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MARCH 19, 2011 M.E.N.

Surcharges threat
to summer sales
A city of calm and
TOUR operators and travel the same. It’s killing the Kate Turner pays an express 48
firms fear that a ‘double travel business.
whammy’ of heavy taxes
and prices forced higher by
“Although some airlines
and operators bought fuel
hour visit to Marrakech in
the Middle East crisis will
threaten millions of Britons
planning to holiday abroad
forward to avoid price
fluctuations, we may be
close to the point where
Morocco, and finds tranquillity
this year.
With several high street
everybody gets surcharged
for summer 2011, whether
and bustle in equal measure
retailers reporting sharp they have already booked or
falls in spending, tour not.
operators are battling to sell “The situation is also ODGE the don- As the morning sun warms

holidays at prices pushed up causing havoc in fixing seats key and cart, step the square, stalls serve up
in recent months by rising prices for winter 2011/12.” out of the way of freshly-squeezed orange juice
government taxes and Over and above the the family teeter- and dried fruits, while snake-
soaring oil costs. soaring cost of fuel is the ing past on a charmers and monkey handlers
Operators Thomas Cook threat of further rises in air scooter, apologise prowl around hoping to slip their
and Tui Travel (owner of passenger duty (APD), up by for bumping into charges onto the shoulders of
Thomson and First Choice) 2,600pc since its introduc- a passer-by, ogle the sticky pas- snap-happy tourists.
imposed surcharges on tion as a ‘green tax’ in 1994. tries in the street-side cabinet, Come late afternoon, food
bookings from March 1 At current levels, APD ignore the restaurant tout and... vendors begin the daily assembly
which add £15 to the cost of means a British family of you’re in the Djemaa el Fna. of their sit-in stalls, offering up
short-haul trips, £25 to mid- four flying to Florida pays If I thought the collision salads, cous cous and barbecued
range (more than three £240 in flight tax, and £340 course of Derb el Bacha (the meat and fish to diners.
hours’ travel away) and £40 to Australia – 12 times more road leading to the main square) Towards sunset, the soul of
for long-haul trips. than levels charged by our was a whirl of sound and motion, the square takes over: musicians
it was only a gentle introduction and story-tellers congregate

As oil prices soar on the European neighbours.
back of the Libyan crisis, Yet the coalition govern- to the assault on the senses that against the backdrop of smoke CALM OASIS The Ali ben Youssef Medersa (above and right)
surcharges are likely to ment indicates this tax is Marrakech’s main square, from the stalls’ grills. show a quieter side to Marrakech
become widespread. burden will rise from the inside the city’s walled old town My first experience of the Dje-
Platon Loizou at Turkey current £2.2bn which APD – the medina. maa el Fna was early on Friday “117 will take you to heaven” than Marks And Spencer” and
specialist Jewel in the Crown will raise in the year to June The name Djemaa el Fna evening, just as it was coming to from the tout (my “brother from invitations to “have a butcher’s”
says: “While fuel costs have 30, 2011, to £3.6bn by 2015. means ‘assembly of the dead’, life. Wandering past the stalls, another mother”, apparently), at other stalls” fresh produce.
soared 30-40 per cent, many That’s a surge of more but there’s nothing dead about it my friends and I were soon having resisted such lines as Once seated in the al-fresco
package prices have stayed than 50pc. at any hour of the day. enticed to dine by promises that “Cheaper than Primark, better dining area, we were presented

