Surefire Badminton Drills

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While attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication,
neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibilities for errors,
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whatsoever for any injuries sustained for using the training methods in this book.

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Page No.

1. Introduction 4

2. Chapter 1: Some basics

- Basic 1: The grip 6
- Basic 2: Taking shots from the highest
point 10
- Basic 3: Footwork 11

3. Chapter 2: Training method 1

Shadow and shuttle drills
- Step 1 drills 16
- Step 2 drills 28

4. Chapter 3: Training method 2

Shuttle control drills
- Step 1 drills 41
- Step 2 drills 54

5. Chapter 4: Training method 3

Multiple shuttles drills
- Step 1 drills 66
- Step 2 drills 74

6. Chapter 5: Training method 4

Physical exercises
- Step 1 shadow drills 80
- Step 2 shadow drills 85
- Step 1 agility exercises 88
- Step 2 agility exercises 92
- Sprinting 95
- Body circuit exercises 96

7. Summary 98

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Sure Fire Badminton Drills

It gives us great pleasure to write this book and share with you badminton drills
that are being practiced and mastered by world class badminton players

Through the many emails that have been sent to us on www.badminton-, we have come to realize that there is a lack of information for
many badminton players who want to learn more about badminton training
techniques. That is why worked closely with a
professional player Andrew Chang, who has contributed to this book the training
methods that has helped him improve his badminton game.

Andrew has been training for approximately 10 years by a Malaysian badminton

club that is head coached by Misbun Sidek and Rahman Sidek, the infamous
Sidek brothers who have won many international badminton titles. Andrew is
currently coaching at a few badminton academies in Malaysia.

As you may be well aware of, Malaysia is one of the ‘GIANT’ nations in the world
of badminton, whereby many badminton stars have hailed from. These
badminton stars include the likes of Eddie Chong, Tan Yee Khan, the Sidek
Brothers, Foo Kok Keong, Ong Ewe Hock and the more recent singles player
Lee Chong Wei and up and coming doubles players Koo Kien Keat and Tan
Boon Heong.

We have identified 4 training methods that consist of 35 drills and 9 physical

exercises to help you take your game to the next level. These training methods
are currently used by many badminton professionals around the world.

This is how the book is structured:

1. Starting with the basics – the grip, the footwork and basic positioning

2. We will take you through each one of the 4 training methods

3. Each training methods consist of drills and these drills are categorized into:
- Step 1 drills
- Step 2 drills

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4. Step 1 drills are normally performed by beginners. The footwork and shots
required are simple. It is mainly performed to strengthen player's basic skills
and footwork.

5. Step 2 drills are slightly more difficult than step 1 drills. Once you are
comfortable with Step 1 drills for each of the 4 training method you are ready
to move on to Step 2 drills.

6. After a few hours working on skills in the court, it is time to work on physical
fitness and ability as well. Physical exercises are normally done at the end of
training sessions. Why are fitness exercises always at the last? It is because
players can develop not only physical strength but mental strength as well
when pushing themselves during exhaustion.

With practice, we guarantee that you can take your game to the next level. Enjoy
reading the e-book.

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Chapter 1
Some basics
Basic 1: The Grip
It is essential to have the correct grip in order to play good and high quality
Badminton. Without a correct grip, your room for improvement will be very
limited. This is because an incorrect grip will limit the range of your strokes and
will reduce power of your shots.

Every player, especially beginners have to learn to hold the racket properly
because it will determine the way you play the game, it will determine your skills
and also the level you will reach in Badminton. An incorrect grip will result in
using more arm movements to execute your shots instead of using your wrist.
You won’t be able to vary the pace and the angle of your shots without wristwork.

* Characteristic of different grips

You have to adjust or change your grip in order to cope with different situations.
Every shot has different grip handling. Certain players like to shorten their grip to
gain more control in their shots. And also in order to get the angle for the shot,
you have to use your fingers to twist the racket in your hand.

Many people often ask this question: “how tight should I hold the racket?” Well,
the grip should not be too tight or too loose. If you hold the racket too tight, you
are locking your wrist. And if you hold it too loose, you will lose the racket control.
The pressure of your hand should be just nice.

There are basically two types of grip which is the forehand and backhand grip.
Let’s look into the forehand grip first. Hold the racket by its throat with your non-
racket hand and with your racket hand shake hands with the racket. The butt of
your racket should be facing you instead. Place your index finger on top of the
handle to ensure some space in the “V” groove.

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* Forehand Grip
The backhand grip is slightly different from the forehand grip. Hold the racket by
its throat with your non-racket hand and with your racket hand shake hands with
the racket. Turn the racket anti-clockwise so that the “V” between thumb and
forefinger lies along the top side of the handle in line with the shaft and outer side
of the frame. Place your thumb against the back bevel of the handle for greater
leverage and power.

* Backhand grip

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* Incorrect grip

Here are some examples of how players hold the racket wrongly and it should be

* Changing your grip

It is best to get used to changing grips and should be practiced outside the court.
Start off with the basic forehand grip and use your fingers to change it to a
backhand grip. Keep practicing it until it comes naturally to you.

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Basic 2: Taking shots from the highest point
One important note that you should know for all your drill practices is that all the
shots produced must be taken from the highest point. It is at the highest point
that advantages can be gained.

You will have more option to place the shuttle, more chances to make a kill and
also have more time to create deception. Pictures below show the examples on
how shots are taken from the highest point.

Overhead Shots: You will have more options on where to place your shots such
as: lob, drop, smash, chop etc.

Block Shots: You can return the shuttle with better placing.

Net play: You will be able to create a slightly more difficult shot for opponent to
return such as spinning net shots.

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Lifting: The quality of the lift will be better.

Tap: If you are fast enough to play the shot from the highest point, chances to kill
the shuttle is much higher.

* When you are waiting for your opponent’s return, it is good to skip a little on the
balls of your feet.

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Basic 3: Footwork
In badminton, footwork is one of the most important fundamentals that every
player should master. You cannot be doing all these drills and exercises without
the correct footwork. These pictures below show the basic footwork that are often
applied in the actual matches.

Moving to the baseline (forehand)

A) Standby and get ready in the middle of the court. B) Push off with your right
leg and turn your body clockwise. C) Skip with both legs to the shuttle to hit the
forehand shot at the baseline. D) Push off with both legs and go for the next shot.

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Moving to the baseline (Around the Head)

A) Get ready in the middle of the court. B) Push off with both legs and turn
your body to face the shuttle. C) Hit the shuttle and bring your right leg and
right shoulder to the front. D) Push off and go for the next shot.

Moving to the net Backhand

A) Get ready with your left leg behind. B) Take small step forward with left leg.
C) Lunge with right leg for final step.

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Moving to the net Forehand

A) Get in your ready position. B) Take small step forward with left leg. C) Lunge
forward with your right leg.

Receiving a Forehand smash

A) Lean your body to the right. B) Lunge with your right leg and stretch out your
hand to take the smash at the forehand.

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Receiving a Backhand smash

A) Lean your body to the left. B) Turn your body and bring your right leg across.
Lunge your right leg and stretch your hand to take the smash at the backhand.

Side to side forehand smash

A) Get in your ready position. B) Bend both of your knees and bounce off the
ground jumping to the forehand side. C) Jump with both of your legs as far as
possible to your forehand side.

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Side to side Around the Head smash

A) Get in your ready position. B) Bend both of your knees and bounce off the
ground jumping to the around the head side. C) Jump with both legs as far as
possible to your around the head side.

Backhand footwork

A) Get your ready position. B) Move into position where your right leg are
stretched to the back. C) Follow through.

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Chapter 2
Training Method 1
– Shadow and shuttle drills
We are now going to focus on the training methods that will improve your play.
There are many training methods that are usually done by Badminton players.

The purpose of all these trainings is basically to bring the player’s game to the
next level and each training involves badminton drills.

A badminton drill will normally involve 2 people. One will of course perform the
drills whilst another person will feed the shuttle. In these trainings, shadow
strokes are combined with actual strokes to increase skills and shot accuracy.

I am going to explain 11 drills here. The first 5 drills are categorized as step 1
drills while the remaining 6 are step 2 drills.


Player A’s movements

Player A’s strokes

Area that Player A should aim

Step 1 Drills
Step 1 drills are normally done by beginners. The footwork and shots required
are simple.

It is mainly done to strengthen player's basic skills and footwork. These exercises
certainly help players to be consistent and accurate in their shots. In a real
match, a player who is accurate and consistent under pressure could drive his
opponent to commit unforced errors and make wrong decisions.

