership of the
On the way back to their base on Vis, squadron years later, he responded in a Borg-el-Arab in ing to Britain in Spadeadam Mess. “He was an emotional
the Hurricanes and Spitfires found a typically self-deprecating manner. Egypt, just a 1944,
1944 he married man,” said Jonathan, “and there were
small motorboat flying the German “While with 6 Squadron, a number of month before the he Beryl Cherry, a tears when he saw the fly-past.”
flag, which they machinegunned. “The small ships, and a few bigger ones, got in mein
Battle of El Alamein childhood
childho friend, On the day of his funeral, the RAF
target was left stationary, facing west,” the way of my rockets, which happened in October 1942. during
during a short spell of paid tribute once again, providing an
the pilots told their intelligence officer to be carrying 60lb high explosive st mission
He flew his first Christmas
Christmas leave.
le She had honour guard and pallbearers. A
shortly after landing at 4.30pm. heads. In appreciation of this, I was on October 3, acting as a joined Women’s Auxiliary
joined the Wom Hurricane from the Battle of Britain
In that month alone, 6 Squadron also issued with a piece of blue and white “weaver” or escortort to another Hurri- Air Force and served as a flight Memorial Flight flew over the church.
destroyed an armed schooner, a barge ribbon.” cane taking photographs of German mechanic on bomber airfields in York-
and a ferry and damaged another 20 Fascinated by aircraft since he was a positions. Hampered by heavy rain and shire. When the war ended on May 8, Flight Lieutenant John “Freddie” Nicoll
vessels that were supplying German boy, Nicoll had volunteered for the electrical storms, it was nevertheless a 1945, they met at Doncaster station and DFC, wartime Hurricane pilot and
forces in the region. The British pilots RAF in 1940 and was sent to Bulawayo period of intense activity for the headed for London to celebrate VE quantity surveyor, was born on
often flew two sorties a day, some at in Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, squadron as Montgomery’s Eighth Army Day. November 5, 1920. He died on May 14,
night. Nicoll had joined the squadron where he spent eight months learning prepared to attack the Afrika Korps on The couple had one son and two 2021, aged 100
550 1GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


Ned Beatty
Prolific character actor best known for his harrowing screen debut in Deliverance and his Oscar-nominated role in Network
Ned Beatty’s cinematic debut could not (2010). His only individual Oscar nomi- ten years at the Barter Theatre in
have been more shocking. Cast in nation came as best supporting actor Abingdon, Virginia, before moving on
Deliverance (1972) as Bobby Trippe, a city for Network, in which he played Arthur to theatres in Pennsylvania, Houston
slicker vacationing in the backwoods of Jensen, chairman of the TV company and Washington. He made his Broad-
Georgia, he was bound to a tree by two who delivers the memorable “money is way debut in 1968 and was in his mid-
hillbillies and sexually assaulted as they the only true god” monologue to Peter 30s by the time of his first Hollywood
demanded that he “squeal like a pig”. Finch’s mad newscaster, Howard Beale. movie.
Almost half a century on from the “It’s because you’re on television, When he was being considered for
movie’s release, the rape scene remains dummy,” Beatty told Finch in one of the Deliverance, Boorman invited him for
one of the most disturbing and sadistic movie’s most famous lines. lunch and he spent the entire meal
in Hollywood history. “Most of the On screen for only five minutes and making eyes at the wife of Boorman’s
people that were on the film did not 53 seconds, Beatty’s performance was assistant. “I was terribly married but
want us to do the scene,” Beatty admit- one of the shortest to earn an Oscar still terribly flirtatious,” he recalled. “I
ted, “but the scene was important.” nomination. His fellow stars, Finch, was quite the heel and I think that’s
Despite its gruesome nature, the film Faye Dunaway and Beatrice Straight, what John Boorman liked. He said he
was a runaway success, both critically won Academy Awards as best actor, thought I was the rudest person he had
and commercially. Deliverance was the best actress and best supporting actress ever met.”
fifth highest-grossing film of the year, respectively, but Beatty missed out to After Deliverance, the movie roles
spawned a No 1 hit record with its Jason Robards for his supporting role in came thick and fast. He worked with
theme tune, Duelling Banjos, and All the President’s Men. Burt Reynolds again in White Lightning
earned an Oscar nomination as best He was not too disappointed. “I (1973) and WW and the Dixie
picture. It has since been added to the worked a day on Network and got an Dancekings (1975) and was superb as the
Library of Congress’s register of films Oscar nomination for it,” he boasted. good ol’ boy Del Reese in Robert
that are “culturally, historically, or His own supporting role in All The Altman’s Nashville. He might have
aesthetically significant”. President’s Men had been as the investi- teamed up again in Superman with
Made on a minimal budget by the gator Martin Dardis, who passed on Reynolds, who was considered for the
director John Boorman, Beatty and his lead role but it went instead to
co-stars Burt Reynolds, Jon Voight and ‘Most of the people that Christopher Reeve. Beatty played Lex
Ronny Cox were forced to do their own Luthor’s bumbling assistant, Otis, in the
stunts. Beatty almost drowned shooting were on the film did not first Superman movie (1978) and in
one scene while canoeing white water Superman II (1980).
rapids and in another Reynolds was want us to do the scene’ There was a nomination for a Golden
knocked out. Boorman’s cost-cutting Globe as best supporting actor for Hear
meant that he had not even taken out some of the information that led to the My Song (1990) in which he portrayed
insurance protection. uncovering of the Watergate conspiracy the Irish tenor Josef Locke and a rare
It was the start of a prolific career in and President Nixon’s resignation. nomination as best lead actor at the
which Beatty appeared in more than Beatty is survived by his fourth wife, Emmys for the TV film Friendly Fire
160 films in mostly character roles. The Sandra Johnson, whom he married in (1979), about a family trying to discover
trade journal Variety called him the 1999. He is also survived by eight child- the truth about the death of their son in
“busiest actor in Hollywood” and his ren from his previous marriages: Doug- the Vietnam War. His prolific list of film
own motto was never to turn down las, Charles, Lennis and Walter Beatty credits left little time for the theatre, but
work when it was offered. from his first marriage between 1961 and he retained a love of the stage and
Playing supporting roles meant that 1970 to Walta Chandler; Jon Beatty, an Beatty, right, with Jon Voight in Deliverance. He almost drowned during filming earned a nomination for a Laurence
there was a lot of what he described as actor and director, and Blossom Beatty Olivier award for his appearance as Big
“I know you! What have I seen you in?” from his second marriage between 1971 sake was apparently unamused. “I environment to encourage a career in Daddy in Cat On A Hot Tin Roof in the
Yet his genial, crumpled face, which and 1979 to the actress Belinda Rowley; thought that was funny, but for some movies. Asked how he got into the busi- West End in 2001.
could turn chillingly villainous when and Thomas Beatty, a film director, and reason I don’t think Warren did,” he ness he liked to answer, “By hanging He had no regrets about not having
required, was universally familiar, not Dorothy Beatty from his third marriage said. out with the wrong crowd.” more lead roles. “They’re more trouble
only through Deliverance but in brilliant between 1979 and 1998 to the writer and Ned Thomas Beatty was born in Initially he was drawn to music than they’re worth,” he said. “I feel sorry
cameos in three other movies that producer Dorothy “Tinker” Lindsay. Louisville, the largest city in Kentucky, in rather than acting. He sang at his local for people in a star position. It’s
received Academy Award nominations He was not related to Warren Beatty, 1937, the son of Margaret (née Fortney) church and in barbershop quartets and unnatural.”
for best picture: Nashville (1975), All the telling one interviewer sarcastically, and Charles William Beatty, a travelling received a choral scholarship to study at
President’s Men (1976) and Network “He’s my illegitimate uncle, but I don’t salesman peddling fire hydrants. He Transylvania University in Lexington, Ned Beatty, actor, was born on July 6,
(1976). He was later heard voicing really have anything against him”. The grew up fishing and working on a farm Kentucky. He did not graduate and at 19 1937. He died of natural causes on June
Lots-O’-Huggin’ Bear in Toy Story 3 comment was reported and his name- and admitted that it was an unlikely took to the stage as an actor, spending 13, 2021, aged 83

Friederike Mayröcker
Influential Austrian writer and ‘grande dame of experimental literature’ whose works spanned poetry, plays and children’s books
Living was writing: many said this the camellias and the friend’s kisses, the Luftwaffe and also attended a trade different writers, each needing space
simple equation applied better to ascension of her voice (Maria Callas), academy. Her gift for languages, pur- (they did not live together, nor have
Friederike Mayröcker than to any other these grasslets in the Teutoburg Forest as sued at night school, led to a teaching children) but provided mutual encour-
literary figure. The evidence was there out of the train window I (fancied) amidst qualification and after the war she agement in shared commitment to the
in her fifth-floor apartment in her liverwort floods (suchlike). worked for more than 20 years as an writer’s life. In one poem she reflected
native Vienna. Out of the windows Her creativity ranged across poetry, English teacher in Viennese schools. on standing companionably in a kitchen
woods could be glimpsed in the prose, plays, children’s books (about 100 Her ambition, however, was always together, looking out of the window,
distance for constant inspiration from book publications in all), which earned to become a writer. One of her first both with poems in their heads, “but
nature, inside was an intense concen- her German-language literary prizes purchases from her teacher’s salary was not the same one”.
tration of chaotic creativity. and frequent mention as a potential a Hermes typewriter, which became a Jandl’s death in 2000 left Mayröcker
There were hundreds of books, espe- Nobel laureate. treasured possession. She began to stricken with grief and initially unable
cially those of the authors who inspired Mayröcker became used to absorp- associate with avant-garde and to write. “At first I was so distraught,”
her, from Gertrude Stein and Samuel tion in the often solitary life of a writer surrealist groups such as the Wiener she said, “that all I could do was run
Beckett to the French philosopher at a young age. She was born in 1924 in Gruppe and in 1946 had poems pub- around crying”.
Jacques Derrida. All around on every Vienna where her parents, a teacher lished for the first time. Yet only much She eventually addressed her grief in
surface, stored in various containers or and a milliner, faced a constantly pre- later did her book publishing career a volume entitled Requiem for Ernst
stuck on the walls were further layers of carious financial situation as a global take off. She regretted that she had Jandl, describing overcoming an over-
paper. They were Mayröcker’s working economic crisis intensified. Various spent too long on work that was “purely whelming sense of indifference to the
materials, on which she recorded spon- additional businesses they attempted experimental”, though her developing world around her she had previously
taneously all kinds of observations and to establish failed and a beloved holiday style of borrowing from highly eclectic experienced so intensely, and resumed
impressions from her reading, daily life Friederike Mayröcker in 1970 home had to be sold (its wildlife and sources, everything from fairy tales to writing in her indefatigable way into
and conversations and dreams that flowers recurring as wistful memories instruction manuals, was already her nineties.
might find their way into her writing. be auditory or visual as well (she also in her writing). She recalled spending evident. A volume of prose, Larifari, She saw life, she once said, as “like a
She worked there at all hours, dressed exhibited as an artist). “I see everything much time confined at home in the appeared in 1956 and a first volume of surprise — you never know how it ends,
habitually in black, struggling to find in pictures,” she said, “I transform Austrian capital. As a teenager she also poems, Death by Muses, in the 1960s. it’s an adventure that you create
space to sit down, and admitted that she pictures into language by climbing into witnessed the Nazi takeover of power Sustaining her as she slowly estab- yourself”.
could sometimes not remember where the picture”. as Austria was annexed to the Third lished her reputation was her relation-
she had left notes, nor read her own There was often little conventional Reich in 1938. ship with another writer, Ernst Jandl, Friederike Mayröcker, writer, was born
writing if she had found them. narrative structure. A poem, translated Her family’s difficulties and the whom she met at a literature festival in on December 12, 1924. She died on June
Mayröcker was once described as the by Jonathan Larson and published in outbreak of war meant she could not 1954. They collaborated on projects 4, 2021, aged 96
“grande dame of experimental litera- Bomb magazine, conveyed the free- follow the academic path her abilities at such as a series of award-winning radio
ture”, her works a collage of all that she flowing associations of observation and school promised. She was drafted for a plays, a genre Mayröcker also wrote for
experienced. Those experiences could memory typical of her work: Naturally time to work as a secretary for the extensively on her own. They were very Email:
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GM 51

Law Report Births, Marriages and Deaths
IF YE then, being evil, know how to give

Applications to set aside leave to apply good gifts unto your children, how much
more shall your Father which is in heaven
give good things to them that ask him?
Matthew 7.11 (AV)
Jill’s Memorial Service
St Marylebone Church, 17 Marylebone

for financial relief after a foreign divorce Bible verses are provided by the
Bible Society
Road, NW1 5LT, at 3.30pm Wednesday
7th July 2021 and afterwards at the
Royal Society Of Medicine,
1 Wimpole Street, W1

Court of Appeal there was: “substantial ground liver a “knock-out blow”, an The judge’s analysis was Births DOUGLAS MILLER Robert Alexander
Published June 15, 2021 for the making of an application application to set aside should tainted by the procedure Gavin peacefully surrounded by his family
APSION on 24th May 2021 to Melissa
Potanina v Potanin on Wednesday 9th June 2021, much-loved,
for such an order”. be adjourned to be heard with adopted at the set aside hearing (née Shean) and George, a daughter, Clara
courageous and brave. Private family
Rose Elizabeth. Sister to Iris and Lily.
Before Lady Justice King, Lord Justice Chapter 6 of the Family the substantive application. which on the one hand was too funeral, memorial details to follow.
David Richards and Lord Justice Moylan Procedure Rules 2010 governed It followed that an application elaborate and lengthy, but on
[2021] EWCA Civ 702 CHATTERTON on 7th June 2021 to MOYSEY Frances Emily on 2nd June 2021
Judgment May 13, 2021 the procedure to be followed to set aside should not be used as the other hand led to the making Catherine (née Newton) and Alexander, a aged 91. Passed away peacefully at the
when making such an applica- an opportunity to explore mat- of serious adverse findings son, Edward Harry Buchanan. Carisbrooke Nursing Home in Torquay. The
When considering an applica- tion, including at rule 8.25(1), ters properly to be litigated at against the wife without the funeral will take place on the 17th June at
tion to set aside the grant of DUFFELL on 31st May 2021 to Rose (née 10:30am at the Torquay Crematorium.
that the application for leave trial. If it was necessary to have benefit of either oral evidence or Buckmaster) and Charlie, a son, Sam Henry.
leave to apply for financial relief had to be made without notice a very substantial or lengthy any expert evidence as to Rus- REYNOLDS Peter died peacefully on 3rd
in England and Wales after an and had to be determined with- hearing to determine, for exam- sian law that either party might EMMET-BOOTH on 31st May 2021 to June 2021, aged 97. The funeral will be held
Sybil (née Cope) and Jeremy, a son, Cosmo at St Mary’s Church Battersea on Thursday
overseas divorce, the court out notice unless the court ple, whether the court had been have wished to call. Albert Piers, in New Zealand. 17th June, at 12:30pm.
should adjourn the application thought it appropriate for the misled and that the leave should Having allowed the appeal
GREGORY on 18th May 2021 to Charlotte TAVKAR Vilas died peacefully on 23rd
so it be heard at the substantive application to be determined on therefore be “set aside”, that and the wife’s leave as a conse- May 2021 and is deeply missed. Devoted
(née Howe) and Lee, a son, Albie.
application for financial relief notice (rule 8.25(3)). Where would usually be an indication quence remaining undisturbed, husband to Hema, loving father to Salil,
unless it was clear that the per- permission had been granted ex that there was not a readily it was unnecessary for the court KING on 10th June 2021 to Sarah (née adoring ajoba to Starling. Funeral
Fetherston-Dilke) and Dominic, a son, Rory streaming details from Blake & Horlock,
son seeking to set aside could parte the respondent might, identifiable “knock-out blow” to consider whether section Michael Beaumont. Enfield.
conclusively resist the applica- within seven days of the making and that the application to set 16(3) of the Act was capable in
tion for financial relief. of the order, make an applica- aside should be adjourned to be law of providing the wife with a TEMPEST on 28th May 2021 to Kerryn
(née Illes) and Thomas H, a son, Henry
The Court of Appeal so held tion under rule 18.11 to set aside considered at trial. safety net so far as her needs Peter. LEGAL, PUBLIC, COMPANY &
when allowing an appeal by the the order granting leave. Instead, what happened in the were concerned. However, it PARLIAMENTARY NOTICES
wife, Natalia Nikolaevna Pota- In the present case, on an ex present case was that the judge was to be noted that: Deaths To place notices for these
nina, a Russian citizen habitual- parte application by the wife, the set down the application to set (i) Council Regulation (EC)
ly resident in the United King- BARCLAY Richard Fenton died peacefully sections please call
judge made an order granting aside the leave for two days of No 4/2009 on jurisdiction, on 10th June 2021, aged 94, at home in
dom, against the decision of Mr leave to make an application argument plus a day for judicial applicable law, recognition and Minchinhampton. Loving and beloved 020 7481 4000
Justice Cohen ([2020] Fam 189) under Part III. The husband reading; a case management enforcement of decisions and husband, father, stepfather and
Notices are subject to
grandfather. Inquiries to Michael Gamble,
granting an application by the applied to set aside the order, approach which was contrary to co-operation in matters relating 01453 807524. confirmation and should be
husband, Vladimir Olegovich principally on the grounds that the approach set out in the case to maintenance obligations received by 11.30am three
Potanin, also a Russian citizen, the judge had been misled in law. referred to in section 16(3) con- BELL days prior to insertion
to set aside the judge’s earlier important respects as to the The task before the court was tinued to apply to applications June Rita (née Verrells) died
peacefully on 13th June 2021, aged 91.
order granting the wife leave to facts, issues of Russian law and not to conduct an appeal from under Part III for financial relief Widow of Tony; GP at Petworth for
apply for financial relief in the applicable principles of the granting of leave in the form after overseas divorce issued forty years. Much-loved mother of
England after the parties’ English law. of a rehearing, but to hear a before 11.00pm on December 31, Nick, Rob and Sally, grandmother and
great-grandmother. Daughter of
divorce in Russia. Following two days of argu- short, sharp application to set 2020; WS Verrells, founder of Ekco Radio Legal Notices
Charles Howard QC and ment, the judge set aside the or- aside leave on the basis that (ii) Sub-sections 16(3) and (4) in Southend.
Deepak Nagpal QC for the wife; der for leave and, on re-consid- there was a “knockout blow” had been repealed by
Stewart Leech QC, Adam CROSS Margaret McAdam (Emma),
eration of the wife’s application, demonstrated either by refer- paragraph 13 of Schedule 1 to the peacefully at Trinity Hospice on 4th June.
Wolanski QC and Rebecca refused to grant her leave. The ence to the fact that a decisive Jurisdiction and Judgments Beloved wife of Denis, mother of Katharine,
Bailey-Harris for the husband. wife appealed against that order. authority had been overlooked, (Family) (Amendment etc) (EU Felicity, James, Frances and Thomas and
twelve-times grandmother. Family funeral
Lady Justice King said that Any application under Part or that the court had been Exit) Regulations 2019 (SI 2019 only. A memorial service will be arranged
Part III of the Matrimonial and III was decided by reference to misled. No 519) as substituted by when restrictions permit.
Family Proceedings Act 1984 Agbaje v Agbaje (The Times The sort of jigsaw of informa- regulation 5 of the Jurisdiction, ENGLAND John Robin died peacefully in
provided (subject to jurisdic- March 15, 2010; [2010] 1 AC 628) tion pieced together over thou- Judgments and Applicable Law hospital on 24th April 2021, aged 87, after a
tional requirements set out in and Traversa v Freddi ([2011] 2 sands of pages and analysed (Amendment) (EU Exit) long illness. Much-loved and missed.
Private family funeral.
section 15) for the making of an FLR 272). over a number of days which, it Regulations 2020 (SI 2020 No
application for financial relief The principles were well was alleged, together added up 1574); and LAING David Magnus died peacefully on
after an overseas divorce. An 9th June 2021, aged 88. Beloved husband
known: (i) The test was not high to a misleading presentation (iii) Regulation No 4/2009 of Deirdre for 63 years. Father of Philippa,
order could be made notwith- for the grant of leave but there made by the wife for leave, could was revoked by Regulation 4 of Louise and Rosalind. Papa to Becky, Bertie,
standing that an order for had to be a “solid” case to be not be regarded as a “knockout the 2019 Regulations. Mary, Hugo, Duncan, Douglas and Jamie,
and his great-grandchildren Robin and
financial relief had been made in tried; (ii) The power to set aside blow”. The application to set It followed that there were Hero. Funeral information from
a country outside England and could only be exercised where aside should have been heard likely to be few if any cases out- Dillistone & Wraights 01243 839777.
Wales. there was some compelling rea- together with the substantive standing to which section 16(3)
By section 13 no application son to do so. In practice it would application. If there was, as would apply after the UK’s exit
could be made without the leave only be exercised where a deci- contended by the husband, a from the European Union. The simple way to place your
of the court and by sub-section sive authority was overlooked or compelling reason to set aside There were several complex- announcement in The Times.
13(1) no leave was to be granted the court had been misled; (iii) permission, the court would do ities and challenges associated Available 24 hours a day,
unless the court considered that Unless the applicant could de- so at that stage. with an application made under seven days a week.
Part III. It was important that
the persons for whom those pro-

Readers’ Lives
ceedings were designed should
have access to a straightforward
and cohesive procedure. Those
complexities and challenges
could well benefit from consid-
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Call 020 7782 5583 or email subscribers 14th June, 2021 THE HONOURABLE SOCIETY OF
The Princess Royal, THE MIDDLE TEMPLE The following were Called as Masters
accompanied by Vice Admiral of the Bench on Tuesday 8 June 2021,
Sir Tim Laurence, this evening as part of a virtual ceremony: Justice
Andrew Macrae, Justice Nallini
attended a Dinner for the Pathmanathan, The Hon. Mr Justice
Woodland Trust at Fortnum Nigel Poole, The Hon. Mr Justice
Robert Peel, and The Hon. Mrs Justice
and Mason, 181 Piccadilly, Mary Stacey.
London W1.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GM 53

Today Plenty of warm sunshine, but some cloud will bring rain in the north and west. Max 26C (79F), min 6C (43F) Weather Eye
Paul Simons
Around Britain Five days ahead Wind speed Sea state Orkney
ney Shetland
Key: b=bright, c=cloud, d=drizzle, pc=partly cloudy Feeling fresher with 34 Calm
du=dull, f=fair, fg=fog, h=hail, m=mist, r=rain, (mph) 23 11
sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, t=thunder showers or longer spells Slight 14
*=previous day **=data not available of heavy rain spreading Temperature Moderate
Temp C Rain mm Sun hr* northeast 28 (degrees C)
midday yesterday 24 hrs to 5pm yesterday
11 10
16 PC 5.4 **
Tomorrow Flood alerts and warnings
A mostly dry and hot day across
Aberporth 13 DU 0.0 ** At 17:00 on Monday there were no 15

England and Wales with sunny spells,
Anglesey 15 PC 0.0 ** but some showery rain in the north flood alerts or warnings in England, 10
Aviemore 14 PC 1.2 ** and west at times. Fresher with Wales or Scotland.
Barnstaple 16 DU 0.0 ** sunshine and showers elsewhere.
For further information and updates 29 C F unday was hot and sunny
Bedford 24 PC 0.0 ** Max 28C, min 4C Aberdeen 35 95
Belfast 13 B 3.8 **
in England visit flood-warning-
30 86
over much of the UK, with, for Wales
Birmingham 22 PC 0.0 ** and 25 77 the temperature peaking at
Bournemouth 25 S 0.0 ** 17 NORTH 28C at Heathrow and in
21 B 0.0 **
for Scotland 20 68
Bridlington SEA 15 59 central London. It was also
Bristol 22 PC 0.0 **
Camborne 15 FG 0.0 ** 11 10 50
the hottest day of the year so far in
16 Edinburgh
Cardiff 17 PC 0.0 **
31 Glasgow 5 41
Wales, with 27.4C at Cardiff, and in
Edinburgh 16 PC 4.0 ** 0 32
Eskdalemuir 13 C 10.2 **
14 13 -5 23 Northern Ireland, with 25.3C at
Glasgow 14 PC 12.6 **
-10 14 Giant’s Causeway. None of this
Hereford 21 PC 0.0 **
Herstmonceux 24 S 0.0 ** ATLANTIC
Londonderry -15 5 would be especially remarkable
Ipswich 24 PC 0.0 **
Newcastle except for the mystery of June 13 —
OCEAN Carlisle
Isle of Man 15 PC 0.2 **
Thursday Belfast the only date in all the summer
Isle of Wight 24 S 0.0 ** 20
Jersey 22 S 0.0 ** Sunny spells and a scattering of 17 15 months when 30C has never been
showers in Scotland and Ireland. 13
Keswick 15 B 1.4 ** Mainly cloudy in England and Wales Yorkk recorded in the UK (Weather Eye,
Kinloss 17 PC 0.0 ** with rain spreading north, thundery June 12). After this Sunday failed
and heavy in places.
Leeds 15 PC 0.4 **
Lerwick 12 PC 2.8 ** Max 22C, min 3C Manchester Hull
again to reach 30C, the record
Leuchars 16 PC 3.0 ** ooo
Liverpool 22 continues, seemingly defying any
Lincoln 21 PC 0.0 ** Galway IRISH 4
scientific explanation, although it
Liverpool 17 PC 0.0 ** SEA 22 Sheffield
London 26 S 0.0 ** Dublin
could simply be a statistical quirk.
Lyneham 22 S 0.0 ** So far this June has been notable
Manchester 17 PC 0.0 **
Margate 25 ** 0.0 **
16 18
Nottingham for blue skies and hot sunshine over
20 a large part of the UK, with
Milford Haven 16 DU 0.0 **
i h
Newcastle 15 PC 0.6 ** 17 19 temperatures nearly 3C above
Nottingham 19 B 0.0 ** Birmingham
Orkney 14 C 1.1 ** 21
Cambridge average in central England. Hand in
Oxford 24 PC 0.0 ** 15 hand with the clear skies is a
Swansea Oxford 23
** Cardiff
marked lack of rain, with lawns
Scilly, St Mary’s 16 DU 0.0 **
Friday Channel Islands CELTIC 6
26 already turning yellow. All of which
Shoreham 25 S 0.0 ** Rather cloudy with areas of rain
SEA Bristol London raises the traditional curse of hot
spreading north over southern and
Shrewsbury 14 B 0.0 ** 23
Snowdonia 14 PC 0.2 **
eastern England. Sunny spells and the
risk of isolated showers elsewhere. Southampton
British summers — the hosepipe
19 ban. So far water supplies from
Southend 25 S 0.0 ** Max 20C, min 6C Exeterr
South Uist 11 PC 2.0 ** 8 Plymouth Brighton reservoirs, rivers and groundwater
Stornoway 12 PC 1.2 **
Tiree 12 PC 1.6 **
are largely at normal levels thanks
Whitehaven 16 ** 0.0 ** 17
21 to a fairly wet winter and the
Wick 14 C 0.4 ** 3 torrential downpours of May. For
Yeovilton 22 PC 0.0 **
many places these rains were
17 General situation: Warm, sunny and he north and we
cloudy in the west with dry with sunny spells, but cloud especially important, such as the
The world dry over most of Britain and eastern outbreaks of rain. Moderate to fresh will thicken from the west in the southeast and East Anglia, where a
All readings local midday yesterday
Ireland, but cloudy with rain in southwesterly wind, perhaps strong afternoon, perhaps bringing some rain large part of the water supply comes
Alicante 28 S Madeira 23 B 19 northern and western areas. near the coast. Maximum 21C (70F), later. Light increasing to moderate or
Amsterdam 25 S Madrid 31 PC
from underground aquifers that act
SW Eng, Channel Is, E Eng, Midlands, minimum 9C (48F). fresh southwesterly wind. Maximum
Athens 23 B Malaga 30 S
Cen N Eng, NW Eng, Wales: A dry day SE Eng, Cen S Eng, E Anglia, London: 23C (73F), minimum 10C (50F). like sponges, soaking up water from
Auckland 17 R Mallorca 30 S
with plenty of sunshine, although Some thicker cloud around at first will Cen Highland, Moray Firth, Glasgow, rainfall in winter. Although Britain
Bahrain 35 S Malta 26 PC Saturday
Bangkok 31 PC Melbourne 15 B Some sunny spells, but most places
hazy at times. Light and variable soon clear to bring a dry and sunny day. NW Scotland, N Isles, NE Scotland, has a largely wet climate, London
Barbados 31 B Mexico City 21 C will be cloudy with areas of showery winds, becoming southwesterly during Light and variable winds. Maximum Argyll: Sunny at first, then soon has less rainfall each year than
rain, mainly in the south and west. the afternoon. Maximum 24C (75F), 26C (79F), minimum 11C (52F). turning cloudy with outbreaks of rain.
Barcelona 28 S Miami 31 R
Max 21C, min 5C minimum 7C (45F). NE Eng, Lake District, SW Scotland, Moderate to fresh southerly wind, Rome or Istanbul.
Beijing 24 R Milan 28 S
Beirut 27 PC Mombasa 28 PC Republic of Ireland, N Ireland: Dry with IoM, Edinburgh and Dundee, Borders, strong near the coast. Maximum There may be some relief for
Belgrade 19 S Montreal 28 B sunny spells at first, then turning Aberdeen: Most of the day will be 13C (55F), minimum 6C (43F). parched gardens later this week as
Berlin 23 S Moscow 25 PC stormy air sweeping up from Spain
Bermuda 28 B Mumbai 32 S 9
Bordeaux 31 S Munich 22 S Tides Noon today LOW
1008 and Portugal drifts towards us. This
Brussels 27 S Nairobi 23 PC Tidal predictions. 992
LOW will bring the prospect of thundery
Heights in metres
Bucharest 20 PC Naples 27 PC
14 1000
rain in many places, especially the
Budapest 21 S New Orleans 33 S Today Ht Ht
Buenos Aires 20 S New York 21 B 20 Aberdeen 05:01 3.8 17:44 3.6 southeast and East Anglia, with
Cairo 28 S Nice 25 S Avonmouth 11:02 11.4 23:15 11.5 1024 1008 1008 some torrential downpours. That
27 T 29 PC LOW
Calcutta Nicosia
14 R 20
Belfast 02:48 3.4 15:12 3.0 LOW thundery breakdown ushers in a
Canberra 11 DU Oslo Cardiff 10:46 10.7 22:58 10.8 HIGH 1008
Cape Town 17 S Paris 27 S 09:36 4.7 21:44 5.0 1016
change to a slightly fresher and
Chicago 29 PC Perth 17 PC
Dover 02:27 6.0 14:53 6.1
LOW wetter run of weather towards the
Copenhagen 19 S Prague 20 S 1000 HIGH end of the week and into next week,
Sunday Dublin 03:20 3.8 15:55 3.6 992
Corfu 26 PC Reykjavik 9 PC
Delhi 36 S Riga 19 S Mainly cloudy over England and Wales Falmouth 09:03 4.4 21:17 4.6 1008 a possible sign of the European
Dubai 38 S Rio de Janeiro 22 B with heavy and perhaps thundery rain, Greenock 03:55 3.5 16:41 3.0 1016 LOW Monsoon that typically brings wet
but some sunny intervals developing in Harwich 03:25 3.7 15:38 3.6 Cold front
15 B 39 S HIGH
Faro 21 PC
Rome 28 S
places. Sunshine and the chance of an
Holyhead 01:57 5.1 14:27 4.8 LOW 1024 1016 Warm front weather in June (Weather Eye,
afternoon shower elsewhere.
Florence 30 S San Francisco 24 PC Max 20C, min 6C Hull 09:56 6.6 22:43 6.4 Occluded front June 12).
Frankfurt 25 S Santiago 17 S Leith 06:24 4.9 18:57 4.9 Trough
Geneva 25 PC São Paulo 17 PC Liverpool 02:50 8.5 15:19 8.3
Gibraltar 26 S Seoul 22 B 13 London Bridge 05:35 6.7 17:50 6.4
Synoptic situation Highs and lows Hours of darkness
Helsinki 20 S Seychelles 28 PC Lowestoft 01:19 2.2 13:24 2.4 24hrs to 5pm yesterday Aberdeen 22:35-03:42
Hong Kong 31 PC Singapore 31 B Milford Haven 10:04 6.0 22:20 6.1 An area of high pressure will Belfast 22:31-04:16
Honolulu 29 PC St Petersburg 20 PC build across the British Isles Warmest: Teddington,
17 Morecambe 02:50 8.4 15:18 8.1 London, 29.0C Birmingham 22:02-04:14
Istanbul 19 B Stockholm 19 PC leading to a dry and mainly Coldest: Bealach Na Ba, 3.5C
19 Newhaven 02:35 6.0 15:07 6.0 Cardiff 22:01-04:25
Jerusalem 28 PC Sydney 17 B sunny day over England, Wales Wettest: Dunstaffnage,
Newquay 08:57 6.0 21:13 6.2 Exeter 21:58-04:30
Johannesburg 19 S Tel Aviv 28 PC and southern Scotland. Low Argyll, 21.0mm
Oban 09:37 3.3 21:44 3.5 Sunniest: Weybourne, 15.7hrs* Glasgow 22:34-04:01
Kuala Lumpur 32 PC Tenerife 26 PC pressure to the south of Iceland
15 Penzance 08:29 4.8 20:50 4.9 Liverpool 22:12-04:12
Kyiv 24 B Tokyo 21 SH will push a set of fronts into
25 PC 17 C Portsmouth 03:01 4.3 15:43 4.3 Sun and moon London 21:49-04:12
Lanzarote Vancouver Ireland and Scotland, bringing For Greenwich Manchester 22:09-04:09
Las Palmas 24 PC Venice 24 PC Shoreham 02:37 5.6 15:08 5.6 Sun rises: 04.42
The Times weather Southampton 02:09 4.2 15:06 4.2
cloudy skies and outbreaks Newcastle 22:16-03:56
Lima 16 S Vienna 20 PC Sun sets: 21.18
of rain from the west. Warm Moon rises: 09.15 Norwich 21:50-04:00
Lisbon 27 PC Warsaw 20 S page is provided Swansea 10:09 8.1 22:22 8.2
conditions over most of Europe Moon sets: 01.00 Wed Penzance 22:03-04:41
Los Angeles 21 PC Washington 26 B Tees 07:24 4.8 20:02 4.7
36 S 24 S
by Weatherquest with high pressure in charge. First quarter: June 18 Sheffield 22:05-04:06
Luxor Zurich Weymouth 10:27 1.6 22:39 1.7
554 2GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

