but usually late: ngơi vào buổi chiều không?)

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1. What time do you and your friends normally get up? (Bạn và bạn bè thường dậy lúc mấy giờ?)
 I usually get up at 5 o'clock. Because at night I go to bed early but my friend usually
stays up late at night so he gets up later than me, at 10 o'clock.
2. How late do you stay up? (Bạn thức khuya như thế nào?)
 I work at night and very often leave at midnight. As an outcome, I go to bed late.
3.Does anyone in your family ever take a nap in the afternoon? (Có ai trong gia đình bạn từng nghỉ
ngơi vào buổi chiều không?)
 Yes, it is. My grandfather and I often take a nap in the afternoon. Just about 30
4.Do people sleep longer in the summer or in the winter? Why/Why not? (Mọi người ngủ lâu hơn
vào mùa hè hay vào mùa đông? Tại sao/ tại sao không?)
 I think in the winter. Because the nights are longer and there is less light during the
5. Do you often feel tired? Why / Why not? (Bạn có thường xuyên cảm thấy mệt mỏi không? Tại sao
tại sao không?)
 Yes, of course. Because I have to study and work for long hours every day.
6. How many hours do you usually sleep at night? (Bạn thường ngủ bao nhiêu tiếng vào ban đêm?)
 I usually sleep for about 9-10 hours every night, then I wake up and feel refreshed the
next morning.
7.What do you often do before going to bed? (Bạn thường làm gì trước khi đi ngủ?)
 Before going to bed, I usually check Facebook or watch a movie, and then I do my
8.What do you often do at the weekend? (Bạn thường làm gì vào cuối tuần?)
 Because I am asked to work and study during the week as well as on weekends. I enjoy
going shopping with my friends.
9.How often do you wake up in the middle of the night? (Bạn thường thức dậy vào nửa đêm như
thế nào?)
 I rarely wake up in the middle of the night, only when I'm hungry, so I get up and go to
get something to eat.
10. Are you often tired during the night? What do you often do when you feel tired? (Bạn có
thường xuyên mệt mỏi vào ban đêm không? Bạn thường làm gì khi cảm thấy mệt mỏi?)
 Yes, I get tired after a long day of studying. When I'm tired, I usually listen to music or
play sports to unwind.
11. How often do you have medical problem? (Bao lâu thì bạn có vấn đề về y tế?)
 I rarely get sick, maybe once or twice every two or three years, and when I do, I go to
see the doctor and take his advice if I have a medical problem.
12. What do you do when you have a medical problem? (Bạn làm gì khi gặp vấn đề về y tế?)
 I go to the hospital to have my health checked and to have my medical problems
1. Do you feel that Competition is important in sport? (Bạn có cảm thấy rằng Cạnh tranh là quan
trọng trong thể thao?)
 Yes, of course. Because competition will assist us to select the winner.
2. In sports, are you normally a competitor or a spectator? (Trong thể thao, bạn có thường là 1
người thi đấu hay là khán giả)
 In sport I'm usually the spectator so I just cheer for my teammates when they're
3.Do you ever compete in sports? (Bạn có bao giờ thi đấu thể thao không?)
 No I dont. I've never taken part in sports. Because I'm not very good at them.
4.What types of competition do you like? (Bạn thích những cuộc thi nào?)
 In my opinion I like Next Top Model. Because I followed it when i was fourteen.
5. Are you a competitive person? Why/ why not? (Bạn có phải là người thích cạnh tranh? Tại sao
có/tại sao không?)
 Definitely yes. Because this personality will help us to learn great skills for myself.
6.How many different kinds of races can you think of? (Bạn có thể nghĩ ra bao nhiêu cuộc đua
khác nhau? )
 I think there are many different types of races in the world, but the ones I've seen are
boat racing, car racing, and so on.
7.What is your favourite team sport?( Môn thể thao đồng đội yêu thích của bạn là gì?)
 My favorite team sport is basketball. And I am a big fan of Danang Dragons. Because I
followed them when i was a freshman.

