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Transactional Writing

Spend about 45 minutes on each Topic

Responses will be marked for the accurate and appropriate use of vocabulary,
spelling, punctuation and grammar.

1. Write a letter to apply for a position as a team member on an expedition to an

interesting country. In your letter you could:
▪ explain why you are interested in going on the expedition
▪ describe the experience and skills that would make you a good team member
▪ explain what you hope to achieve from going on the expedition as well as any
other ideas you might have.

2. Write an article for a local newspaper entitled “My future ambitions”. In your
article you could:
▪ explain what you hope to achieve in the future
▪ explain why these ambitions are important to you
▪ discuss people you admire who have followed their ambitions.

3. A local newspaper has published a letter complaining that “Young people today
have no understanding of manners”. Write a letter in response to this explaining
your views. In your letter you could:
▪ state whether you agree with the letter
▪ describe your experience of young people’s manners and behavior
▪ explain examples of where you have experienced good and poor manners as
well as any other ideas you might have.

4. Write a letter to a busy shop applying for the position of a Saturday Assistant. In
your letter you could:
▪ state why you are interested in the position
▪ describe your experiences and skills that would make you suitable for the post
▪ explain the difference you could make to the shop at busy times as well as any
other ideas you might have.

5. Write the text for a speech you will give to your peers giving essential advice on
being organized. In your speech, you could:
▪ consider what you think being organized means
▪ consider what the advantages and disadvantages of being organized are
▪ suggest things that people can do to keep themselves organized and why these
may be useful as well as any other ideas you might have.

6. Write a letter to a local wildlife center applying for a Saturday job in the gift
shop or working with the animals. In the letter you could:
▪ state why you are interested in the post
▪ describe the experiences and skills that would make you a good candidate
▪ explain why you think you are well suited to the post as well as any other ideas
you might have.
7. Write an article for a newspaper with the title “How Music Affects People”. You
could write about:
▪ what types of music people listen to?
▪ where people listen to music
▪ how music makes people feel as well as any other ideas you might have.

8. Write a review of a band, concert, film or book that you feel strongly about. In
your review, you could include:
▪ details of the band, concert, film or book
▪ the strengths and weaknesses of the band, concert, film or book
▪ reasons why you feel so strongly as well as any other ideas you might have.

9. Write a section for a guidebook giving advice to people planning to travel. In

your guidebook, you should consider:
▪ what types of travelling people might do
▪ what or who you suggest travelers take with them and why
▪ advice on staying safe while travelling as well as any other ideas you might have

10. Your school or college has invited suggestions for an inspirational public figure
to give a speech to staff and students. Write a letter to the Headteacher or
Principal giving your suggestion. In your letter, you could include:
▪ your views on what an inspirational public figure is
▪ the person you have chosen and what they do
▪ their inspirational qualities as well as any other ideas you might have.

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