‘It’s mad but retirement was boring’ CHRIS BEPATT/PA

Greg Rutherford, long R

ccontent with his

jump gold medallist at Super Saturday

ttriumph in 2012,
London 2012, is aiming lleft, is now
ttraining by
to do same in bobsleigh, ““pushing an
he tells Rick Broadbent shopping trolley”

down a track in
reg Rutherford hopes to be Stratford. It is
a man for all seasons and part of his quest
follow in the footsteps of to make the
an American boxer who Great Britain
ascended the Olympic bobsleigh crew
podium alongside a Bentley-driving for next year’s
war hero, a womanising cardsharp Winter Olympics.
and a failed actor whose career stalled scheduled to be
when arrested for possessing a pistol held in Beijing
and an opium pipe. It will not be easy
to live up to that sort of pedigree but th freedom.
the f eedom If I wawanted a cream cake
leaps of faith are his thing. at midnight I’d have one.
The 2012 Olympic long jump “It’s easy to get up to train when
champion wants to become only the it’s your job but it’s hard when it’s
second person to win gold medals in not. When the bobsleigh came up I
different sports at the summer and was excited to have a reason to
winter Olympics. Rutherford, 34, is train again.”
part of a nine-man British bobsleigh Knowing what sport you are cut
crew that will be whittled down out for is a subject that fascinates
before the Winter Olympics, due to Rutherford. Craig Pickering is a
be staged in Beijing in February. Only former British sprinter who ran at the
Eddie Eagan has gone before him. Olympics in Beijing in 2008 before
The American boxer hailed from a turning to bobsleigh. Forced to
poor family, took on Jack Dempsey, withdraw from the 2014 Winter
fought in the Second World War and Olympic team because of injury, he
set a record for navigating the globe has since studied the role of genes in
on scheduled flights. He also won the sporting success. His research was
light-heavyweight Olympic gold in published in the International Journal
1920 and then formed part of the of Sports Physiology and Performance
Suicide Squad that won bobsleigh and tested the genes of Rutherford
gold in Lake Placid in 1932. and four other elite athletes against
Great Britain’s chances of winning 500 ordinary members of the public.
bobsleigh gold are slim, not least Intriguingly, Rutherford
because the squad is not funded, but outperformed elite endurance
the four-man team from the 2014 runners when it came to genes
Winter Olympics were upgraded to a associated with stamina, while 14 per
bronze medal two years ago because cent of a randomly selected group
of Russian doping bans. Even making Rutherford accepts it will be hard to his first session with the British with the vest and flag from 2012 that I performed better than the elite
the Games would put Rutherford in make the team, piloted by Grenadier Bobsleigh squad at Aldershot. have never got framed,” he says. “The athletes in terms of genes linked to
an elite club. In 2010 Allyn Condon, a Guard Lamin Deen, who are using a “I hope that before Tokyo we will medals are in a safe somewhere and speed and power. From that it was
sprinter who won world and five-year-old sled owing to financial get on the ice,” he says. “The idea of rarely see the light of day. I don’t possible to deduce that gene-testing
European relay medals, became the woes — they want to raise £150,000 trying to jump again would be watch Super Saturday back.” is merely part of the picture and
only Briton this century to compete at for a state-of-the-art one — but other ridiculous, but I can still produce Disappointed with a bronze medal lots of homegrown talent is being
both Olympics when he was part of track and field athletes have speed and power and I’m learning at the 2016 Olympics, he missed out overlooked.
the bobsleigh team that ended up successfully made the switch. Lauryn about the technique.” on a return to the Olympic Stadium “It could open up other horizons,”
upside down after a 150km/h crash in Williams, of the United States, won He had plenty on his plate already. in London for the World Rutherford says. “ ‘Yes, I love playing
Vancouver in 2010. relay gold at the 2012 Olympics and Married with a third child, Daphne, Championships in 2017 with an ankle football but perhaps I should try
“It’s mad and clearly retirement was then added a silver in the two-woman born in April, he was not one of those injury that prompted his retirement. being a 400m runner.’ There are so
a bit boring,” Rutherford says. “But I bob in Sochi in 2014. With a lack of athletes struggling with retirement. He had dragged the last vestiges of many other variables — enjoyment,
like a challenge and setting goals. In money and the pandemic restricting He did Strictly Come Dancing in 2016, his long jump talent and left with the facilities, meeting the right people.”
2014 I gave the skeleton bob a go and international practice, Rutherford has won Celebrity MasterChef in 2019 and full set of Olympic, world, European Who knows if Rutherford is
went down headfirst at Lillehammer a been training by pushing an had a gig lined up to work as part of and Commonwealth gold medals. genetically better suited to ice or
few times. I loved that and the buzz “elongated shopping trolley” down a the presentation team for Eurosport “I was ready,” he says. “I’d see these sand? What is clear is that his
was amazing. The bobsleigh will be a track at the Lee Valley Athletics and Discovery+ at the Tokyo Games. young guys bouncing out of the pit enthusiasm and competitive instinct
case of being driven down and having Centre in east London and However, lockdown gave him time and I’d be thinking, ‘My body hurts, have been rekindled.
my head tucked in, only seeing the undergoing a series of tests at army to ponder and he is not one to live on I’m not enjoying this.’ It was Watch every moment of the Olympic
inside of the sled.” barracks. Now he has just completed past glories. “There’s a coat hanger exhilarating moving away because of Games from Tokyo live on Discovery+

McColgan: Special treatment for Farah Alistair Brownlee is left out

Rick Broadbent The invitational race will include Birmingham. He said he was “hurting Jonny Brownlee is convinced it is his “But I like to think that I will be able
pacemakers and an international field, hard” with 15 laps to go, but put on a time to shine in Tokyo after it was to deal with it and it will hopefully be
Mo Farah will make a last-ditch but Liz McColgan, who won the defiant face afterwards. confirmed that his brother Alistair will my time to shine now. These Olympics
attempt to qualify for the Olympics at a 10,000m world title in Tokyo 30 years “I have no fears,” he said when the not defend the triathlon gold medal he are going to be so different and this is
specially arranged race in Manchester ago, tweeted: “What about the ladies? prospect of missing out on Tokyo was won at the past two Olympics. just another little difference in the
next week amid suggestions that he is Do they not deserve the same opportu- raised. “You know this is part of the Alistair’s exclusion from the British grand scheme of things.”
being given preferential treatment. nities?” McColgan’s daughter, Eilish, sport. What makes us great is being able team for Japan was confirmed Jonny, two years his brother’s junior,
The four-times Olympic champion, and Jess Judd booked their Olympic to challenge yourself. So that is what yesterday when Alex Yee was named had grown used to battling away in
38, suffered badly when he slumped to places at the trials, but Amy Eloise- you have got to do as the next stage. alongside Jonny. Yee, 23, in effect sealed Alistair’s shadow, first in London when
eighth place at the British 10,000m Markovc, the European indoor 3,000m You’ve got to go out there each race and the decision by storming to he had to settle for bronze and again in
trials in Birmingham ten days ago. He champion, is less than a second outside mix it with the best.” victory in the World Triathlon Series Rio when he trailed his brother into the
was 22 seconds outside the qualifying the qualifying time. His run in Birmingham was his first race in Leeds last week while Alistair, silver medal position.
standard of 27min 28sec, but as he was Marc Scott is on the plane for the on the track in Britain for four years and 33, who has been struggling with injury, Increasingly, however, while Alistair
the second Briton home he will still men but Farah is not the only Briton was only his third defeat over 10,000m. was disqualified during the swim. courted a future in the Ironman disci-
make the plane to Tokyo if he dips chasing a qualifying time. It remains to Farah won the 5,000m and 10,000m at Jonny said: “I have been fortunate to pline, Jonny has emerged as a greater
under that mark at the Manchester be seen whether he is still troubled by the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games have Alistair next to me on the start- threat, culminating in his impressive
Regional Arena on Friday week. The the ankle “niggle” that he cited in the during a period when he won ten global line in the past two Olympics and with- World Triathlon Series win in Italy last
qualifying period ends on June 27. aftermath of his disastrous run in titles in six years. out him it is going to feel very different. month.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GM 55

Racing Sport
6 (8) 0050/ SLEDMERE J31 M & D Easterby 6-9-3 W Pyle (7) 3 (5) 00-55 PATROON 15 D Coakley 9-6 G Bass (5) 2.55 Handicap Hurdle (£4,956: 2m) (7) 2.10 Handicap (£4,347: 1m 4f) (5)
Beverley 7 (1) -4306 HIGHLIGHT REEL 18 Harvey Bastiman 6-9-1 4 (2) -6544 HOOVES LIKE JAGGER 59 A Carroll 8-7 Mollie Phillips 1 1306- CUBSWIN 120 (CD) N King 7-11-12 T Bellamy 1 (2) 11111 ICONIC BELLE 45 (D) P Kirby 7-9-7 B Garritty (3)
O Stammers (5)
Rob Wright 8 (10) 50-60 SEVEN FOR A POUND 15 (B,D) J O'Keeffe 5-9-0 T Eaves
5 (3) 000-0 SWIVELSTICK 49 (V) A Balding 8-7 Marie Perrault (7) 2 P20P- DEAR SIRE 67 (CD) D McCain 9-11-11 T Gillard (5) 2 (3) 40026 VIADUCT 4 S Dixon 4-9-5 J Fisher (5)
8-11 Keeper, 7-2 Tanglewood Tales, 11-2 Hooves Like Jagger, 13-2 Patroon, 3 111-1 HOOPER 24 (C,D) N Henderson 5-11-7 B Ffrench Davis (7) 3 (1) 43111 TRICORN 7 (P) I Jardine 7-9-5(4ex) A Mullen
5.30 Mr Coalville 7.40 Motorious 9 (4) -0055 VIOLETTE SZABO 7 (P) N Tinkler 4-9-0 F McManoman 33-1 Swivelstick.
6.05 Key Look 8.10 Point Of Honour 4 624-F MIDNIGHTS' GIFT 27 (D) A King 5-11-5 T Cannon 4 (5) 15- ARROW OF GOLD 334 (CD) K Ryan 4-9-4 K Stott
10 (6) 63404 BUZZ LIGHTYERE 18 (P) J Wainwright 8-8-13 Ella McCain
6.40 Motagally 8.40 Under Your Breath 5 631-1 TAKEIT EASY 22 (D) Mrs P Sly 6-11-3 Miss G Andrews 5 (4) 1-650 DULCIMA 26 I Williams 4-8-9 Elisha Whittington (5)
5-2 Act Of Magic, 4-1 Bawaader, 6-1 Buzz Lightyere, Point Of Honour, 13-2 8.20 Handicap (£2,322: 1m) (9)
7.10 Kylie Rules Ebqaa, 10-1 Highlight Reel, 12-1 Violette Szabo, 16-1 Global Exceed. 6 /F-31 STORM RISING 23 (D) R Harper 8-11-1 J Best 5-4 Iconic Belle, 7-4 Tricorn, 6-1 Viaduct, 8-1 Arrow Of Gold, 25-1 Dulcima.
1 (5) 30-00 MILLICENT 36 G L Moore 4-9-7 7 000-6 JAMACHO 37 (CD) C Longsdon 7-10-12 B Hughes
Going: good to firm, good in places Racing TV Alexander Voikhansky (7) 2.45 Novice Stakes (£3,132: 1m) (15)
8.40 Handicap (£2,592: 1m 100yd) (15) 2-1 Hooper, 9-4 Takeit Easy, 9-2 Midnights' Gift, 8-1 Storm Rising, 10-1
Draw: 5f-1m, low numbers best 2 (2) 30421 REGULATOR 4 (T,D) Alexandra Dunn 6-9-4(5ex) J Bryan Cubswin, 12-1 Dear Sire, 20-1 Jamacho. 4 HILDENLEY 19 T Easterby 4-9-13 D Allan
1 (9)
1 (3) 0-000 DESERT PALMS 14 P Midgley 4-9-7 G Lee 3 (8) 13062 THE WARRIOR 14 (D) L Carter 9-9-3 W Carson
5.30 Novice Stakes 2 (5) 25200 BANKAWI 14 (D) M & D Easterby 4-9-6 W Pyle (7) 4 (1) 50030 POUR LA VICTOIRE 14 (P,CD) A Carroll 11-9-3
2 (13) 05 MISTER MCARTHUR 19 (H) M Hammond 5-9-13 A Brookes
(2-Y-O: £4,320: 7f) (9 runners) 3 (10) 000-0 INTERNATIONAL LION 12 (P,D) J Wainwright 4-9-6 Mollie Phillips (7)
3.30 Handicap Chase (£2,505: 2m 7f) (9) 3 (12) 0 MR GAMBINO 22 J Riches 4-9-13 A Breslin (5)
B Robinson 5 (7) 55450 HE'S OUR STAR 18 (C,D) A Carroll 6-9-3 D Probert 1 R0-2U MACKIE DEE 10 (H) R Armson 9-11-12 P Armson (7) 4 (2) 41 MOTAWAAJED 22 W Haggas 3-9-9 D O'Neill
1 (5) 6 KNIGHT RIDER 25 (B) J Tuite 9-5 R Clutterbuck (5)
4 (7) 45043 ELUSIVE HEIGHTS 13 (D) K Tutty 8-9-4 Gemma Tutty 6 (3) 43514 MOSTALLIM 10 (C) M Appleby 4-9-2 G Rooke (3) 2 440-4 BETWEEN THE WATERS 31 (P,T) J Snowden 10-11-8 5 (15) KISKADEE B Smart 4-9-8 H Shaw
2 (3) 32 NEAT AND DANDY 18 R Fahey 9-5 T Hamilton
5 (9) 0-324 CLOTHERHOLME 11 (B,BF) Mrs A Duffield 4-9-3 7 (9) 65250 HEDGING 10 (V,CD) E J-Houghton 7-9-1 E Greatrex Page Fuller 6 (8) 40 ALBEN FORCE 29 J J Quinn 3-9-2 D Costello
3 (6) STONE AXE M Johnston 9-5 J Fanning
Jane Elliott 3 443-1 AULD SOD 12 (B) P Hobbs 8-11-6 M G Nolan 7 (6) 6 BIG DUTCHIE 17 Phillip Makin 3-9-2 S Gray
4 (2) 030 BEARCARDI 12 J L Eyre 9-3 L Edmunds 8 (6) 000 FAVOURED DESTINY 21 A West 4-8-9 R Tate
6 (15) 00-05 ANOTHER BOND 17 O Pears 4-9-2 R Ffrench 4 65-00 ALEXANDER THE GREY 20 (T) G McPherson 10-11-1 8 (14) 04 KING TRITON 46 R Varian 3-9-2 J Mitchell
5 (4) 6 MR COALVILLE 12 A Murphy 9-3 Adam J McNamara 9 (4) 55/34 FINVARRA 10 E Williams 6-8-7 T Whelan M Kendrick
7 (8) 03150 KODIMOOR 17 (P,C) M Walford 8-9-2 Ella McCain (5) 9 (1) 50 MR ZANETTI 11 R Fell 3-9-2 B Sanderson (3)
6 (8) UNCS G Boughey 9-3 M Crehan (3) 7-4 Regulator, 4-1 Mostallim, 13-2 The Warrior, 7-1 Finvarra, 10-1 Hedging, 5 000/ PIRATE SAM 512 D Bridgwater 6-10-12 B J Powell
8 (11) 0500- COLLETTE 288 R Barr 4-9-1 A Beech (5) 10(11) 46 NIGHT TERRORS 19 D O'Meara 3-9-2 D Nolan
7 (9) 4 ZIMMERMAN 30 T Easterby 9-3 D Fentiman Pour La Victoire, He's Our Star, 20-1 Millicent, Favoured Destiny. 6 560-5 CANNY TOM 28 (T) D Frankland 11-10-3 C Hammond
9 (6) 33056 LOVE YOUR WORK 35 (D) Stef Keniry 5-9-1 P Mathers 11(10) 0-336 NOBLE PATRON 26 S & E Crisford 3-9-2 K Stott
8 (1) 32 MEZZANOTTE 14 Sir M Prescott 9-0 L Morris 7 2P-03 FRANZ KLAMMER 24 (H,T) P Pritchard 9-10-3
10(14) 160-2 AMELIA R 21 R Craggs 5-9-1 L Morris 12 (7) 0-6 BABY BOO 29 (H) A Murphy 3-8-11 R Dawson (3)
9 (7) 0 BELL BOTTOM BLUES 14 (T) B Rothwell 8-12
11(12) 0-130 MAC MCCARTHY 20 (BF,D) R Carr 4-9-1 T Eaves 8.50 Handicap (£2,862: 7f) (6) A Thorne (5)
13 (4) 60- BLUE HONEY 228 M Dods 3-8-11 C Beasley
F McManoman (3) 8 0000- ORSINO F46 P Bowen 7-10-1 S Bowen
15-8 Mezzanotte, 5-2 Neat And Dandy, 6-1 Stone Axe, 13-2 Uncs, 8-1 12 (1) 0-000 UNDER YOUR BREATH 14 T Fitzgerald 4-9-0 T Hamilton 1 (2) 00-43 OTAGO 18 J Boyle 4-9-9 C Bennett 14 (5) COME ON HOPKINS M Appleby 3-8-11 F Larson (7)
9 06P-6 SILVRETTA SCHWARZ 23 M Young 6-10-0 J Best
Mr Coalville, 14-1 Zimmerman, 16-1 Bearcardi, 25-1 others. 13 (4) 0000/ MUST DREAM 649 S Spencer 4-9-0 K Schofield (5) 2 (1) 015-0 NAPPING 139 A Murphy 8-9-8 S Cherchi (5) 15 (3) 5-4 RICHES AND RUBIES 43 R Fahey 3-8-11 B Garritty (3)
5-6 Auld Sod, 5-1 Mackie Dee, 7-1 Between The Waters, 10-1 Franz Klammer,
14 (2) 53063 ROCK WARBLER 7 (E,D) M Mullineaux 8-8-12 3 (6) 63-46 NO DAY NEVER 15 (B) J Osborne 3-9-5 S Osborne (5) 7-4 Motawaajed, 15-8 Noble Patron, 6-1 King Triton, 10-1 Blue Honey, 12-1
F McManoman (3) 14-1 Orsino, 16-1 Pirate Sam, Alexander The Grey, 20-1 others.
6.05 Handicap (£2,592: 7f) (14) 4 (3) 45-06 KEEP RIGHT ON 15 (B) R Hannon 3-9-4 S M Levey Night Terrors, 16-1 Riches And Rubies, 25-1 Kiskadee, Hildenley.
15(13) 0-065 WENSLEY 18 (P) Harvey Bastiman 6-8-12 O Stammers (5) 5 (4) 545-1 BAHIA STAR 59 (C) R Guest 3-9-2 D Probert
1 (11) 6/005 KLOPP OF THE KOP 13 (V) D O'Meara 4-10-0 L Morris 7-2 Elusive Heights, 9-2 Clotherholme, 5-1 Amelia R, 6-1 Love Your Work, 10-1 6 (5) 26163 RIVER WHARFE 48 (P,D) A Carroll 3-9-2 J Watson 4.05 Novices' Hurdle (£3,159: 2m) (11) 3.20 Handicap (Div I: £4,347: 7f) (11)
2 (5) 000/0 THORNABY NASH 7 (D) C Teague 10-9-13 R Ffrench Kodimoor, Bankawi, 12-1 Mac Mccarthy, Rock Warbler. /3-12 TRAILBOSS 16 (BF) F O'Brien 6-11-5 P Brennan
13-8 Bahia Star, 7-2 Otago, 4-1 River Wharfe, 13-2 No Day Never, 8-1 Keep 1 1 (3) -0430 THREE SAINTS BAY 17 (P,CD) Liam Bailey 6-10-4
3 (4) 46-55 MAKYON 25 (H) M Johnston 4-9-13 J Fanning
123-2 BEHOLDEN 28 (T) J Snowden 5-10-12 G Sheehan B Garritty (3)
Right On, 10-1 Napping. 2
4 (7) 00-60 PROUD ARCHI 17 (P,CD) M Dods 7-9-12 T Eaves
F ENDEAN 37 D Burchell 6-10-12 C Ring (3) 2 (8) 000-0 SWISS KNIGHT 51 (H,T,C) M & D Easterby 6-10-0 C Hardie
5 (12) 00343 TUKHOOM 7 (B,CD) D O'Meara 8-9-10 S B Kirrane (5) Brighton 3
4 EXMOOR BEAST F80 L Allan 5-10-12 B Godfrey (5) 3 (5) -1300 PARYS MOUNTAIN 10 (D) T Easterby 7-9-13 JP Sullivan
6 (1) 0-100 MORETTI 8 (D) J L Eyre 6-9-9 L Edmunds
7 (2) 000-0 SINGE ANGLAIS 12 (V,C) N Tinkler 4-9-9 F McManoman
Rob Wright Stratford 5 323-2 GREGOR 21 D Skelton 5-10-12 H Skelton 4 (9) 322-0 WETHER FELL 24 J Camacho 4-9-12 D Nolan
Rob Wright 6 RENARDEAU F66 A Stronge 5-10-12 J Bowen 5 (1) 05-34 HIGHER KINGDOM 10 (T,D) D O'Meara 4-9-12 S Gray
8 (6) 00-65 IRISH EILEEN 31 (T) M & D Easterby 4-9-6 G Lee 5.45 Mahale 7.50 Keeper 7 P/60- SPIRITUS MUNDI 217 Mrs N Evans 6-10-12 J Dixon (7) 6 (10) 1-132 MIDNITE BRIDE 7 (P,D) K Ryan 4-9-11 K Stott
9 (8) -0043 DESERT DREAM 17 (D) S Spencer 7-9-6 M Crehan (3) 6.20 Nordic Glory 8.20 Mostallim 1.20 All Clenched Up 2.55 Hooper 8 SQUIRE HOCKEY F1750 Mrs D Grissell 8-10-12 7 (4) 6-331 FROW 15 (D) D Brown 5-9-6 R Dawson (3)
10(13) 110-F BEAR ME IN MIND 71 (D) Adrian Nicholls 3-9-3 6.50 Shoot To Kill 8.50 River Wharfe 1.50 Dutch Admiral 3.30 Franz Klammer Tabitha Worsley (5) 8 (7) 10-21 POET'S MAGIC 13 (D) J J Quinn 5-9-6 D Costello
Laura Coughlan (5) 7.20 Elvic 2.20 Sir Tivo 4.05 Gregor 9 5P- THORN F24 (H) J Gallagher 5-10-12 D Hiskett (3)
11 (9) 60151 KEY LOOK 17 (P,D) G Harker 4-9-2 O McSweeney (7) 9 (6) 5-32 TADREEB 17 M Johnston 3-9-4 D O'Neill
Going: good to firm Sky Sports Racing Going: good, good to firm in places Racing TV 10 034-2 BATTLE MARCH 34 (H) C Down 4-10-7 J M Davies 10 (2) 226-3 MASHAAN 19 R Fahey 3-9-0 J Mitchell
12(14) 0-453 CHILLSEA 17 R Fahey 3-8-12 T Hamilton
PORT LOCKROY F55 Sheila Lewis 4-10-7 B R Jones (3)
Draw: 5f-6f, low numbers best 11 11(11) 41134 KODIAC BROWN BEAR 20 (D) R Fahey 3-8-11 A Mullen
13 (3) D4-30 FAVOURITE NIECE 20 (P) Mrs A Duffield 3-8-11 1.20 Novices' Hurdle (£3,159: 2m 3f) (10) 2-1 Trailboss, 9-4 Beholden, 5-2 Gregor, 12-1 Renardeau, Battle March, 20-1
Jane Elliott 5.45 Handicap (£2,322: 5f) (7) 4-1 Tadreeb, 9-2 Midnite Bride, 5-1 Frow, Poet's Magic, 7-1 Higher Kingdom,
14(10) 0-500 GROUPIE 21 (D) T Tate 7-8-9 P Mathers 1 2160- ALL CLENCHED UP 175 F O'Brien 5-10-12 P Brennan Exmoor Beast, 25-1 Thorn, 33-1 Port Lockroy. 15-2 Kodiac Brown Bear, 8-1 Mashaan, 20-1 Parys Mountain.
4-1 Key Look, 5-1 Desert Dream, 11-2 Tukhoom, 8-1 Chillsea, Moretti, 10-1 1 (7) 000-0 MEWS HOUSE 38 (B,T,D) A West 4-9-12 C Bennett 2 64-F FENNEY BROOK 45 H Daly 5-10-12 T J O'Brien
Makyon, Irish Eileen, 12-1 Bear Me In Mind, Proud Archi. 2 (6) 00-66 PINK FLAMINGO 8 (CD) M Attwater 5-9-12 W Carson 3 550-0 FLIGHTY BRIDE 16 D J Jeffreys 6-10-12 C Deutsch 3.55 Handicap (Div II: £4,347: 7f) (10)
3 (2) 01655 THEGREYVTRAIN 10 (D) R Harris 5-9-10 J Watson 4 03 OCEAN REACH 21 (T) R J Price 5-10-12 W T Kennedy Thirsk 1 (2) 40121 SEAS OF ELZAAM 11 (D) M Appleby 4-10-4 F Larson (7)
6.40 Conditions Stakes (£7,989: 5f) (5) 4 (3) 53523 MAHALE 10 M Channon 3-9-5 G Bass (5) 5 154-2 POP THE CHAMPAGNE 27 (T,BF) G McPherson 5-10-12 Rob Wright 2 (5) 2-220 TRINITY LAKE 32 (D) D Carroll 5-10-0 Z Wheatley (7)
5 (1) 33251 BIG TIME MAYBE 14 (P,T,CD) M Attwater 6-9-3 M Kendrick
1 (5) 145-0 JUDICIAL 45 (CD) J Camacho 9-9-9 G Lee 3 (1) -6305 CASSY O 17 (B,D) T Easterby 4-9-12 D Allan
Grace McEntee (5) 6 34-6 PRINCESS RUBY 43 N Twiston-Davies 5-10-12 S Twiston-Davies 1.05 Cardiff 3.20 Mashaan
2 (1) 51-60 TARBOOSH 17 (CD) P Midgley 8-9-9 B Robinson 6 (4) -0500 ONE DAY 18 (D) Mrs L Mongan 3-8-13 R Tate 4 (6) -0006 REDROSEZORRO 11 (H,C,D) E Alston 7-9-12 H Russell
7 64-0 SEPTEMBER DAISY 16 T R George 6-10-12 Doubtful 1.40 Restless Endeavour 3.55 Toussarok
3 (4) 35542 CASPIAN PRINCE 2 (T,CD) M Appleby 12-9-6 T Ladd (3) 7 (5) 00006 TOP BOY 11 (D) A Carroll 11-8-10 D Probert 5 (8) -3305 CHALLET 7 (H,C) M Dods 4-9-11 C Beasley
8 6-P CLARINA 15 M Young 4-10-6 J Best 2.10 Tricorn 4.30 Asjad
4 (2) 3-340 INTRINSIC BOND 31 (D) T Waggott 4-9-2 T Eaves 7-4 Big Time Maybe, 7-2 Mahale, 5-1 Thegreyvtrain, 15-2 Top Boy, 8-1 Pink 2.45 Noble Patron 5.10 Albegone 6 (9) 33416 ELDELBAR 17 (D) G Harker 7-9-8 S James
9 50-64 LEGENDARY GRACE 15 N Gifford 4-10-6 J M Davies
5 (3) 013-4 MOTAGALLY 17 (D) C Hills 5-9-2 R Ffrench Flamingo, Mews House, 16-1 One Day. 7 (3) -3325 TOUSSAROK 11 M Johnston 3-9-6 D O'Neill
10 SHE'S ALL IN GOLD F28 O Greenall 4-10-6 H Brooke Going: good to firm Racing TV
15-8 Motagally, 9-4 Judicial, 5-2 Tarboosh, 8-1 Caspian Prince, 16-1 Intrinsic 8 (4) 32515 LASTING LEGACY 21 (D) C Fairhurst 4-9-5 J Garritty
11-8 All Clenched Up, 7-2 Pop The Champagne, 7-1 Princess Ruby, 10-1 She's All
Bond. Draw: 5f-6f, high numbers best 9 (10) 5135- OUTRUN THE STORM 234 R Fahey 3-9-1 D Nolan
6.20 Maiden Stakes (2-Y-O: £3,132: 6f) (8) In Gold, Legendary Grace, 12-1 Ocean Reach, Fenney Brook, 14-1 Flighty Bride.
1.05 Novice Stakes 10 (7) 6-354 HOSTELRY 13 R Carr 4-8-12 JP Sullivan
1 (3) 550 MAGIC WARRIOR 17 R Hannon 9-5 S M Levey
7.10 Handicap (£3,036: 1m 100yd) (9) 1.50 Handicap Hurdle (£2,342: 2m 3f) (13) (2-Y-O: £3,289: 6f) (12)
4-1 Seas Of Elzaam, 5-1 Outrun The Storm, 6-1 Trinity Lake, 13-2 Cassy O, 7-1
2 (1) 0 NATIONAL STAR 18 J Butler 9-5 G Wood Lasting Legacy, 8-1 Eldelbar, Toussarok, 10-1 Challet.
1 (3) -0530 DONNELLY'S RAINBOW 10 (D) Harvey Bastiman 8-10-0 3 (7) 434 NOBLE ALBERT 18 A Murphy 9-5 S Cherchi (5) 1 21-13 NYE BEVAN 33 (P,T,BF) N Twiston-Davies 6-11-12 J Neild 2 CARDIFF 31 K Ryan 9-0 S Gray
1 (7)
O Stammers (5) 2 523-0 CHIEFTAIN'S CHOICE 45 (P,CD) K Frost 12-11-11 A Edwards
2 (6) -4444 KYLIE RULES 12 (CD) R Carr 6-9-9 T Eaves
4 (2) 5 NORDIC GLORY 70 M Attwater 9-5 W Carson 2 (11) 0 COAXING 11 T D Barron 9-0 C Beasley 4.30 Novice Stakes (£3,132: 7f) (10)
5 (4) 423 AMBER DEW 10 (V,BF) R Beckett 9-0 R P Downey 3 2P65- IF KARL'S BERG DID 55 M Harris 6-11-7 M Bastyan
30 DIAMOND PEARL 31 (BF) K Burke 9-0 C Lee
3 (6) 1 (6) 5 ROYAL PARTNERSHIP 22 S bin Suroor 4-9-12 R Dawson
3 (2) 42-40 NATURAL VALUE 14 M Johnston 3-9-7 J Peate (7) 4 04P1- RONDE DE NUIT 55 P Hobbs 4-11-6 B R Jones (3)
6 (8) 055 BONITA B 36 M Channon 9-0 G Bass (5) 4 (1) 3 HI MEH DARLING 12 I Jardine 9-0 A Mullen 2 (9) 1 ASJAD 17 R Varian 3-9-9 D O'Neill
4 (8) 31-50 CRANE 14 (D) M Bell 3-9-5 D E Hogan (3) 5 551- DUTCH ADMIRAL 258 D Bridgwater 4-11-6 A Bellamy (5)
7 (6) MACKENZIE ROSE M Johnston 9-0 D Probert 5 (10) 65 JUST A CLAIM 11 R Fell 9-0 Megan Nicholls 0 BOLD TERRITORIES 46 M Dods 3-9-2 C Beasley
5 (9) 4-220 CROWN PRINCESS 17 O Pears 3-9-5 G Lee 6 34-04 BILLY'S ANGEL 23 (B) A Murphy 9-11-6 C Todd 3 (10)
8 (5) 05 MAYFAIR STROLL 13 C Hills 9-0 J Watson 6 (12) 2 MAGNOLIA STATE 25 R Fahey 9-0 B Garritty (3) 0 DEBATED 64 Phillip Makin 3-9-2 C Hardie
6 (5) 40-2 SOLAR JOE 38 R Fahey 3-9-5 C Murtagh (3) 7 P/0-P TAKBEER 16 (P) Mrs N Evans 9-11-6 J Dixon (3) 4 (4)
11-8 Amber Dew, 5-1 Mackenzie Rose, 6-1 Magic Warrior, 7-1 Noble Albert, 7 (2) 30 MAY PUNCH 14 T Easterby 9-0 D Allan 5 (5) MALTBY RAIDER D O'Meara 3-9-2 S Gray
7 (1) 200- WISE JUDGEMENT 223 M Johnston 3-9-1 J Fanning 8 /00P- CUT AND RUN 196 M Keighley 8-11-1 P Cowley
Bonita B, 8-1 Mayfair Stroll, 14-1 Nordic Glory, 50-1 National Star. 8 (3) 00 MISS WOMBLETON 12 R Fell 9-0 B Sanderson (3)
8 (4) 504-0 POSSIBLE AMBITION 24 (P) J J Quinn 3-8-12 B Robinson 9 5305- THE LONGEST DAY 66 (T) Mrs S Leech 5-10-11 L Williams 6 (1) 0-3 TROMSO 67 K Ryan 3-9-2 K Stott
9 (8) NAJAT S & E Crisford 9-0 J Mitchell 7 (7) 5 YOJAARI 17 W Haggas 3-9-2 L Jones
9 (7) 446-3 KENTUCKY KITTEN 13 T Easterby 3-8-12 Ella McCain (5) 6.50 Handicap (£2,862: 6f) (5) 10 /00-2 OXFORD BLU 21 M Young 7-10-8 Tabitha Worsley
10 (9) RENAISSANCE D O'Meara 9-0 D Nolan 8 (8) CAMERATA S & E Crisford 3-8-11 J Mitchell
3-1 Kylie Rules, 9-2 Kentucky Kitten, 5-1 Solar Joe, 6-1 Wise Judgement, 7-1 11 21-23 JESSICA RABBIT 16 (D) G McPherson 7-10-8 M Kendrick (3)
Crown Princess, 8-1 Crane, 12-1 Possible Ambition, 14-1 others. 1 (2) 61110 KENDERGARTEN KOP 3 (B,CD) D Flood 6-9-7 S Osborne 11 (5) TRUELY ACLAIMED J J Quinn 9-0 JP Sullivan 9 (3) 0- HEART THROB 238 B Smart 3-8-11 H Shaw
12 263-1 SHANANDOA 5 D Brace 10-10-5(7ex) J Tudor
2 (1) 21341 DOC SPORTELLO 28 (B,E,D) A Carroll 9-9-7 D Probert 12 (4) WHO'S UR DANDY M Walford 9-0 J Garritty 10 (2) 0 LOVE SENSATION 45 D Carroll 3-8-11 Megan Nicholls
13 4R0-5 TELEKINETIC 22 A Carroll 6-10-1 N Slatter
7.40 Maiden Stakes (£3,140: 5f) (7) 3 (4) 10553 SHOOT TO KILL 13 (P,D) G Scott 4-9-6 D Muscutt
100-30 Dutch Admiral, 7-2 Ronde De Nuit, 5-1 Nye Bevan, 13-2 Jessica Rabbit,
9-4 Cardiff, 5-2 Magnolia State, 11-2 Najat, 8-1 Diamond Pearl, 10-1 5-4 Asjad, 5-1 Royal Partnership, 11-2 Yojaari, 6-1 Tromso, 13-2 Camerata,
4 (5) 13403 SIR OLIVER 18 (P,D) C Dwyer 4-9-6 S Cherchi (5) 7-1 Shanandoa, 12-1 Oxford Blu, 14-1 Billy's Angel, 16-1 others. Renaissance, Hi Meh Darling, 16-1 May Punch, Just A Claim. 12-1 Maltby Raider, 25-1 Bold Territories, 50-1 others.
1 (4) 00 GLEAMING MAIZE 12 F Watson 5-9-7 O Stammers (5)
5 (3) 50530 REAL ESTATE 21 (P,D) M Attwater 6-8-12 W Carson
2 (1) 02222 YUKON MISSION 18 (B,BF) J J Quinn 4-9-7 B Robinson
3 (5) 03-2 AVA GO JOE 47 T Easterby 3-9-5 D Fentiman
15-8 Sir Oliver, 3-1 Doc Sportello, 100-30 Shoot To Kill, 5-1 Kendergarten Kop, 2.20 Handicap Chase (£2,505: 2m 1f) (12) 1.40 Handicap 5.10 Handicap (£2,322: 5f) (12)
8-1 Real Estate. (£4,347: 6f) (11)
4 (7) 4-5 MOTORIOUS 38 S C Williams 3-9-5 P Mathers 1 13P-3 PARDON ME 28 (H) M & D Easterby 8-11-12 H Bannister 1 (4) 21123 TRUE HERO 47 (B,BF,D) D Brown 5-10-1 R Dawson (3)
5 (2) THE COOLER KING R Fahey 3-9-5 T Hamilton 2 00-21 AUTHORIZO 35 (P,T) O Greenall 6-11-10 H Brooke 1 (10) 1/00- THE BELL CONDUCTOR 223 Phillip Makin 4-10-0 S Gray 2 (12) 00201 VAN GERWEN 19 (C,D) P Midgley 8-9-12 K Stott
7.20 Handicap (3-Y-O: £2,322: 7f) (6)
6 (6) 00 VAL DE TRAVERS 15 (H) L Mullaney 3-9-5 G Lee 3 2646- GETABUCK 75 (W) A Stronge 8-11-10 J Bowen 2 (3) 11246 RESTLESS ENDEAVOUR 14 (D) G Tuer 4-9-12 S James 3 (9) 14365 DEBAWTRY 21 (D) B Smart 6-9-12 H Shaw
1 (6) -4401 ELVIC 8 (D) A Watson 9-13(6ex) Joanna Mason (3) 4 U32-P TIDAL WATCH 40 (P,T) Jonjo O'Neill 7-11-9 Jonjo O'Neill Jr. 3 (7) 02265 NORTH WIND 11 (D) T D Barron 5-9-11 C Beasley 4 (7) 06264 PAVERS PRIDE 7 (V,BF,CD) P Midgley 7-9-12 J Garritty
7 (3) 5-6 LOLA REBEL 20 D Loughnane 3-9-0 Laura Pearson (5)
6-4 Ava Go Joe, 13-8 Yukon Mission, 6-1 The Cooler King, Motorious, 25-1 Val 2 (5) 3402 MELLYS FLYER 55 (H,BF) G Scott 9-9 D Muscutt 5 3U4-5 ROSTELLO 36 (P) Dr R Newland 6-11-7 S Twiston-Davies 4 (11) 45402 DICK DATCHERY 12 (B,T,D) D O'Meara 4-9-10 D Nolan 5 (3) 60-06 REQUIEMS DREAM 13 (P,D) P Midgley 4-9-7 B Garritty
De Travers, Lola Rebel, 200-1 Gleaming Maize. 3 (3) 0-514 GRANARY QUEEN 8 (CD) E J-Houghton 9-7 E Greatrex 6 F20-0 POSTMAN 33 (B) Seamus Mullins 8-11-7 M G Nolan 5 (5) 0-603 STRONGBOWE 12 T Easterby 5-9-8 D Allan 6 (11) -2250 SAMBUCCA SPIRIT 31 (P,CD) P Midgley 5-9-4 C Hardie
4 (1) 25063 EMJAYTWENTYTHREE 7 R Hannon 9-6 Doubtful 7 4U-25 BADNESS BACKFIRES 17 (T) Henry Oliver 7-11-6R T Dunne 6 (9) 611- J R CAVAGIN 315 P Midgley 3-9-7 K Stott 7 (1) -0463 BOUDICA BAY 21 (B,BF,D) E Alston 6-9-0 H Russell (5)
8.10 Handicap (£2,592: 1m 2f) (10) 5 (4) 0-044 KHUFU 14 (P) S P C Woods 9-6 S Woods (5) 8 255-3 SIR TIVO 35 (T) G Hanmer 7-10-12 B Carver (3) 7 (4) -0221 MUTANAASEQ 12 (CD) R Carr 6-9-6 JP Sullivan 8 (10) 40023 ALBEGONE 21 T Easterby 3-8-13 D Allan
6 (2) 00-30 LADY SUSIE 22 J Boyle 8-3 T Heard (5) 9 60/0- SECRET BERI 336 (H) B Summers 7-10-11 C Hammond 8 (2) 5-025 THE ARMED MAN 12 (CD) C Fairhurst 8-9-6 Paula Muir 9 (8) 000-6 CUPPACOCO 59 (B,D) Mrs A Duffield 6-8-10 S Gray
1 (7) 23433 ACT OF MAGIC 12 J Mackie 5-9-7 G Lee
13-8 Elvic, 3-1 Mellys Flyer, 7-2 Granary Queen, 9-2 Khufu, 14-1 Lady Susie. 10 64-05 ECLAT DES MOTTES 20 (V) M Keighley 7-10-9 J Best 9 (1) 6-060 FLAVIUS TITUS 32 (B,D) D Brooke 6-9-6 J Garritty 10 (2) 63445 SUWAAN 13 (P,D) R Carr 7-8-7 A Mullen
2 (2) 00-03 BAWAADER 20 D Thompson 6-9-7 P Mathers
3 (5) 0-000 GLOBAL EXCEED 14 (B) K Tutty 6-9-4 Gemma Tutty (3) 11 15-21 MAWLOOD 16 (T) P W Middleton 5-10-7 Tabitha Worsley (5) 10 (8) 30000 WATER OF LEITH 20 (D) R Menzies 3-9-5 H Shaw 11 (6) 00500 ANGEL EYES 11 (T) J Riches 6-8-7 A Breslin (5)
7.50 Handicap (3-Y-O: £2,322: 1m 4f) (5) 12 00-P0 FULL SPES 16 (P) W Greatrex 5-10-6 G Sheehan 11 (6) 014-0 KHABIB 15 (P) R Craggs 3-8-11 C Hardie 12 (5) 0-520 ELZAAL 29 P Midgley 3-8-5 S James
4 (9) 60-66 EBQAA 12 (V,D) J Unett 7-9-4 L Morris
5 (3) 654-6 POINT OF HONOUR 17 (P,CD) Phillip Makin 6-9-4 1 (4) 0-602 KEEPER 8 (B,BF) R Charlton 9-7 J Watson 5-2 Authorizo, 7-2 Mawlood, 13-2 Pardon Me, 8-1 Badness Backfires, 10-1 7-2 Dick Datchery, 9-2 Strongbowe, 5-1 J R Cavagin, 6-1 Mutanaaseq, 7-1 Restless 4-1 Boudica Bay, 9-2 Albegone, 6-1 Van Gerwen, Debawtry, 13-2 True Hero,
Laura Pearson (5) 2 (1) 3-053 TANGLEWOOD TALES 22 A Balding 9-6 D Probert Rostello, Sir Tivo, 12-1 Getabuck, 14-1 Tidal Watch. Endeavour, 8-1 The Armed Man, 10-1 North Wind, 14-1 The Bell Conductor. 12-1 Pavers Pride, Elzaal, Cuppacoco.