8.How many players are there in a team? (Có bao nhiêu người chơi trong một đội?)
 It depends on the sport. I usually play soccer with my team, my team has 11 players.
9.What are the names of the sports teams in your town or city? (Tên của các đội thể thao trong thị
trấn hoặc thành phố của bạn là gì? )
 Hoi An club sports team is the name of my city's sports team. That is also my favorite
sports team.
10. What sports do you love watching? (Bạn thích xem môn thể thao nào?)
 Volleyball is something I enjoy watching. Because it's just that good. It shows the
team's spirit.
11. What do you think of boxing and wrestling?(Bạn nghĩ gì về quyền anh và đấu vật?)
 I believe these two sports are dangerous.
12. What sport do you think is the most popular? (Bạn nghĩ môn thể thao nào là phổ biến nhất?)
 Football is the most popular, in my opinion, because most people in the country enjoy
playing and watching it. Because it is helpful to one's health and brings joy.
13. Which three sports would you like to play or learn to play? Why?(Bạn muốn chơi hoặc học
chơi ba môn thể thao nào? Tại sao?)
 Volleyball, badminton, and boxing are sports that I want to take part in because they
are good for my health and will help me grow taller.
14. What types of clubs do you want to join? (Bạn muốn tham gia những loại câu lạc bộ nào?)

 I just want to be a part of the yoga club. Because when i do it i feel my health will
improve and help me wind down.
1. Which ways of traveling would you prefer for travelling in your country? ( Bạn muốn đi du lịch
bằng cách nào khi đi du lịch ở đất nước của bạn?)
 I'd like to visit your country by plane. Because it is quick, easy, and comfortable for me
to commute.
2. What traffic problems are there in your area? What are the solutions to these problems? (Có
những vấn đề giao thông nào trong khu vực của bạn? Giải pháp cho những vấn đề này là gì?)
 I believe that traffic jams is the most serious issue, and that everyone should be extra
careful when driving.
3.How far do you travel to work or school? (Bạn đi bao xa để đi làm hoặc đi học?)
 Every time I go to school, I walk 1 km and return in about 5 minutes.
4.What type of transportation/public transportation do you use?( Bạn sử dụng loại phương tiện
giao thông / phương tiện công cộng nào?)
 As a student of university I almost use my motorbike to go to school and travel around
the Da Nang City.
5. How much does the bus fare in your city cost every week? (Giá vé xe buýt trong thành phố của
bạn hàng tuần là bao nhiêu?)
 As far as I am awared, the Da Nang city bus does not charge a weekly fee. You only
need 5000 VND per trip to get around the city.

6. Which type of transportation is the least / most popular in your area?( Loại phương tiện giao
thông nào ít / phổ biến nhất trong khu vực của bạn?)
 In my country, I think motorbike is the most popular mode of transportation.
7.What do you think people can do to improve the quality of transport system in your town / city?
(Bạn nghĩ mọi người có thể làm gì để cải thiện chất lượng hệ thống giao thông ở thị xã / thành
phố của bạn?)
 If I had such chance to improve our public transport system, I would focus on the
quality of roads. In addition, I would bring under new regulations regarding to quality
of the vehicles in use, which are much downgraded currently.

1.Are you a person who takes risks or are you usually very careful? (Bạn là người chấp nhận rủi ro
hay bạn thường rất cẩn thận?)
 To be honest, I am a careful person. I always do things carefully and plan ahead.
2. What is a big achievement in your life so far? (Thà nh tự u lớ n trong cuộ c số ng củ a bạ n cho đến
nay là gì?)
 I was happy with my own efforts when I was an excellent student at university.
3.What will be a big challenge for you in the future? (Đâu sẽ là thách thức lớn đối với bạn trong
tương lai?)
 My biggest challenge in the future is to manage a business.
4. Is there any kind of risky activity you would like to try in the future? (Có loại hoạt động mạo
hiểm nào bạn muốn thử trong tương lai không?)
 I want to take part in diving to the ocean's BED because I will be able to open my eyes
and help me broaden my knowledge.
5. Where were you born? (Bạn sinh ra ở đâu?)
 I was born in the ancient and peaceful city of HOI AN, which is a world cultural history
6. Where did you grow up? (Bạn lớn lên ở đâu?)
 I grew up by the sea, so life is very enjoyable, peaceful, and comfortable for me.
7. When did you learn to ride a bike? (Bạn học đi xe đạp khi nào?)
 At the age of ten, I began riding a bicycle, first with a four-wheel and then advancing to
a normal bicycle.