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Although the footwork required in these drills is mostly simple it can be very
tiring. Once you are familiar with simple footwork, it is easier to learn other more
complex or complicated footwork.

Even an advanced player needs to do Step 1 drills in order to maintain their basic

Training Method 1: Step 1 Drills– Drill 1

Drill 1- Half court shadow smash & follow up

Player A: -

1. In this drill, player A will start from

point 1.

2. He will begin with a shadow smash

at point 1 and runs to the centre X.

3. After reaching the center, he should

follow up with lunging in front to point 2
to tap the shuttle.

4. After taping the shuttle, player A

should quickly reverse to point 1 to do
another shadow smash.

5. 8 shuttles in repetition of 3 sets.

6. Once you get fitter, you can add the

number of shots as you wish.

7. This drill should be done in fast pace

in order to gain maximum benefits.

Player B:

1. Player B should throw the shuttle to

point 2 for player A to tap.

2. He must wait until player A reaches

point X first before throwing the shuttle.

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Training Method 1: Step 1 Drills – Drill 1

* The Benefits For Player A:

1. To improve speed

In this drill, player A needs to skip or shuffle as quick as possible in order to

reach the shuttles. By rushing to the net quickly for a net kill, it will automatically
increase leg’s speed. In modern badminton games, speed is a major requirement
that every players need to have in order to win a game. From this drill, Player A
will run to the middle first before lunging into the net for a net kill.

2. Shot anticipation

It also improves shot anticipation as player A keep rushes to the front for a net
kill. Shot anticipation is referred to a condition where players move slightly earlier
than their opponent in order to kill the shots. Once you have the speed going to
the front, it will help to develop shot anticipation skills.

3. Increase endurance level

Covering half the court and rushing quickly to the net for a kill may be very tiring.
In order to sustain in this condition, player needs a certain endurance level. By
pushing yourself and maintaining your speed when you are exhausted will
automatically increase your endurance level as well.

4. Game Applied

This drill is mainly used in singles. You need to recover back to your center
position before and after retrieving each shot in the game. By practicing it, you
will not create a bad habit by not returning to the center.

After mastering the tap at the front court, you can try to master other skills such
as lift, push or cross court net shots.

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Training Method 1: Step 1 Drills – Drill 1

* For Player B:

Picture 1 Picture 2

The 2 pictures above shows Player B throwing the shuttle in a correct way.

- In order to throw the shuttle up high, use your arm strength and throw it as if
you are lobbing the shuttle (Picture 1)

- To throw the shuttle slightly at the net level, just use a bit of strength and throw
softly at the net area. (Picture 2)

* The Benefits:

1. Increase hand power

Throwing the shuttle consistently can be very tiring especially in the hand area.
However, it can be very useful as it increases the hand’s strength so that players
can produce more powerful shots in the game.

2. Improve consistency

Throwing the shuttles for player A needs good consistency. If player B keeps
making errors and throws to the wrong places, the drill wont be useful. In order to
gain the benefits of the training, player B needs to throw the shuttle accurately.
This can be applied in an actual game as well as accuracy and consistency plays
important roles in winning the game.

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Training Method 1: Step 1 Drills – Drill 2

Drill 2: Triangular drill & follow up

Player A:

1. Player A starts with a shadow smash

at point 1.

2. After smashing, he must quickly

move to point 2 to execute another
shadow smash.

3. After smashing at point 2, player A

shall quickly move to point 3 to tap the

4. Reverse back to point 1 again to

execute another shadow smash and
continue the rally.

5. 8 shuttles in repetition of 3 sets.

Player B:

1. Player B throws the shuttle to point 3

for player A to tap.

2. Before throwing the shuttle, he must

wait for player A to reach point x, the
center of the court.

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Training Method 1: Step 1 Drills – Drill 2

* The Benefits:
1. To improve speed

In order to follow up to the front for a net shot, players need certain speed
abilities. In this drill, player A will definitely develop leg speed when rushing to the
net. If the speed is not there in following up with net shots, it will result in you
lifting up the shuttle and being in a defensive position again. In order to maintain
the attack, you need to be fast in the court.

2. Jumping ability

In this exercise, player A needs to move quickly from one side of the rear court to
another side of the rear court. This movement consists of side to side footwork.
Many players reach to another side of the rear court by jumping. Jumping is good
because you can take the shots from the highest and the fastest point. In this
drill, you will develop jumping abilities from consistently jumping to the sides of
the court.

3. Game applied

In doubles, side to side movements are very significant. This drill will help you to
be fast in side to side movements as well as follow up which is needed in
doubles game.

After mastering the net skills, player A can try other skills at the front court such
as cross court net, tap or lift.

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Training Method 1: Step 1 Drills – Drill 3

Drill 3: Front Coverage

Player A:

1. Start from Point X, the center of the


2. First lunge to the front (point 1), and

lift the shuttle that is fed by player B.

3. Reverse back to the middle, point X

after lifting the shuttle in point 1.

4. Now lunge to the other side of front

court (point 2) to lift up another shuttle.

5. 10 shuttles in repetition of 4 sets.

Player B:

1. Throws the shuttle to point 1 and

point 2.

2. Must wait for player A to be ready at

the middle point X before throwing the

3. To increase difficulty, throw the

shuttle faster to point 1 and 2.

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Training Method 1: Step 1 Drills – Drill 3

* The Benefits:
1. To improve on defence

You will be able to slow down the pace of the game when under pressure. If you
are facing an opponent who has deadly drop shots you need to be fast enough to
retrieve all his shots. So it is important to slow the game down especially so
when playing against fast opponent. In this drill, you will go to the front and lift up
the shuttles delivered by player B which will improve your defensive style of play.

2. Increase leg’s strength

In this drill, player A will have to keep on lunging forward so that they can retrieve
the shuttles in the front court area. By consistently bending down, it will help
increase the leg’s strength.

3. Improve the quality of lifting shots

By consistently lifting up the shuttles, the quality of the lob will be better. In order
to get yourself to recover to the middle in actual games, you need to lift the
shuttle high and deep. The idea is to give you time to recover to the middle as
the shuttle flies to your opponent’s court.

When player A has mastered the lift in the front court, they can try other skills
such as net shots, tap and push. These skills can help players to change into an
attacking position rather than keep defending an opponent’s attack.

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Training Method 1: Step 1 Drills – Drill 4

Drill 4: Back Coverage

Player A:

1. Start from point X, the middle of the


2. Skip to point 1 and lob the shuttle to

the rear court.

3. After that, player A should quickly

return to the centre and skip to point 2
to execute another lob to the rear court.

4. The lobbing in this drill must be high

and deep.

5. 20 lobs in repetition of 4 sets

Player B:

1. Stands in front of player A.

2. Throws the shuttle to point 1 and

point 2

3. Must wait for player A to return to the

center point X before throwing the

4. To increase difficulty, throw a slightly

faster shuttle in order to increase
player A’s speed.

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Training Method 1: Step 1 Drills – Drill 4

* The Benefits:
1. The ability to slow the game down

The benefit of this drill is slightly the same as Drill 3 in which player A will have
the skill to slow the game down. But it is slightly different in this exercise as
player A will reverse to the rear court and produce a high lob to the rear court.
Lobbing to the middle of the rear court can be the safest shot in certain situations
of the game as it limits your opponent’s shots angles.

2. Increase endurance level

Moving to the rear court and using energy to lob the shuttle requires a lot of
physical ability. By continuously doing this drill, it increases your endurance level
and can sustain physically demanding games.

3. Fluid movements

Rear court footwork demands a lot of energy and strength. Once you have
mastered the reverse footwork, it would be much easier to learn other footwork
as well and it will develop fluid movements in your game.

After mastering the lob in the rear court in this drill, players can try to master
other skills such as smash, drop and fast drop shots. The idea is to change your
position from defensive to attacking position.

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Training Method 1: Step 1 Drills – Drill 5

Drill 5: Smash & Tap

Player A:

1. Start with a shadow smash at the

baseline (point 1) and rush across to
the front (point 2) to tap the shuttle fed
by player B.

2. Quickly reverse to point 3 and do

another shadow smash.

3. Once again, run to the other side of

the front court (point 4) to tap another
shuttle that is fed by player B.

4. 10 shuttles in repetition of 4 sets.

Player B:

1. Stand in front of the court and throw

the shuttles to point 2 and 4.

2. Wait for player A to pass the center

X before throwing the shuttle.

