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PROJECT CLAID (Contextualized and Localized Activities Intended for Distance Learning)

Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Score: _______


Quarter 3 – Week 1
Competency: Describe how communication is influenced by media
and information
Lesson: Introduction to Media and Information Literacy


1. Define communication and media.

2. Explain how communication takes place.
3. Describe how communication is affected by media and information.


Communication has never been more challenged than in

today’s media-saturated world. In the past, people would only tell
stories face-to-face. Nowadays, the pandemic has caused a dynamic
shift on how people communicate globally. People exchange stories
through electronic and digital means that require a new set of
communication skills. Most people use mobile phones to connect
with their families and friends. Nearly everyone has an e-mail
address to send and receive letters via the Internet. Filipinos
working overseas make video and voice calls through the Internet to
communicate with their relatives at home. Still others post almost
anything on their social media accounts on sites like Facebook,
Twitter, and Instagram. Life has never been the same because
communication has become complex in the “new normal” set up.

In this lesson, you will have a glimpse on how communication is

influenced by media and information.

Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1
Competency: Describe how communication is influenced by media and information

Getting Started

Directions: Identify whether each statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write your

answer on another sheet of paper.

1. Communication is a process of sharing ideas and opinions about

issues, people, events and places between or among persons through
various media platforms.

2. Media affect the way people communicate ideas.

3. Communication can be transferred through a medium or media.

4. Media are tools used to disseminate information.

5. People nowadays are more exposed to media providers compare


6. Media and information providers have influenced the way people

think, behave and act.

7. Receivers of information should know how to use media in generating

the needed information.

8. Media literacy helps the youth and adults to develop critical thinking
and active participation in addressing pressing issues of our country.

9. Media are channels through which news, entertainment, education,

data, or promotional messages are disseminated.
10. Acquiring Media and Information Literacy skills will empower people
to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in an engaging way.

Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1
Competency: Describe how communication is influenced by media and information
Now, recall Oral Communication terms you have earned last semester.

• Communication is the transfer of ideas and emotions between or

among persons using verbal and nonverbal communication.

The word “communication” comes from the Latin word

communis, which suggests “common.” To be common means to share
something in common together.

• Medium or channel is the means of delivering the message. Samples

of these are face-to-face communication, a letter, a telephone, an e-mail,
or use of various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and

Plural form of the word “medium” is media.

• Media are the communication channels used to store and deliver

information or data.

It also refers to the various components of mass media print media,

publishing, the news media, photography, broadcasting, and advertising.



Communication is an essential skill that a man should enrich. Through
communication people can express their thoughts, positions, and feelings;
individuals can share ideas and views and exchange.
According to Cambridge Academic Content dictionary, Communication is
the process by which messages or information is sent from one place to
another or the message itself. It can also be the exchange of information
and the expression of feeling that can result understanding. In a nutshell, it
is the process of sharing messages between human beings.
Communication transfers through medium and media. Media are of
communication tools and form of publications commonly used to distribute
news and information. The intended audience will receive this information
and process it and eventually turns into knowledge that is useful to build
and develop people and communication.

Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1
Competency: Describe how communication is influenced by media and information
One form of communication takes place through media. Nowadays, media
such as print, broadcast, and online have an impact on how people
communicate. Before the emergence of the digital era of communication,
people were only exposed to simple forms of communication like a usual
conversation between two persons, teacher-led discussion, sending snail
mail, or receiving a phone call.

The use of media has become constant in the lives of everyone. Everybody
has a smartphone and at least one social media account. Most households
have Smart TVs, cars, radios, many take their morning coffee with a
newspaper, and computers are everywhere. Indeed, media and information
plays a vital role in effective communication.

➢ It makes the world a smaller place.

Today, at any given point in time, an individual can be associated to
anybody else in the world. Communication between two parties from
the opposite sides of the world is now conceivable. Social media
platforms brought people from distinctive locations, background, and
race together. Apart from direct communication, today’s media made
bridges between countries. In case one needs information about a
place they have never been to, all he or she ought to do is look it up
on the internet. Even news channels are now broadcasting

➢ It makes communication convenient.

Gone are the years where individuals send snail mails and telegrams
to each other. Presently, two people communicate with another
without the long wait for replies or the worry that their messages will
not be received in real time. With the presence of email and various
messaging sites and app, communication has become quicker and

➢ It shapes public opinion.

In his book, Setting the Agenda, Maxwell Mc-Combs clarified that
mass media shapes public opinions. Owing to its wide reach, not to
mention the perceived influence of the media, they can rule the
opinion of their audience according to the message they convey.

This can be perfectly demonstrated in surveys conducted before

elections. The classic example of jumping on the bandwagon proves
that mass media has an influence on public opinion to some extent.
When a TV network broadcasts the results of a recent survey about
Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1
Competency: Describe how communication is influenced by media and information
their candidates’ status, it affect the decision-making process of their
listeners in the upcoming elections.


Getting it Right

Directions: Answer the questions based on the information learned or read

from other sources. Write your answers briefly and clearly.

1. What is communication?




2. What is media?




3. List down all available media and information resources at home and

explain why you need them.




4. How do media influence our decisions, values and beliefs? Give some


Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1
Competency: Describe how communication is influenced by media and information



5. How do media affect the way people communicate in the “new normal?

Give some examples.





I. Directions: Discuss the role of media and information in effective

communication among your group mates. Create scenes where the following
can be highlighted:

a. It makes the world a smaller place.

b. It makes communication convenient.

c. It shapes public opinion.






Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1
Competency: Describe how communication is influenced by media and information
II. Directions: Write the correct answer.

______________ 1. Any form of communication like a channel that carries

information is called _______________.

______________ 2. It can be expressed through written or spoken words and

nonverbal action at the same time.

______________ 3. The word “communication” comes from the Latin word

_____________, which suggests “common.”

______________ 4. Plural form of the word “medium”.

______________ 5. These are channels through which news, entertainment,

education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated.

III. Directions: Think of facts or examples that you know about

“communication” and “media”. Then, you should be able to identity the
relationship of media to communication by completing the Venn diagram.


Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1
Competency: Describe how communication is influenced by media and information

Alagaran II Jose Reuben, Media & Information Literacy (Empowering the

Discerning Audiences). (Quezon City: Abiva Publishing House, Inc., 2017)

Gonzales Edward, Media & Information Literacy (K12 Compliant Textbook for
Senior High School). (Pasay City: JFS Publishing Services, 2016)

Magpile Christine, Media & Information Literacy (Enhancing Education

through Effective Communication). (Quezon City: The Intellegente Publishing
Inc., 2016)

Prepared by:

Addition Hills Integrated School
SDO Mandaluyong



Master Teacher II, MHS Master Teacher II, ABIS Master Teacher II. MPNAG
Content Language Layout



Education Program Supervisor, English

Q3 Week No.1 Competency Code: MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1
Competency: Describe how communication is influenced by media and information

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