Yesterday’s racing results

Carlisle 4.15 (1m 3f 39yd) 1, Betty Grable (Joanna
Mason, 5-2); 2, Iolani (13-2); 3, Puckle (13-8 fav).
Murphy, 6-5 fav); 2, High Commissioner (5-1);
3, Final Voyage (13-2). 7 ran. 4l, 1l. S bin Suroor. Nottingham 9 ran. NR: Gurkha’s Surprise, Harrier Hawk.
1l, 2Kl. C G Cox.
6.30 (6f 12yd) 1, Sweet Pursuit (Rob Hornby,
6-1); 2, Clashaniska (3-1 fav); 3, Knockabout
Going: good (good to firm in places) 5 ran. NR: Molinari. Kl, 1Ol. W Storey. 2.10 (7f 1yd) 1, Melodramatica (David Going: good to firm 8.20 (1m 75yd) 1, Eponina (Erika Parkinson, Queen (10-1). 14 ran. NR: Deception Valley,
1.25 (5f 182yd) 1, Riversway (P Hanagan, 11-1); 4.50 (6f 195yd) 1, Tellmeyourstory (B A Probert, 16-1); 2, Silver Kitten (8-1); 3, Rouge Et 5.50 (6f 18yd) 1, Little Prayer (Hayley Turner, 5-2 fav); 2, Takeonefortheteam (9-2); 3, Ooh Is It. Ol, Ol. B R Millman.
2, Eternal Glory (25-1); 3, Bungle Bay (10-1). Curtis, 12-1); 2, Party Rebel (6-1); 3, Golden Noir (9-2). 12 ran. Ol, Kl. Rae Guest. 11-4 jt-fav); 2, Roystan Girl (11-4 jt-fav); Eevilynn Drew (14-1). 11 ran. NR: Vocatus. Hd, 7.00 (6f 12yd) 1, Rhythm (Thore Hammer
10 ran. NR: Bungley. 1Kl, ns. R A Fahey. Melody (9-2). 11 ran. NR: Lady Artela. Hd, 2.45 (6f 1yd) 1, Adaay In Asia (Oisin Murphy, 3, Chanson D’amour (5-1). 13 ran. 3Nl, 3l. 2Nl. M Appleby. Hansen, 40-1); 2, Chipstead (8-1); 3, Alphonse
1.55 (5f 182yd) 1, Verreaux Eagle (Kevin Stott, 4Nl. M Johnston. 11-4); 2, Golden Rainbow (2-1 fav); 3, South R Spencer. 8.50 (1m 6f) 1, Cherry Cola (T E Whelan, 18-5); Karr (10-1). 11 ran. Hd, 1Kl. R Hannon.
4-7 fav); 2, Earn Your Stripes (16-1); 5.20 (7f 173yd) 1, Arranmore (D Tudhope, Audley (10-1). 10 ran. NR: Diligently Done, 6.20 (6f 18yd) 1, Merry Secret (Harry Russell, 2, Nakeeta (2-1 fav); 3, Hidden Depths (11-2). 7.30 (6f 12yd) 1, Edraak (Tom Marquand,
3, Masquerading (100-30). 7 ran. 4Ol, 2Nl. 5-2); 2, Detective (5-1); 3, Little Ted (16-1). True Force. Hd, 3l. H J L Dunlop. 7-2); 2, The First Hurrah (8-1); 3, Out Of The 6 ran. NR: Dereham. 3Nl, 3Ol. Miss S West. 3-1); 2, Tinto (4-1); 3, A Sure Welcome (5-2
E A L Dunlop. 9 ran. 1Kl, 1Nl. D O’Meara. 3.20 (6f 1yd) 1, Tomouh (Oisin Murphy, East (17-2). 7 ran. NR: As If By Chance. Kl, Ol. Placepot: £53.30. fav). 7 ran. NR: Indian Creak. 1Ol, Kl.
2.30 (5f 182yd) 1, Langholm (Connor Beasley, Placepot: £816.90. Quadpot: £33.10. 15-8 fav); 2, Billy Mill (2-1); 3, Epsom Faithfull M Appleby. Quadpot: £11.20. M Appleby.
6-4 fav); 2, French Red (50-1); 3, Shackabooah (22-1). 7 ran. NR: Baba Reza. 2Nl, 1Nl. 6.50 (5f 8yd) 1, Saluti (Ben Robinson, 3-1); 8.00 (1m 31yd) 1, Mr Tyrrell (James Doyle,
(2-1). 11 ran. 3Nl, Ol. M Dods. Lingfield Park S bin Suroor. 2, Nibras Again (17-2); 3, Eeh Bah Gum Windsor 17-2); 2, Strawberry Jack (4-1); 3, Vasco Da
3.05 (5f 182yd) 1, Fircombe Hall (Billy Garritty, 3.50 (1m 7f 169yd) 1, Bailarico (Thomas (5-2 fav). 9 ran. Nk, Kl. P T Midgley. Going: good to firm Gama (28-1). 9 ran. 1l, sh hd. R Hannon.
Going: standard/slow Greatrex, 16-1); 2, Yagan (4-5 fav); 3, Bird For 8.30 (1m 2f) 1, Dantora (James Doyle, 15-8
5-1); 2, Rebel Redemption (9-1); 3, Cool Dandy 7.20 (1m 2f 50yd) 1, Smokey Malone (D E 5.25 (1m 3f 99yd) 1, Steel An Icon (Rose
(9-1). 10 ran. NR: Lady Artela. 4l, nk. P A Kirby. 1.00 (1m 2f) 1, Cayman Moon (L Morris, 11-1); Life (10-1). 11 ran. 1Kl, 1l. W Greatrex. Hogan, 5-1); 2, Boy George (12-1); 3, Manfadh Dawes, 6-5 fav); 2, Suns Up Guns Up (11-4); 3, jt-fav); 2, Pertemps Sia (6-1); 3, Into The Fire
3.40 (1m 3f 39yd) 1, Dreams Unwind (B A 2, Largo Bay (6-4 fav); 3, Pump It Up (25-1). 4.20 (5f 6yd) 1, Kim Wexler (P Cosgrave, 5-1); (11-1); 4, Alioski (33-1). 16 ran. Ol, 2Ol. Miss Teemlucky (13-2). 7 ran. 1Nl, 1l. M R Channon. (15-8 jt-fav). 7 ran. NR: Schwartz. 6l, 1Nl.
Curtis, 16-1); 2, Dr T J Eckleburg (7-4 fav); 13 ran. NR: Weardiditallgorong. 2Ol, 1l. 2, Lucky Ava (12-1); 3, Campachoochoo (80-1). J Feilden. H Palmer.
6.00 (5f 21yd) 1, Canonized (Tom Marquand,
3, Carrigillihy (5-1). 6 ran. NR: Carn A Chlamain. W J Knight. 8 ran. 1Kl, Kl. D Loughnane. 7.50 (1m 2f 50yd) 1, Tregony (L P Keniry, 1-4 fav); 2, Dark Tulip (12-1); 3, Arboy Will (5-1). Placepot: £230.50.
2Nl, 1Nl. M Johnston. 1.35 (1m 2f) 1, Passion And Glory (Oisin Placepot: £22.50. Quadpot: £6.80. 7-4 fav); 2, Lady Ziana (40-1); 3, Twilley (5-1). 4 ran. 1Kl, 1Kl. W J Haggas. Quadpot: £170.20.

Results Fixtures
Dunn 1-0-20-0; S M Curran 2-0-25-1; Clark Gloucestershire 3 1 2 0 2 -0.45 75, 70, 64; J Shin (S Kor) 72, 69, 70, 70; J
Football Cricket 4-0-30-1; T K Curran 4-0-33-1; Batty 3-0-16-0. Hampshire 3 1 2 0 2 -0.95 Coleman (US) 71, 69, 71, 70. Leading British: Football
Surrey (balls) Somerset 2 0 2 0 0 -1.47 282 J Ewart Shadoff 74, 70, 73, 65.
European Championship Vitality Blast: South group Middlesex 2 0 2 0 0 -1.75 European Championships; Group F France v
J J Roy c Lloyd b Labuschagne 64 (35)
Group D Surrey v Glamorgan W G Jacks c Lloyd b Douthwaite 10 (8) Tennis Germany (8.0, Allianz Arena, Munich); Hungary
Scotland (0) 0 Czech Rep (1) 2 Kia Oval (Surrey won toss): Surrey (2pts) beat L J Evans c Weighell b Sisodiya 39 (26) Golf ATP Cinch Championships
v Portugal (5.0, Puskas Arena, Budapest).

9,847 Schick 42, 52 Glamorgan by five wickets S M Curran lbw b Salter

J Overton c Cooke b Labuschagne
1 (4)
9 (6) US PGA Palmetto Championship Queen’s Club, London: First round J Millman Cricket
Glamorgan (balls) †J L Smith not out 35 (24) Ridgeland, South Carolina: Leading final (Aus) bt R Opelka (US) 7-6 (7-4), 5-7, 7-6 (8-6); V Vitality Blast (6.30 unless stated): North
(at Hampden Park) N J Selman c Roy b Moriarty 43 (28) scores (United States unless stated): 273 G Troicki (Serbia) bt L Sonego (It) 6-4, 6-4; C
J Clark not out 6 (7) group: Derby Derbyshire v Lancashire (7.0).
Group E D L Lloyd c Overton b S M Curran 10 (7) Extras (lb 1, w 2) 3 Higgo (SA) 68, 69, 68, 68. 274 C Hadley 65, 66, Norrie (GB) bt A Ramos-Viñolas (Sp) 4-6, 6-3, 6- Emirates Riverside Durham v Notts Outlaws.
M Labuschagne c S M Curran b Clark74 (51) Total (5 wkts, 18.2 overs) 167 68, 75; T Hatton (GB) 71 68, 67, 68; D Redman 4; A Mannarino (Fr) bt L Broady (GB) 6-4, 6-4; J Northampton Northants Steelbacks v
Poland (0) 1 Slovakia (1) 2 C A Ingram c Overton b Moriarty 4 (6) T K Curran, M P Dunn, *G J Batty and D Moriarty 65, 72, 70, 67; H Swafford 68, 70, 70, 66; B Van Draper (GB) bt J Sinner (It) 7-6 (8-6), 7-6 (7-2); F Birmingham Bears. Emerald Headingley
Linetty 46 Szczesny (og) 18 *†C B Cooke c Clark b Moriarty 6 (8) did not bat. Pelt 69, 71, 66, 68; J Vegas (Ven) 66, 72, 69, 67. López (Sp) bt I Marchenko (Ukr) 6-1, 7-6 (8-6); A Yorkshire v Leicestershire. South group:
12,862 Skriniar 69 K S Carlson run out 23 (13) Fall of wickets 1-60, 2-88, 3-90, 4-101, 5-139. 275 R Armour 71, 69, 71, 64; D Lipsky 71, 70, 67, Karatsev (Russ) bt A Tabilo (Chile) 3-6, 6-4, 6-2. Chelmsford Essex v Sussex (7.0). Radlett
D A Douthwaite c Roy b T K Curran 0 (2) Bowling Sisodiya 4-0-38-1; Salter 4-0-40-1; 67. 276 M Fitzpatrick (GB) 71, 70, 69, 66; D WTA Viking Classic
Sent off: G Krychowiak (Poland) 62 Johnson 65, 68, 73, 70; P Perez 70, 66, 71, 69; E Middlesex v Hampshire (5.30). Taunton
W J Weighell run out 3 (5) Weighell 2-0-19-0; Van der Gugten 2.2-0-22-0; Edgbaston Priory: First round C Vandeweghe Somerset v Kent.
(at Saint Petersburg Stadium) A G Salter not out 0 (0) Douthwaite 2-0-16-1; Labuschagne 4-0-31-2. van Rooyen (SA) 65, 71, 72, 68.
(US) bt Kristyna Pliskova (Cz) 6-4, 7-6 (7-1); D
Spain (0) 0 Sweden (0) 0 Extras (w 3)
Total (8 wkts, 20 overs)
166 Surrey
P W L T Pts
3 3 0 0 6 1.94
RR LPGA Mediheal Championship Vekic (Cro) bt F Jones (GB) 6-1, 6-3; C Garcia (Fr) Tennis
Daly City, California: Leading final scores: 274 bt H Dart (GB) 7-5, 4-6, 6-4; T Martincova (Cz) bt
T van der Gugten and P Sisodiya did not bat. Kent 3 3 0 0 6 0.98 M Castren (Fin) 71, 69, 69, 65. 276 Min Lee S Stosur (Aus) 6-3, 6-4; H Watson (GB) bt V Queen’s Club, London ATP Cinch
(at Estadio La Cartuja, Seville) Fall of wickets 1-47, 2-62, 3-68, 4-104, 5-156, Sussex 2 2 0 0 4 1.62 (Taiwan) 70, 69, 68, 69. 280 H Green (Aus) 72, Golubic (Swi) 3-6, 6-2, 6-2; M Bouzkova (Cz) bt Championships.
6-157, 7-166, 8-166. Glamorgan 3 1 2 0 2 -0.13 71, 71, 66; Ryu Som Yeon (S Kor) 73, 73, 67, 67. Hsieh Su-wei (Taiwan) 3-6, 6-1, 6-2; C Giorgi (It) Edgbaston Priory, Birmingham WTA Viking
6 Tables on page 11 of The Game Bowling Jacks 2-0-16-0; Moriarty 4-0-26-3; Essex 3 1 2 0 2 -0.21 281 D Kang (US) 71 66, 74, 70; C Boutier (Fr) 72, bt G Gatto-Monticone (It) 6-3, 6-0. Classic.
56 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


Every race, runner and silk

Royal Ascot 17 (3) 1 KAUFYMAKER 61 (B) 76
W A Ward (USA) (Mr Gregory Kaufman) 8-12 J Velazquez
Rob Wright Bolted up on debut and held in high regard by top US trainer
2.30 Palace Pier 5.00 Cape Gentleman (nb)
3.05 Caturra 5.35 Juan Elcano 9-2 Kaufymaker, 5-1 Dhabab, 6-1 Gisburn, The Acropolis, 8-1 Masseto, 10-1 Ebro River, Tolstoy,
3.40 Oxted 6.10 Global Storm 12-1 Berkshire Shadow, 16-1 Caturra, 20-1 The Organiser, 25-1 others.
4.20 Chindit (nap) Wright choice: Caturra won despite seeming ill-at-ease on softer ground at Bath;
Going: good, good to firm in places should relish this trip and can spring a surprise Dangers: Kaufymaker, Gisburn
Draw: no advantage Sky Sports Racing

2.30 Queen Anne Stakes ITV 3.40 King's Stand Stakes ITV
(Group I: £226,840: 1m str) (11 runners) (Group I: £198,485: 5f) (16)