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Training Method 1: Step 1 Drills – Drill 5

* The Benefits:

1. To improve on speed

In this drill, player A needs speed in order to rush to the front court to kill the
shots. Other than that, players have to move diagonally in this drill. Moving
diagonally demands a lot of strengths than moving straight as the distance of the
court are further. When players face tough training, it will be much easier for
them to move quickly in the real games.

2. Improve aggression skills

An aggressive player normally has fast movements and powerful shots. In this
drill, player A will have the chance to sharpen their offensive skills as they have
to do shadow smashes and run quickly to the net.

After mastering the tap in the front courts, you can try other skills such as push
and cross court net. The idea of it is to make your opponent guessing on which
shots you will play. This is where deception comes to play.

In conclusion, step 1 exercises are simple but tiring. You have to consistently
push yourself in order to gain the benefits of the training. We are now going to
focus on step 2 drills which are more complex and require more advanced skills.

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Step 2 Drills
Step 2 drills are slightly more difficult than step 1 drills. Once you have already
reached the next level of your game and wish to try tougher drills, here are 6 of it.

Step 2 drills require more cross court movements than step 1 drills. Therefore,
players need to have more advanced skills and strong basics in order to undergo
step 2 exercises.

Drill 1: Smash, Lift & Whip

Player A:

1. Start from Point X, the center of the


2. Lunge to the front (point 1) to do a

shadow lift.

3. Then skip to point 2 and whip your

racket as if you are defending an
opponent’s smash.

4. After defending, quickly move to the

rear court (point 3) and smash the
shuttle fed by player B.

5. Follow up to the front (point 1) after

smashing and repeat the drill.

6. 6 smashes in repetition of 3 sets

each side.

Player B:

1. Stand in front of player A.

2. Player B should wait for player A to

cross the centre line before throwing
the shuttle to point 3.

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Training Method 1: Step 2 Drills – Drill 1

* The Benefits:

1. To improve on leg’s strength

Player A will have to bend down and jump to the baseline a lot in this drill. By
doing so, it will increase your leg’s strength. In order to retrieve every shot in the
game, player needs strong legs to support their movements. You can develop it
in this drill.

2. Improve counter attack

This exercise will help to develop your counter attacking abilities as you will have
to straight away jump and skip to the rear court to smash after retrieving all under
hand shots.

3. Improve defence

Defending each shot from the opponent requires strong legs and solid footwork.
In this exercise, you can train up your defense as you keep bending and
executing shadow lifts.

4. Game Applied

In a real game, you can surprise your opponent by creating a sudden smash in a
rally. This drill requires both defensive and offensive style of play. Players can
apply it to change the pace of the game in order to pressure the opponent.

After mastering the smash at the rear court in this drill, player A can try other
skills such as slow and fast drop shots. The idea of these shots in this drill is to
confuse the opponent by pretending that you are going to smash the shuttle but
instead drops to the front court.

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Training Method 1: Step 2 Drills – Drill 2

Drill 2: Defensive Drills

Player A:

1. Start from Point X, the center of the


2. Lunge into point 1 to do a shadow

whip on your racket as if you are
defending an opponent’s attack.

3. Next, move to point 2 and do

another defensive shadow whip.

4. Now, rush to the front court (point 3)

and net the shuttle fed by player B.

5. Move to another side of front court

(point 4) to do another net shot.

6. Skip back to point 1 and repeat the


7. 10 shuttles x 3 sets each side.

Player B:

1. Player B stands in front of the court

and throw the shuttles into point 3 and

2. He should wait for player A to reach

the centre line first before throwing the

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Training Method 1: Step 2 Drills – Drill 2

* The Benefits:
1. Improve leg’s strength

In this exercise, players will develop leg’s strength by taking all the shots quickly.
As I mentioned earlier, when players are defending, they need strong legs to
support their movements. In this drill, you will develop strong legs.

2. Increase Speed

To win a game, you have to defend well and also have quick movements. This
drill will help to increase speed as you will have to stretch to retrieve all under
hand shots. By consistently pushing yourself to maintain your speed, it will
automatically bring you up to the next level.

3. Sharpen net skills

You will have to do net shots when you reach 2 front corners in this exercise. As
you keep moving and continuously executing tight net shots, it will definitely
sharpen your net skills such as making it more consistent, accurate and also
more deadly.

Other than net shots, you can develop other skills in this drill such as cross court
net, tap, lift or push in order to confuse the opponent during actual matches.

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Training Method 1: Step 2 Drills – Drill 3

Drill 3: Half court smash & Follow up

Player A:

1. Start in the middle (point X), shadow

smash and quickly rush to point 1 to
tap the shuttle fed by player B.

2. Then, reverse back to centre and do

another shadow smash.

3. Now, rush to another side of the

front court (point 2) to tap the shuttle

4. 10 shuttles x 6 sets

Player B:

1. Stand in the front court and throw

the shuttle to point 1 and 2 for player A
to tap.

2. Wait for player A to do the shadow

smash first before throwing the

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Training Method 1: Step 2 Drills – Drill 3

* The Benefits:
1. Follow up

It can improve your follow up as you need to rush quickly to the net after a
shadow smash at the mid court. In an actual game, players need to be fast
enough to follow up and kill an opponent’s weak return after smashing. Without
these abilities, you will have to take a longer time to kill off the game.

2. Increase endurance level

This drill helps you to increase your endurance level as you have to maintain
your speed to do a follow up, killing the weak return. In order to sustain in these
situations, you have to be fit enough to sustain the speed and the pace of the
game as well.

Other than tapping the shuttle in the front court, players can execute other shots
such as cross court net or push in order to put pressure on opponent in matches.

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Training Method 1: Step 2 Drills – Drill 4

Drill 4: Baseline smash

As you can see this drill looks similar to Drill 5 in step 1, it is actually a different
type of exercise. In this drill, Player A will move straight to tap the shuttle rather
than moving diagonally as in Drill 5 step 1.

Player A:

1. Firstly, shadow smash at the rear

court (point 1).

2. Then rush to the front (point 2) to tap

the shuttle fed by player B.

3. Now, reverse to another side of the

rear court (point 3) to execute another
shadow smash.

4. Once again, rush to the front (point

4) to tap the shuttle fed by player B.

5. Reverse back to Point 1 and do the

Drill over again.

6. 10 shuttles x 4 sets

Player B

1. Player B stands in the front court

and throws the shuttle to point 2 and 4.

2. Wait for player A to finish his shadow

smash at the rear court before throwing
the shuttle to the front.

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Training Method 1: Step 2 Drills – Drill 4

* The Benefits:
1. Increase speed

By keep moving in the whole court to take every shot, it will definitely improve on
your area of speed. By having speed, you won’t face many problems with fast
opponents. It would be even easier if you are playing with slow opponents when
you have the speed. This drill helps you to be fast as you will have to reverse all
the way to the baseline and rush quickly to the front to follow up.

2. Strengthens the leg

When player reverse and sprints in the court, he needs certain amount of leg’s
strength in order to stretch and go for the shuttles. As player B will consistently
throw the shuttles in front of the court, player A can develop leg’s strength by
continuously rushing in for a kill.

3. Game situation

In an actual match, players will benefit by finishing off the opponent quickly in the
game because of the fast follow up.

Player A can try other skills such as lift, net and also push after mastering the tap

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Training Method 1: Step 2 Drills – Drill 5

Drill 5: Backhand drop shot drill

Player A:

1. Start from the middle of the court

(point x).

2. Move to the rear court (point 1) and

drop the shuttle to the front by using

3. Then move straight forward to the

front court (point 2) and shadow lift.

4. After that, move to the other side of

the front court (point 3) to do another
shadow lift.

5. Reverse back to point 1 to drop

another shuttle by using backhand.
Continue the same rally.

6. 10 shuttles x 4 sets

Player B:

1. Stand in front of player A and throw

the shuttle to point 1.

2. He should wait for player A to reach

the centre line first before throwing the

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Training Method 1: Step 2 Drills – Drill 5

* The Benefits:
1. Improve backhand shot accuracy

In an actual match, you can’t be using around the head strokes all the time to
return an opponent’s shot in the backhand area. Sometimes you need to use the
backhand shot to keep the shuttles in as well. Most badminton players
(especially beginners) are weak in their backhand. Doing this drill will improve the
accuracy and consistency of your backhand drop.

2. Fluid movements

By consistently moving front and back while doing backhand drills, it will help you
gain a better footwork. The idea is to prevent you from developing a bad habit
such as staying at one corner after hitting each shot.

After mastering the backhand drop, player A can try other skills such as
backhand cross court drop or backhand fast drop shot.

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Training Method 1: Step 2 Drills – Drill 6

Drill 6: Backhand lob drill

Player A:

1. Start from the middle of the court

(point x).

