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The darkness comes for us. It stains the dusk sky black as it spreads over our world. Vibrant mosaics that once glistened are stripped of their brilliance as it creeps ever doser. It comes to your doorstep. Silently, it creeps over your windows and door cracks until you take refuge in the last bastion of light. You flick on the lights. You hope their dull, static filled hum will mask the unknown which drenches life beyond these walls. You turn on the tv, turn up the volume, but you cannot drive out its call. Something in the void of nothingness is calling out to you. The abyss beckons you. You can distract yourself with the task at hand. You can live your entire life sheltered away, but the abyss is there. Its otherworldly nature yearns for you. You see it when you look over a cliff into the infinite depths. You feel it when you stare at the calm sea, understanding that PERUSE U ELC CHICO CRIT Tm It can be deafening, but if we learn to understand its language we can harness its power. You will not live your life ignoring the call. You will listen to its ancient words and TLR RCI NMR CeCe Da eye NCA SOT URAC ALR Le CUO NSC La being. You will travel a path built for the strongest amongst us. It is a narrow straight that only the most dedicated may walk. Trust yourself and drown out the fear of this world. It will only tether you to the now CCMA e a CSN TAS TAS eh WS aed eS | SUA TERS) | THE DIVE BEGINS The abyss may appear to be one solitary expanse. Its mass blends together into one swirling chasm of emptiness. As you embark upon your journey into the abyss, you will come to know that all is not what it seems. The abyss is made up of many layers. Each has its own distinct area and COMOROS CCS COUR C UNC Le CTE TO AU ORE Ry UD ROU SCT acu Cul a as you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you. You must exude SU CU CORON LEU CSE CULTS TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS The transversus abdominis is one of three muscles that make up the lateral abdomi- RRL RCH Cae Ca RN EM CMEC RTL CC) SOC ORES UCR RUE LS The transversus abdominis originates from four separate points: the 7th-12th costal cartilages, the thoracolumbar fascia, the iliac crest, and the inguinal ligament. The muscles all insert into the linea alba. The linea alba (which means white line) is made up of collagen that runs down the center of the abs. This line is responsible for en SCM CCURUEE CUR UCRL LCS AU pack Co a. OTOL CACORE CC aa TTR TMT A) prepare your body for immense pressures. You will need to match the exterior pressure with your personal POEM TIC EUCLA eae TOMA OM OT em OCR CaN § CC CRC NUMA LE MRC A CMMI CER TRS COCO CH RUC ORT SM TC LAL a keeping your stomach tight. DEPTHS OF THE ABYSS aU SILTY The rectus abdominis is the face of our abyss. It is what calls us forth to begin our descent. The rectus abdominis are the muscles that we commonly refer to as “the six CaM UCR I OME CIC NAR eS LMR which separates it from the internal and external obliques. SS LOO UIOCH IC SURO TTS ER ICR mTOR LCF process (the small cartilaginous section at the bottom of the ribs) and the 5th, 6th, CTPA St Oe MCRL HOU SC CUS UCAICY PTUCPON MeO aes CO Taam Ln CTT MOS IMCS SR URCR IE ORLR break the rectus abdominis into a distinct six pack. These muscles help to flex the spine and an accessory to respiration. The contraction of the abdomen helps compress the diaphragm which CMC MLR TR ICR ACG ECR TURIN LURE Ta eS LCR ae DEPTHS OF THE ABYSS TUTTI AD TS) AC ROI RCS RIOR RUPLI Om ER CLT OUT muscles. It is wide and thin, occupying space on the lateral and anterior abdominal TCM cs eae OUR Nese CICA Ta URS CAR CRCCRUM ELC RCRECCO NUR IC UCR ICL Cia) oblique muscle originates from the 5th to 12th ribs, it spreads out into four distinct insertion points: the iliac crest (top of the pelvis), the pubic tubercle (a bony