1 (5) 5450-4 ACCIDENTAL AGENT 31 (CD) 106

1 (15) 00-161 ARECIBO 24 (D) 110
R Cowell (Mr T W Morley) 6-9-5 J P Spencer
E J-Houghton (Mrs R F Johnson Houghton) 7-9-0 C Bishop
Dual winner in handicaps this year but faces a big rise in class
Won this race in 2018 but hard to see him doing so again
2 (2) 154632 BLESS HIM 53 (H,CD) 109
2 (9) 0/111- BATTAASH 298 (CD) - 134
C Hills (Shadwell Estate Company Ltd) 7-9-5 J Crowley
D M Simcock (Tony Perkins & Partners) 7-9-0 J P Spencer
Last year’s winner and the dominant force in the division
Largely consistent sort but likely to be outclassed at this level
3 (8) 003-10 LOPE Y FERNANDEZ 31 (D) 117
3 (5) 4-2221 EXTRAVAGANT KID 80 (B,D) 124
Brendan Walsh (USA) (Darrs Inc) 8-9-5 L Dettori
A P O'Brien (Ire) (D Smith, Mrs J Magnier, M Tabor) 4-9-0J A Heffernan
American raider who cannot be dismissed under Frankie Dettori
Disappointed in the Lockinge but should improve for faster ground
4 (4) -13164 LORD GLITTERS 31 (CD) 114
4 (12) -10362 HARRY'S BAR 50 (D) 115
A McGuinness (Ire) (Shamrock Thoroughbreds) 6-9-5 R Whelan
D O'Meara (Geoff & Sandra Turnbull) 8-9-0 D Tudhope
Useful Irish sprinter but difficult to fancy at this level
Struck gold here in 2019 and returns with each-way claims
5 (7) 11016- ORDER OF AUSTRALIA 184 (B,D) 119
5 (16) 02-321 KING'S LYNN 17 (D) 117
A Balding (The Queen) 4-9-5 O Murphy
A P O'Brien (Ire) (D Smith/Mrs Magnier/M Tabor) 4-9-0 R L Moore
Progressive sort who carries the colours of the Queen. Respected
Breeders’ Cup Mile winner and a definite player on seasonal debut
6 (11) 113-11 PALACE PIER 31 (CD) - 125
6 (6) /160-1 MAVEN 61 (B,T,D) 111
W A Ward (USA) (Mr Richard Ravin) 4-9-5 J Velazquez
J & T Gosden (Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Maktoum) 4-9-0L Dettori
An American challenger who could make his presence felt
Dominant in the Lockinge last month and will prove hard to beat
7 (6) 352-10 POGO 31 (D) 112
7 (11) 441400 ORNATE 10 (D) 106
D C Griffiths (Kings Road Racing Partnership) 8-9-5 A Kirby
C Hills (Gary and Linnet Woodward) 5-9-0 K Shoemark
Veteran sprinter who is likely to find this company too hot
Five-time winner but faces a huge task in this company
8 (10) 4200-2 PRINCE EIJI 48 (C) 108
8 (14) 15-023 OXTED 34 (BF) 124
R Teal (S Piper, T Hirschfeld, D Fish & J Collin) 5-9-5 C Fallon
R Varian (Sheikh Mohammed Obaid Al Maktoum) 5-9-0 A Atzeni
Last year’s July Cup winner and a major player dropping in trip
Narrowly beaten here in April but this is much tougher
9 (3) 65132- REGAL REALITY 263 (V,D) 108
9 (13) 10-023 STONE OF DESTINY 10 (CD) 115
A Balding (King Power Racing Co Ltd) 6-9-5 W Buick
Sir M Stoute (Mr Peter Done) 6-9-0 R Kingscote
Course and distance winner but this looks a bridge too far
Useful performer but place claims at best back at Group 1 level
10 (9) 204-34 SIR BUSKER 22 (CD) 105
10 (2) 6460-0 GLAMOROUS ANNA 45 (P,D) 98
C Mason (Robert & Nina Bailey) 4-9-2 W Cox
W Knight (Kennet Valley Thoroughbreds Xi Racing) 5-9-0 O Murphy
Looks certain to struggle against the best sprinters around
Silver Royal Hunt Cup winner who faces a big step up in class
11 (1) 316-13 TOP RANK 31 (D) 113
11 (3) 2325-5 KEEP BUSY 24 (D) 101
J J Quinn (Mrs Doreen Tabor) 4-9-2 R L Moore
J Tate (Mr Saeed Manana) 5-9-0 P J McDonald
Talented filly who is more than capable of running into a place
Third in Lockinge and remains open to further improvement
2-5 Palace Pier, 6-1 Order Of Australia, 10-1 Lope Y Fernandez, 16-1 Top Rank, 20-1 Lord Glitters,
12 (10)2403-1 LIBERTY BEACH 24 (D) 119
25-1 Regal Reality, Prince Eiji, Sir Busker, 33-1 others. J J Quinn (Mr Philip Wilkins) 4-9-2 J Hart
Temple Stakes winner who merits another crack at Group 1 glory
Wright choice: Palace Pier was a impressive in the St James’s Palace Stakes here last
year; again has his ideal conditions Dangers: Order Of Australia, Lope Y Fernandez 13 (4) /1320- QUE AMORO 275 (P,D) 123
M Dods (Mr P Appleton & Mrs Anne Elliott) 5-9-2 P Mulrennan
3.05 Coventry Stakes ITV Nunthorpe runner-up last summer and should not be overlooked
(Group II: 2-Y-O: £59,200: 6f) (17) 14 (8) 0-2330 ACKLAM EXPRESS 33 (BF,D) 118
1 (9) 311 ANGEL BLEU 18 (D) 71 N Tinkler (Mps Racing And M B Spence) 3-8-12 T Marquand
R Beckett (Mr Marc Chan) 9-1 H Crouch Talented but needs to bounce back from abject display at York
Improved with each start to date and rates a live outsider today 15 (1) 1013-0 UBETTABELIEVEIT 56 (D) 112
2 (17) 1 BERKSHIRE SHADOW 60 65 N Tinkler (Martin Webb Racing) 3-8-12 R Scott
A Balding (Berkshire Parts & Panels Ltd) 9-1 O Murphy Group 2 winner and another who could reward each-way support
Won nicely on debut and likely to improve for this extra furlong 16 (7) 1011-1 WINTER POWER 33 (T,D) 124
3 (13) 41 CATURRA 25 71 T Easterby (King Power Racing Co Ltd) 3-8-9 S De Sousa
C Cox (Mr Saeed Bin Mohammed Al Qassimi) 9-1 A Kirby Impressive at York last month and could give Battaash a fright
Justified cramped odds at Bath and should relish this extra furlong 2-1 Battaash, 9-2 Winter Power, 6-1 Extravagant Kid, 8-1 Oxted, 10-1 Liberty Beach, 16-1 Maven,
4 (15) 0322 DASHING RAT 22 (BF) 61 Que Amoro, 16-1 King’s Lynn, 25-1 Keep Busy, 33-1 others.
W Stone (Ron Spore And Sheryl Meldram) 9-1 M Ghiani Wright choice: Oxted won the group one July Cup at Newmarket last year and has
Still a maiden after four starts and difficult to fancy here been shaping as though a drop to this trip will suit Dangers: Battaash, Acklam Express
5 (11) 1 DHABAB 14 (D) 71
J & T Gosden (Poseidon Thoroughbred Racing) 9-1 R Havlin 4.20 St James's Palace Stakes ITV4
An impressive debut winner and could be a big player today (Group I: 3-Y-O colts: £198,485: 1m) (13)
6 (1) 611 EBRO RIVER 19 - 79 1 (2) 5112-0 BATTLEGROUND 45 (T,BF,C) 109
H Palmer (Al Shaqab Racing) 9-1 James Doyle A P O'Brien (Ire) (M Tabor, D Smith & Mrs J Magnier) 9-0 R L Moore
Won easily at Listed level latest and deserves a crack at this Could bounce back from 2000 Guineas flop on this faster surface
7 (2) 2 ELDRICKJONES 12 (BF) 57 2 (13) 211-13 BULLACE 26 (D) 105
R Fell (Nick Bradley Racing 42,salthouse&Partn) 9-1 D Tudhope R Beckett (Mr A D G Oldrey & Mr G C Hartigan) 9-0 H Crouch
Made a promising debut but could be outclassed in this event Has won three of five starts to date but much more is required
8 (7) 41 GISBURN 32 (D) 63 3 (8) 110-15 CHINDIT 45 (C) 115
R Hannon (Michael Kerr-Dineen & Martin Hughes) 9-1 P Dobbs R Hannon (Mr Michael Pescod) 9-0 P Dobbs
Improved massively from his first to second start and one to note Not beaten far when fifth in the Guineas and should not be far away
9 (8) 2 GOLDEN WAR 25 57 4 (12) 2-1112 HIGHLAND AVENUE 26 (BF,D) 110
C Hills (Lady Bamford) 9-1 J P Spencer C Appleby (Godolphin) 9-0 W Buick
Should have learnt from his debut second but still vulnerable Touched off by Mostahdaf when bidding for fourth win. Respected
10 (10) 12 MASSETO 24 (BF,D) 73 5 (5) 115-26 LA BARROSA 24 (C) 110
Donnacha O'Brien (Ire) (Mr Leonard Green) 9-1 G M Ryan C Appleby (Godolphin) 9-0 James Doyle
Didn’t have much luck last time and may prefer better ground here Sixth in Irish Guineas and looks to have place claims at best
11 (14) 241 SECRET STRENGTH 10 71 6 (11) 152-34 LUCKY VEGA 24 (BF) 118
R Hannon (Amo Racing Limited) 9-1 T Marquand J Harrington (Ire) (Zhang Yuesheng) 9-0 S Foley
Made it third-time lucky at Musselburgh but much more needed here Has run well in both the English and Irish Guineas. Solid
12 (4) 41 THE ACROPOLIS 9 (D) 68 7 (9) 210-22 MAXIMAL 40 (D) 102
A P O'Brien (Ire) (Mrs J Magnier/M Tabor/D Smith) 9-1 R L Moore Sir M Stoute (Juddmonte) 9-0 C T Keane
Impressive Listowel scorer and demands respect for a top team Runner-up twice this year and drops in trip. Up against it
13 (12) 1254 THE GATEKEEPER 17 63 8 (1) 111 MOSTAHDAF 26 (D) 108
M Johnston (Middleham Park Racing XIV) 9-1 B Curtis J & T Gosden (Shadwell Estate Company Ltd) 9-0 J Crowley
A little disappointing since his debut win and up against it here Three from three for a top team and should make his presence felt
14 (6) 1 THE ORGANISER 24 (D) 65 9 (10) 216-11 NAAMOOS 53 (D) 114
J Tuite (Highclere T'bred Racing-the Organiser) 9-1 David Egan M Johnston (H H Shaikh Nasser Al Khalifa & F Nas) 9-0 B Curtis
Made a big impression at York and shouldn’t be underestimated Won successive handicaps in April, thrown in at the deep end here
15 (5) 1 TOLSTOY 27 (D) 66 10 (3) 225-30 ONTARIO 40 (B,D) 107
J & T Gosden (Sir Robert Ogden) 9-1 L Dettori A P O'Brien (Ire) (Mrs J Magnier, M Tabor & D Smith) 9-0 W M Lordan
A debut winner who represents top connections. Must be respected Could ensure a strong pace for his better fancied stablemates
16 (16) 411 VINTAGE CLARETS 50 74 11 (7) 1-1162 POETIC FLARE 24 (D) - 119
R Fahey (Mr A Tattersall & Partner) 9-1 P Hanagan J S Bolger (Ire) (Mrs J S Bolger) 9-0 K J Manning
An improving colt but this could be asking too much of him Won the Guineas at Newmarket and that form sets the standard
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1G M 57


on day one of Royal Ascot How to read

a racecard
2 3 4 5

9 (16) 02-321 KING’S LYNN 17 (D)

A Balding (The Queen) 4-9-5

11 O Murphy

12 (6) 113-0 THUNDER MOON 45 111 7 (7) 0551-1 DAWAAM 47 (P,D) 104
J P O'Brien (Ire) (Mrs C C Regalado-Gonzalez) 9-0 L Dettori Owen Burrows (Shadwell Estate Company Ltd) 5-9-3 J Crowley 8 9 10
Guineas run was too bad to be true and he should not be dismissed Looks to have improved for wind surgery and cheekpieces now go on 1 Jockey’s silks 7 Timekeeper’s speed rating —
2 This is the number on the information how fast the horse has run in
13 (4) 122-00 WEMBLEY 24 (T) 110 8 (12) 1-1130 FATHER OF JAZZ 80 (D) 100 horse’s saddlecloth while Key W: horse has had wind the past
A P O'Brien (Ire) (M Tabor, D Smith, Mrs J Magnier) 9-0 J A Heffernan R Varian (The Gredley Family) 4-9-3 C Shepherd his/her stall number is
Well beaten in the English and Irish Guineas. Plenty to prove Gelded since disappointing at Doncaster in March. Hard to dismiss
surgery. Horse is wearing B: 8 Trainer
displayed in brackets blinkers;
4-1 Poetic Flare, 5-1 Battleground, 6-1 Lucky Vega, 8-1 Chindit, Highland Avenue, Mostahdaf, 9 (8) 1-1223 FELIX 80 (T,D) 112 3 Six-figure form guide T: tongue strap; 9 Owner
10-1 Thunder Moon, 16-1 La Barrosa, 20-1 Maximal, Naamoos, Wembley, 33-1 others. M Botti (K Sohi & Partner) 5-9-3 O Murphy Key F: fell; P: pulled up; V: visor; P: cheekpieces; 10 Age of horse and the weight
Wright choice: Chindit was drawn towards the unfavoured stands’ side when fifth in Fine effort in Group 1 company latest. Big chance down in class U: unseated rider; B: brought H: hood; E: eyeshield. Horse has it is going to be carrying — in
the 2000 Guineas at Newmarker; capable of better Dangers: Battleground, Poetic Flare down; S: slipped up; R: refused; won previously: C: at this this case the horse is four and
10 (9) 056-23 FOX TAL 19 (H,D) 110
course; D: at this distance; CD:
A Balding (King Power Racing Co Ltd) 5-9-3 S De Sousa D: disqualified; 0: unplaced; will be carrying 9st 5lb
5.00 Ascot Stakes ITV4 Dash is the cut-off from course and distance. BF: beaten
Not the most straightforward and slightly disappointing latest
favourite last time out. Going 11 Jockey plus allowance (in
(Handicap: £35,100: 2m 4f) (20) previous season brackets), which is given to
11 (5) 5430-6 JUAN ELCANO 80 (W) 114 4 Horse name on which horse has won (F:
novice riders and represents
1 (6) 21/21- CAPE GENTLEMAN J45 - 101 K Ryan (Sheikh Mohammed Obaid Al Maktoum) 4-9-3 A Atzeni firm, good to firm, hard; G:
Emmet Mullins (Ire) (Mrs M O'Rourke) 5-9-10 Rachael Blackmore Not disgraced on his return and has undergone wind surgery since
5 Days since latest outing good; S: soft, good to soft, the weight in pounds
Talented dual-purpose performer and ridden by Rachael Blackmore 6 Conditions and equipment heavy) advantage that they are given
12 (11)234-23 PALAVECINO 39 (H,D) 110
2 (12) 31-456 ISLAND BRAVE 48 (C) 92 B Meehan (Araam) 5-9-3 M Dwyer

Love returns for O’Brien

H Main (Mr Donald M Kerr) 7-9-10 C Hutchinson (7) Ran well at Group 2 level latest and has a place chance here
Course winner but looks to have his work cut out in this company
13 (3) 1302-2 PATRICK SARSFIELD 13 (T,D) - 118
3 (16) 153360 LUCKY DEAL 39 (B) 83 J P O'Brien (Ire) (Mrs C C Regalado-Gonzalez) 5-9-3 T Marquand
M Johnston (Mr Kai Fai Leung) 6-9-10 J Hart Group 3 winner last year and made a fine comeback. Big player
Fitted with blinkers for the first time and needs to up his game
14 (13)12-312 VICTORY CHIME 11 (V,D) 108 Rob Wright Love, with Seamie Heffernan taking the
4 (7) 50400/ LETHAL STEPS J17 (T) -- R Beckett (Mr A Nevin) 6-9-3 R Hornby mount on O’Brien’s other runner, Armory,
Mrs D Foster (Ire) (E A Collins, Bronx Boys & Ptnrs) 6-9-9 J P Spencer No match for Blue Cup last time and has plenty on his plate today Love, the brilliant filly who carried all who is offered at 100-30.
Has not run on the Flat for a long time but represents a top yard
7-2 Patrick Sarsfield, 9-2 Solid Stone, 11-2 Forest Of Dean, 6-1 Felix, 10-1 Blue Cup, Euchen Glen, before her last year, is the 13-8 favourite Lord North, who won this prize 12
5 (20) 6213-0 SOLO SAXOPHONE 60 (V) 100 14-1 Juan Elcano, Fox Tal, Dawaam, 16-1 others. with William Hill to make a winning months ago, will be ridden by Frankie
B Haslam (Golden Equinox Racing) 7-9-7 P Mulrennan Wright choice: Juan Elcano was fifth in the 2000 Guineas last season and, having had return in the group one Prince of Wales’s Dettori as he attempts to retain his title.
Won three times last term but appears badly handicapped at present a breathing operation, could outclass this field Dangers: Felix, Patrick Sarsfield Stakes at Royal Ascot tomorrow. John Gosden’s charge won the valuable
6 (3) 1600-0 RESHOUN 39 (P) 86 Trained in Ireland by Aidan O’Brien, Dubai Turf at Meydan on his reappear-
I Williams (Dr Marwan Koukash) 7-9-7 W Buick 6.10 Copper Horse Stakes ITV4 Love won the 1000 Guineas at ance in March.
Last few runs have been disappointing and he looks best watched (Handicap: £33,501: 1m 6f) (16)
Newmarket, the Oaks at Epsom and then Dual group one winner Audarya, from
7 (9) 24122/ RAYAPOUR J32 (P) -- 1 (19) 2210-2 ON TO VICTORY 24 (D) - 110 the Yorkshire Oaks in only three starts last the James Fanshawe stable, also figures in
A King (HP Racing On To Victory) 7-9-10 T Marquand
W P Mullins (Ire) (McNeill Family) 5-9-7 A Kirby
Good effort in Listed company last time and should run well
year. Stable jockey Ryan Moore will ride a field of only seven.
Useful Flat form in France and could make his presence felt
8 (10) 20040/ M C MULDOON J46 (H) -- 2 (7) 1665/1 SALDIER 9 101
W P Mullins (Ire) (Mrs Mullins/D Manasseh/R Brown) 6-9-6 R L Moore W P Mullins (Ire) (Mrs S Ricci) 7-9-9(4ex) R L Moore
Looks the first string of three runners for Willie Mullins Bolted up at Listowel recently and the one to beat for a top team

9 (2) 112-65 TRUMPET MAN 39 94 3 (18) 052-13 THEMAXWECAN 52 (BF,C,D) 105

M Johnston (Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Maktoum) 4-9-6 F Norton M Johnston (Mr Douglas Livingston) 5-9-8 James Doyle
Strong stayer and it would be no surprise to see him run well Consistent course winner who could reward each-way support

10 (4) 2/3-15 ELYSIAN FLAME 39 (P) 100 4 (12) 443-65 SEXTANT 24 (C) 105
M & D Easterby (Mr J Blackburn & Imperial Racing P'ship) 5-9-6 B Curtis K Dalgleish (Straightline Bloodstock) 6-9-8 C Rodriguez
Had no luck at Chester last time and looks a definite each-way player Useful sort but would be a surprise winner at this level

11 (14) 1-122 LOSTWITHIEL 24 97 5 (16) 6-4334 BRILLIANT LIGHT 101 (V) 101
G Boughey (Al Asayl Bloodstock Ltd) 4-9-5 H Doyle S bin Suroor (Godolphin) 4-9-7 O Murphy
Lightly-raced gelding who has done little wrong. Merits respect Performed well in Dubai and interesting in a first-time vi

12 (1) 31-12 UNTOLD STORY 24 96 6 (13) 0230-1 SLEEPING LION 71 96

S bin Suroor (Godolphin) 4-9-4 O Murphy R Charlton (Merry Fox Stud Limited) 6-9-7 K Shoemark
Won twice from four starts. Interesting if stamina lasts out Won at Kempton on his first start for Roger Charlton. Respected

13 (8) 0/6D3- ROYAL ILLUSION J72 (T) 99 7 (4) 11240- DUBIOUS AFFAIR 241 (D) 97
W P Mullins (Ire) (Ballylinch Stud) 9-9-4 T Marquand C Fellowes (Mr Mohamed Obaida) 5-9-6 J P Spencer
Irish Cesarewitch winner and another contender for team Mullins Has been set some stiff tasks of late and reverts to handicapping

14 (5) 100-04 COEUR DE LION 39 (V,CD) 93 8 (6) 12-123 THRONE HALL 34 103
A King (The Barbury Boys) 8-9-4 T Hammer Hansen (3) K Ryan (Sheikh Mohammed Obaid Al Maktoum) 4-9-6 A Atzeni
Last year’s winner and could go close again off 3lb higher mark Has done little wrong in six starts and holds strong claims

15 (15)31-224 POSTILEO 24 96 9 (8) 0143-0 GOLD MAZE 38 96

R Varian (Sheikh Mohammed Obaid Al Maktoum) 4-9-3 A Atzeni R Varian (Teme Valley) 4-9-5 David Egan
Consistent profile and unexposed over this marathon distance One-time Derby hope makes his handicap debut for Roger Varian

16 (18)6130-0 MANCINI 39 (P) 74 10 (11)2-1120 CARDANO 39 (P) 103

I Williams (Dr Marwan Koukash) 7-9-3 R Kingscote I Williams (Mr R S Brookhouse) 5-9-5 R Kingscote
Finished in midfield 12 months ago and a similar result is likely Disappointed in Chester Cup but previous form gives him a chance

17 (17)4-4030 ROCHESTER HOUSE 39 (C) 88 11 (5) 301235 HOCHFELD 24 (D) 98

M Johnston (John Brown & Megan Dennis) 5-9-3 S De Sousa M Johnston (Kingsley Park 23 - Ready To Run) 7-9-5 B Curtis
Course winner who could run into the money if producing his best Usually runs well but has no secrets from the handicapper at this stage

18 (19)1020-3 JUST HUBERT 24 93 12 (3) 36-021 GLOBAL STORM 24 (D) 98

Muir & Grassick (Foursome Thoroughbreds) 5-9-2 D Tudhope C Appleby (Godolphin) 4-9-4 W Buick
Ran well on Haydock comeback and could go well for in-form yard A 4lb rise for winning at Newmarket does not look insurmountable

19 (11)421-24 GOLDEN RULES 32 (BF) 88 13 (14)520-53 HYANNA 24 99

J & T Gosden (Mr A E Oppenheimer) 4-9-2 L Dettori E J-Houghton (Mr G C Vibert) 6-9-2 R Hornby
Steps up in trip for Gosden-Dettori axis. Obvious contender Creditable third at Goodwood last time but this is much tougher

20 (13)1000-0 DALTON HIGHWAY 23 (V) 82 14 (2) 1110-2 GALATA BRIDGE 13 93

D K Weld (Ire) (Dr R Lambe/Dr J Climax) 8-9-1 C T Keane Dr R Newland (The Imperium Syndicate) 4-9-2 D Tudhope
Pick of his form offers hope but latest effort was disappointing Has done all his winning on the all-weather. Looks up against it

4-1 M C Muldoon, 6-1 Cape Gentleman, 7-1 Golden Rules, 10-1 Coeur De Lion, Just Hubert,
15 (1) 1240-4 ARTHURIAN FABLE 24 (D) 94
Rayapour, 14-1 Lostwithiel, Postileo, Rochester House, 16-1 Elysian Flame, 20-1 others. B Meehan (Mrs Perle O'Rourke) 4-9-2 J Crowley
Decent effort at Newmarket on seasonal bow. Worth a second look
Wright choice: Cape Gentleman was a grade two winner over hurdles over the winter
and remains unexposed on the Flat Dangers: M C Muldoon, Dalton Highway 16 (9) 13-216 AMTIYAZ 74 (D) 96
J & T Gosden (Mr Imad Alsagar) 4-9-1 H Doyle
A three-time winner and must be a player for top connections
5.35 Wolferton Stakes ITV4
(Listed: £44,400: 1m 2f) (14) 11-4 Saldier, 5-1 Global Storm, 15-2 On To Victory, 8-1 Throne Hall, 10-1 Arthurian Fable, Sleeping
Lion, 14-1 Themaxwecan, Amtiyaz, Dubious Affair, Brilliant Light, 16-1 others.
1 (10) 10-001 EUCHEN GLEN 19 (C,D) 115 Wright choice: Global Storm won on his first try at this trip at Newmarket last time
J Goldie (Mr W M Johnstone) 8-9-8 P Mulrennan and a 4lb rise in the weights looks reasonable Dangers: Saldier, Brilliant Light
Great servant for Jim Goldie and won readily at Sandown latest
2 (1) 0/3313 FOREST OF DEAN 74 (D) 111
J & T Gosden (Godolphin) 5-9-8 L Dettori Course specialists
Won at Group 3 level on his penultimate start and demands respect Ascot: Trainers M Dods, 5 winners from 18 runners, 27.8%; Mrs J
Harrington, 4 from 19, 21.1%; A King, 5 from 25, 20%. Jockeys C Rodriguez,
3 (14) 5-6210 VOLCANIC SKY 80 (P) 106 4 winners from 12 rides, 33.3%; L Dettori, 34 from 144, 23.6%; W Buick,
S bin Suroor (Godolphin) 6-9-8 P Cosgrave 28 from 172, 16.3%.
Better than showing last time and may improve for cheekpieces Beverley: Trainers Sir M Prescott, 4 from 13, 30.8%; C Hills, 4 from 16,
25%; Michael Bell, 11 from 44, 25%. Jockeys A McNamara, 3 from 15, 20%;
4 (4) 123-51 SOLID STONE 36 (D) 113 Laura Coughlan, 3 from 15, 20%; Faye McManoman, 13 from 71, 18.3%.
Sir M Stoute (Mr Saeed Suhail) 5-9-6 R L Moore Brighton: Trainers G Scott, 4 from 8, 50%; Rae Guest, 8 from 21, 38.1%;
Produced a career-best at Windsor latest and should go well here C Dwyer, 4 from 13, 30.8%. Jockeys Saffie Osborne, 4 from 8, 50%; Seb
Woods, 3 from 13, 23.1%; J Watson, 25 from 111, 22.5%.
5 (6) 60-221 STORMY ANTARCTIC 24 (T,D) 112
Stratford: Trainers H Daly, 7 from 20, 35%; K Frost, 3 from 9, 33.3%;
E Walker (Mr P K Siu) 8-9-6 Doubtful N Henderson, 8 from 24, 33.3%. Jockeys B Hughes, 16 from 54, 29.6%;
Declared a non-runner yesterday H Skelton, 28 from 99, 28.3%; J O’Neill Jr, 5 from 18, 27.8%.
Thirsk: Trainers W Haggas, 16 from 41, 39%; W Haggas, 16 from 41, 39%;
6 (2) 15-501 BLUE CUP 11 (H,D) 104 R Varian, 6 from 30, 20%. Jockeys D O’Neill, 4 from 8, 50%; D O’Neill,
D Menuisier (Michael Watt, Gerry Ryan & Roy David) 5-9-3 W Buick 4 from 8, 50%; K Stott, 16 from 121, 13.2%.
Won easily at the Epsom Derby meeting and could go close here
558 1GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

Sport Royal Ascot

The greatest race

meeting of them all
embraces new era
ship, there will be smiles, not shock. Even vel is serious understatement. On Friday
Brough Scott at Ascot, the times they are a-changin’. she took the train to Cornwall to charm the
It is a cause of celebration that punters G7 leaders. On Saturday she presided over
have long stopped bothering about Doyle’s a special version of Trooping the Colour.
gender. They laud her because she has On Sunday she hosted the president of the
repaid them with more winners this year United States and today, at 95, she is likely
than any other jockey. They will prick up to be present to watch her King’s Lynn take
their ears when they are told that, on on Battaash in the King’s Stand Stakes at
Friday, Companionship is set to carry a what, do not forget, is her own racecourse.
Bob Dylan has never come to Royal Ascot mere 8st, at which weight Doyle, 24, is a There will be no royal procession,
but his most famous anthem could ring match for any rider on the planet. And no- because of the pandemic. But you can be
true this week. Time was when references body gets within 20 lengths of the owner. sure that when the Queen goes to see her
to women at the meeting were confined to If ever there was an example of how to horses in the paddock she will be as warm
who would win the Ribblesdale and silly move into the modern era without losing and informed as in the days when she and
puns about “flighty fillies in fashion”. But if the strengths of tradition, it is the astonish- the Windsor Castle guests would gallop up
Hollie Doyle wins Friday’s Sandringham ing old lady who has reigned over us for the the Ascot straight of a morning.
Stakes on the Queen’s horse Companion- past 69 years. To say Her Majesty is a mar- Looking at King’s Lynn, she will not only
be admiring the prick of his ears and the
sheen of his coat. As his breeder she will
remember his dam, Kinematic, winning at
Chester in 2014, and recall the brilliant
promise of his grandam, Spinning Top, and
her victory on debut at Lingfield, before
injury cut short her career two races later
when favourite in the Pretty Polly Stakes
at the Curragh. Her horses are the work of
a lifetime — and what a lifetime.
In many ways Britain is unrecognisable
from the drab, socially rigid greyness of
that immediate postwar era, and Ascot’s
development can be seen as a metaphor of
our changing times. It may have once been
the ultimate of social gatherings but in
many respects it, and British racing, was
old-fashioned in the worst of ways.
To think that there was no photo-finish
until the late Forties, no race commentary
until the Fifties and no starting stalls until
the late Sixties, which had all been in use in
the United States before the war. The
exclusivity of the Royal Enclosure is now a
statement of style rather than an assertion
of pedigree, and if you opt for the general
grandstand you can visit the paddock with-
out facing the tunnel beneath the paths of
the privileged. The new grandstand was
completed in 2006 and it is hard to think
why non-Royal Enclosure racegoers put
up with that dreadful tunnel for so long.
Royal Ascot still sets its standards but it Going to Ascot? Here’s what visitors can expect this year
now wears a welcoming face more
necessary than ever as racing’s grip on the How many people can attend? No. It has not been confirmed but
interest of the nation continues to erode Having been chosen as part of she is expected to be at Ascot at
with the years. To that end its greatest the government’s Events least on the days when she has a
achievement has been to enhance its Research Programme, the runner. Last year was the first
status as the greatest race meeting of them meeting has special dispensation time she missed a day at the
all. Forget about all the royal and social to welcome 12,000 people each royal meeting since ascending to
connections — no other nation puts on day — the biggest attendance at the throne in 1952.
five consecutive days of the highest class of a racecourse since the 2020
racing as Ascot gives this week. Cheltenham Festival. What about the racing?
Nowhere else gives you the mix of top There are seven races each day —
classic horses, seasoned handicappers, What will be different once it has traditionally been six but
dour stayers, flying sprinters and super they’re inside? that was expanded last year
potential two-year-olds — two today The smaller enclosures res provide more
to prov
brought from Florida by Wesley Ward — will be closed but the e opportunities in the
that we will see through to Saturday. main two — the Covid-ravaged
Human and equine personalities have an Royal Enclosure and d schedule. The extra
impossible job against football and the Queen Anne races have been
Euros, but Doyle and her fiancé, Tom Mar- Enclosure — will retained.
quand, are the most admirable of players, operate largely as
as is the present champion, Oisín Murphy, usual. “It’s going to Who are the names
and the master that is Ryan Moore. look and feel, for to llook out for?
But all of them are likely to be upstaged those that are here, Wesley Ward brings a
by a 50-year-old jockey and a colt who, in quite normal,” Nick Smith, typically competitive crop
horse terms, is equally aged. If Stradivarius director of racing andnd public over from AmAmerica, while the
forgets his future stallion duties and buck- affairs at Ascot, said. There will
will, usual suspects — Aidan O’Brien,
les down with Frankie Dettori to win a however, be no royal procession Charlie Appleby, John and Thady
fourth consecutive Gold Cup, the cheers at the start of each day. Gosden — ought to compete for
will be heard in the top tower of the Castle. leading trainer honours. The top
By the way, you can still get 20-1 about Does that mean the Queen is jockey is likely to be Frankie
Companionship on Friday. If she wins, not attending? Dettori or Ryan Moore.
even my tipping will be a-changin’.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GM 59


King’s Lynn
is the only
runner owned
by the Queen
at Ascot today
Chindit can get back on track
Rob Wright Racing Editor
Chindit had a valid excuse when only fifth
in the 2000 Guineas at Newmarket and is ST JAMES’S PALACE STAKES 4.20PM, ITV4
fancied to bounce back to form to land the
St James’s Palace Stakes (4.20) on the PACE GOING GOOD TO FIRM CLASS
opening day of Royal Ascot. Highest level each horse has won at
The draw had a big effect on the result of Ontario
the Newmarket classic, with the first three Lucky
home being in stall two, three and Maximal Vega
four. Chindit raced on the unfavoured Poetic
stands’ side of the track having been drawn Flare Battle-
in 14, while his tendency to race keenly in Naamoos Thunder ground
the early stages also hampered his chance. The ground remains officially Moon Chindit
He had looked set for a good season The Mark Johnston-trained good, good to firm in places but La Barrosa
when making a successful return in the Naamoos is a confirmed front- with hot weather forecast it is
Greenham Stakes at Newbury in April, runner so this should be a true expected to be good to firm by
staying on strongly to lead late on over test at the trip. this afternoon. GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3
seven furlongs in a style that suggested
this mile trip would be much in his favour. TRACK STAT OF THE DAY ROB’S FINAL WORD
Chindit won on his only previous start at
Ascot, taking a red-hot listed race in fine One mile Wins in this group one race for Chindit has plenty going for him.
style last July. He should have his ideal Frankie Dettori, who is the most He was drawn on the unfavoured
conditions here and rates good value at the successful active jockey taking stands’ side of the track when
8-1 generally on offer this morning. part today, when finishing fifth behind Poetic Flare

Poetic Flare won the 2000 Guineas at he will ride in the 2000 Guineas at
Newmarket and has been kept busy since Thunder Newmarket, having also pulled
then, finishing sixth and second in the Moon. Mick too hard early on and ruined his
Run over a mile on the round Kinane, with chances. This test will suit him
French and Irish equivalents. He is a solid,
track. Previous Ascot form is an six wins, and he can turn the tables, with
rather than spectacular, performer and advantage — Chindit, La Barrosa holds the Battleground and Lucky Vega
may struggle to justify favouritism here. and Battleground have won here. record. looking best of the rest.
Frankie Dettori has already had 73
winners at the royal meeting — the best
among those still riding — and can get his
week off to a flying start on Palace Pier in Rachael Blackmore can continue her
the opening Queen Anne Stakes (2.30). remarkable year by riding a first Royal
This brilliant miler has been beaten just Ascot winner on board Cape Gentleman
once in eight starts, his only defeat coming in the Ascot Stakes (5.00). Blackmore
under much more testing conditions at this carried all before her over jumps in the
track last October. He is difficult to oppose. spring, claiming the top jockey title at the
Battaash will be a warm favourite to Cheltenham Festival before becoming the
repeat last year’s win in the King’s Stand first woman jockey to win the Grand
Stakes (3.40). He has a good record when National. She is much better known for her
fresh and is much respected but he will face exploits in that sphere but has 11 winners to
plenty of competition for the early lead and her name on the Flat and Cape Gentle-
could be vulnerable late on. Preference is man, who easily won the Irish Cesarewitch
for Oxted. The latter won the July Cup at the Curragh last October, has the class
over six furlongs at Newmarket last year to defy top weight here.
but has a high cruising speed and shapes as Juan Elcano has been given an opera-
though a strongly run race at this shorter tion to help with his breathing since a
trip could be ideal. He can take this. below-par sixth on his reappearance at
TV Lambourn trainer Clive Cox sprang a
massive surprise when saddling 150-1 win-
Doncaster and he can take the Wolferton
Stakes (5.35). Fifth in last year’s 2000
All seven races today will ner Nando Parrado in the Coventry Stakes Guineas, he is bred to be more effective at
be shown live on ITV — the (3.05) a year ago. He can strike again at this longer trip and can outclass this field.
first three on the main decent odds through 20-1 chance Caturra. The Copper Horse Stakes (6.10) can go
channel before coverage This colt was a warm favourite on his to Global Storm. Charlie Appleby, his
switches to ITV4 to debut at Newmarket but seemed to trainer, is having a terrific season having
accommodate become unbalanced where the track dips landed a second Derby through Adayar,
Euro 2020 approaching the final furlong and could while his runners are operating at a 31 per
never land a blow. He easily broke his duck cent strike rate. Global Storm appreciated
at Bath last month and should improve a step up in trip when winning at Newmar-
now that he steps up to this six-furlong trip. ket last time and he remains unexposed.