8. When did you start studying English? (Bạn bắt đầu học tiếng Anh khi nào?)
 I began learning English at my Elementary school when I was in fifth grade.
9. Where did you go on holiday last year? (Bạn đã đi đâu vào kỳ nghỉ năm ngoái?)
 My best friend and I took a trip to Da Lat during our summer vacation last year.
Because Dalat is city full of flowers.
10. Did you go abroad last year? (Bạn đã đi nước ngoài vào năm ngoái?)
 I had a great time in Thailand with my friends last year; this country is both beautiful
and interesting.
11. Did you go to university? (Bạn đã học đại học?)
 I am a student at Dong A university, a very modern university with a large library and
even a football field.
12. What was your first job? (Công việc đầu tiên của bạn là gì?)
 My first job was as a waiter in a THAIMARKET restaurant. Because at that time I just
want to find a job related to my major.
13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in teams with other people? (Ưu
điểm và nhược điểm của việc làm việc theo nhóm với những người khác là gì?)
 Teamwork involves communication which helps in the formation of more ideas.
 Working in a team can help you improve your skills because everyone on the team has
different skills and abilities.
 Working in a group can help you improve your communication skills.

14. What do you think makes a good team member? (Bạn nghĩ điều gì tạo nên một thành viên tốt
trong nhóm?)
 Be willing to assist a team member in need, Complete trust, honesty, and
communications skills are needed.
15. What do you think is the biggest challenge when learning English? (Bạn nghĩ thách thức lớn
nhất khi học tiếng Anh là gì?)
 The biggest challenge of learning English for me is speaking and word usage.
16. Do you like solving problems in English on your own or working with other learners? Why?
(Bạn thích tự mình giải quyết các vấn đề bằng tiếng Anh hay làm việc với những người học khác?
Tại sao?)
 I enjoy working with others to produce new and better ideas.
17. When you study for a test or exam, how do you do it? (Khi bạn học để kiểm tra hoặc thi, bạn
làm như thế nào?)
 When studying for the exam, I will carefully prepare the parts that must be studied
and practiced.

1.How much rubbish do you recycle? (Bạn tái chế bao nhiêu rác?)
 I recycle about 1 kg (kilograms) of rubbish once a week .I usually recycle a lot of
plastic bags and some bottles of sugary drink.
2.How often do you read news about the environment? Is it always bad news? (Bạn thường đọc
tin tức về môi trường như thế nào? Nó luôn luôn là tin xấu?)
 I often read news about the environment twice a week. And not only good news but
also bad news I always read too.
3.Do you have any good news about the environment in your country? (Bạn có tin tốt nào về môi
trường ở đất nước bạn không?)
 Not really, most of the environmental news is bad, but sometimes it’s also good . Do
you know about Ho Chi Minh City's Nhieu Loc canal? It used to be the city's most
polluted water , but thanks to an effective wastewater cleanup project, Nhieu Loc canal
has been cleaned, creates a beautiful green canal.
4.How much of your day do you spend looking at a screen (e.g. computer, TV)? nhìn vào màn hình
(ví dụ: máy tính, TV)?
 I currently study and work online, so I spend 8 hours per day on the computer.
5.How many hours a week do you spend shopping? (Bạn dành bao nhiêu giờ một tuần để mua
 I spend nearly 12 hours per week shopping.

6.How many people live in your town or city? (Có bao nhiêu người sống trong thị trấn hoặc thành
phố của bạn?)
 I live in a rural area with up to 50 households living along the beach. Because my town
is small and located on an island
7.How much money a month do you spend on buying clothes? (Bạn dành bao nhiêu tiền một tháng
để mua quần áo?)
 I usually spend a little money on shopping. Because I don’t have enough time and want
to save money to help my school fee.
8.How many months a year do you spend at school or at work? (Bạn dành bao nhiêu tháng một
năm ở trường hoặc ở nơi làm việc?)
 As a Dong A university student, I spend six months a year on studying at school.

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