protru- sion of the pelvis), the inguinal ligament (which originates from the pubic tubercle), and the linea alba. These origins mesh with the adjacent muscles of the serratus CTT UUM TSST a OLR UCU CRSA CUM LCRA CNA CNC LM TESCO ROReC eR CCT pressure. The external oblique helps move the trunk ipsilaterally. This means that it can flex the trunk and bend it on the same side. It can also help rotate the trunk contralaterally, or on the opposite side. eC OMANI TRLER CTS CUR your right side, the right external oblique would contract. However, if you want fo rotate towards your right side, SO SRN ON Ta ttc Oe DEPTHS OF THE ABYSS US OTe TAS As we continue to descend into the abyss, we meet the final muscles of the lateral CLI OR ICRC RIOTS LCR SNC ER cu oblique and run perpendicular to the external oblique muscles. Your journey into the unknown will morph your presumptions, inverting your view of CU RU ee CRC RLU TCU points of the external oblique now serve as some origin points for the internal oblique. The internal obliques originate from the iliac crest and inguinal ligament, as well as the thoracolumbar fascia (diamond like connective tissue in the lower back). SOMO ROUSE MLR UCC La CME MARAE Crh D muscle for respiration. Contraction of these DC CU UI eT st med COMMIS UUM R OL CUR of ON They further help to move the trunk ipsilaterally or contralaterally along with the external obliques. Ta eas mea aC LALLA THE ABYSS IS NARROW The delve into the abyss gets more difficult as you travel deeper. It is why few see the truth buried in its siren like depths. You will need to strip away everything you can to uncover the treasures of the abyss. All too often, people believe that the secret to obtaining abs is the proper number of crunches, sit ups, and oblique side bends. This myth has propagated throughout fitness lore for decades. Despite immense effort, a six pack still sits beyond their Proper exercises can build up your core muscles, but they cannot overcome a poor diet. You will need to shed significant body fat to reveal your abdominal muscles. CROC PACER TRICO CC NACo LC 15-17% to have visible abs, The only way to lose body fat is to consistently burn more calories than you consume, so he sure fo accurately track your food. YOUR VEHICLES The abyss is an ancient menace that seeks to destroy the unworthy. No man alone can survive the dive. To prevent the abyss from permeating into your very soul, you will need to use specific vehicles. In this section you will find the vehicles that will carry you through TR ACURA MNCS Me CCRC Rm just find the treasure beneath. ET CO UMC TLC CLUS Cm a SOTO e uy Se ROU CALC MCE Um eT AS TC starting point. 2. Brace your core as you raise your left arm and right leg. RMU MC RUMI MMLC CTC pm Cem PMO MCU aC eS Rm eC 4. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired amount of reps. Ce ISL ss 1. Moving your hips or rounding your back. It is difficult to switch legs and arms without twisting. The benefit of this movement is the stress it places upon your abdominal wall. Keep your hips, back, and head neutral to protect your back. Stay focused and you will survive the dive into the abyss. POUR RCM MICRA OL CRI AT CRSCLT RL cy because they regularly perform abdominal movements. It is natural to prefer the path of least resistance and in the journey into the abyss, it is tempting to cut corners. Bracing NOC OCs CUTER MM mI UC HIEM M ROCeM UCM Cte ORC Laub AO CCR IR RCM TNR NAAR CUNT mC a os) ca 4 => —) > ad por) —_ ra YOUR VEHICLES Dae at 3 SR UCC RI CIRC MeO RCO the bar, you may use ab straps. PARE OO LCN COC OAC ee IS Camm CO STC LC 3. Exhale as you contract your abs and lift your legs. Bring your thighs up until they are perpendicular to your torso. 4. Inhale and return to the starting position. 5. Repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. TUE Cay 1. Using weights too soon. By now you have dedicated yourself to the journey through the TO SRM CR ORNL Pe OR ACROSOME Ree LCR TB lift. Adding weight before you are ready can lead fo poor form and put you at risk of hernia. Master yourself and you will see your journey to completion. 2. Swinging. You have a goal in your sights and will do anything to achieve it. You feel a COUR TC CUR RST RPA SO US DR OL to drop your legs quickly and kick them back up. Not only does this power most of the DOU WU MOUS Ue NRTA Re LC the pelvis and thus your pelvic position is important. Keep your pelvis rolled backwards and your feet slightly in front of you during the movement. Avoid dropping your legs so PNAC RR CIALIS Ce RSC ce YOUR VEHICLES Ce ead Ue PR TOMO CRU UCa CuO MTA Clic height. 2. Place a mat in front of the pulley machine and kneel on it. RR OCR U OOS OCR ERIE ACC mT spine should be fully extended. This will be your starting position. CTC SCLC. R ICRC CS RGR OR MILT 5. Lower the rope attachment as you crunch downward. Bring your elbows to your knees. 6. At the bottom of the movement contract for 1 to 2 seconds. AOU UM SO ARR LR ma CaCO ST SLC CaCO CCRT Cn om ESL ss 1. Not flexing your spine. There are a few dogmas that are etched into the heart of a PN CU USMC A CURL Rm MLM Leah the deafening drum of the abyss grows louder. One such rule is “keep your back SOC NARUC RO cei WCU INC Cs mm COR TICE up working your hip flexors more than your abs. Allow the cable to fully extend your back COUR CeO NAC CO " CABLE ROPE CRUNCH YOUR VEHICLES aT TTT TS eS) at) 1. Grab a dumbbell with one arm and stand up straight. This will be your starting STO 2. Slowly tilt your trunk laterally to the side holding the dumbbell as you contract the STUER CAROL 3. Lower the arm holding the dumbbell as you bend your waist to the side. Bend as far as possible. Pause for 1-2 seconds. ce TOOLS C IO TSU UCR CURLER CATCH CUT Rae 5. Switch hands and repeat for the same amount of reps on the opposite side. TUTE Cay PROCS CR CMLL MCN MUN moc CT growth. When it comes to side bends, you need to choose control. Focus on stretching and CCU ETON C CTE Ce R MOU ECR Umer forth will impede your descent down the narrow corridors of the abyss. 2. Bending at the knees. It is easy to mistake your ability to move forward with progress. You can trick yourself into thinking you've advanced, but the abyss will not lie. When CCU ROR RIOR UUM OA CIRC UMA the stress on your oblique, despite the superficial appearance of a side bend. YOUR VEHICLES CA tet (els CRO 2. Roll over to your left side and place your legs on top of each other. Slightly bend your knees. Your entire left side should be in contact with the ground. 3. Bend your right arm and place it behind your head. This will be your starting position. ce UO CMU MNCS IM CRT CRC OC Mm (Tacs 5. Hold for 1-2 seconds at the top of the contraction. 6. Slowly return your upper body to the starting position and repeat for the desired CTs UCSC ROU Coe EU TUTELt3s PEI ee WMA Ce CUCM CLC RUES CLARE Ess UC OPC RU CCU UMUC SRR CCST Nf descend. This is most prevalent in the oblique crunch. Crunch maneuvers are amongst the first we learned, but some of the most difficult to master. It is easy to abruptly move our heads towards are legs for a quick set of 30, but this will not aid you. For optimal results, OU RCM UT CMe UIC RRL CR Rt RC OnLy OS Came YOUR VEHICLES MAC a YOUR DIVE VCC ORE Se OULU ORL CR CRMC RU journey of ultimate discovery. At the end of this long tunnel lies your true reflection. POU Re UL CC ACL CURT Ue LCL ACN CURSOR Cte Te ESCUELA e RC CALC ATM RRR ccm ICS Te ing you for big lifts and allowing you to hone your midsection with purpose. ” WORKOUT! , Peers Coa Rest Eel EM es Pesan’ yes cee Pennoni) eas es CLC a are tad eerie cores Te oe Ae Curd PE arene) CoPence WORKOUT 3 eens ioe feng ices 30 reps CEP Geren ee Coes eRe ea Eos Cops

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