You can do a Carrie and rent – but dress to impress

Fashion Editor Charlie More is more
After a year of working from home in
with this year’s eco-conscious push, it
would also look naff. Choose one that
Gowans-Eglington helps tracksuits, you can expect racegoers to
go dressier than ever (no mean feat if
matches your frock, or the colour of your
hat; The Vampire’s Wife, Emilia
unpick the style guide for you’ve ever visited the Royal Enclosure Wickstead and Yolke have lovely printed
on Ladies’ Day). and ruffled silk iterations, and men could
this year’s meeting and Only the Royal and Queen Anne choose a silk mask from Vince in navy,
enclosures will be open this year, which black, or grey, to match their suit.
offers some sage advice are the two with the strictest dress codes,
so even the most casually dressed High hats
Something old, something borrowed women must wear hats in the former With masks to consider, a wide-
Ascot regulars are often known to buy a and fascinators in the latter, while men brimmed hat that shades the top
new frock and hat for each day of the need suits, ties, and socks that cover half of your face isn’t the best
meeting, but this year’s style guide has their ankles. Speaking from past choice (ditto sunglasses).
other ideas. Former Vogue staffer Bay experience, what feels de trop on Follow the chaps and go
Garnett advocates wearing second-hand the train journey there will feel up instead of out, adding
and vintage fashion come race day, understated inside the gates. height or opting for a
which at least means that no one else headpiece (with a four-inch
will arrive wearing the same thing. Mask matching base diameter) instead.
Or you could pull a Carrie and rent They’re not mentioned in this Lock & Co Hatters has some
something for the day — Mrs Johnson’s year’s dress code, but they are beautiful smaller hats or
wedding dress would have cost £2,870 to pictured on models in the larger styles with upturned
buy but was only £45 to rent, so you style guide and it’s likely you’ll brims that don’t cover your
could find a real corker. I use peer-to- be required to wear a mask to eyes. Fenwick, Royal Ascot’s
peer fashion rental site Hurr Collective, the loos or when placing a bet official millinery sponsor, has
while MyWardrobeHQ, By Rotation, inside. Not only would a the biggest hat department
OnLoan, and Endless Wardrobe all have disposable paper one be at odds around, and if you can make it
Ascot-ready options available to rent to the London flagship, the
(dry cleaning before and after is How not to do it: racegoers will need to famous — and indefatigable — Mr Tony
included, so there’s no faff). choose masks that match their outfits will be on hand to help you navigate it.
60 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

Sport Rugby union

Widening appeal of game for all sizes DAVID ROWLAND/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

trials to note here. Traditionally,
Owen Slot changes to the game are trialled at
senior professional level and then, if
approved, they filter down to the rest
of the game. Again, NZR have been
Chief Rugby asking: why does it have to be that
Correspondent way? Why can’t we find a game that
works for community rugby and, if

the professional end happens to like
he most influential team in it, then they can have it too?
New Zealand right now may This was the French approach
not actually be the All when they started trialling a lower
Blacks. It may not be the tackle height. This, too, is now the
Blues or the Highlanders, case in England where, the RFU
who have been pulling their Aussie announced this morning, different
opposition apart on a weekly basis tackle-height limits will be trialled in
and who will now face each other in junior rugby next season.
Saturday’s Super Rugby Trans- This means that three of the biggest
Tasman Cup final. The most and most senior unions in the game
influential team in the country may are now taking a serious look at the
actually be a club you haven’t heard product and asking: should it be
of, called the Eden Lizards. changed and, if so, how?
When the Eden Lizards won their If you like rugby and you have been
cup final, at Eden Park in November, paying attention recently, you will be
they did so without having a single aware of Steve Thompson, one of
player over the weight of 85kg (13st England’s 2003 World Cup winners,
3lb). The team they beat 27-24 in a and the news that broke in December
cliffhanger final were the Auckland that he and a number of others
University Squids; they didn’t have a retired professional players have been
player over 85kg either and there is a diagnosed with early onset dementia
reason for this — because the and are pursuing a legal case against
competition they were contesting was the game’s authorities.
the inaugural NZ Barbarians Under The Thompson case was the
85kg Club Cup. ultimate statement of a truth that
The thinking here was many have feared: that the dangers of
straightforward. Rugby, as we like to the game are increasingly
say, is a game for all shapes and sizes. In the New Zealand cup final between Auckland University Squids and Eden Lizards, no player weighed more than 85kg unacceptable. This was a concern
When we say that, we tend to think already faced by many rugby schools.
about the players who are short and may have thought, therefore, that now the NZR head of participation. “I wing because wings and the 15-a-side In this newspaper, we described it as
wide or maybe tall and slow. And if they would be a kind of last bastion of can’t think of anything in modern game are not introduced until they “an existential crisis” for the game.
you are smaller, well, you can do the game and that they would defend society that looks the same as it did are older. Too often, it has seemed that the
some time in the gym and play No 9 rugby, and the way it has been, rather 30-40 years ago,” he says. “Yet here Lancaster says that a lot of their game has stood still. Now, though, it
or we’ll hide you on the wing. than challenge it. In fact, they are not we are with a community rugby game thinking has been learned from the feels like it is properly moving.
The Under 85kg Cup asks a good at the back of the queue, here; they that looks every bit the same.” RFU, which they regard as having It needs to continue to do so and, of
question about the all-shapes-and- have barged their way to the front. Indeed, the laws are largely the been ahead of them with the course, there will be trials along the
sizes cliché: what if there are actually For years, like many in rugby, the same. Players are still expected to junior game. Where they themselves way that do not work. Who knows
loads of smaller players who are lost Kiwis have been proud of the game train Tuesdays and Thursdays after are pushing ahead is with the where it will end up, but if the
to the game? This is a variation on a they have loved and, when player work and give up half a weekend for community game. destination is a place where rugby is
broader question that New Zealand numbers started dwindling, they half the year to play — and if that’s a They are at present trialling a safer for all and more marketable to
Rugby (NZR), like many other unions, would ask: what’s wrong with deal you don’t like the look of, tough. tackle height law variation where the many, a reasonable guess is that the
has been asking for some time now: everyone? Why aren’t they So NZR have decided to tinker with height limit is the sternum. They also community game will start to look
why are our playing numbers falling? participating? How can we change the product. Just one new version of have a trial where no one is allowed less like the professional game and
One of the solutions NZR came up their minds? the product is the Under 85kg Cup to contest the ball in the air; to make the junior game will look more
with was their Under 85kg Cup. There Recently, though, there has been a and it is flying off the shelf. a catch you have to have both feet on different still. And that will be
were a load of entries in its first year, very distinct change in thinking. It’s Likewise, they realised that some the ground and, to prevent the absolutely fine.
2020, and numbers have doubled this not so much: how can we change children didn’t like tackling, and that catcher being lined up and flattened, Children in New Zealand will
time round. NZR didn’t know if it their minds? It is more: how should ten-year-olds who are stuck out on you cannot be tackled until you have always grow up to admire the All
would be a solution but the thinking we change the game? In other words, the wing just because they are fast taken a step. Blacks but at some point most of
there is: why not try? it is maybe not the customer that is can get easily bored. So now they Lancaster sees these trials as a them come to know that they will
This is interesting in itself because the issue, it might be the product. have different versions of the game conservative start. He expects NZR to never be one. It will be great for
rugby and rugby’s traditions are so This is the view of Steve Lancaster, which introduce tackling later and go further in the seasons to come. rugby, though, if they can decide to be
deeply ingrained in Kiwi culture. You the former Crusaders lock, who is ten-year-olds can’t now play on the There is another element of these an Eden Lizard instead.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 2GM 61


Bubble will bond us, claim Lions DAN SHERIDAN/INPHO/REX/SHUTTERSTOCK

Covid conditions could Exeter may lose key men

boost team spirit, writes Tour starts Exeter Chiefs could be without a couple
of key forwards in the play-offs this
Owen Slot – but squad’s weekend after Dave Ewers and Sam

late arrivals will have here – inside Skinner were both cited following
Chiefs’ victory over Sale Sharks on
some catching up to do Jersey camp Saturday (Owen Slot writes).
Skinner was given a red card and was
automatically cited. Ewers, however,
The first full day on was shown only a yellow for a
duty with the British dangerous tackle on Simon
& Irish Lions, in Hammersley, the Sharks’ full back.
Jersey yesterday, was Both players could find that their
full of the get-to- season is brought to an untimely close
know-you traditions, just at the point of the campaign when
the traditional bond- Chiefs need them most. Chiefs play Sale
ing and, who knows, again in the Premiership semi-finals on
maybe even the trad- Saturday.
itional get-to-know- Ewers has been one of Chiefs’ most
you pint, or seven. consistent players this season. Jacques
“It’s hugely impor- Vermeulen, another Exeter back-rower,
tant just getting to has been struggling with injury.
know each other’s
little traits,” Ken
Owens, the Wales
hooker, said, ex- Who is missing from camp?
plaining that they
were set for crucial There are 12 British & Irish Lions yet
meetings last night to join up with the touring squad
to work out who because of end-of-season club
were going to be the commitments:
leaders of the Lions ns chhoir, who
would be on the entertainment Elliot Daly, Owen Farrell, Jamie
committee and who would ould get George, Maro Itoje, Mako Vunipola
the cushy job of being on the (all Saracens), Stuart Hogg, Luke
laundry committee. Cowan-Dickie, Jonny Hill, Sam
Apparently life on the Simmonds (all Exeter Chiefs), Tom
laundry committee is a Curry (Sale Sharks), Kyle Sinckler
doddle, because among ng (Bristol Bears) and Finn Russell
Dan Biggar’s strengths iss (Racing 92).
his skill at ensuring thatt
everyone is reunited with
their clean underwear have it from Owens: “We are lucky in
and matched-up socks, some ways, because we are in a bubble
and it therefore follows and very tight together.”
that if Biggar is on the job,, Whether such optimism remains will
then the rest of the laundryy be a huge test of these tourists. The
team can really just put ut excitement of their collective mission
their feet up. is clear, for now, but the squad is not yet
They are also yet to work ork fully assembled, with some English club
out the protocol for watchinghing players still away on club duty.
Euro 2020. The Lionss are Josh Adams said that he was looking
supposed to be ditchingg their forward to playing with Stuart Hogg.
national loyalties but, forr the first When Hogg will arrive in camp,
time in the professional era, a tour is though, is another matter. How
national foot-
overlapping with an international quickly Hogg et al can
ball tournament, and, with ith England, then get up to
eaturing, that
Scotland and Wales all featuring, date with the
could be divisive. As Owens said, said work that the
brightly: “Scotland lost earlier, so Ali normally would, and that extends to Anthony Watson, main, enjoys a cryotherapy session, Louis Lions are do-
Price isn’t looking too happy.” the ten-day quarantine they are due to Rees-Zammit spars with conditioning coach Jon Clarke, ing in Jersey is
While this is very much the usual serve on their return home. top left, after getting a Covid test with the mascot, left, also a matter
light-hearted backdrop to the early In that respect, there is a lot of focus and Duhan van der Merwe gets under the high ball, right to be resolved.
days of a Lions tour, this is a very on “the bubble”. Owens yesterday The Jersey
unusual iteration of the Lions and the offered a cunning take on the eight weeks in your own company, you everywhere.” Lions are get-
all-for-one spirit in the camp is more constraints of bubble life, arguing that, will be embracing the social life of the It takes a glass ting a head
important than ever. actually, it would be good for the Lions team room. half-full kind start, and they
Because of Covid restrictions, and their bonding. Indeed, it is almost impossible for of guy to see appear to be en-
whether they like it or not these Lions Due to Covid, he explained, there is national or club cliques to evolve the positives joying it. The rest
are going to spend even more time in to be no room-sharing on this tour, so, because, as Owens said, “You don’t have in Covid, but have got a game
each other’s company than they unless you fancy spending the next people drifting off here, there and here you of catch-up to play.

Froome will not lead his new team in Tour de France Doris and Carbery back fit West Brom face ‘setbacks’ Liverpool extend Adrián’s
Cycling Chris Froome, the four-times However, he is expected to be for Ireland summer Tests in appointing manager deal but may offload Grujic
Tour de France champion, has been included, but in a support role. Rugby union The fit-again Ireland Football West Bromwich Albion have Football Marko Grujic could make a
overlooked as his new team’s leader Froome recently said that he did duo Caelan Doris and Joey Carbery “faced setbacks” in their search for a permanent move from Liverpool to
for this year’s race. not expect to be competing for have been recalled for summer Tests new manager, their chief executive Porto after a successful loan spell at
Israel Start-Up Nation signed victory at the Tour after spending the against Japan and the United States. has admitted. Xu Ke said the club had the Portuguese club last season.
Froome, 36, to a lucrative deal last past season working as a domestique Andy Farrell’s experimental squad not yet made a formal offer to any The Serbia midfielder made two
year. But they have not been in an effort to ride his way into form. includes 11 uncapped players. candidate as they look to replace Sam Carabao Cup appearances for
persuaded that he is the man to lead But he has struggled in each race he Leinster lock James Ryan will Allardyce, who left after the club was Liverpool last autumn — his first for
them at this month’s event. The has taken part in. captain the 37-man group in the relegated from the Premier League. the club since December 2017 —
honour will instead fall to the When they signed him last year, absence of the fly half Johnny Sexton, He declined to set a deadline for before he moved to Portugal.
Canadian rider Michael Woods. after Ineos Grenadiers declined to who has been left out despite being appointing a new manager, saying it Grujic, 25, has spent the majority of
“I am honoured to be given this renew his contract, Israel Start-Up overlooked by the British & Irish was “not a simple search”. To add to his five years at Liverpool on loan to
position, especially considering the Nation had hoped that Froome would Lions. the uncertainty, the sporting and other clubs — Cardiff, Hertha Berlin
quality the team have,” Woods said. recover in time to lead the team at Backs W Addison, R Baloucoune, C Blade, technical director, Luke Dowling, left and Porto — and the club are happy
There were doubts over Froome this year’s race, which starts on June B Burns, H Byrne, J Carbery, C Casey, A Conway, the club by mutual consent yesterday. to offload him this summer.
even being part of the eight-man 26 in Brest. S Daly, T Daly, C Farrell, J Gibson-Park, H Keenan, The owner, Guochuan Lai, vetoed a Liverpool’s back-up goalkeeper
J Larmour, S McCloskey, G Ringrose, J Stockdale.
squad for the race, with concerns over Ineos are expected to field the 2018 Forwards R Baird, F Bealham, P Boyle, E Byrne, move for Chris Wilder, the former Adrián is staying at Anfield after
the lasting effect of the multiple Tour winner, Geraint Thomas, as well G Coombes, U Dillane, P Dooley, C Doris, John Sheffield United manager, while the signing a contract extension. The
fractures that he suffered in a crash at as last year’s Giro d’Italia winner, Tao Ryan, D Heffernan, R Herring, R Kelleher, James club’s former coach Michael Appleton Spaniard, 34, played only six games
Ryan, D Kilcoyne, R Molony, P O’Mahony,
the Critérium du Dauphiné in 2019. Geoghegan Hart, in their squad. T O’Toole, N Timoney, J van der Flier, F Wycherley. is reportedly no longer in contention. last season, but is happy to remain.
62 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

Sport Cricket

Root must England’s recent Test players

In eight Tests in their past three

series (v Sri Lanka, India and New
Zealand), England have used 21

be given his 8 Tests, Joe Root, Dom Sibley

7 Dan Lawrence
6JamesZak Crawley Jack Leach,

best team
Anderson, Ollie Pope

5 Stuart Broad
4MarkJonny Bairstow, Dom Bess,
Wood, Rory Burns, Ben Stokes

selection policy. We may be irritated by 3 Jos Buttler, Ben Foakes

Mike Atherton the sight of Jonny Bairstow, a world-
class wicketkeeper-batsman until 2OllieSamStone,
Curran, Jofra Archer,
James Bracey
messed around by the selectors, playing
Chief Cricket
in the Vitality Blast for Yorkshire
instead. Examples of Bracey fumbling 1 Moeen Ali, Ollie Robinson
Correspondent the ball heighten our irritation and rest
in our memory for longer as a result.
A fair assessment of Bracey would Test of the winter tour, in Chennai in
James Bracey’s catching: discuss. In stand somewhere between the num- February, England made five changes
the reaction to Bracey’s performance as bers and the impression. He did not and were duly eviscerated. Woakes,
a wicketkeeper, which was uniformly look a natural ’keeper to me, and a lack also paid close to a seven-figure sum by
critical, can be seen, in microcosm, of experience meant it was harder for the ECB, has not played since Septem-
the reaction to England’s first defeat in him to cope with those small passages ber. Buttler is resting after playing 22
a home series for seven years. Let me of play when the ball wobbled, but he days’ cricket for his employers in that
explain. caught most things that came his way, time. If this is a golden age for New Zea-
Bracey had a difficult, even horrid, even if he looked surprised occasionally land cricket, then it is also a golden age
introduction to Test cricket. He scored when he clung on. So with Bracey, so for being an England cricketer — paid
nought, nought and eight and looked with England. handsomely in some cases for very
out of his depth with the bat. He had A heavy series defeat (but for rain at little. Trent Boult’s last-minute arrival
two difficult patches as a wicketkeeper: Lord’s, England would have lost 2-0 in in Birmingham showed the value of
one at Lord’s and one at Edgbaston, all likelihood) confirms long-held flexibility and common sense. A return
where the wobbling Dukes ball created biases. We may have views about Joe to that would be welcome.
some fumbles. He dropped a catch. Root’s leadership or Chris Silverwood’s Clearly, the batting was the principal
The numbers suggest a more style of management. We may have cause of defeat against New Zealand,
nuanced story. At Lord’s, statistics views about the domestic structure, the and Root and Silverwood need to make
suggested Bracey caught 98 per cent of relevance of the county game, or the some clear choices now about which
balls; at Edgbaston, that fell to 96 per effectiveness of the ECB as a governing young players they are going to back.
cent. I checked those with CricViz, the body. Defeat encourages these to come Ollie Pope is a hill on which I’d be pre-
analytics company, which had him at spewing forth, like a geyser. When pared to die; I can’t believe Zak Crawley
98 per cent and 97 per cent. An overall England win, they remain under- can play so well against Pakistan and
rate of 97 per cent puts him squarely ground. not come again. Sibley’s position as
between county standard (96 per cent) England’s defeat was a bad one. Let’s opener is vulnerable: is there enough
and elite (98 per cent). Pretty good. start with New Zealand, though, an upside to his game? I’m not sure there
My guess is that as many people excellent side. This is a golden age of is, but if Root and Silverwood believe in
would be as surprised by those numbers New Zealand cricket, the best in their him, they must back him.
as I was. We all suffer from biases and history and they are worthy finalists in It was deeply frustrating to hear Root
heuristics. Because Bracey is an inexpe- the World Test Championship. They talking about using the final day against
rienced ’keeper, because he does not looked a better-organised, more skilful New Zealand at Lord’s as batting prac-
look a natural catcher (or mover) and side. When beaten by a better side, that tice and that, having considered the
because he is a manufactured batsman- reality must be openly acknowledged. matter again, he would have done ex-
wicketkeeper, the fumbles stay in our England were obviously missing actly the same thing. Some observers
mind. They become exaggerated. We some key players. Of 12 red-ball con- have misunderstood my criticism of
forget, perhaps, that one of the most tracted players, five were missing England’s approach there: I’m not talk-
natural wicketkeepers of all, Jack because of injury or non-availability — Root will need to maintain a sense of perspective in the face of rampant criticism ing about going down in flames. It was
Russell, dropped a catch on his debut (a Jofra Archer, Sam Curran, Ben Stokes, incumbent upon England to show
much easier one, as it happens). Chris Woakes and Buttler. Other Root should avoid getting drawn into Three main things need his consider- some intent, to suggest to New Zealand
We may have been white-ball contracted players were areas over which he has no control. ation: selection, the batting line-up and that the challenge was at least under
irritated by the unavailable too, along with the best County cricket, county pitches, the attitude. Since the start of the Sri Lanka consideration, and to show everyone
decision not to pick bowler from the Lord’s Test, Ollie Rob- structure of the championship, Dukes series in January, England have used 21 else that their focus was on the present.
Jos Buttler, paid about inson. Clearly, this was far from or Kookaburra, the Hundred, the Blast, players. Astonishingly, only Root and England have nearly two months
£1 million a year by England’s strongest team. That the points system. The England captain Dominic Sibley are ever-presents. There before they play Test cricket again, and
the ECB but rest- should be Root’s starting point: is right to have a strong view — and have been some mitigating factors (a although there is not much first-class
ing because of England were beaten by a bet- these areas are important — but they pandemic springs to mind) but Root has cricket between now and then, the pas-
a pusillanimous ter team, and must improve, are deeper, more complicated structur- rarely had his best side available. Silver- sage of time and return of key players
attitude to the but are stronger than they al problems to which there will be no wood is now in charge of selection: Root will ensure a different feel in August.
Indian showed. easy solution, as the game tries to should tap him on the shoulder and de- There are things for Root to focus on,
Premier balance commercial and cricketing mand the best team play against India and things to ignore. It pays to remem-
League or Bracey’s imperatives. He has limited time and and Australia this summer and a return ber, too, that when criticism is rampant,
an over- failings were energy and that should be spent on to some common sense and stability. not everything, a bit like Bracey’s catch-
thought overstated things he can influence now. After beating India in the opening ing, is always as bad as it seems.

Thorpe: Blame batsmen, not county pitches ‘Give women red-ball’ games’
Elizabeth Ammon county scene and many of them are less seamer-friendly — though the Elizabeth Ammon (against South Africa in 2014) since
good pitches,” he said. “It comes down benefits for England won’t be apparent beating England at Wormsley in 2012
Graham Thorpe has dismissed to being able to adapt to whatever for some time. The England and Lancashire seamer and England have played in only three
suggestions that county cricket and surface you play on. The best players England have five Tests against India Kate Cross has called for the introduc- since then. At present, all domestic
county pitches are not preparing make the adjustments needed on and an away Ashes series coming up tion of red-ball cricket into the domes- women’s games are either 20-over or
England’s batsmen for what they will whatever pitch they play on.” and it is unlikely there will be sweeping tic women’s schedule to help them 50-over formats but Cross thinks there
face in the international arena. After England’s defeat in India this changes in the make-up of the squad. “learn the real skill of cricket”. is an appetite to play red-ball cricket.
After the shambolic batting display year both Joe Root and Chris Thorpe believes that teaching players The England Test side are preparing “The longer format is where you
against New Zealand, resulting in their Silverwood called on counties to to cope with the intensity of Test cricket for a one-off Test against India in Bris- learn the real skill of cricket. How to
first home Test series loss since 2014, produce better pitches that encourage is the most crucial part of the job of tol that starts tomorrow, but Cross, 29, defend good bowling, and how to bowl
England’s assistant coach said that it was batting for long periods of time. While England’s support staff. who played the most recent of her three for longer periods of time and be relent-
too simplistic to blame pitches and that the ECB does not dictate to counties “It is a mental skill to be able to train Tests six years ago, also wants the less on line and length. And maybe
good batsmen should be able to adapt to how their pitches should be prepared, the brain to do these things and we have opportunity to play more Test matches. within the next five years we might be
whatever surface they were playing on. there is evidence that this summer’s been lacking in consistency in that Women’s Test matches are a rare able to get to a point where we can do
“I’ve seen plenty of pitches on the pitches have been better for batting and area,” he said. occurrence. India have played once that,” Cross said.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1G M 63

US Open Championship Sport

‘Feud? Brooks and Bryson are just

playing like boxers before a fight’
Rick Broadbent speaks
to Koepka’s coach to get
an insight into the ‘spat’
with DeChambeau that
dominates US Open talk

rooks Koepka does not
really care what you think.
His feud with Bryson
DeChambeau has been the
talk of golf, with heckles
aired and hackles raised. Opinion, Koepka’s eye-roll as DeChambeau
opprobrium and even free beer have walked past at Kiawah Island
been spilt. Some say it is good for the created a social-media storm
game and they are pushing the
needle, others believe it is bad and the with that confidence but
needle is pushing it. inwardly you’re not sure,”
Given that DeChambeau, 27, is the C
Cowen says. “You wouldn’t
US Open champion and Koepka the believe it if you meet him off the
winner in 2017 and 2018, this is high- course, but he can switch it on. He’s
grade sniping as golf heads to Torrey like Novak Djokovic. I’m told he’s one
Pines in San Diego for this year’s Bryson DeChambeau of the nicest blokes off the court, but
staging. To recap: a video clip of on it he’s ridiculous. You have to have
Koepka rolling his eyes as that killer instinct to achieve
DeChambeau interrupted an what people perceive as
interview at the US PGA greatness — Lewis
Championship looked like prime-time Hamilton, Michael
contempt. Fast-forward to the US Open Jordan, Usain Bolt,
Memorial Tournament in Ohio, Torrey Pines, California
the mindset is very
where DeChambeau was taunted Brooks Koepka similar. Brooks has
with cries of “Brooksy” and several Thursday to Sunday a different mindset
spectators were ejected. Koepka, who TV: Sky Sports Golf at majors.”
was not competing, played to the from 3.30pm You might think
gallery and went on social media to Cowen would have a
reference the incidents and offer beer one-eyed view on golf’s
to the fans who were kicked out. simmering spat, but he
“Brawn v Brawnier” may be making likes DeChambeau. It may not
a mountain out of a molehill, or be the party line, but Cowen always
perhaps an anthill given Koepka cried goes his own way and says he admires
“oh no, an ant” in Memphis last July DeChambeau’s innovation.
in tribute to DeChambeau having “They are totally different, but
cited the Dangerous Animal Bryson has decided ‘it’s my way or the
Condition in an ill-fated quest for highway’ and he has gone off the road
relief. However, Brandel Chamblee, map and found a new way,” he says.
the Golf Channel analyst, has accused “People get called cranks for being
Koepka of bullying. Paul McGinley like that but sometimes it’s good to be
said it looked like “an orchestrated called a crank.”
campaign to troll”. Steve Stricker, the Cowen’s other horses in the US
United States Ryder Cup captain, Open race include the 2019 winner,
groused that it was “not making my Gary Woodland, and McIlroy. He
job any easier” and said he hoped knows every poor result vents a new
they could “put their differences legion of McIlroy-watchers voicing
aside” and “be big boys” come their scepticism.
September. “The one thing I like is he has got
One man with an insight into what All of which has perhaps his enthusiasm back,” the coach says.
is going on with Koepka is Pete overshadowed his achievement in Koepka overtaken “Everybody has Rory down as the
Cowen, his Yorkshire-born coach. “It’s finishing runner-up to Phil Mickelson How their world rankings compare since mid-2016 best ball-striker in golf — and at his
a bit of banter, isn’t it?” he says. “They at the US PGA. Lest we forget, best he is, but Dustin Johnson at his
don’t dislike each other — that’s Koepka underwent knee surgery in Koepka DeChambeau best is very good and so is Brooks.
rubbish. It started with the slow-play mid-March and had missed two 1 That’s an asset and we have to look at
thing [in 2019] and it’s carried on, but consecutive cuts before Kiawah where we can make improvements.”
then social media comes in and takes Island. June 2017 Sept 2020 10 The scrutiny has surprised him:
Koepka wins Aug 2018 50
it to a different level. They play along What was Cowen’s assessment? US Open Koepka wins DeChambeau “Coaches, punters, everyone says you
with it like two boxers before a fight. “Brooks should have won,” he says. PGA Championship wins US Open should do this; the media is quick to
“In that clip I’m actually standing “Simple as that. He knows it. If he June 2018 100 say it’s not working.” He stressed that
in the background,” Cowen says. misses the tree on the 2nd after he Koepka wins May 2019 McIlroy’s long-term coach, Michael
US Open Koepka wins
“Bryson never even said anything to birdied the 1st then he wins the Bannon, is still in the background.
PGA Championship 150
Brooks. He was just walking past and championship, without a shadow of Koepka and DeChambeau will be
speaking really loud when he was doubt. That stopped him in his tracks. questioned about their relationship
doing that interview. Brooks thought Getting the lead straight back gave 200 this week, but if mind-games form
that was out of order and he lost his him [Mickelson] impetus and then he 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 part of the US Open preamble, the
train of thought and rolled his eyes. holed that bunker shot on the 5th. Source: physical side may be more telling
Then people start putting things on He’s a great bunker player but you come Sunday. “At the PGA Brooks’s
the internet with the rolling eyes, and don’t expect him to hole out from that “He’d shattered his kneecap, but he February’s car crash, the Koepka will legs were tired from walking through
all that crap compounds it.” distance in a major championship. It doesn’t like losing, especially majors. is perhaps peerless. He may not be all that sand and that’s why he started
Koepka, 31 and ranked No 10 to was his day, that was it.” He’s like Tiger [Woods] in that the first to suggest the majors are the doing a few pulls,” Cowen says. “But
DeChambeau’s No 5, seems content Nevertheless Koepka, who won respect. Ask Tiger how many easiest to win, but his arithmetic is he never underestimates himself.
with how this is playing out. “It’s a four majors in eight attempts up to tournaments he would like to play a still anathema to the likes of Rory “At Augusta he was badly injured
good thing,” he said before missing the 2019 US PGA and who can boast year and he’d say four. Brooks is the McIlroy who have struggled in recent but tried because his brain was saying,
the cut at the Palmetto ten more top-ten finishes, including same. It’s hard to play top golf injured years. Koepka reasons he is good ‘I can do this, I can do this,’ but he
Championship in South Carolina last three second places, had done but he almost managed it. It was enough to beat half the field, and was doing seven hours a day [of]
week. “I get the traditionalists who something hugely impressive. “I told almost what Tiger did when he won then half of the remainder will play rehab. The good thing is he’s willing
don’t agree with it. I understand that, him, ‘I know you’re disappointed but at Torrey Pines [in 2008 with stress poorly. That leaves about 35 and to go through the pain barrier. He’ll
but to grow the game you’ve got to three months ago we thought the fractures in his left leg].” pressure will derail some of them. do what it takes. You see it in his face
reach out to the younger generation.” year was a write-off,’ ” Cowen says. With Woods now recovering from “Outwardly you get a lot of players sometimes.” And in the rolled eyes.
64 1G M Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