of chaos

with dishes of flatbread, tomato the square, we headed back to

dips, salads and grilled our home for the weekend, Riad
aubergines, before the mains of Splash. Run by friendly Scot
meat and fish arrived. Andy, who also has an adventure
Most stalls offer similar fare, tours company, the relaxed riad
largely Moroccan dishes aimed (typical Moroccan house built
at the tourist market, although around a central courtyard or
some offer more local delicacies garden) is in the heart of the
such as harira (a spicy chickpea medina, tucked away in a quiet
and lentil soup) and lambs’ sidestreet.
brains. I have to say we didn’t Just steps away from the
make it through the pearly gates chaotic whirl of Derb el Bacha,
after our dinner as promised, hardly a sound penetrated the
but it was certainly a lively din- riad’s walls.
ing experience. The next morning as we sat in
On most Friday nights, a glass the courtyard under the gor-
of wine or two would be on the geous January sun, eating our
agenda, but as a Muslim country, substantial breakfast of fresh
alcohol isn’t supposed to be sold orange juice brought from the
in the sight of mosques in square and thick honey-soaked
Morocco – which should rule local pancakes, we felt relaxed
out almost all bars. and ready to step into the the
However, more upmarket maze of Marrakech’s souks
establishments do tend to serve (markets). Partially covered
the hard stuff. If you’re looking streets which wind away from
to soak up the atmosphere of the the Djemaa el Fna, the souks sell
square though, you’ll find that everything from leather goods to
you’re much more likely to find lanterns to chickens, and it’s still
mint tea than G&T in possible to catch sight
the surrounding bars. ‘Haggling is of craftsmen at work
Several have essential as you wander
panoramic terraces, here, so be through.
offering a calm van- Difficult to navi-
tage point over the
buzz of activity below.
Back on ground
level, it’s worth taking
sure to
your best
gate, the best way to
enjoy the souks is to
dive in, wander
through and not
the students’ quarters and mar-
vel at the fact that 900 students
were once housed in its 132 tiny
SENSES The square of
Djemaa el Fna in Marrakech is a
bustling focal point for the city.
the decidedly more elegant expe-
rience on offer at Cafe Arabe on
the Rue el-Mouassine close to
the souks. Spread over three
some European capitals, the
hustle and bustle of Marrakech
never feels stressful, and visitors
can easily sit back and observe
a stroll around the bargaining worry about where The city also has two palaces Inset, fashion designer Matthew floors, this upmarket but laid- (from a safe, scooter-free van-
square to get a flavour lines before you emerge, hopefully which are open to the public: Williamson visits Marrakech back restaurant is a lovely spot tage point, of course).
of the various per- with a bargain or two Bahia and the ruined El Badi. We to while away an afternoon or an Out of season, it’s also an
formances that con- parting in tow. Haggling is chose to visit the latter on a Majorelle, a taxi ride from the evening. excellent value city: food is a
tributed to making the with your essential here, so be sunny Sunday morning, and medina, is a riot of colour and Chorlton-raised fashion purse-friendly commodity, and
Djemaa el Fna a dirhams’ sure to unleash your were charmed by the beauty fun, while contemporary art can designer Matthew Williamson for two nights bed and breakfast
UNESCO World Her- best bargaining lines contained within its red walls. be found at a number of galleries clearly thinks so too, as he was accommodation, we paid just
itage site: story-tellers (sadly before parting with your A ruined shell may not sound including Matisse Art Gallery on enjoying a drink there on our £50 each.
their words are incomprehensi- dirhams. worth your time, but the once- Passage Ghandouri. visit. We made for the upstairs And as it’s just a four-hour
ble unless your Moroccan Ara- Although more famous for its glorious 16th-century structure Surprisingly, 48 hours gave us roof terrace, sprawled on the flight, it’s not quite as far flung
bic is up to scratch, but their dra- atmosphere than its sights, those is now a welcome slice of calm. enough time to explore Mar- cushion-covered benches and and inaccessible a destination as
matic arm gestures and the seeking an itinerary offering Large pools lie in the centre, rakech’s medina at a relaxed tucked into tagines, cous cous you might think.
enthralled crowds suggest more than food, shopping and with palm trees and shrubberies pace. It also proved sufficient to and pastilla washed down by
they’ve mastered their craft) and wandering won’t be disap- around the edges. delve into the city’s culinary white wine. For around £10 per FACTFILE
musicians of all kinds fill the pointed by Marrakech. Histori- Visitors can join the families of scene, although again, the mod- head, this was the most pricey
square, along with a number of cal sights include the Ali ben storks on the ramparts, which ern trendy restaurants of the meal of the weekend, but well Riad Splash – moroccoadven-
over-enthusiastic henna tattoo Youssef Medersa, a former offer a wide-reaching view over new town remained unexplored. worth it for the superior setting.
artists who’ll start the first flour- Quranic school set around a the city’s rooftops and to the Our dining spectrum ranged Despite the constant chaotic splash-now-open/ We flew with
ishes of a flower design on your beautiful central courtyard fea- Atlas mountains beyond. from the street food of the Dje- motion of the medina, Mar- Ryanair from Luton to Mar-
hand if you so much as hesitate turing intricate plasterwork and For those looking for some- maa el Fna and the delicious rakech is a relaxing destination rakech for £76 return including
when walking past. colourful mosaics. thing a bit more modern, Yves cous cous in no frills Cafe for a weekend break. Unlike taxes. Easyjet also fly to
After an evening checking out Upstairs, you can step inside Saint Laurent’s Jardin Toubkal (also on the square), to modern metropolises such as Marrakech from Manchester.

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