2. Reverse to the rear court (point 1)

and lob the shuttle to the back by using

3. Move straight forward to the front

court (point 2) and shadow lift.

4. After that, move to the other side of

front court (point 3) to do another
shadow lift.

5. Reverse back to point 1 to lob

another shuttle by using backhand.
Continue the same rally.

6. 10 shuttles x 4 sets

Player B:

1. Stand in the front of player A and

throw the shuttle to point 1.

2. He should wait for player A to reach

the centre line first before throwing the

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Training Method 1: Step 2 Drills – Drill 6

* The Benefits:
1. To make your backhand shots more accurate and deadly

Most players especially at the amateur level are weak in their backhand. They
will drop to the front court whenever the opponent gives a really deep lob to the
backhand area. In this drill, player A will continuously lob to the rear court which
will make his backhand shot stronger. You will have a slight advantage in the
game because your backhand shots may be one of your strengths against your

2. Fluid movements

By consistently moving front and back while doing backhand drills, it will help you
gain a better footwork. The idea is to prevent you from developing a bad habit
such as staying at one corner after hitting each shot.

After mastering the backhand lob, player A can try other skills such as backhand
smash or cross court lob.

To make it clearer, here are the pictures on how to execute backhand shots.

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After explaining the 11 drills above, I would like to conclude that these exercises
are very tiring. But by giving your 100% effort in these drills, it will test your
endurance and certainly improve your stamina and mental strength to last longer
in the court.

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Chapter 3
Training Method 2
– Shuttle Control Drills
Chapter 2 explains the 11 Badminton drills and the importance of it. Now we are
going to discover the second part of the training methods which is shuttle control.

Shuttle control is mainly about 1 player (The trainer) standing at 1 corner guiding
the trainee. The trainees in this training should return all the shots to the player
who is guiding him.

This training method has a lot of benefit such as:

1. Increase endurance level

2. Strengthen leg’s strength
3. Increase shot’s accuracy and consistency
4. Improving concentration level
5. Increasing speed and the ability to maintain the speed
6. To condition yourself for long rallies
7. To sharpen the quality of shots

In shuttle control drills, players have to take note of a few things:

* For player A (The trainee):

- Play safe shots. Do not play tricky shots such as double motion or tight spinning
net shots.

- Keep all the shots in play as long as possible until it reaches the number of
shots that has been set to be played.

- Do this exercise as fast as possible.

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* For player B (The trainer):

- Keep all the shots simple and safe as well.

Both players should keep all shots simple and safe. There is no point doing it
when one does a lot of unforced errors. Keep the shots in as long as possible
until it reaches the number of shots that are supposed to be played. Take every
shot, reduce unforced errors.
Therefore, all the shots should be taken at the highest and fastest points. It will
definitely increase shot consistency and accuracy. Other than that, you will be
able to last longer in the court.

Highest point (a reminder)

In doing the shuttle control, it is important to take every shot from the highest and
fastest point. The chances for the shot to kill the opponent are bigger when it is
taken from the highest point. Here are some pictures of how player should hit the

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Area that should be aimed by player A

Player B’s strokes

Player A’s strokes

Player C’s strokes

*Step 1 Drills
Step 1 shuttle control drills are mainly done to strengthen player's basic skills.
The shots required in this exercise are simple. It certainly helps players to be
consistent and accurate in their shots.

In a real match, a player who is accurate and consistent under pressure could
pressure his opponent to commit unforced errors and make wrong decisions.

Some of the exercises below involve half court coverage only. Half court
movement requires simple footwork. However, it may be very tiring. Once you
can take all the shots in half court, it is easier to learn other more complex or
complicated footwork.

Other than that, it also increases power as well. It is harder to kill the opponent in
the half court game than the full court game. Why is it so? When you are
attacking, the area for you to place your smash is only towards the middle of your
opponent’s court in which he stands. Once you mastered the attacking skills in
half court, it will be much easier to kill your opponent in a real full court game.

Even an advance player needs to do step 1 exercise in order to maintain their

basic skills.

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Training Method 2: Step 1 Drills – Drill 1

Drill 1: Half court front shuttle control

Player A:

1. Firstly, player A starts with getting

ready at point X.

2. Player B will then deliver the shuttle

towards Player A.

3. Player A will take all shots at the

highest point and play all shots to
player B’s front court.

4. Reach all the shots as early as


5. Smash as hard as possible after

hearing ‘Smash’ from Player B.

6. Player B will block it to the front

where by player A will continue to play
all shots to the front.

Player B: -

1. Deliver the shuttle to Player A

2. Stand near the front court and

control the shuttle front and back.

3. After every 6 or 7 shots played,

player B should shout “smash”.

4. Player A should smash as hard as

possible to player’s B side of court.

5. Player B just has to block it to the


6. Player A will have to follow up to the

front and continue the rally.

7. 20 shots in repetitions of 3 sets.

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Training Method 2: Step 1 Drills – Drill 1

* The Benefits:

1. Improves consistency on front games

This drill will certainly help you to be consistent and accurate when hitting the
shuttle to your opponent’s front court. Hitting to the front court helps to set up an
attack. Many players set up their attacking game from the front court.

Once you have good and accurate net skills at the front court, your opponent will
most likely commit errors such as not lifting up the shuttle deep enough and
presents you an opportunity to smash. The shots that are executed to the front
needs to be consistent and fast as well in order to put more pressure on the

2. Increase concentration level

It helps you to concentrate as each mistake counts. There is no point in doing

this drill if you keep making unforced errors.

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Training Method 2: Step 1 Drills – Drill 2

Drill 2: Half Court Baseline Shuttle control.

Player A:

1. Firstly, player A starts with getting

ready at point X.

2. Player B will then deliver the shuttle

towards Player A

3. Player A shall take all shots at the

highest point and lob all shots to the
rear court where Player B is standing
including Player B’s Smash.

4. Reach all the shots as early as


5. Smash as hard as possible after

hearing ‘Smash’ from Player B.

6. Player B will block it to the front

where by player A will continue to play
all shots to the rear court.

Player B:

1. Deliver the shuttle to Player A.

2. Stand at the back of the court and

control the shot front and back.

3. Example of shots that can be given

to player A are lob, smash and drop

4. Once again, after every 6 or 7 shots

player B should shout “smash”.

5. Like exercise 1, player A should

smash as hard as possible to player
B’s side of court.

6. Player B just has to block the smash

to the front.

7. Player A will follow up and continue

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the rally.

8. 20 shots in repetitions of 3 sets.

Training Method 2: Step 1 Drills – Drill 2

* The Benefits:
1. Helps to slow down the game’s pace

Sometimes when you cannot keep up with your opponent’s speed in a match, the
only way to relieve the pressure is of course by slowing down the game. By
returning all the shots to the back with high and deep lob, you will be able to get
back into position as the shuttle travels to your opponent’s court.

2. Creates sudden attacking ability

From defensive, you can quickly change your game by executing a sudden
attack to your opponent. In this exercise, you will have to lob every single shot to
the rear court until player B shouts "smash", you then have to smash as hard as
possible. You can use this method in an actual game which will result in creating
an unexpected shot.

3. Improve defensive style of play

This exercise can improve your defensive style of play as player B will be
attacking frequently. You have to keep your focus as defending opponent’s
attack requires a high concentration level.

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Training Method 2: Step 1 Drills – Drill 3

Drill 3: Cross court (front) Shuttle control.

Player A:

1. Firstly, player A starts with getting

ready at point X.

2. Player B will then deliver the shuttle

towards Player A.

3. Player A shall take all shots at the

highest point and play all shots to the
front cross court.

4. Reach all the shots as early as


5. Smash cross court as hard as

possible after hearing ‘Smash’ from
Player B.

6. Player B will block it to the front

cross court.

7. Player A will continue to play all

shots to the front cross court.

Player B: -

1. Deliver the shuttle to Player A

2. Stand near the front court and

control the shuttle front and back cross

3. Every 6 or 7 shots, player B should

shout "smash"

4. Player A will then smash as hard as

possible. This time, he has to smash
cross court.

5. Player B shall block it back to the

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front cross court.

6. Player A follows up and continue to

play all shots back to the front cross

7. 20 shots in repetitions of 3 sets each

side (left and right)

Training Method 2: Step 1 Drills – Drill 3

* The Benefits:
1. Create Unexpected shots ability

Doing this exercise will train you to create unexpected shots. The unexpected
shots are referring to all the cross court skills. To develop consistent cross court
skills requires a lot of time and it is more risky in certain situations. Once you are
accurate and consistent in your cross court shots, it is easier to confuse your
opponent because you will have a lot of choices to place your shots.