Sport Tennis

Murray: I still love it

Draper pulled
off a big upset
at Queen’s by
beating world
No 23 Sinner

but body may fail me

The double Wimbledon The long road back
“The reason I’m still playing is
because I love playing tennis,” Murray
champion has no plans Jan 2019 Murray tells Antwerp, beating Stan withdraw from
said. “I spoke to a number of my ex-
coaches who were players and asked
to retire, even as injury media at Australian Wawrinka in final Australian Open after them about what it was like at the end of
Open that he will play Nov 2019 Hip injury positive Covid-19 test their careers. Unanimously they were
continues to affect him, until Wimbledon that forces him to miss Feb 2021 Reaches final all, like, ‘Look, it was extremely difficult
summer, then stop. to stop playing, and our advice would be
writes Stuart Fraser Undergoes hip
multiple tournaments,
including Australian
of ATP Challenger event
in Biella to play as long as you can, as long as you
resurfacing operation Open Mar 2021 Withdraws are still enjoying it and providing your
Andy Murray will make his long-await- Jun 2019 Wins doubles Aug 2020 Beats world from Miami Open with body can still do it.’ They were like,
ed return to singles on a grass court title at Queen’s with No 7 Alexander Zverev groin injury ‘Nothing replaces it. It’s difficult to re-
this afternoon for the first time since Feliciano López on comeback in place being out there, competing on a
2018, but the prospect of any May 2021 Returns to tennis court and playing sport at the
Jul 2019 Reaches third Cincinnati Masters court as late addition to
heroics at the Queen’s Club and round of Wimbledon highest level.’
Wimbledon was quickly tempered by Sept 2020 Wins US doubles draw in Italian “I want to keep playing as long as I
mixed doubles with Open first-round match Open, where he and
a downbeat update on his fitness Serena Williams can. I know that I can still compete with
yesterday. but is thrashed by Liam Broady reach the best players in the world. I have
The bad news for Murray’s many Aug 2019 Returns to Wawrinka in French second round — but been doing it consistently in practice
supporters is that he is short of where singles action, losing to Open Murray skips French over these last six or seven months, and
he had hoped to be fitness-wise after a Richard Gasquet in Dec 2020 Pulls out of Open with groin injury certainly on the grass I don’t see why
series of practice sessions at the All Cincinnati Masters Delray Beach Open, June 2021 Plays at not.
England Club over the past fortnight. Oct 2019 First title since citing Covid-19 concerns Queen’s today against “I want to keep trying and still have
He has still not fully shaken off the operation: ATP 250 in Jan 2021 Forced to France’s Benoît Paire the desire to go out there, compete and
groin injury he suffered before the train every day to try and improve and
Miami Open in give myself a chance to keep going,
March, which he create more memories on the court and
believes to be linked Day two at Queen’s Murray’s difficult spell get more wins. Let’s wait and see what
to the hip resurfac- Singles matches since start of 2019 - happens but my goal and priority is to
ing operation he had Cinch Championships Centre Court how he compares to the big three be healthy.”
in January 2019. schedule (noon start) Matches Win percentage Much will depend on who is standing
The good news is M Berrettini (It, No 1) vs S Travaglia (It) across the net. Murray has been given a
N Djokovic
that Murray is still relatively kind opener at this week’s
willing to give this D Evans (GB, 6) vs A Popyrin (Aus) 144 87% Cinch Championships at Queen’s
summer’s grass- A Murray (GB) vs Benoit Paire (Fr) R Nadal against the volatile Frenchman Benoît
court season a go. 126 86% Paire, who is ranked No 47 and has won
And beyond that D Shapovalov (Can, 2) vs only one of his past 13 matches. But
A Vukic (Aus) R Federer
the 34-year-old 75 83%
Murray’s lowly ranking of No 123 leaves
appears to have no TV BBC Two and Amazon him vulnerable to the draw gods at
intention of hang- Prime A Murray Wimbledon, where he could potent-
ing up his racket 27 56% ially be pitted against Roger Federer,
anytime soon, de- Source: ATP Rafael Nadal or Novak Djokovic in the
spite the various set- first round.
backs he has experi- It understandably comes with much Murray admitted to feeling some
enced in recent and I can’t say with frustration for Murray that he is not at envy while watching the latter two do
years, any great certainty full fitness. Playing singles on a grass battle in that epic French Open semi-
whether it be inju- right now whether that’s going to court again has been a motivating goal final on Friday evening. Once upon a
ries or the bout of happen or not, because I have for him throughout his struggles, as it is time it was he who was going up against
Covid-19 that been feeling good at different the surface on which he is most likely to the members of the “big three” and
forced him out of points throughout the last nine enjoy some form of success again. As a pushing them hard at grand-slam tour-
the Australian months or so, practised really two-times Wimbledon champion he naments. Now he is something of a by-
Open in February. well and felt good going into has generally played most of his best stander.
“I feel OK,” Mur- tournaments. Then some- tennis on grass, and the faster courts “It was an incredible match,” Murray
ray said. “I don’t feel thing’s happened. make for less gruelling points. said. “There is a bit of me that’s jealous
perfect, but have “I hope I will be OK It feels as though all the work Murray watching that, like I would love to be
been practising because I have seen has done on and off the court since his playing in those matches, I would love
well over the enough again in practice left hip was resurfaced has been geared to still be competing with them in the
last month or that my tennis is fine and towards him walking out again as a sin- semis of slams. I’m not going to try and
so and pretty in a good place. But physi- gles player on British soil in front of a hide that.

consistently. cally I need to hold up home crowd, and yet still he is having to “Fair play to those guys that they are
The question playing matches.” deal with niggling pain. Some will still out there doing it. But I don’t look at
mark is ob- understandably wonder how long that match and think about what this
viously Murray practised Murray can carry on if even the grass means for me really. You can still do
whether yesterday at does not bring better fortunes, but it things on the court outside of winning
the body Queen’s before appears the end is not nigh whatever slams or competing with those guys, Stuart Fraser
holds up his first match the outcome of the next few weeks. which you can enjoy.”

Home crowd wills Watson to victory in Birmingham What a difference 2½ months has made
for Jack Draper. At the end of March
the 19-year-old Briton suffered a chas-
tening experience during the first set of
Stuart Fraser Tennis Correspondent day when she lost st the first Viktorija is really tough to after recovering from a full-body cramp his ATP tour debut in Miami, collapsing
illed on
set but she was willed play. I am happy to come in Nottingham last week, but the on the court with heat exhaustion. Yet,
Heather Watson battled back from a set pport
by the home support throug that. I was
through British No 4 was well beaten in a 6-1, 6-3 on the hottest day of the year in the UK,
down to claim her first win against a at Edgbaston Priory
ory nerv
nervous at the end loss to the former top-20 player Donna he was excitably bounding about the
top-100 player for four months at the to turn the matchch clos
closing it out. I’m Vekic, of Croatia. Harriet Dart, the Brit- Queen’s Club centre court and hitting
Viking Birmingham Classic. The Brit- around. jus really glad I
just ish No 3, ran France’s Caroline Garcia winners for fun in a stunning straight-
ish No 2 defeated Viktorija Golubic, the “It is just so he
held my nerve close in a 7-5, 4-6, 6-4 defeat. sets upset against one of the best young
world No 71 from Switzerland, 3-6, 6-2, great to play in an
and came up Tournament organisers yesterday talents in the sport, Jannik Sinner.
6-2 in her opening match. front of a crowd [w
[with] some of postponed a first-round match involv- Admittedly the stifling humidity in
Watson, who has slipped to No 70, again,” Watson m
my bigger serves ing Belgium’s Elise Mertens and Aus- Florida made conditions there more
has struggled for consistency on the said. “It was so th
there.” tralia’s Alja Tomljanovic after one of the challenging in the spring but it was still
tour this year and had not got the better enjoyable andd Francesca players received an instruction from striking to see the difference in Draper
of a player ranked above No 100 since that’s what got mee Jon
Jones made a NHS Test and Trace to isolate as a close yesterday in London.
her victory against the Czech Kristyna through that matchch retu
return to action contact. The match will be played today Playing in a temperature of 28C
Pliskova in the first round of the Austra- in the end. after Public Health England deemed it during the middle of the day, he looked
lian Open. It looked as if the 29-year- “It [was] a really Watson beat Golubic of low risk and cleared the player to com- at ease once he had overcome a shaky
old was about to fall short again yester- good match for me today. Switzerland in three sets pete, subject to daily testing. start, recovering from 4-0 down in the
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 2GM 65


County chiefs
fear losses of
£500k a game
Elizabeth Ammon
Cricket chiefs are concerned that push-
ing back “freedom day” could cost some
counties about £500,000 in lost reve-
nue for each Vitality Blast match.
The government’s decision yesterday
to extend Covid-19 restrictions by
another four weeks is likely to have an
impact on attendances, which may be
limited to 10,000 spectators or 25 per
cent of capacity, whichever is smaller.
The T20 Blast is the biggest source of
ticket income for most counties, who
had hoped that the “freedom day” on
June 21 would allow them to have near-
full grounds for the rest of the group
stage, which finishes on July 18.
The limitations mean that, for the
most part, only county members, who
pay an annual fee and are therefore
being given priority, are being admitted
and no tickets can be sold to the general
public. The present regulations also
remove the possibility of selling hospi-
tality and corporate boxes.
Crucially, to help to protect each
county, the ECB has given counties a
minimum guaranteed income of 75 per
cent of their ticket income, based on
2019 figures.
Surrey, who consistently sell out the
Oval for their Blast matches, report
that a limit of 25 per cent capacity
(about 6,000 people) would cost them
about £500,000 a match in lost income.
Five of Gloucestershire’s seven home
matches in the Blast had been due to
take place after June 21. Capacity for
these matches will be reduced from
Grass-court season events 10,000 to about 3,500.
Most counties also have annual deals
Last week with breweries that are predicated on
Nottingham Open, UK selling a certain number of barrels. This
Won by Johanna Konta (GB) year’s deals were made on the expecta-
Stuttgart Open, Germany tion of full crowds. Next year’s deals
Won by Marin Cilic (Cro) with those breweries are expected to
cost counties more per barrel.
This week
Queen’s Club Championships, UK
Birmingham Classic, UK continued from back
Halle Open, Germany Centre Court will be full for finals
Berlin Open, Germany
to permit attendances that are well
Next week above the usual 10,000 limit.
Eastbourne International, UK The Rugby Football League is in talks
Bad Homburg Open, Germany with the government about securing
Mallorca Championships, Spain test-event status for the Carnegie
Challenge Cup final on July 17. The
June 28-July 11 Open at Royal St George in Sandwich
Wimbledon, UK on July 15-18 is expected to also have
test-event status, as is Formula One’s
British Grand Prix at Silverstone on
July 18.

best hope Draper delivers on promise

The grand prix could even operate
with a capacity of 70,000 given that it
has a 550-acre outdoor site with seats
spread around the circuit.
Oliver Dowden, the culture secre-
first set to defeat Italy’s Sinner 7-6 (8-6), level, so I worked really hard,” Draper attacking left-hander with powerful No 309 but it furthers his case for a tary, said: “We want to gather further
7-6 (7-2). said. “I did a training block for four spin-heavy groundstrokes, and he is Wimbledon main draw wild card, for evidence on how we can open up all big
As Great Britain’s best male hope, weeks before heading out and playing not afraid to use them even when his which the selection meeting is being events safely and for good. The expan-
this could ultimately prove to be a some [second-tier] $25k events in the back is against the wall. He saved two held today at the All England Club. This sion of trials of the NHS app and lateral
symbolic moment for Draper. He has Czech Republic where I got quite set points in the first-set tie-break would guarantee him a cheque of at flow testing will mean that bigger
followed in the footsteps of Andy a few good matches. and broke serve at 5-4 down in the least £45,000, in addition to the £21,000 crowds will be able to attend a limited
Murray 16 years ago by claiming his “In the second week I strained second set on his way to complet- he earns for winning at Queen’s. Before number of major sporting and cultural
first ATP win at the Cinch Champion- and tore my ab, so my prepara- ing the upset against Sinner, who this week his career earnings totalled events early this summer as part of our
ships and there are parallels between tion for this tournament actually is already ranked No 23 in the £61,000. Events Research Programme.”
the pair in the way they have both had has not been excellent. world at the same Cameron Norrie, 25, continued his Royal Ascot this week falls under the
to overcome physical difficulties in the I only started age. run of good form at the start of his ERP — 12,000 people will be admitted
early stages of their careers to allow the serving about Not only will grass-court campaign. The British for each of the five days, starting today
natural ability to flourish. three days this win result No 2, who is the 14th-best player in the — but the announcement of the
Draper vowed after the worrying ago, but I was in Draper world based on performances this year four-week delay to “freedom day”
scenes in Miami to improve his training able to hit pretty moving up alone, fought back from a set down to brought disappointment from racing
regime, and he has lived up to his word. soon after. Hope- about 45 see off Spain’s Albert Ramos-Viñolas chiefs.
He has made changes to his diet and fully from now I can places in 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. David Armstrong, chief executive
started working with a new fitness stay on the court and get my body the rank- Roger Federer also made a winning of the Racecourse Association, said:
trainer, Ian Prangley, an experienced right. I have looked more and more ings from start to his grass-court season. The “This will have a significant commer-
Australian who was a member of Kyle at my diet and what I’m eating more his present 39-year-old beat Ilya Ivashka of cial effect on racecourses that had
Edmund’s team for several years. professionally.” position of Belarus 7-6 (7-4), 7-5 in the first round of sold many thousands of tickets for
“Miami was a bit of a wake-up call for Draper, the son of the former the Halle Open, his traditional warm- events after June 21 — we estimate
me in terms of getting my fitness levels LTA chief executive Roger and Federer won on up event before Wimbledon, where he a loss of between £15 million and
back to where they should be at for this the tennis coach Nicky, is an grass yesterday will be chasing a ninth title next month. £20 million.”
2GM Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

Sport Essential guide to Royal Ascot

Hollie Doyle is ready to rule as Flat racing’s
finest meeting welcomes back the fans
Pages 56-59


Scots concede We can’t be

from 50 yards snobs, says
Scotland lose
their opening
game after
Patrik Schick
catches out Paul Joyce, Henry Winter
David Marshall Gareth Southgate has told his England
in 2-0 win for side not to be “football snobs” and risk
Czech Republic. jeopardising their European
The Game, Championship ambitions by recklessly
inside Times2 pursuing style over substance.
The warning to his players came as
his focus turned towards Friday’s show-
down with Scotland, who suffered a 2-0
defeat by the Czech Republic yesterday
that was sealed by a wonder goal from
near the halfway line by Patrik Schick,
who also scored the opener.
England’s 1-0 win against Croatia on
Sunday was marked by an apparent
first-half disagreement between the
defender John Stones, who wanted to
play out from the back, and the goal-
keeper, Jordan Pickford, who preferred
to play long towards Harry Kane.
The presence of Luka Modric and
Ante Rebic on the edge of England’s
penalty area, waiting to pounce on any
mistake, prompted Pickford to adopt a
safety-first approach. Southgate,
though, made the point that England
should not feel conflicted over utilising

Centre Court full for final

the strengths of Kane.
“We give them possible patterns
depending on how the opposition are
pressing. There was a spell where we
went long and we just talked about that
at half-time,” Southgate said. “We
Wimbledon climax next month to be first outdoor event at peak capacity since pandemic began didn’t want to do that every time. But
there are moments to go longer. We’ve
got a centre forward [in Kane] who wins
Martyn Ziegler Chief Sports Reporter will boast the largest crowds in the UK The delay of “freedom day” from by ministers last night. A government more [than] his share of the ball.
for 15 months. For the rest of Wimble- June 21 until July 19 will have an impact statement read: “These pilots will “And we shouldn’t be football snobs.
The Wimbledon singles finals will be don, the plan is to operate at half capa- on attendances at some sports events, involve a significant increase in trial- It’s great to play out from the back but
played in front of a full Centre Court, city — 21,000 spectators a day across however, including cricket matches, ling the use of the NHS app and lateral it’s just as effective to go to the centre
despite the government’s delay in the whole site — and Wembley will be which will be limited to 10,000 specta- flow testing, to be used as proof of Covid forward and be in control of the ball and
lifting Covid-19 restrictions, and there half full for the last four Euro 2020 tors or a quarter of capacity, whichever status. Trials of the NHS app will be run be able to play from there.”
will be 45,000 fans at Wembley for the matches staged there. is smaller. Spectators at the tennis and to assess whether it can also be used to Scotland’s defeat leaves them bottom
climax of Euro 2020. Those games will be the second the football events are likely to have to display a user’s natural immunity of group D but John McGinn, the Aston
The tennis finals will be staged in round-of-16 match to be held at the show vaccine passports — proof of both status.” Villa midfielder, said: “We played all
front of 14,979 spectators on Centre stadium — involving England if they vaccinations — or negative Covid test The government also confirmed that right, 2-0 flattered them a wee bit, but
Court and will be the first outdoor win group D — both semi-finals and results. other events will be included in the they found quality at the right
sports events to feature a capacity the final. For the group matches and The Times revealed the plan for Events Research Programme (ERP) moments. We need to find it on Friday.
crowd since the pandemic struck in first knockout-phase match there will Wimbledon and the Euros on its that gives ministers the flexibility It’s important we don’t sulk too much.
March last year. Euro 2020 matches be 22,500 fans, a quarter of capacity. website yesterday and it was confirmed Continued on page 65 We need to do it the hard way now.”

Times Crossword 28,004 across down Yesterday’s solution 28,003

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 In America worship gets to a 2 Be nosy about four ladies? (5) B R A V U R A L A CQU E R

higher level (8) 3 An attractive sort of voice that L I T H E SO ME ME D I A
6 Girl jokes when speaking in bed (6) Renee often has (5,6) I E L U G B E D
9 Minister stopping short, 4 Has this film finally bombed? Or E E R I E T H E S A URU S
9 10 interrupted by a French beast (6) maybe it’s this! (5,3) A S S A U L T COUR S E
10 Swiftness with which the thing eats 5 A vile princess is involved in A T R U H R
into plant on allotment? (8) historic rebellion (8,7) S CH A D E N F R E UD E
11 A word from IT to be effective 6 Hostility in country church (6) I N F OR MA N T I AMB I
when spoken (4) 7 Possibly Dartmoor’s big mound of R I A I A F A E
11 12 13 12 One copper with external rubbish piled up (3) I NC A N S OB S I S T E R
protection, heading off to get 8 Experiencing difficulty. but N H G L L E I C
transport (10) evidently not off one’s trolley (2,3,4)
Check today’s answers by ringing 0905 757
14 Worm finding mate after short 13 Expert being paid to take the case 0141 by midnight. Calls cost £1 per minute
14 15 16 journey (8) likely to stir up anger? (11) plus your telephone company’s network
16 Sweet wine takes no time to get 15 Act to probe the iron spread out in access charge. SP: Spoke 0333 202 3390.
17 word of approval (4) mineral (9)
18 Spot unwanted visitor in garden? 17 Fish that is grand, superior to two Newspapers
(4) others (8)
18 19
19 Drink cleric knocked back with 20 Ruling to wane, when being support recycling
The recycled paper content of
empty talk (8) ignored (6) UK newspapers in 2020 was 67%
20 21 Party acquiring dubious votes 23 See bird, for example, flying north
— the limit possibly for famous (3,2)
21 22 23 Russian (10) 25 Indian location showing ambition,
22 Ship’s load, about to be discharged no end (3)
24 By a large lake Heather slips maybe
24 25 26 (8)
26 Simpletons so timid, having lost
heart sadly (6)
27 Speak ill of brilliant ace, the writer
27 28
28 Groups gathering information
— about a thousand pieces (8)

TUESDAY JUNE 15 2021 Gloves are off
France and
ready to

You wait
23 years . . .
Scotland’s euphoria at qualifying for the first
international tournament since 1998
evaporated in the face of a crushing defeat

David Marshall
is left in a heap
in the net after
Patrik Schick’s
second goal
that left fans,
left, and players
such as Andy
in despair
2 1GG Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

T TheEuros

49.7 yards 2.51
The longest-range goal in Euros Seconds the ball was in the air
history since records began between leaving Schick’s boot
in 1980 and dropping into the goal

Schick Marshall


1 Jack Hendry attempts some 40 yards off his towards the open goal ends up in a rather
a rash shot from goalline. with his left foot. ungraceful heap in the
distance, which back of the net.
cannons off a Czech 2 The ball falls to Patrik 3 Despite a leap of
defender and allows Schick, the Czech desperation, Marshall 4 Schick runs off to
them to break. David forward, who spots cannot prevent the ball celebrate his second
Marshall, the Scotland Marshall off his line from dropping in under goal of the game with
goalkeeper, is stranded and whips the ball the crossbar and he the Czech fans.

Nervy Scotland undone by

mistake about that. Hampden Park
Scotland Czech
throbbed with colour, excitement and
anticipation, and no one could have
guessed that the official attendance
Clarke: I don’t blame keeper
was only 9,487. But Scotland’s
nervous yet spirited side received a phase off a set play — was
Scottish Football
Correspondent brutal lesson in finishing from Schick, MICHAEL GRANT disappointing for us. We normally
at Hampden whose headed opener was special too. defend that quite well so that was a
Schick 42, 52 This stylish Bayer Leverkusen Steve Clarke put a brave face on blow. It’s disappointing but we are
It turns out there is an upside to not forward made Scotland’s attacking Scotland’s crushing Euro 2020 ready for the next one.”
POSSESSION qualifying for anything for 23 years. look agricultural. opening defeat by the Czech Clarke refused to blame his
It spares a nation and its footballers Steve Clarke’s men showed energy Republic, insisting the team will goalkeeper, David Marshall, for
58% 42% deflation and crushing anticlimax in and movement. They created ample regroup and be ready to take on being too far off his line to stop
front of an audience of millions. And chances and were entitled to be hurt England at Wembley on Friday. Patrik Schick’s shot. “If he’d been on
SHOTS ON TARGET when a team’s moments of weakness by the score, but in truth they lacked Scotland had been rocked by an his line he would have caught it. In
are ruthlessly punished, it means quality or composure, and too many injury which kept Kieran Tierney normal circumstances he’s looking to
4 7 there is less at stake than, say, a players were short of their best. out of the match but the Arsenal star sweep up behind the defence. But it
FOULS country’s most important game in John McGinn, Scott McTominay should make the game in London. was a fantastic finish. Rather than
almost a quarter of a century. and Ryan Christie could not impose Yet Scotland are in poor shape with looking to apportion blame all the
6 6 For veterans, old memories were themselves, Stuart Armstrong was England and Croatia to come. time sometimes you’ve got to credit
rekindled. This was a fifth defeat from quiet and Lyndon Dykes passed up “I think the breaks went against us the goalscorer.”
RATINGS Scotland’s six opening games at major too many opportunities. Scotland at the wrong time,” Clarke said. Clarke was upbeat about Tierney’s
Scotland (3-5-1-1): D Marshall 7 — J Hendry 5 tournaments, with that old chestnut missed Kieran Tierney’s driving runs “Obviously losing a goal five minutes prospects: “We’ll work on him but
(C McGregor 67min, 5), G Hanley 5, L Cooper 6 — — post mortems on the goalkeeper’s and end product, and any control and before half-time — from the second he’s got a chance of being fit.”
S O’Donnell 6 (J Forrest 79), S McTominay 6,
J McGinn 6, S Armstrong 6 (R Fraser 67, 4), performance — thrown in too. David authority in central midfield. And
A Robertson 6 — R Christie 7 (C Adams 46, 6) — Marshall made excellent saves but they too often played it long to Dykes.
L Dykes 5 (K Nisbet 79). was way out of his area as the Czech Still, the Czechs did get opened up. applause. Group campaigns feel like opponents work for whatever they
Czech Republic (4-2-3-1): T Vaclik 8 — V Coufal 7, Republic’s Patrik Schick sailed the Scotland would have them in trouble they are over in a flash and suddenly get. But look so impotent in front of
O Celustka 7, T Kalas 7, J Boril 6 — T Soucek 7, ball into his net from 49 yards for 2-0. only to take the wrong option, being Scotland’s remaining games, against goal, concede from a cross into the
A Kral 6 (T Holes 67, 6) — L Masopust 6
(M Vydra 72), V Darida 7 (P Sevcik 87), J Jankto 6 Already the mental gymnastics are too elaborate or shooting into a England at Wembley on Friday and heart of their penalty area — like
(A Hlozek 72) — P Schick 9 (M Krmencik 87). under way about how hope can be defender. Schick’s execution was on Croatia at Hampden next Tuesday, they did for Schick’s first — and leave
Referee D Siebert (Ger). salvaged in group D. another level. seem much more daunting than themselves wide open to a shot into
Attendance 9,844. Scotland revelled in being back at At full-time the crowd booed for a before. Bring the same heart and an open net from 45 yards — as they
the top table on the day, make no few seconds before breaking into commitment and they will make their did for his second — and England
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GG 3


What we learnt of
England’s rivals
space for Patrik Schick to lob him
TONY from 50 yards, but I don’t go along

with that. Such goals are extremely
rare, whereas goalkeepers regularly
snuff out danger by intercepting the
ball from well outside their box.
Besides, Marshall also made some
decent saves, so will be a tough
barrier for England to break down.
Robertson key to Scottish threat
England will have been encouraged to Schick needs close attention
see that Scotland only really offered England will need to keep a close eye
an attacking threat in two areas on Schick, and not only because of his
against the Czech Republic: through two goals yesterday, the first of which
the pace and crossing of Andrew was a fine header. The Czech striker
Robertson on the left and the drive led the line with guile, controlling
of Che Adams down the centre, after long balls and retaining possession to
he came on at half-time. Robertson bring his team-mates into play. The

had a terrific game at wing back but Czechs created plenty of chances like
Gareth Southgate will be confident this, but England have the centre
that his team can deal with the backs to cope.
Fouls conceded in Liverpool player because Kyle Walker
the match, the will never be outpaced by him. Adams Beware Czech set pieces
fewest in a match showed speed and invention and will The Czechs were very methodical,
at the Euros since surely start at Wembley. On the playing direct, simple football. Time
records began in opposite flank to Robertson, Stephen and again the defenders knocked
1980 O’Donnell struggled, doing little long balls forward to try to turn
going forward and at times getting the Scotland defence, and to win

ripped to pieces at the back, so set pieces. This is where they are
Raheem Sterling can capitalise. dangerous: Vladimir Coufal, the right
back, can throw it a long way, while
Years since Czech More to come from midfield his team are also very effective at
Republic had Midfield is Scotland’s strongest area corners. England should hold a high
beaten Scotland, yet their central trio were mediocre line when the Czechs have possession.
losing three times yesterday. Scott McTominay, John
and drawing once McGinn and Stuart Armstrong were Going low could bring reward
since 2010 often bypassed, with both teams Adams demonstrated that the Czechs
playing long, high balls. Those three are very one-paced at the back, which

players are all capable of passing England can exploit through their
and moving but they had little quick players, such as Sterling and
opportunity to settle into any rhythm. Walker. Southgate’s men must also
Goals Schick has I expect the Scotland midfield to fare be inventive at corners because the
been involved in better at Wembley, possibly with Billy Czechs are adept at clearing high
for Czech Republic Gilmour coming in for Armstrong. balls delivered towards their penalty
in his past nine spot; short corners can be effective,
starts (eight goals, Marshall not at fault allowing attackers to run across
two assists) David Marshall, the Scotland defenders to meet the ball. Crosses
goalkeeper, has been criticised for with a lower trajectory are also more
straying far from goal and leaving the likely to bring success.

wonder strike Passionate to the point of

delusion, pity about the result
TV REVIEW any claim to being Scottish. We had a
recorded interview with the Scotland
and Croatia will lick their lips. This Czechs, and then it would turn again. through and had an effort deflected, captain, Andy Robertson, who
is what it means to be in with the After 32 tense minutes Scotland had and Dykes lacked conviction when he apparently handed out hampers
big boys. an overload down the right and jabbed at a great chance, which Vaclik GEORGE LEWIS (worth over £900 each) to all of the
Tierney may return for Wembley, Robertson raced into freedom on the saved. McGregor, Ryan Fraser, James squad. These included a litre of Irn-
his absence because of what was other side. Christie found him and the Forrest and Kevin Nisbet were added Scotland’s first game in a major Bru, a can of Tennent’s, shortbread
described as a minor niggle causing Scotland support were on their toes, to the mix, Forrest coming closest tournament in 23 years was covered and a bottle of whisky. In the film, he
consternation among the support but Robertson shot too high and when he beat two defenders, only for by the BBC and they made the stood in a field and looked at
when the news broke before kick-off. Tomas Vaclik’s touch helped it over. a third to deflect his shot. decision to make the broadcast photographs of his career that were
Tierney is arguably the most The first blow to the solar plexus By then their thoughts were 100 per cent Scottish. The host, the stuck to a tree. Presumably the
influential Scotland player of all. came just before half-time. Czech scrambled at being 2-0 down. pundits, the reporters, the director of the Biffy Clyro film wasn’t
Oh, the nerves were palpable. corners bombarded the Scotland box Scotland had been pressing when commentary team, and even the available for this one.
Every time Scotland went forward, and eventually one of them brought the ball fell for Hendry about 30 yards voiceover man before the programme Unfortunately, the scoreline didn’t
Hampden hyperventilated. Every the opener. Scotland cleared a from the Czech goal. He had the were all from Scotland. play along. Not that you could tell
time the Czechs did, the same. delivery from their right but the option to play it wide or shoot and, Only featuring people who are from listening to the Scottish
Marshall’s place in the side has been Czechs came again down the left. summing up Scotland’s day, he chose from the host nation is a great way of commentary team who were wearing
questioned but he demonstrated his O’Donnell could not close down the wrong one by having a crack building the atmosphere and I’ll be their thistle-tinted glasses. They never
worth with a fine save to get down Vladimir Coufal, and the West Ham when there was no defensive cover very interested to see if this approach gave up hope or seemed to even
and block Schick’s shot, low to the United man’s cross found Schick, behind, and Marshall was inexplicably is used for Hungary’s opener in acknowledge things weren’t going
foot of the post. rising between Grant Hanley and almost up at the centre circle. Budapest today. well. I especially liked that it took
Scotland were doing OK, but Liam Cooper to connect with a The drive was blocked and As we’re coming to expect from the them a good ten minutes to admit
it was rushed, other than a neat wonderful header and beat Marshall’s suddenly the Czechs were away. BBC, we got a decent helping of what a wonderful goal the Czech
McTominay-Armstrong-Robertson dive to the back post. Schick’s vision and technique were montages, the most memorable of Republic’s second was. No one really
move that allowed Dykes a near-post Marshall made big saves, including exemplary, unloading a left-footed which was a look back over the past wants impartiality and it’s great to
shot, just wide. They needed a couple from Schick and then from shot that looked to be heading well few decades for the Scottish national hear commentators who are
composure. Christie skilfully slipped Vladimir Darida at the start of the wide but curled beautifully — team. It featured a topless passionate to the point of delusion.
through two Czech defenders, only second half. It is harsh that the horribly, for Scotland — inside and performance from the Scottish band When the broadcast finished, I
to crash into Stephen O’Donnell. enduring image from the day will under the woodwork for one of the Biffy Clyro, shots of drummers playing went to tell my wife all about the
Robertson turned to McTominay at be of the goalkeeper scampering goals of the tournament. Marshall in an empty stadium and photographs match and Robertson and the
the end of one Czech move and backwards into his net as the second raced back helplessly before crashing of Scotland’s past failures burning on hampers and she looked at me
shouted: “Calm, calm,” gesturing with strike sailed over him. into his own net. a bonfire. quizzically and asked why I was
his palms down. On came Che Adams to form a There were shades of Jim Leighton I know this sounds naff and I was speaking with a Scottish accent.
There was nothing in it at that front two as Clarke shook things up to scrambling back against Morocco sceptical when it started, but by the The most passionate broadcast
point. Scotland would have a spell of give Dykes support. Jack Hendry hit at France ’98. It all felt like the time it finished, I was trying to track we’ve seen so far.
ascendancy, then it would be the the bar with a shot, Armstrong broke resumption of a familiar old story. my family history to see if I could lay Coverage rating 9/10.
4 1GG MR Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

