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• When you're knee-deep into the design of your website, it's hard to admit this fact:

Some of the pages on your website are more important than others.
Okay, many of you probably find that fairly obvious — but I'm surprised how rarely content
managers and web designers actually apply this knowledge to their websites to improve
I’m all about low-hanging fruit and taking on the easiest tasks that will have the biggest results.
What I’m about to describe in this article has the potential to improve your site dramatically with
just a few, critical changes.

Free Resource: Website Optimization Checklist [Download Now]

In this post, I'll explain how to optimize each one of these pages. And if your most-visited pages are
different from the ones listed above, you'll still learn a framework for optimizing any of the
important pages on your website.

What is website optimization?

You've probably heard the word “optimize” most commonly used in phrases like “search engine
optimization” (SEO) and “conversion rate optimization” (CRO). I’m actually referring to something
broader here, but the advice that I’m delivering will help to enhance both of those.
The optimization I’m going to explain will create user optimized pages. In the pursuit of SEO and
CRO, it’s easy to overlook the broader, big-picture idea. First and foremost, a site must be
optimized for the user. The best place to see big results quickly is to start optimizing the most
visited pages of your site.

Most Important Web Pages to Optimize for Conversions

1. Home Page
2. About Page
3. Blog
4. Contact Us Page
Let's get right into it. Every website is different, but generally speaking, here are the four most
important (and often most-visited) pages on a website:

Home Page
The home page is the first impression of your business to potential customers. And although your
time limit on making an amazing impression is several times longer online than it is in real life (62
seconds on average is spent by people viewing a website) you’ll want to make every second count.
It’s tempting to put every remotely relevant fact about the business on the home page, but resist the
urge. Remember, your home page is the first step of the journey — not the final destination. The
copy, design, and visuals should guide the visitor to their next step, or the call-to-action.

About Page
Customers, investors, candidates for hire, and even competitors might all use your about page to
learn more information about your company. An about page typically includes a brief company
history, mission or vision statement, executive leadership bios, and a few impactful client
Blog Page
It’s no secret that blogging is a tried-and-true method to optimize a website for keywords related to
a business. Rather than loading up several product pages for each individual keyword you want to
rank for, a blog can serve as a more efficient way to weave storytelling, product mentions, and sign
up links together in order to answer potential customer inquiries, solve problems, and pose your
product or service as the preferred solution.

Contact Us Page
For many small businesses and freelancers, the contact us page serves as the lead-driver of a
website. This is usually their bread-and-butter and how these businesses make money. Whether your
business includes a contact form, a calendar scheduler, an appointment booking app, a phone
number, or an email address, this is where future customers make the decision to get a hold of a
representative of the business to learn more about the products and services.

How to Optimize A Web Page

The broad framework for optimizing your site for conversions is the same across your home page,
About page, blog, and Contact Us page. There are two simple goals for every page, and the
specifics of optimizing those pages will flow from these goals.
The first goal is all about the user, and the second is all about you. Here we go:

Provide information the user is looking for.

Remember, we’re focusing on the user. Why are they on the page to begin with? To answer this
question effectively, let’s dive deeper into some facts we’ll want to know first:
• Where did they come from? The idea here is to understand how the user got to your site, so
you can deliver relevant content.
• Did they come from a search engine? (If so, what did they search to find you?)
• An email? (What kind of email? Who sent it?)
• A referral on another website? (What site was it? How long has it been referring to
your URL?)
• What do they need to know? A single page can deliver a limited amount of information, so
you need to determine what that information is going to be. You want them to know
something so that they will do something (which is addressed in the next question).
Remember: Less is more on a web page. The more information you load up on your main
pages, the less likely the user is to remember any of it. Give them less, and they're more
likely to remember — and do — what you want them to.
Pro Tip: Use visuals such as explainer videos, diagrams, hero shots, and so on to help condense a
lot of information to a single page. To get the most out of your visuals, make sure you correctly
optimize your images and videos.
Once you answer the question of what the user's looking for, you're halfway there. That brings us to
question two.

Identify a goal for the user once they find the information.
Now, you need to ask the user to do something. This is where most pages fall short. One of the
critical components of a web page is its call-to-action (CTA), and many website owners don't
realize that every single page of a website
• Low-cost advertising. Blog marketing is relatively cheap, all you have to do is find a writer
who will regularly publish posts on your blog. Often, employees within a company can write
content, or even the owner himself can invest time in content creation. No matter the
approach, when compared to other methods, this is one of the cheapest ways to advertise
your brand.
• Long-term results. Running a blog marketing strategy means that you there for the long
term. You can expect some serious results only when your blog is at least a year old and has
enough useful content. But, once the results start coming in, they scale well, making both
your first and last post equally valid.
• A great foundation for other online marketing channels. No matter what digital
marketing approach you are planning, you need to build a blog. It is a necessary foundation
for social media marketing, inbound marketing, and email marketing. Without it, it is almost
impossible to create a steady marketing approach.
Even though these benefits are significant, blog marketing also brings some cons to the table. Let’s
take a look at what those are.

The cons of blog marketing

There are some downsides to blogging. So, before starting a blog, make sure that you are aware of
them. It will help you create a better plan that will bring you good results:
• It takes time to build good content. Time investment is the biggest downside to creating
high-quality content. You need to establish a plan that will allow you to invest time in your
blog. The whole process is quite demanding but, when done properly, incredibly rewarding.
• The results will come gradually. The benefits of a high-quality blog can be seen only later
down the road. It is the primary reason why people steer away from it. The risk of hiring a
writer only to feel the benefits after a year of blogging is something that not everyone is
willing to take.
• You have to be consistent. Having an inconsistent blog is worse than having no blog at all.
The inconsistency is going to be noticed by both the customers and search engines, bringing
a bad image to your brand.
Being aware of these cons will help you build a better blog marketing strategy. Before you start
making a blog, make sure that you know that it will take some time to make it efficient. Be
dedicated, consistent and create relevant content is the only way to ensure that blog marketing is

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