2. Improves accuracy and consistency

As I mentioned, cross court shots might be very risky. You need to be more
consistent and accurate in your shots in order to pile up the pressure on your
opponent. Once the accuracy and consistency are there, you can produce deadly
cross court shots in the game.

3. Helps to improve drop shots skills

To be effective, the quality and accuracy of the shot must be good enough to
make your opponents cover as much of their court as possible.

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Training Method 2: Step 1 Drills – Drill 4

Drill 4: Cross court (baseline) shuttle control

Player A:

1. Firstly, player A starts with getting

ready at point X.

2. Player B will then deliver the shuttle

towards Player A

3. Player A shall take all shots at the

highest point and lob all shots to the
rear cross court where Player B is
standing including Player B’s cross
court smash.

4. Reach all the shots as early as


5. Smash cross court as hard as

possible after hearing ‘Smash’ from
Player B.

6. Player B will block it to the front

cross court.

7. Player A will continue to play all

shots to the rear cross court.

Player B:

1. Deliver the shuttle to Player A.

2. Stand at the back of the court and

control player A with any cross court

3. Every 6 or 7 shots, player B shout


4. Player A shall execute a cross court

smash to player B's side.

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5. Player B blocks it to the front cross

6. Player A follows up and continue to

play all shots back to the rear cross

7. 20 shots in repetition of 3 sets each

side (left and right).

Training Method 2: Step 1 Drills – Drill 4

* The Benefits:
1. To develop an attacking shot

Cross court lob can be also an attacking shot in certain situation in the game.
However, it works best when opponents are caught out of their rear court
corners. Cross court lob can be done quickly and slowly. The quick lob is
referring to attacking lob. Players need to know how to use different shots in
different situations in the game.

2. To improve the qualities of lob

Executing a cross court lob is more difficult compared to straight lob. You will
have to use more energy when lobbing diagonally. Therefore, by sharpening the
consistency of lob in this drill, it will help to bring you up to the next level. By
getting the shuttle behind your opponents or making them move more rapidly
than they would like, they will have less time and will become more fatigued.

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Training Method 2: Step 1 Drills – Drill 5

Drill 5: Drop, smash and follow up shuttle control

Player A:

1. Player A starts from the middle of

the court (point x).

2. Player B shall serve to point 1.

3. Player A shall move to the rear court

(point 1) and drop cross court to player

4. Player B shall then lift the shuttle to

point 2.

5. Player A will have to travel from

point 1 to point 2 to do a straight

6. After smashing, rush to the front

(point 3) to follow up with a simple net

7. Reverse back to point 1 to execute

another cross court drop and continue
the same rally.

Player B:

1. Stand near the front court and

deliver the shuttle to point 1.

2. Lift the cross court drop from Player

A to Point 2.

3. After player A smash, player B

should block it to point 3 and player A
shall follow up with a net shot.

4. Lift the shuttle back to Point 1

5. 8 smashes in repetitions of 3 set

each side (left and right).

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Training Method 2: Step 1 Drills – Drill 5

The Benefits:

1. Improves the ability to set up for attacking game

In order to be offensive in the game, you need to know how to set up for your
attacking. Executing a good cross court shot will present you with this

2. Sharpen attacking skills:

By smashing regularly in this training, it would help to sharpen your attacking

skills. The accuracy, consistency and the power of the smash plays an important
role in pressuring your opponent. In this drill, players would smash to the same
spot over and over again. Therefore, they will have the confidence to produce
sharp, steep and stinging smashes in the actual match.

3. Increase endurance level:

As you have to move quickly and smash as hard as possible, you will actually
need a high level of fitness. By pushing yourself in this drill even though you are
exhausted, it will automatically increase your stamina and mental strengths as

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* Step 2 Drills
Now that we are done with step 1 Drills, we shall move on to step 2 Drills. I would
like to conclude that step 1 Drills are mostly to strengthen player’s basic skills.
We are now going to discover slightly tougher Drills in step 2.

Step 2 Drills involves mostly full court movements. The physical ability and skills
required are more complex and complicated. Step 2 drills concentrates more on
fluid movements and shots quality. It will also sharpen players’ reflex towards any

Drill 1: Full court (front) shuttle control

Player A:

1. Player A starts with standing at the

centre of the court (point x).

2. Player B will then deliver the shuttle

towards Player A.

3. Take every shot from the highest

point, drop and block all shots to the
front where Player B is.

4. Once player B shout "smash", player

A should smash cross court to player

5. After player C blocks the smash,

follow up and continue the rally and
play all shots to player B until another

Player B: -

1. Deliver the shuttle to Player A

2. Stand at the front court and control

the shot to all 4 corners.

3. Every 6 or 7 shots, player B should

lift the shuttle for Player A to smash
cross court to Player C and shout

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4. After player C defend the smash,

player A will follow up and continue the

5. 20 shots in repetitions of 3 set each


Player C: -

1. Player C will have to stand at the

other side of the court and block player
A's smash.

2. It is best that player C returns player

A’s smash to the front court. Do not try
to do difficult shots such as countering
the smash as this would affect the
effectiveness of the training.

Training Method 2: Step 2 Drills – Drill 1

* The Benefits:
1. Improve attacking play

In this exercise, you will run all over the court to return each shot given by player
B. You will then smash cross court to player C which will improve your cross
court attacking skills. Possessing cross court attacking abilities will keep your
opponent guessing your shots in which can be an advantage.

2. Fluid Movements

You will have to move in full court in this exercise and it will help to develop fluid
movements in the game. A graceful athlete is like poetry in motion. The
combination of their quick movements and sharp smashes executed in an
effortless way is simply fascinating. Moving full court continuously can
automatically improve your footwork.

3. Sharpen shot accuracy

By hitting to 1 corner while moving all over the court, it will automatically increase
the accuracy of your shots. In the actual match, you will have an edge by having
more options to place your shots no matter where you are standing.

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Training Method 2: Step 2 Drills – Drill 2

Drill 2: Full court (baseline) shuttle control

Player A:

1. Stand at the center of the court

(point x).

2. Player B will then deliver the shuttle

towards Player A.

3. Take all shots from the highest point

and lob to the rear court where player
B is standing.

4. Smash cross court to player C

whenever player B shouts "smash".

5. Follow up and continue the rally after

player C blocks the smash to the front.

6. Hit all shots to Player B until another


Player B:

1. Deliver the shuttle to Player A.

2. Stand at the back of the court and

control the shots to all 4 corners.

3. Every 6 or 7 shots, player B should

lift the shuttle for Player A to smash
cross court to Player C and shout

4. After player C defend the smash,

player A will follow up and continue the

5. 20 shots in repetitions of 3 sets each


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Player C:

1. Player C stands at the other side of

the court and defend player A's smash.
After that, player A has to continue the
same rally again.

Training Method 2: Step 2 Drills – Drill 2

* The Benefits:
1. Improve defensive style of play

This exercise helps to improve your defensive style of play as you keep lobbing
the shuttle to player B. When you have a good and consistent lob, it will pressure
your opponent as he will have less options to place his shots.

2. Create sudden attacking ability

It can also help you develop the ability to create a sudden attack while you are in
a defensive position. Although this technique is already mentioned in step 1, step
2 exercise can make the sudden attacking ability sharper as you consistently
move around the court.

3. Strengthen mental strengths

Running full court and using energy to lob the shuttle is very tiring. You will have
to focus and consistently run for every shot and this will improve your endurance,
concentration level and mental strength as well. Mental strength is referring to
the ability to stay focus and maintain the pace of the game while in a very
exhausting situation.

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Training Method 2: Step 2 Drills – Drill 3

Drill 3: Full court (front and baseline) shuttle control.

Player A:

1. Player A starts with standing at the

centre of the court (point x).

2. Player B will then deliver the shuttle

towards Player A.

3. Player A takes all the shots and

returns it to the front court like Step 2
drill 1.

4. This time, once player B shouts

"clear", lob the shuttle to the other side
of the rear court where player C is

5. Player C will either smash to the

body, down the line or cross court to
Player A.

6. Player A will have to defend it to

Player B and continue the rally.

7. 20 shots in repetitions of 3 sets each


Player B:

1. Deliver the shuttle to Player A

2. Stand at the front court and control

the shot to all 4 corners.

3. Every 6 or 7 shots, shout "clear".

4. Player A will continue to the rally

after blocking Player C’s smash.

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Player C:

1. Stand at the other side of the rear


2. Once player A lift the shuttle up,

smash straight, to left or right side of
player A.