T TheEuros

No cliques, drama
or snobbery – this
is England United
hooliganism scarring England’s arrival previous tournaments. Raheem
HENRY and stay at Euro 2000 and the Sterling and Henderson were even

questioning of Kevin Keegan’s tactics appointed MBEs on the eve of the
to the David Beckham metatarsal Euros; before the last tournament,
saga going into the 2002 World Cup. Sterling was fielding questions about
Before the 2018 World Cup, a gun tattoo.
Chief Football Writer Southgate had to deal with the “We’ve had a calm and good
At Wembley
disconnect between fans and players, preparation and the win means
security concerns and then, on arrival there’s less drama for the next week
The sight of John Stones arguing with in Volgograd, swarms of flies. Russia and we can focus calmly on our
Jordan Pickford over why the worked out well, the run to the semi- training and preparing,” Southgate
goalkeeper was continually kicking finals giving Southgate credit in the added as he concentrates on the game
long in the first half against Croatia bank, which still lasts, making sure with Scotland on Friday. “But we’ve
would have been depicted as that every possible drama isn’t got to have the same hunger, the
revealing divisions in the England headlined as a crisis. same desire, and find that same state
team at some previous tournaments. The image of England now is of going into that game.” Totally
Given the harmony and camaraderie Declan Rice sitting on an advertising different challenge. Big opposition.
in the present camp, and the relative hoarding 20 minutes after the 1-0 win “Expectations are always going to
absence of real drama going into Euro over Croatia, laughing with his great be there,” the manager added. “We
2020, the Pickford-Stones exchange pal Mason Mount and joined by have to handle that. But as long as
simply came across as two senior Harry Maguire. West Ham United, that’s realistic, you saw the age of the
internationals deciding what was best
for the team.
Chelsea and Manchester United as
one. The presence of so many young
team [26 to Croatia’s 29], the number
of caps compared to the opponent, LAND OF HOOPS AND
Gareth Southgate insisted
yesterday that England would go long
players, especially those with age- we’re still growing and learning and
to be able to bring boys like Jude
at times, as Pickford, the Everton [Bellingham] into that environment is Mason Mount shows off his lay-up skills on the basketball court
goalkeeper, attempted with five kicks hugely encouraging.” yesterday, right, as England’s stars enjoy a day of recovery at
downfield towards Harry Kane at The 17-year-old came on after St George’s Park. Some preferred to take their ball games to
Wembley on Sunday. “We shouldn’t Marcus Rashford and before Dominic the pool, above, with Tyrone Mings, top, in the thick of the
be football snobs,” Southgate said. Calvert-Lewin as Southgate injected aquatic action. Below, Phil Foden steps out of yoga pod after a
Pragmatism, peace and progress energy and closed down the game, stretching session to get him ready to go again on Friday.
define his management. making sure they did not fall for the
The Pickford-Stones chat was old failing of sitting deep.
instructive. Stones plays for Pep Given that England performed with
Guardiola at Manchester City and is intelligence and occasional
used to taking the ball from his inspiration, with Kalvin Phillips
goalkeeper, although Ederson can outstanding, it would be harsh to
launch deliveries downfield, as his 70- Pickford and Stones were praised for change a winning side too much.
yard assist for Ilkay Gundogan discussing the best route to success Southgate will need to draw again on
against Tottenham Hotspur on his considerable man-management

February 13 proved. But Stones Per cent of England’s skills to keep the non-starters happy.
clearly wanted to build from the back passes that went He can relate from his experience of
against Croatia, especially as long against Croatia. spending 34 days at the 2002 World
opposition pressing was intermittent. Stones and Pickford argued about this Cup finals; he played in the two
“Those guys are able to make those approach — in England’s previous warm-up games in Jeju and Kobe, but
decisions,” Southgate said. “We give games in 2020-21, 8.7 per cent of their then sat on the bench for all five
them pictures and possible patterns passes went long competitive matches in Japan.
depending on how the opposition are So he understands how difficult it is
pressing, and there were times where for players to kick their heels on the
it was on to take one [long]. We don’t group relationships, also means club bench or even, like Ben Chilwell and
have as long to work on those rivalries have yet to build. This is Jadon Sancho, in the stands [with
patterns, playing from goal kicks, as England United. No cliques, no only 23 allowed in the match-day
you do at a club, and we’re one tension. It’s been the most peaceful of squad and Maguire injured]. “With
mistake away from it being more build-ups for the dozen tournaments Ben and Jadon, this was the downside
costly — across 38 games that’s I’ve covered England. of a squad of 26 to have to have
different. There was a little spell All the usual caveats apply: bigger conversations with boys that don’t
where we went long and we just challenges lie ahead, Croatia were deserve to be left out,” Southgate said.
talked about that at half-time. There
are moments to go longer, we’ve got a
centre forward [Kane] who wins more
disappointing, Belgium and Italy have
hit the ground even more
impressively. There is a long way to
In keeping with the peaceful mood,
Chilwell and Sancho haven’t made
any fuss. “They haven’t because of
Secrets of opening success?
of his share of the ball and we go and Southgate has to get how professionally they took those
shouldn’t be football snobs.
The variety is important
Kane more involved. But
there is a unity and united
discussions and how much respect
they’ve shown for the whole group.”
Throw-ins and hard running
against top opposition.” England sense of direction with There are still issues to address,
So what could have England. There is an such as the absence of deliveries into third on Uefa’s stat list with pass-
been shaped as a v Scotland absence of drama. There the area from out wide, barring one ANALYSIS PAUL JOYCE completion rates of 97 and 96 per cent
negative narrative was a Friday, 8pm, Wembley is a deeper squad and an great ball from Mount to the far post. respectively.
positive. The 1-0 win TV: ITV understanding that Kieran Trippier and Kyle Walker ACCURACY OF PASSES Croatia’s Luka Modric was joint third,
helps, of course, but so Radio: talkSPORT rotation will occur, that were focused on defensive duties, and It was no surprise to see that by finding a team-mate with 64 of his 67
does the mood going into most will get a chance. We Southgate was full of praise for Sunday evening, the best passing stats attempted passes. However, England
the tournament. During his wanted to get to the start line Trippier. “People are still seeing the from the opening matches — which will be pleased with how they curbed
eight-year England career, in a healthy place with no lad that was at Spurs a couple of years featured 177 players — belonged to Modric’s influence. Croatia’s front three
Southgate observed close-up the dramas,” Southgate said. Largely, ago and not the defensive animal that three centre backs. Croatia’s Duje were limited, with Modric finding Ivan
turmoil of build-ups to four England have. There was the has grown at Atletico Madrid, trusted Caleta-Car was the most accurate, with Perisic only four times, Ante Rebic on
tournaments: from the fallout from deliberation over four right backs, the by one of the best coaches in the 98 per cent of his passes against three occasions and Andrej Kramaric
the “dentist’s chair” and aircraft antics focus on the fitness of Jordan world,” Southgate said of Trippier’s England finding their target as he tried ten times. Steven Gerrard, the former
before Euro ’96 to Paul Gascoigne’s Henderson and Maguire, the timing flourishing under Diego Simeone. to build from the back with short Liverpool and England midfielder,
splenetic reaction to being omitted of the return of the European club “He gets his distances right on passes into midfield. Andreas always used to want context with
from France ’98 and the brawl finalists, and the debate about taking cover, he’s good in one-v-one to stop Christensen of Denmark and Belgium’s passing statistics. For example, what
between fans in Marseilles as the a knee, but it has largely been a crosses, and his talking is really good.” Dedryck Boyata were second and sort of passes had the midfielder with
tournament opened; and from the breeze compared with the storms of As was the Pickford-Stones confab.
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GG MR 5


Southgate opted not to use his full

complement of five substitutes. Phil
Foden was the first player replaced,
with Marcus Rashford coming on,
‘Kalvin knows what
while Jude Bellingham replaced Harry
Kane and Dominic Calvert-Lewin
appeared for Sterling. The trust
England showed in 17-year-old
it’s like to be right at
Bellingham to shore up proceedings
demonstrated how highly he is
regarded within the set-up. Gareth
Southgate, the England coach, could
the bottom of the pile’
have opted for the experience of the
vice-captain Jordan Henderson despite about three quarters of the way
his lack of recent minutes, but ROSS HEPPENSTALL through,” Thackray remembers.
Bellingham impressed in the build-up. “They started nattering to play and, in
Expect more opportunities to follow “I can see Kalvin’s house from where the end, I gave in and Kalvin played.
for the Borussia Dortmund teenager. I’m stood now — he doesn’t live up in We won the next game. Sonny,
Wetherby in a £2 million mansion,” wearing his Leeds jacket, strolled over
THROW-INS Ian Thackray says of Kalvin Phillips, and asked if anybody stood out.
England do not work with a bespoke whose development he nurtured for “Then Kalvin tackled a kid, who
throw-in coach. Yet Trippier’s clever seven seasons at Wortley Juniors, the went flying, dragged the ball back
release, one that set Sterling Leeds amateur club. “He’s never lost with his left foot round his right heel,
scampering infield in the attack that touch with his roots and has always like Johan Cruyff, and then played the
ended with Foden hitting the post, stayed so grounded. Family is ‘Kalvin pass’ 50 or 60 yards to the far
could have come straight off the everything to Kalvin.” touchline. It dropped to our winger’s
training ground. Throw-ins are Stories of Phillips’s ascent from a feet and off he went down the line.
discussed during England’s set-piece council estate in inner-city Leeds to “Sonny then said to me, ‘Who’s this
meetings and that in itself reflects a his emergence as a key player for kid with No 7 on?’ I said, ‘It’s Kalvin
trend belatedly recognising their England have a common theme. Phillips.’ He asked me for Kalvin’s
importance. Writing in The Times prior The 25-year-old Leeds United number, but I gave him Lindsay’s.
to the tournament, David Moyes, the midfielder was a triplet, alongside his I said to Sonny, ‘If you take Kalvin
sister Deren and another sister who to Thorp Arch [the Leeds training
died at an early age; he has a tattoo ground] for six weeks, would it do any
TRIPPIER'S KILLER THROW on his arm to honour her memory. harm?’ Less than three weeks later
Trippier passed 12 times to Sterling He is close to Deren and their Kalvin signed on the dotted line.”
but the most deadly was a throw in younger siblings, Terrell and Tasiana, Sweeney remains in close contact
the sixth minute, which allowed him and while his father, Mark, has spent with Phillips. “Kalvin’s a great passer
to scamper clear and set up Foden, time in prison, his mother, Lindsay, and now he is starting to become
who hit the post has been a constant pillar of support. established in the England team, he
Paul Hatfield, who, alongside will become a world-class player,”
Thackray, coached Phillips at Wortley Sweeney says. “You could see that on
and has been involved at the club for Sunday. I texted him after the game
27 years, says: “Lindsay had two jobs, to congratulate him and he replied
she worked a lot of hours, but she straight away, like he always does.
always made sure that Kalvin got to “The thing with Kalvin is that
training and matches. people underestimate him. I was quite
“She would then take Terrell to his confident he would start for England
game, so she never stopped, and her against Croatia — he was the star
love and support was brilliant to see. man but he could [still] do better.
“As a family they’re all really close “He hit that volley in the first half,
and two of their cousins play for and goals is one thing he could add to
Wortley’s open-age team now.” his game. But Kalvin showed his
Thackray adds: “They didn’t have a versatility and his run and pass for
right lot when they were kids. Lindsay Raheem Sterling’s goal was brilliant.
used to cart Kalvin and Terrell “The more Kalvin gets settled in
around in a car that probably the team, the more confidence he will
shouldn’t have been on the road. take. One day he will captain Leeds.
Direction of play “Kalvin knows what it’s like to be “In 1971 I played for Cork
right at the bottom of the pile and Hibernians in the European Cup
that, and the support of his family, is against Borussia Mönchengladbach
West Ham United manager, said: why he has never changed. He knows and faced the great Günter Netzer
“Coaches are now looking very closely where he’s got to has come from sheer in midfield. Kalvin reminds me of
at throw-ins. You might get five or six hard work and dedication.” him, but he’s a great person as well as
corners in a game but you are likely to Thackray and Hatfield are Leeds a great footballer.
take — and defend — something like 20 season ticket holders and were “I have had bowel cancer and have
throw-ins over the 90 minutes. There is overcome with pride on Sunday when to go back [to hospital] next month
so much work being done now with Phillips took centre stage for England for a CT scan. Kalvin messaged me
throw-ins to retain possession or make in the 1-0 win over Croatia in their saying, ‘All the best, let me know how
tactical moves. In the past, it was, ‘Just opening match of Euro 2020. you get on.’ That shows what a caring
throw it down the line and try to get a “The surprise was that Kalvin person he is. He’s a smashing bloke.”
flick on.’ ” played so far forward, but it was just Phillips’s beloved grandmother —
like him being at Wortley back again,” who became known to Leeds fans as
KANE Thackray says. “He was first or second Granny Val after playing a cameo role
Steve Holland, England’s assistant in the goalscoring chart every year. in the Amazon docu-series Take us
manager, revealed that as part of the “One year the age group above Home — died in February, but the
preparation for the Euros, a study had were struggling so they asked Kalvin loss has brought the Phillips family,
a completion rate in the high 90s been conducted on France’s World to play and he finished top scorer for and his childhood sweetheart,
MOST DISTANCE RUN taken? It speaks volumes that the pass Cup-winning campaign in 2018. It was both teams. It was calming him down Ashleigh Behan, closer.
Total distance run Modric favoured was to right back noted that Antoine Griezmann’s that was our problem. We’d say, ‘We Hatfield adds: “Losing his grandma
100km 96.6km Sime Vrsaljko (12 times). workload was limited in the group
stages to ensure he was fresh in the
don’t always
need to go 100
hit Kalvin hard but he’s determined to
do her proud
England Croatia
DISTANCE COVERED later rounds. The observation came miles an hour. at the Euros.
K Phillips (Eng) Kalvin Phillips tackled, he conjured an with a nod and a wink towards Harry Get the ball and “He’s a
10.3km assist for Raheem Sterling and also Kane, who had appeared tired in the pass it.’ ” massive source
D Rice (Eng) covered the most ground of any player World Cup semi-final defeat by Croatia Phillips was of inspiration
10.1km in the searing heat at Wembley. The in 2018. On Sunday, Kane was replaced playing for to kids in
K Trippier (Eng) Leeds United midfielder ran for 10.3 in the 82nd minute, although one Wortley in a Leeds.
9.8km kilometres, which placed him 20th on could argue that the England captain tournament in Everyone at
M Mount (Eng) the list of players who had played in deserved to be substituted and not August 2010 Wortley is so
9.6km the tournament by the end of day just rested — his passing accuracy (11 when his talent proud of him
S Vrsaljko (Cro) three. For further context, Declan Rice successful passes from 17 attempts) was spotted by and seeing him
9.2km covered 10.1km and was ranked 24th, was the second-lowest of anyone on Walter “Sonny” doing so well
J Gvardiol (Cro) Kieran Trippier 9.8km (32nd) and the pitch, with Vrsaljko at 64 per cent. Sweeney, a brings tears to
9.2km Mason Mount 9.6km (39th). Vrsaljko Understandably, Southgate remains Glaswegian my eyes. He
M Kovacic (Cro) put in the most yards for Croatia with unconcerned by the striker. “He brings scout who deserves
8.9km 9.2km (53rd). so much more to our team than the enjoyed a everything that
I Perisic (Cro)
goals,” he said. Perhaps, but Kane will successful comes his way.”
SUBSTITUTIONS be eager to get off the mark against playing career and still works
Despite temperatures reaching 27C, Scotland on Friday. for Leeds. “Kalvin had been away on Phillips with Granny Val, left, and his
holiday and he turned up with Terrell mum attending the Amazon premiere
6 2GG Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times


Problems mount for



Mexico have played in 23
continental tournaments or
World Cups since Scotland
previously appeared at a major
Spain Sweden chances even though they had a lot of
tournament, the 1998 World possession,” Andersson snapped, and

0 0 he was just about right. Spain rarely

Cup, 23 years ago: 11 Concacaf
Gold Cups, seven Copa Americas looked like beating the excellent
(invited as “outsiders”) and five Robin Olsen in the away goal. Not
World Cups. Scotland’s starting
when Álvaro Morata was on the
XI are at 11 clubs (Jack Hendry’s Spain (4-3-3): U Simón 6 — M Llorente 6, pitch anyway.
loan at Oostende from Celtic A Laporte 6, P Torres 6, J Alba 7 — Koke 6 This has been a tough week for
ends at the end of this month). (F Ruiz 87min), Rodri 6 (T Alcântara 65, 6), Morata. A section of Spain fans
Pedri 7 — F Torres 6 (M Oyarzabal), A Morata 4 heckled the striker last week during
(P Sarabia 65, 6), D Olmo 6 (G Moreno 74).
Sweden (4-4-2): R Olsen 7 — M Lustig 5 (E Krafth the 0-0 friendly against Portugal,
MEN OF LETTERS 75), V Lindelöf 7, M Danielson 5, L Augustinsson crying “How bad are you?” in their
6 — S Larsson 6, K Olsson 5 (J Cajuste 84), mother tongue from the stands.
At Euro 2020 Italy have had A Ekdal 5, E Forsberg 6 (P Bengtsson 84) — Last night there was no heckling,
M Berg 3 (R Quaison 69, 6), A Isak 7 (V Claesson
two “I” scorers (Immobile and 69, 6). Booked Lustig. but a sizable portion of the crowd in
Insigne), Holland two “W” Referee S Vincic (Slovenia). Attendance 12,517. Seville did whistle the former Chelsea
scorers (Wijnaldum and striker when he was removed towards
Weghorst) and Ukraine two “Y” the end of the second half.
scorers (Yarmolenko and Morata had spurned two chances,
Yaremchuk). In consecutive PAUL the easiest of which came in the first

games yesterday Scotland (to half. A defensive error had given the
the Czech Republic) and Poland striker half the goal to aim at, but
(to Slovakia) each lost to one instead he shot wide. Another
half of former European snatched shot in the second half
champions, Czechoslovakia sealed his fate and he was soon
having lifted the trophy in 1976. Seville replaced by Pablo Sarabia.
It was telling that the biggest cheer
Spain attempted just shy of 1,000 of last night’s poor-quality encounter

EUROS AT passes, they racked up 17 shots, but

the two most significant numbers
came when Gerard Moreno, the in-
form Villarreal striker, stepped onto

A GLANCE from last night’s match against

Sweden sat at the top of the
scoreboard in La Cartuja, and they
the pitch. The man who scored his
32nd goal of the season in the Europa
League final against Manchester
were both zeros. United last month almost snatched it
GOALS SCORED When the final whistle sounded, for Spain in stoppage time, but again

Luis Enrique got to his feet, slipped Olsen stood strong.
on his red face mask and sauntered Spain’s head coach refused to admit
over to the dry grass to shake hands he got his selection wrong even
with Janne Andersson and nod to the though Morata’s confidence is clearly
Sweden head coach. low and he will surely now be
Enrique was less complimentary dropped for Saturday’s match against
WHEN GOALS about his opposite number when he Poland. “I thought Álvaro had a great
WERE SCORED appeared in front of the television game,” Enrique said.
cameras a few minutes later. “The “There were fans who applauded
0-15MIN 1 opposition has decided to defend, him [when he was substituted].”
defend and defend,” he huffed. “It has There were mitigating factors to
16-30 2 been a very unjust game.” last night’s sub-par display, of course. Spain kept the ball and waited
31-45 1 Enrique can be something of a Spain had trained together for only patiently for an opening but when
45+ 0 volatile character so it came as no two days last week because of a Covid one appeared they could not finish.
surprise that his moaning did not scare that ruled Sergio Busquets, the The worst miss of the first half
46-60 6 stop there. “The pitch has not helped,” combative midfielder, out of this belonged to Morata. Marcus
61-75 3 he fumed. game, but improvement is required if Danielson misjudged the flight of a
“The players complained about it in Spain are to go deep into the Jordi Alba pass, leaving Morata with
76-90 6 the dressing room.” European Championship. an age to pick his corner from
90+ 0 This reeked of a diversionary tactic Enrique’s team, which boasted only 12 yards out. The striker instead
from Spain’s head coach. The problem 231 caps between them, started stroked the ball wide of the far post.
was not the state of the pitch in steadily enough. The white boots of Dani Olmo found space in the box, Spain had 79 per cent of the
CARDS Seville’s third stadium, which does not 18-year-old Pedri, the youngest player but Olsen, the former Everton possession by half-time, but they
host club football. The defensive to represent Spain in a major goalkeeper, reacted instinctively to somehow nearly went behind in
tactics of the Swedes were not the tournament, skipped across the deny the winger after he had stoppage time. Aymeric Laporte dived

19 1
problem either. “It wasn’t raining goal surface early on. connected with Koke’s cross. in as he tried to dispossess the

Holland hoping hero can give story a

On the front page of yesterday’s

His parents would send him to the
stairs of their family home when he
misbehaved. “That was a punishment
for him — sitting still,” his father,
and Boris moved from there to
Rotterdam in the 1960s.
They returned in 2006 with
Dumfries, aged 10, his two sisters,
Voetbal International, the Dutch Boris, once said. “I even put him Demelza and Danielle, and younger
sports magazine, the image of outside in the middle of winter. I brother, Donovan, with the intention
Holland’s hero sliding on his knees in closed the sliding door in front of him: to make the move permanent. But the
celebration was printed above the ‘You go and cool down, literally!’ ” family home in the village of Rhoon,
FASTEST PLAYERS headline “Energieke”. For a boy who Holland’s previous appearance at a in Rotterdam, did not sell and the
(KM/H) had not set foot in a professional major tournament before Sunday’s family returned after a year.
football club until he was 18, “energy” 3-2 victory against Ukraine came at “Denzel is very happy about that
LEONARDO SPINAZZOLA IT was an apt way of summing up the 2014 World Cup. That year now,” Marleen, who works in
33.8 Denzel Dumfries’s rapid ascent. Dumfries was representing Aruba, an education, said during an interview
DANIEL JAMES WALES Dumfries is the footballer bringing island north of Venezuela in South in 2018.
Hollywood to Holland. Named after America, 5,000 miles from Aged 18, he signed for Sparta
the actor Denzel Washington, his tale Amsterdam. The right back was 17 Rotterdam after returning from
RAHEEM STERLING ENG is inspiring a new generation. “It is years old and playing for Barendrecht, Aruba, then moved to Heerenveen in

33.1 what we call a ‘boy’s book’ in Holland a non-League club near Rotterdam, 2017, and within a year he was playing
KONRAD LAIMER AUT because it is every boy’s dream what when Giovanni Franken invited him in the famous red and white stripes of
32.4 is happening with Denzel,” Alex to represent Aruba. PSV Eindhoven, establishing himself
Pastoor, who coached Dumfries at Dumfries, who shares a surname Caps Dumfries won as the first-choice right back.
Patrik Schick CZ Sparta Rotterdam, told The Times. with a Scottish market town, qualified for Aruba, scoring Dumfries only accepted the
32.4 As a boy, Dumfries was so lively to represent Aruba, a constituent once in a friendly invitation to represent Aruba as the
Stats by that the family GP suggested that he country in the Kingdom of the against Guam in two games were unofficial, meaning
should be tested for ADHD. Netherlands, as his mother, Marleen, March 2014 he would still be able to play for
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 2GG 7


Disciplined Slovakia
shackle Lewandowski
to deliver first shock
Poland Slovakia Mak was surrounded by two Poles but
one of them, Kamil Jozwiak, was too

Linetty 46
Szczesny (og) 18,
Skriniar 69
passive and the other, Bartosz
Bereszynski, got too close and was
nutmegged. Mak then sped into the
Poland box and shot from a narrow
angle. The ball took a slight deflection
off Kamil Glik, hit Wojciech
Szczesny’s near post and came back
Poland (4-3-3): W Szczesny 5 — B Bereszynski 5,
K Glik 5, J Bednarek 5, M Rybus 5 (T Puchacz, off the goalkeeper and into the net.
74min) — K Linetty 6 (P Frankowski, 74), It was registered as an own goal but
G Krychowiak 4, M Klich 5 (J Moder 85) — Szczesny was unfortunate; for the rest
K Jozwiak 5, R Lewandowski 5, P Zielinski 5 of the first half, his team-mates were
(K Swiderski 85). Booked Krychowiak.
Sent off Krychowiak. playing as if they were down on their
Slovakia (4-2-3-1): M Dubravka 6 — P Pekarik 6 luck, lifeless and placid, despite the
(M Koscelnik 79), L Satka 7, M Skriniar 8, T quality in their ranks.
Hubocan 7; J Kucka 7, J Hromada 7 (P Hrosovsky
79) — L Haraslin 7 (M Duris 87), M Hamsik 7, R It was best summed up when
Mak 7 (T Suslov 87) — O Duda 8 (J Gregus 90+1). Krychowiak was booked for pulling
Booked Hubocan. Referee O Hategan. back the fleet-footed Jakub Hromada.
Krychowiak’s effort late in the first
half, which flew just over the bar, was
the closest Poland came to scoring
PAUL ROWAN before the interval. However, the
second half was only 30 seconds old
The search for a dark horse who can when a clever ball by Mateusz Klich
go deep into the championship will, got Maciej Rybus in behind the
for many, stop with Slovakia, who Slovakia defence and his cross was
produced a disciplined defensive side-footed in by Karol Linetty.
performance and were clinical in Poland no longer looked passive
front of goal when chances were and momentum seemed to swing in
presented to them, with the centre their favour. Then there was a twist.
half Milan Skriniar striking an Krychowiak again went in illegally on
excellent winner in the 67th minute. Hromoda just after the hour mark
Poland were flat, their most with a late and clumsy challenge and
dangerous player, Robert there was no argument when the
Lewandowski, was isolated Romanian referee, Ovidiu Hategan,
throughout and their cynicism was showed a second yellow card.
punished when Grzegorz Krychowiak Slovakia quickly punished Poland
was sent off half an hour from the when an outswinging corner was
end, causing the game to swing brilliantly pulled out of the air by the
Slovakia’s way. boot of Skriniar. The centre half then
It was an evening of bad misses Mikael Lustig with a curling best chance of the match. Isak’s “Milan put in a great performance, picked his spot and shot through
for both teams in Seville. Berg, cross but he miskicked in an twinkle toes sent his three markers but the whole team played very well,” several legs into the net.
main and left, blazed over the bar embarrassing fashion. moving in different directions. That Stefan Tarkovic, the Slovakia Skriniar and Peter Pekarik
with the goal at his mercy, while The finishing was not allowed him to roll the ball to Berg at manager, said. “I was very happy that did a brilliant job of marshalling
Morata, right, missed two great much sharper at the the back post but he shanked his shot himself and his team-mates managed Lewandowski, though the Bayern
chances for Spain other end. Again wide from less than five yards before to neutralise such a great player.” Munich striker did have a half-chance
Morata dragged falling to the ground, presumably out Poland started positively, but it was from a corner, which he headed wide,
impressive Alexander Isak, who another shot wide. of embarrassment. the veteran Marek Hamsik who got and in stoppage time Jan Bednarek
struck the post before the ball The small Moreno looked threatening Slovakia moving, producing a lovely screwed a shot past the post.
nestled safely into the arms of a Swedish as soon as he came on and he almost pass to Ondrej Duda, who cut in from “We worked on marking Skriniar
relieved Unai Simón in the Spain contingent in the grabbed a winner at the death the left and shot narrowly wide. It was from corners during the week and
goal. crowd turned with a downward header, but down that left-hand side that Poland’s I don’t know how we lost him,” Paulo
The hosts should have gone their anger on Olsen clawed the ball away and stolidity was quickly punished shortly Sousa, the Poland manager, said.
behind at the start of the second Marcus Berg after Sweden had the draw they had afterwards, when Tomas Hubocan fed “I am very disappointed. I thought
half. Sebastian Larsson found he squandered the fought so hard for. Robert Mak close to the touchline. we were the more creative team.”

Hollywood ending I am not a racist, says Arnautovic MARTIN HARDY

Everyone who knows me is aware of
that . . . It had nothing to do with
European Championship’s most politics at all. There was a battle of
THE OTHER DUMFRIES entertaining game so far. Marko Arnautovic has apologised for words in the emotion, from both
The Scottish town of Dumfries sits Now the story of Dumfries’s rise is his angry goal celebration against sides. To all those people who felt
astride the river Nith, which flows into helping to inspire belief in Frank de North Macedonia but has denied addressed: I’m sorry.”
the beautiful Solway Firth. Some say the Boer’s side. He has sparked a fire using racist language towards them. A Uefa spokesman said: “There are
town’s name comes from the Gaelic Dùn within a national team that has such a The former West Ham United and no disciplinary proceedings opened
Phris, meaning “Fort of the Thicket”. The vulnerable core that it is essential Stoke City forward came off the following the three Euro matches
local football team is Queen of the they continue to attack this bench in Austria’s group C game on played yesterday [Sunday].”
South, and the town, with a population tournament with vigour. Sunday night and scored in the final Austria’s sporting director Peter
of almost 50,000, is the former home of Many expect that the story will get minute to seal a 3-1 victory. Alaba, the Austria captain, tried to Schöttel said: “Trash talk is part of
the poet Robert Burns, the novelist J.M. a new chapter this summer with It has been claimed that stifle Arnautovic’s angry outburst football. The most important thing is
Barrie, the DJ Calvin Harris and the Dumfries continuing his climb to Arnautovic’s rant was directed at the that Marko has made it clear he has
missionary Jane Haining. greater heights through a move to a Leeds United player Ezgjan Alioski, grabbed Arnautovic’s mouth in an nothing to do with politics. The
more prominent European club. who is of Albanian heritage. The attempt to stop him and pushed him second thing is that it was cleared up
“He reminds me of players like Jaap Serbian newspaper, Informer, alleged down to further muffle his outburst. after the game. The topic has been
Holland. He scored in that first game Stam, Phillip Cocu and Kevin that the 32-year-old Arnautovic said Arnautovic issued an apology resolved.”
in 2014 for Aruba, against Guam, with Strootman,” Pastoor, 54, said. to Alioski: “I f***ed your Albanian through Instagram. “There were some Serbia does not recognise the
a superb strike from 35 yards out. “They are players who made a step mother.” The pair were seen talking heated words yesterday in the independence of its former province
A seven-year wait began for every one or two seasons, every step a to each other at the end of the game. emotions of the game for which I Kosovo, while there is historic tension
Dumfries to score another bit higher, they adjusted to that level Koha Ditore, the leading daily would like to apologise ,” he said. between Serbia and North
international goal but the significance and then, after a period of time, they newspaper in Kosovo, has claimed “Especially to my friends from North Macedonia.
when it came was incomparable. At got better and outplayed the others.” that Arnautovic, who has a Serbian Macedonia and Albania. I would like Arnautovic plays for Shanghai Port
Amsterdam’s Johan Cruyff Arena he Certainly, Holland do not want him father, addressed Alioski in Serbian so to say one thing very clearly: I am not in China, having left West Ham in
delivered a late winner, having been to ease up now. Dumfries provides that he would understand him. a racist. I have friends in almost every 2019 after scoring 22 times in two
the most influential player in the what they require: “Energieke”. David Alaba, the Austria captain, country and I stand for diversity. seasons for the club.
8 1GG Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

Giant clash forces steady BY TOM WILLIAMS
Already a World Cup winner and
four-times Ligue 1 champion, Kylian

coaches to take bold risks

Mbappé heads into the European
Championship with France hoping to
cement his reputation as the most
exciting young footballer in the
Ludovic Batelli, who coached
Mbappé to victory with France at the
one of these two countries has having narrowly survived the 2018 gigantic decision to make up front, Under-19 European Championship in
JAMES contested six of the past nine World Cup debacle, to exit on such between Benzema and the 2016, breaks down the 22-year-old
Paris Saint-Germain striker’s game.
GHEERBRANT European Championship finals. To
borrow a line from José Mourinho,
a sad note would be unbearable. For
Didier Deschamps, whose team
dependable Olivier Giroud.
Benzema may have disparagingly
this is football heritage. won that World Cup and who has likened his rival to a go-kart (in a
Group-stage curtain-raisers at his disposal one of the strongest convoluted simile in which he was a AERIAL ABILITY
don’t come bigger than France national squads assembled for Formula One car), but Giroud is
v Germany, and it is not only any recent major tournament, highly effective in Deschamps’s If there is an area of finishing
the might of the teams that France it is simply unthinkable. system. In France’s final warm-up where he needs to progress, it is
When the whistle blows at the amplifies this occasion, it is Löw and Deschamps are friendly, against Bulgaria, Benzema his heading. It is perhaps his
Allianz Arena in Munich tonight, also the height of the v Germany not, ordinarily, men given went off with a knock shortly Achilles’ heel. He needs to
probably 12, possibly 13, of the stakes. With the defending Group F, Munich to desperate measures, and before half-time and Giroud improve on that, particularly
players standing on the pitch will champions Portugal — Today, 8pm yet the intensity of this delivered a potent reminder of his when he is playing through
have finished on the victorious arguably stronger than they TV: ITV competition has forced qualities, scoring the 45th and 46th the middle. He has so many
team in a World Cup final. The were five years ago — also Radio: talkSPORT steady hands into sharp turns. goals of his international career. different ways of finishing,
starting line-ups of France and lurking ominously in this group, For Löw, that has meant To complicate matters, Giroud whether with his right
Germany could have as many as defeat in this opening game would bringing back into the fold Thomas has been embroiled in a minor feud foot or his left, but when
23 Champions League winners’ put the losing team in peril of Müller and Mats Hummels, two key with Mbappé. After that friendly, you look at his stats, he
medals between them. failing to reach the knockout phase, players who were dispensed with the striker said in a TV interview: scores few goals with his
Nine of the likely starters played the lifeline for the best four third- after the 2018 World Cup in a “Sometimes you make a run and head. That is maybe one
when these giants collided in a place teams notwithstanding. symbolic break with a supposedly the balls just don’t arrive,” which thing he needs to
World Cup quarter-final in Rio de For Joachim Löw, in his final bygone era, which as a gestural was read by some as a thinly veiled improve.
Janeiro seven years ago. Oh, and hour as Germany head coach response to disaster turned out to dig at Mbappé. The Paris Saint-
be roughly equivalent to sawing off Germain forward admitted that he STRENGTH
your right arm after a car crash. was annoyed that Giroud hadn’t
After 2½ years of distinctly raised the issue with him face to He was 18 when I
underwhelming results, Müller and face. Hugo Lloris was in bomb- worked with him and his
Hummels were recalled and both defusal mode when asked about the upper body has filled out
appear likely to start. controversy yesterday, saying: “It since then. There’s much
For Deschamps, perhaps even made a lot more noise outside than more harmony between
more uncharacteristically, it has within the camp. It’s behind us.” the different parts of his
meant a rapprochement with Karim France will be favourites against a body. He was always very
Benzema, who could play his first Germany team who have slipped to quick and powerful, with
tournament game for Les Bleus 12th in the world rankings and very powerful thighs, but
since that July day in Rio. Benzema vacillated between systems since now his upper body is in
is 33 and had appeared to be in the 2018 World Cup, but Löw’s team harmony with that so he can
permanent exile from the national will be slightly buoyed by their final show more resistance in
team amid claims that he was warm-up game, against Latvia, in physical duels and when he’s
involved in an alleged plot to which Müller and Hummels were protecting the ball. He has
blackmail his erstwhile integrated into the team and they progressed a lot in that respect.
international team-mate Mathieu finally appeared to have hit on
Valbuena over a sex tape. Quite something with a 3-4-3. FINISHING
unexpectedly, Deschamps has That line-up has Hummels and
risked the delicate harmony of his Antonio Rüdiger flanking Matthias Kylian’s extraordinary speed gives
squad by bringing the Real Madrid Ginter in a back three, Toni Kroos him an extra half a second to
striker in from the cold. and Ilkay Gundogan in a double analyse the situation when he gets
France’s rearmost seven is likely pivot, and Müller and Kai Havertz into goal-scoring positions. He
to be almost unchanged from the ghosting into the half-spaces behind always gives himself time and
team that won the World Cup, with Serge Gnabry in the front three. If space. He can look at the positions
Hugo Lloris in goal, N’Golo Kanté there is a trade-off, it’s that Joshua of the goalkeeper, the defenders
partnering Paul Pogba in central Kimmich, a world-class defensive and his opponents and decide on
midfield, and only Presnel midfielder, plays as a wing back, but the correct action, whether that’s a
Kimpembe supplanting Samuel Löw said: “Like Philipp Lahm, he shot or a pass. Technically, his
Umtiti in the back four. Kylian can be played in all positions posture is very good and his
Mbappé and Antoine Griezmann without any problems and always standing foot is always close to the
are also certain to start, but Blaise delivers the same performance.” ball. He is a finisher of great quality
Matuidi’s retirement has opened a Leon Goretzka, the influential and he can finish just as well with
vacancy in the XI, likely to be filled Bayern Munich midfielder who has his right foot as with his left. He has
by Kingsley Coman or Adrien been sidelined for a month with a a complete range of finishes.
Rabiot, and Deschamps has a muscle tear, could be fit to take part.

Baku heat and hostile because he wanted to play on the

counterattack against superior
sides. This time he partnered Chris
Mepham and Joe Rodon at centre

crowd add to size of back, with Connor Roberts and

Ben Davies as full backs.
“You’ll feel a bit more secure and
safe with the extra defender, but

task for Page’s men what’s more important is that we’ve

got extra players up the pitch trying
to score goals,” Rodon said.
Without the protection of an
extra central defender, Mepham,
after a 3-0 defeat by Italy in their in particular, was badly exposed by
GARY JACOB opening game. With Wales ending the pace of Breel Embolo and in
the group stage against Italy in one instance was fortunate not
There is plenty that Wales must Rome on Sunday, it could be a to concede a penalty for tugging
improve if they are to earn the win decisive match for both countries. the Switzerland forward’s shirt
against Turkey tomorrow that they on Saturday.
will realistically need if they want to DEFENCE Mepham lost his starting place
get beyond the group stage. As well at Bournemouth this season, and
as rectifying a puzzling, flat display Robert Page surprised many by when injuries to others handed
against Switzerland, they face new switching to a back four. He had him a chance in the second leg of
obstacles against a Turkey side who nearly always used a wing-back their Sky Bet Championship play-
were seen as dark horses but are system and a false nine in his off semi-final against Brentford,
fighting to stay in the tournament previous eight matches in charge he made a horrible mistake that
the times | Tuesday June 15 2021 1GG 9


VIS France Germany
If you watch him when he is making 14 10
run, he is already taking on
a run
information about the positioning
of his team-mates and his
opponents. He can do that even
when he is running very quickly Draws 7
and tthat means that when he is in At major tournaments
the area,
a he knows exactly what he
needs to do.
need France Germany
2 2
Whe I started working with him,
he was
w a year younger than
everybody else, but when he first Draws 1
joined the [France Under-19] squad,
it took
too him no more than three Honours
hou to find his place in the
hours France
group. He has an ability to blend World Cup 1998, 2018
into a group and develop
relationships very quickly. He Euro titles 1984, 2000
reads things quickly and he
naturally goes towards
people. Leadership also World Cup 1954, 1974, 1990, 2014
comes from the fact that as Euro titles 1972. 1980, 1996
he is a very good player
who is capable of Managers
extraordinary things, the France, Didier Deschamps
group adopts him Took over 2012
straight him away. He has
won big competitions, Win %
and players like that 66.37
always have hunger to
Win Draw
win more. You can see
that he’s become more 75 20
and more demanding
towards himself and Played
towards others. 113 Lose

He is a creative player in
Germany, Joachim Löw
the sense that he loves
Took over 2006
inventing things to expand Win %
his range. At each training 63.40
session, he was always looking Win Draw
for a touch, a feint or a
s that no opponent
123 39
w be able to anticipate. He is
able to move just as quickly with
the ball
b as without and the way he 194 Lose
move helps to open up space in
moves 32
behin an opponent.

Most Euro matches as manager

In ter
terms of pace, he was blessed by Joachim Löw (Germany)
the ggods. The muscle fibre that 17
gives him his speed, he’s always Lars Lagerback (Sweden, Iceland)
had iit. He is also quick when it 15
comes to his technical skills with
the bball. Someone who is quick and Berti Vogts (Germany)
who has quick technical skills is 11
torture for defenders. His finishing
Fernando Santos (Greece, Portugal)
ability means he can play through
the middle,
m but his pace means he 11
can also
a play on the flanks. Fatih Terim (Turkey)
Depending on the system a team
Depe 11
playing, he can play anywhere.
are p

resulted in him being sent off. Kieffer Moore had the best two a hostile away match for Wales. is saying it is going to be number are short of match fitness
Worryingly for Wales, Mepham chances, scoring with one. The It will be in sharp contrast to hostile. But games have been after being on the periphery at their
plays on the side that Burak Yilmaz defence were very deep and there the 8,782 mostly neutral Turkey without fans for so long now clubs or returning from injury this
likes to attack. The Turkey striker’s was little intensity or energy in supporters who watched the v Wales that we are looking forward season. Stoke City’s Joe Allen, for
preference is to run and receive front, forcing Ramsey to help out 1-1 draw with Switzerland. Tomorrow, 5pm, Baku to having an atmosphere, example, had a calf and hamstring
the ball towards the left, and even with defensive duties and Dan There are close ties TV: BBC1; even [if it is] hostile. We injury and missed the last three
though he is now 35, he scored 16 James to try to carry the ball from between Turkey and Radio: talkSPORT, know what to expect.” months of the season, while Rodon
Ligue 1 goals for Lille this season his own half, which sapped energy. Azerbaijan; the entrance to BBC 5 Live One aspect of fans not made only eight league starts for
and has 29 for Turkey. The other issue was that there Wales’s training base in Baku being at matches was that Tottenham Hotspur.
It may be a risk for Page to was no support for Moore when he has been decorated by fans with players were better able to hear The temperature in Baku is
change the system again, but if he competed for longer balls. Moore the Cymru banner and the Turkey each other and their manager. forecast to be 32C tomorrow, falling
does, he could move Davies across was booked for leading with his flag. The Turkey president, Recep “I think you just have to shout a to about 29C for the 8pm kick-off.
as a third centre back and bring in elbow and if he picks up another Tayyip Erdogan, is due to visit bit louder really, simple as that,” “The conditions are always going
Neco Williams at left-wing back. tomorrow — which is entirely Shusha, a city in the disputed Ampadu said, drily. “Hopefully to make it that bit more difficult,”
But that would mean either possible, as he has nine yellow Nagorno-Karabakh region today. they can hear. It would be good Rodon said.
sacrificing an attacking player or cards for club and country this The venue will add to the if we all had a megaphone on Ensuring the squad are
playing Aaron Ramsey in front of season — he would be suspended pressure for Wales’s players, the pitch!” sufficiently hydrated is down
the back four, which Wales have not for the match against Italy. many of whom will not have to Tony Strudwick, the newly
tried, largely because the midfielder faced a crowd of that size since HEAT appointed Arsenal head of academy
has missed so many matches HOSTILITY before the pandemic. “It could performance and a former key
through injury this season. be a shock, but we have played The Wales players were lieutenant of Sir Alex Ferguson at
Most of the 31,000 available seats in front of crowds before,” flagging towards the end Manchester United. The players are
BLUNT ATTACK at the Baku Olympic Stadium Ethan Ampadu, the Wales of the game with Switzerland, handed slush drinks after training,
in Azerbaijan will be taken by midfielder, said. “Everyone in part because the match kicked will have a specially cooled dressing
Wales have managed 11 goals in travelling Turkey fans or locals off at 2pm, during the hottest room and use ice baths to aid their
14 matches since September and supporting them, making it feel like Wales centre back Rodon part of the day, and because a recovery process.
10 1GG Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

T TheEuros
France’s heavyweight encounter with team-mates at club level. “The firstt Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal) In a group brimming with star quality,
Germany may end up resembling a game against Germany in Munich is 104 the Portuguese stands tallest. Ronaldo
game of attack v defence in a Bayern something special,” the 25-year-old d has made a record 21 appearances in
Munich training session. That’s told Bild. “I’m meeting a lot of friends
nds Mokhtar Dahari (Malaysia) European Championships and needs
because two Bayern wingers in Leroy from the club. But during the game, e, 89 one more goal to overtake Michel
Sané, right, and Serge Gnabry they are my opponents. There re Platini’s record of nine goals at the
are likely to go head-to- are no gifts there.” Ferenc Puskas (Hungary) tournament. More significantly, Ali
head with two Bayern That should come as 84 Daei’s all-time international goals record
full backs in Benjamin no surprise: the is in Ronaldo’s sights. The Juventus
Pavard and Lucas football rivalry Godrey Chitalu (Zambia) veteran is on 104 goals, only five behind
Hernandez. between the two 79 the Iran forward’s 109. A fast start today
In fact, the whole nations is a fiercee and Ronaldo will start to reel him in.
clash will have a one. The most
distinct Bavarian recent time the two TODAY’S MATCH DETAILS
feel to it. Four nations met at an n
Bayern players international
started Germany’s tournament, Francence HUNGARY V F PF

last warm-up friendly beat Germany 2-0 in PORTUGAL

against Latvia, while the Euro 2016 semi-
France have two other finals — the first time Group F Puskas Arena, Budapest
stars for the Bundesliga they had done so in a Kick-off Today, 5pm (6pm local time)
giants in their squad in the competitive fixture since the 1958958 Coverage
midfielder Corentin Tolisso and the World Cup. Those tensions will be TV ITV
winger Kingsley Coman. renewed tonight in Munich, where Radio talkSPORT, BBC 5 Live
Pavard has already been asked how there will be no room for camaraderie erie
he will approach the tie against his between Bayern team-mates. Possible line-ups
Hungary (3-5-2):
ON THIS DAY IN EUROS HISTORY P Gulacsi — A Fiola, W Orban, Attila
Szalai — G Lovrencsics, L Kleinheisler,
A Nagy, A Schafer, F Holender — R Sallai,
Portugal (4-2-3-1):
The game that spawned a thousand nostalgia pieces for England fans and leaves ves Rui Patrício — N Semedo, Pepe, R Dias,
Scotland with a score to settle 25 years later. Will another player “empty a R Guerreiro — Danilo, W Carvalho —
saltmine” into Scottish supporters’ wounds at Wembley on Friday, or will Steve ve B Silva, B Fernandes, D Jota —
Clarke’s men get the party started with a win against the Auld Enemy? C Ronaldo
heroic save from a McAllister penalty Tony Cascarino prediction
How The Times that was driven hard but placed too o Hungary 0 Portugal 2
close to the goalkeeper and too far
reported the win above the turf.
Today, English morale will be FRANCE V
A new dimension was brought to the deservedly high and, after the GERMANY
tales of suffering so often carried draining build-up to this fraught
north from Wembley when the man renewal of the most historic domesticstic Group F Allianz Arena, Munich
voted Footballer of the Year in d to
dispute in football, they are entitled Kick-off Today, 8pm (9pm local time)
Scotland buried the nation in gloom let their minds go blissfully blank for Coverage
at the old stadium yesterday with a a few hours before they contemplate te

goal of glorious impertinence and ots,
the next assignment. As for the Scots, Radio talkSPORT, BBC 5 Live
utter decisiveness. When Paul they must take encouragement from m
Gascoigne, moving on to a pass from the spirited competitiveness they Possible line-ups
Anderton, hooked the ball over offered here and go seeking a clearr Portugal are France (4-3-3):
Hendry’s head with his left foot and victory over Switzerland on Tuesday ay unbeaten in all 13 H Lloris — B Pavard, R Varane,
then rammed it low past Goram with in the hope that England-Holland meetings against P Kimpembe, L Hernández — N Kanté,
his right, he emptied a saltmine into produces the kind of Dutch defeat Hungary, winning A Rabiot, P Pogba — K Mbappé,
the deepest wound any sporting that could put them through. It is an nine and drawing K Benzema, A Griezmann
experience can inflict on the Scots. unlikely script but when did four times
Germany (3-4-3):
It was an instant, if less than Scotland’s footballers ever contrivee a M Neuer — M Ginter, M Hummels,
comprehensive, answer to the sense simple route to success, or even A Rüdiger — J Kimmich, I Gundogan,
of injustice that was welling in the survival? The odds, obviously, T Kroos, R Gosens — K Havertz,
breasts of a tartan army who had seen suggest that yet again they have T Müller, S Gnabry
a Durie header clawed away reached one of the game’s great
desperately by Seaman and then parties only to be bundled into the Tony Cascarino prediction
watched the goalkeeper make another street after the first dance. France 3 Germany 1

Eriksen ‘won’t give up’ as he searches for answers

Eriksen, who played for Tottenham Schmeichel has been able to visit “So work it out for yourself. Is it the moment in balance with where they
MARTYN ZIEGLER Hotspur, will be able to play again, Eriksen in hospital and he added: players’ wish to play? Did they have were mentally.”
and in Italy at least that appears very “That’s helped me a lot. To see that any choice? I don’t think they had.” Uefa said it had dealt with the
Christian Eriksen has said that he unlikely given that there are strict he’s OK after he was lying there like Jonas Baer-Hoffmann, the general matter as carefully as it could. “Uefa
“wants to understand” what happened laws in the country about playing that. We talked about everything and secretary of international players’ is sure it treated the matter with
to him after he suffered a cardiac competitive sport with such a serious nothing. That he’s doing well, that’s union Fifpro, said the decision should utmost respect for the sensitive
arrest and collapsed on the pitch. medical condition. the most important.” not have been made in the immediate situation and for the players,” it said.
The 29-year-old Denmark and Eriksen has spoken to his Denmark Schmeichel’s father, Peter, the aftermath and that it would be “It was decided to restart the match
Inter Milan midfielder is in hospital in team-mates via a video link from the former Manchester United ‘keeper, conducting a review with Uefa. only after the two teams requested to
Copenhagen having tests after being hospital and has urged them to look claimed the players had not been “It would have been better to cancel finish the game on the same evening.
resuscitated with a defibrillator on the forward to their next match against given a real choice about finishing the the game that evening. Take a bit of “The players’ need for 48 hours’
pitch on Saturday night during the Belgium on Thursday. The players game, though Uefa denied that it had time, look at what are the options to rest between matches eliminated
match against Finland. have expressed dissatisfaction at told the players they would forfeit the carry on with the game or not, and if other options.”
In a message to fans via his agent, having to decide on Saturday whether match if they did not play. the game can’t be replayed then I Inter Milan’s doctor Piero Volpi said
and reported by the Italian newspaper to finish the match. “They were left with three options, think also that would not be very no tests previously carried out on
Gazzetta dello Sport, he said: “Thank Kasper Schmeichel, the Leicester one was to play immediately and get important in comparison to what Eriksen had flagged up any concerns.
you, I won’t give up. I feel better City and Denmark goalkeeper who is the last 50 minutes played,” he said. happened there to Christian,” he said. “There had never been an episode
now – but I want to understand a close friend of Eriksen, said: “We “The next was to come in yesterday “The players were probably not that even remotely hinted at a
what’s happened.” were put in a position which I don’t [Sunday] at noon and the third option given a real option in terms of taking problem, neither when he was at
There are doubts over whether think we should have been put in.” was to forfeit the game, 3-0. a good decision that was in that Tottenham, nor at Inter,” he said.
ROUTE TO THE FINAL The top two in each group, plus four best third-placed teams go through

ITALY 1 1 0 0 3 0 +3 3 BELGIUM 1 1 0 0 3 0 +3 3 AUSTRIA 1 1 0 0 3 1 +2 3

SWITZERLAND 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 FINLAND 1 1 0 0 1 0 +1 3 HOLLAND 1 1 0 0 3 2 +1 3

WALES 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 DENMARK 1 0 0 1 0 1 -1 0 UKRAINE 1 0 0 1 2 3 -1 0

TURKEY 1 0 0 1 0 3 -3 0 RUSSIA 1 0 0 1 0 3 -3 0 NORTH MACEDONIA 1 0 0 1 1 3 -2 0

Turkey 0 Italy Denmark 0 Denmark Austria 3 Holland
Lainer 18, Gregoritsch 78, Arnautovic 89

Italy 3 Switzerland Finland 1 Belgium North Macedonia 1 Austria

Demiral 53 (og), Immobile 66, Insigne 79 Pohjanpalo 60 Pandev 28

Wales 1 Italy Belgium 3 Finland Holland 3 Ukraine
Moore 74 Lukaku 10, 88, Meunier 34 Wijnaldum 52, Weghorst 58, Dumfries 85

Switzerland 1 Wales Russia 0 Belgium Ukraine 2 Austria

Embolo 49 Yarmolenko 75, Yaremchuk 79

Turkey Switzerland Finland Russia Ukraine North Macedonia
Wales Turkey Russia Denmark North Macedonia Holland

CZECH REPUBLIC 1 1 0 0 2 0 +2 3 SLOVAKIA 1 1 0 0 2 1 +1 3 FRANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ENGLAND 1 1 0 0 1 0 +1 3 SPAIN 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 GERMANY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CROATIA 1 0 0 1 0 1 -1 0 SWEDEN 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 HUNGARY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SCOTLAND 1 0 0 1 0 2 -2 0 POLAND 1 0 0 1 1 2 -1 0 PORTUGAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

England 1 England Poland 1 Spain Hungary Portugal
Sterling 57 Linetty 46

Croatia 0 Scotland Slovakia 2 Poland Portugal Germany

Szczesny (og) 18, Skriniar 69


Scotland 0 Czech Republic Spain 0 Sweden France Germany
Czech Republic 2 England Sweden 0 Poland Germany Hungary
Schick 42, 52

Croatia Croatia Sweden Slovakia Hungary Portugal
Czech Republic Scotland Slovakia Spain France France

2A 1C 2D 1D
2B 3D/E/F 2E 2F

1A 1B 1F 1E
2C 3A/D/E/F 3A/B/C 3A/B/C/D




Portugal are aiming to defend the crown they won five years ago
12 2GG Tuesday June 15 2021 | the times

T TheEuros

How street views its

famous son after his
goal 523 yards away
upwards to Wembley,
TOMAS HILL making it seem as if all
LOPEZ-MENCHERO roads lead there.
It is easy to see how the
Neeld Crescent is only an young Sterling dreamt of
11-minute walk from representing his country
Wembley Stadium, which here, imagining the wall
has long since fallen quiet against which he kicked a
after Raheem Sterling’s football was the Wembley
goal gave England victory goal. This is where Sterling
in their opening match at a spent some of his
European Championship formative years, going to
finals for the first time. Copland Community
From the statue of School — now the Ark Elvin
Bobby Moore it is a short Academy — playing
walk past the London football for his first club,
Designer Outlet and two Alpha & Omega FC, and
hotels and over the tracks honing his technique.
of Wembley railway station It is the day after
to the bustling Wembley England’s 1-0 win against
Hill road, which connects Croatia at Euro 2020, and
to Harrow Road. the residents of Neeld
You pass a few takeaway Crescent still can’t believe
outlets and then it. It is quiet, there are few
a left turn on to people about and the only
Oakington Manor noise comes from a group
Drive brings you of workmen at the top
into residential of the avenue. Almost
territory. The exactly 24 hours ago
Wembley arch and 523 yards
comes in and out away in Wembley
of view behind Stadium, The gently sloping Neeld responded to those who Where he scored his first influence. Last year his son he even bought 550 FA
blocks of flats. Sterling — the Crescent, where Sterling, criticised his selection by England goal Theo wrote a piece for his Cup semi-final tickets for
Then you self-titled “Boy left, honed his technique Gareth Southgate in an school, entitled Your his old school in Harlesden
find yourself from Brent” from the age of 8 to 14 emphatic manner. favourite sportsman, about in 2019.
on Neeld — latched “He had a point to prove Sterling. “To see where he’s come
Crescent on to a Sterling has remained a and he did,” Michael According to Brown, the from to what he’s doing
with the Kalvin role model to those in the Brown, a Wembley Manchester City player now is inspirational,”
clearest view yet Phillips area and beyond. On resident, says. “He’s a good 523 yards heard about the tribute Zeshan Raja, who lives
of the ground — pass to kick- Saturday it was announced human being. The boy’s and promptly sent tickets near Neeld Crescent, says.
not only the arch, start England’s that the Manchester City good for the community, to an England friendly for “We’re so close to the
but half the campaign. Rarely and England forward for where he’s playing and the boy and his mother. It stadium. To know that one
90,000-seat have the words “Football’s would be appointed MBE how he’s a role model.” Where he fits the general picture of a of the players making a
stadium too. coming home” seemed for his services to racial Brown has first-hand grew up footballer who has stayed big difference is from here
The road slopes more apt. equality. Then Sterling experience of Sterling’s connected to his roots — means a lot.”

‘No pressure. No tension. Just pure joy’ TIMES PHOIOGRAPHER MARC ASPLAND
coming home” and believing this was scoring at Euro ’96 when I was eight. Rooney was there with his children
Watching the England the year the team will win a trophy
Arthur is at the same age now and
Raheem’s goal is one he will
and they were getting into it as well.
It just shows how there is
game through his son’s After a couple of seconds I looked remember for the rest of his life. something about the national team
to see how my eldest son, Arthur, had It would be hard to say who that galvanises the nation and when
eyes made the occasion reacted. He was jumping around and enjoyed the day more. An England you hear people say that the players
we had a big fist-pump together. shirt we ordered with Jordan’s name don’t care about England you should
even more special I understand I was in the privileged on it had not arrived in time for disregard it as utter nonsense.
for Adam Lallana position of being able to attend the
game thanks to Jordan Henderson,
Arthur, but he had another one he
wore instead.
Nothing is further from the truth.
Arthur has a good understanding of
my former Liverpool team-mate, who Driving over, I explained that the game, so he was telling me that
It has been a while since I have truly sorted out tickets. Being there with England’s players would be taking a England started well before saying
lost myself at a football match, at least Arthur made the day extra special. knee and asked him if he knew what Croatia were coming back and
when I have not been directly Covid restrictions mean that we it meant. enjoying more possession. His man of
involved. But when Kalvin Phillips have not been to a club game He said: “Is it like a minute’s the match? Tyrone Mings. He was
burst beyond Croatia’s defence and together since I moved to Brighton. If silence? Because someone has Lallana explained the importance of excellent and I thought he stood out
slipped a clever pass for Raheem we did at Liverpool, it might have passed away?” taking the knee to his son, Arthur along with Phillips and Declan Rice.
Sterling to score, the emotion of being been because I was injured, or left out And so we talked about the But there were lots of good
a fan kicked in. of the squad, and the experience is difference and why players have been I was so proud of him. The performances and there are a lot of
I was out of my seat at Wembley, completely different. Your mind is in a taking the knee to fight against importance of the crowd getting players who supporters can have a
punching the air and, for a moment, different place because you are racism. I told him, in general terms, it behind England cannot be stressed connection with. That is important
in my own little world. thinking about when you will be back was about showing support for an enough. When you are playing in a and credit to Gareth Southgate for
The contrast between that rush of fit again and maybe who is playing in issue that affects us all. That game, and especially a big cultivating that bond.
euphoria and the feeling of anxiety I your position. It’s wrong, but in those regardless of our background, our international, you feel, rather than The experience and the buzz of
had watching the World Cup in circumstances you feel like you’re skin colour, our religion or where we hear, the noise. There is a difference. being an England fan again means
Russia in 2018, having not made the letting your team down, so it’s not are from, that we all deserve equal Sometimes you cannot even hear that I will try and go to more games if
squad through injury, was stark. Back easy to compare. and fair treatment. He’s so inquisitive the instructions your manager is I can. I would like to go with my
then the fear of missing out on England-Croatia reminded me of that it was important to explain as shouting to you on the pitch, but if mates and my dad as well because
something had left me conflicted, but the father-son trips to matches I used much as I could, in a manner he there is a big wave of sound then you this could be an iconic tournament.
this was like a release. to have as a kid. Going to Dean Court would understand. I’m not ashamed can feed off that. I genuinely believe we can go all
There was no pressure. No tension. to watch Bournemouth, or travelling to say it was a humbling experience as Look at the goal. The stadium the way. Yes, some big teams will lie
I could just enjoy the game. Three up to Goodison Park because we were a parent. erupted and straight away, England in wait, but as I have said previously
years after my last cap against Italy in Everton fans. I wouldn’t swap the It was a poignant moment when were quicker. There was a spring in this is a team that now thinks “why
the same stadium, it was almost like time we spent together on Sunday the players knelt just before kick-off the step of the players. That is the can’t we win?”
being transported back to the start of for anything. and while there were some boos, the benefit of getting behind this team. 6 Adam Lallana has asked for a fee
my career, watching England in the My first memory of a major applause quickly drowned them out. Jamie Redknapp was sitting not far from his columns to be donated to
pub with my mates, singing “It’s tournament was of Paul Gascoigne Arthur cheered and clapped loudly — from us with one of his boys; Wayne Rowans Hospice

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