Training Method 2: Step 2 Drills – Drill 3

* The Benefits:
1. Improve defense

In this exercise, it helps to improve your defensive style of play. When you are
under pressure in the game, you can lift up the shuttle high without the fear of
defending opponent's attack. Once you lift to player C, he will for sure smash to
either left, right and even at the body. Player A will have to return it to player B no
matter where he defends. This will help to improve the placing as well.

2. Increase concentration level

To defend an opponent’s attack, you need to have high concentration level. Even
the slightest slip on your focus may results in bad situations such as making
unforced errors. In this drill, player B will shout “lift” anytime. You will have to be
on full alert.

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Training Method 2: Step 2 Drills – Drill 4

Drill 4: Full court + (baseline & baseline) shuttle


Player A:

1. Stand at the center of the court

(point x).

2. Player B will then deliver the shuttle

towards Player A.

3. Take all shots from the highest point

and return it to the rear court where
player B is standing just like Step 2 drill

4. Whenever player B shouts "clear",

lob to the other side of the baseline
where player C is standing.

5. Player C will either smash to the

body, down the line or cross court to
Player A.

6. Player A will have to defend it to the

rear court where Player B is standing
and continue the rally.

7. 20 shots in repetitions of 3 set each


Player B:

1. Deliver the shuttle to Player A.

2. Stand at the back of the court and

control the shot to all 4 corners.

3. Every 6 or 7 shots, shout "clear".

4. Player A will continue to the rally

after blocking Player C’s smash.

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Player C:

1. Stand at the other side of the rear


2. Once player A lift up the shuttle,

smash down the middle, to left or right
side of player A's court.

Training Method 2: Step 2 Drills – Drill 4

* The Benefits

1. Improve defense:

This exercise mainly improves your defensive style of play. You will not be
allowed to smash in this drill.

2. Create abilities to counter attack:

No matter where you defend, you must whip the shuttle to the rear court where
player B is standing. If you do not possess enough power to whip the shuttle to
Player B, then whip it as hard as possible. You have to remember that a half
court clear will only create chances for opponents to execute another smash. But
when you can return back player C's attack to the baseline, you can create the
chance to counter attack in the game.

3. Increases leg’s strength

When player defends side to side, he needs a certain amount of leg strength in
order to stretch and go for the shuttles. As player C will consistently smash to the
sidelines, you can develop your leg’s strength by defending player C’s attack.

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Training Method 2: Step 2 Drills – Drill 5

Drill 5: Full court (front and back) shuttle control

Player A:

1. Stand at the center of the court

(point x).

2. Player B will then deliver the shuttle

towards Player A.

3. Take all shots from the highest point,

return it to the center baseline where
player B is standing.

4. Whenever Player B attacks, defend

the shot and play it back to player B or
just block it to the front where player C
is standing.

5. 20 shots in repetitions of 3 set each


Player B:

1. Deliver the shuttle to Player A.

2. Player B stands at the centre of the

baseline and control player A to 6

3. Most of the shots executed must be

smashes and fast drops.

Player C:

1. Player C stands in the middle of the

front court.

2. Whenever Player A defends Player

B's smash to the front, player C should
only control the shot back to A’s front

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Training Method 2: Step 2 Drills – Drill 5

The Benefits:

1. Improves recovery

This exercise improves your recovery. Whenever you are almost out of position
in the game, you can clear to the baseline without the fear of defending. Clearing
the shuttle into the middle can be the safest shot to play in real games because
your opponent will have fewer angles to place their shots. Player B will smash
anywhere to your court. You will have to return it either to the front or to the back
where player B and C are standing.

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Training Method 2: Step 2 Drills – Drill 6

Drill 6: Full court (Flat Drive) shuttle control

Player A:

1. Stand at the center of the court

(point x).

2. Take all the shots at the highest


3. In this exercise, Player B will hit

drive shots to 2 sides of player A's

4. Player A will have to return back all

the shots with flat drives to the middle
of the court where player B is standing.

5. 30 shots in repetitions of 4 sets.

Player B:

1. Stand in the middle of the court.

2. Control player A with hitting flat drive

shots to the left and right sides of
player A.

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Training Method 2: Step 2 Drills – Drill 6

* The Benefits:

1. Improve drive shots

This exercise improves on the quality of the drive shots. Drive shots are
important in the level doubles game. It can be used to create an open space for
players to kill or produce winners itself. In this drill, you have to drive to the centre
which improves the consistency and sharpness of drive shots.

2. Strengthen the hand

It strengthens your hand as hand movement plays important role in this exercise.
I recommend that in the 3rd set of this drill, player A use squash racket to return
the shot's to player B. It will improve shot's control as well as power. Once
squash racket is not a problem, using badminton racket will be much easier.

3. Increase speed and anticipation

In this exercise, you will have to consistently move from side to side and drive to
the centre of the court. By moving quickly from side to side in training, it will
increase the speed of anticipation in the actual match.

In conclusion, I would like to say that shuttle control has to be done with full
speed. The shots returned and the movements required have to be fast in order
to gain improvements. Shuttle control increases concentration level as well.

Sometimes when you are exhausted, you have to push your self and maintain
the speed of the game until the game ends. Concentration in the game comes to
play in this situation. By concentrating, you will be able to keep the shots
consistent and accurate even if you feel exhausted.

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Chapter 4
Training Method 3
– Multiple Shuttles Drills

Previously we have shown you how to do shuttle control drills. Now we are going
to move on to multiple-shuttle drills.

Multiple-shuttle drills are mainly done with 1 person delivering a lot of shuttles to
every corner of the court to train the players. For the trainee to get the most
benefit out of this training, the shuttles delivered to him must be accurate and
consistent. The person who is delivering it must have some skills in doing so.

From this training method, players can:

1. Improve shot accuracy and consistency

2. Increase endurance level
3. Strengthen leg’s strength
4. Improve concentration level
5. Increase speed and the ability to maintain the speed

In the multiple shuttle drills, player A (Trainee) and player B (Trainer) each play
important roles:

* Player A (Trainee):
1. In doing this drill, the quality of the shots is important. Player A should hit all
the shots accurately in this training regime.

2. Do this exercise as fast as possible. Take all the shots at the fastest and
highest point.

* Player B (Trainer):
1. Player B should deliver all the shuttles accurately. The shuttles delivered must
neither be too fast nor too slow.

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Multi-Shuttle feeding pictures

The pictures below will show you how Player B should continuously feed the
shuttles to player A.

A) Get into position with your left hand holding a row of shuttles while right hand
holding the racket. B) Take one of the shuttles with your racket hand from the
bottom of the row and hit it according to the targets.


Area that should be aimed by player A

Player B’s strokes

Player A’s strokes

Player A’s movements

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*Step 1 Drills
In step 1 Drills, the multi shuttle drills are simple. The skills and techniques
required are very basic as well. It is done to strengthen a player's basic skills. An
advance player will also need to focus on step 1 multi shuttle drills in order to
maintain their basic skills and keep their fundamentals strong.

Drill 1: Baseline multi-shuttle drill


1. Player A starts from the center of the

court (point x).

2. Player B will randomly deliver the

shuttles to all 4 corners.

3. Player A will have to retrieve all

shots to the baseline.

4. The red line in the diagram

represents the shots played by player
A which are the lobs.

5. 15 shuttles in repetition of 3 set.

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Training Method 3: Step 1 Drills – Drill 1

* The Benefits:
1. Improve defensive style of play

In a real game situation, you will be facing difficulties such as defending

opponent’s smash or other attacking shots. To overcome the pressure, you need
to make the game slower. This can be done by lobbing the shots to the baseline.
The lob has to be high and deep in order for you to recover back to the center

2. Increase speed

By consistently moving in the court to take every shot, it will definitely improve
your speed on the court. Speed is a very important component in the modern

3. Increase endurance level

In this exercise, player B will be delivering the shuttle nonstop without waiting for
you to fully recover to your position. In order to cope with the speed of the game,
you need to have a certain fitness level in order to sustain in the court. While
going for every shot in the game, your endurance level will automatically go up.

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Training Method 3: Step 1 Drills – Drill 2

Drill 2: Front multi-shuttle drill


1. Player A starts from the center of

the court (point x).

2. Player B will randomly deliver the

shuttles to 2 corners in the front court.

3. Player A will have to go forward to

the 2 corners in the front and play
simple net shots.

4. Player A will have to get back to the

center of the court after retrieving each

5. 15 shuttles in repetition of 3 set.

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Training Method 3: Step 1 Drills – Drill 2

* The Benefits:

1. Improve Net skills

Top players in the modern game capitalize on their near perfect net play in order
to set up an attacking shot for themselves. Therefore, the quality of the net shots
is important in modern games for putting pressure on opponent. In this exercise,
you have to move quickly to the front 2 corners and place a net shot. This will
definitely improve your shot’s accuracy and will sharpen your net game.

2. Increase speed in the front court

While player B keeps on delivering the shuttles to 2 corners at the front court,
you have to keep moving in order to reach the shuttles. By getting into a good
position to play a tight net shot, you need to reach the shuttle early. To do this
you need to have the speed. This exercise will help you to be fast at the net so
that you would consistently be in good positions to play a tight net shot.

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Training Method 3: Step 1 Drills – Drill 3

Drill 3: Smash & Tap multi-shuttle drill


1. Player A starts from the center of

the court (point x).

2. Player B will first deliver the shuttle

to Point 1, followed by Point 2, then
Point 3 and lastly Point 4. Repeat the
rally again after Point 4.

3. Player A will Smash at the rear

court (Point 1) and skip forward to the
front court (point 2) to tap the shuttle.

4. After taping the shuttle, Player A will

have to quickly reverse to another side
of the rear court (point 3) and smash.

5. After the smash, Player A will have

to rush to the front court (Point 4) to tap
another shuttle. Repeat the rally again
after Point 4.

6. 15 shuttles in 3 set.

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Training Method 3: Step 1 Drills – Drill 3

* The Benefits:
1. Improve follow up and attacking skills

In this drill, player A will have to smash and skip/shuffle as fast as possible to
reach another shuttle. During a real match, your opponent will in most occasions
defend your smash to the front of the net. You will need to move quickly enough
to the front in order to gain an advantage. This drill helps to train your follow up
so that you will have no problem in killing your opponent's weak return in the

2. Increase speed

By rushing quickly to the back and front of the court to play the shots, you need
to be fast. In this drill, you can improve your speed by committing to all the shots.
It will reflect in your real game.

3. Increase endurance level

It is very tiring for you to keep moving quickly in the court and killing all the
shuttles. By keeping your concentration and focus while you are exhausted, it will
not be a problem maintaining your attacking pace in the real matches.

This multi shuttle drill may look the same as the drills in previous training
methods which involve smashing and follow up. The difference between these
exercises are that multi shuttle drills involves shuttle hitting while previous drills
doesn’t involve any shuttle when smashing.

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*Step 2 Drills

In step 2 Drills, the skills and footwork needed are usually more complex. It is
also designed to let players endure a tougher and harder training.

Drill 1: Smash and net multi-shuttle drills


1. Player A starts from the center of the

court (point x).

2. Player B will first deliver the shuttle

to Point 1, followed by Point 2 then
lastly Point 3. Repeat the rally again
after Point 3.

3. Player A will smash at the rear court

(Point 1) and rush across the court to
the front (Point 2) to follow up with a
net shot.

4. After netting, Player A will quickly

move to the other side of the front court
(Point 3) to do another net shot.

5. After netting at Point 3, Player A will

reverse to Point 1 to continue the same

6. 15 shuttles in repetition of 3 sets.

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Training Method 3: Step 2 Drills – Drill 1

* The Benefits:

1. Improve game play

In this drill, you will smash at the baseline and follow up with 2 corners at the net.
The idea is to create alertness during the game. Sometimes when you play a net
shot, your opponent will return with a cross court net shot which will trouble you if
you are not alert. You have to commit to every shot in order to win the game.

2. Sharpen net skills

While rushing forward to go for a net shot after smashing, you need to have
sharp net skills in order to trouble the opponent. By netting in the front 2 corners
repeatedly, you can sharpen your net skills. The importance of the net shots is to
keep the shuttle low so that you will have the chance to continue your attacks.

3. Improve shot anticipation

When you move quickly to the net after a smash, you can develop the ability to
anticipate weak shots. It is important to have a good anticipation in order to gain
the advantage by moving a little bit earlier to kill off the shuttles.

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Training Method 3: Step 2 Drills – Drill 2

Drill 2: Defensive style multi-shuttle drill


1. Player A starts from the center of the

court (point x).

2. In this drill, it is advisable for player

B to stand on the chair so that it will be
easier to deliver attacking shots to
player A.

3. Player B will feed player A fast and

attacking shots to the sideline and the
body of player A.

4. Player A will retrieve all shots to the

back of the court as player B will
deliver attacking shots such as smash,
drop and fast drop shots.

5. 15 shuttles in repetition of 3 sets.

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Training Method 3: Step 2 Drills – Drill 2

* The Benefits:
1. Improves defensive skills

You will have to defend all the shots in this exercise. The attacking shots
executed by player B are sharper this time because he will be standing at the
chair delivering the shuttles. In this drill, you have to be alert and constantly
defending every single shot. Player B will attack all shots to the sidelines, body
and also front. By consistently pushing yourself to go for every shot, it will
definitely strengthen your defensive skills.

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Training Method 3: Step 2 Drills – Drill 3

Drill 3: Attacking Style multi-shuttle drill


1. Player A starts from the center of the

court (point x).

2. Player B will continuously feed half

court and high shots for player A to

3. Player A will smash and kill all the

high and half court shots.

4. This exercise has to be done with full

speed and power in order to gain the

5. 15 shuttles in repetition of 3 sets.

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Training Method 3: Step 2 Drills – Drill 3

* The Benefits:
1. Improve and sharpen attacking skills

This exercise is mainly to train your doubles game which requires a good
attacking skill. Killing all the shuttles in quick movements will increase your
hand's speed and anticipation. Every shot taken in this drill must be taken from
the highest point so that you will not develop a bad habit of smashing at a lower
point. You have to keep smashing the shuttle quickly as well as keeping them

2. Increase hand speed:

Player B will consistently deliver a lot of shuttles quickly into the air. In order to
bring all the shuttles down, you need to be fast especially in your hand. When
you have strong and fast hands, you will have the ability to maintain your
attacking pace in any situations during the match.

3. Increase endurance level:

When you smash the shuttle continuously, it is very tiring and exhausting. By
doing this exercise a couple of times, you will be fitter physically.

In order to gain the full benefit in this training method, you have to give your
100% effort in these drills. Multiple shuttle drills also improves mental strength as
you should maintain your speed no matter how exhausted and tired you are.

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Chapter 5
Training Method 4
– Physical Exercises
After a few hours working on skills in the court, it is time to work on physical
fitness and ability as well. Physical exercises are normally done at the end of
training sessions. Why are fitness exercises always at the last? It is because
players can develop not only physical strength but mental strength as well when
pushing themselves during exhaustion.

At the end of training, physical exercises consist of shadow drills, agility, and a
little bit of body circuit exercises as well.

*Step 1 - Shadow drills

In step 1 shadow drills, the footwork required are mostly simple. It is normally
done to strengthen player’s basic footwork. For beginners that are still in the
process of learning the game’s fundamentals, I encourage you to do these
shadow drills with badminton rackets.

However if you feel you are ready for advancement, it is advisable to use squash
racket to improve on strength. It is not encouraged for beginners to use squash
racket because they might risk injuring their wrist.

For your information, we also discussed about the shadow drills in the warming
up sessions. The difference between these shadow drills and the warming up
shadow drills is these shadow drills are meant to build up player’s mental
strength as it is done at the end of the training session.

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Training Method 4: Step 1 Drills – Drill 1

Drill 1: Front and Back Shadow drills

Player A:

1. Player A will start in the center of the

half court point x.

2. In this shadow drill, player A will only

move to front and back only.

3. The blue arrow represents the

movement of player A.

4. Reverse to the baseline and do a

shadow smash.

5. After reversing, rush forward to the

net and do some shadow net shots.

6. 15 times (1 direction = 1 time) in

repetition of 3 sets.

The Benefits:
1. To improve front and back movements

Front and back movements are the most basic footwork in badminton. Players
seem to move back and front more often than moving side to side. It is important
to master this footwork to be able to retrieve all shots.

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Training Method 4: Step 1 Drills – Drill 2

Drill 2: Front Shadow Drills

Player A:

1. Player A will start in the center of the

court point x.

2. Player A will only move to 2 corners

in front at the net.

3. Player B will point and guide player

A on which corner to move to.

4. Only front footwork is required in this


5. Player A can imagine as if he/she is

hitting a net shot or lift.

6. 15 corners in repetition of 3 sets.

Player B:

1. Player B stands in the middle of the

front court and instruct player A on
which corner to go to.

The Benefits:
1. To increase the speed on front movements

In this drill, player A will move to 2 front corners only which will improve their
basic footwork. In order to produce sharp and deadly net shots, it is important to
be quick to the net.

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Training Method 4: Step 1 Drills – Drill 3

Drill 3: Rear court shadow drills

Player A:

1. Player A will start in the center of the

court point x.

2. Player A will only move to 2 corners

in the rear court.

3. He have to follow the instructions of

player B on which corner to go for.

4. Player A have to use around the

head shadow strokes to go for
backhand corner in this drill.

5. 15 corners in repetition of 3 sets.

Player B:

1. Player B stands in the middle of the

front court and instruct player A on
which corner to go to.

The Benefits:
1. Improves Rear court movements

In order to retrieve all rear court shots, players need to be fast. In this drill, player
A goes back to the centre which will improve their recovery footwork as well.

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Training Method 4: Step 1 Drills – Drill 4

Drill 4: Side to Side shadow drills

Player A:

1. Player A will start in the center of the

court point x.

2. Player A will only move to the right

and left sides of the court.

3. Imagine that as if you are defending

your opponents attack by whipping the

4. He must follow player B’s instruction

on which sides to go.

5. 15 times (One side = 1 time) in

repetition of 3 sets.

Player B:

1. Player B stands in the middle of the

front court and instruct player A on
which sides to go to.

The Benefits:
1. Improves defensive footwork:

In singles, players frequently smash to the sidelines either to the left or right. In
order to defend their attack, you need be in a good position and reach the shuttle
early. Now by practicing on moving side to side, it will help make retrieving your
opponent’s attacking shots easier.

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*Step 2 - Shadow Drills
Training Method 4: Step 2 Drills – Drill 1

Drill 1: Full court shadow drills

Player A:

1. Player A will start in the center of the

court point x.

2. In this drill, player A will move to 6

corners in the court.

3. He must move according to player

B’s instructions.

4. 15 corners in repetition of 3 sets.

Player B:

1. Player B will stand in the middle of

the front court to instruct player A on
where to go.

1. Fluid movements:

In singles, footwork is one of the most important aspects that every player should
master in order to win a game. This shadow drill will train you to possess fluid
movements in the court. It is much easier to retrieve all shots when you have a
good footwork.

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Training Method 4: Step 2 Drills – Drill 2

Drill 2: Defensive style shadow drills

Player A:

1. Player A will start from the center of

the court point x.

2. In this drill, player A only focus on 4

corners which are the sides and the

3. Move accordingly to player B’s


4. 15 corners in repetition of 3 sets

Player B:

1. Player B will stand in the middle of

front court to instruct player A on where
to go.

1. Improve defensive style of footwork:

In this drill, player A will consistently bend down to retrieve all under arm shots.
This will actually help you to pick up a faster defensive footwork. You will find it
easier to retrieve opponent’s attacking shots in the real game.

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Training Method 4: Step 2 Drills – Drill 3

Drill 3: Side to side smashing shadow drills

Player A:

1. Player A will start from the center of

the court point x.

2. In this drill, player A jumps to the left

and right side of the mid court to
execute shadow smash.

3. He must follow player B’s instruction

on which sides to go.

4. 15 times (One side = 1 time) in

repetition of 3 sets.

Player B:

1. Player B stands in the middle of the

front court and instruct player A on
which sides to go to.

1. Improves attacking style of play

The yellow arrow in the diagram above shows that player A jumps to 2 sides of
the mid court and execute shadow smash. It will be very useful in real games
because players will develop jumping skills to attack.

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* Agility Exercises (Step 1)
Agility exercises will train your reflexes to be faster. Note that all these trainings
have to be done at full speed and on the balls of your feet. Do these exercises
based on a 2 courts length like this:

Exercise 1:

Diagram 1 Diagram 2

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Diagram 3 Diagram 4

Diagram 5 Diagram 6

Diagram 7 Diagram 8

1. A complete cycle is shown from diagram 1 to diagram 8.

2. First, move your legs forward twice at the same time with your left leg leading
as shown in Diagram 1 and 2.

3. Then change to your right leg leading and move your legs forward twice at the
same time as shown in Diagram 3 and 4.

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4. Switch back to another leg leading and do this continuously for the length of 2
badminton courts.

5. When you reach the end, move your legs backwards twice at the same time
with your left leg leading behind as shown in Diagram 5 and 6.

6. Then change to your right leg leading behind and move your legs backwards
twice at the same time as shown in Diagram 7 and 8.

7. Switch back to another leg leading behind and do this continuously until you
reach your starting point.

8. This exercise should be done in a way like how the horse gallops and on the
balls of your feet.

9. Use 2 courts in order to do this exercise.

10. Going forward and backward equals to 1 set. Do this in repetition of 3 sets.

Exercise 2:

Diagram 1 Diagram 2

1. Start with both legs (diagram 1) close to each other (shoulder length).

2. Now, open out both legs (diagram 2).

3. After your leg is opened (diagram 2), close back both legs (diagram 1).

4. Use 2 badminton courts in order to do this exercise.

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5. Hop in front with both legs in repetition of 3 sets (1 set = 2 court’s length back
and forth).

Exercise 3:

Diagram 1 Diagram 2

1. Start with raising up the left leg to waist height (diagram 1).

2. Next, raise up your right leg up to waist level while you bring down your left leg
(diagram 2).

3. Use 2 courts in order to do this exercise. Go forward and reverse in repetition

of 3 sets. (1 set = forward and reverse)

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* Agility exercise (Step 2)
Step 2 agility exercises are normally more physical and more complex. Just like
step 1 exercises it has to be done with full speed and also on the balls of your

Exercise 1:

1) 2)

3) 4)

5) 6)

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1. Hop 2 small steps with both legs to the right (picture 1).

2. Next, jump up as high as possible (picture 2) and then continue hopping to

the right (Picture 3).

3. After you reach the end of the track, hop 2 small steps with both legs to the
left side this time (picture 4).

4. Next, jump as high as possible (Picture 5) and continue hopping to the left
(picture 6).

5. Every 2 hops 1 jump.

6. Use 2 courts in order to do this exercise. Do this in repetition of 3 sets (1 set =

2 courts back and forth).

Exercise 2:

Diagram 1 Diagram 2

1. Bring up your left knee as high as possible and turn your hips as you do it.
(Diagram 1)

2. Then change to your right knee as your left legs steps down. (Diagram 2)

3. Keep you upper body firm and look straight in front of you when you do this

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4. Use 2 courts in order to do this exercise. Go forward and reverse in repetition
of 3 sets (1 set = forward and reverse).

Exercise 3:

Diagram 1 Diagram 2

1. Firstly, bend your knee and lunge to one side in front as if you are retrieving an
opponent’s drop shot (Picture 1).

2. Next, bend to another side in front (Picture 2).

3. Use 2 courts in order to do this exercise. Do this in repetition of 3 sets (1 set =

2 court’s length back and forth).

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* Sprinting

1. The arrow above shows the player’s movements.

2. Take 2 courts length, sprint forward, and reverse back as the above arrows
have shown.

3. Do this in repetitions of 3 sets (1 Set = forward and reverse).

1. Sprinting helps player to improve on speed. Once you are fast in the court, it is
easier to play with slightly slower opponent. In this drill, players will sprint and
reverse in the length of 2 courts. The idea is to improve speed and agility.

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* Body circuit exercise
Lastly, players have to do body circuit exercises straight away after they finish
their sprints. Body circuit exercises improve player’s strength. Strength plays an
important role in lasting longer on the court and producing more powerful shots.

Exercise 1: push up

1. Push your body down and up with your hand.

2. Do this exercise 15 times.

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Exercise 2: Sit Up

Diagram 1 Diagram 2

Diagram 3 Diagram 4

1. Start at the position shown in Diagram 1.

2. Bring up your body up to the right side and touch your right knee with your left
arm (Picture 2).

3. Next, bring down your body to the usual position (Picture 3).

4. Then bring up your body again and turn it to the left side and touch your left
knee with your right arm (Picture 4).

5. Do this exercise 30 times (1 time = 1 side).

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You have finally reached the end of this e-book. Congratulations and well done! I
hope you will give it all when practicing those drills. As in any other skills, practice
makes perfect! Take it easy, one step at a time. Once you are familiar with the
Step 1 Drills and are confident of your abilities, move on to Step 2 Drills. Rome
was not built in one day; you too need time to improve you game. But I can
assure you that if you follow the instructions and practice the drills in this e-book
wholeheartedly, your game will improve tremendously. I wish you all the best in
your badminton career.

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